PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, .ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE lST, 1939 The Newcastle Independent PHONE CLARKE 1114 Rev. R. E. Morton and Mr. J. renting one of Mrs. Geo. H. Car- E. W. Philp are attending the Bay veth's cottages for the summer. of Quinte Conference at Kingston. They were down from Toronto for Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson Smith the weekend and had the misfor- and Miss Jacqueline spent the tune to lose a $30 pair of spec- weekend at their new summer tacles. Their son Jimmie motored cottage on Rice Lake. down on Monday and was fortun- Miss Lydia Haney, Forest and ate in locatmng them. Hilliard one time a resident of Newcastle Brown, gardener on the estate, with hier father, spent a week with had found them. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Jo11. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gray have Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin and bought Mr. J. H. Jose's house and Miss Marion atterided Eldad anni- lot, formerly the Ned Burrows' versary services Sunday and were property, at Newcastle on the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lang- Lake, and will be moving down maid. from their present place of resi- Rev. W. F. Banister, St. Paul's dence on North St. This is Bask- Church, Bowmanville, and Rev. erville property and Mrs. Jesse R. E. Morton, Newcastle, will ex- Baskerville, who is leaving the change pulpits Sunday morning, f arm on the Base Line, will make June 4th. hier home here in the future. Mr. Adair Hancoclc motored from the Kerr-Addison mines, Young Ladies' S. S. Class, Toronto Northern Ontario, and spent the Enjoy Weekend at Hay Cottage weekend with his parents, Mr. The "Ugo-Igo" young ladies' and Mrs. J. C. Hancock. class of Trinity United Church, Mrs. H. A. Mellow and Miss Toronto, held their closing meet- Harris, Gore's Landing, accom- ing of the season on Sunday, May panied Rev. H. A. Mellow to New- 27, at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. castle Sunday and were guests of W. J. Hay at the lake. This class Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mellow. under the leadership of Mrs. Ralph Mr. Jack Hare went on Monday Jane is one of the most active to Ottawa where hie will be en- groups in Toronto. About thirty- gaged for the summer in labora-fv on ladies were present. tory work for the Federal depart- five dyungpn rmlgabu mentof Mnes nd esouces. thecountryside and ail agreed Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tebble and that a more ideal place for a Miss Leone and Mr. Jos. Tebble, week-end's outing could not be in company with Clarke Tp. fri- found. An outdoor service had ends, attended the funeral of Mrs. been planned for the afternoon William Tebble at Orillia, May 24. but on accounit of showers was An Orange district meeting WIIl held in the cottage. "Taps" com- be held in the community hall, pîeted a perfect day. Newcastle, on Friday evenmng, June 2. The district comprises Newcastle (Cowanville. Lodge), B ride and Groom îsonoured Newtonville, Kendal and Orono. Ere Wedding Mr. Edgar Kenefick has return- Neighbors of the Lake Shore ed from Christie St. Hospital, To- community and other friends of ronto, but will be going up again Miss Betty Lake and Mr. Alfred for further observation and treat- Brown gathered at the Lakte home ment. He is looking fine but suf- on Friday evening, May 19th, to fers head pains as a resuit of the honour the popular young couple severe wound hie received in the who have sînce taken the vows of Great War. wedlock. A shower of beautiful Mr. Stanley Rickard's Orchestra and useful gifts carried with it with the exception of some of the the best wishes of the donors. Mr. members who were either down John Holmes was chairman for with measles or burdened with the evening's prog ram and Miss too many studies for school exam- Jean Holmes read an address of ination, journeyed to Solina Mon- felicitation. Misses Helen Mc-- day evening to take part in Eldad Eyoy and Edith Hendry contribut- Anniversary entertainmient. ed piano solos and Mr. F. W. Mr. Harry Jose put two pure Bowen, Rev. D. R. Dewdney and bred Holstein heifers, due to come Mr. W. G. Hay made speeches into mîlking in August, in the happily befitting the occasion. Mr. Canadian National Sale at Exhibi- Brown responded with a few tion Grounds, Toronto, on May 25. words of thanits and appreciation One sold for $255 and the other and extended on behaîf of him- for $120. Mr. Jase was the only self and bride-elect a hearty in- cantributor to the sale from Dur- vitation to every one to visit themn ham County. in their new home near Kimbal's Mr. and MIrs. Jim Harness, for- Cove. merly of the Clarke Church neigh- barod but lately living nearNWCSLU1TDCU H Peteboough, have moved into NEWCS.LE NITVED SARC Mr. Carl Selby's house on the S. _.____ERAR west side of the Newcastle-Clarke RvH .MioGr' adn side road. They brought a team of e.HA.MloGrsLadn horses and some cattle out with Preaches - Music by Junior themn and have themn pastured Choir and S. S. Orchestra around. Dr. and Mrs. Lowery are again Many baskets and vases of tul- inq huJÂn**MC w Aith thIC kia file Products for 7 davs nnlv deorfins of the previaus Sun- day in the adornment of the Unit- ed Church for the Sunday Schaal Anniversary services last Sunday, May 28. The church and schooi were fortunate in having for the anniversary preacher Rev. H. A. Mellaw, B.A., of Gore's Landing and a brother of Mr. A. E. Mel- low, Phm.B., Newcast le druggist. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Mellow have been spendmng their vacation at Newcastle, near the Upper Marsh, the pasf two summers and have made several acquaintances in the village. The junior choir, under the leadership of Mr. W. J. S. Rickard, led in the service of song and sang two anthems with Mrs. E. C. Fisher at the organ. The Orchestra under the leader- ship of Mr. Stanley Ricitard play- ed for the congregational singing of the children's hymns and con- tribufed a special ofiertary selec- tion. Rev. H. A. Mellow spoke espec- ially'for the S. S. pupils and al young people, taking as a text: JUNE 3rd TO 10th «'"a, iC« We Clam vAU - prke. Fric IPasteurlzed Face 1.10 .88 Pasteurized Face dreint Spetiel............ 8.10 .88 Pasteurized Face Cream Spatal........2,50 LO0 Voter Lly Cleanslng Crent.............2.00 1.60 Youtilfylng Tluu e Ct.. 1.10 .80 Sila Toning Lotion... 135 1.00 Sila Toning Lotion SpaIdel US351.00 Herbai Skil Tone...1.10 .88 t'oveaa Night Çream .... 2.20 1,76 Spatial Pore Masque .... 2.00 1.60 He"ba Masque ........2.20 1.76 beautlift Masque end Lotion ..............00L 4.00 toms end Country Make- UpFlIM ............ 1.00 J80 Tow ndujCountry Mawe Up Film.............65 S1,32 $ie lo erio Cream .... 1.10 .88 Floar Peli usting Pow- dert............... 1.25 1.00 Body Sachat .......... 1.10 .80 ,Watar Lily Face Powdor.. 1.65 1.32 L'Cestame sU...... 1.10 .88 Voter Lily G,. nàe Llp- 1 ml*..............50 1.20 FowaîshopCçofoguiC.... 1.10 -00 KMt 7 sepr0tiff - attaoIvsy ead 2» .00160 Camera Supplies Contact Paper Developer Enlarging Paper Cameras Have your Films developed by. us through Unique Art Studios. There la no fluer. Be aaaured the flunst resulta for the umaliest outlay. You -Should have an Extra Pair An extra pair of glaises woxld free you from worrY on your vacation. You wouldn 't have f0 fear los of time and money by hav- ing your eyez tested and ex- amined in a strange place. No new prescription requir- ed for your second pair. I.ow prices. JI~ YLOVELL ~ 'D~aSor Phono 7 omn$ U i i i They committed themselves unta the sea, Acf. 27:40. From a talk on the sea and its lure for so AlN- ong many, with re«erence fa St. Paul's adventurous journey on the Mcdi- terranean, he turned bis hearers'Bo Scu preacher advised his eager young listeners if they would arrive at Tal the harbour of good Character, 0 ral take Jesus Christ aboard their --------------- lives early as their pilaf. Mr. Mel- The First and Second Packs of low got the close attention of the Cubs have discontinued their children af the very beginning bY meeting for the sommer -manths. a litf le faIt on bad thoughts and habits, with practical demonstra-ý Bowmanville Scouts and Cubs fions how easy if la f0 break oa ise ji heOooScusi liftle fault but hard fa break aaades ouiPtearonoScouetsUnteda number. He préfaced bis faliton Cparde o Pnak Steet boyte Seas and C's with a few questions Churchln Sutnd Al ho e boys on the Royal visit and by what tho pln f0 attend6.3shudeat means the King and Queen came thenpic col y630S.a f0 Canada. He had no difllculfyevnig gefting replies. The Scouters Club wiil meet The offering was taken by four Sunday a .0pn ttehm junior boys, Neil Britton, Art of Bilat 3.30 p.m.Catsle hme.A Clemence, Tracy Embly and Har- itisthe f Carleeigofe Ave. A old Smith. 39 season, ail leaders should be lIs the evening Rev. H. A. Mel- present f0 discuss plans for a pos- low preached a deeply thoughtfuh sible Scout Camp, as well as sev- s e r m o n on "Conquering the eral ofher important questions. Church for Christ." Supt. Rodger again assisted in the service and Fifteen Scouts of the 1sf Troop, expressed the S. School's appre- and Scoutmaster C. McNair, bi- ciation of the ministry of RevH. yldt rn audyatr A. Mellow during- the day, of the ncyclad f0 rono afrdnadoabler- music of the orchestra, and of the nooad paficip ae i a oube- decorations 50 thoughtfully ar- Oade roo.oftalgaethofthe ranged by Mrs. J. A. Butler. Thegmi he Orno pag cou ofe. junior choir rendered two anth-gaeisothOropg. ems at this service and led in the Arerienamntate congregafional singing. A etun, egagmen-ofth Obituary ]Isaac N. Selby, Newcastle Friends and relatives from a large section of the country round about gathered at the Selby farm home on the wesf Newcastle-_ Clarkte boundary for the funerai of the late Isaac Newton Selby on May 19th. Rev. R. E. Morton of the United Church conducted the service, assisfed by Rev. M. Jen- kinson of Pickerinsg who offered prayer. Many floral arrangements that baxsked the casitet bore beau- tifuxl tribufe f0 the memory of one who had spent practicaily al bis if e near Newcast le., The paîl- bearers were Reeve C. R. Carveth, Newcastle, Coundillor F. B. Lave- kin, Clarkte, Walter Couch, N. L. Ricitard, Howell Rowland and H. R. Pearce. Interment was in Bow- manvilie Cemefery. The late Isaac Selby spent practically al bis 111e in the vicin- ity of Newcast le. Farming and operating fhreshtag ouffits were the two pursuits of an active 111e. For many years he man his own threshing ouffits, mainly through- ouf, the Shaw's section befween Newcastle and Bowmanville, suc- ceeding the late William Toms and in fuis being succeeded when be finaily gave~ up threshing, by the Shaw's Threshing Syndicate. From farm f0 f arm he travelled, offen up till midnight, that no daylight hours might unnecessar- ily be wasted is moving, with a portable engine andi hand fed ma- chine with straw carrier. Often in those years he would fhresh more grain in a day than in these times of tractar drawn, self feed- ing, grain and straw blower equipped ifs, The lafe Isaac Selby was amn- bitiaus ta succeed, a hard womk- ing, eisergefic mais, a real husfler who made bis own way. He was nof the kind of a mais who ever becomes an ouf-of-work or a re- [iefee. While he thmeshed he also took iup farming and lived for some years on the Steen farm, rsow accupied by H. R. Pearce. Later he moved ta the Grose farm. on the Clarkte side of the NIewcastle-Clarke boundary line. rhen when bis brother, Mr. N. T. Selby, lef f the Grose farin on the N~'ewcastle side of the rond and rnoved with bis family fa Grand Caulee, Saskt., wheme he had fwo and a half sections af land, Isaac began warking: both farms and aioved with his family across the road. He eventually acquired by purchase bath farms, anisen New- castle and anisen Clarkte. His wife, farmerly Miss Emmia Cole, predeceased hlm some finie after their sois's marriage. They also losf oise son, Russell, by drowising in Laite Ontfario, af the time af the Great War. fIs the halcyon days af the gol- den West, when crops were abois- dant and wheaf was king, N. T. Selby used ta send for his brother Isaac ttc go west, ta Grand Coulce to run his big fhreshing ouffit. Hle wouid leave affairs at home in competent hands and go wesf and these trips profifed hlm well. He Aras a fimsf cnas farmer, a thor- )ugh tiller of the soil, and many a tiie is the spring and summer, people driving is this neighbor- hood and down the side rond have remarked on the splendid and healfhful condition of the crops bofh sides of the rond. Although he had nof been wel and had been in hospital at dif- .cmeisf fines in the past two or tbmee years, yeftai befween he cvould be doing chomes and work- ing in the fields. He didn'f hike idleness. Even last f all he was lriving fhree horses on farm in- plemeists. lie is survived by bis sois Carl, son the farm, and three daughfers, MIrs. Sain Powell, Lake Shore, YIrs. Eric Wicks, Toronto, and tirs. Normais Gartshore, Pickter- ng, with whom be spent the hast weeks of bis life. O.rono .Lroujj soi blUl LeIU willub staged at the Bowmanvflle Public School grounds Saturday. Any- one who wishes to sce a real good game of bail played by "veterans of the diamond" are invited ta the exhibition. There will be no col- lection. bas developed into a taxi and trucking service. To tbem were born five sons and three daughters, one son'be- ing killed by an accideist in his youtb. The survivtag members are Harold, in business with bis father; Fred, Harry and Stanley, employed with the J. Anderson Smith Co.; rIunelda (Mrs. L. Lux- ton) and Blanche (Mrs. Stanley Corden), Bowmanvllle; ansd Shir- ley at home, also is the employ of the J. Aniderson Smith Ca. Lasf year is the month af June Mr. and Mrs. Couch were honored by their family and an extensive f amlly connect ion and given a presentation on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of.their wed- ding, at thé home of Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Corden, Bowmanville. Al ber life the late Mrs. Coucb kepf is close contact with the church. She was an active mem- ber of the United Church W.A. Among the exceedingly numemous and beautiful floral fributes werc pieces from the W.A. as a body and from the members of the group. Rev. R. E. Morton conducted the funerýI service un the United Church on Saturday affernoon. Rev. Thos. Wallace, Greenbank, father of Mrs, Harold Couch wbo 10sf ber mother by deafh a oeonth before, was among the large ýbe4 of mourners. A hast of friestda frain village and countryside werc also in affendance. The chair led in the staging af the hymns, Breathe on me breath. of God, and O Master let me walk with Thee, and Misa Hattie Mason sang, Saviaur More Than Life ta Me. Pail bearers were: Wm. Henis- ing, Fred Couch Sm., C. A. Cowan, Arthur Toms, Herbert Brown and George Jamiesais. Interment toat place is Bond Head Cemetery. Miss Jane Cookman, Darlhngton Miss Jane Cookman, daughter of the late Mrs. Frederick Gril fin. and the late Mr. Wm. Cookman, passed peacefully away. May 4tb. 1939. at hier home. Lot 26, Con. 9, Darlington. She had been confined f0 her bcd for f ive weeks and bore lier ilînes with great patience and fortitude. Except for, two years, 1895-lP97. spent wjth lier aunt, Mrs. Ha1n i Minnesota. she had been a lîfelonga resident of Union Settiement. She was born in the same home ipi whîch she died and f rom which ber f uneral took place. She was aîways vcry active and industrious and ever ready ta lend a helpingr hand where needed. Hec kind hosffitality won for lir a host of friends and neighbocs as cvidenc- cd bv the large concourse who'gatb- ered for her f uneral May 7th. The f uneral service was cotcducted I by her pastor. Rev. H. Lackey who spoke f rom the words, "Let not vaur heart be troubled." Her favor- ite hy-mids were sung, "There's a Green Hill Far Away," "Jesus, Sav- iour Pilot Me" and "Forever With the Lord." Amonaz those attending the funeral fcom a distance were: Mc. anîd Mrs. James Potter, Pickering; Mr. Wm. McLauchlan and Mrs. Ethel Chowçn, Agincourt; Mr. and Mes. Peccy Peters and Mc. and Mrs. Ivan Ste- phens. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. ). Latimer and Mr. and Mrs. Thonsp- son and son. New Toronto; also frn- ends from Oshawa, Bowmanville and Columbus. There were many beautif nI floral tributes f rom relatives and f riends. The nlîbearers were Dr. WEn. Ben- tham, Messrs W. McLaughlin. Rus- selI McLaughlin, Walter FergIson, Cecil Rahm and Wm. Wootten. The flowcr bearers were ncphcws. ,\fcsirs Robert Stephens. Alymer Beecli, Roy Stephens .Everett Beech and Upton Stephens. Interment toak iplace in Left ta mourn her, lois art, anc Mrs. Harry Couch, Newcastle brother. Hosea, in FerusFaits, The whole cominity was Minnesota: ane ha! f-brother, Richard deeply saddened by the deatb of at Union; three haîf-sisters. Clara at Mrs. Harry Couch on May 24th, Rossicigton. Alberta, Celia at Enni- following a stroke. She was a skillen. and Charlotte at Hampton. daughter af the lafe Mm. and Mrs. Onie brother. William, »redeccased' Joseph Parsons and was reared hec four vears ago icn Bisbce, Da- is a fruly Christian home by de- kota: also ane sister Lily. vout Methodists. Her father was a Father ici Thy gzracions ke-eting, mais af deep religiaus convictions, Leave we cîow Thy servant fervent in payer and farceful in sleeffing. festimony.' He was killed on the G.T.R. in a hanci car accident. The number of donkeys isnfthe Mvrs. Couch <Wtaona Parsons) was United States is said to be de- a Id1e long resident af Newcastle creasing. That refera f0 the four- and thirty-six years ago this June legged ones.-Detroit Free Press. she marmied Mm. Harry Coucb wha On comtag over, England's roy- succeeded Messrs. Tbos. and John ah highncsses wil 1usd this coun- Douglas is the bus and livery bus- try mna'ny inhabited by camera-' incas whicb ta these modern days mnen.-Chlcag Daily News. DEATHS DRYMAN - Ini Toronto, May 26, 1939, Violet Farroli, wife of fhe late Jamesý Deyman, formerly of Bowmanville, and niother of Vio- let. Rhea. Doris (Mrs. H, James Elliott), Nita (Mrs. R. I-. Arm- strong), and Roy of Toronto. In- terment Mount Pleasant Cemctery, Toronto. GRANT - In Oshawa. May 25th, Barry Stewart, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Grant. ACKSON - In 1lowmanville on Wednesday, May 31. 1939, Thomas C. Jackson. beloved husban4 of the late Mary Jane Somers, in bis 84th vear. Funeral from the family residence. Temperance Street, on laudy une 3rd, at 3 p.m., D. S.T. Interment Bowmanville Cer- etery. MacLEAN - Suddenly at his home. 97 Glenholme Aveitue, Toronto, May 27th, William ýJames Mac- Lean- (retired inspector of T.F.D.), beloved husband of Jeanette Trim- bIc and loviniz father of Flora and Bruce. in his 65th year. 1 ORMISTON - At Enfield, on Sat- urday, May 27th, 1939, William Georgze Ormiston in his 74th year. Interment Oshawa Union Cern- etery. REYNOLDS - At Bethany, Mav 29. 1939. Catherine Ann Johnston, widow of the late Charles Rey- nolds. in her 87tb year. Interment at Presbyterian Cemetery Mill- brook.. IN MEMORIAM CLARKE - In loving memnorv of Edward John Clarke, who passed to rest on June lst, 1938: There i% a link death cannot sever Love and remembrance last forever. -Daugzhter Cora, gzrandchildren, Muriel. Percy, Marjorie., Flor- ence. CLARKE - In lovingz memory of our dear father, Edward Tohn Clarke. who passed awav June lst, 1938:' Calm and peaceful be is sleepingr, But trust in God to meet again. -Son Arthur and family. LAMBERT - In lovingr memorv of a dear mother, Rosina, Iambert, who passed away, May 31. 1938. I miss vou now,- my heart is sad. As time goes by I miss you more. Your lovinir smile, vour zentle 1f ace, No one can f ill vour vacant place. -Sadly missed W' ber - lhvingz daughters. Susie and Olive. REYNOLDS - In loviniz memory of a dear mother. Annie Reynolds, who p)assed awav one year ago. June lst. 1938: Gone is the face xe Ioved so dear, Sulent is the yvce wc loved to hear: Too far away for sigzht or speech. But not too far for tftought to reach. Sweet tn remember her who once was here. And who. though absent, is just as dear. -Sadlv missed by her daughters and son. FLORISTS - ingsway FLOWER SI4OP P L 0 R A L CREATIONS - Baskets Wceaths and Sprays, artisticaIy anM individually arranged by expert de- signers. Plowers for ail occasions. Phones: 772, 2632 or 2633 Bowmanvmle Hamipton Miss Madeline Trull, Toroisto, spenf Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Avery and Donna Kay, Buffalo, .were week- end guests of Mrs. R. Avery. Mrs. W. Hart, Palmerston, vis- ited ber sister, Mms. Bert Stevens. Mrs. A. B. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Veal, Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Boyd, Toronto, Mrs. T. Brown and daughfer, Oftawa, were visi- tara with Mm. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens and Mrs. E. Stevens. A number froin here attended Eldad aisnivcrsary services on Sunday, also the play an Monday eveising. Plans are betag made for Hamp- tan S. S. Annlversary an June 25th and July 1sf. Rev. W. Racithamin l attending Canference af Kingston. There will be no preachtag ser- vice on Suniday eventag next, buf S. S. will be at 10.30 a.m. Young Peaple's Union held the closing meeting Fmiday evening wifh a good attendance. An inter- eafing progrm was presented, affer which gaines weme played an the chumch hawn and rohls and weinems weme served. Presbyfery Young People's pîcnlc will be held lin the park on Saturday affemnoon fa which ail young people are in- vifcd. Mission Bandi met May 2Mt. Business was conducfed by Mrs. J. Reynolds. Roll was called by Gladys Kemsey. Caîl ta Worship was repeafed, followed by scmip- ture reading by Phyllis Niddery, and pmayer by Billy Vivian. Of- fering was faken by Orville Hind- man, followed by pmayer by Gladys Kersey. Sfory was given by Mms. Reynolds. Piano solo by 'Florence Allin. Closcd wifh beise- diction by Jean Anthiafle.. Fallure la more frequenly froin wanf af encrgy than wanf af cap- ital.-Daniel Webster. Cards of Thanka The family of the late Mr. Isaac Selby wish to thank the Women's Association. Newcastle, U n ite d Church. Pickeringz. f riends and nleigh- bours for the beautiful floral 'tri- butes sent and for their kindness and sympathy -during their sadl bereave- ment. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sutcliffeand family. Port Perry, wish to thank- f ully acknowledgze expressions of svmpathy and floral offerings ex- tended duringz their recent sudden bereavement. COMINO EVENT Concession Street, East gzroup) of Women's Asociation are holding an afternoon tea and sale on lune 9th at the home of Mrs. Virgin. Conces- sion St.. East. 22-1* Bowmanville Lions Club announce their Safetv Week for June llth te l7th. Duringz that 'period, talks will be-given on the various phiases of safety and ail school children will be asked to co-operate. Look for details in our next issue. 12-1 'Alteration Dept. ALTERATIONS - DOZENS OF custoniers have been taking ad- vantaze of Evlyn Shop's reason- ably priced alteration department. You too can have your last year's dress or coat made over so that it will appear to be the latest style. Corne in today. The Evlyn Shop, Phone 594. Mrs. Cliffudt Çaverly. 22-tf Lost LOST - AT ELLIOTT'S- SER- vice Station, Newtonville East, on Saturdav night. May Z0th, large police dogz, female, color fawn and brown, name "Gretzel", a(raid of traffic and strangers, fond of small children and animaIs. In- formation wanted regardin1g her whether alive or killed. Reward. Telephone 249 Cobourg, reversing charges. 22-1* DOG LOST - ON MAY 24, AN Irish Terrier cal'led "Paddy,'" brown with short tail. scar on front lez. Reward for informgtioni or return to G. L. Martyn. Elgin St. Phone 618. 22-1 Real Estate For Sale Beauty Culture FOR SALE -. BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms. one-haîf acre land, small barn. fruit trees. 2 miles north of Bowmanville on Middle Road. Aéppflv B. McDonald, Manvers Rd., Bowmanville. - 22-1* FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK cottagze on Ontario St. T. H. Knight 'has it for sale and he thinks its cheap. It must be sold. 21-tf For Sale FOR SALE-1936 TERRAPLANE Coach. Apply ta Herbert L. God- dard. George St., 'Phone 693. 22-tf FOR SALE- POP COOLER, Serv AIl. easy on ice, Izood condi- tion. worth seeing, MeIlow Drugs and Soda Bar. Newcastle.. 22-1 FOR SALE-1937 CHEV. COUPE. perfect condition, owner sick. Ste- yens' Taxi. Phone 822, Bowman- ville. 22-1 FOR SALE - GAS STOVE. 4- burner. Apply Ted Bird, Liber.ty St., Bowmanville. 22-1* FOR SALE - MASSEY-HARJUS mower, No. 22; also National Gang Plow. S. R. Pethick & Son. En- niskillen. Phone 2504. 22-1* FOR SALE - HIAY AND LUM- ber, a qjuantity of Timotby Hay; also some hemlock lumber, two and a Quarter inch by 13 t. long; also about 3,000 f t. of 1 inch vine lumber. Harvey McGill, Enniskil- len. Phone 2357. 22-1 FOR SALE - BICYCLES, ALL kinds f rom $10.00 up. Trade-ins accepted. Repairs. weldingz, keys made. Ooen eveningzs. Victor's, 341 Kiniz Street, West. Oshawa, 21-4* For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - SOLID brick house. bath. f urnace, Iigzhts, everv modern convenience, double gzaragze. Apply T. H. Knight, Phone 565 or 768. 22-tf Livestock ForSale FOR SALE - DURHAM COW, 4 vears old. Due to f reshen June l2th. Mrs. W. Watchorn, Hamp- ton P.O. 22-1. FOR SALE - PUREBRED BULL caîf. Ayreshire, 8 weeks old; Hol- stein cow. due to f reshe.r9. youngz Yorkshire sow; four 6 weeks old pigs. Phoné 2246, S. C. Rundle. 22-1* FOR SALE - BULL. PUREBRED Holstein. two and haîf vears old; also mixed grain. Peter Stacka- ruk. R.R. 2, Bowmanyille. 22-1 FOR SALE - CHESTNUT horse, pacer, f ast enough for rac- ing; also brood sow. Aoiplv R. Olesen. Strutt Farm, Burketon. 22-1* To Rent HOUSE TO RENT - ON ING Street, hardwood floors and gzar- age. Anply M. Thomson, R.R. 3, Port Hooe Ont.. 22-tf FOR, RENT - TORONTO - 21 rooms with balcony for July and August, board if desired, direct car line, for summer school stu- dent. Suit one or two. Phone Orono 7r5. 2-21* TO LET - 5-ROOMED APART- ment. electcic liglit, 3.pce. bath, and zas. opposite Town Hall. Ap- piy W. T. Symons. Phone- 2251. Z0-tf APARTMENT TO RENT - FIVE rooms. Apply Statesman Office. 49-ff APARTMENT FOR RENT - 3 rooms. hardwood f loorp, large Pantry and store room,' 3-oiece bath. $15 per month, which in- cludes water and garbaue collec- tion. Apffly H. V. Bateman. Victor Manor Apartments_ 17-tf Mowers Sharpened WEST END ÇARAGE A N D Machine' Shop- Lawn Mowers sharpened. J. L. Demerling, Bow- manville.. vroprietbr, Phone 781. 17-tf To make ,pumpkin pie, first put in so muchýspce you can't feU it's pumpkin.-Brandon Sun. Having secured rusf-rcaisting wheat, ail the farmers need is resf-reossfng hlred men.-Togon- ta Telegram. IRIS BEAUTY PARLOR WISH- es to announce Miss Martin will take ovcr hcr duties June 2nd. Iris Beautv Parlor, Bowmanville, Phone 2601. 22-1* Carpenter'Work CARPENTER WORK - HAVE you a buildingz problem? Consuit us at once for prices on 'your job without obligation. Ask about the Home Improvement Plan. Chas. L. Warren. Hampton. 21-4* Radios Serviced RADIOS SERVICED - $2 FOR work plus cost of replaced parts. Phone Bowmanville 604, 7-8 p.m. James Sisson. 22-1* Help Wanted SUCCESSFUL MEN WANTED ta selI for successful Company. Our dealers pragzress because we must insure their success f irst. 200 easy sellers, low prices. attractively packed. Quick repeat orders. Per- manent connection and steady year round income for capable men. Several localities available just now. If quaIified to become your own boss. cispuire without obliga- tion, Familex, 570r St. Clemet Montreal. 2- Seed For Sale' FOR SALE - GOOD, CLEAN buckwheat. Robert Hendry, New- castle, Phone 1922 Clarke. 22-1* POTATOES FOR SALE - DOO- leys. Apply Mrs. E. Mountjoy, Havdon, Phone 2505. 22-1* SEED CORN MY SEED CORN IS LOWER IN vrice agzain this year and is guar- anteed ALL GOV'T INSPECT- ED NO. 1 SEED CORN, sixteen varieties to choose from. Order voues early and avoid disgppoint- Stowart'. Se.d Store Phono 577 Bowmanvile Readings READINGS - "YELLOW SHUT-. ters" Tea Rom, Bowmanville Beach East side. 22-4* Girl Wanted GIRL WANTED - FOR G£N- eral housework on farm neqr towsf. Avolv Mrs. Blake Short, Bow manville. Phone 2479. 22-1 Feed Specli WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Mixed chop (rye, barley andI 9ats) $1.15 per cwt. Offer qood ..gntil June 8th. F. C .Vanstone. Phone 777. 22-1 Cars Simonized CARS SIMONIZED - GENUINE Sirnoniz prqducts used, prices reasonable. One f ree wash with everv car simonized before June l7th. J. G. Bunner, Welington St., Bowmanville Phone 584. 22-1 Mertgages MORTGAGES - FIRST AND second mortgages, alzreemeýnts for sale on farm, city and lakeshore properties purchased. North Shore Realty Company, Limited. Alger Building. Oshawa. Phone 80. 11-tf Chicks For Sale FOR SALE - BABY CHICKS, White Leghorns and Rorks, sexed or mixed. blood tested f lock, sired bv R.O.P. Cockerels. started Vui- lets. Albin Clemens, Bowmanville, Phone 2433. 21-tf Auction Sale The undersigned has receiyed in- structions from the Executors of the Estate of the late William~ Brock f0 selI at his late residence. Qu.een S$t., Bowmanville. his complete hojaschold of fiieniture consistinz of electric refrigerator, chesterfield suitç, both nearly new. 2 Axminster rugs, Con- goleum rugr, dining-room suite. com- Plete, electric radio. 3 bedroom suites, book case. writingz desk, s-mall tables and odd chairs. bedding, curtains and dranes, dishes and sîlverware, 2 elec- tric irons and ironing board, kitchen furnitore. cooking utensils and fruit, lawn mower, grarden tools, sten lad- der, ash sifter; alsu many other small aritcles. Sale at 1.30 P.m., D.S.T.. Saturdav, june 3rd. Terms cash. Wm. J. Challis. Auctioneer. Perisonal MEN PAST 401 - FEIC LIKE whole body run down? Î Ostrex Tablets of 2 stimulants f romn raw ovsters plus 4 blood nerve, body tonics. If not delighted with re- suIfs first packagze, maker refunds its low onice. You don't risk a t penn.y. CalI, write jury & Lovel. and all eood druggzists. Vet. surgeon J1. H. LESLIE, V.S., B.V.Sc. Vêterinary Surgeon Orono - Ontario Phones: Office 92r16 Residence 55r1. j Steal The Show ln Slacks Siummer's amartgat Fashion i $1.00 Siaecks star for Sum- mer! Flatterlug. prac- ticai and 50 comfort- able te wear. Sce thcse slick slacits t o- da Y. Slzes 14 te 44. c.. SPORT S WEA TERS soc Smart playtlme crcw neek Pullovers lu yeiow, white, re and 'blue. Sizes s-M-L. Sport Han kies 25c Sport Hankies lu gay colorligs are to be ane of thia sasn'. bi hits. Sec the new prluted deaigna. Others at . . . 50c SILK DRESSES A whole new ahipment of botter qualltY waahabie .11k Dresse, smart for street wear or sports. Sizes 14 to 44. <LEALKER STORES, £JMITED Phone 451 BW MM UISE ilieWANTuAD]S : 1. PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,'BOWMANVILLE, -QNTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE IST, 1939 a t e t c v e tý v v c v ti a à n E b 'y d