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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1939, p. 9

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Tiu ORODNO N EWS SOCIAL AND PERSONAL PHONE 40rl6 Mrs. R. Fuller is on the sick list. ,Mrs. A. Allen has been quite in. Council meets next Tuesday. Mins Mary K.nox, B.A., Alliston, vislted hene. Boy Scouts expect ta meet on Mondays during the sunsmer. Glad ta see Mr. J. J. Gilfillan able ta ride uptawn. Miss Edna Stutt, Graiton, visit- ed here. Miss Mamaon Bannon, RXN, vis- lted her mather. Mr. George Rawe, Toronto, vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Rowe. Miss Evelyn Brown, Toronto, vIisitedher cousxin, Miss Patt.rson. bora, bnought Mr. 0. W. Scott home Saturday. Following the marching ai the band heading the S.O.E. parade an Sunday, they favoured with seyeral selections on Main street. Mn. and Mrs. Henb Scott visited their daughter Helen, nurse in training at Toronto Genenal Hos- pital. Mrs. G. L. Carscadden and son Bobbie, Rauyn, Quebec, are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Dean Carscad- den. Trial exams. are aven at the O.C.S. 'Finals stant fan the Middle and Upper school June 16th, or thereabouts. viatc lc& VL01l, -atqe:aul. Mns. Charles Wood leit Thurs- Mr. Bil Brown, B.A., Toronto, day ta visit her daughten Frankie visited Mr. and Mns. R. H. Brown. (Mns. R. Barrabell) in Saskatche- Mns. R. Smithi has been on the wan.- We wish her a pleasant trip. sick it. Mn. J. J. Mellor attended the MLs Hazel Wintor is home irons Rotary Club luncheon at Bow- Bawmaànville. manville Friday noon when Rev. Orana Pavilion apened Satur- Dr. R. P. Bowles was the speaker. day evening. Miss Mary Waddell attended a Miss V. Baker visited in To- tea at Part Coîborne Saturday giv- ronto. en by Miss Helen Kinnear ta The Masanic banquet is being members ai the Women's Law held June 8th. Association ai Ontario. A numben attended the baîl We notice by the Star that Prof. ganses at Bowmanville May 24th. C. B. Sissons took part in the cene- mony precedini the crawning ai Miss Elva Tucker, Taronto, the Queen ai the May at Whitby spent a few days at hen hanse here. Ladies' College. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn has been Orono Band played for an hour on the sick list. Saturday night, giving music 10v- Mns. Almeda Henry is guest ai ens a treat. Owimg ta nain they Mns. D. Hooper. nsoved into the hallway in the Dr. Kenslako, Toronto, visited Town Hall and dispensed nsusic here. irons there. Mr. and Mns. Percy Cann and Mn. Paul Snadgrass, Rochester, Reta, Bowmanville, visited at R. visited here. His wife, who has H. Wood's. been with her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mns. John Bucley Mrs. Robt. Rainey, returned home Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mns: with hinm. Harvey Curtis. Quite a display ai firewanks 1Mns. J. Arnmstrong, Miss M. Hall were enjoyed an the evening ai and Mn. Rolly Hall were in To- May 24th. How about having it in ronto last week. the fair grounds next year in- Mr. and Mns. R. Sherwin and stead ai on Main street? Mrs. C. Moon visited in Bawnsan- A number irons here attended ville. the I.O.O.F. parade at Pontypool Mr. Gea. Butter's hanse had it Sunday. Music was supplied by foot nearly sevened when caught the f ife and druns band, and about ini a barb wire fence. 35 members paraded ta the Mns. Mary Henry, Toronto, is church. visiting her sistens, Mrs. Margaret Ye Editon ai the Orono page is Cooper and Mns. E. Seal. the proud passessor abq snapshots taken ai the train and station at Miss Edith Orn, St. Catharines, Newcastle when the Royal trains spent the weekend at Mr. Jas. E. passedthrough there May 22nd. Richards'. Al ai thens turned out in spite ai Mr. Talbent, North Battleford, the iact that the very amateuriali Sask., called an Mr. and Mrs. phatagraphen was using anly a John Mo* - - No. 2 Brownie camera. The wea- Mr. and I. nod Awde and then wnsf cloudy and h ~i a tanilly, Toronto, visited 'Kr. and maving swiitly and - last but nat Mn,. C. F. Awde. least - she was shaking with ex- Mr. J. J. Mellor spake at the citement., ~ non meetn atBwavae anday night. U în Pelm Miss Bernice Andrews was theUno Pr id t lucky winner ai a beautiful table Is PUO500tOd At caver. M nal W tn Mn. and Mrs. F. B. Wliyte and M na' etn Doris were guests ai Mr. and Mns. Miss Kathleen Stark, a bride- W. H-. Hooper at Pontypool. to-be, was pleasantly sunprised at Mn. and Mrs. Ken Hall,. To- the Union meeting Monday night ranta, visited Mn. and Mns. W. J. by being given a presentatian by Hall.1 the membens and executive ai the Scouts ai Orono and Bowman-, Union ai which she is president. ville will parade ta Park Street1 Two other features ai the meet- Church next Sunday night. ing (the lasing one for the sea- Mm. ackCobledckTonntason) were the presenting ai ne- Mr.tedMnandMN Cobbledik orno ports ai the Y. P. Convention at Columbus, and a ieast ai pie and dick. lice creans ta help fil the enspty Mn. and'Mns. Mclsaac and Alice places leit irons the Monday be- and Bud, Toronto, spent the 24th fore. at their cottage hene. The meeting was in charge ai Glad ta see Mn. and Mns. Wat- the cultural departnsent and was son again on duty at the park presided aven by Sans Keane. baath. Menvyn Keane rend the scripture. Mr. and Mns. Charles Crease Ahl those wantlng ta go ta ,and son Paul, Toronto, visited hem Hampton SaturdfLy aitennoon must mother, Mns. Fred Cowan. meet at the churcli at 12.30.. Mn. and Mrs. Sandenson and The present executive were put baby, Peterbara, vasted Mn. and in change ai campflnes for the Mrs. R. Fuller. summer months. Miss Stark spoke brieily, thank- Nias Freeda Wilson, who lias ing ahl who had helped during the been quite III, is getting along past year and expressing a desire :fie now. for the continued success ai the A number attended a W.C.T.U. Union. As she let the pitions, convention at Pont Hope yesten- nîl joined in singing "Fan she's a day. jolly gaod iellow," aiter which The District Annual ai the Wo- Miss Eileen Riddell rend a bief men's Institute is being held here addness signed on behali ai the June 8th. Union by Elsie Rowe, Manley Lit- A number attended the Harti- tlewood, Jean Fonrester and Eil- culura covenionat Mllbrook een Riddeil. Jean Forrester and utuma o eto Manley Littlewood brouglit ion-i Thusdy.ward twa end tables and present-i Miss Ruth Fogg graduated irons ed them. Miss Stark spoice fit- Bowmanville Hospital as a nurse tingly, thanking the Union fori this week. their giits and stating that she A numbeç attended the funeral would always have pleasant me- ai the late Charles Sutcliffe at maries ai happy iellowship with Port Penny. the Union membens. Mn. and Mrs. Elgin Seymoaur Miss Betty Rawe, with Mns. W. and Joan, Toronto, visited in Or- C. Lynch at the piano, rendered a -ono May 24th. vocal solo "Crossing thie Ban." The O.C.S. are holding a weinen Miss Margaret Milison gave ai :andmarhmalowroast tomoraw mast interesting report ai the and narshmllawSaturday pragrans at the conven- <Friday) night. tion at Columbus. Miss Millson Misses Tourjee, Toronto, visited alsa read Miss Myrtle Tamblyn's Mrs. McPhersan and Mrs. Smith, repart ai the Sunday sessions. -wha returned ta the city with Rev. S. Littlewoad brouglit ag thons. brief message ta the young peo-1 Mms. J. Eaglesan entertained ple. He painted out that the suns- .lrlends ta tea Tuesday in honar mer nsonths are neyer free ai -ai Mrs. Almeda Henry and Mn5. temptation. Hoe stated that the :Mary Henry, Toronta. training at Union should be a Mrs. W. K. Sloane and son background ta help us resist Oscar, and thnee friends, Peter- thern, and that we should be an example ta others. Ho closed by urgngail ta co-opemate In the capies, and expressing his thanks ta ail wha lad helped Div e o C 'througli the year. Sans Keane thanked ahl who had taken part in his vaiaus meet- .4/ ings. Elvin Blewett thanked his committee and others helping with recreation neriods- and Jins Powers rend the names ai those who play bail Saturday at Hamp- ton. lo Pie and ice creans were served, aiten which a -friendship c.incle, Orono Scouts Win Two SoftbaU Games From Bowmanville Saturday aiternoon was a gala occasion for the lst Bowmanville Troap af Scouts and the Orana Troop when softball teams from bath groups displayed their menit at Orono Park. The first game was between the Junior Scouts, with Clif! McNair, Bowmanville, as umpire. Ganse consisted of six innings smnce the score was tied at the end af the fifth. Orono scored in the sixth enaugh ta break the tie. Juniors have same good, players who will be heard frons in years ta camne. Hobbs caught for Orono thraugh- out and Myles and Cornish bath tried their hands at pitching. Bil Edger pitched for the Bawman- ville Juniors and Eric Mcllveen was the catcher. The Seniior game was the one that brought.forth cheering, ban- ter and a feeling of joie de vive. The umpire, J. J. Mellor, enjoyed himself as much as the boys and the spectatars. The game was not nearly as close, thanks ta the pitchmng of LeRay Myles, big bro- ther ta the Jr. pitcher - the score being 13-6. The first innings was scoreless for bath sides. In the second Myles got one for Orono. In the third Bowxnanville scored their first run which was a homer, and Orono scored four througJi Littlewood, Manning, Pattersan and Myles:' Littlewood, Manning, Tamblyn and Patterson scored in the faurth while Bowmanville was scoreless. In the fifth Bowman-i ville got two (one a homer), while Orano got four thraugh Tamblyn, Patterson, Myles and Staples. In the sixth Bowmanville gat three and the Oranô half was not, play- ed. Myles as pitcher had a help-9 mate in F. Tamblyn as catcher. These twa boys worked wonder- fully well together and it added quite a little ta the easy win.1 For the _Bowmanville teans Lionel Parker was on the motind and Roy Swindells was on the receiv- ing end. Oronoites Win Opening SoftbaiI Game Fridayg Softball seasan opened officiallyj Friday night, with Orona and Forestry being combatants in an excitmng gaine which was won by Oronaites, ;18-17. This was supposed ta be the first gamne ai the schedule, but, as Newcastle had nat definitély de- cided ta camnei, it was just caunted an exhibition game. Sche- dule will start Tuesday. Forestry had 14 runs ta Orano's 7 at the end ai the fifth, but in the sixth Orono secured 9 and were thus one ahead, and ini the last innings, bath sides gat 2. In the Orono part of the sixth inn- ings there were three on bases when Watson got out, but the next player, Jim Woods, swatted the baIl far enough ta get twa play- ers over the plate and later got home himself. In the Forestry part of the fourth three got home when Witheridge walked twa players. We might add that the left-handed pitcher iooled a goad many. Score by inning are as follows: Forestry 1 0 3 6 4 1 2-17 Orono 02 03 2 92-18 McIlveen secured the only hans- er of the ganse, Vance Cooper the mast runs for the Forestry (4), and Mcllveen the mast for the Oronoites (4). Battery for Forestry - Catcher,1 R. Wnter; Pitche'r, Middleton, C. Cooper. Battery for Orono - Catcher, M. Clough; Pitcher, Wood, Wither- ldge, Power. Umpires - L. Lowery, G. Win- ter (base>. Clarke Union Miss Clara Williamson, Har- nsany, visited Miss Eileen Sauch. Bath yaung ladies are in Toronto this week trying their examina- tions. We wish them success. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allun and daughter Ann Marie, Osh- awa,« visited Mr. Gardon Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Levermngton, Ta- ronto, have rented the place va- cated by Smith Bras. We wel- corne them ta aur section. The Forestry has rented a field frons Mr. George Fogg. A large gang of men are busy planting seedlings. Miss Leona Curtis visited fri- ends at Taunton. Orono Boy Carried' Bowmanville Legion FIag At Royal Reception The fallawing, letter was ne- ceived by Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Rawe fram their son, G. F. Rowe, B.A., teacher in a technical schaol in Ottawa, which we thought would prove interesting ta rend- eps ai the paper: Ottawa, May 24th, 1939 Dear Folks: Na! I didn't shake hands with the King or Queen, but hundreds ai others did. When the Royal couple arrived in Ottawa, I, alang with about 800 other veterans ai the last war, was on duty on the driveway along which the Royal parade drove, sa we had the front line and a real gaod view. I had my little camera ready and I snap- ped the Dragoons wha preceded the Royal landau. Then I wound on the next exposure and just as 1 looked up again there were Their Màjesties nat five feet frons me. I saw the mast radiant face it has ever been my good fortune ta see and my reflexes stood me stiffly at attention until the car- niage had passed. then I.toak a rear snap which shows the King very well but only the Queens bat is visible. Saturday we were again on duty, and I taak a broadside snap at the car in which the King and .Queen were ridmng. Althaugh I was not eight feet away and had a clear view, all the picture shows is what looks like the front bump- er ai the car. I had snapped it while looking at the King and Queen instead ai laaokmg inta the finder. Saturday evening I went down ta help place the Legion colours at the base ai the Cenotaph. There were 139 flags irom all the Legian centres in Ontario. -These were ta be placed in sockets at the cena-. taph ready for the unveiling on Sunday marning. The ilag that 1 carried was the one frons Bow- maxiville Legion. 1 thought that the members theremnight be glad that it was carried by an aid (very old) Orona boy. Sunday was a day I expect nev- er ta forget. It was ramning quite a shower at 7.30 a.m. when I set aut fan the parade grounds. We marched off ta the cenataph where we formed a hall circle on the north and east sies. Altogether DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS Fnom fThe Orono lNews ai May 28, 1914 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barreti, Toronto, holidayed ai lis iaiher's. Miss Ross, Whiiby, visiied Mns. George Pnice. Mn. and Mns. Shenrifi and son, Toronto, were gutests ai Miss B. Watson. Mns. Alf. Hill and daugîter Miss Hill, Toronto, visited Mr. R. Hill. Mms. Chas. Lapp, who visiied Mms. J. A. Jeoame, las neiurned ta Cobourg. Messrs. Ed. and Harmy Pinden, Rev. Thos. Japlin and daughier, Toronto, visiied Mr. E. Pinden. Mn. William Walters Sr. lad one ai lis iaes remaoved which lad becose diseased follawing the paring ai a can. Owing io his advanced age, 84 yoars, and a weak heant, ii was cansidered un- safe ta administer chlorofors. Mn. John Steel who lias a con- tract ion laying rails on one ai the C.N.R. brandli linos las béat- on the record ai haying steel, aven a mile n day, an the Mackenzie and Mann systems. Mr. Steel is son-in-law ai A. J. Leigli. Misses Olga and Esma Hooper and Miss Beulah Byas, Toono, visited at Mn. H. Haaper's. Mr. Meredith Linion ai To- monta is visiting friends home. Mm. Frank Knox, who is ieach- ing near Bnooklin, was home aven îlé holiday. Mn. C. J. Thompsan, Toronto, visited ai lis fathen's. Misses Sadie and Veima Anson, Toronto, visited ai Mn. H. C. Bowen's. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Hall, éihi- cago, Ill., visitod lis father, Mn. E. Hall. Mns. Chas. Walter and f amiiy, Toronto, and sister, ai Acton, vis- ited their fathen, Mm. Elias Plain. County News from The Orono News oi May 28, 1914 Rural sdhoal comspetitions in iowl, potatoos, and seeds are be- ing conducted under the leader- slip ai R. S. Duncan ai the Agni-, cultural Depariment in Cavan, Manvers and Hope ihis season. .The Consenvative Assoçiation ai East Durham is called in conven- tion on May 28th, ta select a can- didate for île appmaaching elec- tian. The old stand-by "The Pea- ple's Joe" wlll doubilesi be in- duced ta accept another tors. Social and Personal Mns. W. B. Hoar is visiiing Mr. and Mrs. P. Snodgrass, Rochester. Mm. Ed Davey is home iras a pleasani visit wîth Mn. and Mns. Goodwin ai Dale. Nexi Saturday Orona Tennis Club will play a taurnament with Kawartha tons, about ion players going irons home. Miss Muriel Reid was the lucky winnom ai a picnic lamper. Mn. F. O. Brown, Mn. J. Tlamp- son and Mm. Bull Brent, Toronto, wene in town Monday and picked up, Orme Gamsby and went on a fishirig expédition, caichlng only four. Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Davey vis- ited in Toronto. Mrs. R. Fuller was inken ta To- monta Hospital. there must have been about ten thousand veterans around that circle. I have neyer seen s0 many at any other time since the armis- tice days. At the base of the monument on special seats were about 150 amputation cases. Next to them were what one of aur fellows called "lthemn nbs." These "nobs" wore silk hats which as you, know are by no means trans- f arents, although many ai them ooked as if they had been brush- ed frequently and furiausly. Nat- urally, since this was a soldiers' monument and not a nabs' mem- axial, there soon came a caîl ta '«down in front." Soon the hats came off and soon, toa, the vets were *right up with the nabs in between chairs and even standing on the rounds of them. At eleven o'clack the King and Queen arrived and the unveilmng wns carried out. Then the King and Queen walked up ta speak ta the amps. As soon as they did this there was a general crowding up ai ail the old soldiers and the police gave up ahl notion ai try- ing ta keep the crowd back in line.i One mounty said ta Mackenziei King "What shail we do?" and Mackenzie King said "Let them go. The King and Queen are en- joying themselves." The King and Queen walked right down in-1 ta the crowd of veterans and shook hands right and leit for ati leat haif an hour. They eveni walked across the street ta an-ç other group ai veterans and con-1 tinued ta shake hands while the crowds cheered. I saw several ai my group making their way iliro' the crowd until they gat closec enaugh and they taa shook hands1 with the King and Queen. I didn'tr try it. Later, on the street, I saw a boy who had came from Port Hope ta see the visitors. There were Americans there by the hunidreds. Oi six men irons nfiy academy three ai thens shook hands with the Queen and twa ai thens with the King. Not a bad batting average when you think ai the thousands wha were there. There is a lot more 1 could tell about, but the newspapers have probably told you ail about it long before you receive this. Frank. South Group W.M.S. Holds Silver Tea A 4eightful silven tea was held ai têupaciaus lame ai Mn. and Mrs. M. H. Staples Tuesday under the auspices ai the south gnoup ai the W.M.S. The ladies viewed the tulips, and a peek at the foxes, as well as dhatting during the serving ai' the tea irons a nicely appointed table, and iistening ta the King on the radio. The fol- lowing prognans was enjoyed: iwo vocal salas and a piano solo by Mns. A. A. Drunssond; vocal solo by Mms. K. Wenry, B.T.S., Bow- manville; piano solos by Anna Staples, Betty Linton and Miss Viola Noden; a letten reganding the W.M.S. wonk was nead by Mrs. Norman Rickard, Newcastle; and a delighiful vocal duet "Jesus Bids Us Shine" by twa iittle girls, Dawn Maffatt and her cousin irons Oshawa who is visiting hem. Kirby Win Firet Scheduled Gamne Kin\ay and Forestry met in the finst game ai the saftbail schedule Tuesday niglit, the former win- ning a liard-fougît figlit. With the supenhuman pitching ai Cooper, ably assisted by Walk- en as catcher, Kirby blanked For- estny in the third, iourth, sixth and seventh innings, and allowed oniy ane run in the fiith. The finst and second saw Forestry got ter and Neale got the nuns in the finst. and Cantrell, G. Winten and Gould in the second. Ross Wood got tle sale score in the fiifth. iHarris and McCutcleon sconed fourth, Cornish in fiith, Loweny in sixth, and Cochrane tle win- ning run in the seventl - the seventh nat being fully complet- ed. Umpiros ion the ganse wene West ai île plate and McIlveen at the bases. The nexi ganse is Friday (ta- morrow) nigît. BOYS ARE STILL AVAILABLE FOR FARM TRAIN~ING A. Maclaren, B.S.A., Dinecton ai Fans Training under the Domin- ion-Provincial Yauth Training, las available same 20 specially picked youths, who although they have lad no iarm expenience, are anx- ious ta wank on Ontario farms. Since lasi Octoben, Mr. Mac- lanen las placed 270 boys on farms. Lasi week le visited 21 boys placed an Elgin county fanms and found that 14 lad signed yean agreements with their employens. Mn. Maclaren explains that île boys go oui an a month's trial at $10. and if they prove satisfactory ane thon lired by the farmen at a yearly wage ai $120 ta $200. These boys are nîl interviewed and approved by Mn. Maclanen and lis assistant Hanny Young be- fore being placed on the list ai available boys. Any Ontario farmers wishing ta employ a lad under this scleme, and boys aged 16 ta 25 who would like ta go on a fans, should write immedlately ta A. Maclanen, De- pansment ai Labor, Parliameni Buildings, Taronto. Park Streeft S. S. Holds. Successful Anniversary Sunday Rev. R. E. Morton took the an- niversary services at Orana Park Street Church on Sunday, bemng assisted by the 'pastor, and ini the morning by the S. S. Supt. Mr. H. J. Souch. The audience were delighted ta see that arrange- ments had been made which would enable our pastar ta be with us. A children's chair rendered twa splendid numbers, Where Love Is" and "A Lufe af Cheer." The primary class occupied the centre seats of the auditorium an d marched ta the front singing a chorus, as well as several other selections later. Gearge Rowe and Donald Hamm gave an instrumen- tal duet, with Mrs. Lynch at the piano. Rev. Morton, speaking from "And He set a little child in their midst", deait with the righfs af chidren under three heads: their right ta a healthy body and food; their right ta a gaad education; and their right ta a moral and spiritual training at home and at church and Sunday school. In the evening the chair loft was filled with young people wha rendered twa numbers, "Mightiest af AIl" and "Worshin Him." During the off ertory Edwin Sandercock favaured with a cello solo, with Mrs. W. C. Lynch at the piano. Rev. Morton's address dealt with the duties in aur homes ta- wards aur parents, brothers and sisters, and pointed aut that the home was like a training school ot fit us for aur future life in the mansions above. The church was beautifully dec- orated with flags and masses af lilacs and tullps, bringing forth many admiring comments. Park Street W.A. Holds Enjoyable Parsonage Tea Park St. Parsonage was the scene af a happy event Friday afternoon when a tea was held under the auspices of the W. A. Tulips tastefully arranged by Mrs. A. A. Rolph and Mrs. S. Little- wood were used in decorating the rooms in the coiortable home of the popular pastor and his wife, who, with Mrs. W. B. Hoar and Mrs. N. F. Porter received the guests. Interspersing the social chat piano salas were given by Mrs. W. C. Lynch, Misses Jean Logan and Eileen Riddell; readings by Mrs. Howard Walsh; vocal solos by Mrs. A. A. Drummond. This programi was announced by Mrs. J. J. Mellor. Tea was p9ured from a silver tea service on a nicely appointed table by Mrs. W. M. Stutt, president af the W.A., and was served with sandwiches, cake and cookies by a bevy of waiters. The ladies who took advantage of gettmng better acquainted with the home and life of the pastor, hîs charming wife, and his son Manley, pronounce this ta have been a most successful and enjoy- able event. Sons of England Attend Service At St. SviursCh. Headed by Orona and, about seventy of the S.O8.E. Ladge marched Sunday ta St. Saviour's Anglican Church, which was beau- tifully decorated for the occasion with flags and tulips. Rev. Dewd- ney, who welcomed the lodge whîch included guests from Peter- bora, Port Hope and Newcastle, preached a very appropriate ser- mon on the meaning and work of this worthy organization. Twa splendid quartets were given by Messrs. C. Taylor, R. Sutton, W. Reid and W. C. H. Mitchell. Fol- lowing the service the brethren marched ta their lodge roams. The band played several selec- tians which were much appreciat- ed by the large crowd which had gathered an the street. SCOUT INEWS 31 Boy Scouts were present at their meeting Thursday night. The usual procedure was followed with Mr. A. Saunders instructing in stretcher-bearing and moving of injured people. The us ual games were enjoyed. Ta-night Two Bizes - - - Reg. 5Wc New Eoonomy aise - - 7501 (Double tho Quantity> We are sorry ta lose Mr. and Mns. Chas. Alldred and Mns. Hot- son froinsaur midst. Miss Audrey Brown has been helping Mrs. Masos Heard. Mrs. Winnie Wonnacott and Joan, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mns. Victor Nash, Leaside, visited Mns. J. Brown and Archie. Cowanville The tise ai the regular churcli service has been set fonward and now meets at 2 o'clock. Sunday School meets fnam 3 ta 3.30, and aur paston takes the Bible class. Mns. M. C. Stewart, Kelstern, Sask., wha before hem marriage was Mary Reid, is here for her iirst visît in sixteen years. Miss Ruth Simpson graduated irons Bowmanville Hospital. Con- gratulations, Ruthi! Newtonville Visitons: Mr. and Mns. H. Os- borne and son, Welcome, with Mn. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce ... Mr. J. T. Pearce, Perth, at home . .. Mn. A. E. Synsons and Inez, Morrish, with Mn. and Mns. R. J. Row... Mrs. J. Jackson with fniends in Pont Hope. . . Miss Jennie Thampson with friends in Toronto and at- tended the funeral ai Mrs. Brown. ..Mn. and Mns. Harry Stone and Ethel, Toronto, with Miss Jennie Thampson. . . Mr. and Mns. J. Turner and fanily, Crooked Creek, with Mn. and Mns. B. Pethick. .. Mns. B. Pethick with Mn. and Mrs. Walton, Peterbomo. ..Mn. and Mrs. F. Gibson, Balti- mare, and Mn. and Mns. C. Marris with Mr. and Mns. J. Bar.... Mrs. S. Hutchinson with hen sis- ter, Mns. Richards, Ca...... Miss Mary Lane with Mr. and Mns. Harry Lane, Coîbonne. Congratulations ta Mnf. Alfred Brown and bride upon thekfr mar- nige. Mr. Arnold Wade expects ta soon move intalis new home, iornierly the Bank, which he pur- chased irons Mrs. Westol Stninger. This building was changed into a modern home by Mrs. G. W. Jones while she owned it. It is just one door west ai W. C. Lane's. Mr. Milton Kinibail, Lena and George have had the measles. Mn. and Mns. John Coucli at- tended the funenal ai Mns. Harry Couch, Newcastle, Saturday. Mns. N. Sansis has returned irons visiting Mn. and Mns. Reg. Woodham, Toronto. Mrs. Willis Jones was called ta Warkwarth Friday awing ta the cnitical illness ai hen fathen, Mn. D. Merrill. Mns. Cecil Burley and Ronald attended a special church service in Oshawa Sunday marning along with other boys in the same or- chestra as Ronald and their Moa- thers. W. A. waul meet at Mvis. Cnarlie Cowan's June .7th. Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Rab Sak il Graham, Newcastle, with Mn. T. S ak il J. Simpson and iamily. .. Mn. and Mns. M. Osborne, Monnish, with Mm. Jacob Hallowel libas return- Mn. and Mns. B. Cowan. .. Miss ed irons Toronto where lie saw Ethel Simpson with hem aunt , Mns. the King and Queen. Todd in Oshawa. Our school chidren, also Mr. and Mns. Wm. Savery an~d Miss RuhSavery, Mn. Claude Henry C~L.1 and Mn. Raîpli Bougon jaurneyed Lockhart's Shol ta the city and saw the King and r Queen. No. 9 school childnen and sanse Mm. Ross Hallowell and Mns. I. adults went ta Toronto on May Stark have their homes wired fan 22 ta see the King and Queen electricity. and report an excellent view ai Mr. Raymoand Farrow is home Their Majesties. The mislaying of framn Normal School. the lunch and lateness ai the tramn . Mr. Gea. Etwell lost one aiflits at night were unfortunate inci- hanses necently. dents in an othenwiso successful Mn. H. B. Gilmen wrnl serve as day. Adults who went were Ms- a juryman ai the Spring assises Ceci Malley, Mrs. W. Brunt, Mr. in Cobourg. Russell Osborne, Mm. and Mrs. F. Mns. Silver fi home aften caring' W. Bowen, Mm. and Mns. Harold for MnIs. McKay. Dean, Mr. and Mms. Ed. Dean, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Tadd en- Bessie Blackburn, Mn. Roy Pat- tertained conspany on Saturday. ton, Mn. and Mns. Austin Turner Rev. S. Davison, Bawmanville, and Helen. wlll preacli anniversary services Many siglit seens drQve through at Shilol June 18th. thas dastrict on Satunday and Sun- Those who saw the King and day ta see the onchards which Queen wore very mudli impnessed were just caming ia full blos- with thèir beauiy, their kind and sans. More people will likely drive genthe smiles, and bath looked out during the week ta see the very considerate. Long may they blossoms which are very profuse neign! this year. Visitons: Mm. and Mmi. Chas. Miss Mary Bowen lias netunned Yule and son, Oshawa, at Mn. irons a visit ta Ottawa, having Wns. Savey's... Mrs. Lew Halo- been fortunate enaugh ta see Their weil and iamily at Mn. Thos. Majesties seven times during the Falls'.. Mrs. Gordon, Peterboro, ihrilling and exciting three day and Miss Wanda McKay, Newton- Royal visit. ville, at Mn. -and Mns. Wm. Halo- On the morning ai May 22nd, well's. . . Mn. and Mns. Allin Ma- many people, irons as fa distant tin, Brighiton, ai Mrs. John Me- as Pontypoal, gathered aiong the Kay.'s. Mns. R. Bougon niso visit- C.P.R. railroad tracks at the thnee ed lier mother, Mns. McKay, an crossings near the fruit house sid- Sunday. .. Mn. Gea. Eiwell weni ing. Those on guard duty at these ta Uxbridge Monday. .. Mn. and cnassings wene Russell Osborne Mrs. Lamne Todd and Mn. and and Harold Gibsan, Alex Prout Mns. Fred Todd wene suppen and Alden Gibson, Frank Branton guests ai Mn. and Mns. Orm FaUls and Frank Parker, and Wallace on Sunday. .. Mns. W. Rutherford, Gibson. Mrs. Hassen, Mns. C. Reid and Visitons: Mns. Harold Dean with Miss Hazel Reid, Newtonville, at relatives in Toronto. . . Mn. and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gilmen's... Mns. J. W. Linehan, Ottawa, witl Mn. and Mrs. Jins Stark and dau- Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bowen. .. Mn. gîter, Newtonville, with Mns. I. Otto Madson with Mn. and Mns. Stark. . . Mr..and Mms. H. Ha- Cecil Mailey. .. Mn. and Mns. Aus- rington, Toronto, with Mm. and tin Turner in Newtonville ta at- Mrs. Jacob Hailowell. .. Mr. and tend the United Churcli supper on Mrs. E. White, Elizabeiliville, with Empire Day. Mns. Ross Hailowell. Sevenal silven medalists frans LakeShoe Clrkethîs district competed at Pont Lake horeClark Hope last nigît (Wed.) fan the cauniy silven modal. Vasitors: Mass Evelyn Brown, Negatiations are on foot ta sec- Toronto, at home.. . Miss Audrey une a 4th entry in tle Sotbali Jaynes, Mm. and Mns. H. Emer- longue. It was nai; known Wed. son, Tweed, with Mns. Wns. morning which ieam would enter Jaynes. . . Mn. and.Mms. Clinton- Oshawa on Newionville. Brown and iansily with Mr. and______________ Mns. Bob Patterson, Fifil Lin... Mn. and Mrs. Gien Pollard and family with Mr. and Mns. W. C. Hle...Mn. Raîpli Simpson, u u Countice, at Mn. Milton Brown's. Free Yourelr ..Master Stanley Powell, New- castle, at Mn. Sans Powell's. .. M r. ~ P# n fn Leonard Buckien with Mn. and from CoW.81Di4.afiWU Mrs. John Patton, Kendai. . . Irs._______ Chas. Bedwin and Mn. Arthur The aurait way ta nid youraelf of Bedwin, Brown's, at Mn. and Mns. enyajiment te ta diacaver the F. Parker's. . . Miss Annabelie causa and ta ovoncomo it. Con- Hendry, Pontypool, with Mn. and atipation la cauad, ia the major- Mrs.. John Hendry. .. Mr. and Mns. lla aas yadotlr-n A. Mitchell and son Roy, Mr. and xI oun usuai menu la made Up Mns. L. Smsith and Miss Evelyn montly of bread, mont. potatoa-- Brown, all. ai Toronto, at Mrs. C. in ail probability your boweli J. Mitcell's.lack the ncea 'Ibulk.'" Pur- J. Mtchel's.gatives do not giv o any lasting School Board met Thursday relief. Thon on t Kallogg's Ail- evening. BranL. It halpas form a sOft A number in aur section are "1mais" lin the bowals that ila favorable ta 'megularity." greatiy hbnoured ta have lad A dalcijons. crisp and tantefl Their Majesties pass ilinaugli aur corea. Aul-Bran la aima ana of the f arm. foode ichait In Vitamin Bi.* the natumal Intestinal tank. Mat Ail-Bran evonv day. drink osa and well-bealfl . in guns. But whai good is a gun if EZýo, Canada bar LOuogg At your enensy has the anly factory ail grocens. that makes ammunition ta fit it? -Robent Quillen. TRURSDAY, JUNE IST, 1939 î THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, B WMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE Crooked Creek There were twenty-seven pre- sent at Sunday School on Sunday which is an average attendance. We will be pleased ta see mare ai the people next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid spent their first wedding anniversary with Mr. and Mns. Percy Farrow. No measles have been repanted in this section as yet. We hope they will stay on the barder Uines. Mn. Paul Hunhan spent the weekend with Mrs. Hurhan and baby Eddy at Mn. John Budicky's. Brown s Mrs. Freeman Eddy and Joyce and Mn. Bill Clark saw Their Ma- jesties in Toronto. -1 Master Douglas Woodlock has been quite ill with poisaning but is out ai danger now. Mrs. Arthur Bedwin and Mar- lene visited her parents at Cour- tice.

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