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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1939, p. 9

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- -, an,. 1T1ut7Nrr TEIURSDAY, MAY 18TH, 1939 PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO OUR EBNGLISH LEITER S'2WIvSS HOLiDAY DY MISS ISOBEL STEPHENSON Lookdng rown and heaithy, for luck, and rerninds me of last ,ensarrived back in London Christmas-in Paris. frmEaster holidays in German Another present from Switzer- Switzerland. land is the cigarette holder made "Mareflleus sunshine, heavenly from the dalnty, silky-haired foot Mountains, delicious food, wonl- of a baby chamois. The tiny, hol- derrui lime!" seemed to be the lowed dloyen hoof, polished like theme of the chorus. But after ebony, just helds a cigarette! dinner they told another tale. Those' exquisite littie flowers of , iThe Swlss, anl of them, Ger- the Swiss Sprlng, gentians, cary- Man.* and Italian as much as ed in bone and painted their own French, are determinedly anti- deep blue make a buttonhole for Nazi. You should hear them taik! my white linen summer suit! Ini more peaceful times they often The friend who brought al have internai dissensions; but these had been travelling in Mor- now, on this issue of Nazi-ism occo; se there was native jeweiry versus independenoe, they are un- and 'a neckiace of beadwork in ited; and resolved te fight if Hit- brilliant colours. Honiestly, it was ler threatens tei absorb them. Ra- just like Christmas! tser pathetie, you know, like a mouse standing up to a wolf. But TerMisis ii oCnd it is inspiring, tee, te see howITer aies ievin siturtouCnada proud they are 0f their independ-lis certainlyiing or cory aTh ence.picture pages of the London pap- "0f course the Nazi placards ers are alluring with Canadian juat look siily to the Swiss. They mountain, wood and waterf ail; ]augh at' them. But they are cities, prairies, lakes and rivers. frightened, too. The placards? People look at me and say They.are huge signs standing just "'Heavens! How could you bear to across the frontier on the German leave aIl this to corne to Eng- aide, where they cannot be teuch- land?" ed by the Swiss. They anneunce So I try not te look teo con- ih enormous letters that so many ceited; and I say, "Engiand is hundreds of thousands of 'Our un- lovely, too." fortunate German brothers suf- Which is certainly true enough;. fering under the Swiss tyranny but does my chest expand when are waiting te be rescued'. I see Canada be-glamouring the . «Can you beat it? You should London picture pages! have heard the proprieter of our *s hotel on the subject! He and his Isobel H. Stephenson, wlfe are German Swiss. 'rhey Cartwright Gardens 'Club, shake their fista at the placards!" London W. C. i It is iice having friends who Enlad travel Especially wheu Usey bring back presents! A tiy petted evergreen tree from a Sws mountain now stands on my mantiepiee near the cactus plant gientem in SpaIn, iast Nevem- br. Bnelee te m, Use 1111e white elephant, frem Moulmarte, faoes Use door with raised trunk, Order Bray Chicks now, end be "uk"when egg prces climb nt ai.See m,= rphone !me, right away. Peroa attention, promPt deiivery. F. L. BYAM Tyrone, Ont. J. E. NICHOLSOR Pontypool, Ont. Lawn Care Thin iawns badly mixed with weeds, almest luvariably have poor salI. Somelimes ouiy. a lib- cmi application ef cemnmèrciai. fertilizer or weil retted manure is uecessary te retere ricis green- uess. Well fed grass wrnl usually crowd out most weeds, Usough il wiil appreciate same help fram Use gardener wha dees net mind speuding a few. heurs wilh a sharp, long or short hsudled weed- er. Such weediug should be doue wheu soil la fairly moisI other- wise whele chunks ef grass wili camne out with esch weed. Where grass la very Uin il wili aise be advisable te scratch lightly with rake sud sow seme good seed. At Use same time hoies may be fiiled up graduaily'with goed sali sud sawn with grass. Ffrat Vegetables FirsI af Use garden peas, icaf Wariiing Notice Re Cern Borer Ail corn growers, whether on thse tarin or euse- Where, are hereby notiied tisat al eorn tubisie or other corn remnanta, no matter where they be, must cither be plougised under eompletely or else gathered and burned belore MaY 2tis, and tisat tailure te do so leaves thse offender liable te Pro- senution, or hhvlngt t pay thse coat of sendlng men to do thse work. 18-2 J. N. McGIII, Inspector, E ngine 1850 of Use Canadisu PacifIa motive power f let - semi-streamiined Hudson type, last-minute word ln locomotive costruction-wiii isaui Use Royal Train from Quebea te Vancouver and 25 Canadian Pacifia engineers, eaais seiected fer hie record and ability,. wiii In turn isandie Use throttle, during Use' coast-te-coaat run. Prom thse lime the royal train beaves Quebea Cty .May 16 until Il arrives lui Vancouver MaY 29, thse englne will provido thse power for Use trip et more than three thousand miles, a run net iseretefere carrled eut by any oe englue on tise North, Americas Continent. Canadian Pacifia engineers, tire- men, cenductors aud traimnen te a ttal i t 110 men wlll -au tise Royal Train on thea CompsuY's lettuce, radishes sud spisch wi be among Use carliest vegetabie sawn. These may be piauteda soon as Use ground la fit te worl Ail of Use'seeds shouid be sow at leasI three limes aI interval of ten days se UsaI Usere wili b succession of vegetabies. The sec and sawlug will be carrats, bect oniens, potatees, etc. which ca stand a litle froat, sud Usen bean, cern, and tomate, cabbage an cau]iflawer plants, etc. which ar tender. Replaeement It is a good plan, oid gardeners stale, te use starled azinuai flow- ers for piantlng among tulips and other spring flowering buibi which wiil be past Iheir best in a few more weeks. Sometiiing la needed te hide dying foliage. Then again quick grewing annuais will aiways be useful for filling in any blind spots in the perenniai beds where winxter has been wiusually severe. Soil Building Extreme types of soul is ne longer taken as an excuse for a poor garden. No matter how heavy or how sandy the ground at one's disposaI, some plant will find such earth te its llking and in any case se far as a smali gar- den is concerned il may be chang- ed to any type desired. Heavy sticlky clays are made leese and pliable by the addition of plenty of rotted leaves, or other vegelable malter which scientists terni humus or fibre. Extreme cases may be lrealed with sand or ordinaryceai ahes from steve or furnace. Lîberal applications of manure and good cultivalion will help and aIse digging under green crops of ciover, eats or just weeds. Where very damp il may be necessary to provide drainage ellher by open ditch, tule, or by removlng a foot or two of the j h WHY -WALK THIS SOMMER When Our USED CARS- COST S0 LITTLE? Swnmer in abnout here with its lovuly we*-end auto trips, plonios and drive. 10 cool s4ided spots. Don't depeiid on your feet tW take you whore you wiU tlind cool and coiidort. - Buy a usd car now. - Prices at Nieoo' are low. 4iEW -CARS1 ROI Courtie Why spend Cod money repaiing the old car when ws mm- gve uoh U rai trado-tu allowancus oun w Gneral Motors car. - BSu Nichols Wo-day and sAve money. Phone 25 10 Bowmanvllle liues, and an equal number select- ed wlth equal caro wlll isandie thse Pilot Train wiich has been pro- vlded for newspapermefl, polilae and acaonipauylug officiais. Thse isanor of belug first engineer te pilot the locomotive cf thse train bearlng Their Majesties Klang Georgo VI and Queen Elizabeth wisen Usey viait Canada, however. gees te Eugeuo Leclerc, (Inset) quiet-speken FYenah-Canadlsa lo- comotive engineer wiso bas 48 years' service wlth Use CaziadiaJi Pacifia Railway. Neariy 38 years ago when the laIe Ring George V and Queen Mary, tisen Duke and Ducisesef Cornwal and York, vlsited Canada, Eugene Leclero was fireman on their train fremn Quebea City te Montr6ai. Tis lime ho wiil b. engineer for Use sanie ru. Comparison efthUe abeve pic- tures et the new locomotive ef lise sa.me serlies as 2850 and cid xe. 360, whiah powered the royal train on the 1901 tour, and whlch was one eftIhe best ln service at that time, shows Use great strides made iengineering iu Use past four decades. Locomotive 2850 la one efthUe nLew seml-streamliued engines buiit at year f or the Canadian Pacifie Railway -Company. Il weighs 363,900 pounda, more than tour times as muais as thse original 90,000-pound engine, aad has a tractive effort ef 57,000 pounds as compared te tise 13,400 Pounda of oid 360. Na. 2850 la belng care- fuiiy cheaced fer Use trip and wIli be beauîlfully Painted ln royal ,eoiers for Use tour over Canadian Pacifie lines. les r. Here And There And Evervwhere u. BY D. MOERRISON, SR. ils. .la, un 's' id ire CHURCHES PAST AND» PRESENT1 Is churais going lu Uis genera- atian as it was sarne 60 years ago? Wheu Rabbi Eisendrath af Ta- rente spoke in Tiity Church a. few wceks ago, saiod lime Meth- odiat remarked, "Iweli Uis is likej aid limes le see such a large cou- gregalion." There certaiuly lsaa great fafling off in all church at-, tendance. Iu Use day af Use Bible Chris-i lians, whcn Uis town was head-1 quartç,s for Usat denominstioni Cephas Barker, Mr. Robertsa sud other ministers were ail able lead-i crs sud UsaI fine church building- always had .good cougregaiau4 L Sa caiied "pillerafethUe church" were aiways in Useir place at all services. Il was Ueir duty le be Usere. And se il was lu Use ceuifart- able littie Primitive Methadist Church with ils stalwart churcis- goers - Magistrale Cee. Haines Sr., Peter-Cçlman, 1Mr. Haggith, Thos. Hoar, sud msuy others, with minlaters such as Mr. Herridge, Mr. Dyke, sud others, ail zealeus sud cloquent men. This littie tab- ernacle aiways had good atténd- suce, eapecially aI Use evenig service when Usere was a amali orchestra to asalat Use organiat. Iu Use musical service were ta be fouud in Use choir members et the Colman sud Hoar families lu- cluding Use Chief of Police T. T. Comsu, a famiiy nated for Useir musical ability. Tisen we had Use Wesîeyai Methodist Church, whcre was te be found aiways a goad congre- galion, even wheu Use musical service was led by Use 11111e eed argan hi Use south gallerýr. Those werc Use days -of Use McCiung familles sud athers equally prom- inent. Tisere were not so mauy weekly services as te-day, but Use Sabbath services were weli at- leuded. Ofteu lu Uis ahurcis and Use Primitive Methodiat several services weuld be held for weeks at a lime. 0f St. Josepis R. C. Churcis we kuew very little.. Tise care- taker was one et aur meat respect- cd citizens, Patrick McCaffery. Several et his tamily are respect- cd members efthUis cemmuuity te-day. Iu those eariy days Use Scollisis Auid Kirk was a power in church services. The cougregation was composed efthUsse who were pro- minent iu business and all geed womks bath lu îown sud country, ail under Use scholariy sud effic- ient preacher, Rev. Mr. MeKerris, wise afterwarda becamne a Prof. in Queeu's University, K ing stlen. Service waa carried on every Sunday atterneen by this minis- ter lu Orono, when Usere was a top soul and putting i a layer of! cinder stenes or gravel. This praclice la partlcularly desirable1 fer preparig a rose bed. Llghtl slase benef il by heavY pspplicatinso*mnre otted vg table m te or ug n gr n humus conetsdso hmt absorb sud hold molalure. Light sella of course wlilnet require9 the constant cultivation necessary1 wlth heavy types. Smner Gardens 1 Where ane has a sunimer cot- tage that wili net be vlaited until June, the ususi practice la te starti Wrsctcaily ail the garden in fiat1 bxes at home. Later Usese arei taken well grown eut to the gar- den by the lake. Such things as lettuce, carraIs, beets, onieus, even1 corn can ail be started i boxesi or poesand moved very carefully.i ItlIs a geod ides ta start in in-i dividual berry or speclal card-j board box and simpiy remeve box when plsnting. Next Week - Widew Boxes, a Late Start. fair congregalian ef Scettîsh peo- pie, but la-day il is oniy a mem- amy. The Congregatianal Church was anether denamination which fleur- ished here for many years. We remember eue of Use first mins- ters was Rev. John Climie, a gocd1 speaker sud the first editor et The Canadian Stalesman. T h e1 Climie, Stepheus sud McMurtry familles were promineut in Usis church. W. R. Chume was Use Choir leader, as was Mrs. R. D. Davidson still living here. It seems taa bad thal such a fine church building, as il wass Uscula now se deiapidated. Il shauld have been bought by oeeoet ur fraterual sacieties. St. Paul's Uuited Church wàs called Use Free Church in thase early days sud had a fine congre- gatian of stalwart church-goig members such as the Murdochs, Beiths, McPhemsons, MeLaughlins, Parlers, sud others. Iu musical services we weuld mention Thos. Ydllowlees, Donald McTavish, sud laler stili that much espected citizen, John D. Keachie, ane et Use fluest of men. A schoîarly sud claquent minister, Rev. John Smith, wss the misuister efthUe uew church aI Use openlug. The Church efthUe Disciples was eue efthlie eldeat meetlug Places in town sud was iooked upan as something peculiar by tise other denomainatieus. Why, we cauld flot imagine, but silîl 'there was that feeling just tieseanme. The members were ameng Use moat reapected in Use towu, includig Use Windalts, Simpsens, Halls, Turners, Neads, Jurys, Percys, sud others. Il gees witheul say- iug Usat Usis cisurcis was a power i ils lime and genematian. In St. John's Anglican Cisumch, the rodeor lu Use earîy days was Rey. Canon McNsb, whe had a large folîowing. Ameug those who exercised a wandemfui influence as churcis- golug people in those eariy days sud whese womk sud power fer Use gaad sud weltare should ual be forgotten were Dr. J. M. Brimn- scambe, sud Paul Trebiicock et Use aid lime Metisodist body, aiso Editer M. A. James whose "The Editor Talks" lu Tise Statesman were a feature. Another worthy citizen was J. B. Fairbaîmu, Post Master. His letters efthtie oid lime pioneers wisicis appeared in Use local papers weme et eai isis- torical signiificance. Iu reference te enqulry et aur aid frieud Edwy White, lu lasI week's Statesman for the Easlen fsmuly, Usere is a Miss Florence Easten at 21 Carey Rd., Torouto. WORTH "Worth makes the man, sud want of il, tise feliew."1-Pope. "Break up cliques, level weaith wlth houesty, ict womtis be judged accordiug te wisdom, sud we gel better views et humsily."I-Mary Baker Eddy. III kuew trauspianled human warlh will bloom te profit ather- where.".--Tennyson. "Gîve me but Usese - Use joy et cousclaus worth, ils courage sud Its prde."-R. T. Conradl. Beauties Usat tram worth arise are like Use grace et dieies."-Sir J. Sucklilg. "'Never coutract tise horizon of a worthy otutloak by Use selfisis «xaction of ail anather's time sud thoughs."-Mary Baker Eddy. We should gel a new defiian fer progresa. Il ought le mean net more macilury, more 'bustle, more manufacturera, but mare durable satisfaction tor tise aver- age human being. We learu wisdom from failure muais more Usan from succesa. We eften discover what wlll do by finding out what will net do. Royal Engine for Record Run HYDRO RATES FOR RURAL FAURS AND CARNIVALS FUXED P.U.C. Weleomes H.E.P.C. RulIng As AUl Treated Alike Beiieviniz that a ruiing by the Hydre Eiectric Power Commission with regard te gzrauting f ail fairs special power rates, appiies te al types of carnivais and fairs. the Bewmanviiie Public Utilities Com- mission wiil adopt the suggçsted schedule of rates for ail organiza- tiens requiriniz short term installa- tiens. A definite ruiing wiii f irst be secured from the H.E.P.C. Under the appreved schedule fairs and carnivais eperating oe eor twe days are te be charzed 25 per cent. of the cenuected ioad. these eperating three or four days weuid be- biiied fer 45 per cent, cf the connected service. In every instance the distri- butien svstem must be provided bv STOP WANTON RUIN 0F WILD FLOWERS Canada's diminishig succession of lovely wild flowers from Spring te Fail has now resched Use point that their ultimate dis- appearance can be avoided only by the care and consideratien of the people. Througheut the years, the greatest destruction cf wild fiowers has been the clearig of the forests and land for farrns and habitations, sssisted by forest fires and the grazing of animais. Stil later, the want of thought on the part cf persons, particuisriy in the vicinity, of the larger centres of population, has hastened the possibiiity of wild flowers sharing the fate of the buffalo, the musk ox, the great suk, the carrier pig- eon and other wiid life, fer ai- ready some of the finest specimens in the woods have disappeared. Hence, the appeal of horticultural societies throughout Canada fer the preservatien of wild flowers. The preservatien of wiid flewers does flot mean that ne eue is aI- lowed te pick a bloom, but it does demand a little theught froni Use picker. For exampie, some wild flowers shouid net be picked at ail. Plants like the white triffium, Use fierai embiem of Ontario, are best ef t alone in ail the glory of their original setting, because these flowers cannot be picked without removing ail the foliage on which depends the maturig of Use buibous root fer Use foliowmng seasen's crop of flowers. Other species of wild fiowers, such as violets, hepaticas and the like whose flower stems risc directiy from the rmots, may be picked at wili, provided the body of Use plant is lefI undisturbed. Tearing up a plant by Use roots te gain a bloom is wanten destruc- tien and means enly oee hing - the passig of beautifui flowers from Use Canadian landscape. Il la against Uis reckiess plucking et wiid flewers Usat Use horticulturai. societies make their appeal. pend eight te ten shillig for meat Usat will serve for only one or two meals, which la the case for Canadian chickens." One way fer Canadian pouitry producers te take advntage efthtie opportuuity the British Market of- fers for Use weights most in de- mand by buyers there, uameiy, 31/2 te 4% lb., is te caponîze leg- hemn cockereis. Experiments con- ducted by the Dominion Expert- mental Farms and aIse aI Use On- tarie Agricuiturai College indi- cale Usat ieghorncapons grown te a weight of four pounds, or Ihere- about, make a salisfactery roast- ing chiaken, such as the British market demands. The c h i c k s should be capenized as esriy as possible and. set aside te meel Use expert demand. Particulars as te caponizing are given in Pamphlet Caponlz.d L.ghorns ig"wh rn ay be obtaind by Best For Producers writing te Publicity and Extension Division, Dominion Department of Writing recently from London, Agriculture, Ottawa. Dr. William Allen, Agricultural Commissioner for Canada i Eng- land stated i regard te dressed "WIlsDOM" pouitry: "The diillculty of obtaining even relatively smaJl quantities of "Wisdom is only found ini Canadian pouitry of suitable truth."-Goethe. weights at the present ie is "Truth places the cherub wis- Pointed out by several represen- dom at the gale of understanding tative buyers. te note the proper guess."ý-Mary "Canadian chickens sent to Eng- Baker Eddy. land are generally toc heavy for "He that neyer thinks, can neyer their trade, and with the high be wise."-Johnson.. prices which had te be paid for "Whio lien la free, the wise man Canadian products il niade the purchase of a fair sized bird al- who *can govern hirnself."-Hor- mest prohibitive to the general aoe. purchasers of poultry i England. "By wisdom weallh is won, -. A six or seven pound bird te sell but riches purchased wisdom yet' at about Is. 4d. per pound placed for none."-Bayard Taylor. the product beyend most of the "If materialistic knowledge Io British buyers. power, il la not wisdom. It la but "Few faniilies can afford to. ex- a blind force."ý-Mary Baker Eddy -"PEDIARIZE" for PMRAHWEGI Wbnyuban or ocher bnildine as rooàd *Bd .ide. îthPediar', Nu-Roof or PEDAMJ- «Coucil Standard" Buand. Tour baildimnae ",Pedidtird" swnsta al te elements. 'Concil Sudard' as the bçsr value mont? cn buY. Send dinions for out free esamaiz. ~ r 'GOCD FOR A UFEflME - SOLD wffH tAS VEAR GUAIANiEW INN PIDLAR PUOPLI LIMITUD EuubUrh.d 1*61 Hod 0OS - 0.1m, Ci. monuresi - Otmwa - Tosooro - Winnpea- cdogsti'- vsnCOuI the fair or carnivai group. A separ-1 ate bill is to be rendered covering1 installation costs.1 The commissioners greeted the an- nouncement with enthusiasm con- tendinz that the ruling would avert controversies and charges that the commission had shown discrimin-1 ation to one or more groups. 1 'This ruiing puts everyone on the same basis if it includes car- nivais and frolics," declared Man- ager Geo. E. Chase in sponsoring a motion te, adopt the schedule. 1Coupied wîth his proposai was the reauest that formnai instructions be secured fromn the H.E.P.C. as to how widelv the rates are to be appiied. When this information is receive-d ail organizations te, whomn it would appiy. are to be notîfied immediateiy. The. Quaflty Tea TUA Canadian Garden, Service By Gerdon Lindsay Smsith MA SE Y -U H :ARu RI S. EVE RY L0 C * .DEA ' A ', 1CE STA -- -M-09 1,. 1 » Li f-

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