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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1939, p. 7

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A * -~PYt1W ~ -~rn ~ - THURSDAY, MAY I8TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE SEVEN DenrWybeHu .,p ie>anerr.isit- Prayer For IKig adQueen Darathy Humpa ean r. Heui- For Knd Union, uarlington cd Mrad Ms G. W. Humpage, 0 Lord of lords and King of klngs, before Thy throne we bow S9CIAL. AND PERSONAL- Duke Street. HobAnus n d pray for grace Th il e od Thou shait show us how; Recent Visitors: PHONE 063 trinsintTe Thib uste n T poleess iith ~ humble heartS and penitence, would pray:Mran MsCylAvyad tranin atTheThitleownSic Blss ithThylov orKingan Queen - we welcome them today. Jye rln Mr and Mrs ilJer n Children's Hospital, Weston, spent Jye roln r n r.J Mr-Artur umpgeTornto gust f M. ad Ms. . j. Wst-Manday with her mother, Mrs. R. Bless Thou aur King with length of days, give peace throughout McGregor and family, Maple Grove, setteweedahoe ob.his reign: at Mr. William Wotten's. .. Miss 1fr Athu HmpaeTo antgetofM.adMr.R .et o. Direct his'steps in ail his wàys, front every wrang restrain; Jean McLaughlin with ber sister. spntth wekndathoe. awy.Alice Jackson Mission Band was Thy richest blessings on his realm,--on ail his peoples-paur Mrs. Harrv Wright. Oshawa... Miss Helen Gunn, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bigwaad and held Manday in the Trin.lty Unit- And may this rmalini "yicingdomn be, henceforth, farever more. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibbs and spent the weekend at home. daughter Mabel, Oshawa, visited ed Church. Miss Pickard led inan 1fr. Fred Abbott and Mr. and Miss Chrissie Freeman. prayer. The worship stary was May Brotherhoad and pigheoM"S Our nation's bulwarks be; PeoternfaM. ndatMr. R. Mms. M. Abbott, Hamilton, visited Mrs. R. Towne, Miss Marie Law, told. Miss Clark told the study May Unity and Loyalty tnabe lui bath strong and free; Gotrîfdfins.Mils Euneia at .R their aunt, Mns. Eli Wilson. Toronto, spent the weekend with stary. Let Wisdam fram above descend- on People and on King, rfs.. MNott ing'sMyrtle Rev. H. W. and Mrs. Foley visit.. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dilling. Mrs. R. Trimble, Vernon Trim- Let Love and Peace an earth Increase and'lasting Justice bring. Mis r. Ninaylor, Toront, it cd her auhtr, rs M Gr- Glad ta see Mr. Wilbur Moore, bic, and Mrs. Allan Clarke n May every nation, leverv rbarEpr' onswti Mr. T. Taylor's. .. Mr. anid Mrs. dieratGrdn il.Toronto, in tawn on Tuesday. He Jimmie, visited the farmer's dau- Renew tlhc vaws of fea ty made bYr loyal kith and kmn; Taylor and famuly, Blackstock at Miss Winnie Morris is vîsiting h as been laid up with heart ghter, Mrs. Lawrence Staples, Long live thec King ta walk the path by Providence decreed, Mr. William McLaughlin's. friends i London and Detr.oit, trouble since January. Bethany, on Wednesday. God save and bless aur Graclous Qucen-for both we pray, Our school attended the Music Mlch. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kitchen, Mother's Day visitors with Mr. "Godspeed". hesipliciPotyHoe.igCrl e 1fr. and Mrs. H-arr Spencer, Oshawa, spent the weekend with and Mrs. A. W. Pickard includied TeSmlct eizCrl e lootset h ekn i er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. hrs. E. E. Hockridge, Toronto, Montreal, 1937. By the late R. L. WERRY. at Miss Blanche Bcech's Thursday. *ratesente. weed t Manard. niece of Mrs.'Pickard, Miss Kay Humbly dedicîted ta Their MajcstO reies ere.lxaRX o lM. n r.W Lakadf MaMartin, Winipeg, and Miss Kin George VI and Quen-Çz-eh Miss ettyFlaxan, RMr. nd Ms. W.Leas andfam-Vivian Martin, Toronto. ~Ezbt.E e e e rono, isiedherpàrnt, M. ad , Taunton, visited their« uncle Mrs. T. E. Flaxman. . and aunit, Mr. John and Miss Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bell, Base ______lis har ndtbls be e e Mis Maio Ealy Toono, asLumb. Line, annaunce the engagement of TO NF A CEPorwnsetd u adfei ~~~~Misss Maria aly aono as M ie and Mdeli their younger daugliter, Leah thS centre room and contain the Recent Visitors: _______________Jones,___AlTeoraor.tamsBnnetPor (thenue frm age1> bedrooms, the modemn bathrooms, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pooley and Jnes, To rno penttheyweek- Hope. The marriage ta take place of fax arrears, Bowmanvilc 15s the dining hall, the bar, necrea- Mr. Gordon Brent. Tyrone, Miss end withth0irJpes, ao n earîy in June. below average wifh $11.50 per tien room, bahl roam, full size Elinor Sykes. Hampton. w ith Mr. Miss Jean McCormick, Gaît, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hagerman, capita, while tlic average is $11.32. theatre, and a dozen and anc and Mrs. G. F. Annis. . . Mr. and FR E teFIR EI and Mrs. J. C. Vanstone, Kitchen- who have spent the winfcr at St: Pictan again leads witli fax an- other elaborate rooms. Mrs. AIf. Pennington, Roy and Lois,- er, visited with Mr. and Mrs. .ÇC Petersburg, Flarida, are cvidently nears of $2.61 per capita. Cabourg 1 Bottie Vntn vrteweed northward bound as a card was and Part Hope are îower still i vti But this building is only one of Toronto, at Mr. H. F. Osborne's.. received from them Mndaeas- areasof $13.94 and $11.57 e many. Apart from it are the Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pickell and N. Mr. . A Luneyand ertrecive fro. tem ondy as- areas 7re-swimming pool, the golf club Eileen with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allin, R, Hawes Mn G.A. uncy nd er ing that The Statesman be sent ta spectively. h Lemon Ou.Johnsfon attended the funeral of btrenPito laan etr fter- use, the boat house, several Bowmanville.. Mr. and Mrs. R. d With XverY Pound, the former's sister, Mrs. Mary SugoPin.p stMaturwmne atekse cabins whicli are larger than the K. Braggz. Shaws, Mr. and Mfrs. Jane Ross, in Toronta on Tuesday. James Raîpli Clark, san of Dr. faurth with only .9 % of the po average Bowmanvile home, a Elton Werrv. gowmanville, Mr. and Wl H.awes Floor Wax - We notice Capt. and Mrs. C. W. and Mrs. D. Wesley Clark, 291 ulation on relief. Whifby has 1.2% curling rink, ski club house, and Mrs. Mel. Terry. Osbawa, at A . B. T( E. Meath are among the guesti hrot street, Peferbano, lias Cobourg 2.5 %, and Part Hope 3% the homes of members. Werry's for Mother's Day. «C ~invited ta the garden parfy at been awarded the Pnofessor's Highest af the fawns in this group We. didn't see nearly ail of it, Services on Sunday were in charge wý 4 cevW.Government House, Ottawa, in prize in medicine and clinical is Rockland wifli 40.9 %. because the roads were bad and of Re.W . Smith wjth a good S. hnon of Their Majesties. medicine at Quecn's Universify. 'Also interesting la the fact that it was toa extcnded ta caver by attendance. Miss Elinor Sykes, of B. Mr.andMrs N.C. a'rey ndGraduation exencises wiil take the average per capifa fax levy la foot. After inspecfing fliree or Hampton, favored with vocal selec- er M ASON & DALE MasN. C.er Fanley and s place at Kingston, May 19.Jae $30.40, while Bowmanvlle's levy fourof the outside buildings and i fons atte veningsrxiSt Os. vi Hardware Headquarters Strer an le.yhoand iss dtradMs e.W aesad a 3.4 otHp tteetr anstructure, we aRe.MNlyKigS.bsqwo cd Mrs. Farley's mother, Mrs. L. as nepresentatives of flic weekly $30.24, Cobourg at $3 1.08, and on the stone venandah, soaked in was. guest speaker at the S. S. aIe bisn hrhSre.nwppr fOtro ae gue t bamav$3e4. dbenur. e sun and pretended we owned session. M I R 511r isn, HarcliStries visited nepdane if nvtan tehae ac- Whitby af $34.15. nuedcbt le place. Incidentally, flic rates Youni People's Society have witb- «"I ... in oronto lasf week wt e of flhc Onfario Goverrnenf at the stands at $108.45 per càpita, whilc for members are about $20 a day. drawn their meetings until faîl. Sa Dealer, sisten, Mrs. W. L. Rowe. While Parliament buildings in Toronto the average is $91.92 for ,the 29 We didn't stay long. C.G.I.T. have abandoned until the a Phon 408- WeDelier tefliere ateshe tattendcd f Otthe cfunonraltheofsonoftheetwoccasionsaie frut.eocv-isifeo0fn thhlafeownsnginllthet isameldgnaup.nnulRock-i Phoe 48 -We elier Mr. Arthiur Luttrell. King and Qucen taeflic legislafure land la lowesf witli $12.94, Part Luncheon in pflicle diing faîsl. tw odthi nul icni Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webber (nec on May 22nd. Hope lias $66.40 per capifa, food and perfect sevice Miss We welcom ______________________________________ Mn ad rs J A MFefcsby $103.14, and Cobaurg $110.41. fo n efc evc.Ms _______________________________Mr._and________J._A._______ Manvesurnerip leadsflicfmereedilon faflic cul< maga d Betheda.bwho as came o resid andso Rnadalso thein daugli- mnialfers Twnhiar the ws e zinc, summanized the histoy of with her daugbter, Mrs. Esli Oke. andipaison frRonalds Pe this scignory from fle ic ie if was »Te wish for continued improvement fer Mrs. W. J. Scott and fwo chil- capita tax arrears in Durham at ~ntgatdfrul lcFecii e elb CP m m m o n P ] 0 fl eo FFR ten T r., NM n. nd M r e. 6. O fli:ewcaat e $468 Mil-Cnown taeflicoriginal Papineau. Berean class will meet at Mrs. W. - C [l IlEm RH iOIl O Fadps l in on es, Port Ho, rook$7.0,l op esfe$.3, leIt wasthen fan in flic bush and Bickle's May 8th. when Mrs. H. W. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Dnewan $8 83, Cavan $9.45, Darlington was considcrcd Iraquais ferrifory. Foley. Bowmanville, will be Speaker. *Glenn, Oshawa, wene Sunday caîl- $lO.88, Cartwrightf $11.38, Bow- History cames alive liere, fon on Mission Circle will hold their an- *ers an Mn. and Mns. W. W. Hen- manville' $11.50, and Port Hope the hill overlookîng flic river sits nual banquet May 31st when Mrs. derson, Ring St. $11.57. Whifby lias fax arnears atflic manoer house of Louis-Josepli (Rev.l> Anderson. Oshawa, will be The engagement is annaunccd of $10.39 per capifa, while Cobaurg Papineau, most nofed of flic mcm- sp)eaker. C FLillian Marguerite (Peggy) Joness stands af $13.94. bers of the Papineau family. n Mrs. Walter Rundie is puite in- Ou F Fo M.F.H.Jnes n V Ee will be remembencd that Louis- disposed. daulitr o Mn F.H. ones ad VllaesJosephi Papineau was President of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Oke were hast r n~,the late Mns. Janess of Bownian- Newcastle nanks 19th in fax the Assembly in Quebec at an and hastess ta sanie 40 young friends S p 00 n Sville, ta Mn. W. Andncw Clark, collections in villages under 750 early age. He became the leader of their son Douglas. who May I lth son of Mn. and Mns. A. D. Clark of population of whicli there are 67, of the rebellion in Quebec in 1837, celebrated his 2lst birthday. Dancing Reg..Pro eToronto. The m.1rriage te take liaving callecfcd 91.8 % o! the 1937 when William Lyon Mackenzie and arnes were indulged in at Pid- place-, quiefly- flic early part a! levy comparcd fa the average of was îcading flic rebellian in On- duck's Hall with refreshments being June 83olce.4%.ntn isMi llbroak 85.anof 3herdolafrla. Like Mackenzie, Papineau served at the Okce home. Gue$ts were Chi! o PoiceSydVenon a ig clleted85.% o th toalescaped fa the United States and presenit f rom Toronto Wbitby, Osh- especially interesfed in flic visit lcvy. lafer ta England. Affen ail was awa. Bowmanville, Hampton. Max- Four Iavely Cof.e Spoosi n beautiful gray box, purple f the Ring and Qucen because Newcastle aiso leads the county fargiven if natfofrgaffen, Louis- wells, Zion and surroundingr vicinity. velvet lineul. anc o! lis ncphews, John Dieben, in tax collections, the percentages Josepli Papineau nefurned ta the__________ is a Quartenmaster on the Empress a! the fen municipalifies being as family estate on flic Oftawa and Special TO acquaint more people wth this lovely pattern, the of Australia. Unfontunately, Mn. follows: Newcastle 91.8, Manvers built this manoer house. Thaf was B a k tc Price now manufacturers offer these 4 Spoons for $1.0 o . Dieben lias fa nemai.n with. lis 87.1, Port Hope 85.3, MillboOk about 1850, se thaf if neally isn't B a k t c SI~ Ths ofergood for limnited time onlîy. slip on Bowmanville citizens 85.1, Bowmanville 81.8, Hope 79.8, se old,,aq Frenchi Canada caunts____ could licar !inst hand about the Cavan 74.1, Clarke 72.9, Daln-aebuifmshvebnfic RetVstr: SSIITO EE UE PECOL cmm~eonîio 46PC. II 2-P. STS ather raugli cnossing and ather fan 72.6, and Cartwrighit 70.6. show place wlien if was new, and M.Lm rdun oota IRI62-C. ETSdefails a! the trip. Bowmanvllle Tax 111gh if la mare than ever a show place Mr onBadu.Trntt Rural mail carniers have been 0f the ten municipalities, Baw- now. Louis-Josepli must have had Mi and Mrs. W. Bradburn's.. MA R S J W L Ygranfed four mre lolidays a yar. manville las the higlesf per cap- plenty o! mney for is bouse isMis ablVnCm.Trto M ARB S JE ELRYIn addition of Christmas and New ifa fax levy af $32.04, wlfh Man- large. Af one canner la a circular with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Camp. Phono 463 omnll Yean's Day, they will now neceive vers the lowesf af $16.37. Othens fower, whiali contains flic circular. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vincent, _________________________________________________D o mi nio n Day, Labon Day, are: Part Hope $30.24, Cavan stain which gives acccss fa the Tranto. and Mrs. Robert Archer _____________________________________________Thanksgiving Day and Goad Fni- $23.62, Cartwright $20.65, Mill- othen floors. Nean flic opposite with Mm. and Mms. Chas. Smith.. day. An announcement ta thîs cf- brook $19.14, Clarke $19.14, Dan- corner is a square tawen, built Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde and Pats.v, fcct lias been neccived froin the lmngfan $18.09, Hope $17.43, and sainie yeans laten, liausing flic hb- Toronto. with Mm. and Mrs. Ira Hon. N. A. McLarty, 'Posfmasfen- Newcastle $16.60. ary. The house liad been closcd Argue. .. Miss Hazel Mountjoy, Gencral. In fatal debenture debf per for the winfcr and flic fumnifume Bronte. with Mm. and Mrs. Norman Rev.Wil Ponto, Amasoncapita Hope and Newcastle are on was net in place, soeflic visitons Mountiay. .. Miss Evelyn Devitt, F000 FIT FOR A KI NG On.,rthes:Thointhe colmasn top with no debt standing against were net taken fliere that day, but Part Pemrv. with Mr. and Mrs. C. themwhatoevr, wileBowmn- afewof u hapene te ficth Devitt. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van of Te Satemanwe re cn- ill trilsalong wifli a debf of caretaken womking inside and liad Camp) and Glenn with Mr. and Mrs. There wlll be no bread dellverY tram Carter'. on stanfly kept posted wifh the news $108.45 per capifa. Other munici- a hurried look flinougli part o!flice D. Heasip. ,janetville. - . Mr. and Mondy, he ay he ingandQuee ar tobe n o th hoefawn. In my estima- Ialitics are: Pont Hope $66.40, liause. That was flic highliglif of Mrs. Russe] Willan, Toronto, with Monayfli dy fic In an Quen reta e litien I think flic home papen is anc Millbnoak $55.28, Clarke '$7.74, fthc day for anc who was fond o! Mrs. Win. Steele.. Mr.an Mrs. . Toronto. Buy plenty on Saturday ta carry you o!flice bcsf wccklies printcd. I Cartwright $2.93, Darlington $2.35, Canadian histony. The old fine -______________ y through. have read many other weekly Manvers .55, and Cavan .18. places, tfli finitumc a! ninety newspapcrs but none can compare Pont Hope and Millbroak have years ago, and above all, the ta the standard af The Stafesman. the highest percentage of the pop- grand balîrooni scemcd like sanie - _________ We ffr woSpcilsMr. C. S. Haîlman sang in pub- ulafion on relief with 3.0%, whule thing.ouf of a moving pictune of This Week-End eOf r woS cil lic on Sunday for flic finsf finie Hope, Cavan, Cartwright ýa nd a Laulaiana stomy. But this was since lis seiaus illness, when in Clarke are lowest with none. Ofli- Canada, Frenchi Canada, prescrv- Roya Vist C ke te monin he angin St. An- ens anc as follows: Newcastle 1.3%, cd by anicli organization ta give RoalViitCae 0< drew's Churcli and in flic evening Bowmanville .9 %, Dan 14 n g tao n a foudli o! histoy ta a mavellous Royally decorated - a deliclous treat, 40 in St. Paul's Churcli. If being Me- .2%, and Manvers .03%. . nafural playground. ana ra.then's Day lic chose as lis solo an Affer lunclicon wc again ne- Banaa Cram 'Ai~ bath occasions, "Moflien o! Mine", tunned fa the warm sun and be- Chiffon Pie 30ÇT and as o! old delighted the audi- PRESS CONVENTION came so ncstfuî that wc came close ences with lis sweet tenon vaice. fa missing aur train back ta 0f- Conmplete assortment of smail cakes, cookieo, etc. for Miss Mary Jewdll o! the Big 20 (Contlnued tram page 1) tawa. The nturn trip was again Book Store-hasn'f neaclicd the age ranged with the C.P.R. fan two most enjoyable, cxcept thaf cvcny- your lunch or pionie basket wbile ini Toronta. yet wlien she doesn'f have a binfli- special passenger cars on the reg- anc was beginning ta tire and feel Lowest taons an day. One o!flien Buffalo fricnds ulan Ottawa ta Mantreal train,. flic necd of rcst. Pruces carry a 1 knew this and lasf week sent The fifty mile journey was Pic- Saturday cvcning, sevenal o! us 0_________ TH E CA RTER FAIM ILY Maryý an audible gneeting card turesque indecd, including a birds- visitcd Hull's famous Gatineau ____________ TH E C RTER A M ILYwhich wlicn yau pull your fingens eye view o!flice Ottawa river, Club, whcrc Bowmanville's Char- F ovrthe narrow strap atfaclicd fa still fringed witli ice, close up lie Cawker uscd ta play in flic on- F ]Phone 855 Bakers forTw Geraon the, card praduces the wonds glinipses a! quaint Quebec rail- cliestra. Unfontunatcly, flic place Nova K.lp Tablots E TWO Gn6raions "Happy Birthday fa Yeu" as naf- noad villages and farns and sev- was packed, stuffy and net fao de- ural as if the persan sfood in front enal fine wafcnfalls boiling witli siral n lc lo hwcn- a! you. ychlow wafen fapped by white sisted o! stupid -acte; o! a puenile RmoeGA foani. One cauld easily pictume nature. We didn't sfay long. Causes Not - Peterbono Examiner ni a k e S early sefflers de! tly slioofing Most o! Sunday was spent in smptains mentin thiaf May istirs wan tnul h afwaesi icilApadwigaond th_- cx-2-'-No-a_-K- p Tomao <Jlce Annversrv o Tyrne Uitedinto the air. Farty miles a! logs Bowmanvillc terrîtory. w Bis Chtircb m;ill be beld an Sunday. May were usedi its construction. WTwshtathnkflc eoleo 21sf. Service at 1.30 a.rn. and 7 pan. The greaf roani whidh filflic owmanville for flii support 33e - 53eciN (Standard Tinie). Rev. W. F. Ban- centre a! the building is truly and cnrflf leio cn ister of St. Paul's United Church, amazing. Te eiin i jstinsawe le tdb he ana-in M A PLE GROVE. DAIIRY speaker. Special music bv school irnpasing stone coîumn used as a îng newspapcns in Canada.UNTD0 .Bawrp. under leadersbip of A. H. Brent and chiney fan the six fineplaces at Yaurs vcry truly, UNTDOGAR STORE -Phone 2165J.BonPr. Mrs. Russell Virtue assisted by a- t bottai, stretches upward from onhitaiEeti.AEC cnt f rom St. Paul's Church. Collec. the floor Ilie a luge fawcr. TheDoClisanEctc.A NO tion in aid of S. S. Fund. 20-1 romr Is fllled wlth luxurlous. Don Christian. MMMB * -à 1 ( MElSAM FQULT Gutta Percha Tires are sold and recommended by: McKEEVER & SMITH Temperance Street Bowmanville *Z C. Ferguson. Bowmanville. and- on winniniz the gold medal for piano ev. and Mrs. Merle Ferguson and solo. and to Miss Anne Thomson lauhte, mssinares romAfrcawho won the silver niedal f or piano Ltihte, issonrie frm frîasolo at the Music Festival. Bath ith relatives.. Mr. Fred Waldon, these girls are Pupils of Mrs. Ada oronto, at Smith Bros. , Jones-Sadler. Special Mother's Day program Rev. Tristram preached at the as followed at the United Church Uie hrhSna ih n ;. S. Sunday morninR. Dr. R. P. Uie hrhSna ih n owles. Nestleton. was guest speak- was verv much enioyed. r.Mr. W. C. Ferguson. Bowman-' Congratulations to the Cartwright ile. who was Superintencient of school children for their zood work or Sundav School for many years at the Music Festival and to Mrs. Is0 favoured with a few remarks. Switzer. their capable teacher. lis5 Susie Van Camp told a story 'he Room of Gold" and Mrs. Robt. idler saney a lovely solo. There was The letters of the word 'can' zood attendance. are the initiais of the positive statement "'cast away negation". Mr. Lawrence Mountjoy, Toronto, That is the first step for a yaung sat home convalesoing from an man to take if he wants to suc- peration. ceed in a big wvay.-J. E. Green- Congratulations to Miss Ruth Bell siade. NOW OPEN! ALLIN'S MILK BAR Opposite Balmoral Hotel - Bovmanville Try New York's Newest Health Drinks made on the Waring Blendor, from fresh fruits and vegetables in 20 seconds, No preservatives or flavor- ing used. - Just healthful fruit juices. Trhe machine is ftiencwest an fthe market. Corne In and sec IL, Chocolate, Malted MiIk Shakes..................... Pineapple, orange, Banana, Grapefruit, Lemon Drinks ............ ............... WE USE COUNTRY CLUB I0E CREAM Agents For Glen Rae Dairy Products 1oç 1oe IRESSl FOR THE ROYAL VISIT Decorate your home or place of business .with flags, fes- ad if you are going to see the King and Queen be sure to flag with you. .AGS Union JaCkS, Scotch Ensigns ELCOME PENNANTS %RLANDS :LLS Red, White & Blue Red, White & Blue lk Lapel Bows - - - 3o oyal Badge - - - - 5o Souvenir Cigarettes - - - - 50c Colgate Tooth Paste id Souvenir Book- 33c POONS CKBANDS FROM IOAP 1: et 5c to 69C Se - lOc - Ise Se - loc Ise 12 KINDS HEINZ JUNIOR FOODS 2 for -23e Far babies 18 monflis & over PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McCregor Phone 792 DRUGS Bowmanvîîle q i À , THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN

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