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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1939, p. 9

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____T1113 RONO NEWS I.O.O.F. DANCE US HUGE SUCCESS Over 200 attendcd the I.O.O.F. dance la Orono Town Hall Friday 1nlght. The hall was decorated in orange and blue, wlth pendants af the crepè paper hangiag from the lights and strips wouad around the posts. Two banners showing thc chain of Frlendship, Love and Truth, and the tasks outlined for members (visit the sick, bury the dead, relieve the distressed, and educate the orphan), and thc date af the formation of the society, 1819-1939, and the lodgc number 436, on them, were hung anc on each side of Uic hall. Duriag the cvening these prizes werc won: Ham - Wm. Bac, Bow- manville; Basket of groccries - Stan Payne, Orono; Basket of fruit - Muriel Morton, Orono; Consolation prize - Howard Chal- lis, Bowmanvillc. Fancy hats were- distributcd, whilc twicc balloons werc thrown from Uthc gallery which wcre toss- cd hither and yan by the gay dancers. W. J. Riddell spoke a few words of appreciation toa ah who had came, and arauad mid- nlght lunch was servcd consisting af sandwiches, cake and coffee. At 1.15 the dancers of thc light fantastic weaded their way home, mnucb appreciating thc good timc, and Uic music supplicd by thc Rythmers orchestra for Uic ac- césion. Park St. Union Farty members of Orono Park St. Union journeyed ta Bawman- ville Monday night ta be guests of the Trinlty Church Union, a very pleasant eveniag being spent. Fallowmng words of welcome by the president and reply by the Orono president, the worship committee of Orona took charge of the Waorship periad. Mervyr Keane led in prayer, Olive Brown read the scripture, Betty Rowe read a story, and Enid CobbledicE played for the hymns. The followiag program was giv- en: Vocal solo, Stella Best, witli Myrtie Smith at the piano; twc piano duets by Enid Cobbledick and Jim Powcrs; tapic, Miss M. Williams; two accordion solos by Doris Whyte; vocal solo by Lois Wood; humorous readiag by Myr- tle Smith. A lively period af games follow- cd, after which a lovely lunch was served by the Bowmanville fri- ènds. Rev. S. Littlewood, Orono, mov- cd a vote of thanks ta the Bow- manville Union which was hum- orously replied ta by a member of the Bawmanville Union. Before You Insure Consuit Confederatîon Lié Associiiiiolt One af the Worici'b, Great Life Insuran,-,ý Renuwried for Strength, Service cind secur:ty Since i8;1. .y iy Le p ,e n n e k 1- h n Miss Helen Spence visitcd bere.' Mr. and Mrs. Lançe, Toronto, vlsitcd here. Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson, Mon- treah, have movcd into Mr. J. F. Lorriman's bouse. Mrs. J. J. Mehhor visitcd la To- onta. Mrs. George Mitchell visitcd la Toronto. Miss Eva Pattcrson le visitlag Mr. and Mrs. S. Soucb. Mrs. J. C. Gammy visited la Toronto. Misses Tourjce, Toronto, visitcd here. Mme. Evans le III, with Miss Marion McKchvie in attendance. Mr. ad Mrs. Virtue visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Sbaw. Miss Ethel Rutherford visitcd la Toronto. Mrs. Gco. Butters is visitlag la Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoocy speat April l2tb la Toronto. Miss Muriel Patterson visited la Toronto. Miss Ehenor Rosboraugb visitedi Mm. and Mrs. R. C. Rosborougb. Prof. Milton Staphes, Guelph, visited at bis home bere. Schaol re-opcaed Moaday for9 the last lap. Now for the finals. Mr. and Mrs. Hiltz and family" have movcd ta Ncwcastle. Mr. LeRoy Brown la home from O. A. C., Guelph. Mrs. C. Knox bas rcturncd - home from the haspital. Miss Freeda Wilson visitcd ila Tooto.1 Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs.1 Allia Hall on). tUii marriage. cd Mr. and Mrs. R. Forrester. Orono Union vieited Triaity Union, Bowmanville, on Moaday. kMr. John Mihison, B.Sc., Wel- 1.hand, visitcd Mm. and Mme. Harry yMillson. Mrs. W. Patterson, Wcstbaro, visîtcd here and attcaded the fun- cmal af Mrs. Wm. Patterson. Mr. and Mme. IH. Awde and fam- sihy, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Awdc. A number from heme atteadcd Uic funcral at Newcastle af Rcv. Scott Howard. Miss McGinnis visitcd with ber rcousins, Misses Laura and Isabelle and Mr. Clarence Allia. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mme. Charles Glanvilie on Uic birtb af a son. Sympathy is extcndcd ta Uic relatives af the late Mme. Wm. Patterson. A number af Scouts from here attended the Cychorazaa at To- monta Friday.. Miss Mac Glcany was the lucky winner of a radia. Congratula- tions, Mme. A number from bere are at- tending the W.M.S. Pmcsbyterial at Oshawa to-day. MisRuth Trott ac! Party af f'iends fmom Port Hopec attcnded the I.O.O.F. dance Friday night. Mr. ac! Mme. Henry Yoakem and son Fred visited relatives heme. Mise Mary Tambhyn visited wiUi hem sister, Mme. Van Harne,*VWhit- by. Mm. and Mme. Russell Wilson and fmmily, Oshawa, spent Sua- day at Mm. O. W. Scott's. Mm. aad Mme. George Keane and Frances, and Mcss. Bob and John Keane, Toronto, visltcd Mm. and Mme. A. H. Keane. Mr. and Mme. Fred Larriman, Tomonto, and Mme. R. Ells, South Porcupine, weme bere this week- end. Mme. W. H. Rowe ac! Mme. W. C. Lynch took part la Uic Home and Scbaol pmogram at Brawa's Apmihl 1lUi. Fricade wcrc ghnd ta sec Mm. and Mme. P. C. Bmown, Wbitby, and Mme. Fred Souch, Toronto,in town Sunday. Among Uic wlanems la Uic Star Wcekhy conteet we notice the name af J. H. Wintcr af Toronto, formerly af Orono. Mm. and Mms. Sandereon aad baby, Peterboro, visited relatives here, on Sunday, Uic latter mc- maiaing for a longer visit. Mrs. O. Saadercock was on the sick list Sundmy. Mies L. Ahlia took berp lace at Uic organ at Park St. Chumcb. Mies Betty Stapheton, Newton- ville, visited Mm. and Mme. John Morris Fridmy and taak la the I.O.O.F. dance. Amoag Uic winncrs at O.E.A. public speaklag coateet we aotic- cd the ame af Margaret Bennett, Port Hope, wbo finlshcd Ioumtb. St. Georges A.Y.P.A. of Oehawa presents "Here Cames Charlie," auspices Park St. Union, la Omono Town Hall, Friday, Apml 2lst, at 8 p.m. Admission 25ceac! 15c. Mr. Oscar Scott rcturned Sua- day from Petembaro, wheme be bas beca visiting Mr. ac! Mrs. W. K. -Sloanc, wbo motored hlm bnck, remainlag for Uic day. At Park St. Cburcb Sunday ev- enîng a second musical number wbicb was mucb appreciatcd 'was a solo by Miss Lois Wood, "Do Not Borrow from To-morrow." Mrs. V. Tarvis, Lion's Head, visitcd ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Rowe, wbile ber echool was undcrgoing repaire. Mesrs. Oraisby and Brighton af Part Hope spoke at the Angli- can Cburcb Sunday aftcraoa, the former ilathUi terets of the Dcanery work. and the latter tel- ing how the duplex cavehopes work la the cburch be attends. Four Woods took the collection at churcb to-day - Fred Wood, Richard Wood, Charles Wood aad Maahcy Litthewood - was a witty remark madc Sunay aigbt mter Park St. service. Mr. and Mrs. Thas. Cowan ar- rivcd home Sunday from the sua- ay south. Thcy have 3 trees <2 orange ac! 1 hemon) wbicb bore arouad an average of 100 fruit, Tom smys. Thcy averaged 400 miles a day whihe travelling. A number froxa bere tteadcd anniversary services at St. An- drew's Cburch, Bowmanville, an Suaday. Mr. R. Logan assisted wltb the music at the moring service. A aumber af members af L.O.L. and their ladies werc in Liadeay, April 12, wbea Uic Orono degre tcam competed for the Shipmaa Trophy. Orono hast Uic traphy by anc point. It was won by Reaboro. The anauah Eater Tea sponsor- cd by St. Snviour's Anglican Church hast Wcdacsday was a most enjoyable eveat. T a b 1 e s looked lovcly with yclhow dafo- dils gracing tbcm, and thc menu - dcviled eggs, cohd ment, sahad, lettuce, pickles, jehhy, browa and white bread, cake, piceac! tea -1 heft aothing ta be desimcd. The ladies are surchy ta be congratu- hated on Uic splendid event. Obituary Mme. Wm, Patterson, Orono Mrs. Wm. Patterson paseed mway at ber home la Orono April 12Ui, mter a eagtby illces. De- cceed, who wouhd bave been 88 November 8tb, was the daugbtem af the late Mm. ac! Mme. James Armastrong. Sbe was bora in South Moaagbaa,.Peterboro distict, and hater moved to Kendal. Here she Emarried Wm. Patterson, who pmc- dcccased ber 21 ycars mgo. Fol- lawiag ber marriage Uic couple livcd la Oak ac! later Orono, wbcre she bas lived for Uic past 22 years, ber busband dylag anc ycar after moviag bere, on Sept. 3rd, 1918. The fuacral wms beld from the reeidecc on Friday, Uic minister af Park St. Cbumcb, af whicb de- ceascd was a member, Rcv. S. Littlewood, officiatiag. Pall bear- crs werc: Harold Cthcart, James Baird and Maaeon Ctbcart af Peterbomo, Elwood and Wihl Pat- terson, bath af Toronto, ac! Sihas Soucb af Orono. Among those prescat from a distance were: Mm. and Mme. Har- old Cthcart, Maneon and Domo- Uiy, Mm. ac! Mme. James Baird, Mme. Anclrew Armastrong, ml of Peterbomo; Mme. Philipe ac! Miss Marion McLean, Mm. ac! Mme. Wm. Patterson, Mm. ac! Mme. CliI- ton Patterson, Mme. Legate, ail of Toronto- Mm John Mcillananmac mes. ýiom son, Cobourg; Mme. John White, Starkville. Floral tributes were mmny ac! beautiful, showlag Uic respect ac! sympathy of Uic community ta Uic two daugbters, Mme. Silas Soucb, Orona, Mise Eva Patter- son, Oono, ac! Uic son, Wm. Pat- terson af Tomonto, wha survive to moura Uic lose of a loving mother. WEST INDUES <Continued from page 2) It's a unique idea aayway. And beme is Uic most gigantic statue in bronze I ever hope to see, mcpme- scntlag Uic Rcpublic. One can be impmessed wiUi its size, but in my opinion, it lsanmything but beauti- ful. However, my opinion will not worry Uic Cubans. At nigbt wc bac! dinner on board Uic sbip, thea jolaec! a paty ta sec a litthe af Uic aigfi ile in Havana, wbicb was an item on evemyone's must ist. Wc visited, among other thinge ac! places, the Jal-Alai <proaounced Hi-Li) games - thc natioal balh game, wbich la fast, lurlous ac! excit- ing. At Sans Souci, wbere Uic dance Ihoor la a patio open ta the Mrs ac! flaaked by ipahms, wc eaw a floor show af native dances - rhythm, Ihasblag cye, exciting tempo - ac! bow tbey manipulate those castanets le a marvellous myetery to Uic uniaitimted. Ia the eml hboume we went back ta the sbip over wet streets wbeme Uic gutters man full. It muet have been raining buckets - Uicy y ay It doe la the tropice. And ta-diay Uic sblp le moving swiftly, mucb too swifthy, north. By ta- marow altemnoon the sunebine wihh be pale again, ac! a jacket wihh ledl comfotable. But let us be gay! We have two day. ac! two asgbts on boamd yct, ac! thie eveaing la Uic CaptUlin's Farewel Dianer, which wiil maet assumed- lbe a gala affair, follawed by a sow ac! dancing until - - ? So for now, I'll use one af the two words la my Spanisb vocabulary ac! smy, Adios, Elsie Carrutheme. AFTER 40 . .. your kridneys tend ta slow up. If theseblaod filteru becomne inflamed, «x. ceun acid stays in the system. Nei pointed acid crystals lodge in Jointe and muscles setting UP irritation and rheu- matic pains. Take Gin Pilla ta atimulate kidneys and gept arompt relief. Two Sises -. -E. g S. New Eoonomy Biz.-- 5 (Double the Quantity> Browa's Home & Schaal Club met April llUi. Mm. Caucb ead a card af thanke frorn the Clark lmmily for the flowers sent the late Mme. Wm. Clark. The Club will meet May 9th, 2ad Vice Presi- dent Sidney Brownanmac commit- tee havmng charge af the lunch ac! prograni. Firet Vice President Miss Simpson bac! charge of this program wbich was much eajay- cd: Piano duet by Missee Mar- garet Pearce ac! Reita Cooke; me- citation by Hazch Brown; Rcv. R. E. Morton spoke on Citizenebip; piano solos by Mme. Lynch; rcmd- ing by Mme. Rowc; musical selcc- tion by Edgar Mihison ac! Harmy Burley; piano solo by Mise Phylhis McNeil; solo by Mme. Kennetb Wermy. Freemnan Eddy Uianked Uic speaker ac! other entertala- ers. After n Icw conteste lunch was semvcd. Schoal la closed until April 24th on accouat af sevemal cases af memeles la Uic comxnity. Melvin Graham ac! Fred Couch rke Township SOCIAL AND PERSONAL PHONE 40rlO f News of, Clai SCOUTNEWS Clarke Union Thurdaynigh th reglar Miss Mamie Archer spent the 3 Thrsda nigt th reglarweekend at Mr. H. J. Souch's. tmeeting of Boy Scouts was held MssEaPtronOroi witb2 neet. Plans were coin- vsta tM.S Suhs pted frgoing ta Toronto tevWUictM.S.D ouhs next day, and games werc enjoy- Mr. Roy Berry is busy making cd. maple syrup. Fýriday, five carloads went ta Mir. Wilfred Shcrwin, Guelph Uic Cyclorama at Toronto, M. H. Coflege, holidayed at home. Staphes, G. M. Linton, Cal Myles, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carnish, Part John Grady and J. J. Melhar going Peiry, visited her mother, Mrs. with the boys. About 30 weat al- !lva Allin. Roy aiso took a trip ta together. Wind1sor and reports seeding on mis has been pranouaced anc Uic way. of the fincst displays of boys' Mr. Sic! Morgan, Toronto, calhcd work ever ta be given in Uic Do- at Mfr. S. D. Souch's. Lminion. Over 100 booths display- Miss Eilecn Souch and Miss ,ing hobbies anid boys' handicraft, on Clrehv rtuedo 1 hadel acroplanes, baskets, etc.L, lrb aercundt were in full swing. At night a big their schools. jamboree was bc]d when the boys built a rope bridge and alsa a bigç cedar pole bridge, as wdll as a ro e C ek 30-foot towcr of pales. About 500 .____ were in Uic ring at once, and it is M.adMs akRi pn cstimated Uiat 35,000 attended al- r.ad rsJck eispt togthe. Oe Uingtha sowed Sunday with Mrs. Rcid's parents Uic kiadly feelings betwecn Unit- ~Mlbok ed States and Canada was Uic cx- Mfr. Raymond Gilniour and changiag af greetings and flags cousin from Niagara Falls visited between a United States troop with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmaur. from New York Stater and thc Many fromn here attcnded the Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, annual banquet of Uic Men's Club Toronto, traop. Exhibitions of in Newtanvilhc. They rcportcd a tuiftbling were given also. Mca good time and good food. and wamen were la charge of Uic Mrs. J. J. Mellor, Orono, visited Scouts and Cubs - none of wbom Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford. will forget this glorious day. Misses Mildred and Maxine Woodl visited with Mrs. Charley Newtonvllle Mon'. ei and Miss Hazel Reid, New- Club Holde Second Masters Billie Hale, Stewart Annual Banquet WoodJimnie Gilmour and Mas- Ncwtoavilhe Mcn's Club bcld career this week. their second annual banquet la Uic Suaday scbool room of Uihvll United Church._There were about Cowanvil sixty preseat and alh rcDortcd a ____ splendid time. The ladies excelhcd Misses Kathleen Simpson, Vel- themscîves in providing good mn Cowan and Mary Gctlick sang Uhigs ta cnt and Uic tables wcre at Massey Hall, Toronto. s0 splendid that when the mcm- Two new pupils have startcd ta bers stcpped into Uic hall Uiey school, Helen Brownanad Doreen wcre imprcssed with Uic thought Cheescboroughbt ri th that this was going ta be a ban-bath from the J.uJ. Mnehrpesdato Uc Mr. Alfred Perrin visitcd his J. J Melorpreiden ofthesister la Hamilton. club, ncted as toastmastcr, and Mrs. Mari ory Haskill, Port Hope aIter conducting a sing-sang Uh ic ie her parenscra adMs follwin proram wascariedS. Porteous. Mr. Porteous has had out: Toast ta the King; la propos- Uic flu. ing Uic toast ta aur Empire, Len Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wigg and Irelnd spoke about Uic grcatncss baby. daughter, Toronto, visitcd of Uic Empire aad'bow much wc Mr. ac! Mrs. S. C. Hughes. owe ta it as Canadians. He de- e an Mr.WsStig, ploed he pirt ehid te Dc-Oronc, visited with Mr. and Mrs. tators and warned against aur J J W. Stringer. gctting toa easy la aur ways. Enster services wcrc weli at- Lawrence Savery respandcd and tcaded coasidering the flooded based his remarks on Uic fact of condition of the roads. Sacrament aver a century of peace betwcca of the Lord's Supper was admia- neighbors as showa la Uic States sed. uay and Canada, and hoped that thatiseeSudy example would inspire Europcan powcrs ta seck pence in a ncigb- Ne tn il borly way.- e tn il Bull Laing propased Uic toast ___ ta oiur Counties, and Bert Reid, Mr. W. Hancock, Peterboro, la Warden, respanded very ably. busy remodelling his house here Frank Gilmer gave Uic toas~t to which he purcbascd from Miss aur Club and Cecil Payne re- Lorraine Milligan. spaadcd. BoUi spoke of Uic bene- Mr. Willis Joncs braught bis fit ta be derived fromn member- new rnehoefi Cnng shiPinsca eaigscey to Friday and began puttiag it The toast ta Uic Ladies was pro- la Maaday. Mill is clascd Uiis- pascd by Mac Irwin, and Missweck. Laing respondcd. Mr. Jas. Stark madc a trip to The chief speaker was Rev. W. Brantford this wcck. J. H. Smythe, B.A., af Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buliied and He gave his papular Irish lecture Mr. Reynolds, Apslcy, visitcd Mrs. and he was enîoyed by ail. John Jackson and calied on Mr. mhe Club bas decided to carry E. Bullied la Bowmanville Hospi- on al Uic year round rather Uian tal. Mrs. Lamne Paeden, Flint, close for Uic summer manths. The Mc ssaigi omnil _____meting_______May___ . ta benear ber father, Mr. E. Bul- lied. STORY 0F THE Recent Visitors: Mrs. Dave Pat- ROYALSTANDARD terson, Ottawa, Mrs. Manson-Com- Fowlcr, Joan Foster and twa sis- Calacident wiUi Uic forthcom- ters, Wbitby, with Mrs. John Jack- ing Canadian tour af Their Ma- son'. Miss Olga Sanderson, En- jesties, an attractive lhustrated aiskillen, with Mrs. Ceci! Robin- pamphlet containing Uic histary son... Mrs. Edgar Osborne, Bow- of Uic Royal Standard, Uic per- manville, witb ber father, Mr. sonal flag af King George VI, is Brock Pethick. .. Master Gardon bclag distributed ta hacal schooh ca ihM. rhrMKy children. The Royal Standard isMcay iUi Mr.nd AthuMrsMcHayl printed la color on the front aofStarkocogWseville, ad iU Mrs.Hrh ihthe varpletaudsevebanr sand Mrs. Elmer Randall and John showthevarius annes tat.with Mrs. H. Randaîl. .. Mrs. Wil- have served as Uic flage af Britishlis Joncs la' Wamkworth and klags duriag Uie hast 700 ycare.1 brought Bud and Fac home... The pamphlet la eatithed "The1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Redknapp and Story of Uic Royal Standard." It Alfred wiUi Mr. ac! Mrs. W. was writtcn by E. E. Robinson, an Chester, Oshawa. . . Miss Helen emphoyec af The Bell Telephone'Anderson, Round Lake, at home. Company of Canada in Montreal.. Miss Florence Burlcy, Toronto, whosc hobby is heraldry, and first at home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred ippearcd la "The Blue Bell," Uic Couch and Mrs. Hotson, Newcas- nonthhy magazine published by tle, witb Mms. Norman Samis... bhat Company for its employecs. Miss Leona Lane, Colbamne, witb T'he free distribution af Uic pam- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane. .. Mr. phlet here bas been made possible ancd Mrs. Wm. Staphetan aad fam- haouih athomtis nd ic loca Orono werc delegates ta the L. O. L. con- vention at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Far- row and Wylma, Mrs. Walter Far- row and Hazel Brown were la To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldrcd spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alldrcd. Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner and Sam with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen. Mr. Robt. maompson, Orana, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Farrow. Mr. Jack Kerr bas returaed ta the Wcst after bciag bere for about two ycams. Starkville April sbawcrs, Uiey say bring forth May flowems. May thîs thougbt brlag cheer and hope ta teaxiaus farmers wbo arc feel- ing uaeasy about getting at their sprlag work. Mrs. Fox and family bave re- turncd ta Toronto after visiting her sister, Mrs. G. Silver. A man from Uic Hydro bas been caling an people la this viclaîty. Sa loôk out for Starkvilc clectric' ligbts. Miss Meda Hmlowell bas been laid up with the flu. Miss Myrtlc Farrow, Part Hope, spent a few days at home. Mr. Ed. Ruthven, Zion, visited la this section an Suaday. Miss Helena Hallowell bas re- tumned ta Toronto. Mr. Lavera Farrow bas been under the doctor's care, but is im- praviag. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hallowell, Toronto, visited Mr. Jacob Hallo- well. Members af the Farrow family wbo were home have returned ta their variaus places of occupation. ATru ,ck for Every Need - A Price for Every Purse " IMPROVED GMC "2419 Six-Cylinder, Valve-ln-Hend TRUCK ENGINE " NEW V-TYPE SAFETY CABS " NEW 2-ON CONVENTIONAL SERIES " NEW 2-TON CA"-VER-ENGINE MODELS " NEW STREAMLINE DESIGN " HEAVY-DUTY HYDRAULIC BRAKES " DIAEHRAGM SPRING CLUTCH Whatever your hauling problem, you'Il find the answer in the GMC Power Uine for 1939. Priced with the lowest, you save front the start because a GMC Truck costs les to buy- lus to rua. So cut your hauling cos with GMC Truck&. The range includes modela from 1/2. ton to 15 tons, with a Cab-Over-Engine sertes and a complete lime of Diesel. Truly a truckc for every need-a price for every purse. Available on the easy monthly payments of the General Motors Instalment Plan. ROY NICHOLS Courtice Bowmanvllle 1 T e G C D al..R e ia l , l et e ru k h l s1 TUA - i Kendalexpected ta be present. Ladies Kenda arehaving an exchange'o peren- niais, bulbs, slips, ètc., so brlng Mr. Jack Bryson is visiting Mr. what you have. The roll cal! is T. McMullen, Bowmanvillc. salads. Miss Pearl and Mr .Roy Horton, Young People's Union Thursday Toronto, visited at Mr. Fred was ma charge of Wilma Carson Boyd's. and Archie Hoy. A n interesting Mr.andMr. Vrno Pacoktoie was taken by A rt h ur Mr. nd rs.Veron eacckThompson. Jackson and Allan, Elizabethville, Mr. I. Little and son Harold visited Mrs. A. Jackson. visited Mrs. I. Little who la in Mrs. A. Jackson has returned Bowmanville Hospital. from visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Honey of Milliken who ac- companied her home. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Quantrili, L k h rC ak Elizabethville, visitcd Mr. andLa eS o , l 'ie Mrs. George Quantrili who have been confmned ta their bcd with Recent Visitors: Mr. Leslie Bone, the flu. Toronto, with Mr. Baden Powell. W. I. met in the library, with - . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred Mrs. R. Mercer in charge. Rail and Doreen, Maple Grave, with cali was answered by 'A Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allun. .. Mrs. Perennial.' Mrs. McKenna agreed Glen Pallard and f amily, Lock- ta act as librarian for the sum- hart's, with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace mer. The library is ta be open Holmes. .. Miss Margaret Over- every Thursday from 7 ta 9. Mrs. end, Toronto, with Miss Bessie Charlie Cooper gave an interest- Lake... Mrs. Wm. Lake and Miss mng accouat of the life and Bessie with Mrs. Harold Skinner, achievements of Sir Thomas Stan- Tyrane. .. Mrs. Chas. Bedwin and ton who was bora in Kendal in Mr. Arthur BedwIn, Browa's, wfth 1875, and who, by his medical re- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker... Mr. searches, especially in tropical Jerome Johnston, Toronto, with diseases, had become famous. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Jaynes. R. Mercer gave a talk on aur Wild Genevieve and Leonàrd Bowler, Flowers and also showed how we who have been holidaying with can make beautiful wlld flower their sister, Mrs. Milton Brown, gardens around aur homes. Mrs. have returned home. ta Harmony. Luxon and Mrs. Martineil held -a Master Billie Klrkpatrick, who flower contest whose jumbled let- has been living with Mr. and Mrs. ters occasioned much thinking. Leslie Allan, has gone ta reside Mrs. Luxon's group served a with his father In Montreal. bountiful lunch. Next meeting in Mr. Bev. Jayaca attended the 7the library May loth. Mrs. J. hockey match in Maple Leaf Gar- Thickson, District President, is dens Monday night. Tea At Its Best 1 . 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 20TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE

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