-4.--,.'; PAGE FOUR THE CANADIANi STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO The ROYAL VISIT fly S. J.'DORNAN, C.W.N.A. Representative on thse Press Pilot Train Fourth Rolease Covring the Visft of Their Majeati« ea to etern Canada and the Pacifie Cosat i t i. f 1REFRESHI NG Enuine NWeth Eenjoy peppermint fia vor of DOUBLEMENT GUMI Got som. todayl Qucen. The Royal party drove te Government House and wçetUi guests cf tbe Lieutenant Governer and Mrs. Hamber during Uieçir visit te the citv. Hear Reception By Rado Before dcalingz wiUi tbe reception cf the Royal party at Victoria. I wisb to refer back te mv noptes wberc I overicoed menfi.on o f Kamloeps. B.C., wbere tbe city and surroundinir communitv stagcd a very splendid greetingz for Tbeir Britannic Maiesties. The station was transformcd by a galaxity of f lags and bunting, wbile the receiving stand was brigbhtly illuminated. It was difficult to seceor estimate tbe number of citizens gzatbered at tbis point. owinz te tbe backcground be- inz in darkness, wbile tbe foregzround was briigbtlv liibted. I endcavoured te make persenal contact witb Ralpb White. our esteemed, member. but it was impossible ewing te the buge crowd. As the Pilot train meved away, we tuned in tbe Royal recep- tien on the radie cf tbe Pre ss Club car zind it certainiy was a 'great demonstration cf loyalty. On To Victoria After a deligbtful veyage from Vancouver. tbe betb steamers reacli- cd Victoria. the capital city cf Bri- tisb Columbia, and Uic most westerly point of tbe Royal tour. At Vic- toria Tbeir Majesties bad crossed Canada froin coast te coast and bad been ffreeted by vociferous acçlaim aIl aionz tbe route. At Victoria Theî Kinz and Qucen was as fan f remn Ottawa, Uic capital cf Canada, as Ottawa is f rom London, Engzland. Haviniz arrived in Victoria about 30 minutes ahead cf tbe Royal Yacbt, I bad iust Rot locatcd in tbe bca.ti- fui C.P.R. Hotel. Tbe Emprcss, wbcn Uic Royal steamer was enter-2 ingr Uic barbour. Here vos a siglit andi a izreetina wbicb is bevqpd des- cription. Tbe city and especiaily tbe Parliament Buildings and thc Eni- pness Hotel wcrc silbouettcd in brigbht Iigbts, wbulc everv type of steamer nearbv screamed a welccme on tbeir berns and wistles. Proceeded by two destroyers cf tbe Royal Canad- ian Navv and foiiowed bv anotber twe. tbe cntry te Victoria was a real naval grceting te Our Sailort Kinu and bis dcigbtfullv cbarming DELCIOUS... was to be a rest day for Their Maiesties and suite, as well as- tbe members on the Pilot train. The Kinge and Queen were takenf to Out- look Cabin on the banks of the lake and here the Royal Standard was hoisted for the f irst time it ever f lew over a loge cabin. In this log cabin Their Maiesties were alone te enioy an experience thev seldoin if ever. get. Soon after the arrivai of Their Maiesties at the cabin, tbey decided to R-0 out and after a short drive thev both waiked some miles f or exercise. Moose Changes Plans Durina tbe early afternoon The Kingz and Qucen and seme members cf tbeir suite dreve to Mount Editb Cayell. On tbis trip there were about tbirtv cof the Pilot train Party. coin- vosed cf writers and pbotograpbers and it was a most impressive siglit. I bave neyer bad sucb a deçp emno- tien as wben I waiked te Uic foot cf the buge glacier. Ail in ail tbe day at Jasper was an event cf a ifetîme. On tbe wav back te Uic Lodge some cf tbe Press Party and photgrapbers saw a cow moose and decided te get eut and take pictures. but tbeir yen- turc was sbort lived for tbe menster cbarged at tbem and tbev aIl ran fer safety. The reason for tbe reent- ment cf tbe anishal was discovered sbertly. Severai members cf its familv were nearby 'and they were iust infants. Bear is plentiful areund here but barmiess if net disturbed. His MaJesty Speaks Tuesday was a beautiful day; weatber and ail f unctions wee very enjoyable. Tbe picture at tbe steps cf Uie Parliament Buildings lent mucli celer te a bisteric occasion. The Government Lunch at Uic Em- press Hetel was a regal affar. Tbe botel was baUicd in flowers, ail produced in tbe gardens cf Uic C.P. R. fer the occasion. At tbis luncheon His Maiesty delivered ;ý short ad- dress wbicb was broadcast tbrougb- eut most cf the wenld by means cf tbe C.B.C. bookup. The most celer- f ui affair was the presentatien cf The King's Coiers te theè Royal Navy, Pacific section. This teck place on Beacon HilI. Here is a natural bcautv spot wbicb is sur- rounded bv buge bulis and these buis were packed by 75,000 cidren and aduits. wbile Uie adjoining roads and buildings werc a mass of buman- ity ail waving f lags and' cbeering. His Maicsty dressed in His naval uuiforma as Admirai cf tbe Fleet left an impression wbicb wiil long live ýin the memcry cf ail who witnessed tbe ceremony. Tbe presentation was preceeded by a short religieus ser- vice at wbich thecocler was dedicated bv ieading representatives cf tbe Protestant and Cathoiic denomin- ations. After thc presentation was compîcte Tbeir Mai esties waiked acress Uic road te a salutingz stand and The Kingr stood at the salute wbile tbe Naval contingents present marched Dast. Her Maiesty was dressed in a igbt mauve coiored ankie length gown witb large Jbat. whicb was in matcbing celer and turned up off ber face. She carried a large bouquet cf orchids. After tbe marcb past tbe' Kingr inspected tbe guard and veterans and spent f ifteen min- utes talking witb a number cf tbem. Veni Vidi Vice Trulv they came. tbey saw and tbev conquered. Victoria teck tbe King and Qucen te their bearts in ail sincerity. Resting at Govern- ment House during the remainder cf tbat eveninir. Their Maiesties witnessed a mcst elaborate display cf f ircworks. Tbid display was augmented by a very fine gesture from the ssWores cf the State cf Wasbington. where cur Amce.rican cousins bèid a firewcrks display. Devarting frein Victoria on Wed- nesday morning, the vicinity cf Ogden dock was tbronzed with 50.000 citizens desiring te catch a last zlimpse cf their beloved Sov- ereigen and bis charming Consort. The Reval Steamer "Prince Robert" of tbe Canadian National Steam- sbips line. made a record trip, cwing te a sligbt delay cf twenty-jive minutes in departure. leavingz Van- couver. the Royal party drove te New Westminster. wberc a glamor- eus weicome was accorded. At Chl- liwack in the afternoon, the King and Qucen received anether voci ferous grceting. At this beautîfui littie city there was a short stop and His Worsbip, Mayor Charles A. Bljrber and Mrs. Barber. wcre presented. to Their Maiesties. Mayor Barber then p)resented a number cf cther prominent local citizens. Trlavel- Uine alcnff the east bank cf the Fraser River tewards Jasper Park Lodge. in the beautif ni National Park at Jasper, the Royal train made a stop at Mount Robson on Thursday mcrning to view this, thc highest mountain. but nature bad drapved the buge peakc in ciouds and its excluisite grandeur couid net be seen. . At Jasper. tihe famous bcautv spot in tbc rockies deveiw'ed by thse Canadian National Railways, ROYAL TRAIN ENGINE FOR NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR A sean as it bas completed its A assigninent hauiing thée Royal Train, the "6400", giant locomotive cf the Canadian National Railways, will be sent to New York te be placed on exhibition at thse World's Fair. This locomotive was anc cf five C.N.R. engines speciaiiy overlaulcd an, prepared te baul the train carrying King George VI and Qucen Eliza- beth and the inembers cf tbeir retinue for a distance cf 4,212 miles te as far seuth as Oxbow gnd Es- tevan. Attend Church At Portage Sunday mcnning. by Royal coim- mmnd. Their Majesties attcnded la special service in the United Churcb cf Canada at Portage la Prairie. Arniving in Winnipeg shertly gfter il a.m. I had a walk anound the Union Station mnd there fotind that the seldier patients frein Deen Lodge Hospital bad been brought te thse station by special order f nom Ot- tawa. (This ites¶i was rniscd by some errer on the westward trip) and there awaited Their Mjajcsties ar- rival. Onlv the patients cf 1the bos- pital with the officiais and few provincial dignitaries werc present. Wie in Winnipeg both trains were gîven attention. and wben they Ieft for the long run te Sudbury, they were sbininz and fuliy sqrvIced. It is worthy cf mention that Uic rail- wav men at ail points were well drilled in their duties and flot a moment was lest. C.W.N.A. Draws Lucky Ticket TIT-BITS: The Pilot train car- ries 25 members cf the R.C.M.P. under thse command cf Major (Sup- erintendent) Kemp cf Ottawa..ý We have aise Inspector 'Cgning c« f Scotland Yard.* Walter Scott Thomp- son, Chairman cf the Press Suis- cemmittee. is along and it was lie. witb bis world wide expenience. wlio planned this train and, ail its details. There bas net been one hitcb as yct and the heaviest part cf the trip is. over. Walter bas witl i hbis own picked staff of assistants. Only tbree tickets were availabît for tise Canadian writers te, attend the mucli pubiicized zarden party te be given in henor cf Their Majesti es. by Sir Ronald and Lady Lindsav. at the British Embassy in Wasbington, D.C. Twenty naines wene nlaced in a bat in order te pick those who were te attend and believe it orn fot the C.W.N.A. was the f irst naine drawn. Amenican writers dlaim tbat at least 50.000 applications were ne- ceived for invitations te this f unc- tien. Onlv 1300 will be present. It takes place on Thursday afternoion. Indlan Pupila Welcome At Ridditt, Man., on Sunday, wc witnessed a verv lovely sigbt Hene a large gzatbering was pre!Lent andi aIl frein somne considerable distance. Amonizst this crowd thene were 150 pupils frein Ceceia jeffrey Prcsby- tenian Indian Scbool. along witis tiein rt I 'I PUj Pk r- Kiung and hiver Streeta in Canada. It is anc cf the iargest strcamnlined locomotives in Uic world. Finished in royal blue and silver te barmonize with thse extenion decorations of the Royal Train, and bearing the Royal Coat-of-Arnis in front and on thse sides cf tise tender, thc 6400 is a striking and beautiful example cf a modern "Qucen cf tise Rails." Tbc picture shows the Royal engine and (above) tise Royal Coat- of-Anins as it appears on tbe sie cf the tender. Oreeted BT Publishers Edmonton weather was reali KIng's type. As the train pulled inte Uic station it was evident that thse Ai- berta capital was in a skala attire. One outstandingr feature wa5 Port- agze Avenue. after today te be knewn as King's Way, bad two miles cf slands erccted on cacis sîde and it was a wonderful sigbt packed with 35.000 scisool children and another 30.000 aduits. On arrivai cf the Pilot train. I was Rreeted by a regular avalanche cf Publishers cf Alberta weekly papers.- Amongst those. I remember. were H. T. Halli- well of Coleman : R. C. Jessup of MacLeod: H. T. Thunl cf Viking; Harrv J. Ford cf Lacombe. W. H. Scbierboltz cf. Rockv Mountain House: Charlie Clark cf Higb River: Fred Turnbuli cf Red Deer; W. H. Gooder cf Didsbury: Miss Hazel and Mrs. McCrea cf Hanna;, Mrs. A. M. Moore cf Stratchinore: Mrs. F. J. Sîciglit cf Cainrese. and C. W. Frederick cf Grand Prairie. Durinff the evening tise press party wcre cntcrtaincd at dinnen bv Uic Edmonton Tournai and Edmonton Bulletin. This was a verv fine re- spite for tbe writers after a bectic six heurs of assigninents. Leaving Edmonton we ncxt pass- ed tbrougb Bjggar, Sask.. wbcre a very fine display cf loyalty was evident. The Pilot train made a vcry short stop) but the Royal train was Riven a rousing reception. Their Maiesties commmnded the train te stop) in that vicinity and tbey went for a walk. Watrous. tise location cf the new 5O000-watt C.B.C. station CKB was a magnificent sigbt. The populace frein the surroundinz communities were zatbered in thousands and Rave a gloricus account cf tbem- selves by prolonged cheernig and waving cof flags. Hene I met Jin McCowan *and bis aide. Iew Mc- Kenzie. as weli as Leon Garratt. al connccted wîththeUicWatnoîss press. Tcucbwocd had a great display cf love and affectionfor their grac- ions Sovereigns. The crnwils lined aonr the railivy and especiallv at the station were jubilant. Stayed Nlght At Melville Melville. tise focal point for many communities areund, inciuding tise progressive city cf Yonkton, was a dense mass cf humanity, when the press train arrivcd. Here.-we remain- cd for the night and it gave us an cpportunitv te use tise train tele- phones. -I was delighted te have a conversation on the teiephone with mv wife and famiiy at Aiameda. Melville was iiluminated and decor- ated in a reai glonicus manner and tise enthusiasin was se keen that the crowds broke the police uines and swarmed arcund tise press train fan into the wee sinail heurs cf Sunday morning. I amn informed. The town was a seetbingz mass. There were people zathered at Melville f rom as fan north as Hudson Bav lunction Impreaaed Wlth Fervor Wednesday we passed througis Ingersoll. after spending the nigist at London. At tisis point, aise at Woodstock. Paris Junction, Brant- fond and Hamilton, tise loyety and affection dispiayed for Tiseir Ma- jesties was colossal. As I bring tis story te a close as we approacis Niagara Falls I have been deeply impressed with tise fervor and cxhli- eration whicb the loyal province cf Ontario bas displayed towarde our Sovereigns. Wanta To Brlng Daugistera Rere Tit-bits: Her Mai esty expressed iast evening, a desire (te bring lier twe daugliters te Canada te sec this beautiful country; she stated tbat sise would like Ie be alongi witb thein, and sise selccted Uic montis cf june for tise visit. I stopped 'off tise royal press train for a few heurs in Toi'bnto and whule tire I was tise target for nuinerous questicns. AIl I could say, and it was said in aIl sinceritv tise entre trio lias been a grand glanions and trinmpisal one which wili long remain in tise mcm- ory cf the 3,500.000 citizws wlio have already seen Their Uajesties this f ar. The King hais broken every known regzulation which usuaUy Rov- erns tbe appearance of His Majesty in public; lie has walked away f rom the guards which Were to protect bis persen and that of bis beloved and charminR Consort; he bas shaken hands with ten times as many of the ordinarv People as he bas witb those officiallyv resented to him; in fact, both Their Majesties bave coin- pietely won tbe entire populace, cf ail parts, by their very demoçratic vet aristocratic bcarinR. Niagara Reception Terrifie Niagzara Falts: The recepticon here was just like the FaIll, it was ter- rific: thc influx cf visifors from the U.S.A. added to niany tbousands f rom ail this corner cf Ontario, made a Irreat impression. At this point it wls my extremely "oo fortune te, meet Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cbarters and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence V. Cbarters, al cf Brampton Ont. Tbis chance meeting witb valued frn- ends made thc visit bere very plea- sant in seite of a most ridicuicus display cf police\ precautions. The Brock Hotel was taken o.ver by thc police fully an -bour beforc Their Majesties and entourage arrived. it was uttcrlv impossible to Zet any- thingz to eat, either in or out cf Uic botel. and gzuests and otbers were iostled and ordered'around as if tbey were non-British subiects. Precau- tien is better tban cure, but the use cf a littie iudgnient would make Uic problem much casier for ail concern- cd. Added to the tremendous-clamer cf tbe bugze crowd was the stupend- eus roar cf Uie falls as tbe Kiniz and Qucen stepped out on the balcolny cf tbe botel. Later tonight tbe water f ails will be iliuminated and this wiil be a siglit for those wbo bave flot previouslv enioyed saine. It was noticcable tbat Uiere were very few flaRs dispiayed on tbe American side, but tbis wiil be corrected later. I f uliy expect. Now for tbe United States. Esther gays she la going te change lier bank because cf its disgracefuî inefflciency. T wi ce during the pat mentis, she says, lier account has been overdrawn. -Toronto Saturday Nigit.* Judge Ben Lindsey thinks it pathetic that 6,000,000 young men in America are toc poor t mnax-ny. Fuxther gloomy statlstics would reveai tisat thcy do, just thse same. -Chsicago Daily News. Drat tisis swing craze. Tise beau- tiful Isle cf Capri is being forti- fied as a naval base. - Brandon Sun. W. understand young moni who pooh-pooh the idea that th.y wonIt e. wefl off at 60. That'a the right spirit. Unfortunately statisticu show that only about f ive men in a hundred are comfortably w.U off at 60. You can "play ae" by placing part of your .arnings li a Confederation Làfe MontIdy Incarne policy with Total Dlsability and )Double Iridem- nity Accident Benefits. A guaranteed income of $100 a month, at age 60, for the rest of your life wiU look pretty good. Sa-If YOU want to "play ate", con. suit us now about a guaranteed Monthly Income. lias OdV3Cl TO liq OccasionaJly a man wins a fight The wvorld will forgive a man because he hasn't the nerv.e to almost any old thing except a run away. failure. COURTICE 1 RgY NICHOLS Bowmanvllle CT-898 ' - " '<'4.t A$~'4%.....'***' ~ - ---an ~nanma teachers. I met a friend at this point wbo is on tise staff cf iiis scisool, Miss Valena Mahood. The scisool bad its band alongz and rndnered scv- eral very pleasingz selections. The scbeci is located at Keewatin, Ont. Sioux Lookout bad anothen lange gathering. At this point we werc runningr about one heur bebind time. 100,000 Persons at Sudbury Sudbury pnesented a wonderf ni sigit. 15,000 scisool children wcre gathcned togrcUier and grected Their Malesties with singing. In ail tisere were 100.000 pensons in tisis city gatbered tegether frein many Points in Nortbern'Ontarie. Tise crowd in- cluded 800 Mayors, Reeves and Councillors freinthUicocmmunities mentioned. Whie awaiting tise Royal Party a littie lad caled Ken- netis Webster was asked bis opinion cf tise grions siglit lie was witness- ing and bis main impression was tise motctcycle police, wbc were patrol- fnr Uic streets and later acted as esconts for Their Mai esties and partv. He, incidcntaily. said Hello te bis dad over Uic radio. Isn't She Lovely By speciai arrangement Their Mal esties and a select 1ajty wene taken dewn tise International Nickel (Fnood Mine) te a deptis cf z.800 feet. Dnessed in cil skin covçrs, Uic party spent nearly one heur in tise mine and vicinity. Some e.ressions iseard at Sudbury: "'My. eh rxy, isn't sise lovely; reaily more lovely than I ever dneamed." "I thougbt tise newspapers isad gene nuts on tise Qucen. but they enly toid hlaf tise truti;s: se is indced grand." And se on and se on. Break Lines at Toronto Toronto gave Uic King and Qnieen another great acclaim: tise tisirty minutes stop at tise Queen City was informaI. However niany thousands cf citizens made it a point to b.ç in tise vicinitv cf, tise Union Station. te grreet Tiseir Majesties. In spite cf aIl tisat tise Police could do Uic crcwd broke the lunes and swarined around tise Royal car and were ne- wardcd witb a gracicus receptiom by botis cf Tiseir Majesties. RI-ya King E n route te Toronto at a f arin- ieiz ccmmunity wisere tise Royal Train halted te be scrviced, a stundy fariner sbeuted, "Hi - ya. King," te wbicli His Mai esty repiied, "Vin fine. How are yen?" Guelphs rendered a good acceunt cf itself and community by tunning eut in tbeusands: tise scheduled stop at this city was extended consider- ably as tise King and Qneen walked about amcngst Uic vetenans and talk- cd witli scores cf tisei. Prime Min- ister Mackenzie Kinir did a mag- nanimous tiinr when bie called espec- ially for Col. George Drew. leader cf tise Conservative opposition in tise Ontario Legislature.and bad lim airain prescnted te Tiseir Majesties. Colonel Drew was taken bv surprise and tise surprise was quite evident in ii manner. but bie soon became cool and collccted and cbatted witli botis tise King and Qucen. Kitchener. Stratford. St. Marys. Glencoe mnd London were ail repetitions Qi wisat bas been takingz place throughout western Ontario. .Imm IN CUTTKNG COBTS You buy the moat economsical of ail trucks when you buy tihe new 1939 Chevrolet or Maple Leaf. Because these are "Thse 04/04~ f*, Trucks cf Triple Savings" ... they save ~~ you money three ways-,on purchase price, on operating costs, and on maintenance! That'. why Chevrolet ia 1939'9 "buy- word" for cost-cutting hauling anxong Canadian truck owners everywhere. The cemplete Chevrolet and Maple Leaf lUne --oEering engineered - to - measure units for every requireinent, from 'V2 te 2%/ ton capacity -extends the benefits of Chevrolci economy to 97% of thse entire hauling fi.eld. Check into thia great truckic Une today, mnd arrange a dernonutration. Many modela and wbeelbauea te choose from, including new 2 ton Cab - Over - Engine umita...Extra-strong, cztra-sturdy truck engineering throughot... AJI powered by Chevrolet's famnoua, economicalValve. in-Head Special Truck Engine ... And ail selling ithse loweat price range I L.ow snubty payments on MAe Generai Mari Instailuent Plan. t£ vou want big mileuge- Id. on Dominion Royals. Th.y u»e the oniy tires built with ouuahoemDemd Rubber Trod. 'j, .4' 4 1< - t 4- - o V.JAMEESON Vulcanza"ul n daRo ntnng»ies THURSDAY, JUNE l5.H, 1939 . 1 i 4..,. m