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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1939, p. 1

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]People Weekly With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville NeI<S, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News ORONO NEWS On Page Il NEWCASTLE NEWS On Page 12 1 VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOy THUR'SDAY. JUNE 15th l1939 Cuitics 0f Gvt0At0ites UNITED COUNTIES POST OFFICE TO HAVE FACE LIFTED Should Ty To Offer Rtemedy LWRTXRT AT JUNESESSIONS............ Federal Meinher Tells. Lions A rducionin the tax rate for the United Counties of Durham W. . Rekad, . P GRDUAEDand Northumberland was decreed Presents. Facts and _ by Uic Counties Council at Uic . ......... Figures to Show that June session which opened at thé Goverment 5 Notourt House, Cobourg, on Tuesday afternoon. The reduction 15 two- Wasting Time î tenths of a milI, or seven mils in- .~stead of 7.12 in 1938. The rate D. lexMegor on Monday > provides for a levy for ail pur- night was slce President of poses of $248,392.90. Bowmanville Lions Club for 1939- The auditors' ?eport, tabled dur- 40. He will assume his office at ing the afternoon, revealed that Uic first meeting in July. Mr. thecounties are in very fair f in- McGregor will succeed Président ancial condition. The surplus at J.- J. Brown who has elso held the the end of 1938 was $7,934.68........ position of -District Governor. Vice Presidents will be T. Chant, Want State Medicine S. R. James, and E . Oliver. . The Bylaws and Legisietion Spepker at the meeting was . .Commnittee met and recommended * W. Frank Rickard, M.P. for Dur- that a resolution be passed esking hem, who enswered governiment the government to pass legislation critica by reciting Uic large to provide for state medicine. emount of work which had been ReeCalsCruhro completed during Uic recent ses- ReeCamsCruhro sions. He stated thet there had Darlington Township, proposed beenlitle tme aste. tat nio more roads be taken into belittfi tie cotedtion, Mr.the county rod system during Clarifying is contentin, Mr. -' ~1939. :X*,\*r . Rickard explained Uiat 109 mcm- __ Council passed a motioni- kl~~.... bers had presentcd their views on _ tutJ1th ylw bcmn int- '~~ » ' cussmg ic heaCairs o! Uic country MayEiieTopo rn igsain to prohibit Bowmanville's busiest business. ardied the contract was made livestock running at large oncnrtePs fie ilson is week. Caretaker Russell frOiMmany different angles, pro- of Gulfport. Miss.. who was among couty ronds.ber-crad inside and out. ndler stadtatUcbiin -vlding a cross section of opinion Uic nurses who.grauated fromn The report of the speciel Schools Annoueentat Js.H.Aer dn ten pinte obutn with favorable and unfavorable the Hospital for Sick Childrcn in Committcc shows that the cost Of ncthy, Bowmanvilce, had bena years. criticism and suggestions. Toronto, June l4th. Sheis daugh- meintaining county pupils this By Uic middle o! March, 36 ter of Mrs. Thompson, Bowman- year wlll be $61,687.32. Some of bils had been .introdued deeling ville, and Uic late Archibald Ogil- Uic amounts payable i. this dis- ]REVIEWS, CONVENTION FAIR DATES CHANGEJ) wlth many problems throughout vie Thompson. Among her rela- trict are: Bowmanville H i g h___ Uic Dominion, including the Sta- tives fromn Bowmanvillc who at- School, $6,138.74; Newcastle, $1,- tute of Westminster, railway cm- tcndcd the graduation exercises 342.91; Bleckstock, $4,5 19.62; Port Incoming President J. R. Stutt Due to conflicting dates, ployees in Qucbcc, distribution of in Toronto lest night were Mrs. Pry, $58.00; Oshawa High School on Friday provided Rotarians directors of Durham Central Communistic literature, trade un-Thompson, Mr. Dvid Morrison $,465.97; Brooklin Continuation yarWtheisffrseadress n ev eailAiculturchSneth avesdof ion mcmbership, the Pensions Sr, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Morrison $92,20; Oshawa Vocational, $879._' port owfehe Rotrysrct e r- tc id t O n th e to Appeal court, Uic Lord's Day Act, nnd Miss Evelyn Bounsail. 08; Caremont, $9.58. portio!thBuffRoTh Disri c - 7the Piret. OrondomSet. appeels to the Judiciel Commit- ______________________________vnina ufl.Tevros '62 oSp.lt n Oh tee of Uic Privy Council, Legaliza- sessions and speakers werc de- Intercstcd persons arc askcd tion of sweepstakes, natiorial re- I ' U g g scribcd aiong with Uic entertain- to make- note of this change. ferendums, prison sentences, pure Governinen: Cancels Usual ia i ment and socil functions. The t Orono Pair has become the food and drugs, immiigration, speaker was introduccd by Presi- outstanding event in the count- fisheries control, Canadian neu- i t det.R.SeesadSreay t'agcutrllf ndah trality, pçnitentiarçs administra- K O p M gado'ss a d a e etRttealadecc, tion, Quebec Powe Co., Central___________________ app reciation. made to nSiake it the bcst fair Finan1ce Corporation, the Civil New committees were announc- in Durham, if it has not ai- * Service Conmmission, lebor union UsefPbi arsWl o d for the cormng yer commenc- ready won that distinction. picketing, boan and trust comp- Us fPbirirsWl o ayaon ing July lst, along with several Many changes and increases anies, registration of Canadiani Be Obarged At $2.35 Day ____* detaiIà of Uic Rotary Carnivel 'm in prizes this yeer should ais nmlyetrlesel- Instead of $1.75 As FP August. The directors have decid- prove attractive to contcst- shis, nemloyentrelefW. A. met at the borne of Mrs. çd to hold Uic Carnivel on Wed- entsaelong with the spectacu- onfishing in B.C., banlc intcrcst Ward Raby at ~C. Garrard Thursday afternoon with nesday, August 16, and the main lar Black and White Day, an- r.teon, praie nsrm hbilituationAIIooRaiId the President in charge. Bible read- prize will be e $500 bond, and for other unusuel fMature for Hol- ma,~asures, Uic Transport depart- inz was Riven by Mrs. C. Crossman. second and third prizes a $200 stein breeders. Remember Uic ment and control o! agricu1tura1 Mrs. Wm. Trewin had charge of bond nd a $100 bond. dates, Sept. 19Ui nd 2Oth. pets The Board of Directors o! Bow- program. Reading by Mrs. E. Or- - hitioni, much of Uic House menville Hospital feels thet some miston; orzan duet by Mrs. A. Reada Of Cdmons work is teken up words of explanetion to Uic gen- and Miss Blanche Degeer; reading < with questions from members and pbi tti u iog by Mrs. Freda Bradley; vocal duet tf n theinfrmtiv relis b Caint ealpubie t histim trouh y Ms R. Richards and Miss May lc iesO o i ministers, which brings out vital Uic press wiil serve to meke clear Trewin: orzan solo bv Miss B. De- s rlI information on a widc varicty o! a change in Public Ward Rates. geer. Lunch was served and a social M a e - ifi ltBec t v n subjects. Surely, UhS is not west- Prior to June 1, 1939, Uic On- baîf hour enjoyed. ing time, said Mr. Rickerd. tao Governmcnt made a grant of- Mr. and Mrs. N. Hall and family, Recetly soe rthersevre 0 \ day for eduits for all Pub-'Oshawe. Mr. and Mrs. Ni Colac H C . Carlisle Reviews World Clie£ET criticismns have been made upon licc ar atients, and the Hospi- and familv. Tyrone, Mns. R. StmnE Fo hIra a Uic mcthods with which our poli- tel charged $1.75 per day, or $12.25 visited at Mrs. D. Grabam's. en1!vents Fo h ra a tiCal institutions operate and per seven day weck. Thus Uic Mr. Jim Grant, Toronto, visited eti To Present Time And Come to the Strawberry Social I Uiough it would be a sorry day hospîtal ectuelly receivcd $1.75 Mr. A. McNeil's. Shows Ef.fect On on Uic lawn o! St. John's Church' -for Canada if free speech and the from the patient and 60e fronid lvMr. A. Beech visited at Mr. E. N. Business on30 pursde, June 29foi4-to1 liberty of the press were curtail- the govcrnment, or $2.35 per day, Beech's. Colunmbus. ____ .0pm e 5.2- ed, I earncstly submit that such or $16.45 wcekly from public ward WryFml ine ilb criticism should bc constructive, patients. Address At Rotary ClubWrr FmiyPccwilb continucd Mr. Rickerd. Notice hes just been reccived WNSl.YPR ESonnudfo LstWe held et Elliott Memorial Park, I believe critics should suggest from the Provincial Government ____________- - -ud roi Lst ee Hampton, Saturdey, July lSth. (LCoftinued on page 7)'> Oshawa Mian Re*ý 0f District Agri4 Over 100 Attend Interesting Sessions at Peterboro Laut Week When Geo. Hart, Oshawa, Again Made Diremtr George Hart of Oshawa was re- elected director of the agricultur- ai societies of the district com- Priing Ontario, Durhami, Victoria and Peterborough counties at their annual meeting in Peterboro Friday afternoon. The morning session was in charge of Mr. Hart, the attendance bemng close to one hundred and flfty men and womnen from the lour counties. Preceding the noon adjournment, John A. Carroll, To- ronto, director of agricultural sec- leties, gave a. very informative addrcss dealing xith the opera- tion of the variouq societies and aléo discussed tic changes that had been made in the Agricultural Societies Act this ycar. Aniual meetings may now be hcld at any time on the paosing of -a by-law for that purpose. Societies are pcýrnitted to appoint only twelve directors unless permnission to in- ,crease thc number is received fromn the Department. Provisionr is also made for a junior group ofa directors under thirty years of ager wlth full voting power. Directors are to be elected by Uic members of Uic socicty, and Uic directors in turn elect thc officers. a Mr. Carroll recommended tUeic undertaldng of other projects than t fe uls "The be t fairs r 122aI ltose which havretwo aor imofe'ther projects under way. Inm -this district ~~u have eleven field E cropcomptiMns, not the highcstm i Ui province, but quite satis- jr -lactçpry. South Ontario had elght different projects last year, lead- o Ing Uie district; Orono was seq- s ond with five, Port Hope and Peterboro three." .-g Men and women 'met jointly in the iiorning and were gucats of i Uic Peterboro Exhibition dirèctors i at luncheon in George Street Sun- tE day School hall. In Uic atterjioon SI the women met separately 111 Uic <ContlnuOd on page 'Y) todey, to get a concept of cônditions - - as thev likely will be tomorrow., it Shaw's Home and School Asso- is1 necessarv to Rive a spççdy rçview cietion Picnic will be heid et -ele ttàd Dire torof events that have caused the con- Creeni of Barlcy Camp on Setur- ele ted D ir eto rditions of today. day aftcrnoor, Junc 24. Ail in Uic a Th wold arwithitscasaltes, ommnit kidlyacccpt this as its debts and its influençe on the en invitation to attend. ablv has had somethiniz to do with Lawn Supper - full course meal Pastor Accepte Cmli the trend of international aflairs - with Strawbcrnics and Crcam, on Janetill Ciruitand bas had something to do with Trlnity Church lqwn, Fridey, June Jantvii. ircit ..:,our national affairs. However, the 23rd, from 5 to 7 o'clock, under Bey T Knney, inste o!-' largre factors Rrowinz out of the wer auspices o! King St. West Group. Re.T.E Knedm-ite fthat have had a direct influence Adulte 35c. 24-2 Knox Prcsbyterian Church, Nor- Threahtyo terselsad -the eu LogSutAnvrryS- wich, Ont, announccd Sunday he Tet fVrale n h eRe L uSutAnvraySr lie aceped cal ron Ui t of Nations. It is likely thet it would vices undmy, June 18, et 2.30 and had ccetéda cal fom.thebe expecting the impossible, after 7.30 p.m., S.T., Bey. S. Littlewood, charge of Ballyduif, Jenetvilc an~d ~ such a devastinz war. io fnd Pople Orono, speaker. Tyrone choir. Nestîcton, iniPeterborough Pres- in a****.-f- -- e Poaea Wedncsday, June 21, sports in thc bytery. The cal!la subject to ap- .. . .. t re ine ht o md toie tiateafternoon; Strawberry Social eit pFoval of thais would be yiehly co- _4.30; Play "Mothcr's Moment" by ~< novaiM!.Paris nesbytcr..Mn... structive and free f rom Biter cennedy camne to Norwichi six......-. ns n aew r ral e Lt St. Church, Oshawa, et 8 years ago froni Wentwortli Coun- esadhtwr pvln.-t p.m. S.T. Admission: Aduits, Tee ty, wlicnc he scrved Binbrook andi Gladys Page, Enlskillen was the desire of the conguerors toan Cocr4cTerCnet Carluke churches. who graduateci !rom Oshiawa Gen- into osto s hre would be put 25c; Children 25ceand 15c. __aposition_________ would be no erai Hospital Nursing Sciool iast renetition of the pmst. If this. was- Dunrham County Holstein As- weck, receiving severel sciolar- the dominatinir thought and mive. sociation executive urges al Mn. Ralph Ames, Bank o! Comn- ships andi prizes for lier efforts. it blinded the way to a construtive bedr oatedUcAne merce staff, reccived word that Miss Page was one o! four nurses treatv - a treaty that would neke Field Day o! theý Holstein Breed- L lie will be movcd to Clanemnont fromn this district who were trai- the wav for a permanent -cace.- cso-Vcoi, eebrDr next week. ing eit Oshawa.ma eso-VcriPtbrDu-g The Treatv of Versailles put Ger- hem and Ontario Counties et h, mnany into an impossible position. Murco Farm, Uic home o! W. J. ù N'IkeNo bjctonsTo Asess ens t levied Penalties against G;ern-iixo, Murphy, Lot 19, Con. 7, Ops Town- U M ak N oObec'io s T A ses me ts itthe sarne tîme takinlz awey fo hp justst o! the town o! R Bu o w es Do S m ' o ln Germeny the fecilities whcreby she Lindsay, on Tucsday, June 2th. Ic B u Do uw ersSom Ho lin could meet the indebtcdness imposed. Hon. P. M. Dewan, Minister o!f Militarv Policing was created. Buf- Agriculture, wiil gîve an address. Cartrigt .Counil et s athe ld radr. Rfered o R fer states were cremted. Germany John Cnuickshanks, President; H. CerwrilitCoucilmetasejtcol grder Rcerrd o Rod had lost lier position in international C. Muir, Secretery. Court o! Revision on June 3rd. Superintendent. trade. Her inerchant maripie was Thene were no appeels on landi As the counceil was about to ad- elmost deDleted. She lad to disiiî- Annivcrsary Services o! Maple,. values, but some changes were journ, Mn. James Beacock o! Myr- tegzrate as a nation, or to protect Grove Sunday School wili be icld made in dog licenses and a couple tlec came into Uic coundcil noom. herself as e nation. It seems quite as follows: Sunday, June 18, His o! lot exchanges. The Roll was He is an olci Cartwright boy and clear to us today that an ggressive Honor Judge Hawley S. Mott, o! revised for 1939 and Court closed.. serveci on tic municipal counicil. People - as thc Gemmnan peQple are thc Family Relations Court, 'o- th Regular meeting was then hcld He was given e hcarty welcome - could not. live under these con- roilto, wili sipeak et 2 and 7 p.m. bE with Reeve C. Devitt presiding. by Uic Reeve after which Mn. ditions. Howcver, it appears that Speciel music by tic School under in Complainte ne culvent on Con. 1 Beacock rcplied wîth a few pro- the conquerina nations did ilot teke the leadership o! Mn. L. Coilacutt, and bridge betwecn Cons. 3 and 4 fitable and !itting remarks. ihis into considerati. assisted by Mrs. Huibunt andi Miss wcre re!erned to Rond Supern- in Spencer, Oshawa, in tic after- F tendent to be nepair'ed. Ordens were slgned as !ollows: Neither Italy nor Jmana - the al noon, and Miss Jean Stevens in t Purchase o! adcting mechihe was C. Wllams, 1 sheep kllled $ lp.00 lies of Great Britein - were satis- tic evening. Special offering in D let to Clenk. Resolution wgs for- I. Argue, Sec.-Trcas. f îed witb their share of thr. spoîls nid o! achool funcis. Wednesday, 01 warded to Counties Renad and S. S. No. 1 ---------- ---- 200,00 of the wer or the trcatmcnt accord- June 2lst: 2 p.m. Prograni o! Bridge Committcc urging that a H. Bencocir, Sec.-Treas. cd them. sports for Uiec ciudren; 4.30 p.m. - I wig-wag be plaed et C.P.R. cross- S. S. No. 5-._. ---20000.....It was nroposed that a Leegue of Girls' softbmll geme, Hampton vs i AssessBron l akai oie W. Williams, Sec.-Treas ...200 Nations be formed. to implement Ma ple Grove; 5.30 p.m. -Mcn's st Asfslots Uinee y rkinarnies r~ .N.7------0 0 the ternis of Thc Trcmty Qf Ver- so!tball game, Harmnony vs Maple ofe M.tsL. Eme yensSin -Trearsfr S .N.7------------- .0 sailles. 54 nations comuo$ed the Grove. Supper will be served !rom be Roda upletndntwr bM. . ENro. , Se---------24.00 ague. While this League hed the 4.30 p.m. At 7.30 p.m. Newcastle th, Roa Suerntedet wll e . S N. 0------------------24000highest puruose, it cid sernto me Young Pcopie's Dramatic Society W] given notice o! work i wrltng. L. Swain, Sec.-Treas. eit the turne of formation that it was will present thcir celebrateci play fo: Clerk was instructsd to prepare S. S. No. 4 -----....------ 20000 dodrned to failure in th.e maior "Black Gold." Special music be- ed esolution th be sent to local mcmn- N. Edgenton, Sec.-Treas. thinRS that it was ettempting, be- tween acte by Stanley Rickard's st ber requestirig Goverpment to S. S. No. 6 ------__----_--- 200.00 cause tbey werc- contrery to the in- Orchestra, Newcastle. (Ail ser- Pa take action re weeda on Lake Statesman, advtg- ------- ---- 3.96 nete Princlffles of human. life. The vices Standard Tume). Admission: Shore front. O. Wright, roada ----------58400 Lcaizue's .POlRCY relîv was tic dlm- Adulte - Tee and Concert 50c, Tee Cî Reeve and Couhclllor Heaalip Clerk, hnlf-ycar selany --15000 inetion of War. Overlooking con- only 40c, Concert 25c; Chidren - us wRm get options ne park site. Couzncil adjourned to meet July Tee and Concert 30c, Tee only 20c, i C. McGIII applied te purchase 3rd, et 2 p.m. <Contlntisd on page 7) Concert 15c. d MO VIES AND RADIO Decoration Day At Cemetery EFFECT ON YOUTH Will Be Last Sunday Ilune CRITICIZED BY CADI Counei Deides On lindnaw Strong criticism of radio tiril ers and blood curding movies w. voiceci by Magistrete P. S. Ebbsi juvenîle court here last week. E àlso condemncd laxity on tic psi o! ticket sellers at motion pictui theatres in allowing young chi dre to atte ditsiowings. parets gvin cildrenUIo neyLV paretsugivngthilrenmoey go to such thler oies, ad thlermi tthoe.olse orc thrierathe.b'rmak e prMgstewenEabs' rearks web aprted bfwh and4-yaonb appeaed tbteoreoimhand waori mTaied Sot o tecros theOa TrainingScThoolador Bos tBod maniule.the lad watemed chitua istrnts adma nglte chîld hso anots aditt ingth "Held do nohin with hlm. "He says "-he bwan th er li Dtheingert."tHeboys ther oid cth cour. "Hesy hywud cather hlm." ettes des "Whesre de Eb s he tths es Mairamte nEb ps adh, rom" athe nwaers n i rd" amas hanwer.n hlku a o of arnsfrai enhalk u tat lo o sitseagaiorthe t tha, cornove thoe rio or ou tedento" h.. UHidgerCue tenden of tSenty e Cunted ChrentAid Sociey, remazke< "hiat and tetiis, i shpaged High Honors At Awarded Nurse- Burketon Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright, Black. stock. Miss Annie Wright, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Philp, Montreal, at Mr and Mrs. Roberi Philp's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dean witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Lund, Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wright and Joyce with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- Laughlin. Mr. and Mrs. EdRar Wilson with his parents. Mr and Mrs. A. Wilson. Mrs. C. Sanderson fell and broke ber collar bone. but is gettinz along rncely. Mrs. Long, Myrtie. with Mrs. S. Wilson. A number from. here attended an- niversarv services at Enfield. Mr. E. Coughill bas returned home f rom Christie St. Hospital. Mr. N. Philp. M&ontreal, with his father, Mr. R. hilp. NEW LIONS PRESIDENT D. Alex MeGregor wlio on Monday was sclccted as tic President o! Bowmanville Lions Club for 1939-40. He suc- ccds J. J. Brown wio lias aiso hcld thc important office o! dis- trict govennor. Rather unusual i$ thc !nct thet enothen druggist, ,J. R. Stutt will hed tic Rotary Club Study 0f Watershe A~t Wilmot's Creek It lins been fclt for some time' that Conservation studies should be madc and relateci to conditions in a given drainage unit. Tic Dcpartment o! Lands and Foreste, Forcstry Brandi, lias au- torized a study o! two unite in Durham County. The Wilnio t Creek whicli empties into Lake Ontario, just wcst o! Newcastle, ic esmnllcr o! Uic two unite and bt wili be Uic !irst one to be studicd. Mn. R. S. Cernian, forester, lias been detaleci to U s tudy andi for tie time being is main objective will be to obtein first hend i- trmation froni thc farmers locat-, <i within thc drainge area, 3tarting et tic extreme northcrn art. Sanie of thc points whicli Mn. earman wishes to discuss are land se o! marginal lands; erosion o! wind and water on Uic light soils; lemand for wood producte by NUMBER 24 in NURSE BEGINS DUTIES Counicilgor Geo. Biekie Hle Suggests Revision 0f art ire Tax Roll Right Thing, il- But Members Not So Eager o!____ to Decoration Day et Bowmanvillc nd Cemetery was set for Sundey, lio June 2th, et a meeting o! Town Council Monday night. No ar- re rangements werc madc for spe- oy ciel service during the eftcrnoon, 71- but it is understood Uic Canadian 710 Legion and the Ministerial Asso- W - ciation mey combine to arrange e an program. ed Consîdereble discussion took ey place whcn e property owner en- ke quired by letter Uic reeson why council refused permission te A. Id H. Sturrock to inatal a tanks 'on 't pritrete property on Kig Street. The clcrk wns instructed te write Mr. Sturrock cxplaining Uic rea- sons and Rond Superintendent te - distance frorn Jos. Flett's house Miss Lena Taylor, R.N. to Uic piace where tanks wcre gsBowmanvillc's new town nurse ublscd to bertins itne and thwho began her duties on June lst. cîerk will draft a bylaw dea]ing r-Nurse Taylor hes hed consider- with installation of gesoline tanks es ble experience both in privete in the municipnlity, so thetni c.and public heelth work with hos- future cases there will be a defin- rpitals and with The Victorien ite ruling stating that epplicants Order. must npply to council for permis- ounillr eo.Biclestruck a snsitive note near the end o! Uic Froin Ennis iilen sessmcnt roll o! Uic tewn. Tough his motion was seconded, -~ it brought forth quite a strearno! Protcst frohi other members who Gladys Page Wins Several felt that a complets revision Awards at Oshawa Hospital would run Uic town inte a great Graduation. Three Other da fmnyadwudrsl mi many arguments and court ac- Girls from District tions with Uic result about Uic Among raraduates sanie as it now is. "Once wc make a move in thet t difrection" stated Mayor Jones, Enniskillen Correspondent "we will run inte Uic greatest Miss Gladys Page brought un- emount o! grief we have ever seen usuel fame to the village o! En- and eftcr mil Uic Urne and moncy niskillcn by ettaining outstanding bas been spent assessments will - menit and honours in Uic gradu- probably reniain as Uiey arc, Uic nting exercises of the Oshawa sanie as Uiey have in other towns General Hospital Training School whichhave tried such a revision." h for Nurses which took place Fni- Councillor Bickle stuck te hià 1day evening in Oshawa Colleginte contention that several glaring eInstitute. Miss Page carried off discrepancies had eppeared lest Uich laurels by winning four o! Uic year and that if this year's coun- nine scholarships and prizes - cil was detexinined te correct such thUi A. L. McLeughlin prize for wrongs, it shouid go ahead with Gencral Proficiency, prcscnted by Uic revision even Uiough grief be Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin who vcry plentiful. His motion carried and nptly mcntioned it was not thc Uic mayor wiil appoint e coni- 1first time something good came mittec for Uic Job et a speciel out o! Enniskillen (and cast a meeting. sweet glance et her husbancl); Uic Pire Committee Cheirman J. H. Mazo Williams scholarship for Abcrnethy brought in several mo- highcst standing in Thcory; B. A.,tions, U ifrst rccommcnding thet Brwnprsefo Bedide Nursing Uic rigade be incrcased, te 20 nd Theoryo! Contagios Dis- members intead o! 18 as et pres- cae;E. A. oeipiefrhg- cnt time. Carried. est marks in chemistry. Miss The Brigade will aiso have (Continued on page 7) (Continued on page 7) Thou sands Expected For Drumhead At Orono's Memorial Park Suaday Maple Grove raiatosC-peae o Mr. and Mrs. Steve Munday, Semoe "e Held in Courtwrigbt, visited their brothers This Distric and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Staples, Mr. and In observance o! Magna Carte Mrs. Lawrence Staples, Betbany, Week sponsored by the Ontario visited Mr. and Mrs. John Snowden Provincial Command o! thc Cana- and Mr.'-and Mrs. R1 D. Trimble. dian Legion, Uic Canadian Leglon 1Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearson. sons Branches o! Durhamn and Ontario Donald and Harry. Lakefield, Miss Counties arc holding a Drumnhead Susie Laird. Newmarket, with tbeir Service in Orono Park on Sundey, parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Laird. June 18Ui. Sr. The parade will form Up on Uic Mr. J. H. Munday is niucb un- Orono Fair Grounds et 3 p.m. day- proved and home f rom hospital et - light snving tirne with Uic foilow- Toronto. ing units: Two Compenies of the Midland Regiment, Canadien Le- gion Branches o! Bownianville, Rtt. Rcv. A. R. Beverley, Toron- Oshawa, Oshawa Ladies' Auxili- to, wull conduct Uic confirma- ery o! Uic Canadien Legion, Whlt- tion class et St. John's Anglican by Brench, Uxbridge Branch, Church on Sundey morning et il Genernl Motors o! Oshawa Veter- o'clock. Twelve young people arc ans, Port Hope Ex-service Men, expected to take part in Uic con- Unetteched Veterens, Boy Scouts firmation. and Cuba, Praternai Societiea. Pive Banda wiil forzn up in Uic parade, The Bowmanvile Leglon >dT e al Band, Orono Brasa Band, Oshawa A To e M a& Sea Scouts Bugle Bad, General Near NewcastlePipe Band, and the Druma and Pontypool L.O.L. 'The Drumiiead * Service wil private individuala and commer- start et 3.30 p.m. anÏd will be i ci dealers; Uic possibility o! re- charge o! Major Rey. Canon C.* R. aining more moisture by proper Spencer, V.D., Pedre of Bowman- soil cover and by small nctaining ville Canadien Legion. music Win dams in ravines. be p rovidcd by Bowmanvime Le- Since there is close to 100% o! gion Baud unde r Uic direction o! Drivately oned 1-Ad -h USBa- dastr-TomasDe-se t

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