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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1939, p. 10

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.0à THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 6TH.L Major and Mrs. W. H. Dudley- have returned from tiseir visit ixi Toronto. Miss Charlotte Hay, Toronto, was a weekend guest of Miss Dorothy Rickard. Special Easter services will be held in St. George's Cisurcis on Easter Sunday, April 9. Mr. Isaac Selby is at present staying with bis daughter, Mrs. Norman Gartsisore, Pickering. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dickinson on tise birth of a son in Toronto on Saturday, April lst. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ragen, To- ronto, visited Mrs. Jno. Douglas on Sunday and sise and Mrs. Ed. Brittain accompanied tisem on their return ta thse city. By edict of tise Municipal Coun- cil and witb tise approval of tise Board of Education, Newcastle goes an Daylight Saving Time on Sunday morxiing, April 30. Miss Madeine Hay, Toronto, was a visitor last week at Mrs. W. C. Lake's anid on Friday even- lng attended thse play "Black Gold", in thse community hall. Mr. P. Laxigman visited ixi Oak- ville recently and found that Mr. J. G. Holmes, with whom he ex- changed busmnesses when comixig to Newcastle, had left Oakville with bis family. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred have moved into apartments in Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Millson's bouse on North St., Mr. and Mrs. MifUson havîng moved back ta their farm at Newtonviile. Passion Week is being observed by services in St. George's Cisurch with a service on Good Friday1 in the morning. Special services r are being beld at tise United iChurch on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. An Easter service, with special imusic by the choir, will be held in the United Cisurcis next Sun- day momnmng, April 9. lI the ev- ening tise W.M.S. will have charge of thse service and wil present a pageant, "An Unshadowed Cross." Mr. Henry Kestevan has sold the Queen's Hotel and business ta Mr. Campbell, Toronto, wbo took possession April lst. Mr. antd Mrs. Kestevan have moved back ta To- ronto where he bas large real es- tate interests and alsa contrais a prosperous trucking business. Thse former D. J. Galbraith farm, vacated last fail by Mr. H. Littlefield, is being divided up, Mr. J. T. Brown baving bougbt 170 acres of lots 33 and 34 nortis of the Fisheries' road, and Mr. Harold Gibson a block on tise north adjoining bis own farm. Amang the many attending the late W. H. B. Chaplin's funeral on Tuesday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. George Farncomb, Hampton, former neighbars, and Mm. and Mrs. Fred Treleaven, Toronto, summer neighbbrs. Mr. O. A. Gamsby, Orano, was amang tisase present. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jase and sons, Donald and Francis, accom- panied by Laurence Morton, mat- ored ta their cousin's, Mr. Jas. Broad, Rossmare, Saturday and visited bis maple syrup bush wbere be bas 700 trees tapped. Tbey brougbt some of the seasan's first run of syrup home witb tisem.. They also visited Miss Mabel Foster li Belleville. Six of Miss Hattie Masan's mu- RENNIE'S HIGH GRADE SEEDS NO. 1 TIMOTI-Y ~ ' E Per ]Bushel ------------- - ------- - --------$- NO. 1 SWEET CLOVER $ 5 Per Bushel ----------------$ 3 5 NO. 1 RED CLOVER ~ fff Per Bushel--------------------------$ 1 ,0 Per Bushel -------------------------- ------$ 17 e0 0 Get your supply early as the lvholesale Price rlght now is more than thse above Retail Prîces. LUNN HARDWARE Ph one 68r1 Orono EASTER DRUG VALUES At Your REXAIL DRUG STORE Smiles N' Chuckles CHOC OLÂTES AND NOVELTIES Chocolates, Easter Wrapped .... lb. 50e Eggs, Bunnles, Etc ..........5Se to $1.00 Photo Time Us Hors! See oui' fine supply of modern Cameras and new, Kodak Verichrome and Super XX films. They make it possible to take pictures from sunrise to sunset. Bath Luxuries - By Elizabeth Arden Vive Celebrated Prepaxstions in $2.50 Johnson and Johnson GIYHI Nursry Special! , ~ 0E AR Contalnlng ret. 25e ase t te . ", , * Uin J. &s 3. Baby Powder, reg. 20o cake J. & J. Baby Soap, and a trial sise tube Baby Cream, NIl for - - 39c With the purchase of retular 65e box "lMarvelous"l Face Powd.r lu lncluded trial sises of "Marvelous"l Rouge and Lipstlck "Th Ee-atchod Make-Up"l JURY ULOVELL ~ D~Stoe pM "$oqr Sp"4y Delivery Bowmanville sic pupils of the public scisool will smng at the concert in connection with the O. E. A. convention in Toronto during Easter week. Tisey are: Glenn Allun, Douglas anid Betty VanDusen, Ruth Bonathan, Mabel Gray and Mary Purdy. They wilI be part of thse choir of 200 sehool children who wiIl sing in Massey Hall on Wedxiesday evening, April 12. Orchardist Dies We are sorry ta record this week tise passing of Mr. William H. B. Chaplin early last Sunday momning. He bad been confixied ta bis bed for aver a year. He was a life long resident of Newcastle, a leadîng orchardist of tise district, and a former treasurer of tise Newcastle Metbodist Churcis, car- ryinig on for many years tise duties fulfiiled by bis fatiser, W. H. Chsaplin, until bis deatis. The fun- eral service at tise bouse on Tues- day aftemnooxi, conducted by bis pastor, Rev. R. E. Morton, was largely attexideti. Tise deepest sympathies of tise community are extended ta bis bereaved widow, formerly Miss Nellie Grant, and their daugister, Miss Mary. COMMITEE RE-ORGANIZIED Tise Municipal Cauncîl ba s named Mrs. Howard J. Toms a member af tise Management Com- mittee of tise Commuxiîty Hall to succeed Mrs. R. W. Gibson wbo resigned and is stîi li Orillia. Owixig ta tise resignation of Mrs. Gibson as secretary-treasurer last faîl it became necessary ta me- organize tise cammittee. I tise proceas Mm. Irwin Colwill be- came tise new chairman of tise cammittee, and Reeve C. R. Car- vetis relinquisbed tise chairman- ship ta take over tise secretary- treasurer's baoks anid accaunts. BIRTH BROWN - At Oakwood Clinic, Toronto. on Tuesday, April 4th, 1939, ta Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown. Gormley, (nec Winnie Gibson) a son. DICKINSON-At Private Patient'a Pavilion. Toronto General Hospit- aI. on Saturday, April lat, ta Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dickinson (nec Marjorie Cowan) of Newcastle, Ontario, a son. j' I n C il M iscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA. chine Shop - We specializýe in machinery epairs, Reneral garage revairs. welding. towinz service. J. L. Demerlingz. Proprietor. Painting & Decorating PAINTER & DECORATOR - 400 samples of paper ta choose from, and f ree estimates cheerfully given, by calling Jens Jensen, Phone 310. 13-3* Auction sale Auction sale, Thursday. April 13, an premises of E. A. Werry, Lot 17 and 18. Con. 9, Darlîigton. Good live stock of aIl kinds. Sec bibis for particulars. 14-1 Monday, April lth :-Mr. Patrick White, Lot 8, Con. 4, Darington, haîf mile east af Manvers Road, will selI bv Public auction his household furniture. implements. tools. etc., in- cludinz 1 horse, risinz 3 yrs., 6 steel drums. barrels, cart, buggy. cutter, sîciglis, f urnace boiter. breaking cart, scuffler. M.H. mower. disc, set bar- ows. lumber. wagon box, waon jack, democrat wheels, 2 sets cutter shafts, set light springs, 2 Stewart clippers. cross cut saw, scythe, bags, 3 buffalo robes. 2 horse, kbankets, 2 sets single barness, emery stone, chains, 3 horse collars, saddle, car- penter tools of aIt kinds, fanks, shovels, and many other articles; Empire cook stove (good), quantity pipes, sideboard. extension table. 8 chairs. 2 rockers. 5mall table, camp bcd and mattress, brass bcd, 2 wash stands. cuphoard, couch, amps, dish- es. cooking utensils. quits, bcdding, cbothes baskets. 3 dlocks, coal oul stove (3 borner), lanterns, pails, etc. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 14-1 The Newcastle Independent PHONE CLARKE 1114 DUNN - In loving tnemomy of aur dear son and grandson, Carl, who passed away April lOth, 1937: Though you were taken swiftly awvay, MTe forget you not f rom day ta day, And time raIls on, the years slip by. We shaîl meet again, 'tis not goodby. -Sadlv missed by Father, Motîser, Grandpa and Grandma Dunn. To Rent HOUSE TO RENT - 5-ROOM- cd bouse, anc block f rom Public Schooi. corner of Elgin and Con- cession Sts.. Phone 742, Bowman- ville. 14-1 FOR RENT - THREE ROOMS. Mrs. H. Cannera, Cburcb St., Bowmanville. 14-1* HOUSE TO RENT-ON HORSEY Street, six rooms and bath, posses- sion May lst. ,Apply Mrs. F. J. Manning. Bowmanville. 14-2 HOUSE FOR RENT - 6 ROOMS and sun-raam, on oxie floor; gar- den; two miles f romn Scugog Rd.; possession May lst, Phonie 2360. John jacks. Hampton. 13-3 FOR RENT - THREE-ROOMED aPartment anid bath. Apply Victo<7 Manor Apartmcxits, Bowmanville. 13-tf APARTMENT TO RIENT - FIVE rooms. Apply Statesman Office. 49-tf HOUSE TO RENT - POSSESS- ion lst May. Appty 10 Liberty St., Bowmanvible. 13-2* FOR RENT - FIVE - ROOMED Axiartments. modern conveniences. heated witb Fess Oit Burner. zar- age, possession April lst. moderate rent .Further particutars. Mr. H. Coucb. Ir.. Newcastle. Mrs. A. Tait, Bowwanville. 9-tf FOR RENT - ABOUT 4 ACRES garden land on Scugog Street, N., includingr 1-4 acre of strawberry plants. and 1-4 acre of raspbcrry bushes: also several good apple trees. Apply G. Alex Edmond- atone. Phone 375 or 821. 14-tf Chicks For Sale FOR SALE - BABY CHICKS. white leghorns and barred rocks, scxed or mixed, blood-tested f tock, sired by pedigreed R.O.P. Cockerels. AveraLye eggs set over 26qounce ta the dozen. Started pullets and cockerels. A. H. CIe- mens, Phone 2433, Bowmnanvitle. il-tf FOR SALE - WHITE LEG- haros and Barred Plymouth Rock Baby Chicks fram Govergment culled anid blood-tcsted stock. Write for vrnce tist. H. J. Brooks. R.R. 3. Bowmanvitte. Phone 2636. 84fi Agents Wanted ATTENTION! - MEN A N D women for retaiting large line. Household products, medicine, tea, cof fee, etc. Persans chosen must be thoraughly reliable, and capable of taking charge of exclusive ter- ritary. Estabbished dealers retail up ta six thausand yearly. Write Mr. Jordan, 1536E Dundas Street, W'est. Toronto. 14-3 For Sale FOR SALE -PIANO, IN GOOD condition. Mildred Lawrie, Phone 494, Bowmanville. 14-1 FOR SALE - STEEL TOP KIT- chien range, f irst class condition, Mrs. C. Gatchebl. 18 Carlisle Ave., Bowrnanvilte. 14-1 FOR SALE - AWNINGS FOR store or residence; Venctian blixids, wood or metat lots; largest setec- tion at lowest prices. Estimates given without obligation. Appty Northcutt & Smith, Bowinanville. 14-8 FOR SALE - GOOD CEDAR shingles for sale. Apply 17 Rowe St.. Oshawa. 14-1* FOR SALE - NATURAL ICE, tested Grade A. for any use; 15C for 25 lbs, 25c for 50 lbs. Prompt delivery. C. Raby. Phone 310. 14-8* CAR FOR SALE-1932 PONTIAC Sedan. blue, smrall mileage, new tires, in excellent condition. Will selI chcap for cash. Sec or cal Jack Brough at 348. 14-1 FOR SALE - LOW WHEE-LED farm horse drawn truck, in good condition. no f urthcr use, real bar- gain. Sheppard & GilI Lumbel: Co., Bowmanvible. 13-2 FOR SALE - CHESTERFIELD suite, 2 extension tables, 3 double beds, buffet, china cabinet, numer- ous other househobd articles ta, be sold vrivately: also bouse for sale. Inquire R. H Westaway, Phone 621. 13-tf FOR SALE - A LARGE QUAN- tity of pine stumps suitable for wood. aIse a gravel pit, anid ai large quantity of stone good for construction work. Appby ta Mes- srs Samuel anid Edward Webb, Pontypool, R.R. 3. 13-3 Card of Thanka Mr. Russell Osborne wishes to thank the Superintexident and nurses at the hospital, those wbo called ta see him and those wbo sent flowers or fruit ta him durinR bis recent stai' in the hospital. Mrs. J. E. Worrall, Peterborough, wishes ta thank ber maxiy friends for the cards and l.qttrs of sympatl'y sent her during ber recexit sad be- reavemelit. IN MEMORIJAM BEECH - xIn lovixig memnory of aur dear mother who passed away A prit th, 1938: Till memnory fades and life departs, She lives forever ixi our hearts. -Huàband and Family. FOR SALE - KATAHDIN SEED Potatoes. grawn f rom certif ied seed. Dalton English, Burketon, Ont. 14-1* FOR SALE - RED CLO VER Seed, Government Grade Nu. 1, 15c lb. Russell Osborne, R.R. 2, Ncwcastle, Phone Clarke 3831. 14-1 FOR SALE - SIX - ROWED Malting Barley, also seed mixed grain. F. B. Rundle, Bowmanville, Phone 2100. 14-1 FOR SALE - TWO - ROWED Seed BaTley an cantract, return crop and seed in faIt at a premium of 4c bushel over market price. Phone orders at once. Bowmaxiville 2332; Port Perry 193r51, Arthur Wilson, Burketon. 14-2* FOR SALE - 25 BAGS IRISH Cobbler Potatoes (small sizes) 50c per bag. Rasmus H. Olesen, Ste- phens Milîs, R.R. 4, Bawmanville. 14-1* FOR SALE - SEED WARBA Potatoes. grawn f rom certified seed. 2 weeks earlier than cobblers, $2.00 per bag; also Alaska Seed Oats. Phone 2557, A. E. Billett, Hampton. 14-1* FOR SALE - CLOVERS, TIM- othy. etc., ejerything for field and garden. Stewart's Seed Store, Bow- manville. Phone 577. 14-1 SEED GRAIN FOR SALE - Early Cartier Oats. 40 lbs. ta the bus.: Nobarb Bartey. Appty W. J. S. Rickard & Sons, Bowman- ville, Phone 2218. 12-tf FOR SALE - HOME GROWN 1938 Sweet Claver Seed, Victory Oats. Two Row Barley, also Tim- othy seed, get low prices, seed delivered. W. Leask, Taunton, Phone 163r13, Oshawa. 13-4 FOR SALE - VICTORY OATS. 6 Rowed Bartcy. Fred Bennett, R.R. 4. Bowmanvilte, Phone 2115. 13-2* FOR SALE-A LIMITED QUAN- tity of choice, dlean, seed potatoes. Green Mountain and Katahdin f rom ccrtified seed, treated and f ield inspected, $1.25 per bag. H. Row- land & Son. Newcastle, Phone Clarke 1902. 14-1 FOR SALE-GLADIOLI BULBS. choice exhibition varieties, mixed cators: $1.00 per hundred; also somne narncd varieties reasonabty priced. J. H. Jose, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 1121. 14-1* Llvestock For Sale FOR SALE - JERSEY COW, juat renewed. F. Swabtow, Phone 2219. 14-1 FOR SALE - YOUNG HORSES, your choice. Appty E. O. Kush, R.R. 2, Bowmanvilbe. 14-1* FOR SALE - YOUNG YORK- shire pigs. Appty Clarence Tink, Hamptan. Phone 2361. 14-1 Feed Special- WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Barley Chop, $1,15 per cwt. 0f fer good until April l3th. F. C. Van- stone. Phone 777. 14-1 M ortgages MORTGAGES- FIRST AND second mortgaLyes, agreements for sale on farmn, city and takeshore properties purchased. North Shore Realty Company, Limited, Alger Building, Oshawa, Phone 3130. il-tf Furniture Repaired FURNITURE REPAIRED 'OR alttred - Have that hîgh bed-head cut dlown. Hand made haîl-trees, wardrobes. fancy tables etc. for sale. Organs overhauled. H. B. Creeper, Horsey St., Bowmanvibte. Phone 628. 12-3- Auctioneer Llcensed Auctboneer ELMER WILBUR Hanqpton, Ont. Speclallzlng in Farm, Llvestoek, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Terms and Date to: Bowmanvtlle 2428. !, Notice to Credîtors In the Estate of MARY JANE WESTAWAY, Deceased. Al Persans having dlaims againat the estate of the above mentioned, who died at the Town of Bawman- ville, in the Couxity of Durham, on or about the 9th day of Marcis, 1939. are required ta file proof of same with the Solicifor fan tise un- dersigned an or before tise 7th day of May, 1939. After that date tise Estate wilI be distnibuted, having re- gard onl>' ta the dlaims of >Which the undersigned will then have bad notice. Dated at Bowmanvilc this 6tb day of Apnil, 1939. Harold T. Howe, 1220 Kixiz St., West. Hamilton, Ontario, by bis Solcitor. Lawrence C. Masoxi, Baw- mnxville. Ont. 14-3 y f -Beauty Culture DUE TO THE OVERWHELM- ixig rush durixig our Easter Special the Estelle Beauty Salon wish ta annaunce aur special will run for two more weeks. exiding April 22. Our $10-00 oil pcrmanent for $5.00; aur $5.50 ail permanent for $2.50. Make appoixitmexits earty Phone (Mrs) Howard Bickle. Liberty St., North. 14-1* Seed For Sale PROPERTY FOR SALE-HOUSE and lot. Qucen St.. residence of the late Wm. Brock. Appty Wal- ter Hately, Queen St., or R. L. Mitchell. Canadian Banik of Cam- merce. Bowmanvilîe. S-tf Notice to Creditors Estate of JAMES CAMERON, Farmer, Deceased. ALL persans havinLy daims against the Estate of James Camneroxi, tate of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durljjm, Farmer, De- ceased. who died an or about thse l8th day- of September, 1938, are hereby natif ied ta file with the undersigned on or before the l3th day of April. 1939. fuît aarticulars of their dlaims. Immediatety after said date, the assets of the Deceased will be dis- tributed among thpse entitled there- ta. having regard only ta dlaims 50 f ibed. Dated at Oshawa, the 2ttî day of March, 1939. Grierson, Creigiston & Fraser, Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administra- tors. 12-3 Position Wanted WORK WANTED -- HOUSE work. caxi do practical nursing. Write Box 86, c/o The Statesman, Bowmanville. 14-1* RELIABLE WOMAN DESIRES bousekeeper's position in a good home, wbere child of 4 would be made welcomne. Apply G. C., Draw- cr B. Bowmanville. 14-1* "Notising preclucies sympatby so mnucb as a perfect indifference ta it."-IHazlitt. 1 ) Agents Wanted! ALL YEAR INCOME SELLIN~ largze line spices, extracts, toill requisites stock and other7 farn products. Our combinatioxi f fer open every door. No experiexice needed. Pleasant work. Stead~ repeat orders fmom aId anid ne~ customers. A smaîb amount put you in business for yoursetf. Nd risk. Excellent opportunity ta nigbt party. For f ree details and cata- logue, Familex Ca., 570 St. CIe- ment, Montreal. 14-1 HKeIp Wanted WANTED - A CAPABLE GIRL for general bhousework. Salary ecjual to equal services rendered. Applv McMuUlen. 112 Simcoe St., N.. Oshawa. , 14-2* HELP WANTED - BOY OR middle aged maxn wanted for gen- erat work on small farma near town. Experience unnecessary if willing ta lcarn. Apply B. C. c/o States- mani Office. 14-1* Carpenter Work CARPENTER WORK - HAVE those alterations donc now; that roof re-shingled; that floar laid; screens built to order. Estimates f ree, promet, guaranteed labor. Chas. L. Warren. Hampton. 14-4* Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE - 5-ROOM- ed house, pantry, summer kitchen, water, Iigzhts. Hunt St. (Hambly place) Price $550. Easy terms. Apply T. Lymer, Box 51, Bow- manville. Phone 379. 14-3* BELMONT FARM FOR SALE - between Bowmanville and New- castle. valuable farm known as, Galbraith property at Kurv Inn, parts of Lot 32, 3 and 4, Concess- ion 2, Township of Clarke, con- sisting of 172 acres with Xilmot stream running through entire property. Spacious house and grounds, electric lights and al modern coxiveniences. stable 40x6O and suitable out buildings. Fences, buildings and land ail in Ai con- dition. For furtber information apply Howard Gibson, Phone 2482, Bowmanville. 14-1 - - --flqLm w Candies That Are Sure To flelight Children! You'll waat to be sure thse ehlldrea have some of our pure, doudcous candy eggs or à â bunnies. They are prlced low for your benefit. Specially lced40 Easter Cake........ 40 -' Buy Hot Cross Buns from the iGiri Guides Bee our decorated Easter windows, - Let us supply the fo~od foir your Easter party. THE CARTER FAM 1ýY PHONE 855 JSalcers UF TwU I.ZeIlrU.tions BOWMANVILLE WE PLACED* A SPECIAL ORDER' with one* of Canada-'s.a écding nmnufacturers of QUAUTY MATTRISUSM- TO GET A REDUCED PRICE 0 w ROYAL SOVEREIGN MATRESSES Ventilatorg ini aides $LoeoepètÂsihm CANASA PI@Stl<fl, We aloo mli the fomous ~r.ATT.5 CS»rn and e d .hm Matfresses of This Quality Regularly SSII For $29.9.5 You con $18.75 ibuy one for..9U Colors-Blu., Gren, Poch, Buriundy, Brown and Orchid DON'T DELAY IF YOU WANT ONE ... THE QUANTITY IS LIMITED You wiIl recognizo exceptional value for thse price whea you.oothlmattrm. Silit b>' The Canadien FNethw & Mettras. Compny, Llted, Toalt -m nufatuarers of quflty malterssea fer fouty.flve yeum..W. conaido tsat tisa mattresa. at the price abave, enables us to offe our cuatomera value that cannot be surpaasedi by aity store in Canadia. Aff April Sale Feature F. F. MORRIS Con Bownmvifle 480 Orono 272 PAGE TEN -~ Rtadio RepatIrng -ALL MAKES - Car Radio's Repaired and Installed Only Genuine Parts Used Tubes Tested Free.... Estimates Free Re QUINN King St., Bowma.nville Phone 575 DEATHS CHAPLIN - At Newcastle, April 2. 1939. Wm. H. B. Chaplin, be- laved husband of' Nellie Grant, and f ather of Mary. COUCH - At New Toronto, on Wednesday, March 31, 1939, Emily Couch, age 69, sister of Mrs. T. J. Scott, Tyrone, and the late Wesley Couch. Betbesda. Interment in Bcthesda Cemetery on Monday. MOFFATT - In Whitby. Ontario, on Friday, March 31, 1939, Sarah Ann Kelly, beloved wif e of the late Samerville Moffatt, in her 8lst ycar. McDONALD - In Bawmanville, on Sunday, April 2, 1939, Donald McDonald, beloved husband of Almyra Hagzgith, age 73 years. Intermient Bowmanvillc Cemetery. SANDERS - At bis home, 49 Dixon Avenue, Toranto, Aprit 3, 1939, Frederick J., beloved husband of Queenie Hannam. and dear father of Jack and Gardon. WESTAWAY - Suddenly at Part Hope. Marcb 30, 1939, John Luther Westaway. beloved husband of Jennie Wood. FLORISTS Kigsway FLOWER SI4OP FL OR AL CREATIONS - Baskets Wreaths and Sprays, artistlcally and indivldually arranged by expert de- signers. Flowers for ail occasions. Phonos: 772, 2632 or 2633 Bowmauville COMUNO EVENTS Satina Football Daxice and Box Social in the Hall, Tuesday, April llth. Grecnwoad orchestra. Wanted WANTED-OLD HORSES AND cattle for f ox meat. Norby Fur Farm. Tyrone. Phonie 2415. 6-tf 11 1

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