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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1939, p. 10

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THE CANAOTAT MI ETbMAiNO, b C%UAiYVLLý NTRI -- - - - ~**~*~*flfl ~ '*~~CÂ1 V1L.L.UR.IJAY 4' ELEVENTR INSTALLMENT îwas fillinir the water glaises there came a ringz at the door Synopsis Ted went to open it and there Gideon Reaver witb a small When the weaithy foster parents package in his band. It wasn of Marjorie Wetberill bath die sbe pirbonorsa lka( finds a letter telling that she bas a masn ribbns tourhsealslok twin sister. that she was adopted though it would like ta have wben ber own parents cauIdn't af- It luit had a rubber banda ford to Uuuport both of tbem and t that ber real name is Dorothy Gay.1 Alone in the world. but witb a for- Ted welcomed the vaung mi tune of ber awn, she considers look- Ously. ing up ber own family wbom shc "Corne in 1" be cried ast has neyer seen. A neighbbur, Evan Santa Claus himself bad api Brower. tries ta, argue ber out of it at the daar. and tells ber he laves ber and asks "«Oh. I rnustn't," said Gidear ber ta marry bim. She promnises ing. "I just sapped in ta leavi ta tbink it aver but decides first little book for yaur sister.1 tai sec ber farnzly. She goes ta their ber l'di send it over and thisi address. f inds that tbey aredestitute f jrst chan& FIve bad. AI and gradually persuades tbem ta ac- wanted ta, ask if you folks wo cent tbinizs they need. When the came aver ta aour Christmas s doctor calîs ta rie ber mother sbe tanight at fine o'clack." notices that be seems particularly "Oh, corne an in," said Te inftrestedi in ber sister. Marorie want yau ta meet Dad and Mi goes ta cburcb in Brentwood. where You aren't in sucb a bnrry you ber farnily used ta live. and becomes stol) a minute, are yau ?" very much interested in tbe young "'No. I'm nat in a hurry at ninister there. with wbom sbe later said Gideon smiling. 'but r hmi lunch in tbe city. White at Brent- believe in, intrndinir on Cbri wood she sees tbe home ber family Day." formerly owned, buys it back for "Intrudiniz?" said Ted. ai tbemn and Rives the deed ta, it ta ber tbe door wide and pulling bis a father on Christmas morningz. pastor in. "Where do you get word ?" It was a long rne before the Gay Then lie suddenly turned farnily simmered down ta real life caugbt tbe look on Betty's fac aRain. Betty was just takingr the turkey out of tbe aven and Marjorie Business Directory' Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowrnanviile W. IL STEIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan. Phone 791. Bowmanvsile, Ontario. L. C. MKASON, B.A- Barriater -. Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. hsemdle aw ini aUi ls branches.Sesemdlk office immediatcly east of Royal sbe came into tbe diningz room Phoes: Theatre. Hm actly opposite the ball door.i Phons: ffic 68; Hone 53.the zreat brown steamsng turkey its platter. DeaalBetty didn't like im ta in Gideon Reaver int Betty woul, DR. .1L Ç. DEVITT sore. Now probably Christ Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sinon wauld be spoiledi PoorT Gradute of Royal Dental Col- Hle could bardly get tbrougb the leToronto. Office: Jury Jubilec traductions. BJgBowmnanviile. Office hours But Marioanc came sbiningz * ..ta 8 p.m. daily crcept Sun- the room and welcomed the gu day. and Ted felt better. Then Phone 790. House phone 883. father and motber were botb X-Ray Equpment ini Office. cordial taa. and Ted beair tbougb consciaus ail thc Urne Fumeri Directors Betty and the turkey in the ba ground. ygJNEIL DIRECTORS Betty put dlown the platteri Service, any hour, any day. came and stood f rowning in thec F. F. Morris Co. door. u tef w udeyc Modern Motar Equipmcnt, Amn- baw vounr and g'ood-looking Tc bulance and Invalid Car. Cail boasted minister was. She bc Phone 480 or 734,-Assistant 573. tated, wondering just wbat ta SPRING SALE of Gold Cross Paints, Varnishes, Stains, Etc. EXTEND 0 To encourage the une of Gold Cross producta I1aam lnstructed te »eIl the above lUne t the foilow- lng cash prices until May 15th. Ail Colora and White Galions $310 Quarts 85o Pints - 45c This ils a hlgh grade paint. J. H. ABERNETHY Concession St. - Bowmanvlie Phone 431 UMlons of doUais' worth of property is destroyed each year by fires that spread. Those are often the resuit of sma one else's oarelumness. Tidi agenoy represeuts the. Hartford Fire Xpsueure Comnpany - an institution that ha. been serving counticis property own- so faithlully ini Canada since 183M. Je Je MASON & SON -INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bownianvlfle Tic ai l ugh d h ariiy at ha. w rc uie a uual ting in hem circle ton pn let il do muci ta prevent NO. forst areas, under Uic warmrti storms have becore so frýeqenttit> PA INT AND LETTEJIN It was a deligitful occasion aid of fricnds "Suppose I iust be ready ansd mitigate f lood conditions. of tic summer sun. yield ta tic air as I arn inforrned. bail insurance i5 AIse cvcryon e eniayed it ta tic fuit. wben van say van will corne. Haif Tic water retaincd by forcit areas in evaporation vast quantities of difficuît to obtain, and costly. Baby Carrlages -Bcycles Strange ta say neittier doctor nor ipast twelve or anc. Wiich will tic is not lost ta tic regzion an wi.bi ae ao.Frst r a10bet Cercn esnle eidtee untr ergrt minister scemed ta tic in a humv to mast convenient for van ?" faIts, as f iood' watcr is. It is stoned ta ticeiiimitations of ordinary agri- observcd facts. Thunder starrns, tic Wlcker Work . Dodo teave. "Eleven t" said Evan crisply. "I'rn for future use. Part af t is tised cultural craps, wbjgh bave only a meteoralogrists tell us hsave thii For Better Painting p~hone 4i1 By bis tirne tiey wcrc excellent f iving back in tic afternoon and I'rn for gmrowti, and is cvaporated, fcw inches of mail ta dnaw on, and, onigin in a more on less violent up- friends. bavingz discovcmed a number1 taking vyon witb me t Better have tîtrouihtic forest leaves, in tic wicn tic moisture in Uiis few inclies ward movernent of hested air. The J.H NE D A of tastes in common. Tic doctor vour thingzs packcd and we can take dricqt and iottcst pceriod of smmcm, is exbausted in dronit and beat, igreater tic beat Uic more violent tice CenreL NeeDwAnavi iad inojuircd whcrc Gideon prcacied,1 theni witî ns wIscre we lunch." wlth certain heneficial results of fold ut) their Icaves under the blaz- uoward movensînt, and tbenreStemorewmnvn and Gideon iad suggested tiat .b'd (To Be Continucd) wbicb more later. Part of it, a large inkg sun. ais corn does. and more or destructive tic stams.I the up-e - PAGE TEN LE FT T HE A RUT Reforesttion part. aes to feed spingsuras WITH RHE MATSM nd Is R atin dms my dé ad mre.It not only Now it ~o loi Agin Conlnud f'ampage 9) an abundant water supply in welts and Springs. wbicb it is flot clear that *Twenty years ago, lie left the them uselessly and barmfully in lake a dam can do. Parmy. comtipated, and rîseuniatic. or sea. It gathers i the rivera -and Ti Sntmr hoy ti Ta-day. he is fit and nimble - a produces floods. Let us consider at biayss anteeieorby . et is nierry. romPing granddad, 61 years this point these last mentioried things,abdatvnbaniedbfc.Lt young. run-of f and soak-in water. me Rive ane instance. The Midhunit s when about the tnrkey and as she besi- "I came ont of the army *with Run-of f water depends on two Farest Station is situated on a [f ir again. tatcd Marlorie tnrned and intro- rhenmatism," be writes. "It was factors - tbe contour of the egrth, sandy Plateau. undcrlaid by gravel, ce stood dnced ber. especially bad in my font. I start- and the condition of the soi, wbetber and fallinsr away on ail sides inta ýwhite "'This ta rny twin 'sister Mr cd takinz Kruscben Salts. adi absorptive or otbcrwise. Lo land. stren ds On the western side ;n't tied Reaver. Tbis i, the anc vu an wbe a few rnonths I fonnd relief rani level land. for purely' Physical rca- there is a spring, the beadwateris of Cbrist- fore. mv rheurnatism. I became nimble sans. sheds f lood water more grad- a smll stî'eamn. Since the plain was ,kedas B on my feet. Now, at 61 - weadlesdstutieythrgh-tdte pi , been. .B ut Gideon Reaver ad a lot of wealy aiies esr ctv ly tan r f r sed h p in bas in reased intsta, ad b ba sen tiattursn 168 - I arn cheerful, energetir. higb and billy land. Ftaods ariginate its f low bv almost 50 per cent. Where -rudky and always ready ta Play witb My in the bilîs and higblands, and de-dith waeconfroTrei arun eyRrandchildren7-F.E.B - vastate the lowlands.- Then. too, Y n cyOn answer. Frorn Precipitatiof an ioy- 'rn just deligbtcd ta sec yau Manv Peoplé grow aId long be- fertility is more apt ta be associated on the Plateau. But the arnount of aIl."Ilbe said with a comprehlensive fore their trne because they negîect with low artl level land than witb water which Uic plateau contributan to gh lance wbicb took tbemn ail in. "'but anc vital need-of bcaltb - thc need biRb and billy land. Pîcase bear this to thestreams about it. rmust be less thougb Il'lnflot going ta stop now.I can for internai cleanlinegîs. Eventuat- ini mind Most. tbougb by no means ln total now tbai formerly, since, perdtell by tbe delicions odonts that are ty. they adopt the healtby Kruschen ail. of the waste land ini Ontario, ms more. mucb more, is evaporated by going around that dinner is on the habit. Then. probably for the fishigh or bilty, and from the stand- the forest tban formerly frorn the srnt-tale sol'l ns m awy owan tme in their lives, tbey stanrt ge- point of contour alane inclined ta arid plain. Wbere then docs the ve this came back anather time and caîl if tingz rid cvery day of waste ma oett- la wtrinrpd and sPning Rtlswtr Aanteei Itold 1 may. Fan be it from me ta delay ter f rom the system. The rest destructive mun-af f. But the asr- only anc answcr. From watcr whicb isth aCnitms ine t enewed bealtb and vigour. Ail- tive power of the soul also efters frrnerly rai off in f lood, but wbîcb dstbe cdduatithn. Clays, siltsai- rh 3ay now retained and f cdou ad o I uddnvUi mos aeliter sokeu.I-ments due ta a claggcd syste n s ae essto.Cas its ev u r ~u1n'tmot egely t eemd.vanish. Ysutm eturmmandrife b- aambsarptive than sands ually, throngh the spring. This is sevie Wb ft ta ad haeit Witb carnes reallv wortb living. and aravels. Since the former are absolntely conclusive, a mere matter us ?" she aïiked. She bad seen the usually associated with the valley and of addition and subtraction. That cd. "I cager loak in ber boy's eycs. fertitity. the latter witb the bigbtands such is actually the case -is provcd tother.- «Yes. do stay," said the fatber better corne aven bis way and open and barrens. it miglit be thongbt bv the evidences of watcr crosionvan can't bcartily. ««I know cverybody will be ai office. The doctor said be'd think that anc would balance tbe other. thc edges of the Plateau. The iBil- delightcd." about it. and Betty told hirn they Sa pcrbaps it wonld, cxcept for anc sand and zravel-is inst about as tail t" "'Oh. I conldn't Uink of intrnding were Roinirthave bc hr n atr oiatfco ndrasrtv ssi ol e u uHere's a super-special value to î3msiust passinz and tbought I would He said he dit. Preciolbatiolle tOeariosis satis- cansidêrable extent, until re- dem onstrae the gr nd quality teave the xmessage." wonld look noi.Peitao nOtrois ai- forestation stopped it. Ldoedye. av yo"Bucatened edwit-thm at.Abut35incaedo wte faîsan tanI soud a bh plas, utnig "utva hve't adyor iner udenv idon uredarun t factory - not excessive, but ample. I bave zivcn, perbaps, more time of DeForest dry-cleaning. > tbat f Im ustonmy adb.Now. wby don't we have a littîe nually, and this is distnibntcd quite think its importance warrants it. One a Nd . ybaringouse." m wy ack ta sing?" he said. bita s' evefly tbronghont the year. We bave or two others mnust be considercd. 1 ad y oadin hus."complete without canaIs." no rainv scason, no dry scason. Sncb Blow sand. Sand'areasIft aIn MEN'S UT ice s «hatsettes t," saidFater. It as ilitas hey eresiningdry spelîs or rainy spelîs as we have tend ta bccome blowsand. There are2 th atln f "Silent Niglit," that are apt ta occur at any season, aid many sncb areas Urongbout On- TOPCOATSAi' 2 unEvan Brower watked contemptu- are ctcarly accidentaI, tario, and their number and size is qsyu tenro tp.adfi Duriniz the later sprnig and sum- rapidly ifcreaising. Blow said areas GAM1T inkr to idcntify the smrai insignificant e. oma rcipitation is taken are unsightly, profitless and destruc- P E F doorbell in* the darkness gave a care of cither by evaparation or the tive. Moving witb the wind, tbey (Biiy style) thunderous knock on the door. vroccas of growtb. It takes a very constantly spread. and in sprcading heavv ramn indeed ta saturate. the dcstroy more fertile lands. caver WOMe.N'S COATS Cominiz as it did into the swect- earth ta the deptb of a foot. and farmn buildings, destnoy roads, or- o ne.qs of that "Sitent, boly nigbt" of usualîv a nain is uscd up complctely chards, woods. There are many (plai or trlrnred> 00 -long ako, it was samewbat 'ofý a within a week or its falling. It is places in Ontario wbere ail tbesc sback. a matter of cammon observation things arc takiniz place. Blow sand W'OMEN'S 2'«Pîece Ted snappcd on the lights and op- that. cxcept whcre the land us neyer goca back of itself, to vegeta- cned the door and there stood a tait springy, undendrains stop runninlg ini tian. The only cure for it is ne- suirs baugbty Youn g man. May and usually do notresurne their forestation. But. once formed. blow "Docs this bappen ta be numiber fliow tilI late October or November. sand areas are difficult and costLy.ta 1465 Aster Street ?" he asked. There is litte surplus watcr cither ta reforest. A wie and compreblensive Ted nodded gravely. soak in or mun off. except in the Zase poticy of reforestation will aim ta NDIVIDU GARDM S - - 75c oach "Is Mis Wetherili bere?" of clond-bursts or unnsually bcavy anticipate their formation, by refor- "Wethet-ill ?" Ted bcsitated and storms. and tben only Iocally aid esting the sand areas before tbey be-______________PHN was about to say no, tben suddenly for verv short pcriods. Destructive came blow sand. H N it dawned upon birn again aid lie f Ioods are very unusual during tbcse Weather conditions. Here I arnm dI1 U took a dcci> breath like anc about ta months. on lcss certain and marc debatable a ~NILE ..522 relinqnish sometbing precious and an- Witb the coming of late fal the ground. There arè tbose wbo con -___________________________________ swered witb dignity: situation changes. Because of lower tend tbat forests bave nothing wblat- "She is." Then tic addcd witb what temperatures, evaporation us rednced ever ta.- do witb weather. On tbe ba new Betty to Marjorle. was aîmost banabtintoîs if bis voice, and growtb ceases. The nain that other band. there arc those wbo make cx- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "o' "Tdgyn eciohr recogua corne in?" faIts rernains in thse ground, Der- extravagant clain-às, as for instance, i ex «Td g an se if her ar enugh Evan Brower stepped into the meatiniz it. f illing its pores, grad- that reforestation wili cure the with chairs ta izo around, and Betty. put bouse Ieaving the taxi throbbing ont- ually accumulating ta the point Of dronglit areas of aur own and the vY on on anather plate t" side, and looked about Uic tiny bail, surplus, where it becomes eitber Amnerucan West. President Roose- But snddenly the front door wbicb aid the eoualty tiny parlor beyond, run-of f or soak-in, depending on the veit's proposaI of a forest beit in thc Iite had the nigbt Iatch off. opened searchinzîy like a warbore ont for character of the soil. But f al mn- Amnerican dronglit arca was bascd Ibe again, aid ini walked the dactor. btl. off is seldomn destructive, faîl ftoods upon tbis dlaim or thcory. Wbat are ImI Wel ow pn ywrd f1 But Mariorie, ber color pcrbaps a atmost nnknown. Uic facts? What bave we got ta trn's "WIt nwupn y or, f tri f le heigzhtened. came forward at Then cornes Uic f rost, generalîy as go on? redl t aven't waîked in on a party t' h once. thse weather clears after a nain. Irn- Weil. not vcry _________________in______the_______________ eif- said. "I ber vour pardon. I won't "Why. Evan," she said pleasantly, mediateîy the situation changes. rlýeofeiaedaaw myas*l stav minue. I uit wntcd t tis certainîy is a isurprise t" eartb. wbatever its cliaracter. ls admit. Obsienvations in Europa, in lesa suspend their life Processes until ward current is xesvvnhv inamk ueryptet ecalrgt She prescntcd Uiem ncneby anc u frozen. bard as iran, as impervions India adt ml xeti h xesv.yuhv ruat, and fit for turkey." thev were standing about in Uic doo absorption as glazcd Porcelaiz., United t mi xeti i bis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~tts iYo'rdiut n tmet'hsad M.savcndondditedions bendc0otmema montreS ig crns tats.indcae tnt haea codiionndcore arefaonrbl. bilsai couabndts ad of o very Gay bpiy "Have you bad your try n taeil t eird onmnta ancourtmonhs lter where thene is a propen proportion Tnce roots go deep. and forest soi, destructive force. mcd Chtasinne ye" icinto erl ntheir pesappitmen- D om furin th furwter uonh of forcst. rainfall may be incrcased protected by Uic trees then-sîcîves Arcas covercd with vegetation, 1cOf "Weil .no, I baven't yet, but I'ni ini. But Evan Brower mrcnly ac- precipitation Rocs on about as usual. I>y as mucli as 25 per cent as com- and the dcci> forest muich i alwayswebrfmcap onre.nyr ýack- pancd witb similarlv stuated areas rnaîst. Tbe forest always bas access becomne hcated as do barmen arcas.A used o waiting. I1 s look a knowledgcd the introductions by a About 12 incIses of waten faIts dur- wtotfrs.T s bev tios omoîstun aiad Uic botter and drier green teaf is always cool beneath Mrs. ay's ulse nd 'tenpa'1 ble inclineatio ndtesgts n of is sead evr. ody as s rasîcet, - bowever, arc lirnitcd ansdinconclus- the day is. Uic greater the amount Uic iottest sun. Barren laid, banc admovîng n"Ptsbeiciaino i ea. ee.Msl sso rset i ive. We are iustified pcrbaps in do- of evaporation f nom it. It ieemasSand for instance, may become ai- hall "We'll cail it brnnch tien." cailcd -"And won't You corne in and meet wbich condition it accumulates upon -ms o o otuh h i bv find out Betty îsudidenly f nom the door- mny mother ?" went on Marjarie the laid. and there remnains until Uic mge a -little theorizing, basing aur probable that evaporation fram for- ma u o atuI.Tearav find way "Corne n, ther's plent to blihely, thugh she 'asn't tteailiereasprfirmlyw asnpassible upon fircstsscxcssile that sfromxcwaterhasurom such san-anca aisabeatcdhat ma ma dedegree 'ed's way. "Came onndtbere'sedplentyeta.bfaces. forthouilasbcewasn'th athail sureeSptin ttebawrcornes.fsolid ro est. You get Uic chairs. Ted. The f rom the look ini Evan Brower's eye The spninz Uiaw is a rather vioîept ao n beve hnmn.fcreno riilraa altougIfofabigie th An he i aafrets oer 5C5- turkey is already on the table. The wbetber Ille was going ta follow ber pbenomenon. Quite suddenly the 1 think it i clear that forests, or cus orlal aaeit. I am cas nodnrrsme do mare the merrier." or not. weatber becornes warncr. On the Uic lack of Uiern, bave little orno- tbat is the case. it wonld be neason- shower apvroacbing sncb ai ares ab- - They ail turncd and Iooked at Mariorie led the way ta the coucb, cîcaned land. beneath tic Mardi sun- Uing ta do with tisose great cyclonic able to expect tbat Uic Drosence of sorbs this body' of heated air and mhBetty's gav face, so cbaiged frorn a and Evan Browemrcluctantîy stepped sbine. the snow meits rapidîy. Then storms and mains wbicb swecp across a oraper Proportion of foncst in aiy i!nmediateîv assumes vuolent propor- moment before. Ted breathed a sigi a few feet nearer aid incîined bis Uie westher, changes. Tbe wind veers the continents bringinz ticir wind- area would dcfinitelv increase nain- tiOfs. It enters tbe ares an ondinary of relief. and Uic rest gave quick bead again at Mrs. Gay. ta East or South. and warrn ram borne moisture from far distant scas. faIt, if the form of local sbowcrs. shawcr, beneficiai aid welcomce. It furtive Rlaices at the doctor. "I came." said be ta Marjorie in a fails. Thc wbole accumnlated pre- These are too va3t ta be influenced Ti olberut the observations emerges as a tcmpest, dreadful and Mn. Gav introduccd the minister rudeîy Iowered tane, "ta take -you cipitation of winter. some tweîve by any local conditions. These fal alradv refcmred ta, ta the effect destructive. There is scarcely a and tbe doctor and tbey studied each out this cvcning. Can yan get your incbes of it. suddenîy becornes fiuid, upon the just and uni ust alike upon tbat iii certain typical arcas wbere doubt that the reforestation of bar- otier a bit cautiously. But Uiey were Wmaps and go at once? Wil you need rusbes doiyn tbe hilîsides, gathers in Uic wise and fooIish. an those arcas records bave been kcpt, rainfaît is ren areas tbnougbout the Province botb staying, there was na queition ta change ? Uic vallevs. becornes destructive whjch follow wise conservation poîic- zreater in fonested areas than in sim- would zrcatîy reduce the number -of about that. He zîanced dawn lit ber pretty f l&îcs on Uic Tharnes, the Grand, the ies. aid on those wbich do fat. We ulal deforented arcas. sncb storms and mitigate thii vio- "Dinner is served t" said Betty, knitted dresa with annoyaice. This Etobicoke. tic Moira. Springz' ilod cn do anythinR about Uic thing This contention receives confirm- suddenly appearing in Uic doorway was a Part of f inding r i hsaccrncwt S.r boi ncwvo nte, xett aeation frorn another source. In tic abl niÎtclf e a r ia ning dofr iookinz veny pretty indeed in Mar- little insignificant bouse in a corn- ait regions situated as wc are. came of tic water after it bais faîlen, early days of this province. the set- aeYrsttith ioa cuay jorie'S green knit dress witIs a bi t of mon neighborhod tatsh shul Dspticth scepticisrn of certain as I have nleady pointed ont, tiers had a nainc for tic summer vlte. vear ha u s h a vacnntag- red ribbon kîsotted in ber bair and a fa;t ti dresscd for the eveninzl enRineens bene and there. there is It csnts lear, hawever, that showen of tuis type-the shower that value, oursttais f dvaitag-n scnap of holly an anc sbonlder. Christnmas nigit and in a daytime no doubt at ail as ta the part farests forests bave notiinIg ta do witb local came in tic late aftcmnoon and clear- chnon tori-tthead utis faddOnanc. "It's goina ta be a tight tiquceze, drenil play in reduciniz and mitigating these showers. In fact, un my ,opinion cd away witb a rainbow on"its skirt'3 There nly - tic burt of arrlaid friends, but we thaugit it was better But Maiorie did fat look embar- seasonal f loods. Wby is it that in based on reason and ta a certain ex- before evening. They called it a iess nothin~ g lr uier thanmn than waiting La put another leaf in nassed at bis evident disappraval. She Europe, wîtb aIl the conditions that tent on observation, it is almost con- ",four o'clock sbower." Tic name nses ftbng ore beautiful t tie table aid catinir a cotd dinner." ifted calm eyes to bis face. and makie for seasanal f loods, tic Rime, clusive that foretîts bave a good deal and tic fact bave Iargcly disappean-- tlyan. Cfiabl nceat Betty's cheeks werc nasy and hem speakung in an ordinary tone that the Rhone, the Danube' are not ta do with these local summen show- ed. It is flot unreasonable ta believe etl an prfabyicas tc eves were twinkling. She seemcd she watî fat attcmpting ta disguise, cbnonic flIood rivers whiîc in China ers. wbich caminiz as they do in tic that these sbowers were muci more euyoilsfaranb epnt like a ncw Betty ta Marjamie. sic said: tic Yangste, in tic United States pcriod of maximum grawtb, are the common in those earîy days wîcn img the barmen areas tiraUgi a wise Tic doctor, witiaut waiting on "'No. I'm sorry, I cauldn't go tuis tic Mississippi and Ohio, in Ontario most valuable of atl forrns of pe there was a far greater proportin oîicY af refonestation t the ordex of bis going. marcied evening. I atreadv bave an engage- aur awn littie Grand and Thames cipitation. of forest tian there is now. Else, My itercsinrfresetat ora straigit aven to Betty and puîîed out ment for later uin the evenifg, and are ? Tîcre is nn possible Tic local shower is attogetier dif- wh should tic name bave be ephreanmo ncn ae Q ber chair. and then took tic anc this is aur first Christmnas together. answcr. Europe wîth ail its fanîts ferent both ini aigin and conductt, ta coined ? bian ars.ood e m any of you ie be ncxt ber. Mms. Gay srniled and took I wouldn't break it up for anytbing." and foilies. bas given adequate at- tie gencral main or the cyclonic In anotier way. forests do Uf dn a o ut tany f orwa1dhits h er place wbeme cusbhions bad beesi "Really, Marjorie, I don't sec that tention ta the preservation of foyest storm. TtIt cs nly;ninimmrcm, do lubt1d.y bave a ; eneficalcfcause ebp aebe bet ,~ !t <;~'r'.5.rrr r A' THE CANADIAN STATRAVANI R(-)Wl«,&WlrTTTIM nTrAý111,1 1

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