Tyr neF. Bradley. Lunch was served. THE KING AND'QUEEN TERILL CHILDREK AT RIVZRDALE PARK Tyrone nion l ot re-open until Sep- tember. <Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. K. Woods O L N ES 1 andbb, Bowmanville, at Mr. C. Sen= ,.. Mrs. J. H. Mutton M t F. L s. B an et M C yan a l y i h M r Ho a d o o n . i s L n e v s Y u W l JakeBomanvile, called on Mr. A dSev s Yo Etreu 1fcto and rs P. Hayward. . . Mr. and Recent Visitors: W etEe n i rse eOI Mr. and Ms Lloyd Robinson, Devitt, Cadmus. at Mr. W. Thomp. iQalyaiPie Peterboro. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. so's. . . Mr. and Mrs. M. Tamblyn l iQaiyadPie L:ttele, fl, Ohwa and Glenn. Orono. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. i ough's. . . Mrs. Laura Aikenhead. Toronto,.lat Mr. L. Ash- s__________________________ Virtu d Mrd Arthur Spicer vis- ton's... Mr. and Mr$. R. 1Richards odsutcr]Pnhm ited Mr. Milton Virtue, Graven- at Mr. Austin Larmer's. Burketon. PiNI Oint. Oomp. yu hurst... Mr. Bill Brooks, Toronto, rsMM MisKMDad' tiua Pkhms Ffoa BomnilMr. . M orel' a Mr R.27e 23c -45e 87C 7 Mr. J. Yeo la quite illBwanvillMr. . isaMor. Osh Master Billie Dudley underwent McNeils. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. Trim- an operation for mastoids i Bow- ble and family, Hampton, Mr. E. No church service next Sunday win's... Dr. M. Wriggs, Calgary, Su0oge 5125 DN UFR FO due to Salem Axiversary. Sun- Alta. is visiting at Mrs. E. Ormis- Cmm 890 day School will meet at il a.m. ton's. D Nr Litni eral Of Mrs. Burgess' uncle, T. A.eas - -li-e% ]Brown Of Ottawa, which was held M ~onl Bu atn Cas 35-6091 iNsPtE Mr.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n H.BresatnddteSnTn01 .A ht So uepuir at St. Paul's Church, Bowman- pr ville. Recent Visitors: Above is a photograph taken at Riverdale Park, Toronto, by 'rhe of school children and veterans 'assembled there. About the time Oleaner - - - 15-25 Young People's Union m e t MT. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, Ger- Statesman staff photographer, John M. James, showing Their this Photo was taken, the air was filled with chlldren's shril cheers Thursday evening. Worship per- aid and Jean, Miss Ethel Wilkins, Maesties The King and Queen gazing smllingly lit the thousands of glee and adoration. Vacuum Botties 29-69 iod was in charge of Mr. Gordon Osbawa. at Mr. Cecil Pascoe 1 s,* ]" *EsenOnai eodaySbos Brent's group. This bemng the clos- Solina. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell lie", was iziven in the Community M an vEasoeChoirtarioPREVENT c ing meeting for the summer, the Stainton and f amily, Mrs. . Stain- Hall bv Osbawa Youniz People on -yece u r in Asciton Cn J . uta; r balance of the evening was spent ton at Mr. Ed. Milson's, Sauina. .. Mav 24th. M n W o D r ce Ch i F r Kso ciation.Eason JHief imnpectr. A EE L, gaies and contests under the Mr. Jas. McMaster. Toronto. at Mr. McG11A. feLOttaw a ublic chls; obt. et -lu wt dietion of Miss J. Knox and Miss J. W. McMaster's... Mrs. E. Day- UC u uSineSUU2 at Ottawa Public Schools; b.Wt eprKemble, at Mr. R. Perkins'. . Long Sault S c um s To 1-'e" A -Otaw wt. Otaa ubicSofheotta Wa B i aleNoa K Miss Audrey Ayre has zone to visitE.Gwir neb othOtaaS e ber uncle. Mr. T. Ayre at Edem, Public Scbool Boardt; Wes. Brown. 150 as 7 Sask. .. Miss Beryl Glaspel at Mr. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Thomas Allan Brown, director of livinz for the past 38 years in bis Treasurer of the Ottawa RouRh 7c30 -- 13 Geo. Hilt's. Osbawa. Smith, Bowmanville, with his music at the Ottawa Normal Model Gilmour Street home. Riders: Dr. F. A. Jones, principal of 79 3 SMr. M. KnavP and Mr. Lane. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Scbool f roin 1898 to 1927. and Durinz his many years of teach- the Ottawa Normal Model Scbool; *IRUIT SALr 75- m mNortb Osbawa, are painti our , . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy, director of the choir of 4,000 school ingz Mr. Brown bad written several Reg. Gisbourne, Past commodore, C.Ohe * * m N E ~ school bouse. owmanville, with Mr. and MrS. cide b agfrtefte fbost eue ntahn ui C.A.; Alex 'Currie, representing the LO --10 ee U W ~ W W Mr. -and Mrs. R. Perkins attended Hugli Murphy. . . Mr. and Mrs. King George VI, on Parliament Hill ta children. He wrote baith thîe Ottawa Curling Club and James C. 10 1izsCate op 5 the funeral of Mr. Geo. Ormiston, Win. Smith, Toronto, spent Sun- in 1901 wben the late King George verses and the music himself. Since McCuailg of the Ottawa Rowing NH izsoid' ra 3 OS A AEnfield. an Monday. day with Mr. D. B. Farrell and V andQuee Mary. tben Duke and bis retirement heehi~d been activeîy Club. - MMn,' OS AW __________ Grace... Miss Pearl Snth with Ducessof Cnrnwal1 and York, vis- engaged in making bis nmusic books Among Floral Tributes 47 TatAtTap 29 PorHpe..MrRWodard____Caad,__________li___ s imleasPosianyo ha floralmnzthemtriboal utesesCh BlaccstockPotHp..M.RWoda, home. 529 Gilmour Street, Otw ren eitber in the prinary orado- were tbose of tbe St. Jerome office, ___ ei 29c- 9 Mr. -Rob -Se. ileMr. WoodrdBm an- May 20th. He was 74 years of age' vanced stages. could understand tbem Gatineau Power Company; Broad- M -~ GnpU 9 T o day - r1. - S a . _____ villead M r. George Sm phth s. and~, at the time of is . retirement readly, eiter witb or witout class way Scool, Hilson Avenue S cool 0v[G in e - 3 - 9 8 ]BONITA GRecenLEVis i etueHn.Tr ont, iMNr and Ms. en orge Humphr' s rs aRo, bad taugbt school in instruction.. The verses, wbicbh le and tbe Main Street School, ail of a BOIT RAN ILLE NAS whMsrtrund Hr. ToHroto, ano rospent monday with Ontaria for 43 years. set ta music, were writteri about Westboro: Helen's Bridge Club. the __________________ PRA KIETHO AS itbMr.andMrs Jaes enr. .andrs.RayondÇîai~.everyday obj-ects and subjects of a Lions Club; Dunlop Tire and Rub- Mr. R. Allin, principal af Contin- __________Wîdely known tbrougbaut On-chld î ife. sucb as f lowers. dogs. ber Company; Nortbern- Diviýion,ArBodrritcstumretaornr> otr. uation Scbool was ait bis home in %ai n nsbo crlsalars animaIs. tays, bolidays scbool Nyork, C. C. A.; Billings' Bridge Public Try our Developing and Priain Balebem. . .an d Mrs. Sakley Maple G o e etc oredb hs f rScbool: Rideau Aciuatic Club; staff NANCY DREW Crlyaan, witbr. M . Sanfd Gr vedes. oundb ahs o - Famil>' te Carryon Work of Ottawa Normal Model ScbJol1; PHONE rW IG hf.B E m son Rssel. Trehern, Man, wih Bon at arligton BornipateaDar.lingtona prTownsbipcon- nearer. LBrown.. &adM.pDo- t5iP.R. yOLcom-Ph. so. nd Rus lDell. Teeere, Man . Rcn iios Bowmanville. tbe late Mr. Brown pleted arrangements witb a London. mmîion Bureau of Statistçs- Gatin- REPORTER ard Mrs. inaSurlndil ..r. Miss.Isobel Dawson and Mr. AI- was educated in tbe public schools England, publisbing bouse far tbe eau office. Gatineau Power Com- erlv Miss Mary Rutledge), Bancroft anDwson. Bailieboro. spent Sun- of Enniskillen and Bowmanville vrinting of bis books, which were pany.______________________________ Added Feature and Miss Verna Twa are visiti' day iwitb Miss Betty Snowden. .. Higb Scbol. On leavinz bigb schbool to be translated into several lang- The palibearers were S. G. Cam- relties er. .. r. ndMrsR.Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsb, Salem, bie taugbti eea col i uages, and distributed al Over the eron, Byron Oliver, Carence C. Rom- 1B B AKER Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. A. at Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden s. Mrio and tben ta Ottawas Normal world. This bad been bis hf e arn- bough and his three sons, Fred W., Adahe Pascoe at, Mis r. als. oo. rsHafre, Kena Mr..Ji Williamson. Omemee. with Jas.G Mrs. Ross Stevens is visiigre- Scbool to obtain bis teacber'.s certif- bition. and members of bis family Alan Brown of Ottawa. and S. Char- Lte ace isIeePsoadMs i enlsadDvd SOEUIEY BURNETTE Marlow. .. Dr.LlydHoper G'e: atives in Toronto. .. Miss Hilda icate. He graduated from tbe school will carry out tbe work begun by les Brown of Kilman., Que. Mr. Frank Pascoe and family,. Zion, Hampton, Mr.a:Ms AsnBl r.LodHoeD-Ricbards witb bier parents. . .Mr. ee 18.their father. Tebd a rub ytana r .L aces r n o nfmlZoa r Jc antrait, Micb.. and Mr. Wilrid Haop- adMr.ChrieRndean r n18.Tebd a ruh ytana r .L aces. r n o nfi er. Little Britain. witb Mrs. Florence ian itd beoer Mrs. Collettnlean fm Graduate of London College In 1901, when Their Royal Higb- ta Bowmanville where, service was Mrs. Ernest Debarr and family, Reynolds'...Mr.Jb Alnad Tbompson. .. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil l iielirmte.Ms olto ednS.Pa' UtdChc, "BiIIy Thie Kid Dawev an~d ane, Reaboro, witb Mr. ClieGngton..Mss andrs. ar:El He -Slals ol lagrae of he Cornwall and York, visited Canada, Tuesday afternoon, conducted b ub u ks. wtitb.Mr.Cads. AnnessAI id aluMs andnMvisited.McMr. andinN. E. . England. His parents. the late Part of tbe reception in Ottawa was Rev. W. F. Banister wbo in speakingFrnSotide..Mrad Mrs. nne Aln o wmnvePM. n Pl Ricardso is viitinzliWilliamer Brownteand. bisMrwif.eE.M aryaconcert, by 4,000 children'of Ot- from the text: "He was a gaod mai. Nelson Fice and famiiy, Taunton, Ribadoni vstig e 1baheHowitt. ila rwan i ie ayWesley Yellawes...M.adMs Returns" Mr. Geo. MeLaughlin in Cobourg. . a ~ru Goriey. w:re pione:r: of. the Bow- Ntberiu s chl.onriamentHill andf ul offaithÇ ai~d ZI.in tri- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake and Chas. Werrysba.tMrJ.T Mr.Feths oet eelnFls N cuc evcenx udymanville district, caminz bere frontNihpbi c o eaawbeol bt ote hrce n f fHoward. Hamnptan, at Mr. Frank Rundle's. . . Ms rrGbos foSr a visit. .. Mr.an Mrs. Hector Oureland. in centuryce.Su- Ielnd then bad msco the curriculum deceased. He related that benle Westiake's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Ms eaGbosadM.Vco ALOForbes. Miss Jessie Forbes. Sr., and day Scbool at the usuai bour. Pn arlcaint the Oatawa Nr. and Mr. Brown was chosen ta leM. left bis native village of Enniskillen man Allun. Newcastle, Mr. Percy is T ayl oonoCtMr a ROYAL VISIT PICTURES Miss Edith Brown, Toronto, spent . adMs .D rml e the concert. He bad been looking andi came ta Bowmanvile Mr. Brown Mountioy. Misses Elda and Bessie Taylor's. ..M.BoSaesBat May 24tb witb Mrs. GertrudeMr ceived the sad news Saturday that nmal' Model Schaol, as directar of forward ta seeing Their Majesties, ioined St. Paul's Church and'was a Mountjoy, Mrs. Faster Snowden andFam low.. Mrs. Florence ThoeMonand their brather-in-iaw, Mn. Wmn. Mc- mui. the late Mn. Brown had been -Kingr George VI and Queen Eliz- valued miember of the choir. f amili'. Kedron. Mrs. Chas. Lang- Fam, Calumbs t oe SU D M Çf neand Mrs. Robt. Ar-cher in Lean. Toronto. had passed sudd e xete,1 on the pulioyhola maid, Mn. and Mrs. Roy McGill and Our S.S.Anirsnsrycso afthîs. xeer Ont.. and was on t t aff onte oai visit but was The service was attended bere byKetEniilnaM.RyLn-Sudy-wrvry elatne. Beaverton and Ganiebridge. Miss that morniniz. The sympathy o hsh ttakenill about anc week ago and was numerous relatives and many aIefi h niklea r RyLn-Sna e pntcmmunitv is extended ta the be- of tbe Stratford Public schools. - lfr mi'. MsW.OeM.anSrvcsw, Evelyn Devitt. Pai7t Penny. sei o4 onned to bis home. He bad been ends of the Brown faniily who had ais...M.W.keM.anSvcleswehed di teIain Sunday at bier home. .. Mrs. Franks reaved relatives. 19 n a been feeling well Saturday and bad toîd been a power af strength for all that nslEdgat r.nihtd loriaa'. E-case sed w h casncuy cn JUNE 4567 and Mn. and Mrs. Ray Reynolds, Mn. and Mrs. R. D. Trimble. Mn. members af the family that he wvas was goodl and uplifting in their coin-MnadMr.NiYeoyls n.avybuqt.Tesiigb Peterbaro. spent Sunday with Mn: Vernon Trimble, Part Hope, visited ail rigbt, sa that tbey would nat miss munity . and Mrs. Gea.Gailos, QMrn- scholbudrth iecinofMs Thse Greatest joit of an Mrs. Lsi Mountjoy. .. Missthefarmer's sitr Msm. M.. c- the ceremonies un progress here in Palîbeaners wene four nepbews, B. ville, at Mn. jack Yellowlees'. .. John Baker wt isle h Excitement Ever Shown Leona Devitt visited Miss G race Lean. Toronto.1 connection witb the royal visit. G. Stevens. W. E. Stevens. HowardM.adMs omnLahada aitwsmc noe.I h Hooer.. .Mrs Cr'erves Ga arpr M.Jh]nwen~ *n o Put Music -an District Sceoos Stevens, Robt. Burgess and two Miss Doris. Taunton, at Mn. jack afternoon Mis .A ralOb ft1ftIUft~ ~ formerly Inene Grahami) and baby and Mn. J. D. Stevens samewbat S u.u.i.ie > DI'eSSes~ Six years ag r rw nr- personalo fniends. Frank Cryderman Kivell's. .. Mn. and Mrs. C. Werry, awa, favoured ibtov~~ ao 'DARK -KIWIUKL' BiI it. M. n Ms.Jon lm imead aeMr.t.be . upnr- duced music inta the scbools in and Geo, W. James. Bunial was Mn. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid. Mrs. wbich were mc prcae.R Re. . . ndMr. oo ae n a i asoabe o eautaIinaee Billings Bridge. and four ycans ago made in the famuly plot in Bow- Beatrice Sheridan and Master Biily, J. V. McNetlKn t brh NNverBrfoee Suis S' SunghRe.tE.P.lad Mr. Ond Sreln dyeisalsoabhetasatiaganiafethe thhrdidtheusblecn thatbrelpulicemnvuie Ceeter. MnRoos McLen Venia nd Vv-andawaspok tahaewcidrn. W Secrets. . . Filmed and Re- Toronto attending the Syniod. bis sickness. scboois in Westboro. The following relatives of de- ian. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Bray, Gwen were pleasedtobvourptre. crelateBl"Cno- At tbe Graduation Exercises at t> n When Rev. P. N. Morden, now of ceased attended the funeral bere and and Mary. Miss Margaret Speans, W. Rackham oeetfntesrie coredantie lella Cng -Wellesley Haspital, Taronto, this $3.95u- p Perth. was ministen at Erskine Pres- were guests of Mrs. T. S. Holgate Oshawa. MissesDrsadMr In the evening e.T . ,Adr b> tise Dennls-EcoseVeit Ex- Friday, Miss Olive Barbara Van s DrisandMar SJalemA byterian Cburcb, Mn. Brown was a wbile in tawn: Mrs. T. A. Brown, Grooms. Messrs John Grooms and son, Oshawa.afomratrhe, peditton. Camp will neceive The A. S. Moon-____ member of the Board of EIders of Messrs Fred. Charles ane Allan Jordan Sharp, Tanonto, Miss Gwen occupied the pli n aea x PLS- head prize for the bigbest standing Recet Vsitos:that cburcb. Fallowing cbuncb un- Brown. Mn. and Mrs. C . Rombougb, Brooks. Pr7ovidence, at Mn. S. E. cellent discaus.Tebosdul in surgical nursîngf. Congratulations. R-etVstn;_inh eaeamme f Chl aIl of Ottawa, Mn. and Mrs. Wal- Werry's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Victor Quartette ofMsssNiYelwes III King bhave rmoved i teSMls Mac M sn. ndrontW. Hndron tvii ~mens United Cburcb. O~ lace Stuart and daughten Jane, of Wilson. Oshawa. Mn. and MrsJs,.b aiGageadWse Mrs. Robt int the Sam e edtnh e on in orntav d oneteinIn his voutb M n. Brown was a Cleveland. O io; Dr. and Mrs. Mc- Emerson. Bowmanville, Mrs. Jas. Werry, Jim . m1 s ri~i otn bSA D.I ouse. We welcome thernito the o retu ndom nsu .G er.M.Qag r.Jae ae r rdry rnday weneHaueetsHnTam BakeranHrvyYloes village. o n n r.W .Wry n 'saccer playen of note, being aonc ai Qag .JmsGlM.Fe adM.adMs avyIad __________________________ he tar.ontheNoral chbl tamGale. Mrs. Harold Earle, Toronto. adDre.Okod tM. izaa vae two selectos nMna v Py"Here Cames Char- and Msl. ednsnad son, h tr n hHomlScbitanadrs.. n and, tMr. Isancening a leagueamofotalwa good playToronto. Mn. and Mrs. G. Drcw and bere. He bad always taken a kcen Bnary'andElM. Efcd tM vdbtenTrn and SaUna.an son. Oshawa, Mn. and Mns.M intenest in spart, espccially basebalBaanEgi.nfed tM.W pae bw, Terry, Oshawa, werc also Sunda3and football. He also bad foîîowed S lraParrinder's.. Mrs. Howard Coucb; resultinz inatiof1.At8pm visitons at the erho..M. paddling, in wbich bis eldest son, Misses Marjony and Ileen Caucb an enjoabconktwahienwt W crn y h o m e. J O N S.N a n.M rM nH M isse n d &ssior-FS c ott, M n.e r B ro nn dim mM ns.nivW iîr V iR ev. R aissc k b a m S o tasM rca nair m a n, M issy m a l UN S GR C R JON INadns. H. BarTriend Mn. Gar iate Past commodore of the Can- Annivansa rVs itos:andQuick and Don, Mn. Ernest Gilbank, as crs wan a do re L i Tonont Thur day. -adian Canoc Association, had b n . n n.CclBiiadBowmanville, Miss Thelma FreemanBlvLakwownmdl t h te.Mrs. .. MSquairvteda rd iy.romntfmn eaugb h th family, North Oshawa, witb Mrs. Mapfle Grave, Mn. and Mrs. Chas' Music Festivalgv hi ncttos R ed & W ites i6th tMrs. W. Mfatand M famiTy. . . PRoien for any ylubeans BwittLS.Bush. . .Miss Lena Taylor, R. Naylor, Zion, Miss Muriel *Baker» PickeninRDratiClbavtei Fiaccompanied Mn. and Mrs. K. Wennx also was an ardent 'traut fisherman. N.. Bowmanville, spent the wcekend R.N., Peterboro, at Mn. Jack Bak: Play "Lena Ries"TFswsmc Sta Toronto on Tuesday an d paid a He was a member of -Buildens at Mn. E. R. Taylan's. Miss Taylor c's. .. Miss R;;y Deweil, Oshawa, eniaYed as eacpatwseetin - ('Air visit ta Dr. and Mns. Willard. .. i Lodge A.F.& A.M., and the I.O.ÇI.F. baCcetdtepsto f ulcMs ese ms o umus A N N V LaA I A L NrefrBwavleadM.adMs r c olumbus ally worcellsvnt M.Salerik A N I E S R A EMn. and Mrs. L. Buttery and Mn. FSurvivîniz him anc bis Widow. the Hat us o omnileadM.adMs ec eell, Miss dan ocetafo Nwatcpa Blackburn were amaniz those wbo. former Katie Jane Hill of Bowmnan- begins ber duties tbis week. .. Mn. Valentine Bentley, Mn. Angus John- vied a xcle r ogai ui isied nonreto hiea ill.Brwnom the Breuofmannet 81;Fedi. .Ms.Jh Pno nd. and family, Ebenezen, Mn. and ces$7.0 Ided negyFod SS.scolrsan oficrsar bsyistics. Alan Brown. of the Gatineau Oshawa, is spendingz the summer at Mns. Clarence Tink and family, Mn. Will Bae1a ikdb Ide! nery oodS. clns fo teafficens ary extPousyan;an . lrl Mn. Will Baken's. .. Mn. Wilfned Hampton, lat Mn. H. E. Tink's. . hanse an Satudyadtrsvea Durham Cor. Starch...............9 Sunday. foBr nieraynx own. Coman; and S. anlores Dcwell was anc of the King's guards Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Wbitnel. Junie ligaments in bi1 ie ForSumer essrts"Wat re e Brawn.h or i-fLdCanla die; w an terais in Toronto. Mrs. Dewell. and Han- and Lorraine, Mn. and Mrs. Nelson There will en evc eenx For Suin m er D enerts" W bai t a e we oîwist e s b e tbo aur ei -L d.vi ma , Q e. wodu b en , ad accom vanied im t a T oronto. . . R eynolds and B arbara, T oronto,-M . Sunday on ac co n. a i n 4 n v n OrneMarmalade ...... 32-oz. jar 19e eiac. a hesbeto e.Mns. C. C. Rambough, Ottawa; and MrndPor . Chas. Howsam and and Mns. Reg Somerville. Cherry- sary. Orange ~~~~~~~~~A. W. Marc's fine sermon Sunday. Mrs. D. W. Stewart. Cleveland, Mary, Pr Penny, at Messrs Thos.,_________________________________ Perfect for Breakfat Y.P.u. rmeetingz was heid May 23 Obhia; and four sisters. Mrs. Robt. iî doh Baes...M.H Quaer Der M. Jmes- o-lve ' na---io -fmay -as an Mis-OiveDason.Bal-earo-J--c Quaker BronMn.eThas. Baken's.- .o.lMn. anei a_______of______________andMisOliveDawsonBailieboro cellh Flkes ..............2 pkgs. Ise Although it la five years since CIny iues tedd. Min. n in 9rsatMrM . THos ae' .M an d i I left Bowmanville, I still enjay c Js tedd.M.Brw hd r.M 1 obsadJ.n ni ,Rexo.pusIS 7lArge "The Statesman" and amn now en- formenly taken a keen and active skillen. Mn. Mark Blackburn. New- 4 fr 2c cosig sfflien moeyI hpeto , ,ipîenest in aIl fonnis of sport. castle, Mn. and Mns. Joe Chapunan, GrpemI .. .0 . .." . . 4fo' e lsn uar e ntamnd Ihptome J UU.jong those attcnding the service Hampton. Mn. and Mns. Everett El- sqapearetthe account and put meTHJ.,ÇARTER FAI Y on dlean footing for the current were James A. Smith, directon of liott and family, Oshawa, gt Vrs. R. year. With vety kindest regards MmsClifford Caverty music. Ottawa Public Schools: Eric J. McKessock's. Rev. T. H. P. and E. ltN to yourself, and a host of other Roy'. rear commodore of the C.C.A.; Mrs. Anderson, Mn. Carl Anderson. Bu>' Promt Bow manville Baker Phono 596 GROOM~ Bowmaiffle friends. Pisone 594 James Mc1saac, Secretary of the Oshawa, Rev. and Mns. Rackham, Phone 855 Baker. forTw Gerain Your resectfllyNorthen Division of the C.C.A.; T. Hampton. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Jef- W. J. Todd. J. H. Rothwell, convener of rugby., frey and Dareen, Maple Grave, Miss____________________ I J 4 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE IST, 1939