THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARLO THURSDAY, JUNE 1ST, 1939 Sports For The W.ek JUNE 1 TO 7 Basebal June 7,Bowmanville at Pt. Hope. Town Softbal Jume 1-Front Street vs Goodyear1 June 5-Front St. vs South Ward1 Rural Softbali June 2-Courtice vs Providence June 6-Salem vs Maple Grove. Cream of Barley - 6 S.T. Soceerj June 3-Hanipton at Courtice 1 June 5-Solina at Mion June 7-Brooklin at Tyrone. Whlte Rose Lads Double Score On South Ward Teamj It doesn't pay to get an easly lead in tbcse softball Rames. White Rose proved the above statergnsi againJ on Mondav nigbt wben they gave tbe1 previousiy undefeated Soifth Ward9 tean f ive runs in the first stanza1 and tben romped borne winners by1 20 to 10. Two f resbmen hurlers made tbeir debut witb yroutbfunI Billy Brown baving mucb tbe better of the argu- nient. After tbree errors and a couple of bad breaks played a inalor part in giving tbe South Ward a Quintet of markers in the initial f rame, Brown kept the powerful Soutb Ward bats well under control over tbe otber six inningi. Norm Horn, on the hillock for tbe Soutbern gentlemen. travelled a rouzb course. After givinR up one mun in the first and three in the sec- ond lie escaped unscatbed in tjie third but watcbed wbile four trickled over in tbe fourtb and again in the f iftb. He witbdrew to tbe sidelines in the midst of a seven run drive in the sixtb. Botb starting bulers weteë wild, Horn walking nine and Brown six. Along witb the nine walkà iven up bv Horn, bis supporting cast coin- mitted eigbt miscues. The QUlers al- se were in a f umbliniz mood, contni- butingz a half dozen to the Soutb Ward cause. Brown allowed tbree its in tbe starting f rame and tben spaced four more over the remain-1 iniz sessions. Fifteen bits rattled off tbe Wbite Rose willows. Ted Bagneli circled the sacjcs on a walk and tbree wild pitches to start the Rame before tbe Warders made tbeir one splurge. Bates led off for the S. W.'s by drawinz a free ticket te first. Little forced Bates but Dub Piper beat ont a bit that bouniced off the pitcber's rubber. Dunlop forced Little. but Large forgot to catch Brown's toss for wbat should bave been tbe tbird out and Osborne reached f irst wbile Piper scored. J. Cowle and Knight followed witb bits te drive in four more runs. A walk to Raby, bits by Rice, Bird and Tighe plus an error brougbt in tbree runs for tbe Roses wbile tbe best tbe Ward could de wks one. Tbe Enarcos took the lead. in the f ourtb and after their opp&ients tied it up in their haif, tbe -«Vdkson frankfurters went out in front in tbe f if tb and were neyer headed. It took two fumbles, bits by Bird and'Large, a walk and a few wild pitcbes te cbase over the four in tbe fourtb. South Ward required a bit. tito errors. a walk and a pair of wild uitcbes te tic it up. Brown bunted safelv to open the f iftb. Bag- nel walked. Bird, Mutton and Large bit and an error was tossed in to give tbe Air. Water and Information Please. boys the lead. Eleven men went te bat wben tbe winners scored seven tumes in tbe sixtb and Johnny Semple bad te go to tbe mound to get the side out. Funniest play of the season oc- cured in this stanza. Dub Piper ac- cepted a tbrow f rom tbe plate and swungz around wbilc bent over te tag TiRbe wbo was runniniz for third base. Tigbhe bowcvcr. -took tbe over- bead route and hurdled Piper- per- fectly to land on tic baR safela'. Joe E. Brown. in bis palmiest days, neyer topped tbat one. South Ward: Bates. ss: Little. cf; D. Piper, 3b, Dunlop, 2b: Osborne, lb; J. Cowle, If; Knigbt, cf; G. Cowle. c: Horn and Semple, p; Hallman battcd for G. Cowle in the seventb. Wbite Rose: Bagnell, ss: Bird. cf; Tigbhe. 2b; F. Mutton, If and c; Large, lb. Raby. rf; Rice, 3b; Dili- inz. c: Blunt, If, and Brown, P. South Ward 510 202 0-10 7 8 Wbite Rose "~0 447 1-20 15 6 Umpires: Camneron and Crombie. Fifth Old Bird Race Bowmnanviile Racing P i g: co n EDITOR RECALLS WORLD SERIE* 32 YEARS AGO *Mn. Charlie L. Brown, Detroit, Mich., called at The Statesmian office Momday hi tell the editor how much his famiiy enjoy the weekly visit of the old home town paper. He left a souvenir mlua- tnated booklet commemorating the Detroit Basebaîl Centenniai which they are celebrating this y ar. Looking through this book I e- called pleasant memonies of 1907 - 32 years ago - when tbe editor, Clarence Meath and Hubert I1lg- ginbothamn attemded the worid er- ici in Detroit when they defeatcd Pittsburgh. Among the outatand- img players we recali are Ty Cobb, Hugh Jennings, Bill Donovan and Sam Crawford. We only nemnem- ber two Pirates - Hans Wagner and Catcher Gibson. Mark Twain iaid that when ho was a boy of fourteen his fathier was s0 ignorant that he could hardly stand it to have the Old Man around, but when he got to be twenty-onc it simply asiilali- cd hlm how much the Old Man had lcarned i seven years. Bricks and Bouquets DY NELSON OSBORNE What will probably be one of the best, if flot the best, pitching battie of the season took place on Saturday with Tommy Pointer of Port Hope and Dave Osborne of Bowmanville on the riyal firing limes. Thé elongated D a v i d matched Pointer throughout and it was luck of the toughest variety that he should be on the wrong end of the decision. We wager that he will flot lose another three hit ggme all season. Despite the loss, Bowmanville basebail stock went up. Bowman- ville defense itood. up well, the fact that an error paved the way for the Port Hope victory being just one of those things.- McIlveen has caught two exceedingly fine games and also keepsteta pepped up. Heisa aggressive catcher of the Dutch Osborne type. Except for the one initing lapse of Witheridge in the open- ing tussle, the pitching has been excellent. Both Osborne and Phil- lips appear in mid-season form and Witheridge only needs more work to reach his peak. Ed Hoop- er has yet to make an appear- ance. The infield is the weak spot. Slemon la back from his trip and his insertion at first wiil relieve Roacb for other duties .and wil also add punch to the attack. Do mot besurprised if you see the versatile Roach cavorting around shortstop when Williams is un- able to be on hand. Although he is a southpaw, One-hit Roacli has played the position before and is fairly nimnble at snaffling ground- ers. Word has filtered in that George Walton may not be available. The Newcastle third-baseman is farm- ing on his own and finds it hard to spare the time for bail. Maybe we should fire Ames off the mid- dle sack, put Witheridge on first, Phillips on second, Roach at short and Siemon on third. This ail left- handed infield would probably have the fans cross-eyed watching them but we betcha a cookie they wouldn't be the worst infield in the league. Th sichedule for the season ar- nived this week and Sunderland is mot imcluded. It seems that gem- erously-stomached Bruce Oliver is unable to find emough players to have a team. Three weeks ago we heard rumori that anl was not sereme in the northern towrn, some of his beit players refusing to sigm this year. Reason givep, waî that two years under Oliver is piemty. This means that the league will go'along with the three Itermed- iate and two Junior Clubs. It means an unbalamced ichedule, similar to that of 1938. Bowman- ville has many open Saturdayî,1 which is not exactly to our liking and it is likely the local club wil take advantage of a paragraph on the bottom of the ichedule which says: If amy changes are desired arrange them between interested clubs. Another interesting paragraph is this: As agreed at the last meet- ing there is hi be a f ine of $5.00 on the offending team for late starting of games, which the umi- pires are hi report. The vistmng teama are hi get the infield for the last fifteen minutes before game time for practice. The teams are allowed fifteen minutes Ice- way before the fine takes effect. The local softball league ia pro- viding much cntertainment, juit as much competition and more action. As this is written Front Street are the only team without a win and they get a chance hi- night, as they take on Goodycars. Front Street lost a heartbreakcr Thursday whem two runs in the last frame Épelled defeat and they are out for revenge. Goodyeans entered the lost col- umm in the same manner whcn the South Ward teami took their measure and the latter collapsed completely on Momday in their clash with White Rose. The stand- ing is ail tamgled up and it looks like a grand season. One thing that wlll i mprove the game at the Public School is the stretching of a wire alomg the foui Uines hi keep the spectators back. This was done on Frlday ight and it helped considerably. An- othen suggestion, at no cost, 15 to hammer downr the pitcher's rub- ber. One of these niglits a hurler is going to fanl off anid so far the twirlers are mot provided with parachutes. While the dlrt scat- tered around the base-paths, home plate and pitcher's mound 15 an improvement, it could be made better*still by poumding it down. Right now it looks like a pile of sand. Congratulations to Mn. and Mns. Winton Bagneil on the arrival of a #econd daughter Tuesday morn- ing. Mother and daughter are do- ing well and Gramdpa Bill as wel as can be expected in his disap- pointment that it wasm't a bahl player. . .. The Lakeshore League has refused Bowmanville permis- sion to sigm Fair and Cowie, who played Junior bail for Oçhawa lait year. . . . Providence and Courtice, two arch rivais, open the South Darlington.Softball league at the Cream of Baniey on Friday night. Kendal Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover, Newcastle, with Mns. A. G. Darlinghin. . . Mn. and Mns. Chas. Finnie and Lawrence with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Beatty, Penny- town.. . Mn. and Mns. Philips and Mn. and Mns. A. Cummings, To- ronto, at Mn. Philips' summer home. Miss Mary McLean re- turned home wlth them. . . Mn. Wm. Bostock, Toronto, wlth Mn. IR. Bostock... Mn. and Mns. Geo. Why Not Be Cool and Comfortable in "4 Sport Cl «otes FROM CWJCH'S? id COMBINATION SETS Sport Shirts and Siacha 1< match, SLAOKS Llght welght, good colora SPORT BELTS Classy styles ------------------ SPORT SHITS Blue and other colora, tai worn ln or out -~-------- 4.50 1.95-5.75 50C-1 .00 98c-2.00 MATOHED SETS Tics, Delta, Handkerchlefs and Suspendei's, al l pastel summer shades, reasouably prlced. WINDBRZAKERS .0-19 Grentel cloth, ltght weight -----35 1.9 SHORT SOOKEES White and other shades, pair ---- SUMMER SUITS Flannel and other cloth, »mre wlth 2pair pants -As lowas -------- soc 15.00 SWINM ORTS29535 Jautzen, really smart - ------ .539 SW M ORTS (Jatalina' Satin Lastex, soanthlng new------ 2.95-3.50 J. Couch, Joknston &'Cryde.rman phono 836 LirmTE» Bowmanville P Swarbrick, Toronto, with Mr. Gregg and sons. . . Mrs. George Clarke at her home here. .. >Mr. Leonard Buckler, Lalke Shore, with Mr. Roy Patton... Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson with Mr. Fred Robinson, Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beatty, Perrytown, with their daughter, Mrs. Chas. Finnie... Mr. and Mrs. Art Mer- cer and family, Cainpbellcroft, with Mr. and Mns. R. Wilson... Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence- Bell, Clar- ence and Hilda, with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Bell, Canpbellcroft.... Miss Margaret Seens with her brother and sister at Bailieboro. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curtis and family have moved from the Tweddle Farm to Mrs. Bostock's farmn, Sixth Line. A number from here attended the funeral of Charlie Sutcliffe a Port Pçrry on Thursday. On Thursday evening the Y.P.U. was i charge of Jennie Wright and Geo. Carson. A fine topic was given by Mrs. Beepch; Miss Mar- garet Denault favored with an in- strumental; Clarence Bell gave a reading. Mr. Arthur Thompson is at- tending Conference at Kringston. Most of the men in our village are engaged working on the count- ty road east of Kendal these days. Cadmus Recent Visitors;, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Philp and Edward. Toronto. at W. G. Pbilp's and C. H. Falis.. . Mr. W. Brown and familv. Omemee, spent Sunday at Russell Brown's and George Fowler's. .. Miss Birdie Gibson, Toronto., suent Sunday at home.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holmes, Osb- awa. Elva Capstick, Peterboro, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Fowler, Lillian and Doreen visited at Mr. George Eow- ler's. .. Miss Birdie Falli and Mr. Frank Walters, Osbawa. spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fallis. Mr. Kcitb Brown, Toronto, is convalescinoe after bis accident at Russell Brown's. Mr. Ralpb Cooke bas sold bis at- tractive cottage at Armstrong's Point 40o a gentleman in Toronto. Women's Association of Cadmus bave financed tbe Oèdecorating of tbe interior of tbe cburcb bere-.Tbe work bas been very satisfactonily done bv Mr. Cbas. Venning. Black- stock. The intenior now presents a verv attractive and restful appear- ance. Tbe committee bave bçen for- tunate in securing Rev. F. Newell for tbe anniversary services on June Ilth. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott attend- ed S.S. Anniversary services at Trin- itv Cburéh. Bowmanville on Sunday and visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Kersiake. Mr. Roland. Thonipson hgs tb-s week secured a position in tbe Gran- ite Club, Toronto. Mr. Ed. Hanna reacbed Vancouver on Saturdav only to find bis son baq died tbe nigbt before in the bos- pital. ..eoe- ou Inur -enul Edîtorsand IDoctors On rare occasions a good word is said of editors. Here is what a ichool boy penned in one of his bnight moments: '¶If the editor," lie said, "mnakes a mistake, the folks say he ought to be hung; but if a doctor makes a mistake he hurles it and the people don't gay anythimg because «they can't read Latin. Whem the editor makes miatakes, there is a big lawsuit -and swearing amd a big fuis; but if the doctor makes ome there is a funeral and flowers and perfect silence. A doctor can use a word a yard long without him or anyone knowing what it meana, but if the editor uses one, he has to spell it. Any college can make doctons to ordçr, but editors have to be born." I eat my peas with honey- I've done it all my li- It makes the peas taste funny, But it keeps them on the knife! OSHAWA RO0TA RT FAIR Two Big Nights MONAYAND TUESDAY Jus. 5th and 6th Rotary Park - Centre St. Big Street Parades Both Nites Grand Prize - Buick Sedan ILife-Savers for HOMND K eep Up The VALUES SAVE! shingles Roofing Plooring Paints Lumber Cernent Miwork Every cent that you spend on your home for repairs and Improvements cornes back to you with Interest! Intereat ln the actual recog- ulzed value of Your home and iterest iIta hIereased livablllty. Moreover, you'II fid that our Pnice, meet closest competition. SAVE! Inaulation Variah Asphalt * ip cernent Siding SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone 715 Dbwrnanvllle TI-IURSDAY, JUNE IST, 1939'. 1 ý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO