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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1939, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 6TH, 1939 ---------------------------- -- ------ --------------t Of IneetT W 0 ME ------- er on anc hand and near starva- lion the other. Miss McPhail Hint ForHombdies said that wonien could not make Wrtten for The statesman a worse mess of things than men. That is certaini>' truc. I do flot want to see government turned JESSIE ALLEiN BROWN aver ta the hands of women, but ,I do want to sec women on every Women Should Get Mad public gaverning body in Canada. Mis Ages cPhil pok taWomen are used ta administrat- MissAgne McPail poketolng, organizing and spending to a thc Ottawa Local Cauncil of Wo- plan. They are more practîcal men and made an unusuaily eia- Uian men. Government is mastly quent, moving address. She said large-scale housekeeping and it is that women must get mad and a short-sighted poiicy on Uic part farget their lack of experience of thc men not ta make widc use and go out in a righty crusade to of wamnen's experience. We shouid put order and conimon sense itta fot work as men and womcn but this insane world. The audience as a united people warking shoul- was enthuslastic and inspured. We der ta shouider ta do thc best for wantcd ta aur country. We do it in oui know what ta homes, why cannot we do it in do - but she did government? That is Uic rea- Randoni Thoughts son for Uic en- The oftener I go ta Uic House, thusiasmi over thUi more I amn convmnccd Uiat in the Leadership a country wiUi party government, L ea ag ue. We Ita accomplish much, anc needs ta want ta be taid belong ta either large party. It what ta do. But rnay not always be so, but any Mr. McCuilagh timic w have been ta Uic Hause has nat toid us Uic members of Uic Parties ta Uic eliter. Wc look Left have donc far more taiking for aur Mem- Uian ither Uic Liberais or the bers of Paila- jeS5lc Alln Cnservatives. They talk cndiess- ment ta faim' a j01 ly and frcquently. Oni>' once have plan but they have failcd. us. Not I seen Uiem get ful attention. No oulin Canada but in other coun- anc apparently listens but Uiey trics. There are able, cxperienced talk an Just Uic samie. The Minis- menin he icHo 'Ise-wth avaried ters usuali>' get attention whcn and wide knowedge and it doma they speak and some of Uic pri- seem that if Uic>' poolcd their vate members d, but e ideas that some way caud be de- and Uic Lcftists icast ofal0 h viscd so that there would not be quality of the voice must have a a surplus of fiah, wheat and but- lot ta do w:it the attention gîven Wc can heip make it a happy oasinb>'supply- lug youwilUi a complete ncw EButer outftt. Hat - Dress - Suit - Coat . Hose and lovely underthings M1 prif.l tat a» e&mfy roasonable - Oome in to-daY and b. r.ady for th.e ater Parade. Have You Received Your tQl~sery Card? -Ask About It WhOn YOU Are In- Goumild Tined CorUM Ini Cii harge phone 594 iU. Clifford OaverlY Easter Specials -At- Lunn's Grocery Asparagus Cuttlngs............tin 13e Suprenie Sweet Pickles . .....ljar 21C Plum Jaïn..............32-oz, lar -19c Orange Marmalade ...... 32-oz. jar 19e Oranges .... doz. I10., 2 for 25c, 23e YgwLabel................l1/2 -1b. 32C Brown Label................V12 lb. 34C ZELUNN Phone 596 GROOER Bowmanville because a nienber «with a pleasing 1voice is iistcned ta by many mare than those with uni n sp ir in g vaices. What Uiey have ta sa>' ma>' nat be neari>' as important 1but they g et mare attention. Members of Parliament shouid go in for voioe culture. Miss Mc- Phail taid us that ta the last elcc- tian there was not anc Lîberal woman candidate; there was anc Independent Conservative and Uic rcst wcrc of Uic parties ta Uic Left. There were fiftecn womcn candidates in Uic iast ciection. It would appear frani Uiat, that wa- men are not gaad part>' members. Which is prababiy why Uic Par- ties are flot more cnthusiastic about theni. The average woman will vote froni conviction and flot folhow her party blindi'.* This seenis ideal for bath men and wo- men and it is nat incansistent with a twa party govcrnment. More aud Better Apples On Uie sanie day, I bought a basket of Spy apples and two doz- en oranges. The apples wcre 39 cents for a six-quart basket. As there wcre twenty in a basket Uiat made Uiem about twa cents a picce. It was a ver>' attractive iooking basket - until you got ta Uic second layer. The taop appies wcrc red, large sud evcniy shap- cd. The bottoni ones wcre green sud some of theni wcre mis-shap- en. The>' certaini>' wcre not al first grade appies and Uic bottoni layer was oni>' suitable for cook- lng. The oranges happened ta be on saie sud wcre twa dozen for a quarter. The>' were not Uic smail- est size but were about mediuni sud cost about anc cent a piece or hall Uic price of an appie. Each orange was staniped with its Cali- fornia Brand name and Uic or- anges wcre uniform i n size and ever>' orange perfect. 0f ail Uic Uings wc buy for oui table I think we have more trouble get- ting a satisfactcry apple than any- thing cisc. This was truc in Nova Scatia as weil as Ontario. We are an average famil>' sud I arn per- fecti>' sure that if we could get good apples consistentiy wc would use about twice as many as we do. Export markets are fine ta have but there is a large, constant, home-market that is ncgicctcd. We can buy other gradcd food stuffs sud we womcn want ta know Uic grade wc are buylng sud ta be suie of getting Uic grade wc pay for. That puichase hap- pened ta be made ta Apple Weck. If Uic>' wsut Uic consumer ta use more appies, let Uic growers sud dealers do their part. Virginia Bakcd Ham Hami for Easteî!, That seeins ta be a tradition sud most people like ta foilow it. A boiled han is gaod,' but a Virginia baked ham with its sugar>', spicy crust is soniething ver>' speciai. The pack- ing houses have a new curing sud thc hai nia>'be baked without first boiling it. There are speciai directions with each ham so just foilow them. I nia>' sa>' that I boilhd anc of Uic new-cured hans, as my aven was ta use sud it was impossible ta bake it, sud in twa haurs it was so tender it was fail- ing froni Uic bone. If you want ta bake Uic ald-fashianed ham, boil until tender prababi>' about thrce hauis, then remnove Uic rtad. Rub brawn sugar itthUi fat, using as much sugar as it will take, then dot with claves sud bake in a slow aven of 350 degrees for about an haur, until genti>' browned. A slow aven ta neces- sary as Uic brown sugar buins casil>'. Serve cither hot or cold. If you serve it hot, mashed pots- tocs, spinach sud frcshiy imade mustard are Uic things ta serve with it. Sanie cooks like ta rub mustard itthUi fat but I prefer Uic flavor of just Uic sugar sud claves and then serve with mus- tard. Suit yourseif. Enquiry is made as ta what Aberhart sud Herridgc sec ta each other. Can there be such a Uing as a political morganatic mai- riage?-St. Catharines Standard. For a sunimer home, wc reconi- mcnd Lincoln Ellsworth's new antarctic dcvelopnient, American Highland. No masquitoes, ncigh- bers, or newspapers, and Uic nights are always cool.-The New Yorkcr. An Apple A Day Why should appies be in your the blood fram the brain - rest- home and served every day? fui sleep resultlng. Below are listed a number of Apples Kept Randy for Tem- reasons as given ta the Ontario perance Sake: Crave a stimulant? Fruit Growcrs, in convention, by A narcotic, a sweet? Reach for E. S. Hubbard, head of thc New an apple. Its sugars and acids in- York and New England Apple vigorate, its soothing action quiets Institute. thc nerves. Its crisp, juicy, flavor- Apples ln the Lunch Box: Chil- fui flesh satisfles the appetite. dren's teeth a probiem? Apples Apples b>' the Ash Tra>': Smoke are ideal tooth builders, cleaniers too much? An appie may bring and exercisers. (Appies contain back the ability to taste narmally. available minerais used in grow- It niay revive the nervous energy ing and maintaining teeth. The so necessary for active accom- biting action strengthens the teeth piishments and vivaciaus charmn. and massages the gums.) (Experts tcsting nicotine flavors Apples With Rlch Meats: Hleart- cip the finger tip I nicotine burn? Slow digestion? Discom- syrup, touch the tongue, taste, fort after enjoying roasts and then rinse the mouth. Appies are frys? Serve apples as salad, sauce, kcpt handy on the table ta be jelly or dessert. Acid appies aid eaten when harmful effects of digestion of fats and neats. These nimcotine are noticed.) require more acid than do cereals 1Big Apple Bowl - Smail Medi- and vegetabies. Children, espec- cie Chest: Severai appies eaten iaily, iack suficient stomach acid each day shouid cause naturai, secretion. The natural selection regular digestive and elixinative of apple sauce with pork, cran- action, keep one weil and strong. berry with turkey and pickle with (Pectin and 'minerai saits act as delicatessen has been vindicatcd a miid laxative. Scraped, sauced by iaboratory tests. or powdered apple stops diar- Appls l theOffce: n a re-1hoea. Uronic saits guard against ducing dietheOfe: ailn b ae nfectious diseases. Vitamins pre- moring or t? eeailein b ape vent many Uts.) mornng r ta tie9 n aple Apples for thc Eyeslght: Glar- gives the necessary cncrgy ta ing headlights blind you? Eat carry on until lunch or dinner appies rcgularly - see quickiy af- without adding weight or upset- ter lights pass. <Uronic acids con- ting digestion.- In fact, it may trol rapid eye adjustments.) provide the cure for sluUgish Apples When We're Go in g elimination that causes fatigue. Places: Tduring, hiking, picnick- Apples by the Dressing Table: ing? A ppies qucnch thirst tjuickly Greet thic friend with a sweet and pleasantly When strange breath and poiished tecth after drining water may be risky. munching a crisp apple. (The de- (Apples contain 85 per cent water. licious juicy pulp absorba the Two average apples provide a odors of tobacco and food. The giasaful.) cleansing action of juice, skin and Apiles for thc Centreplece: f ibre freshens and whitens the Dinner table lack cheery decora- teeth. tion? The scarlet, crimson and Apples by the Bedslde: Insom- gold of beautifufly formed apples nia? Can't get ta sieep? A ppics provide color and fragrance cf- take thecmmmd from its problems, fectiveiy. OUR ENGLISH LETTER M9ARCH 1939 BY rMSS ISOBEL STEPRENSON The atmnosphere ta London dur- ing Uic past week has nat been quite that of Uic prc-Munich days of last September; but it has been ianxious, ta sa>' Uic least. Once again, quiet, gravc-faoed crowds gathcred in Downing Street. In Fleet Street, Uic news- paper bulletins belied Uic gaycty of streamers sud bunting hung in hanour of Uic President of France. "British Ambassador Recalled 0Froni Berlin", iead Uic bul1e tas. "Hitler's Arniies Swecping Beést- ward." "]Roumanian Troops on Uic March." And overhead Uic carl>' spig wtad ruffled Uic red, white, blue sud gold decorations. Monsieur sud Madame Lebrun arrived ta state sud drove ta Buckingham Palace t hi auM.. crowds of Londoners cr>'ing "Vive la France!" To-day, the News Chionicle pic- turc page had commente in French, as well as in Euglish, be- neath Uic photographe cf Uic ai- 1rivai of Uic distinguished guests. At noan we lcsued froni the office windows ta watch Uic Pres- ident sud Madame Lebrun drive in su open carrnage ta Uic Guild- hall for luncheon. The ncwspaper placarda said: "Hitler To Go B>' Warship To Memel." 'We checred ver>' loudl>' Uic Piesident of Uic French Republic. On Monda>' headlines told the Enghish that "Canadiâns would, cansider su attack on Britain as a idirect attack on their own coun- try." And suddenhy 3000 miles of occan ceascd ta exist. England, Canada, One. Pcrhaps Uic piece of ncws of hast week which made Uic most profound impression on sanie peo- p le was condcnsed In Uic few bries which announced Uiat Uic 1Archbishop of Canterbury' sug- gested ta Uic Pape a great peace conférence of ail religious secte, ta be held as soon as possible. The Archbishop of Canterbury' approaching Uic Pape! Io i t that, as a country' forgets internai pahitical dissensions sud stsuds united during a cuisis, s0 ta Uiis dread crisis hangtag over us ail, Cathalic, Protestant, Jew, muet stand tagether ta their be- lief ta a God of Sanit>' sud Rea- son sud Mercy? le it ta be hoped that such a1 stand would be jotacd b>' Cath- olics sud Protestants in Gernian>'? Cansidering Pastor Niemoller, anc niight indccd be taclîned ta hope. We wcnt ta London's City' Temple, one evcntag, and heard about Pastor Niemoller. To secure his release froni the Nazi concen- tration camp, he has oni>' ta sign. his nanie ta a paper which states that he will nat use his pulpit ta dccry the Nazi gavernnient and racial persecution. Sanie peaple sa>': "Well, after ail, Uic goveinnient isn't a pas- tar's BUSINESS." MaYbe not. But niaybe Justice and Mercy sud tUic anctit>' of hunian life ARE a pastor's 'busi- ness'. Pastor Niemolier refuses ta sign Uic paper that would grant his "freedoin." On sunny days, a friend meets me at noan. Wc bu>' fruit sud buns, then go sud hean on Uic low stone wall of Uic Embsukmcnt sud est aur lunch. Wc Uiraw crumbs ta Uic wheeling guls and watch the river boats plying up body called the Thames "liquid histor>'." We reat oui clbows oni Uie wal and talk about liquid histar>' and wish ourselves aboard that Nor- wegian frcighter, or even thatý dirty coal-barge. We make beautiful plans for a tramp steamer ta Poasd, in May'. Flannel slacks, shirts, warni jac- ket, extra p air of walking shoca sudâ a taothbrush. . . The North Ses, Kiel Canai, Uic Baltlc Ses.. -DanÏzig (in spite of Uic Fuerher) ..Warsaw -.Cracow theUicCar- pathisus. But Uicenisp of Europe seenis ta be a pair of dice, with Hitler shaking the box. Our plans nia>' ncd revising. A fcw wccks ago, sitting aven midnight cafee, wc toycd wi the Uiought cf a trip ta Czecho- Siavakia. But yesterday Uic pap- ers infonnied us that Hitlen had decreed no touit traffic ta Czecho-Slovakia until fuither 'no- tice. Ta-day, leanlng aven Uic Eni- bankment waii at noan, ni> frijend renaarkcd: "If Poisud shouhd have ta be cancelled, haw about Milan? .- provldlng, of course, that Uic worid isn't csucdlcd wli Polsud. Thcre's music at Uic Scala in May', I think. And pictures sud cafes. We'd have ta take a few clothes, I suppose. But Itai>' ta heaveni>', ta Ma>', Axis or no Axi. "'I'd countcd on a tramp steam- er intahUicBaiic," I murniured sadi>', watchtag a tug steam slow- 1>' taward Towcr Bridge. "But I suppose we niight as wcll talk about Milan." Had a letter, at hast, froni Spnish frienda, now in Paris. "Too tired ta care very much about suything at Uic manient. -The itg awake, Uinking, al night, ta worst of ail. Wish w couhd tahk. Couid you came ta Paris for Easten?" Paris, for Easter.. L o ve1>y Uiought. And sec ni> frienda again. Frienda who wcre s0 gcod ta me ta Baicclona hast Noveni- ber. Last November ... a thaus- sud yeais ugo . . . or ma>'be it was yestrday .. . timlss. . I hope I can go ta Paris for Easter. Isobel H. Stephenson Cartwright Gardens âlub, London, W. C. h, Engiand. FIRST 0F SURIES PASSION WEEK SERVICESMOND.&Y The first ta a series of Passion Week services was conducted b>' Trinit>' Y.P.U. in Uic S. S. noani Manda>' cvcning. The meeting was annaunced as being open ta Uic congregatian sud a large and ver>' appreciative numben wcre in attendance. 'The meeting apened with a fcw wonds of wclcame froni President Hubert Hooper, sud was followcd b>' Uic warship service conducted b>' Darothy Nichals, assisted b>' Hazel Rundie, Bernice Ga>', Joyce Luxtan sud Marion Dudley. Dur- ing Uic worshlp service Joyce Luxtan sud DoraUiy Nichais rend- ered a beautiful vocal duet. The Young Peopic's quartet, consiat- ing of DonoUiy Nichais, Claire Ah- lin, Hazel Rundie sud Hubert Hoopen, favorcd with twa nuni- ber takeepIng wlihUicescason, wh cncuded Uic worshlp ser- vice. The tapic was The Life of Leoardo de Vinci, Uic great Itah- Inpainter whose world-famaus ng, he Last Supper" hbas n pcedamong Uic fist twelvc best religious paintings of ail time. Mis. Stuart James gave the taplc sud praved a ver>' tatel- ligent authorit>' sud crltic on Uic suect, deplcting Uic life of de Vicisud Uic numerous changes ta iffe which inspircd hlm ta his great work.a The meeting closcd with a few words of appreciation ta IMrs. James for hen excellent narrative, sud the Rev. Merrilil Fergusan, home on furlaugh frani Africa, was welcamed ta Uic meeting. Rev. S. . Davisan pranaunced Uic benediction. A taath ta like niane>'. You have ta sufer ta get it; you sufer worse when you bac i1t; sud ycu can't est wlthout it. - Robert Quillen. Children s SNAPPY Bob and Mac were vcry sad. Their litt-lc Snappy had ta, go. Daddy sald he had cat-en ail the socks he had, and he had chewed every-Uiing there was ta, chcw. He had ta, go. Snappy ai-sa yapped and bark-ed whcn-cvcr a knock came ta Uic door. Thc chil-dren went ta achool, and Daddy wcnt ta his wark. Munuiy had a head- ache and wcnt ta bcd. Al-ter tea, Uic but-cher boy came with Uic meat, sud Munini>'wcnt ta find her puise. It was gane. Sanie- anc had tak-en it out of Uic draw-cr itheUc cin-ing room whilc Mumniy was a-sieep. "Dear - Oh Dear!" said Mummn>, "If aniy Snappy had been here he wouid have let us know of Uic rab-ber. I wish wc had hini back." Sa Snappy came back for supper - and wasn't he happy? Mac and Bob werc ov-er-joyed. Sa Snappy is stifl iaok-ing alter Uic hause' and Daddy is sa pleascd. He pats Snappy and says, "Good littlc dag, good littie Snappy." Aien't you giad that Mac and Bob stiil have their littie pup? TINYyToTS A, B, C, D, E, P, G, H, I, J. K, LM, NO, P, Q, R, S, T, -O-Dear-McL When shall I icain Uiis A, B, C! A SCOTCH ONE Can you undcrstand It? LLigh "Is,t oa Meg: "Aye1 it's 'Oc'»1 Liz: "Ist àa' 'oo'?" Mcg: "'Ayc; it's a"l'aal'" Lia: "Is't a" ae 'oo'?" Meg: "'Ayc; it's a"' se loa.1 Do you know a word that rcads the sanie backwards and forwards1 and upside down?1 Answcr ncxt weck.i Dear Kiddies, I know you are gomng ta feel ver>' sor>' whcn you hear what happened ta Munise>' an Tucsda>'. A little mouse, havlng last is way back ta is mother, hid ithUicocl- lai of a fur coat, and rcniained there until Munise>' got itthUi picture theatre. Then Uic littie creature began ta wiggle and twist, until Muise>' "snielt a rat." It was Uic qucerest sensation. Al at once out popped Uic mause, right at Munisey's check. Wasn't that funny? How would you ike it? Love toalal. -MUMSEY. Corner FOR TUE BOTS OUR BAND Came on you boys sud hcar aur Band, With a Plan-ra-ta-plan, ra-ta-pian, We are ail lined up ta 'aur uni- farmns grand, Plan-ra-ta-plaxi, ra-ta-plan. There's Bily dressed in Uic fur>' mat, Wi a great big drum, sud a tea- cosey hat, And he bangs wlUi a wooden. spoon sud a bat, Pian-i4a-ta-plan, ra-ta-plan. Bernard and Bobby with ail their might, Plan-ra-ta-pisu, ra-ta-pian, BiaW on a trumpet and Cornet bright, Pian-ra-ta-plari, ra-ta-pian. FOR LITTLE GIRLS The>' can't read music, thcy don't knownotes, MY PEASANT DRESS But Uic>' biare sud Uic>' blast like ta buist theur thas, O have you seen my Peasant' Whiie Uic>' paddic sud paund like Dress? ferry-boats, It's just a hitag of daintiness. Plsu-ra-ta-pîsu, ra-ta-pian. It's cut froni cloUi of evcry hue, M.d lace and cord, and ribons*0 too. Junior's hat is a big long box, My full red skirt with ribban braid Pîsu-ra-ta-plan, ra-ta-plan. Has bands of blue sud creani and His father's trausers - his uncie's jade;scs A litleýolro o blckPian-ra-ta-plan, ra-ta-plan. Has sequins round Uic back. A washboard round his ncck he The musin bodice soft sud white, slips, Is honeycomibed with colaurs While high ta Uic air, 'a shovel bright. he zips, i wcar a kerchief on ni> head, And he tears at his baard as the And stackings brown sud rcd. rhythmi he - rips, And with a tambouiine I dance, Pisu-ra-ta-pisu, ra-ta-plan. And whiri sud swing itt a trance. 0 I dreaux I go ta Sunny Spain, Or Grece and back again. Sa came on boys, and hear aur And ft a Swtzelandi ram, Band, A wsuerraud thezrln hrry Plan-ra-ta-iplan, ra-ta-plan, omne. on te ur We'rc a matle>' crew, but Uic fun An hnIwkmadUe's >' ta grand, bnd, e ak n teé yPlan-ra-ta-pian, ra-ta-pisu, Wii"Sowet"atn>,ha. We go, "Boom-boam-boom," sud With"Snowhit'l a my ead. then, "Too-too-toat", She understands sud sigh, "Oh Then a "Zip-rip-zip" and a "Pao- Yes, poo-pa-doop", I aiso lave your Peasant Dîess. Came and jota aur Band sud niake But al Uic dresses that you wear, "«Whooppcc-whoop-whoop", Arc swcct. - 'cas you aie there." Pian-ra-ta-plan, ra-ta-phan. F i i

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