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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1939, p. 7

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THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1939 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARLO i 4 ~ SOÇIAL AND PERSONAL PHONE 663. Mi3ss Marion Wagar, on the staff home in North Bay after spend- Of B.HS., attended the O.E.A. ing the winter i Mexico. conenton n Trono.Miss Betty Emxnett, Messrs. K. t uý awa Rotary Club Fair will p* Soanes, H. Longworth and S. beId Wednesday and Thursday, Casbourn attended Brahm's Re- Jub7 àndt 8. quiem presented at Timothy £à.- Mrs. J. G. Adams is visiting her ton Memorial Church asat week. daugliter, Mrs. Seybolt, Norwich, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlack,1 Canu. g Joan, Kathleen and Tommy FortC lirs. G. A. Gillespie returnEi e, spent the weekend wil herc ta town Saturday mter spendlng. pare'nts, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gibbs,l the wnter in Bradentonu, Florida. Tyrone and with frlends in Bow-1 Mirs. <Dr.) King (nec Kate Dob- manvifle.r son), Toronto, has been visitlng Mr. R. B. Arkwrlght, Welling- Mrs. Harr3T Faster, ton Street, received congratula- Colonel and Mrs. L. T. Mc- tions and best wlshes from his Laughlin attended the dedicatian many friends on Easter Monday, services af the new Pipe-argan in April 10, it being bis 8lst birth- Hyde Park Presbyterian Cburch, day.r Toronta, on Friday. Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Fergu-' Mr. and Mrs. William Watson, son, Bethany, have been visitings Hamilton, have been visitin her lits brother, Rey. Merrili Fergu-r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cuily. son wbo lu confined ta his bed att Mrs. CulIy returned to Hamiltan his 'father's, Mr. W. C. Ferguson.r wth them for the weekend. Carter's Bakery specials for thist Several members of Bowman- weekend include Coconut-Marsh-1 ville Lions Club are planning ta mailow Layer Cake at 30c each attend Napanee Lions Club's and Lemon Pie at 25c. Either of Charter Night this evening. these will make an ideal addition Mr. Eddie Jessop visited Mrs. ta any menu. T. Hamilton and Mrs. F. C. Crowe. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washingtonc Mr. Jestdp was on bis way ta his and Miss Anna, Sault Ste Marie,t _______________________Ontario, visited relatives lu Bow-t manville, Oshawa and Toronta this week. Mrsf B. M. Warnica returned witb theni ta Toronto1 for a few days.1 RADIO LICENSES - Mr. W. J. Trenouth, who has ý _____been Principal of Napanee Public Schools for the past 22 years, basc By authorlty of the Depart- resigned ta take effect at the closei ment of Transport, I have of the term in June. Mr. Trenouth« bee auhalze t isue is a native of Bowmanville, being1 beenauthrize to ssue son af the late Mr. and Mrs. Ricb- Radio- Licenses (1939) for ard Trenoutb.1 the Town of Bowmanvllle. The marriage is announced af Guelda Marguerite, daughter of ROGER BIRD Mrs. Moynes and the late Oliver R. Maynes of Oshawa, ta John Division Court Office Isaac Buckiey, Bowmanvîlle, son Town Hall ai Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis Buckley ofa Sutton West, Ontario, an Sep- tember 30, 1938. Every spring for the past few years, Dean Hodgson ai the White Rose~ gas station, bas been busy erecting or altering buildings an I O2nd Anniversary lits prerfilses at the east end of - St Andew's lunch room erected and now it ap- St. Anrew'spears ha is enlargiug that building t ccommadate mare custamers. Presyteran Curch Mr.and Mrs. Narman Reynolds, î6h Toronto, gave the editor a cal Sunday, 'April 1t Monday wbila an their way ta il a.m. and 7 p.m. visit his uncle, Dr. J. B. Reynolds at Port Hope. Norman tells us lie SPECIAL PREACHER lias been a niembar of the North 1ev. W. Harold Reld, MA. Toronto Collegiate taachiug staff Knox Presbyterlan Church, for nineteen yaars. It ouly seems Oshawa like yesterday when lie was a stu- SOLOIST dent at B.H.S. Mrs. . A.DrumondOron Inlukeeping with Uie trend of Mrs.A. A Drmmon, Orno-baffling windaw dispîsys and de- Everybol>' Welcome monstratiaus ai magic, we notice two electric liglit bulbs revolving ANNMERSA1Y SUPPER on a piece ai glass lu Rice & Co.'s Mounday, April l7th window. No matter haw you look 5.30 -8 p.m. at them, the bulbs continue ta Admission 40c. rail merrily along without any apparent means af motivation. rYou figure it out. GROCERY SPECIALS Peter Pan Catsup - bottie 10c Assorted Biscuits - - - - lb. 15c Grapefruit---------8 for 25e Oranges - - - doz. 10c, 13c, 23c Prunes --------3 bs. 25e Raipberry Jam - - - large jar 26c Phonoe 596 E. LUNN GROCECR Bowmanville Local bridge fans will ha inter- ested ta learu that Harold Smith ai McKeever & Smith competed. lu the Canadian Open Bridge Toumnament lu Tornto last week. Heansd a partuer irom Belleville came within anc point ai qualiiy- ing for the final round. This lu not the iirst tima thay have corn- peted lu the avent, but it lu the fiirst time they hava coma so close ta meeting covetad success. ÈRev. J. S. I. Wilson, Oshawa, afficiatad at a quiet weddiug Wed- nesday evening, April 5th, when Lullian Jane Conray, daugliter ai Thomas Canray sud the late Mns. Conroy af* Perth, becama the bride ai Cecil Trueman Oke, sou af Uic late Mm. sud Mms. John Oke ai Ebenazar. The bride was givan lu marriaga by Mm. W. B. White. Miss Marion Stone playcd the wedding music. Mrs. C. H. Dudley ai Bowmanvllle, nieca ai the groom, sang "O Promise Ma" dur- ing thé signing ai Uic ragistar. Young Men's Club met Tuesday uight. Art Cully lad Uic sing- sang. W. F. Rickard, M.P., lu me- ply ta amploymant latter, said that througb Mr. Irwiu, Place- ment Officer Labor Dept., that he may be abla ta place a number ai the club mambers who are uuem- played. Revý. W. F. Banister spoka about men, young sud old, whom ha had met lu bis travels. J. F. Heyland presentad the club with pragrams sud plans whicb the club may use for community bat- termant. A. D. Kean, uated au- thon sud lacturer, will spaak uext week. Wa ara iudebted ta Mn. Sami Hughes, 103 Speuce St., Winni- peg, Man. (native ai Tyrane), for sendiug us cllppings iromn Winui- peg papars annauncing the daaths ai two natives ai Durhami County lu that city - Alexander 1McNeil aud Mns. David Bingham. Ha in- forms us Mrs. Bingham was boru aast ai Tyrone, a daughter ai the lata Wm. Chanuon sud sistar ai the lata Ed. Chanuon. They farni- cd lu Cartwright for a number ai years, sud later engagad in mer- cantile business lu Woodvilae where she will ha buried. Sha has beau residing with a daughter in Winnipeg sud a son lu Pilot Mound, Man. EASTER VISITORS Miss Alice Echarman with birar parents lu Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Graca Mitchell visitingb friands lu Carleton Place. 9 Miss Laura Virtue, Toronto,r with Dr. sud Mmc. C. W. Slcmo.u. Miss Mabel Hurst, Oshawa,o with friands banc. Miss Floa French, Oshawa, with hanr niaca, Mrs. Leslie Higli- field. Miss Louise Edmondson, Osh- awa, guast ai Mms. D. Chambers.r Mr. N. L. Roeuigk, Stratiard, with Mn. sud Mms. T. H. Kuiglit. Mr. sud Mms. George Davidge visitcd lu Toronto an Frida>'. Miss Dootby Walkey, Toronto, wiUi Miss Kit Storay.t Miss, Aune Shaw, Toronto, with- Miss Kay O'Neill.E Mn. Gragg Armstrong, Motreal,1 with Mr. sud Mrs. A. A. Emmett.c Miss Marlou New, Hamilton,1 with bar cousin, Miss Mary Jury.r Miss Mary Bimks, MacDonald Hall, Guelph, with bier parents, Dr. sud Mrs. W. H. Birks. 3 Miss Marlon Wamdem, aifTam-5 worth, with hanr parants, Mn. sud Mrs. R. H. Warder.1 Mm. Kcuneth Mitchell, Toronto,E with bis parents, Mn. sud Mms. F.1 J. Mitchell.3 Miss Marlou Scott, Queens Uni-c versity, Kingston, with bar par-1 ants, Mn. sud Mms. S. M. Scott. k Miss Audrey Elliott, Universityt ai Toronto, with hem parants, Mn.E sud Mrs. W. L. Elliott.t Miss Dorothy Mitchell, O.A.C.,E Guelph, with bier parents, Mr. sudt Mms. R. L. Mitchell. Mr. Edward Nickarson, Univer- - sity ai Toronto, with bis parants,i Mr. sud Mms. J. F. Nickamsau. r .Mm. Ian Bell, Aun Ambon Col- lage, Miçhigan, witb bis mother, Mme. J. C. Bell. Miss Mary Jury, Molton Col- lage, Toronto, with hem grand- mother, Mms. J. H. H. Jury. Captain sud ,Mms. C. W. E.j MeaUi, Ottawa, with friands in Bowmanvillc. Mm. Tam Dustan, Trinit>' Col- lage, Taranto, with bis parents, Mm. sud Mrs. T. A. Dustan. Mr. sud Mrs. Jabez C. Van- stone, Kitchener, wiUi bis parents, Mr. sud Mms. F. C. Vanstone. 1 Mms. Norman Hanilay and Jean, Peterboro, wiUi Mms. P. C. Tre- hilcock.E Miss Gladys Chapmsu, Toronto,! with ber aunt, Miss Wluuie Mar-« ris. -1 Miss Jean Bail, Toonto, with hem parents, Mm. sud Mrs. H. M. Bell. Mr. sud Mms. Esmond Boss, To- routa with lier parents, M. sud Mme. à. B. Leggott. Mm. Russell Caudler, Picton, spent Sunday wlithMm. sud Mrs. R. Caudler. Mms. J. Hyde sud son' Han>' wlithbar mother, Mrs. J. A. Mc- Clellan. Mm. Ralpli Ainslie oaiheUic 1gb School staff is visitiug lis mother lu St. Mamys. Mm. A. M. Thompsan, principal ai Uic Public School, lu visiting bis brother lu Chicago, Ill. Miss E. Saper ai Uic B.H.S. staff lu holidayiug atlhan bomerna uOt- tawa. Tom sud Mark Humhy, Hamil- ton, anc speuding Easter holidays wlth thair cousin, Bill Roenigk. Mrs. Ethel Corisb sud daugli- tam Jean, Toronto, with Mms. Bert Andrus. Mn. sud Mms. G. B. Bickle with Mm. sud Mns. C. L. Upper,. Peter- homo. Mn. T. H. Robinson, Rochester, Mr. sud Mrs. W. H. Calver, Raîpli, Eleanar sud Majaria, with Mrs. Minnie R. Barton. Misses Margaret sud Marloun Al- lin, Miss Amber Morton sud Miss EdiUi Truil vlsited New York dur- iug the Eastar holidays. Miss Thora Davison sud Miss Jean Grieve, Aima Collage, St. Thomas, with Rev. and Mrs. S.1 Davisan. Mn. and Mrs. J. G. Smith, De-1 trait, and Mrs. T. C. Smith, To-1 routa, with Mrs. Howard Douer,i Liberty Street. Miss June Allan, Whitby, and Mr. Joe Edgcrton, Toronto, were Easter visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. J. Living. Mr. O. J. Henderson, B.A., Mme. ýHenderson, and son Peter, 69 Hill- crest Drive, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. -W. W. Hendersan. Mrs, Beatnice Faim, Mm. David Bartlett, Toronto, and Mr. W. H. Hellyar, Clintan, were weeloend1 visitars with Mm. John and Miss Eva Hellyar. Dr. and Mms. Westrnan and daughtars, Joan, Barbara and Sheila, Toronto, and Mm. and Mru. Jack Minore, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. M. H . Minore, Centre St. Mm. Charles Spencer,Trnt Coilege, Port Hope, Mr. Geg Spencer, Niagara Falls, Mn..sad Mrs. D. B. Lockhart, Nancy sud Wendy, Toronto, Miss Norma Dickinson, Port Hope, Mm. Tom Spencer, Camp Borden, Mms. Dud- ley Oliver sud son Peter, Barrie,1 aud Rev. Cyril Goodiar, Sturgeoni Falls, with Bey. Canon C. R. Spn cer. Bey. C. Goodier assisted By Spencer lu bath tic morning and evening services. VIMY 1BANQUET <ContInued tram Page 1) the spirit ai service is still higli amougut those wbo servad at YimyRidga 22 years ago: that 1pni stilve.The Gavenmftt s thilled at Uic respouse b>' Uic ex-service men. If the Prima M'iister wil realiza that 350,000 vetarans, who hava sean service to Canada sud Empira, are pre- pared ta back hlm, bis bauds would ha graatly streugtheued. A vota ai thanks ta Uic speaker was propased by Past President Reg. Harding sud sacoudcd b>' Past Presideut J. A. Living. W. F. Rickard, M.P., sud Cecil Mercar, M.P.P., spoka hrieily cx- pressing their pleasure lu helng present sud cougrstulatiug the Canadian Legian on its public services sud expressiug their con- fidence lu their loyalty ta Canada sud Empira. A vary fine banquet was served b>' Uie ladies ai St. Ssviour's An- glican Churcli sud the A.Y.P.A. ai Orono, sud Uic wbole ai the ar- rangements for Uic evaning were under the supervision ai the Or- oua members ai the Canadîsu Legion. Vice Prasident George Maadows expressad thsuks ta the ladies sud the A.Y.P.A., sud Psst Presideut A. J. Lyle Uisuked Uic Orono committea ion their efforts resulting lu au enjoyable aveniug. SILVER WEDDING <ContlnUed tram Page 1) LIONS CLUB (Contln ued tram Page 1) miglit othcrwise bave neyer ne- cclved compensation. Oua ai thc most difficult proh- lemis is the cotrol ai the mentslly or physical>' daiective driver. Those suffcrng irom obviaus dis- abilties arc permittcd ta driva only if the>' can compensate for their dciects by mechaulcal de- vices sud the application ai un- usual cane. Other mathods ai daaling with epileptic sud meut- aily deiective pensons lias been grestly strcngthcued by an ar- rangement with the Dept. ai Haalth, whereby the>' report sucli casas. Standards ana also higli for visual efficiency sud auyoue show- iug an>' indication of weak siglit must have a certificate froni an oculist or optomctnist. Dci active eyesight, if it can ha correctad b>' Uic wearing ai glasses, lu no bar ta possession ai a dnivcn's liceuse, continued Mn. Rowau. Iu addition ta thesa oparations, Uic department conducts csm- paigns aimcd at wbolesale contraI sucli as work lu schools, efforts ta maintalu uniformit>' lu trafflc by-laws throughaut the province, investigations wbare accidents are tea numeraus lu any anc section ai the province, publicity cani- paigus ion unie driviug sud uta- tlstics on types, locations sud ne- sults ai accidents. surroundad yoursalvas sud how I - urnug bis addrcss, Mr. Rowau Uic axubersuca ai their yauth sud citéd esse historias ai accidents vigor bas parvadcd >'oum own gnd-skowod gruasome photagraphs spirits. The wonden lessens stiil to enphasiza the rasult ai cana- further whau wa Uink ai the lacs or eckless driving. close attachmeut ai your whale Thspae sinrde b f anily 'ta Uic Kirk, your faithful-D.TH. peakwanditucadtb>' ness ta the worship ai Uic sanctu- Dr.mW. H. irksth sudotu tan R. ar>' sud yaur uuvarying labor luJmsindUc oea hus han vineyard. Waitlug on Uic Provmncial Constable D. P. Mor- Lord, you hava ranawad your ris thsukcd the club ion iuvitiug yauth sud strength, sud in His himsli, Chiei ai Police Sydney' service you hava found Is peaca. Venton sud Traffic Officer W. F. Douhtless thase twa clamants, Thonipsan ta Uic meeting. Othar Mn. McIlveun, a happy home lice guesta includcd Hubert Osborna, sud a vigorous cliumch lha, have Bowmsuvilla, sud E. B. Heury', had their cffect on Uic contacts Toronto. you bava made with sîl sorts sud Allan Kuiglit was the wiuuer ai conditions ai men, sud Mms. Mc- a lucky ticket cantest sudrmcciv- Ilvecu, Uic graciousuess ai your cd a large chocolata rabhît. gcuamous hospitalit>' sud daspita Prasideut J. J. Brown, who lu the iact that you hava mauy home also District Governor, will psy aud social duties, you hava fouud bis official visit ta the local club tuae ta share lu Uic variaus local on April 24th. activitias. Hauce, you hava won Committea reports showad that sud mtained Uic respect sud es- cousdarable work had beau doue teani ai Uic autire communit>'. at Bowmanville Hospital, a Hobby Wa falicitata you bath on your Show will take place this month, silvr wadir day, sud trust that sud the Saf et>'Cmîtcl lu God's kind providence lu Uic planning a pragrani ion the ucar uext twcnty-five yaarsyou shall future. ha able ta transmute Uiis silvcr Safet>' Chairmsu Russell Os- anc inta a golden one. banna racaived considerable chid- Mm. Mcllvecn made a very fit- ing ou bis iirst appearauca at the ting rapl>'. . club since sustainiug s iracturad Mr. sud Mms. Mcllvaan wanc kneacap lu a faîl fnom an apple marriad on April 9, 1914, at Uic trac. Mr. Osborne was insistent home ai the brida's parants, Mn. that ha did not faîl from an apple sud Mms. A. Asquith, Auburn, trac, but ioîlowad instructions Ont., b>' Rev. Win. Raithby, cou- neyer ta Icave a ladder. It was sin ai Uic bride, assisted b>' Rav. the laddar that icîl. Laing, thc former bing fom t. Tomas, while Rev. Laing was Ui Preshyterisu ministar lu Au- And than thena was that Clave- hurn. Aitar teir mariage, Uic>' land hasçball fanuatte who mar- îived lu Watiord 6 yeams, Arn- riad a first hasaman anc day sud priar 4 years, Lansdownc 5 yeams, was dascrtad Uia uext. Out at sac- coming ta Bowmanvulle tcn yeas ond. - Stratiord Beacon-Harald. ago, whcre Mr. Mcllvaau succaed- Kuowladga lu good; using it cd Mr. J. A. McClailau as mana- wisely iu better. 1- as manager ai the Tamblyn Drug ger af the Bank of Montreal. Mr. W. E. Mcllveen and Mrs. George Pattarson af Toronto were the only ones prescut who were at the wedding. Other guests froni out ai town included, Miss Jean Mclvaen, Mrs. W. E. Mc- Ilveen and Miss Erma Syming- ton, al of Toronto. Aiter the presentation, deiglt-1 Mu refreshments wera served, thej fsature baing a beautiful thnee-1 loyer wedding cake topped with1 oWeet peas, which, ai course, was eut*by the bride. 0f thair six sons, five were preseut, Bob being unabla ta came1 , lie is studying atO.AC, ~.uph. Frank is an the staff afi the Bank of Commerce at Orono,1 Charles, Donald and Gilbert at-1 tend Bowmanville Higli Scbool, while Eric, thc youngest, attendsj Public Schaol. lTe gathering dispcrsed in thc early hours ai Uie mamning, al wlshing Mr. and Mrs. Mcllveeu many mare years ai marital bliss, and hoping ta be present at thein golden auuiversary. As well as receiving a silver service from their friends, theyj msa received a silven pitcher from the staff ai the bank at a dinnen E arty at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. C. Langs on Wednesday eveiig. Thair sans presentad their par- ents with a coffee vaculator as a token ai their lave and hcst wishes. Parke-Da; Antacid i For Heatburu, Saur Stamac] Price 2 PASMOI UTNITEDfl fIG .----- STUDIO LOUNGES LII rablets Indigestion, Db, Etc. Me 1 RES Chest Rub For Instant Relief 39C LR STORE Emiis illenStore. . . Miss M. E. Virtue, To- ________routa, with friands hera. . . Mr. Mrs. H. Argue, Bowmauville, Josephi Stevenson home froni Ras- wil ha the guest speaker at Sun- tle... Mn. Roy Trewin with Mn. daynigt ervce Apil 11 wh -Garald Ingles, Lamne Park .... day Wiltsevc, pi n1,wa Mr sud Mrs. F. McGill sud Dou- Ui WM.S. Easter Thauk-offering nie, Toronto, with friands lier ... will H had. reiedovrMiss Claa Page, Toronto, Miss heY. .. rLaayprsiedovrGladys Page, Oshawa, with Mrs. Uic .P.. Apil th.The meet- Etta Page. .. Miss Myrtla Page is ing was in charge ai Fallowship lu Toronto wîth Mrs. F. McGill. Coadnerb Ruth Stevnson; Bibles Miss Olga Sanderson with Mr. rned .g hR uUi Sev eus n Ms W m. Robinson, Kedal. . . . M . panoe so an faoy vn with a Murray Sandersn with Mrs. Wmn. plaa slo;"Vctoy OerDeathI" Oke. . . Mrs. Norman Wright lu was Uic papen very sbly taken by Taranto sud Hamilton. . . Miss Mms. Jean Burr; guitar selectiaus Raya McGill with Mms. T. McGill. wenc given hy Mr. Jack Johnson; . . Mr. Herbent Wright wiUi fr1- eading, I'Just Suppose" by Mms. ends ....... Mn. sud Mns. C. Gra- M. Heard. Miss Ruth Stevenson ham, Courtice, with Mrs. C. Boyd. took charge ai contests. . . Mrs. Beatty, Lindsay, with Mms. Sunday School will commence R. Gardon. .. Mr. sud Mrs. Mar- at 10 o'clock next Suuday mamu- Wood Heandsud Elgin at Mr. lng, when thare will ba practica Lamne Hoskiu's, Tyrone. . . Mr. for Uic anniversary. sud Mme. G. Whittaker, Oshawa, A goodly numben attended Uic with Mm. sud Mms. R. Gnififlu... chunch service Suuday eveuing, Mrs. W. Stainton sud Elcanar, To- Rev. H. Lackey's sermon bcing routa, wi friands banc. .. Mrs. "The Resunrectian ai Christ." Ells Pascoe, Brooklu, at Mn. E. Suuday Schaol was lic hefarn C. Ashtou's. ai au Easten prognani, the infant __________ class singing "Jesus Loves Me." Miss Jean Crossman gave an Eas- TRINIITY Y. P. U. tan recitatian; vocal duet b>' Miss- as Lamna Rahm sud June Ashton; An Easter programi was the or- littla Darathy Stainton favarad dan ai service with Trinit>' Y.P.U. wi a vocal solo. Mauday cvauing. The meeting op- Mrs. T. M. Slemon wasluneucd with s dramatic worship charge af Uic W. A. pragrami Apnil service, "The Risen Christ" hy 5th, which wss ou "The Royal Jack Dunn's graup. Ada Clark, Faniily." Mrs. Sleman gave a Thelma Schlievert, Johu Ashtou, rcadiug on the "Quacu"; Mms. M. Hubert Hoaper sud Jack Dunu Hohbs a rcsding ou "Pnlncass took part lu the worship service, Elizabeth"; "Military Variations" during which Veda Purdy sud was a piano solo b>' Mrs. C. Cross- Hazel Rundle rcudared s vocal man; readiug on "Queeu Eliza- duet, sud George Belîman s violin bath" by Mrs. C. Virtue. solo.. Lamna Clarke, aur former Recaut Visitons: Mr. sud Mns. pianist, presided at the piano lu M. J. Rohbs sud Joan with rela- the absence ai Keuneth Soanes, tives in Lindsay sud Part Hope... aur ragular pianist, who is hall- Miss Elsie Moore, Toronto, with daying at bis home. Miss Thora Mm. sud Mrs. Wm. Moore. .. Miss Davison iavored with an Easter Hilda Richards witb Miss Alice readiug and hanr distinctive styla Ashton. . . Mr. sud Mrs. S. May' drew a hearty burst ai applausa. sud Billie, Mn. McKelvcy, Toron- The business meeting was con- ta, Mr. sud Mrs. I. Travaîl sud ductad hy Presidant Hubert Hoop- Bath, Oshawa, at Mn. E. C. Ash- an, durîug which Douglas "Blunt tau's. . . Mrs. H. Stevens with gave a report ai the Prashyter>' Mrs. C. R. Waltou, Patarboro. Mr. convention at Columbus April 1 Walton bas bacu rcceutly trans- sud 2. It was annouuced that Hu- ierred from Ottawa ta Petarboro hart Hooper had beau elected 1. DRY METH'OD-Using the new impmoved Cemesan Dust Disinfactant. Sead may be trcated naw and sawn anytime witbin 60 days. Can be used with equal safety for whaat, oats or balay. ContraIs ail smuts and usually increases yield 10 par cent ta 20 par cent. One pound tmeaaý 32 bushals (3c par bushel). Ceresan, 1 lb. $1.00 5 -lb.$3.90 2. WET METHOD-Using Formaldehyda (Formnilin) saad must be sown within 24 haurs. Nat recommanded for whcat or liul-less grains.'1.6 oz. treata 30 - 40 bushels Formaîdehyde, 16 oz. 25e 32 oz. 40e WHY NOT TREAT SEED GRAIN WITIE CERESAN NOW. IT WILL PAY DIVIDENDB NEXT FALL. Phone 792. Prompt Delivery By Mail Rural Deivary Frac On Ail Ordars Over $2.00 Rapid-Flo Filtar Dis 100's - - - - Nema Worm Capsule Ail sizes in stock Cooper's Kerol 45c - 75c - Bell 's Medical Wond( Bell's Condition Powder - 50c- Cooper 's Dri-Kil- 40e les $1.25 cmr $1 $2.0W 75 Stops Calds Quiekly Take C.B.Q. Tablets Price- - - - - 25c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McCoeffo AGENOY Phono 792 DRUGS Bowmanvil.e ---B ED OUTFITS Are Featured la Morris Ce. April Furalture Sale Reg Savings of 1-4 to 1-3 on Sample Studios, Reg. Hn I Repp - Homespun - Velour Covers, $27.5011l Full Panai Bagles Walnut Grain Bcd *pring pring-Filled Royal Rest Xattressi Other 3 plece Bcd 0Outflts $1 2.75, 14.95, $1 9.50, ail sizes 3 PC. STUDIO S UIT E $3950f Walnut Arms, Tuba Back, Spring-Filled Cualions and Mattressas Wamdroba Box in Base Orano 27 R 1 I -s.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,~TREAT SEED GRAIN LowëtFOR SMUT, Prices Two Effective Methods Are Suggested DRESS UP For Spring Scores ot umew Dresses, Coats, Ha and Suite have becnu upaeked this week. (iet ready for Sprint - You'fl find the. best seleotion of Sprint merchandise et Couch, Zohuston & Cryderman'. New Dresses .5 ~ A hundred or more to choose front * Priel as10w ase NEW SPRING COATS .. $9.75 to $35.00 [>RESS UP THE HOME TOO We doubt if we ever had a fluer stock of New Curtalus, Curtalu Nets and Over-Drapes. And we have soute- tblng that will suit your budget. If there'. auythlug new lu curtailu you eau bc sure that w. have It. Sprlng Accessorles 0f Ail Klnds Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 83 LIMITMD Bawmanvile Fe F. MORRIS CO, Bowmanville 480 Amazing Reductions IN MONARCH YARNS MONARCH DOVE now oni>'15e bail MONARCH CREPE DE LAINE uow on>' 25e akein. MONARCH ANDALUSIAN now only 20e hall. MONARCH SILVERTWISIP uow ouly 15e bail. SOMETINONEW 3 ply Audalustan - Big Yardage oui>' 15o per bell. WALLPAPER Sc our Suntested aud Sun- worthy Waflpapers before dec- oratlng your roonate hs Sprlug. We carry sufficleut number of molls lu stock lu the most popu- 1er patterns to take care of your Immediate needa wlthout dela>'. Souvenir Pictures of the Royal Family Somethlng ever>' home should have - already mounted only 1 9c each JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanville drama convener ta the Oshawa Presbytery. Business ni e e t i n g closed with preparations for the visit ai Orono Y.P.U. next Mon- day. First shawiug in this district ai the famous Glbert & Sullivan aperetta "Mikado" will take place at Marks Tbeatre, Oshawa, be- ginning Mouday, April 17, and Lcoutinuing for the entira wffeek. .It is a wonderful production 1which everyane should see. SCOTI EMUýLr ---------- 1 ------- lç ......... ......... -------------------- . . . . . . . .......... . PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOýVý\IANVILLE, ONTARIO t

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