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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1939, p. 6

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pp-- THE CANAD~AN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 8TH 1939 The ROYAL VISIT By S. 3. DORNAN1 C.W.N.A. Representative on the Press Pilot Train Third Release Covering the Viit of Their Majeutieo te Western Canada and the Pacfic Coast Vancouver. May 30, 1939. casting station of Saskatçhewat Leavingz Winnipeg, where the re- Comînz down from the roof we ha ception was really colossal, the train missed our "press car" and prepar ran into Portage exactly on tine ed to wait until after -Their Ma and was greeted by a hinge crowd iesties had arrived and left the sta massed around the station; there tion: as a consequence we 5.tooda was only a short stop but there was the main entrance to the station ani ample evidence of the western loy- witnessed one of the greatest de a.ty which we f irst saw at Winni- monstrations of loyalty of the en peg. tire tour: thousands lined ail ap Aiter dusk set in we entered the Proaches to the station and everi approach of the C. P. R. station at building had its full quota of cheer Brandon and here was the most inz populace; this reception was s( astoundiniz display of the entire trip; demonstrative that several miet banked on a natural bibI which whomt we know personallv to be ne sloped back to Railway Avenue, were easily affected, had tears stream- eleven thousand school children f romn ing down their faces. As one mat Brandon schools and one hundred said to me. "isn't site a wonderfu rural districts in that portiou of Young woman and hie is sci ýouth- Manitoba; added to the children were fui". it was indeed very dramatic tc 20,000 adults f romt the city-and dis- see the reaction of this imnjçns( trict. the reception platformiv as crowd to the smiling countenance oi batbed in f lood lights which made it Her Majesty and the respectful as bright as day. The rousing re- salute of The King. The reception ception given the press train was and acclaimt of the capital city of ample evidence that Their Majesties Regzina. extended to Their Majesties were in for a real royal acclaim. ef tnohin tobc wished for; the Both trains were stopped at Ken- 'keystone "province of the Dominion may for sleeping but left earîy next too)k this lovely Scottish lady and morninz on the way to Regina; ths nole English gentleman, our Passîng through Wapella, Moosom: beloved King and Queen, to their in, Virden, Whitewood, Wolseley, hearts and shouted, cried and even Broadview and Indian Head. ail of screamed their welcome. When it thes'e points were Raily decorated Famte time to say fareweîl Regin- and each had its quota of citizens ians did it well. At Regin a the 1)ress who Rave a splendid account_ of men and women were the guests of themnselves by cheering; at many of the city business men to an informai these points it was ciuite noticeable reception i the bail room i o the the number of aged persons who Hotel Saskatchewan and this "get- were readv to greet their Kig and togzether" was one of the highîîghts Queen by means of waving a f lag. Of the press tnip 50 fan and that is sayingz a lot for we have been roy- ArrivaI in Regina saw the sunt ally received at every point. This shining in ail its splendoun: the writer enioyed almost a complete writer neceived a welcome -on the rest day in Regina for it was here latform f romt Premier W. J. Pat-tatJsw ywiendfilad tersn ad M. D B.Macae.themet scores of friends ; this can bc latter requesting that we go on the better ap)preciated when !-tell you I radin for several minutes with a have been longer away f romtmmy izreetinz to the people of our home home and office on this trie2 than 1 province; to do this we were rushed have in thr Past twenty-five years. ui) to the roof of the Union Station Shortly after leavingz Reg'ina we in an elevator and there answered received another tumnultuous greet- several questions put to us by Mr. înz when we reached Moose Jaw: Speers of CKÇK, the pioneer broad- here another radio broadcast toolc place front the roof of tbe station __________________________with Charles Jennings, chief an- nouncer of CBC. P. F. Dimbelbe. of WHY NOT SEE BBC, as atuest speakers and Assist- Allid Opicins a exant Postmaster on Royal Train; A~Iid Opiclas atAlexMaior Pascoe, as Master of Cere- McGregor's Drug stoe,/'m monies. This city was a wonderful Mondays 12 noon to 2 p.m4J sizht with a profusion of illumina. abou a Torogh Be (tions and no end of decorations and Eiab t aorog Y the usual cheering thousands. Bye Glams. I had every intention of getting QualitY Up .- Puices Down - AU Tnung p t uni u the fOllowing morning at 5.30 ai ThroutoSwift Current. to greet i Green- To Fa = dViing OMS x 69 yonu 1t Qumei blat. President of the Saskatchewan Division. C.W.N.A., but fatigue was -SALE 0F-- MISSES AND WOMEN'S. Summer Fro.cks Suedene Silk Orepeu!1B13à Tamnaa repeo, rease- Resatiig Tennispun. - AUlfait colora. Guaranteed washable 1 Deigned for Style, Fit and Long Wear~. AUl new summer shadesansd styles. ShMe 14 to 44. REPEAT HOSIERY OFFER Ladies' tbree-thread Chiffon Bi1k Hose. - Al silk te tep and corne with silk cradle soles and re- inforced heela and tees. Ail the newest shades of Suntan, Tearose, Duak, Tarnarlaine, etc. 2 pr$ I STORE ]Bowrnanle PAGE SIX WHERE MAJESTIES RAD HOME 0F TEMI OWN telliniz and I overslept, much to ni' regret. At Swift Current a parce] of The Swift Current Sun was or, the traif or me and 1 had thenr distributed throuRh the cars: in thie connection I might mention that thi following Papers, members of thE C.W.N.A. sent me parcels of their Dapers and each was placed through- out the Press train: "Conservator,' Brampton, Ont.; Swan Rjýer Star, Swif t Current Sun and. Alamieda Disvatch. More are yet to cotre. s< 1 amn advised. Calgary extended a wonderful re- ception to their King and Queen; the citv was in gala attire and ai n. 'this Point there was an extensive d Indian Encampment; when Their r-Majesties reached the Indian dis- play the Redskins insisted that they a- would initiate His Majesty but this a-was not Permitted owinz to lack of at time: the Indians, however. stopped id the Royal car by throwiniz Buffalo erobes in its path and Their Majes- tes aliRhted and chatted with those i charge. y r- Banf f next and that means the io valacial Banf f Springs Hotel, the n most bcautiful hotel on the contin- ,ent when luxury and grandeur of ,_ scenerv is considered: owned a~nd ,n operated by the Canadian Pacific Il Railway Co., it is situated at the 1- junction of the famous Bow River :0 and Elbow River and looks out over îe the Bow River Valley; Mr. R. M. ,f Develi the genial manager and his Icapable staff awaited the arrivaI of n Their Maiesties and escorted them ,fto the Vice-Regal suite onthe sixth ýflbar. Banf f vas a dày of est for e ail concerned. Shortly after the narrivaI of the Royal party, 1, in jcomvany with two friends. M4r, Er- rnest Bushnell and Mr. Charles Jen- rnings, both executive officiaIs of 1the Canadian Broadcastinz Corpor- tation. went for a walk to the Bow River falls and on retub-ring up the narrow and steep Pathway, we met Their Maiesties attîred in walking jclothes Proceedingz, unattended, to- wards the falis. It was a shock but a Dleasant one and was to be fol- lowed by eeveral such experiences while at Banf f. The press-men were guests at a dinner Riven by the Mount Edith CaveL They miter.. wards v1uted It by motor car andi climbed on the tee of Ita glacier. A message ef approciation wau sent to S. J. Hungerford, Chair- man and President ofthte Cana- dlan National Railways by Their Majesties from the Royal Train aiter their departure t rom Jasper. The message, igneti by Alan P. Lascelles, acting PrIvato Secre- tary, read: "The Ring andi Queen let Jasper tht. morning vite great regret andi much appreciate all that v)as donc for their cern- fort andi amusement durtng thefr enjoyable stay thene." ..covrnmen et tanaaa ait -1cnMn. and Mrs. ..-. -orteous. stration or a skit was discusseti for the Right Hon. W. L. Mackeniie Mn. and Mrs. Frank Malcolm'ihAhevmn a n uy etn eKing. Prime Minister anti aIl the friends un Toronto. . . Mrs. John closed with an impromptu debate, bmembens of the Royal suite wene Hoocy wjth her sisten, Mrs. Herman Resoîved that it is better ta be short present, aften this function thene Samelîs. . . Mn. and Mrs.. J. L. than taîl. Affirmative side winning. was a delightful musical in th e Lard Brandon. Mn. and Mrs. H.- Devitt, Lunch was served and a vote of Mount Step)hen noomi: while lîsten- Bobcaygeon. Mn. anti Mrs. W. L. thanks extentied ta the hostess. Iingz ta this delightful treat thase Kaley, Lindsay. with Mn. and Mrs. Mns. V. Gatchaîl is home froni alongz with me obscnved Thein Ma- Cecil Wilson. Toronto Hospital and is doingz well. iesties standing at an alc-ove above; Rev. H. W. Foley's temperance Mn. A. Manning, Mn. and Mrs. R. soan there came a Royal Commandi atdress an Sunday anti Mnt. Honni- Wood. Miss' Allie Wood, Orono, Mn. froni Her Maiesty for a panticulan blow's solo "In the Garden' were and Mns. W. Bragg. Jean and Joyce sang and this was sweetly nendeneti. nuch appreciateti. -No se-rvice flcxt Bragg, Bowmanville, Rev. anti Mns. iWhile tiebatinz whcther ta take a Sundav an accaunt of Catimus An- Wallace Bragg, Louise, Faith and walk on go ta bed, we wcne pleas- ies-. fantly sunpnised ta see The King and nvnav Barbara. Oklahoma. with Mn. anti Queen walk towartis the crowd and Sympathv of thse communjty* goes Mrs. W. N. Hoskin. bath wene veny graciaus; they chat- out ta Mns. Albert Beacock ithse Mn. and Mns. N. E. Wright, En- ted with niany niembers of theePress -et fbrfte.DvdHoy niskillen, Mn. anti Mns. R. Philp anti Ibtie heartily at sanie of thse Nestleton Women's Institute met at mnotared ta Fenelan Falls ta visit reak ae yvstn orai the home of Mns. Herma.n Samelîs, fnientis. in the party. My. oh mi', how veny Mav 3Ist when a gnod pragrani and Mn. Joe Avery is arounti again chanminzr they bath are; such in- contest wene enloyed. Mns. George fe hanzbe liup ro.a cidents as this andi a score of others Johns was the luck.y winner of the aifte omhavincbelaitp. an bas compîetely won the heants of contest. Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Mns. kc rn ot teveny persan with the press train. Stanlev Malcolmi assisteti Mns. Sami- On Suntiav norningf I walked to the : fl Z n Sf ul little Anglican Chunch in the Hean.ty vote of thanks was given ____ tawn of Banf f whene Thein Maies- Mns. Samelîs and the kioup in ties attended a special service, before charge. The Sunday School Ann iversany *leaving an an auto drive ta Lake on Sunilay was a grand success. The Louise and Field. The tnjp thnough %. weathen was fine and thse church was the mountaîns was uneventful untîl Efi usilen fiîled fan bath services. Rev. J R. we stopped at . Revelstoke, B. C., Bick. Whitevale, was the speaker at where I met W. S. Marris, of Ver- bath services. Proceetis $96.00. no n r aLan fk-on, Recent Visitons: Anniversary Visitons: B.C.. two of the B.C. week ly pub- Miss Gertrude Gieve spent Sun- Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon and lishens. At 9.30 a.m. we arrived in day at Mn. E. Santicnson's. Boyti. Bownianville. Mn. and Mrs. A. Vancouver whene a tumultuaus Mn. and Mns. G. Marshall, Joan E. Billett and Keith. Mn. and Mns. gncctingz was extendeti Thein Maies- anti Arthur. Cannington, with Mn. Chas. Warren,. Hampton, Mn. and tics and which I witnessei at close and Mrs. M. Meard. Mns. R. Stephenson, Mn. and Mrs. range having been assîgned te the Mn. and Mns. R. Philp, Bunketon, W. McKinstny. Misses 'SnoWie anti roof of shed C opposite ta the namp accampanicd Mn. anti Mns. N. E. Manie Marlow. Kelvin Edgar, Osh- of the C.P.R. station. Wright ta Oakwood anti Islay. awa. Rev. J. R. anti Mai. Bick of The train had scarcely nolleti te n Mn. and Mns. R. Grif fin and fam- Whitevale. at Mn. A. T. Stgintan s. stop) when Their Majesties steppcd ilv with Mr. and Mns. J1. Wotten, r n _s .RsoradOie ta the pîatform ta bc grecýtçd by a Punisle Hill, and Mn. anti Mns. L' Mnaw. ad Mrs. RF. ssraOlive, vocîferaus acclaini; Hi, Majcsty Grif fins. Cartwright. Msar. Joa tain. R. W. Baît's dresseti in the smart grey unifonni Mn. anti Mns. I. Travell anti Md n.conetino att endeti Hte of is ankasManshal of the Royal Bet. shawa, at Mn. E. C. Ash- Oshawa. Air Fonce: Thein Malesties wene ton's. Mn. anti Mns. Cecil Pasçae andi Rreeteti bi His Wonship Mayor Tel- Mrs. C. Langmaid. Mn. anti Mns. Gardon, Misses Louise anti Marion fard anti cher citi' off icials. The Roy McGilI and Kcithi with Mn. anti Folcy. 'Maple Grave. Rev. W. anti guarti of honar was camposeti of the Mns. S. C. Allin. Shaws.' r Rak man EdtM.C - Canadian Seafonth IdighIanders with Mn. anti Mns. S. Trcwin anti Freddons* Racphan, Mantinith olsMn.,ar thein bandi anti negmental calons. with Mn. anti Mns. Manwin Nesbitt., Mr.. Parker. Mn. anti Mrs. Thomas The Queen,, a\ laveli' nicture of Nestîcton. ofaiWbitby. at Mn. J. W. Balson's. negal grace anti cigniti', ware ber Weddiniz belîs are ringing. Mn. anti Mrs. Wm. Leask. Solina, usual channiingz smille ant i imic- . Missionary nrogram Suiiday monn- at Mn. Chas. Naylor's. iately charmeti aIl within 5iîght of îng was un change of the convenen, Mn. anti Mns. J. ReM4noldts anlcl ber' swcet presence; as Thein Ma- Mis. R. Onmiston. Mns. T. M. SIc- famuli'. Solina, Mn. Davîi Beath anti jesties Passeti the press stadtemon g.ave a reading follQ3yed by a Miss Muriel Gîlroy, Columbus, Mn. Queen bestoweti a smilc an the menmssoan eding ýbi' Mn. A- J. Grif fin anti f ienti. Enniskillen. at anti woen who have been follow- Wennv: Misses Loî:na. Rabin anti Mn. Anson Balson's. ing the trip anti necanding ejeri' June Ashton f avéoed with a piano Misses Doris. Verna anti Ella movement. duet: ncading by Miss Ruths Steven- Mlsn oia i r usl ncuerson. SMiîson'.Sana M.Rssl Aften a'drive arqunti Vancuvn Rev.- H. Lackeyh'as heen attend-' Mraindn'Iacsary.n anti inspection of the prof usion af ing Conference in n.antiMsngsactarynnt tieconations. buntingz anti a score of __________ famili'. Solina. at Mn. Refond Cami- other methatis af outwandly express- enon's. ing'the loyalti' of the citizens, I an- Mn. and Mns. W. Panninder and iveti at the new anti palatcial Motel SohAU a Evelyn, Solina. Mrs. Brummel, Col- Vancouver: hene I was tieeply imi- ____umbus. at Mn. Leonarti Ball's. presseti and distresseti with the show Misi'Dennison %f.the Neighboun- Mn. anti Mrs. Delbeit Flintoff andti af militarv anti police regulations; hooti Workens' Association, To- sons. Ketinon, Mn. anti Mns. Iva it was 'about as easy te enter the rente, was guest speaker àat the W.I. Cochrane and Betty Marie, Bow- Bank of Canada at mitinight as it meeting. in the Sundav Schoal naom manville. Miss Mary Camero.n. Osh-1 wns ta enter an leave this hotel. On Thunsday aftecuoon. Mns. S.E. awa, Mn. anti Mns. Stanley-Coverlya arrivaI at the hatel Thein Majesties W.çnry presitiet anti Mns. Roy' Lang- anti Lloyd. Ebenezen, at Mn. Wes.s steppieti out on the balconv anti ne- maiti. Presentecl tee seccetary-tneasun- Camerons.S ceiveti a thunderous gneeting frnm cns report showing a Ibaaneo Misses Jean anti Pearl Leachofai an estimateti 500,000 people gathereti handi af $26.42. Mns. Isaac Hardy Solina. Miss Vena Kerslake. Hamp- f nom the citi' anti suburbs as well as presîdeti at the piano anti O Canada ton. at Mn. Norman ULach's. mani' thousantis f nom south of the was heartilv sung. Miss Betty Smalcs Miss Emili' Killea, Toronto. Miss International border. favouneti with a piano sala, nîso a Anmie Killen. Oshawa. at Mn. Robt. The Royal Party leave Vancouver vocal solo: Mns. Roy Lnngmaiti gave K'illens. this aftennoon for Victoria anti as a neading. Regret was expresseti for Mn. andi Mns. P. A. Latîgnaiti1 the Pilot boat preceetis them bv anc the illness of Mrs. Frank Gilbert anti Beraice. Oshawa, Mrs. H. Alliai,c hour I will have ta brinz this ne- who was leader of the gnoup in Mr. anti Mrs. H. Babcock '.Mrs lease to a close un orden ta rush it chargze that day, anti best wishes for Sniale. Bowmaaville, at Mn. Russell t ta Brampton anti the capable hantis lier speetiv necoveri'. A tieliciaus Robbin's.S of Clarence V. Charters, for bis at- lunch was servedi bi Mns. Gilbent's Mn. anti Mrs. T. Sanipson, Mrs.J tention. The next str wilî deal zroup anti a social tume enjoyeti Fred Blanforti, Eva anti Gortion, 1 with Victoria. the most svesterly Congratulations ta Mn. George Tarante. at Mn. Russell 2'erkins'. point Thein Majesties will toucilian Werny on passing bhis second yean Messrs Gardon Law anti ElwootiC this 3000 mile mOunt acrass this dental examinations at Taronto Un- Shackelton. Whitby, at Mn. J.1 western portion of thein fan flung iversity. Shackelton's. a empire. Mn. anti Mns Ernest Mansen antiE _______________ *Bernice, Bowmaaville, at Mn. j. i, Cruickshank's. t Nestie o B reton Mn. anti Mns. E. Chapmais. Picker- t ing. Miss Jean Yellowlees, Cqlumbus, Evervone enjayeti the splendid Mr. anti Mns. Ralph GînspeIl, Ty- Receat Visitons: Play on Tuesday Dut on bv Seagrave rane. at Mn. F. B. Glaspel's., Mn. anti Mrs. Russel Mountjov at Draniatic Club, entitîcti "Menti 'àfn. anti Mns. Leslie Hfancock, Mn. anti Mrs. Win. Samelîs'. . . Mn. Strong Joan." Burketon's four-piece Katinon, at Mn. Tracy Glaspell's. Clii fond Mylanti, Tononto, with r. orchestra playeti between acts anti Mn. Jas. McMasten, Miss Jean i anti Mns. F. Mylanti. .. Mns. J s. ivas enioyeti hi'aIl. MeMas*ir. Mn. J. Walters, Miss bi Malcolm. Mn. anti Mrs. Llovd Hun-. The "SewinR Pals" ai the "Cot- Ingrai, Toronto, Mn. anti Mns. W. oi ter. Port Penny, at Mn. anti Mns. L. tons May Be Smart" project met at Brny anti Ethel, Pickering, at Mn. Ir Joblins. . Mn. Stan Brown, Zion, Miss Mae Leighton's, Blackstock, J. W. McMaster's. ti Mn. Edigar Emserson, Valentia, with with f ifteen menibens resent. RaIl Mn. anti Mn. E. Mountjoy, Keti- Mn. anti Mrs. M. Emersan. .. Mns. caîl was answeneti with "a tiefect in non. Mn. anti Mns. A. Moore. Enni- lez Peter Wright with ber tiaugbten, mi' posture anti it's correction."' Miss skillen. Miss Ada Pascae, Toronto, lei Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Yelverton. .. Ruby Toms gave ais interesting talk Mn. anti Mrs. Fosten Snowtien anti cl Miss Nana Ponteous, Toronto. with on ber trip ta Guelph. A tiemon- Anis. Ketin, Mn. Franklin Awtie, -tb Mr. and Mrs. A. Whittaker, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Solina. Mrs. M. A. LangMgaid, Vida and Sybil. Oshawa. at Mr. Frank Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stainton. Enni- sIilIen. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens_. Mrs. M. Doidge, Miss Aileen Wrav. Miss N. Horn. Hampton. at Mr. J. Shackel- ton's. Master Jerry Milîson With Cami- erois Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. I,.sîie Hoskin and family at Mn. Ray Cjm- cron's. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Hansen Richards, Oshawa, Mr., and Mrs. Edgar Horn and Acy. Mrs. Elmer Wilbur. Hampton, at Mr. A. Ayre's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ficç. Qshawa, Messrs Frank and Percv Westlake, Solina. at Mr. Nelson Fice's. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilbun and faniily, Utica, at Mr. Carl Wilbur's. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolmi MçGregor at Mr. Garf Trevail's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell and family. Milliken, at Mr. Harold Gif- ford's. Mr. Sam Gates and Johnnyv, Osh- awa. at Mr. Hans Geisbengzer's. Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe. Mr. Chas. Johns and daughters. Solina, Mn. and Mrs. Art Moore, Enniskil- ]en. Miss Florence Langmaid, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. A. Whittaker, Mr. Franklin Awde, Miss Ada Pas- coe. Toronto, at Mr. Luther Pas- coe's. The drania entitled "Black Gold" Presented by Newcastle artists on Monday night wae enjoyed by a zood crowd after the football game be- tween Solina and Zion which re- sulted un a 1-0 victory for Zion. Master George Fisher is sick with pleurisy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Langmaid, Mrs. Arthur Langmaid, Oshawa, at Mr. Luther Pascoe's. Obituaries Vernon J. Woodward, Oshawa The funenal for the late Vernon James Woodward, veteran of the Great War. who died June 3rd in Oshawa Hospital, was held Monday afternoon froni the Luke Bunial Parlors with interment un Union Cemetery, Oshawa. Rev. D. M. Rose of ficiated at the services. The paîl- beaners were Archie Knight, Fred Connell, Ran Thimas, Charles Tam- blyn. Walter Vanderwert and Art Chaterhouse. Mn. Woodward hati beeni in pon health for the past thnee niontl* and was 43 veans olti. He hati liveti in Oshawa for the past 12 years, goingz there fnom Bowmanville. He was an empbloyee of General Matons and a member of the U.A.W.A. He attendeti St. George's Anglican Chunch. He senved ovenscas with the 43nd Camienon Highlanders of Win- nipeg. He is survived by bis wife, the former Kathleen Ellegett and by se ven chiltinen, aIl at home. Thnec brothers, William. Port Huron, Mich.. Ceeui, Bowmanville, and Jas- eph, Peterbono, also survive. Thos. Jackson, Bowmauvillc On Wednesdai' afternoon, Mai' 31, 1939, anathen of Bawmanville's altier residients *in tIse Persan of Thoimas Jackson passeti pence fulli' ta nest. Mn.' Jackson wns bonn in Darling- ton Septemben 18, 1885, being son of the late Mn. anti Mr$. James Jack- son. Five sistens anti anc brother predeccaseti him. On Januari' lYth, 1883, he was uniteti in marriage with Mary Jane Soniers, wha pre- deceaset im three years agzo. Fon fonty yeans they liveti on thein fanm twa miles east of Bowmanville. Twclve vears agzo they niaveti into Bawmanville whenc thse nemaining yeans of bis lufe were spent at bis résitience. Temperance Street He was ever n faithful attendant at church until nine yeans ago when he wns strickea with a strake. Me was a faithful anti devotet i .usbnnd anti inthen anti bore bis affliction with gfreat patience anti thankfulness for aIl cane nentiereti 50 willingIv by members oi bis famili'. Me leaves ta meurn bis passing, three tinugbtens. Mns. Russell Gay, Courtice: Misses Florence anti Leta, two sons. Leslie anti Roi', aIl at home, anti four gZrantichiltinen. Three sisters anti anc brother also survive. The i unenal service, of a benutiful quiet anti simple nature, took place at the famili' residence, Satuntia, June 3rd. Mis pastar, Rev. S. Davi- son ai Trinity Uniteti Chunch. con- ducteti the service anti paiti great tribute ta Mn. Jackson's higis ideals of a Christian life tinni-bis mnini visits at bis home. Rev. W. F. Ban- ister of St. Paul's Unitedi Chunch assisteti. Mrs. John Baker. niece, sangz very swcetly anc of Mn. Jack- son's favorite hymns "Goocj Nigzht ndt Gooti Monningz." TIse casket beanens were six nephews, Messrs. Albert Crago, Arthur Jackson. Mon- bey Hilîman, Jack Somers, Will Hugzhan anti Jack Baker. An abunti- ance af flowers anti cards ai syni- pathi' indicateti the respect anti esteeni in which he was helti. Amongz the relatives f nom'a dis- tance wene. Mn. and 'Mns. Jack Somens. Miss Irne Bnaizg Mn. W. J. Bragg, .Mn. Will Hugzhan, Mn. Monlev Hilîman, Toronto. Mrs. (Capt.) H. D. Waters, Migzhland Creek: Mn. anti Mrs. M. D. Wells, Mn. anti Mns. Arthur Jackson, Mn. and Mrs. Everctt Jackson, Mns. R. E. Anibrose. Oshawa, anti a large number of f rientis anti relatives i nom the surnountiig commujsiiti' anti town. SPANMISN VETÈRAN <Oontinued froni page 1) hcading for Toronte andi a job, but hati inilen tram a car Just outsidle the town andi injurcd hi. knce again se that medical atten- tion was necdcd. Thse entire story wns weird but entirely probable in view of his evident iorclgn extraction anti his difiiculty with English, andi evcry- thing was lovely until tac next morning when he awoke again complaining of the pain anti ask- ing for more morphine. When he ditin't receive it at once, he left the bcd, dressed anti walked out of the hospital in quite a huif and as soon as he reacheti a telephone called thc hospital ta tell the sup- erintendent what he thought. Af- ter listening ta his raving vitup- eration for a few moments, Mrs. Smyth hung Up the phone and camne te thc conclusion tant he was prebably a tirug addict who had worked the same schcme in other places. Nothmng has been heard of hlm since. Whcn we icarnedth ant a. veter- an ai thc Spanisis war was cm- beddcd in our haspital, it tiidn't take long te decide tant a visit would make gea'd cepy, but whcn Wc arrivedtheta bird had flown. MIrs. Smyta said it was not the first time addicts have triedti t gain admission ta thc hospital wita most convincing stenies of tacir afflictions. But tais is thc finst tirne thcy have hati anc walk eut swearing vengeance. Haydon Recent Visitons: Misses U. Ritson anti Verna Tre- wîn, Oshawa, visited at Mn. Wnkl Trewin' s. Mn. A7 Beech visiteti at Mn. W. H. Larmcn's. South Monaghan. Mn. anti Mns. Et. Dean. Ojrono, visiteti at Mn. E. Bradleys. Misses Unsul anti Ruth McNeil. Messrs Paul Stevenson anti Douglas Fontaine. Toronto, visitet at Mn. A. McNeil's. Mn. anti Mrs. Roi' Thonipson of Bowmanville, visiteti at 14r. W. Thampson's. Mn. anti Mrs. J. GraharniMn. anti. Mns. E. Kennedy anti famili'. Mn. r LUNN99 SPECIALS Five Roses Flour......... 7-b. bed 23e 24.lb. bag 6ç Gold Medal Peaches......... 2 tins 21 Pitted Dates - Special ....... 2 lbs. 21C Salada Tea - Yellow Label .... '/.Ib. 32C - Brown Label ...., 1/ .1b. 34c Salted Peanuts............... lb. lOc National Soft White Soap Flakes ............... 3 b 21C E LUNN and Mrs. N. Hall and family, Osh- awa. visited at Mrs. D. Graham's. Our deeipest syfnpathy is extended ta Mrs. E. Mountjoy in the death of her sister. Mrs. S. Way Kent of Paris. Johnston's Have For Your Summer Nee9s Tumblers SUn, - ats serviettes Magazines Newspapers Paper Cups Sheet Music Paper Plates Tennis Balla Rubber Balla Mouth Organa Ohinese Oheckers Model Aeroplanes (laps and Saucera Picture Post Carda We now carry a complete Ue ofthte famous Peugulu and Pelican Books. Ail the lateat titios.. JO HNSTUN 'S BOOK STrORE Phone 651 Bowmauvllle Phone 590 GROCER Bowrnanvule W heu Their Maestic., *Mng George VI and Quocu Eliza- bath, spent a bni reat period et Jaspor Park Lodgo on their jour- uey eastward through the Roeekes, tey ad a litti. home ail their own. Except for two porsonai servante, thcylved alone lu Ont- look Cottage, a beautlfully ap- polnted log cabln on the shore of Lac Beauvert and they exprased great pleasuro at the opportunty to cnjoy complets rest, free tram formallty. The photograph shows them on the lawn ln front of their cabin. Looklng acrosUic lake, they could see thse white peak of COWLING SELLS THE B&ST And Servés You Wel' We Test Eyes andi Fit Trusses te Your Entire Satisfaction in Qualty, Fit aud Price. 330 sise 1-lb. English Colgate's T. Poste Health Salts F R E E 1 Glass Tumbler wlth 59C Halo Shampoo Boti for - 39c Gant Outng Kruscheu Tins 69C 49e Be Vacuumn Beau. Bottles 47e .27C Chasls 0Bathng Nerve Food 5253 49c oea Tintex ea & Soap Dye 2 4' O 4 S fer 25e s.Moth Pond'. Special Prices N.w 29c Creams Dd' il ý----M o 9 ""C » 49C 1 lb. Absorbent - - - - 29e . al 3 pkgs. Princes. Hepatica Beluz Soap Flakes---- - - - - soc < - Ba1by Soup 100 A.S.A. Tabs.- - - - - 9c 0 9 3 for 25C Fellow's Syrup ----87c j S1.15 PREVENT HAY FEVER Sun Glaises -15e - $1.25 with Nova Kelp Whiite Shoe Oleaner 15o-25o 150 abs - -- - .792 Prophylactie 150taa.- -- ~ Tooth Bruahes - - - 79e 300 tabs. - - - - $1-39 2 Tek Tooth Brushes- 89C 750 tabs - - - - - $2-79 Gillette Razor, 5 blades 49c WE DO DEVELOPJNG AND PIETIG c-9.5 r.R. IPUW Llfl,Prîuu.u. ' BUY FROM YOUR LOCAL BAKER *H ' He HelPS Your Town To Live By purchaslng quality baketi gooda from a local baker you make It possible for hlm te psy taies anti employ Bowmanvtflc people. He becomes an asset te Uic town. Carters offer. the finest lu Baketi Goda. Lemon and Lime Layer Cake...................... 300 Lemon Chiffon Pie.......... each 30c Strawberry Chiffon Pie....... each 30C THE CARTER FAMILY Buy Prom Bowmauvile Bakes 1 m . w. -- ~. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 8TH 1939 1 lr_ --.l xf-- C T-T Phone 855 - - - -.va a Bitllers:f& Two Generations Pholie 596 GROCIR Bowmanvule

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