PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUSAMYlT,13 she toucbed the Pearl spring and dis- AR SIC I C i A himself with the cause of tempet- closed the wonderful bMue diamtond AR S ULESS ONU A anoe and prohibitidn, taking an set in a delicate frostwork of. plat- active part ini the Royal Templars. annistan sheDAY He eventuafly became president Fo n ntntsecaught --*er ofithN e i rwnasS. Scety.on Cle breath at its beauty, for it îwas a Rheuniatie Pa 1iE.ev.gByr itpayr onour. ection Cltre- charminiz ring. Then suddenlv the K nSR"uu13Yhea e t o th e unicipal tun l a ~~~~~~~~~~~trouble in ber eyes Rrew definite and rgbmetot he uncploni. cave don sarp>' ith Her is noewothyinsanc of In Newcastle he has served the site shut the cvrdwn*apywih Hr , oeorh ntnc fcmunt elandi faithfully in a snap. the manner in whicb damp. weather mn e -ofca "Oht Evan! Pleasel You ought can ef fect the 1 1 ns of one wbo is capacities. He was keenly inter- flot to have done this 1 Nat slow any- subject ta rbeumatic pains. ested in the work of the Horticul- TWELETH ]INSTALLMENT farnily is very ioyful. While pre- was much singiniz and praver. won- wayl1 I told yau I could flot tinýk "I bad been suf fering f rom rheu- tural Society, being at one time paring for Christmas dinner the derful. tender prayer f rorn bath min- af such things now. Pleasé 1 I'm matisrn verv badly," a man writes, a director and president. - Synopsis minister and doctar bath drap in and ister and people. There was a heart- sorry. but I couldn't take that 1" "and had such pains in MIY joints At the height of the depression Wben the wealtby foster parents are urized ta stay ta dinner. Alil are searchiniz talk f ram Gidean Reaver «Please 1" she insisted. "'I culd that I could hardly bear it, on a when there were several. New- of Marjarie Wetherill bath die she enjaying themselves wben Evan pressing home the f act ta eacb saul nat take a thingz like this until I was wet. day especially. It pained me castie familes on relief he acted fidsa etertelig ha se asaBrower makes a surprise visit. He present that the Lard Jesus was born sure 1, terribly ta use my arrns, and I in- canjunction wxth two other fins aletertelinz hatsh ba ais unwelcome by al, but Marjarie and suffered and died iust for bim. His face was haugbty and frozen. was hardyv able ta work. I tried municipal appointees on the local twin sister. that sbe was adopted aRrees ta have lunch witb himi the And then after another tender brief "And wbv aren't yau sure?" hc twO dii ferent rernedies. but I was relief comxmttee. For thse past ten wben ber own parents couldn't af- next day. prayer Gdeon called for his quart- asked. "It's been nearly ten days stili as bad aiter the treatrnent. years sinoe the retirement af ford ta support bath af tbcmn and____ ette. and Ted calmly rase and led the since I asked, yau ta marry nme. "Then I was tald ta try Krus-. George Eilbeck he has been tax tbat bier reai name is Dorotby Gay. "Oh, nol" îauRhed Marjorie firm- way ta the front. Marjorie as she You've had plenty ai tirne ta thinlc it chen Saits. whicb quickly brougbt collector. tusse i hewrldawnt. sh a consdrs yýý, "In ot Roing back yet. I haveni't walkcd behind him marveled at bis aver." relief. Sa af course I bave kept on Previaus ta church union in tuneofkigw er own famni who finished mv visit. But l'Il be rcady coolness. his reverent attitude, as if "No," she said firnily. «I ha#en't. with it, and 1 ar n ssw ruch~ better 1925 he was a member and officiai she baneyuer seen Ai hoEa at eleven if yau like. Thank Yau he were a vaung priest gaing ta per- I've had other things ta thinkë about and have neyer felt sa fit for years. of the Presbyterian Church, andi she as eve sen. Aneihbo, E ag aain for the orchids. Sa nice af form hbis duty at the altar. She found and seutle. Tbey had ta conrne first I used ta feel sa miserable and he and Mrs. Fligg then transferred Brower. tries ta argue ber out of you to think ai me. Oh-" as lie herself a little nervous about BettY. before anything." sluggisb, but now it ïs a pleasure their membershipand support ta liert o and teîs ber he o e s ks s u thtor sm rl pe, "t But Betty came, and ler alto was "W ell. aven't you gt thern alilta be able ta w rk."- S.B the United Church. In the re- *.~~ be t rarybi. h poms sno izafain 5f't it? How lovelyl de n we.stle "Tepisad stifns a he-organization under Rev. E.B. think it over but decides first ta Christmas always bas twice tth ril en he tbone with t A leam i oretinhl j ains reandite asof by ui- okM.Fig seet see lier family. She goes ta their when it s asmetime durinz the memory ai the littie chapel in it ber bead. acid crystals inth mscesan member ai the Session. As an El- address. f inds tha't tbcy are destitute day 1 Weil. gaood nigzht. l'Il be ready gala greenery, ànd the swcet sangs, "Not aIl. yet." joints. The nurnerous salts in Krus- eci by a&l Nothing but is last and zradually Persuades tbem ta ac- tevn. cept tbings tbey need. Wben theatevn" tender loaks an faces. the Christian "«Haw long will it take?" There chen assist in stimulating tIhe inter- l]ness ever kept hlm £rom coin dctor calîs 10 ee bier mother she Satbey sarted in ta sing again, testimionies witb which the meeting was a trace ai angzer in bis vime nal rgans ta healtby, regular munian service or attendance at MR notices that e seems particuary discoverinz lot ai swet ad Christ- had clsed. al a holy beautiful end- "I'm not sure, but when ;I core activity, and help them ta el iIittedvewrhi.Bcuea hsf1 R interested in bier sister. Marorie mas sngzs tey al knew. ng ta a day that ad been wonder- borne I can talk with yu about it. excess uric acid. eiae abiliip es ad s enofhus gaes ta church in Brentwood. wbcre A littie after eigbt Gideon rase, fui from start ta finish. I shaîl know then what I ar n oing amh hdalobe eecd bier famiv used ta live. and becames 'Friends. I've gat ta tear Myseli Marjorie lay awake for a long ta do." taxi took bier away inta thse light Chairman af the M. & M. Coin- yery rnucb interestcd in the yo ung away" he said. "I bave a service at tîme and tbought it over. step by She laid the box down definitely falling snaw, his ow face mittee and Chairman af Property Y UU SM O KE 9T T H E T ininister there. Wbile at Brentwood fine. I came here originally ta get step. tbrilîingz anew at the memory. on the table between them. and sat proachful. Cothe e cae i a nhighsnse sue secs the home bier îamiîy îorm- r'ecruits for it. but I havcn't the There was iust anc Part she fQrgat back with finality. YOU LIKE IT wtha ig sns erlv owned. huys it back for tbem beart ta tear yau apart an Christmas ta review. and that was the interlude "But I lave yau, Marjorie 1" There was an alcrt strained sortie- af Christian duty. O and gives thse dced ta it to bier father nsght. Tbougb it would be great ta in whicb Evan Brower figfured. She studied bin rather hapelessly tbingz in the atmosphere when Mar- Lode wA. Fa M .,anofDurams AD EL4OTP<c i on Christmas morning. The wholc bave that last sang repcated, and if And nonc the least arnong bier for a minute and then she said: iarie Rot back ta bier iatber's bouse MasterA .A .,Prandaus ath prst a- iS. LKTP I ________________________the doctor would came toa hie and snernrics was tbat ai Gideon Rea- "If You truly lave me wan't you that rnelted at ance under bier smiles Mer. hevad een oth r es et 8#1tk ~ pçJu nPoktTn Ted and I could do the triaol" ver. prove it ta me by puttingz thait ring and bier abviaus gladncss ta be with Yeahalnai thelge. Wor . "He wasn't going ta ask us 1 No, Betty lay beside bier, eyes staring back in yaur pocket and just sitting tbem ance marc..T. F. anton succede W hs andh Pa 4 aM ArpliyAndints b ebs' tisedrtt alltea r us a!"Didn't we bave a good tirne yes- hac tise meianchaiy duty af heip- r 4 li 4ak oRVhoe tAb ndyt hes ixeg ial phfortus terday ?" Marjorie said ta Betty, ing in tise last sad rites, in his II OS * oSet* s F.Imk @r o, t e nteprga90Iage h thinkiniz aloud. officiai capacity, for his immediate1 FIT O Ahave do to e r. pBu rie nof you r ie . oing t "W e al did. but I can't sec w1[tere predecessor. baye theof surprse ai re le. e're? the good ime care in for you," said Tie funeral service in the Unit- *qohsn fcua ret e Betty ?" 'eaeres Betty saurly. ed Churcis, April 29th, *as heldI and witbdrawal i itingz for the mas- "'Oh, my dear 1" said Marjorse lner Masonic auspices, a parade tervin iereye. twnklniz "Ihad he esttim ofbeing marshaiied by Bra. W. T. tevoMrvin bpasd ir rter as es. my lufe secingr you ail open yaurJako.11c 0 arjcorie asdo be brthe ras be hnR."An especiaily large nurtiber ai NARV wa caingdowntIs stirs a knd bins."relatives af bath deceaseci and Ce",$ suatted Fnih af triumph in bis tread. That evening aiter the children Mrs. Fligg, inciuding deceased's ________________________________ COVERS IN ONE COAT "Is Betty going?" she whispered. were Put ta bed they ail gathered ini sister, Mrs. Reidi, occupied the BUHSPRELyas she passed. the little parlor azain. with thse soit maurner's ipews. They were ai- ALLISTON HERALD the peet fot ilb eta UZNESPERFETL'«I don't dare ask." le grinned ligbts ai thse Christmnas tree glowing. Most forty in nuniber. gaern aitenesitIed- DRSIN ]NO 11ME 1 back. "Leave it to Doc. Perbaps lie and talked. Rev. R. E. Morton conducted P RC ASE U* tîtfrheettint usrbr can work the trick 1" "Marjorie," said bier father, "'your the service and taok for the text HA R A KNER and t hsedtenweio n *But Betty was f lying as fast as A R F L E . mother and I bave been talking ai bis funerai sermon, St. Jahn vites_ any ai tbem te get ready. Here was tbings over and we feel that there 14:2, In' my Father's bouse are vts hco-prninaifind n acance ta go out with a good-look- is grave danger, in aur lave for you, many mansions, andi as a compie- Mrs. Bertha Delahay Elliott ex-cresndts inz ourt ma and wa irnwa ur longinR ta bave yau always ment ta it, I John 3:2, And it dath ecutrix for the estate ai thse late A fur coat and bier new gray bat, and with us. that we shaîl be unfair ta not yet appear what we shail be; Frederick Baxter Elliait, has sold Amnl sada h ueh Bety ws nt te oe t tun tatyou. Since seeingz the youngz man but we know that when He shail the prernises. printingz plant and sub- whlstEs A. B. McGREGOK & COMPANY down, even if it was just a religious- who called upon you last evening we appear, we ___________________________fTe__listn Hral service in a little aId despised coin- realize more than ever that there Tise chair led in the singing ai twa ta Harry G. B. Falkner as ai date Hardware - Phone 774ý mon chapel 1 are athers whorn you bave known hymSns, andi Mr. and Mrs. H. M. May 1. 1939. Thse new prpprsetor King Street. Dowmanvllle, Ont. By camman consent the doctor He looked at ber as "ifse were crazy. far langer than yau have known us, Aflin, Mr. H. C. Aiiin and Mrs. bas' been in the ernploy ai the late ' H..BNTHN et ih ety woperhaps bave a psior daim C. R. Carveth sang a quartette. F. B. Elliott since 1928, colning ta tsntSIDlM Phone 4422 ' Newcastle, Ont. It was a beautiful service. There wide abead at the blank walI ai thse there and talking ta me in a pleasant upon you. Mn euilforlpesAlst ae eiqihnghem - _____________________________________________roam in the darkness. Betty was natural way as yau always have (Ta Be Continued) from organizatians, friends and agement ai The Shelbourne Free thinkinsr ai the look on the'doctar's done. without any perpîexingz ques- relatives bankeci the casket. Paîl Pres He needs fia introduction ta o'ecntptd facewhe hebadsai. "arnthig tans r aytbngJus le's alkI~'bearers were J. E. W. Philp, Geo. most ai thse people ai Alliston and [jXL~ç~4U~j" fa e wheabout this pae 1"SWanering H on; o eant ber stleen' ly ora biuC. WrfhtFW.B enW..ditcbuteraenaywth f usuerrmcntptant ai ~,~1j ral about this acta. eil"in ei ltem inutoe a ier esiqely forwitb t arie Rck .R.Carveth andi J. E. wbom be is flot yet_ acquainted. He \ti on htrub wa .-~' I~' - - f un Ise had made f or them during an inscrutable rnask on ibis face: Rtnc ond Headi Cemetery Rev. is a native ai Wiltshire caunty , d.p.aE dad orat- tl the aiternoan and evening. Cantrast- "'Very well. WIsat shali I talk Mns. Wm. Roexslgk, Lindsay R. E. Morton canducted the burial wseuae n ianbs Wathv o na aey ing it witb a few experiences in bier about?" She knew by bis tonm that rites of the churcis, after wlsicl rnig aeri osdn nlnd et.red1gs ottoR s, ~. ~. meager Past that sbe had called bie was angry, but she could not It was with deep regret that theW.Bo Fred Grhn edtecng ta Canada in 1908. Hi nltssPIlgto ht7U good times." Iseip it. ., any friends ai Mrs. William H. brethren in the impre#sive burial nsaer experience stare 1rty ib.'Ad buk daat "Oh anytbing I Suppose I ask >'ù tonigk learneci ai ber death at servie for a departed broheater bis arrivaI, in the Office ai the lxaunty utaluiojo Thesset arssn Mai nc e-a qeston Its amehig Ive bee er residence, Lindsay, on May 7. with W. Bro. T. F. Brano, hp-ad West Durbam Review at Bow- aidu vsasft"as h carne aware ai samething strained wassdering. Evan. yau were braug Mrs. Raenigk, wbose late husbanci latn, readlng the prayers. mavle ewre tPr ope oesta iep h o -~ ' .- n tIe amaspere bathadnt ben upa god dal a I as, au'r inwas founder af the Academiy af Surviving besides bis wifee Dundas. Harnilton and Torank> be- mTret - tereth dathe ar. te srn chrchrad ativhieitsMaicneo knwnas he ca aned isers Min . JoReei To foe ain taShibornein192. Hs f tsnl yu92as. te slu demy Theatre, andi was also a for- rna .S ena no isW verseas service in the Gregt War esymrlg o rafs.I ~* r ' - ~. Fiall se sid a Btty "Hve vedo ubliv butbigmer bancimaster, baci long resideciFig atSlh assad included three years in France. Thse ccnan h ecsar"u - ',f - dae omthngwrng?" avdtaLmsa ad asknwnandon boterWetwrtno"aLinwedtosaymkigaiaprmiesas ndViamn î,th ntuandn L L Â G M W ~ ~ ~ ~~~"h.mercy. na 1" saici Betty He loaked at lber as if sbe had rset y ag ub r l ai ronto.ta te ftre conduet ir ThepAomistoneaial]ak r V IL hrply. "It's just seeing that high- sdel aecay citizens in this comniunity. a lots aur 1 and-mightv f riend ai yaurs, . lp ae "lesid Wa fteHri.Wbsle lbe is aCariservattv iwtradgtbe No m re o popl dr' ate frm te Od pse.Hav ya knwn Im long? " worlddo vauie an?."W tinte Tise funeral ai Mrs. Raenigk Uncle Ab says: One ai the best bie should not be expected ta sî.Ipoçrt ZEstfr1f!Al~rn a No more do pople draw wter from th Owdasose.iaveTuesdayonahternono?"fromdwdoysotaeget menshtadworksdbardtforoooneopoliticatogpartyn avenrkanotbefo onendantCanadartb oKellogg.erAt "Wvsaved frurn rour sis Fit ta ber latte residene. Interment was You la ta work harder than they Changzes rnay occur in thse make up Village Well, but many homes stili depend on the "You mean Evan Brower? Oh, gzo'ta beavent, yau know, wben youý atRiverside CernetrLdsy doan apaaceftIeaer Fr antquteiionpu p.eesdIveknwnhin pacicllpal ie"yfcesoteedan h sdkitae."e y Ane JneDaci, _____Anne_________________________ It is back-breaking work to pump and carry "He means ta taire rau home with lber as if she were a sick persan, or Richard Darcis, !vrs. Raenigk was water to the bouse in ail kinds of weather. Don't listening. You'II go. too. I can'sec "My dean I 1arn afraid the long famuly la weil kssawi. She lived if make your family put up with such out-of -date thatlI And if yau do it'lI be good-bye strain ai nunsingr Mrs. Wetherill, and for a number ai yeara t indncsayWV OUuFR methods any longer. An up-to-date, compact sisten. all right I Are yau engaged1"' then seeinz lber di. bas been toa where ber husband occupieci "Mra o1" si ajri.mcgoroulefs, rmnntpael hebsns 'Wbere dld rau get that idea ?" "Oh. no." said Marjarie. looing life af the town. Folaowlng the "ut ai bis mastenful manner. If up) brigbhtly. "rau dont understand deatis of Mr. Roenigk, se con- 5 rau aren't. rau probabir wilI be by me. Im not in tIse Ieast morbid. In ducteci the partnershipt with E. S. ~W Duro W ater Supply System tIse time lunch is aver. You ougbt ta a way I'm happier dma I ever was Meeban in the Academy Theatre. ~JI DI Zf wil funis runin waerundr pessre o ktchn, have told us about hlm before you in my lufe before, because I've found She was a member af St. Paui's ~ ~ let us ail get ta caring about. vou. that I have a Saviaur frôm sin." Agia hri niwsdel bathroom, iaundry and farm buildings. t wasn't fair. aiter ail these years He studied ber face witb vexed interested intalal matters wbîcb wîthaut rau." unnespansive eyes a marnent and then affecteci the church. Running water - Betty I" Marjorie whinled about hie said coldir: She la surviveci by four daugh- also permits thse toward bier sister. "'So. tbat's the lime oi your new tei'5, Mrs. W. A. Grahams (Dora), installation of a f matter wîth yau, Betty ?" Marjorie She sprang up as if hee bad struck Llndsay, Mrs. J. B. Crampton Modern Emco said. bah ready ta cry. "thene was't lber and bier eres gzrew suddenly (Alva), Toronto, and Gertrude atIDM/E Bahom eyanything ta te.Hes just a find acin. yuaemsae home. One sister, Mrs. W. F. Dale, necessary"cn- e'snahig t "N. Van,-. I__My Wm i e paasng arivMs cn you ta purchase Emca fixtures, fittingu hurt raur rnther's feelings terribly." *tînuuhumon .hejr usnd aie, fi . iroy tleLae 1W"eis7"Sx and Dura Pumps Ôn thse montbîr par. That was an unfartunate tbought. A . ,..L Misa Agnes er eniofgCabis Oldsmobie-powered, witis a great, "Series 80" Straigh iitb~ Enquiries given prompt attention and immediately. Dnggino end maharm an the bighway lhe bought r...., 95-y h.p.Ol i e ad ne-wititis hreeatleda e apie S.tss estmatsmuppieew hotucare.iedarn aar.Ihadua.I chtarage., «Ibe camaemai frm n he ewaste-revluionry iIthiiaRid ad nw hre bdeytnewOlamoil. adt rau uneeded my protection and 1 bad hhýw«k - Clarke east boundary Une, naw Handi-Shif Gear Control-priced r.aht enjoy a demonstrationdie lr' somehinr tosayto yu.,W làtâm owned by Philip LeGresley. Here dw ntelwpiefed sHe t i bd n hnoe taet snd fetairau." -gralehe and. Mrs. Flgg were agatadwn h o - ri li ian Olds for everYbody n e ey pus w1.~u.D~rko.Du..eskar pulled put ahind iii bi cs pce ,f eelingievale *burned aut, losing their home andi Low mo»thly jpAymente on lte Gene,,) Motora Ingtaimenjln ,Bet ark r-iuIIIU colon ai violets. She looked at it anîd bc te kdSp.q nearly al l It contents. Tlley re -_____________________________________ an axiet eneredbersaul hOont forhi. hOIbullt, a one storey cernent block Pholle 2684 Bowmanvilie anai v terehe said, î bausta, for they saici they would Cutc wac orface when rau see it." '@P Wb b !"? hause. Tbey retireci from farmlng ROT N CHS .9 IEBRASS MFG. CO., LM. There seemed natbiiig ta do bte ,. Kdne sem andi came itt the village, taktag CBowmanvllle Rod uM$1l IR E ;jtake it and open It. She beld bte.l a . ti,, teirresidence In the brick Alsospppl401000IteSHaml4on Toronto Sudébury little box rently in ber band as if it liavingu nibt h' alh lex on Emlly St., the bouse unit» .p«Oud0 WlnnIp.g Vancouver were a'living thinig that she might Mdem.%qtet-Sle, 16buLt by W. F. Eddy before he 139 hr.and iiesitateci, loaking at bim, Dod KidnevPUls In ta Regina.__________________________________I__MI___el___MI______Q__a__il_ ____________________.____....._______ and tring ta tbink what ta do. Then early "l Fe rligg enfic - ~~"~svse~an., ~. . - I