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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1939, p. 9

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THEF CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1939 n- ------ -- - -- ---- Qf Two Day Conveni Presbytery Young The annual convention af the Oshawa Presbytery Young People's Union was held on Saturday and Sunday, April -ist and 2nd in thet Columbub United Church. The open- ing worship period was led by the Shiloli Union and held as its theme "Love." Mrs. Charles Naylor addres- sed the gathering on the subi ect af "Music Appreciation." Mr. Morley Beath Rave the address af welcome ta the Young Peoplee. Four commission groups were conducted. "'Youth and Marriage," by Rev. E. Beecb, Youth and the Church's future by Rev. Mr. March; Youth and the Missionary Enter- ptise by Rev. W. Rackham, Christ- ian Youth and Politics by Donald Baxter., Rev. P. L. Jul af Brookiin gave the. afternoon address. He spoke on the theme. "Three Men Who Knew" or .4somne simple certainties." There were two classes of young people today, he said. Some young people are self-assured, others are confused, and are not certain.* The blind man wbom Jesus heal- ed. was certain of one thing. When he was questioned about Jesus he was able ta say. "Whereas 1 was blind. now I can see." job, the man who iost every4hing inicluding his heaith, still believed that God was Iust. He said, "I know my Vindicator livetli." Life plays no favorites. We are going ta have aur tests. Job was strong enough ta dling ta bis integ- rity ail throub is terrible trouble. Young people wbo know thal riRht is right, and who know Goci e e f 0 Never was a hint so, wideiy fi b>' tea lavera. Thousande are CI te Lipton'a ... finding that ti emil Lq tea surpasses anyt their experience for refreshii bodiedfiavourandriclmeusBuyl toda>'. Three distinctive gradE label, O)range label and YeUl (Llptan'a Finest). eralsoures.Someime theUn- The bride was charming in a green ions object ta having men work for esstha Unin wges Ahcrepe dress. grey tailored coat. with right, if authorities are scared of green accessories. She wore a cor- the nion, lt thin ork artsage oif.pink roses. sweet Peas and tie Unionrtes, butmakr maiden hair fern; aisa a gold brade- thein wark for their relief. That let, gif t af the groom. She was at- leaves the i ure talooak for work. tended by lier sister Mrs. StanleY' Others in charge ai relief say that Hodgson, wha vare a sand coat with the cost is taa great because af dark brown accessaries. Her corsage the cast ai materiais. The wbale was made up ai carnationis, sweet country needs tidying. Civic pro- peas and maiden hair fecm andi she perties need cleaning and repair- wore a gold locket, gif t ai the ig. eeds are -rampant in the groom. Mr. Robert Graham attend- streets in the tawns and by the ed his brother as best man and ware SALI roadsides in the country. Old use- &, golci signet ring, gift ai tbe groom.EN iess buildings are eyesares. Mucli Im.mediatelv after the ceremarly aEN . needed forestr3r work cauld be receptian supper wvas served at the« APRI done. Playgraunds wouid be a home of the bride's parents. after great benefit in cities, towms and which thev leit on an extended 22 rural districts and every mumidi- mtrtpt igrFr re pality owns idie, non-profitableBuffalarand othiaraorderintO lands. There, are plenty ai things Buhfair anretur raoderpos. Grha ta be done whicfl cast very littie. terrtr f.ad'%r.Gaa The rest ai us bave ta wark ta will reside an Division Street, Bae- 39-13 live, sa why shouldn't those on ne- manville. lief? To give them thei.r due, most Priar to lier miarnage the bride ai them would be willing. At f iist was made the recipict toa manyGe anyhow. But something for noth- beautifull giis at a shawer hcld at tyorS ing saps the morale oi any but the bride's haime attended bv' several the stranget, and the majority af relatives and friends. thase on relief are flot ai the _______b_ strongest. It is cruel ta put mencme yu who have nat worked for a long Saine people are neyer satisfied.Gveyo time at liard wark. Yet that is For exainffle, the prisaner who Stands what bappens toa aiten. They are complained ai the literature that M-Pint Pi not physically fit, they need ta the prison angel gave hum ta read. .40 .6 get into it graduaiiy. If they had "Nut'mn but continued staries," even a few days of work ecdi e grumbleci, "an' I'rn ta be bung week when they had ta work for next Tuesday." their keep, they wouid be in bet- ter condition ta work bath physi- A man hopes that bis ican years cally mnd mentaiiy. Their morale are bebind hum; a woman, thatPhn 68 wouid ho better because people bers are aliead.1 Phn 68 Pint W ]Rcguiai .3 )s ------- ---- A STORY ON LEAVES need to work ta keep their self - p ~ witte speiall for he Satesanresects.tins id hi #o This very beautfui story was The New Rlat F0ne e t T by a farmer's wif e who is ane o oat wives' new.bC huld re n s 0Vednrn h ttsmnawe even ta the women. It isn't mucli h ld e 0 edn nteSaemnawe fun ta bave the jay taken out of__________________ 0ago tbe articles headed "A Commun- a new bat or dress because friend___________________ 0 ity is a garden," it prompted these busband does not like it. I picked___________________ In spring time one ai tbe first sald that women should get their FOR TUE TINY TOTS OME N onee, uer ooethougs on eavres whthe pmaigtf husandEngsd magazine atstle A Goodnlght Sang for Dolly ion For Oshawa. (Bowmanville) ;avsr omte new leaves on the trees. Think of a before they malte a ucae Jean Battle (Oshawa?), Helen Baker tree, it stands bare aIl wifiter and Show te h new things ini the Past eight o'clock and it's bedtime Da i (Hapto),Rev F.Baistr (ow gratwould lie the concern and n-Windows. When a good-looking for Dolly, er id (Hamptan), Rev. dgreat dla ou, cms n-rrak nth it ib ocok n t's bedtirne I hope3 People's Union mnii.Rv S. Littlewood (Oro- xiety if aIl tbe trees didcmsaogreako h at ih 'lc n _________________________no), Rev. M. Jenkinsan (Pickering; But in the spring the littie new buds Cniié tilo the hsand s 0 a on. utleo e nc iteeey Adult Work Sybil Langmaid. (Osh- begin ta appear and very soon tbe Con Mation there bnd, o ly ut lie îow o eltl vrw is iust will hold fast ta that belief awa.) nice new leaves came, ail in ricb t ieak . M en re imoroetcon- Dall n Iaequt ur a ge. TNo whether they stand or f ail. cdean color. How we do admire theniin heaie tan Men aremrif n- yaurdIar Aiesuetoar."TeNo Pal ad eknwthtai hings and say how Pretty tbe country husband does not like tbe new GongtMma odih And wq worketh together for good ta tbem NE TLT N OU L looksl Let us compare that ta life. froCk or bat be philosophical and Papngh Mma, thingt ndw tbat lave God. Paul through al bis 42 YEARS -MARRIED There are little cildren, pure, in- coslParsp ibtb da Godib a ilth eshei sufferina knew tat natbmg couidnocent and without a care enjaying that maybe lie wili wlien lie gets GodghMaiagonib Ad separtte im from the love ai God. A number of neigbors of M.and trusting in the protection of God used ta it. The E glish woman'AnPapa The greatest thing in li e is tat and Mrs. John Proutt, Nesre.n and ai their parents. Poor t.Th nlihwonns aa Adh "lov" i atthebeat aitheuni me attheir borne an Friday Later tbese leaves on tbe tree are first.NusptthlibotfrIan Sab verse. Gau l is love. nig t, M arcb 31, on the occasion f ullv unfolded. storms and winds Novae Scottae PorrIdgetBrerdI5amsleepy, Recreation folowed the close ai of teir 42nd weddng annivers- blow them and. shake them. some Noaseteveorplae Bweawent Sour ees y, ad iv me rd theaieroo ssson Ths asle ay.Thse reen wre M. ndeven zet broken of f. Sa with lifie, when in Nova Scotia we got Par- a kis. Hrry, by' Garnet Rickard. A banquet fol- Mrs. Robert Dickey, Mr. and Mrs. these littie Pure innocent cbildiren ridge Bread. ati avrkdicau u seyGongtIsa e YUnc e ojed. At 8.15 an ilustrated lecture Grant Tornpson, Mr. and Ms. grow up and begin ta bhave troubles brawn bread an Isha ve eyeOsrseyaoowgh, 1saleeyunsi rr wasgivn y MssMare rosy f Hgh ayorMr an Ms. oeand cares. perhaps sickness, their found any one but a Nova Scotian Wake me an oi -adm ncirbckhe Angola. Farder, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc-- masdvnpac by eu awamksL.I aetidsvrl yud on't miss! inthein ail There were three services an Sun- Cal. Afteî tbe custoinary con-fm hbis. veopdth enaintc. WhrecipesndtaInghabtroi hsevrl yudntms!t ta d adacmuinsriein the gratulatians and good wisbes offThen hatternt s e.on th eds an froin tha t av olv- wif morling. Rev. Mr. Ferguson, re- all ta the bride and groom, w ba e aero hs lae n t e ad hsm recie htIhavsuits us.n ow cently returned f rom Angola, West are valued citizens ai the corn- tree. with ot sunt and'ptaps no e hrei wihsutu.asSrn Africa, spoke briefly in the after- Imunity, seven gaies af euchre cultivation. become more ripe and Everywman wo eats it wants Answeî ta ast week's ridde - on isb were played, after wbich prizes not as beautiful as in the beginninthe e Sie adte eoe ofedr NOON. open h noon. In the afternoon, coisi'on wr ie. aisfrs9rz-a S ihh e syas ia e phaea wimeothe ad eealaedWarnt a group fnigofr ivn is v aus it ie a ertrl n epn Brw idat ere ven Miss eva wenenby Mrs RobertwDickyMr g en- sibltecares. and anxicties in- me if 1 wouid put the Brown virownd osidd atereeigsr lre' istwswnb r rae e become aider ancd if w Bread recipe in the coiumn. It is MUSIC RIDDLES youi lett viceand onal Baxer gve te Huh Talorafter wbicb a love- bave not cultivated good habits, goodveyastaikevnfaedsy address. Rev. W. R. Tanton instal.led y lunch was served by their dau- determinations, we too begin ta Lose vr ane who ba eyer e rad dovermy mddle the new ai ficers and Eida Mountloy gliters, Miss Ruth and Miss Marie aur ane time beaithy ambitions, sotnqie ohs no kn a eading. Bringme wth"Rdde conuctd cadlelithig ere Prut. Tenal ioined la.nds This tree. when at its best, bow twa cups ai water ta the bail, add Youmssatandia mony. and, s~~~~rtandingaround the dînîng-pepeanmianbrd.iktan-2tapossianstiisiol WihaogniiwbwAuur Thehe onew rs:1offoar icers:mtale sagnoraryOldAc pepe- aiîoarndnidstable, e- 2tsangnssa"Shdourid lowyOldha oAc-arowbpiintunn sident, Rev. W. R. Tanton; presi- quaintance Be Fargot," with Miss its shade an a bot summelr's day. 1 cup af ialièdol ots. Cook until What arn I? SAuta i dent Ev Bron (lacstoc); astMarie Pîoutt at the piano. A very oDwe live Sa that aur influences or thlckened, then add 2 tablespoons 2. AItrubtede jnl, Sin ipresident, Kennetb Heddan (Col- happy e&nnY a bogtt our presence gave taothers ac-raim btutter and 1i cup ai molasseste Coolnl, in' uiu);secretary, Olive Reesor close by wishing Mi. and Ms. and encouraging hlpf uness? Then util luke-warm. Dissolve 1lresb 1 rumble and rumble. S ;(Oshawa) - treasurer. Roy Ormiston Poutt many more yeas ai Ma- later. these leaves are touched with yeast-cake in 1 cup a luke-warn BuonPrd aSig' (Broln convenerg; Crita ried biss. frost and change in clor. mitr e.nd S t h o ld o ts Ia iey an a .G vn ,Fellowship. Elda Mauntjoy (Ked- people tbink tbey are mare *eutfuMitr.Sr in 6 cups ai bîead What arn I? I h 1 e);Misos EhlBrlntnthan at f irst. Wili our lives be; when flour (yaU rMay use 1 cup ai whoie Ionetrnther sorF M iss iins Et h BinginxB A T O D L D egto emr lcdadgnl wheat f lour and 5 cups ai bread 3.Sornetimnes I'rn slog. (r oun) m ;R N T ORRL D w g t id r m re pl ci nd ge tl ? M lur if desied). Let stand iI awae t e s am ldiron th (Brugbm); Receaton.Garnet 100 YEARS OLD How nice it is ta meet some aid peo- Wrnpae ni1obedi uk c icar (owanile); eaerhi pe hoar plean gnarcndca . rm pac uti dubedirightI ak teeariy s n h Rikad Bomavil);ledcsbpWAS MARRIED 1HERE twhu om eatfl ni apya- tatabaes.abothis wiii mriht ar 1? rn straining, Albert Walkcr (Oshawa) ;tl ssrebatfladhpyi-it ovs hswl ae3 Wa mI - religiaus education, Rev. E. L. Bccch Mi.RG.Es16Dahue cidents and experiences in their lives sinalli baves or two larger anes. (Newtonvill); Girls' work, Edna Street, Brantford, was 100 years an ieu aegoiadblllPt a littie ilour on the board Answeis next week.S ( tGreen (Grccnwaodl; Boys' work, young on April 6. Sei rgtacivice. We f cel better and more cn- and flour yauî hands. Divide the 1 Waler Backbun Sh is bightcuaged after bing in their pre- dugh and shape into loaves with- T I- atrBicbr (Bwani le); and heuiankd tai aiet me sence. it doca us gooci. Scripture out kneadmrg. The mixture is soit TOGUETWITER atlit.Wien aske ta h shee tells us "A mcrry heart docth gboc and sticky and rather messy ta OGETITR ti ai carîed ber ngeity, s'brd he ad-lke a Mdcin. ade ontne ow yhaseintd dune e" hnde.Yauonaned t oiy Tiy these exercises in youi don, Ont claied htitv a br okan hs vsitera wbie, die toa rnuch about gettmng the lbaves spare rmoments: reth plai nting th ifrn andi faîl ta the ground and even then, very sinooth as tbey seern ta iohc it1 hstie sticks. duriug te tasks that she bas done during ber tbey enricb the soil and give strength, smoath out in the second rîsîng. lSix ik ireslyre iison.wayhp long lufe, she said that you coud ta, the tree. ta bare god eaty Put inta butteed bread pans. Let Te s eaofceasehbut sufflch . aing 50 not mention a thing in the home leaves the next year. stand in a warm place untii doub- Gie sGriesJinbu'sufgreth. g.it nd l oro h am ihled in bulk, again about 2 haurs.- gvG riewîp. bratgit Ay on hefameiteîmen's or Sa wc, to, will give up alil u k raour n. btavn ict sran StphenStrnge fc wornen's work, that she bas not carcs and Possessions and due. In a 0 ega reei ke hots we b tnredsksxicckly gStpn stiiky accidah p ~done. «"I bave plowed, dragged, Isiali 64-.6 we read, "esai I ou w00iil na t k emu l haceob sakstadIc sow ad eaed, se a «' I fade as a leaf andi aur inquities, ficeg hioot.sa swanoerteses nd h have cradled and bound and have like tbc wind have taken us away. Keepring th Doug Warn swan t vrtesa swim; wa sax ack i tr driven oxen. 1 have loaded and Wili aur lives be sucb. that aftcr we epnthDogWa snswm sa wn bk qa diawn into the barn, the biggest are gone. we wili leave the word Iwst igsieiinsbwaan eisa wn implero loda byi rueCuty"seor the community, richer and better ta make this bread when an in- A haddock, a haddock, a bak pop srniiingly boasted. for aur baving liveci? Wiîî Ou in- experienced cook asked me how I spotted haddock, a black spot on cerckues Srmg fisfarsh ans neyr worred uece for those who come after kept the dougli warm. Just in the black back ai a black haddack. ilone hdmi.e as for sths ha her us? If we live Our lives es near tao aeteeaeoteswid a hadmae h heclths erbus- Goifs Plan, as tbe tree does, bow know I wiil add a iew woîds on badware for 68 long years. "lWe that sbet ae aîbw m ai aUur own ciothes in~ eaiîy. much more beautiful and cheerful sit ba eacloth and wrap the ade this world would be.xW ta a leankt and set inha Mis. Ellis, iormerly Alvira Though unseen by aur vision dim, bwrinmaplae raddougt is John James, who came from Nor- Wait, wc, content for His heaveniy or 90 degrees, you wiil get the folk, England, bas nat aiways uiv- ray-. best resuits. I usualiy set the ed in one place. She bas lived Wait til aur Master Himscif anc bowl o hi etterdao successîvely in Quebec, Part Hope, day andaehai nethe rdthe Newtonville, Lucknow and North Liftcth the icaves. addtr and a lnover the.Ts Bay. She camne ta Brantford in traps the heat in the tent-like 1914 and bas iived there ever structure and gives about the de- since. At the age ai 19 she Mai- HnsFrUmh~m sired temperature. The r is i n g ried Mi. Robert G. Ellis, son af ints Fo Ho 'ieo""es daugh miust be kept out ai Mr. and Mis. William Ells, wha Wrltteii for The Statesmnan d±aughts. came iroin Wales. Rev. Mi. Smith B iepl qae F R E E ! ~ perfor red the cere m aony at the J S I A L B R O W R u to e the c qluaran folowed FRE frebmLeianmanse, Bwmanville. cALENBOW up butter.1 Spead n a an 3han 1 IL an u Lb hau Three chilien blessed the union. cpo utr pedi a h5lgng 27aihoangceable for Two survive, a son, Mi. George Work For Relief 8" x 12" and bake for 5 minutes is ue b auiSsdWmLiOAC Smtwihwo Ms limr-i a slow aven ai 300 degrees. sueb otdaV1 SihwthwomMs.Ein e One of the tiagic thiings about Caver with the fallowing mixture: - thng full- BT Tosrdso ndMs. ELlie Bansel, nernplaymernt as the loss ai abil- 1 cup walnuts, cut in pieces - i1 rungfiInaed etnBd Trondto MsE llis rudlyre- i y ork.You know yourseli cups brawn sugar - 2 beaten eggs Liptna frredt e i fre inegrndckdin.that if yau n aewayfrw - 2 teaspoons ilour - 1 teaspooli si ed he e a ral ioner toc tat or vena fw ays it takes a baking powder - Y4 cup shredded ow label with such harilood survived the littie wbile ta shake down and pineapple, drained - 1/ cup cocoa- haidships and difficulties that be- get itot the habit a orkf u.Bk niist hsi n leimepae ieteynaias again. WbIen that is rnultiplied by other recipe salvaged irain a tea. She recailed living in a log bouse a long period '".Ibvnthdacac atyi 11, »4^ !î at Lucknow - it had but one raom 0ai.unemploy- Iyet it acance!ood I want and ram aiften found its way ment Ai lenat yt passit a witout de1iafo 1 D traugb the unprotectirîg roof. difficuit ta un -________o________elay On April 6th many fiends ex- derstand baw f r 1 cy nded good wishes and beartiest people îînaîîy wum Here is yaur apportunitY thas yea cnrtltosta Mrs. Ells an do not knaw W d ùi at a flftli off the regular price. ttatiber toOgth bitheay, ad baw ta work ____night with these farnius Sherwù daubiesthoghtai he wale mdhav îat I Graham,....Thornpsaa for these great bargains in - hearted way in whicb she bas liv- their desire ta o ue u rtyEse edn ed lie, taking its "1ups and dawns" tiy. i em wit rv nerj ENsirtadtAm tses ue utpet ase edn ithbrveunerured piitmdtamethat no ~ was solcmnized on Goad Friday, apingithe es se oui y uc one sbouid get April 7, ai St. Pauil's United Church Cainpioneers wbo sometbing formne omnil,~hnSusie m A betîe n pn n i atenathing. It le Viola. daughiter af Mr. and Mrs. Wolds nI OO& W T estàai their abiiity my task that nat a rule ai Jessie Allen Leslie C. Thompson, Tyrone was Wods .finesta ametahadth funatan Q hIe. hpeople Ban united iin marriage ta George Wat- Ins24.bllas o ___________________________ Canada were weii and truiy laid. are getting relief, then t bey sot, Graham. sont of ýMr. and24rs: Srt... .. Rnnïnian- IW B OnIy - ending April 22 ea ta buy your requirements of two of the v;orld"s finest enameis rhousamds of people are creating new end lavelier homes aver- vn-Wiliams Enamnels. See your Sherwin-WiliaUis desler today st higli gls nel for outside or inside )n .asiy d i '-uak y , ca' v er a in n e co a t . nt co.I..Ed blaclc anq d white. 3 Pînt .76 cGa.2.52 35 Regular .95 Regulai 3.15. IQuart1 32 G.i.4.80 .55 Regular 1.65 Regui 60 lu BAIN6 Th Garntc! atn nmeltthat'a WAlUsLl. for ali, Wadwak, urnture,et.Estaapyquc diymg.DEODO Inha12ecolours sd whaite. Pi 80 t 64 Q 1i.2o ]Regular .50 ]Regujar .80 Rglr15 '.2.20 uW 4.20 Regular 2.75 Regulaa 5.25 Spring Supply of thes. 1w.o ther fin. Sherwin-WilIIIms products ut standard prices WPHOUSE PAINT ur home new beauty and pratection. dard Puices (32 Regular Calours) Nnt Quart %-Gai. Gad. 65 1.20 2.20 3.95 CLEAR GLOSS .60 .95 1.75 For exteriar and interiar use. Spreads farther, lais longer, than any varaaish. Rice & Co. Bowmanville 1 ? ý [MMM 1 PAGE NINE Corner EASTER AT THE FARM M On Good Friday morning very early, Wmnnie and Mae had corne Adies, to visit Aunt Emma at the faim. you ail had a veryr HaPPY They had been Sa busy since their The dear littie robins are arival that they antenhd ire now hopping in the hant vn a turne to cornte in for breakfast. irth wind will biow, They sirnpiy had to go round to we shall have Sflow, see ail the new animais that what wiil poor Robin do pighdbohtFrstee ien, poor thing?SrighdbohtFrstee li creep in the barn, was a darling fieecy white lamb keep himself warTn, to pet and tie Up with ribbons. hide his bead under hîs Then there were six littie pigs in ing. the sty by the barn, Belinda, the thing!" cw a oigi h Ssure and bang out some aid dun cw a oîgi h sh suet for the hungry lit- shed with two littie day-oid ýto-day. calves. They were so anxious to j, who wrote me such a stand on their wobbly littie legs tter this week, says hie that Winnie and Mae bad to heip Li5 eryownrobis crnethen a littie bit. In a hutch ut- h year, because he tames sideo h o-shed wasdaibeau- rIn feeds them from his tiful big Bunny-rbiadi n -ledge upstairs. As soon other box six dear little white ng Cornes, they are sitting fluffybalis with pink eyes. Oh! Iedge waiting for him to they were beautiful. The littie âis window. "And they girls just loved thein. In the barn afraid either,"1 he says. there were several lively puppies tnice idea! Couidn't more to play with, and among the hay ry it? Tbanks, Barrie, for frolicked three nice kittens. Win- ±er. I do hope your Uncle nie and Mae had to play s0 long rou the pony. with these wonderfui Easter ba- Love froin MUMSEy. bies that they had no turnie ta go and see old Biddy in the laying- bouse. She was a white lien who SEMSONS had been sittmng on a nest of eggs n's brown, Summer's5 gold ; for tbree whoie weeks. Aunt is young and Winter's old. Emma came on the porch in her m's goid, Summer's red, white friliy apron and rang a bell 'alive - and Winter's dead. for the chlfdren to corne in for 's a busy littie feilow, lunch. Such a iovely surprise bi-tb ta green and yellow. awaited thern at the table. Aunt is father to the son, IEma had prepared a basket of Fall, Spring's work is done. eggscoioured ta match their new SEaster dr esses and bair-ribbons - ne, ang k e and greefoforn niel, rangik e and greenfoforn Mae. Tbey ate saine of thear eggs In the aftenoon, Aunt Enma ad ed t otr osanTheiawnd ýMACH UPSETI Tain,an took thein with the UPe ,idren for a walk in the woods. Tbey found the ioveiiest PUBSY- 'littie "Tumnay" la often eaaily upset. Willows. At one turne a wild rab- il>' righted agalfl, too if YouOU ±stS bit popped bis head out of a hale, do it. Let Mis. M. ý. Alway, of Lon- nt, tel] you: "Baby's Own Tablets are and you sbouid have heard the .e pi at the first sigiocf upset atomach, dogs barking, as if tbey wouid .eething time or when a cold is comine say, "Did you see that)'V When bey work quick]y yet gent! y to carrytbyrunebrefotahe pisons and promote quiet sleep. WaIk- te eundhm o ete ®rs at night la unknown ini our bomse." had just sufficient tirne ta run lin Mrs. W. R. Sharp aays: "I nursed my ta see Biddy, and wbat do you co®rty after being slarmed over a motor think? Wlien tbey bad ail been nt snd that upset ber almost to thse point vulsions. 1 gave bier Baby'a Own Tablets out walking, she bad became the le woon stopped cryint-went to sleep mother of ten of the fiuffiest lit- hen she awakened seas er own good self tie yeiiaw cbicks you ever saw. ue, sa efcivpe frcrho, coteethC~ There she was, cluckin and roules, effe c , fo nsdipatroneascratcbing s rulwiethe f ever. Swveet - tasting, easy to take, baby-cbicks cbeeped their littie Pt in their action yet barmless. Analyst's "Tbanik-yous." What a Happy ate in every box. Buy a box today for Easter tbe chidren bad. You've as so often atrikes lu the niglat. 25 cents. .back if not satiafied. no idea! 1

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