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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1939, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMlAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO rHURSDAY. APRIL 6TH. 1939 Qi Ne et Spi ccy LPhon BOUTONNIERS 29c ea. The rage of Paris.... boutonnieres for suit lapel Ohoice of daisies, gardenia carnations . . . many, mar more! GAY GLOVES $1.00 àccent your costume wil] âese gay gloves! Hanc twn classics, new costuni ypes. Suede-like fabrics ii utels, white, navy, gre3 id beige. Luality is knit into these u1-fashioned hose ini either àght Service or Chiffon 'eight. Bee the new Spring , lors. BRIGHT1 su ew, bright re! 1Colorful Leeo combine tshapes. AI MILLINI $1.g >'Our dipia Ing Bats, la. laiker Limite ne 451 B is! in -Y le T. i 9- tc at a 1% Cowanville Mrs. Brooks Cowan has return- ed home. A number from this district at- tended the presentation in New- tonville for Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Avery. Mr. A. T. Perrin drove ta Selby on business Monday. W. A. meeting for April has been cancelled but the ladies are, sponsoring a special Easter ser- vice next Sunday night with our pastor giving the address. In the afternoon the Sunday School will not meet until 2.30 and will join in the church service. The junior choir under the direction of Miss Mary Henderson will lead the singing. Mr. Beverley Henderson has re- turned from Toronto where he has completed his course in radio. Recent Visitors: Mr. Les Reid, Toronto, with friends here.... Miss Marion Simpson with Mrs. Todd in Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer with Mr. and Mrs. W. Stringer, Orono. . . Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Avery, Newton- ville, with Mi. and Mis. W. E. Reid. . . Mr. and Mis. L. Bebee, Morrish, with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Henderson. Tyrone Mn. B. F. Gardiner, Mr. Tom Barr and Miss Florence Gaidiner attended Mrs. J. Hendrick's sale at Trenton Thursday. Miss Edna Cameran visited witb her sister, Mrs. H. Trivett, in To- ronta. Mi. and Mrs. R. B. Scott were called ta Toronto Friday owing ta the death of his aunt, Miss Emily Coucb. Interment was in Bethesda cemetcry Monday aftennoon. Miss Susie VanCamp, Bowman- ville, with Miss Lamna Hoopen. Sorny ta lame Mn. and Mns. Chas.j Pogmon and family from aur coin-1 munity wbo have moved ta Osh-i awa. Mn. Pagson bas been fore-1 BAGS man of the McLaughlin prapenty west of the village. Mn. Pogson will continue ta wank for Mn. Ray1 McLaugblin at Oshawa.1 JoWe welcome Mn. and Mrs. L.i )o ~Hoskin and family of Oshawm ta aur community, having moved in- ba.s oullta the house vacated by Mn. Pog-i bags ou'Ilson.1 patents, doe- Mrs. R. B. Scott and Mns. Floyd1 Ltins Nw-Dudley visited with friends in( ations New-Toronto.1 U colora. Miss Reta Carr, Bowmanviile,t witb ber sister, Mrs. Archie Vin-t tue.-1 Mn. and Mns. Howard FindleyE and family, Unionvilie, witb Mn.s and Mrs. T. Richards.a A number around bere havet IERY colds and fu Mr. Bill Brooks, Toronto, witb bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. L. i Brooks.t Mis. F. Joncs is with ber sister, l 18 ~Mrs. Levi Ward, Toranta, awingf ta the illncss of Mn. Ward. f W. M. S. Tbank-offering service f ay of gay will be held next Sunday mamn- o Omart New ing. Rev. A. W. Mancb bas been t asked ta take charge of the er- tl vice.P Sevenal froin bere attended the ir Y. P. U. convention at Columbusw Sto ~on Saturday. a Congratulations are due Mn. L. tc e Montson and Mn. H. Parker on ci winning the inter Pnesbytery de- bate on Saturday at the Y.P.U., b( it is in the best interest of Can-th ujetbig Rmledta owmsnv'llc ada to encourage immigration."th favor of the affirmative, of SYoung People'm Union met on pi Thursday cvcning. Worship per- io iod and program was in charge of Mr. J. Cook and Mr. Alden Hoar. The topic was given by Mrs. A. W. March, guitar selections were giv- en by Mr. Tom Allen, and reading by Mrs. J. Cook. Fire destroyed the brick cot- tage at the Norby Fur Farmr on Sunday. The fire brigade from Bowmanville answered the cal but were unable ta do very much on account cf no water available. I~h Orono News Mr. Wm. Neale has moved intc the raoms vacated by Mr. F Chapinan. Miss Beatiice Hamm lef t Wed- nesday for Stratton. Mr. Gea. Smith, Tamworth visited here. Louie Brown, Oshawa, visites here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Peate visitec his brother, Mr. F. Peate. ý1Miss Mary Somerville has re. turned home. Mr. Keith McElroy, medical student of University of Toronto, has returned ta his home in Peter- bora ta, convalesce after bis recent illness. Mr. Robert Lunn sustained fou] cracked ribs an Friday afternoor and his son Lawrence received quite a severe shaking up, when the buggy in which they were riding upset, throwing them dowr a steep embankment. The horse evidently was travelling too close ta the edge of the road, allowing the buggy ta slip sideways and upset. Unfortunately, the eldeî Mr. Lunn came in contact with a rock on his roll down the hili and cracked his ribs. The hanse did nat take the plunge and was un- injured. Dr. H. E. Manning rend- ered first aid. The accident oc- currcd near the Forcstry. Mns. S. Littlewood has been on the sick Iist. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chapinan an the birth of a daughter. Jean Rainey has been on the sick list. Measles have started the rounds. Park St. W. A. met Tuesday af- tennoon. The devational part was conducted by Mrs. W. M. Stutt, with Miss L. Allin at the piano. Miss L. Allun gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. J. Dickson the financial secretary's repart. The carresponding secretary's repart was given by Mrs. Neil F. Parter, and the fruit secretary's report by Mrs. W. Seymour. It was decided ta give $100 to the thank-offering fund. Mr. M. H. Staples took the tapie most acceptably at Union Manday night, the meeting being in charge of Neil Wood and Elsie Rowe, with the latter presiding. Mr. Staples spoke on "The Sat- isfying Life", and it praved to be most interesting and tbaugbt- provoking. First reading an arti- cle froin the Family Hcrald which braught out the ideas be wisbed ta canvey, Mr. Staples went an ta tell what constituted a satisfying life, and what could be done ta assure having one. Dealing with stock-taking in January he întim- ated that the new year might be the time for that, but nat, in his opinion, for taking stock of one- self wbich migbt better be donc in Easter, which was the Chris- tian new year. Other phases of life wbich he expounded on was the developing of talents, the .orming of fniendships, and thse forming of aur characters ta make ourselves respected and looked up o. His talk was enlarged on by the telling of incidents af variaus people he bad met and what their influence was on thase witb whom they came ik. contact, and lso the influence of men in bis- try. The talk was much appre-1 ciated by all present. Seripture xvas read by Mrs. Ro- ert Hancock, and Jin Patterson mvored witb a splendid violin ,lo with Mrs. E. E. Patterson at ffe piano. The chairman conveyed words )f thanks ta those wbo had taken ,art in the pragram. A short per- od af recreation was enjayed. ALMOST CRIPPLED WITH RHEUMATISM Improved Greatly When He Tried Kruschen Enniskillen Receuit Visitons: Mn..muid Irs . N. Wright at Nir. R. Philips'. Bunketan. Mîr. E. Strutt at Nir. S. Butsans. Miss N\iidred Bradley, Oshawa, witli ber parents, Nf\Ir. and Nî\rs. L. Bradley. Mfr. muid NIrs. I. Travelmuid baby, Bcth, Oshawa, at M r. E. C. Ashton's. Miss Bernice Staiîstan, Cobourg, with her pareuîts Mr.in. ud Nrs. XW. Staiîstoîî. 'NIr. and Nf ns. F. Werny and fam- ilv spent Suuidav with his parents, Mfr. and Nf s. J. A. Wcnry. "Christ's iast journiev iiîta jenus- alein" was a vers- fine sermon prea- ched by Rev. H. Lackey, Sunday eveuing wvieii a goodiy number at- tended. "Glorv For Mfe'"xas the uumber reîîdered by the chair. Rex-. H. Lmckey pnesided aven the Y. PU.. Nfarch 29t1î. Prograuîî was in charge of Ni[r. Allais Weani. NMn. Lacke -v led iii prayer; bible readiuîg. Niss5 Nlyrtle Page. N. . Hobbs gave a very inspiinug ddress on 'Gaveriinsenit.' Mrs. NM. Staiîston favored with a pianoa solo:;Nirs. R. NIcGillI - gave a isuiorous reading; piaîîa duet bv Nrs. H. NIeGili muid NI s. E. Werrv: remdiuîg by Mn. B. Johnson : pianoa solo. Junic Ashton. Mrs. A. E. Billet. Hamnpton, onîe af aur formser young people, wvas gucot speaker at the nissiaîîary pro- grani oui Suuidav marning. "Home M issionss' ias the subject of ber verx' iîtenestiîsg address. Nirs. H. NfcGill zax-e a short Emster remding; Nîrs. NI. Stmiîstouî favared with tise aId favorite Easter sala "The Old Rugged Cross." The meetinîg w-as in charge of M.\rs. R. Ormiston. Attenîd- muce at S.S. 101. Maple Grove Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bothwell Jr.. on the arrival of a fine girl. Congratulations to Mr. Pete Cymbroski and Miss Jean Ken- nýedy, Town, on their recent mar- niage. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Foley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wil- kins, Oshawa, one day last week. Congratulations ta Miss Mil- dred Metcalf, Base Line, on win- ning the bronze medal at Oshawa on Monday, March 27, at the W. C. T. U. temperance contest. About 50 friends of Mr. Pete Cymbroski gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt last Thursday evening and sur- prised him and his bride on their return from their wedding and gave them a miscellaneous show- er, when a lovely lot of useful gifts was received. Pete and his bride have engaged with Mr. Har- vey Pascoe, Kedron, and moved to-day. The annual Mission Band con- cert, held in the basement of the church on Friday evening last, was a great success. Miss Audrey Greenhain, president of the Band, acting as chairman, called on the Band for their sang, prayer and purpose. The Band is divided in- ta four graups, each group having their leader who acted as chair- man. The material used for this pragram with the exception of a few solo numbers was taken froin the World's Friends. Each leader was responsible for their group program. Leaders were: Sunshine Group, Marion Foley; H a p p y Helpers, Pearl Collacutt; R e d- wings, Reggie Evans; Bluebirds, Stuart Jarvie. Owing ta so much sickness, only two numbers were given by Base Line, Virginia Hop- kins and Mildred Metcalf. Paige Lycett, 3 year aid member of the Baby Band, gave a selection. Rev. W. C. Smith also made a few re- marks. The accompanists were Mc/isses Edna Swallow, Marion Fol- ey, Dorothy Snowden. Proceeds $8.30. Also " Quintupland"1 Matinees Friday and Saturday 2.30 p.rn. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. APRIL 10 - Il - 12 Matinees Monday and Wednesday 2.30 p.m. Good program of Selected Short Subjects wilI aceom- pany above outstanding pie- tures. Starkville Spring bas had a setback. Mr. Percy Farrow is driv:i new car. Mr. Harold Bryson, Kei visited at the McKay home. Ewart Robinson, Clarence mer and Morley Robinson art tims of the f lu. Art McKay and Percy Fai motored Toronto-ward on1 ness Saturday. Few were at church Sur owing ta road conditions. Mr. Reg. Boulton has gon, work in Newtonville. Mr, Victor Farrow journeye Port Hope on Sunday and pleased ta f ind his father n improved in health. Cadmus . 1 - - - - - 1 Tiiere lias just come ta aur notice a case of grand relief fron severe rheumatic pains. The serîousness of the man's condition and the step that led ta his ultimate recavery, are descnibed in the foilowing let- ter: "For several years I suffered froin rheumatism. I had ail my teeth out. and stili suffered. A vear ago 1 iay in hospital for four- teen weeks, almost crippied. When 1 gat home I continued to take medicilie. but began ta go dowîî again. A friend of mine asked me ta tr%~ Kruschen Saits, and I ain very pleased to be able ta sav I have been on the mend ever silice." -H. P. Two of the saits iin Kruschen are the Most effectuai solveiîts of uric acid knowii ta medical science. Thev swiftlv duil the shari> edges of the crystals - the cause of pain and stiffness - and often convert the-n inta a harmless solution, wiîichî 's theîî expelled through the isatriral chiannels. School Report Easter Report S. S. 3 Darlington Grade 8 - George Stackaruk A; Alvin Metcalf A minus; Donald Metcalf B plus. Grade 6 - Mildred Meteaif A minus; Arthur Stackaruk B; Daisy Gibson B; Mike Bonk B minus; Sam Bonk C plus. Grade 5 - Alex Stackaruk A minus; Keith Crago B. Grade 4 - Helen Karas A; Mike Karas A minus; Neil Metealf B; Harvey Metcalf B minus; Annie Moroz C plus. Grade 3 - Virginia Hopkins A plus; Stella Bonk A; Velma Crago A; Ross Metcalf A minus; Robbie Henry B plus; Helen Stackaruk B; Annie Bonk C minus. Grade 2 - Loraine Tink A; John Moroz ]B plus; Eddie Rudan B1 minus. Grade 1 - Walter Tink. Fred A. Miller, teacher. Some men are like roosters, we are told. If they happen get up early in the morning th~ crow about it ail day. - OshaN Times. OSHAWA Free Parking - Phone 1011 le w Friday - Saturday APRIL 7 -8 WALLACE BEERY - ROBERT TAYLOR - in 'Stand up and Fight' with - FLORENCE RICE - BELEN BRODERICK. Added - Walt Disney Cartoon "«Goofy and Wilbur" REVI VAL Friday at 10.30 p.m. "Bringing Up Baby" Starring KATHERINE HEPBURN Speciai Easter Attraction Monday - Tuesday APRIL 10 - il CLAUDETTE COLBERT -DON AMECHE - ln "M.IDNIGHT" wlth JOHN BARRYMORE FRANCIS LEDERER MARY ASTOR. Wednes. - Thursday APRIL 12 - 13 Big Double Bi11 "The Saint Strikes Back" Starrlng -GEORGE SANDERS - WENDY BARRIE and "Boy Trouble" with CHARLIE RUGGLES MARY BOLAND. 0OWUN4G Friday - Saturday "Tailspin" 50 ta ma 21 Homîe and School Club held a veny successfui dande in the hall iast Tuesday cvening xvith a large crowd present. Nirs. WVesley Yellawlees, Christian Feilowship) convener, was in charge of the Younge Peoplc's imeeting on Mondmy evcning. Mouth organ seiec- tions were Riven by Misses jean Fer- guson, Margaret Hills and Evelyn Taylor and Master Bruce Taylor, Mn. Harvey Yeiiowlees gave mii Easter stary; Nfiss Ruth McKessock ncad a chao)ter froin the "'Sky Pilot" and a humonous dialogue "Wanted- A Nurse" was given. Gaines wcre played. Womnen's Institute will be held iii the S. S. room Thursday aftennoon, April 13th. Progrmm in charge of group S. Ail ladies welcome. M r. anîd Mrs. A. L. Pmscoe, Mn. Harold Pascoe and Mn. Walter Cry- derman attended the funcrai of the late John Westaway in Port Hope, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hoaey, Nest- Jeton, at Mn. R. C. Scott's and Mn. B. G. Stevens'. Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe enter- t;dined a number of f niends eata very enjoyable binthday pmrty lasi Wedncsdav cvening when NMr. Pascoe and NMiss Ruthî McKcssock cele-, bratcd their birthdmys. Nfrs. Elmner Wilbur, HamptoI;. Mrs. L C. Snivdeiî aîd Miss Mil- dred, Niafle Grove, at N. Th(-. Baker's. -Nir. aînd Nis. \Valtér Parinlur at MN. Brciincl's, Columnbus. Mn. aîîd Mrs. John Baker at Ii, Howard Caniis, Bawmnaîville. Nfr. and Nirs. Percy Deweli, Wl; t bi'. s~it the %weekcnd at MIr. H. I Tink's. Miss Florence Lander is quitu ill at the home of her uuîcle, Mn. A . 1 BaIsais. Ve hope she will mac;li e bettcr. Rex'. A. W. Mardi gave tliu last of her series of sermons ou; "The Threc Crosses,' at the eveiih ser- vice Sunday. Y. P. U. mecetiiig March 21Wl was opcned bv the Prcsideîît andi rayer bx' Rev. A. W. Manch. Mn. L. Squair, Vice President, iîad charge of this prognam: dcvotiona, Mrns. .1. [rwin; bible refenences, Nf s. L. Squair, Nfrs-. 1. Hall, Mliss M. Jirin muid Mrn. E. Doidge; taPic, NI ns. E. Doidgc; topic discuîssionî lui by Mn. L. Squmin xith inmpromnptu speeches by Mrs. E. Danch, Mrs. ý, Buttery, M ns. P. Carnsandc others; \olin sel- ectiaul. Mn. C. Collacutt: ecitation, NMr. R. Hall: reacliug, Mni-,.. Rich- ardis wliicis brouglt ti nognain t( a close. Rev. Mardi 5cm,]ý the chair ait(] gave tIse iutrcduct'n v rcunarks ta a preseîîtatiaîî madei.tiste Inwiîs family ais the occasion of thein mov- ing froin aur ndxgii]uurhood to Harmony. Mrs. L. Bultery and Mrs. L. Squair prcsented Mrs. Irwin with z ti p SI b b; ci an clectric f loor lalnp and Misi garet with a book which thi4 knowledgcd with grateful r~ aftcr whicli Mr. March caJ several for speeches and f hcartv responses. Mr. Maitl added hiis regrets at their from our cominunity a wishles ta thcm in their new venture. AttendanCe 26. Several Salem folk are still on the s;ick lit Mfr S. F.' Cator returnehome Sun- da%, from Toronto much improved in calth after being with her son I and daughter. 'ng a ndal, SGil- e vic- rrow busi- inday ne to ,ed ta was rnucb SPECIAL MOT 'W' BUNS .2 SPECIAL! COCOANIJT FINGERS BI1SCUITS WESTON'S 2 '. .25 SPECIALI SWEET MIXED PICNIC PICKLES 2Jarz.M23 SPECALISANA CARA70-80 MEDIUM SIZE CHOICE PIRUNIES 31tis..23 DOMESTIC Ct1 i..4 te ial!ogivie' miute CÎtASE ri SANBORN DATED g . - te COFFEE 1-lb.. , S 1cla i ve-String Qlck Suds P g BRîOOMS hcl, .25 CHIPSO L.2 SPECIALI BEAVER t« BLUEBERRIES 3 2rsqi.2 MAPLE LE»F MAPLE LE» PEIL SHAMILESS *ONELESS SLICED SIDE PORK PORK SHOULDR&c SHOULDEKk BACON le 'Cellophan ', l0 'Cellophan,,~A Wraiiv.d * Wropped 0*6 lb. 027 r - Mr. Tom Mi\ollon, Misses Greta and Beatrice Mollon, Toronto, Master Gordonî Mollon, Detroit, Mr. A. B. Cryderman. Glen Miller, Misses Nora and Vera Kersiake, Toronto, at Mr. C. J. Kerslake's. 1r. and Mrs. Henry Bail and baby. Mr. Willie Robinson, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yeo, Mr. Lew Scott attended the funeral of Mr. Jesse Yeo at Orono, last week. Mr. Willie Robinson leaves this week for Saskatchewan. Mr. A. B. Cryderman, Glen Miller, is visiting relatives here. Miss Ruby Ciatworthy. Bowman- ville Hospital staff, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Truli on Sunday. MNiss Jessie Hogarth, Bowmanville, spent Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn ac- coinpanied by Mrs. R. Avery visit- ed their son, Dr. Wallace Horn, at Port Hope. Mrs. . Colwill visited f riends at Port Hope on Sunday and attended the funeral of the late J. L. West- away. Mrs. A. E. Billett entertained a number of young people on Satur- day evening. Mrs. T. Wray and Eileen visited in Bowmanville. Mrs. K. Winterburn has been in Bowmanville Hospital suffering f rom the f lu but is now with friends ini Bowmanville somewhat improved. A special Good Friday service will be held Friday evening with Rev. W. Rackhama in charge. Ebenezer Young People's Union visited Hampton Young People Fni- day evcning and presented a short interesting programi after which Ramnes and cantests were enjoyed and refreshinents were served. Mr. W. W. Horn atteîîded the funeral of J. L. Westaway in Port Hope. His many friends here were sorry to hear of his passing and ex- tend sympathy ta Mrs. Westaway and son, also to Mrs. E. Hannan, and Miss Ella Westaway, Toronto, former Hampton residents, who-are sisters. We have iearned also with regret of the death in Toronto of Mr. Fred Sanders, praminent drug- Rist, and husband of Queenie Han- ian. a former Hampton girl. We extend sincere symPathy ta, Mrs. Sanders and sons Jack and Gordon in their bereavement. Mrs. Merwin Cryderman, Oshawa, las been iii at the home of her par- ents here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hast- igs. but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Flary expect ta move ta Niagara in the near future where he is to manage a fruit farm. Ve are sarry to lose such good citi- zens froin our cammunity.- A pleasant evening was spent at he home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.À Simpson March 29th in honour of Miss Bessie, a bride-to-be, who was presented with a granite wear ;hawer by girl f riends, members of f rs. A. E. Billett's Busy Bees S.S. Lass. Mrs. George Goddard (nee Miss Florence Simpson), a recent ride. was also presented with a mthroom autfit by her former as- ciates in the Gleaners class of ýung ladies of whom Mrs. W. Rack- mirn is teacher. A social time was mjayed and refreshments served. Solina A verv pleasant eveniîîg was spent 1at the haine of Mr. and Nfrs. Victor fWýiliiams at Cadmus. Friday, -Mar. 13lst. wheîî a large assembiy of frni- scends and ncighbours of Mr, and Mrs. , Williams (ne Vera Morton af tOrnemee) gathered aîîd presented them witlî a shower of many beauti- fucl and costly gifts as a token of zood will and best wishes for a long and happvy vedded if e. The gathier- ing came ta order with Edgar Gib- son actinîg as chairman. Communitv singing vas ciiioyed, accaînpanied by accardian music by Gien Gibýon and gnitar music by Clark Williams. Short speeches were made hy Clark Williams and WV. D. Ferguson after which Miss Beth NicQuade read a niceiv vorded address ta the bride aîîd groom and they were presented wvith a shower of misceilaneous art- icles bat 'h useful and beautiful. Vic- tor and Vera made suitabie replies thankîng aIl for the ioveiy gifts extending an invitation to ail to visit them. The reinainder of the evening was spent iii dancing after which a dainty lunîch was served. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Brown and Ross, Nfr. Chas. Hetîderson and Mn. T. Wilson. Toronto, speîît Sundav at Mfr- Isaac Whitfieid's. Nfiss Nfarjorie Galbraith and Miss Helen Fawier atended the Leaders' Conference at Columbus an Satue- DUJRHAM CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FagVin& Home Improvement Contest Open ta any Farmer or Market Gardener ln thse County* Durlian. Entries free to members of the above society, or 50e la non-members. Ail entrants must agree to abide by the dechion of the judges. Entries close April l5th, 1939. Tho first scoring wlll take place as soon as possible atter entries close. The final scoring not later than 3lst of August. Scoring wiliibe as follows: Possible Score (a) Removal of rubbish and clearing of unsightly spots In fence corners, yards, etc.---------------12 (b) Repalring, painting and general improvement to buildings ----- -------------------------- 12 (û) Cleaning and white-washlng Interiors of stables, etc............................----------- -------12 (d) Repairs to, or new gates and fences.........------12 (e) Cuttlng of iawns, plantlng trees, fiowers, shrubs................------------ ..-------------------12 (f) Installation of modern convenlences........-----12 (g) Cutting of weeds and brush ------------------------12 (h) General Improvement lu appearance ----------16 100 The sum of $75.00 lu goods and cash is offered In seven prizes, as follows. No contest unless at least ten entries are made. lst Prize -------------520.00 4th Prize ---- ------ 10.00 2nd Prize ----------- 16.00 Sth Prize -----.---- 8.00 3rd Prize ---- .------- 12.00 6th Prize ----------- 5.00 7th Prize ----------- 4.00 Mail Entries to J. C. Gamey, Secretary, Orono. We notice in a group -picture that one of the U.F.A. officers wears spats. That mnakes the foot- gear demnocratie, flot aristocratjc. -Lethbridge Herald. Now that the date of Easter Sunday - April 9 - has become generally known, the ladies can get down ta the serious business of selecting Easter finery.-Strat- ford Beacon-Herald. ROYAL STHEATRE BOWMANVI LLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. APRIL 6 - 7 - 8 Clarke Union Miss Mary Jewell, Bawman- ville, spent Sunday with her cou- sin, Miss Eileen Sauch. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey were in Toronto visiting his father, Mr. William Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Power entertained a number 0f their neighbars ta dinner Friday night. A number from this section 00ok in the picture "Sweethearts" at Bowmanvil]e on Saturday night and report a good show. A number in this section have had the flu. Mr. Colin Smith has purchased aClyesdale filly. Colin knows a goad hanse. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Power and daughter visited his mother, tIrs. Ed. Power, in Oshawa. lqm 1 Nova - KeIp Treat your Seed Grain now 150 Tabs. 300 Tabs. 750 Tabs. eresan 79e $1.39 $2.79 lb. $1 - 5 Ibs. 3.90 695 LUUIL, rIlI.D --qr rHURSDAY, APRIL 6TH. 1939 COWLINGi 'SELIS THE BEST And Sre You Well When We Test Ter Eyes You Are Assured Absolute Satisfacton îin Fit, Quality and Price 3 WOODBURY go.-Ir and 35e DRENE SH143110 -VOOLI Both for -33c 100 A.S.A. Tabiets 19C . l P11 Pinex Comp.- 32e 1 lb. Absorb. Cottoil 29e Dodd's Pils- 27e 2 Fellow's Syrup 87c 16 Instantine 1tabs, 25c LARVEX PROTELTS YOUR CLOTHING FROM MOTHS FOR ONE YEAR 16 oz. bottie 83e - 32 oz. bottie $1.26 D. T. r«Tii MILLER CRYSTALS KILL MOTHS lOb ......................... 39e 1 Salem Hampton

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