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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1939, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, JUNE ISTHI, 1939 FThe ý Newcastle Independent PHONE CLARKE 1114 Golden nule Mission Band will McBain came out for the wý meet June 17, at 4 p.m. end. Miss Aresta Martin visited her Mrs. Henry Burkhardt and parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Martin. ter, Mrs. Allers, St. Albans, L Mr. and Mrs. P. Martin enjoyed Island, N.Y., are spending a m aý trip ta Peterborough wîtb Mr. with their father, Mr. W. and Mrs. Ben Whyte, Orono. Dusen. Miss Jessie McNaughton, To- Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Horrocks ronto, formqn1y of Newcastle, is daughters have moved from t] visiting Miss Annie Drummand. uptown place, "Greenfields" Mr. redWoo, Toont, senttheir lakefront property, "«Ha: the weekend at his lake front cot-Hilfoth umr tages, "«WoodhoIxne' and "Tuck- Mrs. Brooks and family, a-hoe.'" nonto, are again spending t] Mn. nd M. *week-ends and holidays in ono Mr. an Mrs.Haigh and daugb- the cottages in AriadneG ter Joyce, Bracebnidge, are hall- Newcastle-on-the-Lake. daying in Newcastle and Newton- Mrs. . Martin, Mrs.- W. ville* district. Holmes and Mrs. C. J. Mitc] Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rowden, Mn. attended the Women's Instil and Mrs. Everett Thamas and convention at Orono and woni Mns. Mary MacMilan, Oshawa, ond prize on some antiques. visited witb Mrs. T. Powell. Bisbop Beverley, Suffragan1 Mrs. Harry McBain, Fairmont, hop of Toronto, canflrmeda ec and Miss Betty Allin, Ida, visited of children and adults, prepa Mn. and Mrs. Irwm Afin. Mr. and pnesented by Rev. D. REXALL CELEBRATION WEEK SALE of DRUGS Four Square Minerai 011 ................16 oz 39e 25e ]Riler~s Shampoo (Cocoanut 011)........... 19e 25e Rlker's French "am.................... 25e Box Shani Face Powder .................... 19e 19e Gypsy Tan W ..............-special price »9c Let Us Do Your Developlng and Printing and Seli You Camera and Film. We have the finest. Decorated Drinking Glass and 13 oz. tin Effervescent Fruit Saline 39e 50e Jar Jonteel Cream .......... 39C M 31 Antispetie Mouth Wash and.Gargie............ 69e 25e Pr. Spoilt Goggles and 50c Bottle Gypsy Cream ..- Both for 55e Guaranteed Teaspoon and Reg. 50c bottle Milk of Magnesia for 50e Rlker's Seidlitz Powders (7 in box) 2 boxes' 23e Boot's Dog Soap and Reg. 25e Tin of Boots' lnsect Powder ... for 29c Halo Shampo.Ils Here-. New Shampoo, flot soap, flot 011lS- 59C JURY B LOVEL L Phone 778Bowmanfle * SPECIAL!1 Ladies' Swim Suis Latest Styles S149 CHILDREN'S 95c up Men',s Jantzen and Cataina -SWIM SHORTS Ini clorfUl, snug fitting styles SI95UP Ladies' White and Colored Coats ReducodTo Cie"r - As Low As m m $6095 m m Men's Shirt Sale Continues FOR LITMED TI=l Oood Selection Remains - Reg. $2.00 Shrts $,1,59 each 2 for $3.00 COUCU JOIIff$IDN & CRYDERMAN Eesdquart«* f*r Nen's a" Ladies' Wer Pli-7' 1~ 'BWDnW Dewdney, at St. George's Churel an Tuesday evening, June *43û, Some of those confirmed Wèx from St. Saviour's Church, Ornc .Mn. Wallace Holmes bas hai twa seven-foot stane and concret pillars built ta mark the entranc, of the diveway from the sid, reek- raadta the house. Two special. selected stones from Eagle's Clif sis- adorn the tops of the pillans. Tbeý Long were built by Mn. W. VanDusen reek stonemasan. Vank Mn. Wm. Jackson, son of Mr and Mrs. Bent Jackson, Tarant( and and Newcastle on the Lake, ne thein cently gnaduated as a mechanica 1ta engineer and noW bas a positior l-a- in Toronto with the De Havilan! Company. He bas flown to New. Ta- castle twice within the past fem Lhein weeks. Hns special wonk will lx Le af designing. ;len, On June 10th, at 3 p.m. ini St George's Cburch, Mr. Robent Duc] C. Jr., son of Mr. and Mns. Roberi 'bell Duck, Newcastle, and Miss Jear tute Milligan, daugbten of Mr. and sec- Mns. James Milligan, Newcastle, wene united in marriage by Rev, Bis- D. R. Dewdney. The bride waç ,lass attended by Mns. Morley Sallow,. 9,cd and the groom by Mn. E. W. Fish- R. er. Aften the cenemony the bappy young couple took a boneymaar trip to Toronto. Tbey will nesid< in Newcastle. On the Manday following the wedding of bis sister, Miss Salome MacLean-Howard, Mn. and Mns. Allan MacLean-Howand lef t for Mexico City, Mex., wbene Mn. MacLean-Howard will bold the position of Inspecton for the Con- fedenation Life Insurance Co. Mn. MacLean-Haward, witb bis wife, spent ýsame tuin i Mexico City -a few yeans ago in the service of the Confedenation Lifé and learn- ed much of the 111e and habits ai the Mexicans and ta speak the Spanisb language. To tbe flagpoles of this village, fnom wbicb the Union Jack bas been flying during the King and Queen's visit to Canada and the U.S.A., were added in good time new pales for Miss B. Mclntosh and Dr. and Mns. J. A. Butler. Tbey were erected by Mn. Mc- Kellar and were placed firmly.in concrete bottoms sa that tbcy can- not rat. Other conspicuaus flag staffs are the J. E. Atkinson pale beside the community ball, Mn. and Mns. Matt Bnown's, Mn. Geo. N. Bull's and the Treleaven's ai ".Trelwood." "He cals them by name," The Bible, and Dr. J. A. Butler caîls his tulips and irises and peanies by name. Just now it is the irises, blaoming in all thein glany, pas- sibly 75 diffenent named varieties, all plainly labelled. There are graups of. othens witb name not indicated, but the doctor doubtless knows them aIl. The floral dec- anatian in the United Church on Sunday was a vase of -beautifu] iris arranged by Mrs. J. A. Butler. Mn. John F. Clark, Provincial Lecturer in Horticulture, told the conventionists at the King Ed- ward Hotel last Marcb that if he wene limited ta ane kind of flower only he would choose the iris. Mn. Cecil Wallace is doing bis best ta keep baseball's spank of life bunning in Newcastle, and Tbunsday night incited it into a flame wben he rounded up a team ta play a gnoup of visitons from Newtonville. The latter being a little short on playens wenc help- ed out by two Newcastle stal- warts, Jahn Rickard and Gea. Graham, alias Tex and Sandy. Althougb it was a purely exhibi- tion game pnampted by the sport instinct quite a large body of fans were present to cheer. Newton- ville plus the twa afarementioned had a little edge on Wallace's team. Mn. Wallace is an employee of the J. Anderson Smith Ca. and bas bis quarters at the Green Leaf rMrs. R. P. Butier Honourd .è. on 89th Blrthday Congratulations are extcnded to Mns. R. P. Butler on the attain- ment of ber 89th bintbday or June 9th. The members ai bhei ffamily ail gathered at ber.-bame -on King St. East ta celebrate the fevent and wish bier many happy neturns of the day. Among tbose present wene Dr. and Mns. J. A. Butler, Newcastle, Mn. Roy But- ler, Toronto, Mns. Stella Aniden* Sson of The Newcastle Armi, Mn. George Butler and Miss Cana But- 1e;rLibrarian, wbo neside with thr mother, Mns. Floyd Butler, Mn. Gardon' Kitchen and Mn. Fred Anderson. Many beautifu] flowers and a bitbday cake pret- tily decorated and suitably candl. ed graced the festivities. 'Many friends sent messages of congrat- ulation and their fond regards. tPASTOR GIVESIPRESSIONS 0F CONFERENCE Hopeful Outiook Noted Thene was a large attendance at the 'United Churcb Sunday monning ta hear Rev. -R. E. Mon. tan give bis impressions of the Bay of Quinte Confenence held in 9Kingston whicb be refcrred tg as - beautiful cîty, a city of a great 1univensity and of many fine 1homes. He described tbe confer- enoe as a cleliberative body. The General Coundil held biennially is a legislative court, whlle the amallen unit, the Pncsbytery, is an executive body. He fouùd the Bay Conferenoe truly representa- tive of all the people and7,.the chunches in it. Ail ministers and laymen had an equal voie"id were given equal consideration, . This was ini contrast ta some con- ferences he had attended wbere the sessions seemed ta be domin- ated by the clergyai a big city. Mn. Morton spoke af the optim- istic note that was apparent at the conference. The cburcb bad balanced its budget for the first time in years and thene was a more bopeful outlook than for any time since 1929 wben the world wide depressian bit the four year old United Churcb af Canada. But the work of the cburcb in its widest field must go on. No new mission field shave been apened; on the othen band noue bas been abandoned. The- cburch canuot afford ta withdraw from any an- ganized missianary enterpnises. The preachen made a stinning ap- peal ta bis cougnegatian for f aitb and works. TORONTO CHIJRCH WORKERS VISIT HARRIS LODGE Dr. and Mrs. Walton-Ball Entertain at Garden Party Members of the Women's As- sociation of the Tx4nity United Chunch, Toronto, were luncheon guests af Dr. and Mns. W. H. Waltou-Ball at Harris Ladge, on June l2th. The party of thirty, including Rev. A. I. Tenryberny, assistant pastan of Trinity Church, and Mn. Eruest Shildnick, musical director of the church, 'motored down fnom the city and wene ne- ceived ou the spaciaus Iawns by the gnacious hast and hostess, as- sisted by Miss Eleanon Walton- Bal and Mn. Douglas Gardon,.di- vinity student supplyiug for the summer at Buckbonn. As thie guests raamed aven the grouuds' and out by the sun dial ganden', through the vendant flower be- decked shnubbery, dowu allurlng grass walks bordened by hedges, here ini stnaight hunes, here in- graceful curves, they found much ta admire and enjoy. Double white sud mauve Pen- sian miacs, growu ou the estate, featuned the decorations af the tables wbich wene laid bath in- doons and outslde, the guesto making their choice. At a musicale in the East Roomi Mrs. Frankish, Mrs. Maya, Mns. Duif and Mn. Shildrick sang fam- iliar airs which wene neceivcd with hearty applause. Before departune su the evenmng the president, Mns. Taylor South- worth. seconded by the secnetany, Mrs. Frankish, introduced a mo- tion of sympathy for the family af the late Mrs. Hambly, for many years an hononed memben of the association. This was nesponded to by the wbole company standing for a niinute of silent prayen, fol- lawed by Uic singing in chorus of Beautiful Isle af Somewhene. This is thc third time withm a year that groupa frasu Trnnty Church, Toronto, have visitcd Newcastle on the Lake. On a weckcnd in 1938 members of a Young mcn's S. S. class witb whlch Mn. W. G. Hay was associated> for many yeans, wcre guests at Uic Ha 3y cottage, ad on a necent Sun- ,h h.i e e [y ýy t, RIl ýn 6v ,t 's s e s Inn, Mn. sud Mns. Klein, P1lopbie- tons. Mns. T. W. Cawker, BoWtiian- ville, was guest speaker at Ui2ted Churcb W. A. meeting, June 'Sth. Mns. Cawker tald an intefe8ling sud instructive stony ai ber trip ta Uic West Indies sud Central and South Amenica hast Màrch ini company with Miss Elsie Carrutb- ers. Mrs. Cawker was gucat of the W. A. on invitation ci Mns. W. J. S. .Rickard wbasc grauip was respousible fan the pnognam snd luuch. She was accompsute by Mrs. W. F. Dale sud Ms. E. V. Hoar, Bowmanvillc. Misses Ser- nice Gilbank sud Jean Clenence favored with a vocal duet, a . orn- panied by Mns. J. E. Rinch. F'.4ith Brautan, many times medalft in ipublic speaking ahd elocutli, de- livered bis prise wiuning ténmpen- auce addness for wblch h&o was awarded a silver medal 'ât Uic W.C.T.U. convention lu Pôrt,1Hope on May 31. Mrs. J. H. Jase l)re- sided. Auction Salé The undeî sgned bas received in- structions fYom the Executors of tbe Estatie of the late W. B. Mutton, Anna St.. Bowmanville, t.p selI by public auctian alI of bis bousehold effects. incuding dining-roomn suite, rocking chairs, sewing machine, radio, 3 bedroom suites, kitchen suite. stove. lounge, electric washing machine. dlock disbes and cutlery. also wbeelbarrow. masoîx tools, ce- ment mixer, 1931 Ford car, 1929 Ford truck. Sale will be beld in the shed at the rear of W. J. Challis' Garage, King St. Af ter the above is sold we will proceed ta the residence of the late Mr. Mutton where will bt offered for sale a large quantity of lumber. also the bouse and lot. Terms cash. Sale Saturday, lune 24, 1939. at 1.30 p.m., D.S.T. Wm. J. Challis. Auctianeer. 24-2 Livestock For Sale LIVESTOCK FOR SALE-YOUR chaice of two Registered Holstein or aone grade Jersey. springers, herd accredited. Phone 2365. 24-1 FOR. SALE-PUREBRED YORK- shire saws. 'one due in about montb, others ,later, good bacon type; also two yearling registered Durham. bulîs. one milking strain, other beef type. Apply Wm. Hayes, R. R. 2. Newcastle. 24-1 FOR SALE - TWO CLYDES- dale mares, and one Percheron gelding. Phone Bawmanville 2234. 24-1 FOR SALE - 2 COWS, DUE TO freshen about lune lStb. one Roan Durbam and one Holstein. Misses H-arnden on Higbway. two and a baîf miles west of Bowmanville. 23-1* For Sale HAY FOR SALE - 55 ACRES of mixed standing hay. Persan Purcbasingz ail may use bgrn for starage. Apply Lot 33, Con. 7, Darlington, or Phone 2428. -24-2 FOR SALE-SAWYER MASSEY Traction Enkine. 17 horse power, higb pressure boiler. inzood con- dition, bargain for q@ck sale. Write M.M., Drawer B., Bow- manville. Ont. 24-1 [FOR SALE - BIICYCLES, ALL. kinds from $10.041 up.- Tradeýinb accepted. Repairs. welding, keys made. Ooen evenings. Victar's, 34 KCing Street, West. Oshawa. 21-4* FOR SALE - MOWERS. $15.041 up: McCormick Deening, Frost & Wood, Massey-H.arris; cultivator, M.-Harris: disc barrow, I),eerîng;- bay rake, Deering; potato digger., Deering: gas engine, Deering; Phone 597 office, residence 726. L. P, Wood, Bowmanville, Mc.- Deeriniz Agent. 24-2 FOR SALE - A SAFE. STORE size, nearly new. and otber Isouse- bold. articles. Apply Mrs. Celia Burgmaster, Enniskillen. 23-2* FOR SALE - AWNINGS FOR store or residence; Venetian blinds, woad or metal slots; larizest selec- tian at lowest prices. Estimates Riven witbout obligation. Apply Nortbcutt & Smith, Bowmanville. 23-4 FOR SALE - FARM IMPLE- ments: two-row corn cultivator, Quebec sulky riding Plow. recon- ditioned mowers, reconditioned hay tedders. We also bave a number of thorougblv rebuiît binders on band. Farmers intending ta bgjy new binderp this season would do well ths sec these machines. They carry i due-year Ruarantee. Aloo dealersg for "'Gem", Electric Fencr. , Price, $18.010. Phone 781. W. S. Staples,J Massey-Harnis dealer. Kinz St.,g W., Bowmanville.4-* Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - STORE PROPER- ty, excellent location. Apply H. D., Drswer B. Bowmanville. 24-2 HOUSE FOR SALE - IN GOOD condition and with large closed-in verandah. excellent situation at Newcastle - on - the - lake, formerly the Breen hqrme. Apply to Mrs. E. Quinlan. 245 Westmount Ave., Toronto. Ont. 24-1* FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE. 7 rooms. one-baîf acre land, small barn, fridit trees, 2 miles. north of Bowmanville on Middle Road. Apply B. McDonald, Manvèrs, Rd., Bowmanvîlle. 24-1* FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK cottagze on Ontario St.. T. H. Knigbt bas it for sale and be tbinks its cbeap. It mugt be sold. Seed For Sale FOR SALE - GOOD CLEAN seed buckwbeat. Apply Tyrone Milîs, Phone 2305. 23-2 FOR SALE - GOOD QUALITY Seed Buckwheat. Phone Bowman- ville 2413. 24-1* Alteration Dept.« ALTERATIONS - DOZENS 0F cut6mes bave been takingz ad- vatitdebf Evlyn Shop's reason- ably priced alteration department. You too can bave your last Year's dress or coat made aven so that it will appear ta be the latest style. Camein today. The Evlyn Sbop, Phone 594. Mrs. CliffgtC Çavenly. 22-ti Carpenter Work CARPENTER WORK - HAVE you a building problem? Consult us at once for prices on yaur job witbaut obligation. Ask about thse Home Improvement Plan.' Chas. L. Warren. Hampton. 21-4* Position Wanted GIRL WISHES POSITION - experienced in bouse work and store. Phone 319 or Post Office Box 47. 24-1* POSITION WANTED - PRAC- tical nursing or anythingr similar. Mrs. H. Everist Smith, Queen St., Bowmanville. 24-1* Salesmen Wanted FOR SALE -, SEED BUCK- CALLING, GOOD SALESMEN wbeat. Russell Virtue, * Tyrone, only I SeIl Familex spices, ex- Ont. 24-h tracts, alimentaries, medicines, stock and other farm products. PLANTS FOR SALE - CELERY Monthly f ree gifts open every and Cauliflower, early anid late door. Every persan a usejr. Gpod cabbaize. S. J. Jackman & Sons, Protected territories- open. Try and Bowmanviller, Phone 780. 24-h succeed or orive up witbout nssk. FOR SALE - GREEN MOUN- Steady, pleasant and profitable tain potatoes, good eating quaîity. work for banest bard wôrker. Green Bras., RR. 3, Bowmanville. Free plan and catalogue. Familex, Phone 2161. 24-1 570 St. Clemnent. Montreal. 24-1 DEATHS OSBORNE - In Oshawa, on Mon- day, June l2tb, 1939, Caroline Osborne. widow of the late W. H. Osborne. in ber 88tb year. Inter- ment Bawmanville Cemetery.. BATTLE - In Vancouver. B.C., May 29, 1939. Margaret R. Lind- say, beloved wif e. of Fxrank W. Battle and eldest daugbter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J. Lind- say, Bowmanville. sister of Mrs. W. J. Frith, Toronto, Miss Ade- laine Lindsay and Mrs. Eleanor McIndoo. Bowmanville. Interred in Vancouver. McLAUGHLIN - Entered into rest in Oshawa, lune 10, 1939, Ellen Bond. widow of the late William McLaugblin, age 86 years. Inter-. ment Bowmanville Cemetery. KENT - In Paris, lune 3rd. 1939, Jean Hay flunhar Sharp, beloved wif e of S. Way Kent, and daugb- ter of the late Mr. and 1&js. An- drew Sharp, Enniskillen. CALLAN - Suddenly at bis. home, 86 St. Clarens Avenue. Toronto, lune 8th, Wellington Callan, be- loved husband of- Charlotte Hughes, in bis 6lst year. Bro- ther of George W. Callan. Bow- manville. For Sale 'or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - SOLID brick bouse, bath. furnace, lights, everv modern convenience, double garage. Apffly T. H. Knigbt, Phone 565 or 768. 22-tf To Rent FOR RENT - UPPER DUPLEX on Scugog St.. Bowmanville. rent reasonable. Apply M. G. V. Gould, Bowmanville, Ont. 24-1* FOR RENT - HOUSE ON SCU- gag Street. Apply Geo. McMullen, Wellington St., Bowmanvill.e. 24-l* HOUSE TO RENT - ON KI NG Street. bardwood floors and izar- age. Appily M. Tbompson. R.R. 3. Port Hon)e Ont. 22-tf TO LET -L~ 5-ROOMED APART- ment. electric ligbt, 3-pce. bath, an iras, opposite Town Hall. Ap- ffly W. T. Symons. Pbone 2251. zo-tf APARTMENT TO RENT - FIVE raams. Apply Statesman Office. 49-tf APARTMENT FOR RENT - 3 rooms. bardwood floors. large Pantry and store room, 3-piece bath. $15 per montb. which in- cludes water and garbage collec- tion. Apply H. V.. Batemnan, Victor Manor Apartments.. 17-tf Lost LOST - AT ELLIOTT'S SER- vice Station. Newtonville East, on Saturdav night, May 2th,» large p)olice dog. female, color fawn and brown. name "Gretzel," af.raid of traffic and strangers. fond of small children and animaIs. Last seen on june 6th at Kurv Inn. In- formation wanted regarding bher wbetber alive or killed. Reward. Telephone 249 Cobourg imnmediate- ly reversing charges. 24-1 Mowers Sharpened WEST END GARAGE & MACH- mne Shon. Ki<nir St., sharpen lawn mowers better. You probably have bad your mower sharpened at various olaces and have not been satisfied.« Let us do your mower and sec for yourself the wonderful work we do. Machine work a specialty. Phone 781. Open even- ings. .23-4* Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - A TEAM of borses. truc ta work single or double, or do any kind of farm work, price must be reasonable. Apply bv letter ta M.H. c/o States- man Of fice.* 23-1* Reading& TEA CUP REA DING-BY MRS. Wbitsitt on Saturday. lune l7tb. For appointment Phone 2692, Bow- manville. 24-1* READINGS - "YELLOW SHUT- ters" Tea Room, Bawmanville Beach, East side. 22-4* Mortgagei MORTGAGES - FIRST AND second mortgages, agzrett1jents for sale on farm, city and lakeshore properties Purchased. North Shore Realtv Company, Limited. Alger Building. Oshawa. Phone 80. il-tf Chlcks For Sale FOR SALE - BABY CHICKS, White Legbarns and 'Roçks. sexed or mixed. bload tested f lock, sired by R.O.P. Cockerels, started pul- lets. Albin Clemens, Bowmanville, Phone 243j, 21-tf Mn. Chas. H. Carter, sccnetary of Uic .Independent Master Bakens Association ai Ontario, lu attend- ing a province wide convention af Uic association in Uic IClng Edward Hatel, Toronto. Beauty Culture MRIS BEAUTY PARLOR IF YOU TRY OUR MACHINE- less Wave at the low price $5.001 you will know why we bave a greater custom this year. Oil Per- manents $1.95 up. 24-1* DON'T FORGET - To make your appointment at the Estelle Beauty Salon, $10 Oil Permanent for $5; $7.501 Oil Permanent for $3.95; ý$5.50 Oil Permanent for $2.95. 24-1 Feed Special WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Bran, $1.141 per cwt. in bulk. Of- fer good until june 22nd. F. C. Vanstone. Pbone 777. 24-1 * Personai MEN PAST 401 - FEEL LIKE whale bodi run down? Try Ostrex Tiblets of 2 stimulants f rom raw oysters Plus 4. blood nerve, body tonics. If not delighted with ne- sults f irst package. maker nef unds its low pnrice. - You don't risk a Penny. Cal, write jury_& LoveIl, and aIl good druggists. Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM WANTED- by Young woman. Phone 346, Bow- manvîille. 24-1 Notice Dr. Storey's office will be closed lune 28th to july 28tb, inclusive. 24-4* Notice TRUSTEES AND RATEPAYERS MEETING The Annu 1ai Meeting of the- Dur- ham Ca. Trustees and Ratepayers' Association will be beld in the Town Hall. Blackstock on Friday. lune 23rd at 2 o.m. (E.S.T.). E. F. R. OSBORNE. Presitent. Newcastle. Secretary, MRS. J. R. COOPER, Orono. RE SEt/itï,7WANIT@ADS Mon. - Tues. - Wed. JUNE 19 - 20 -21 Matinees Monday 4 p.m. Wednesda7 2.30 p.m. DEATH TRENWTTH-Iu Newcastle, Wed- nesday, June 14, 1939, George Alfred Trenwith, age 92 ycars. Funenal from Uic St. George's Cburch, Newcastle, Saturday, June 17, at 3 o'clock. Interment St. G~eorge's Cemetery. Take No Chances With WEDDING CAKES- There'a ueually enough excitement anil confusion at a weddlng wlthout worrylnt about the quality of thse weddint cake. For many years we have made a speolalty of our weddint cakes, whloh are produced from thc fluest Intredients and wlth thse greatest care. Tou won't bc dlaappolnted if yen bay trous Corbett's, whether Uic baked goods are for a wedding or any other occasion. CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 IBow;Mnvmll LUNN99 SP9CIALS Wonderful Soap ..............................S5bars 13e Llfebuoy SOOaP................... 3Cakes. 21 Kleenex......... pkg. 13c - 2 for Sweet Mlxed Pickles ..................... jar c (cash & Carry) Shre4Jded Wheat......... 2 pkgs. 230 Plum Jam ................. lge. jar 19c wIi peotin Puffeci WIeat........... 2 pkgs. 17e Phono 508 E.LUNN GROCUR Eowmanvflo h. f t7? t~T~ 2 'v - '~~'w*~v'~ *--~ -, Thurs. - Fr. - Sat. JUEE 15 -16 -17 FOR SALE - GOOD CLEAN seed buckwbeat. A. E. Billett, Hamptcln. Phone 2557. 24-1* BIRTHS DILLING - In Bowmanvijle Hos- pital, on Monday. May 29, 1939, ta Mr. and Mrs. Rance Dilling, a daugbter (Rena Elizabeth). SMITH - At Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Friday, june 9, 1939, to Mr, and Mrs. Chas. P. Snmith, Enniskillen. a daughter.. (Anna Marie). 1 - - - 1 1 - - - 1 " PAGIE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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