PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. lUNE l5TH. 193e SPORTNEW S GOODYEAR LADS ger for the Hodgsonites, belting Osborne for two doubles and a TRIM WHITE ROSE walk in addition to bis homer. AI 23 - 10 THURSDAY just couldn't get the blond key- If variety is the spioe of 11e, Goodyear - D. McKnight If; Oke 3b; Colweil 2b; Osborne p; G. then the sotbl fans of Bowman- Piper ss; Hooper c; Murphy lb; ville have certainly been getting R. McKnight and Hunt cf; Moor- plenty of spioe this season. For craf t rf., after two wceks of excellent base- White Rose - T. Bagneli and W. bail, things went haywirc this Mutton ss; Bird cf; Tighe 2b; F. past week with the two games utncLag lbButIf ending by lopsided scores, ail of RMutton cLe lb; Bront f which ila aroundabout way of GoRabyr6Rice 54b 1-Brow 18p. hinting that Goodyear wailoped WGoe odye 3602542 3 189 the White Rose nine by a 23 te 10WieRoe3202 -1 96 score an Thursday night. After a fine b-eginning a week t Wad oe ago, Bfi Brawn was much casier Sut WadLo s to hit in this tussle, the rubber- To Goodyear Boys men pounding out cighteen hits B c m1 o1 and using up six waiks and the BySoe1 te 3 samne number of fumbles. AI Os- borne granted the Qulers nine hits A Iead in a softball game isn't whie walkmng three and the worth a plug nickel. Goodycars Goodyear committed four errors. proved this for the umptcenth Only n on innng, he t ird mre on Monday night when they Onl inoneinnngthethidovercame a nine run deficit to1 did the Tiremen go runicss. In trim the South Ward by a 16 toj the other six frames their totals 13 score.1 varied from one to six. The scor- Wîth AI Osborne not available,i ing for the Serviccers was sprcad due to the death of his grand-t over four stanzas, made up of ohrBetClltehad L three ~in the s oithesand Andy of the Rubber team, wcntc ond, two moreintesxhad to the mound and was belaborcd r three in the seventh. freely in the first tw<o innings. Leading the hitters was the South Ward picked up four runs slugging catcher of the Goodyear, n the first and six more in the t Red Hooper, who gathcrcd in four second ta build up a prohibitiveS hits, ail being singles. Oke and -lead. But after the Goodyear1 Osborne for the winncrs and Tighe started with five runs in thc sec- t for White Rose hit four-baggcrs. ond, they ran wild in the last twob Tighe was aiso thc leading siug- frames, picking up five runs in tg _______________________ ach of thc sixth and sevcnth toe Bagts Fer Sgale A usuai, rospaeapom South Ward committed seven Wc have for sale 100 good base- fumbles and six of Uiem came in 9 bail bats, for hard and soft bail. Uic iast two sessions whcn the E Came and pick yours out whilc boys werc gctting jittery under b thc selection la large. pnices ta Uic Goodyear barrage. The oUierC suit every pocket. S. j. Jackman error was made by Horn out ini & Sans, Bowmanville. Phone 780. centre field in thc second and SI 22-t meant Uiree runs. 1 ________________________ Ten miscues were tossed into V Uic wild and woolly affair by Uic t] factorymen, and while they were s spread over more innings Uiey did s] Stheir share for Uic South Ward C OP cause. Johnny Semple started on Uic s. mound for Uic Ward but walked 1 off Uie mound during a Wild S streak in Uie second stanza. Harn fi took over and was a puzzle for s' two frames but hla mates boggcd @SHAWA down in thc closmng sjasms. Bert FreeParkng P in 01 Colwcll blanked Uic men from E Free arkin PhoUichesouUi for Uic last Uiree inn- c Thus.- F1. Sa. ngs as hc tossed his farnous no-v lUNE 15 - 17 Horn gave up ten walks between d Uicm and fanncd six, while Col- e 'The Hardys Ride Hrghl ed none ncbttrEn StrnngA triple by Bates, aL double by b ~ ~oo~< ~ Osborne, singles by Dunlop and NRCKT RONETHorn and two errors g ave Uice - LEWMS STONE - Ward four runs in Uic first. In C FPAYE HOLDEN. Uic second thcy sent ten men ta '1 bat as two fumbies were mixed P Add- Walt Dlsney Cartoon wth anc base blows by Little and tJ "Donld'. Cousin Gus" Harn and two triples by Moore and Semple, for six riais. t The oUicr three runs came ta REVIVALtUi Ward in Uic fourýh on a. s] IREVVALscratch hit by Moore, a cheap borner by Horn, a single by BatesC Frlday at 10.45 p.m. and threecerrors. Horn hit an or f dînay log fy toard lef bu f Y a car was parked along Uic road ti "The Cowd Rarsi' and McKnigbt was unable ta cir- iv stariaff cde Uic car in time for Uic catch. C Goodyear scored once in tUecb. ROBERT TAYLOR first on Uirec walks and a passcd 'a MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN. bail and then addcd five more in hl thc second. WiUi onc out, Moor- cl craft and Dave McKnight singled el Mon. - Tues. - Wed. and bath scorcd ahléad af Oke lU E 19-whcn Horn.- let his liner go b JMR 19 - 22Uirough him. Piper beat out a t dribbler and then after two more I PAUL MUNI - BETTE DAVIS free passes, Semple let Uic game. V lu __ Horn repiaced him and gave up t% two more walks before getting 01 Uic side out. le luarez"In Uic fifth, nine men went ta Ü with Uie plate for Uic Goodyear and five of tbcm scorcd. Two errors, b BRIAN AHERNE a safe bunt by Moorcraft, an in- Pl CLAUDE RAINS. field bit by Piper and a triple by 01 ____________________ Woodward dîd the main damage. 1C Woodward iost a borner wbcn he w \COMNffG feli wbile nearing second and hadl C Fr1.- S t stop at third. t Thurs. - Fr.- a. In Uic ncxt stanza Ross Mc- 0 JUNE 2 *- 24Knight opencd with a double, ' *JUNE ~ -Moorcraft fiicd out and Dave Mc- *Knight singlcd. Then with twa Vc "Rose of Washington out, bits by Colwell and Wood- CI 99 ward along with threc more mis- tl SquaresdeenrmsJPled defeat for tUeIc With South Ward 460 300 0 -13 11l7 tV TYRONE POWER Goodyear 150 055 x - 16 10 10I South Ward - Bates rf; Little ALICE FAYE. ss-D. ipe 3- unop2bO-_ 11W SIMMER PRICES! Low summe priesore now in effecf on 'blue cool' - the world's flnest anthracite - Phone us t.doy. Save mal mon.y on .vey ton. SleppWad & 8111 Lumber Co. Ltd. Pbm. 715 laowmanvile kÀ'~J il k' Cames For The W.ek lUNE 15 - 22 Basebali June 17-Bowmanville at Oshawa June 21-Bow'vilie at Port Hope. Softball Town League- June 15-White Rose vs Front St. June 19--S. Ward vs White Rose. Cream of Barley- June 16-Saiem vs Mapie Grove. June 20-Providence vs Courtice. Soccer June 17-Solina at Brookiin. June 19-Hampton at Mion. June 21--Caurtice at Tyrone. p; G. Cowie c; Semple p; and J. Cowie cf. Goodyear - D. McKnight If; Oke 3b; G. Piper ss; Coiweii p; Mur- phy lb; Woodward cf and 2b; Hunt c; Cunningham 2b; and R. McKnight cf; Moorcraft rf. Umpires - Canicron & Tweedic. Eleven lnnings To Decide In Goodyear Fixture Permitting Uic New Tarante branch of Uic Goodyear Tire and Rubber Comipany ta tic Uic score witb thrce runs in Uic ninth inn- ing, Uic Bowmanville section of tic same organization had ta tra- vel two extra frames before Uièy could snatch a 9 te 8 verdict in a rnushball game here Saturday afternoon. The local rubbermen flasbcd in- to a four run lead in Uic first stanza, added anc mare aftcr Uic Toronto team had scorcd Uirce in the fourth and fifth, took an 8 ao 3 margin in Uic sevenUi anly eo have Uic feilers from Uic city count two in Uic eighUi and thrce nore in Uic ninth. Starting out in Uic rain, Uic two ceams combined te stage the bcst game of the year. Osborne on Uic 3awmanville mound turned in bis cest effort ta date and weuld have cantered hame te victory in Uic regulation time except for somne slipshod support by his mates. He was in a tight spot in Uic tcnth wben a waik and two bits filied the bases, but a fast dauble-killing :quelcbcd Uic Toronto rally in spectacular fashion. Buxomn Bert ColweH l payed Uic lead in Uic Bowmanviile attack, solving Uic slants cf Uic dapper Gordancer for five bingles af varieus kinds. Starting off with a triple, Bertrani followcd up with an ordinary single, a bu4t dawn Uiird base way, a borner and another per- 'ect bunt, this tinie towards first. Bill Oke bad Uirce bits whilc Clark of Toronto was Uic anly visitor te collcct a trio af blows. AU told, Toronto bad an even lozen bits and Bowmanviilc gath- ered fourtecn. Four runs crossed Uic plate for Bowmanville in Uic first trame icI are. a man had been retircd. )avc McKnigbt laced a triple,-to ceft field and scared when Oke lropped a single into centre. Col- weil foilowcd with sather three- ply swat and Osborne tapped off the rally with a lie borner. A single by Clark and a double by Ferguson manufactured Uic initial run for Toronto wbilc two ingles and two errors were re- ponsible for two runs in UiceI ifth. Oke scored fer the lacals in Uic ifth wben be walked and went around an a bunt by Colwdl and twa auts. In the seventh, Dave McKnigbt bit te leIt and Oke and alweil foilowed with round-tnip blows. The Toronto rigbt-fieldcr was unable te salve Uic puzzle of how ta avoid Uic teeter-totter in bhasing long flics bit in that dir- ection. A single by Garrcll and a triple by Clark plus an error counted two for Toronto in Uic eigbth. Inglis bomcered ta start tU i amU, Williamsan singled sud then with two out, Ross McKnigbt let Clark's ordinary single go tbrougb bhW lgg, Uic Toronto athîcte making the circuit. Aftcr a tast double-play, Os- bornc ta Colweil ta Murphy, had puiled Uic Bowmanviile team 'out of a bad spot in the tenth, Uic lcal Cloodyearites put over Uic winning: marker in Uic elevcnth. Okc baggcd bis third bit te open te inning and promptly stole sec- ond. Colweil sent bus ta third with a perfect bunt and then after Osborne bad popped harmlcssly to Uiird, Piper drove a fly ta deep centre, Oke sprinting home after the catch. Toronto - Garrell 3b; Greene f; Clark 2b; Gordaneer p; Thorn- tn lb; Ferguson c; Shipway ss; Ingis cf; Wiliamsen rI. Bowmanviile - D. McKnigbt 1f; >ke 3b; Colwcll 2b; Osborne p; G. Piper ss; Woodward 2b; Mur- phy lb; Hunt and R. McKnigbt cf; and Moorcraft rf. Toronto 000 120 023 00-8 12 3 Baw'ville 400 010 300 01-9 14 5 Racinga Pigeon Club Bowmanvillc Racing P i g e o n Club flew their scventb old bird rce on Saturday, June 10, from Montpclicr, Ohio. The birds en- countered bad weather and ne irds -reacbcd hMme in Uic day. 'olaowing arc Uic resulta: 9.Bottreli - 13 hrs, 3 mins, 55 sec. P.Bottreli - 13 brs, 30 mins, 8 sec. L.Richards 14 hrs, 31 mins, 22 sec. L.Richards 16 hrs, 56 mins, 59 sec. It la said that Stalin geta les ian $10 a month, but owns Roils oycc cars. We bet be is constant- [ in the Red.-Toronto Telcgram. Pl a] T1 E c ri m~ cc bi Fg Fý F. L L. th Ri 13 IBricks and Béquets BT NELSON OSBORNE The Bowmanviile Rayais re-, turned to the home corral, for a one game stand iast nlght and are now ready to go on the -road again. In tact, they are sPending the best days of the schedule on the road. This trip they drap into Oshawa on Saturday ta fry and take a littie wind out afI. ails of the Motor City klds. Then they h6p down to Port Hope ta try con- clusion wxth Tonnny Pointer and crew. The week la going ta be far from a soft touch. After coming from bchind ta trim Cobourg In- termediates the Oshawa youth movement brushed aside the. Co- bourg Juniors via the shutout route on Saturday. In tact the Junior entries in the Lakeshore Intermediate 'League are begin- ning to draw some unfrlendly glances from their older brethren. This younger generation appar- ently do flot know that they are supposed to play like Juniors and not cause the Intermediates such embarrassment. Tom Depew, an up-and-coming local lad wbo la a membcr af the Oshawa burling staff, may get the cail ta wark against bis townsmen, and Ticker Crombie la aimoat cer- tain ta be bebind Uic plate. Out in cente field wiil be a fellow by the name of Colville who also kniows bis way around Uic Bow- manville streets. And sa it behooves Uic local hopes ta, be an their best bebav- iaur Saturday or Uic Oshawa club may continue ta pull surprises. The Royals gave Uic supporters of Uic Port Hope Ontarlos a ra- ther rude shack last Wednesday when Uiey meted out a 4-0 decis- ion ta the bometowners. Leading villani in Uila tragcdy wes a yaung sauthpaw by the nanie of WiUi- eridgc. This same portsider, wbo was anc day tea old for Junior this ycar, had much ta do witii Bowmsuville advancing ta Uic semi-finals last ycar and, he was rigbt back in form in Port Hope. Witheridge opened Uic scason for Bowmanviile back an Uic 24th aI May but retired under Uic tire 'of Oshawa bats in Uic fourth inrüng. Howcver, Uic only rctiring donc in bis second start was by Uic Part Hope batters wbo retired ini regular order. Only anc hit was pried tram tUic-delivery aI Uic Bowmanvile artist and not once did Uic Ontarios tbreafcn serieus- iy. It was Uic best pitcbing effort of Uic lcaguc 50 far and it la very doubtful if it is bettered. Bowmanville didn't coilect many bita, but Davlcy was obligingly wil1d at times and Port Hope fum- bles came at Uic rigbt time. Boyd Sleman, Uic agile first-basemân.of Uic Rayais, was Uic anly batter te make two bits. Tex Rickard don- ncd Uic pads and bandled bis twirlcr te perfection. Not anc Port Hope man teck liberties with bis arrn and with Uic tcam Playing grand bail, be had an easy tirne. Nat that wc like ta brag, but exactly anc week, six hours and eigbtecn minutes after this col- ùmn suggestcd that if sornething wasn't done about Uicernound at Uic public school mushball grounds, someone wculd fali off sud break a neck, AI Osborne fui- t iiled Uic Iirst h.alf of Uic pro- phccy. OI course be didn't finish out Uic possibility mentioncd, but since we are bitting .500, rnaybc wc can forgive bim for bis over- sigbt. We also notice that Uhi rnound la now back te ground icvel. Dut in Uic rural saftball league, Uic ligbtly-considcrcd Salemn crewj Uirew a surprise win into Uic league on .Friday nigbt when Uiey battercd Uic champion Providencej tcarn for a 17 te 9 win. Since Uicy bad also trimmed Maple Grave Uic week previaus this put Uic Salem tearn up an top of Uic league witb twa wins against no defeata. WiUi Courtice and Pro- vidence countcd on ta provide most of the thriils, all the league needs la for Maple Grove ta camne through with a few victories ta make it a grand tussie. Dese, Dose and Dem - Believe it or not, Uice xecutive of the In- termediate Basebaîl Club pay ta get into Uic bail gamcs. In their laut home game anly one member cf Uic brain staff failed te drap1 bis quarterminote ctray it4 wouldn't be that so-caiied sports scribe who missed, would it?)..1 Zike Anies, stccky second-base- man aI Uic Royals, bas been trans-1 fcrred te Claremont by bis finm, Uic Bank of Cammerce. . .. Johin "Wimpy" Neal is. practising dilii-1 gently with Uic tcarn and wil likely appear in anc of the ccrn- ing contest.... StURi aven't amen a good umpiing job in Uic league. ..Hint to those who like ta sec a lot af baIl sud bave a lat af fun - attend Junior Farmers pic- nic at Bcthany this Saturday. ... Front Street and White Rose mccl to-nigt... . Is this Uic right Uic Clerks crash Uic win cciumn? ... Included in Toronto Goodyear line-up wcrc Jobnny Inglis of Goadyear hockey lame and Bernie Thornten, Argo rugby player, for- merly af Queen's... . As thcy say in Bowmanvillc "Goodday." A GARDEN AND A FRIEND "Thank God for a garden, Be it ever 80 srnall. Thank God for Uic sunshine That cames fiaading it ail. Thank God for Uic flowers, For Uic rain and the dew. Thank God for Uic Summer, That brings me you. Thank God for the sunrise, For Uic new morning bright, Thank God for the sunset, That la 'sbepbcrd's dcligbl.'. Thank God for the cornfild, In tUic maanllgbt cf blue; Thank GocI for Uic Summer; Thanli God far youl" Durham Boy Attends Embassy Garden Party At Washington De C. ra Williamsburg, Virgicilq, f ' June i0tb. 1939. Editor Canadian Statesnan, Dear George : It is some time since I inflicted a letter on vou, but as you have been having King George and Queen Elizabeth with Yeti ail at Toronto and in other cities, I tjiought it migbt be of inter4st t6 you and readers of The Statesman te lcnow that we too bave had then in Wash- ington, where they were guests cf President and Mrs. Roosevelt as well as guests of the British Ambassador, Sir Ronald Lindsay and Lady Lind- say. It is needless ta say that on Thurs- day and Friday they received a tre- mendous welcome. attended by over tbree Quarters of a million people ail dressed in their Sunday best ta get a glimpse of thc British Ruilers, as migbt have been expccted, 1 be- lieve Washington tried ta outdo even Montreal or Toronto. The 21-gun salute .greeted them, on arrivai and on Thuirsday the largest procession, a regular nageantt. was seen on Pen- nsylvania Avenue, with thausands of British flaoes alonoe witb the stars sud stripes. decorating the Iamp vposts and business sections. AIl street cars sud street buses carried the Union Jack alonu witb Old Glarv makinz it picturesaue and celorful. 'the Garden Party at thxe Embassy ta noted people. where 1300 were in- vited. out of 13,000 who wanted in- vitations, ta sec Uic King aild Qýucen, was also a brillisut functio, Friday forenoon myseif and fam- uvy had Uic bonor cf bcing invitcd by the British Ambassador sud Lady Lindsay ta attend a private rcce.ption ta the King and Queen, limited ta subiects of Canada and Great Britain who were living in Washington sud nearby vicinity. There werc some 1300 at Uiis re- ceptian including 250 ex-service men, men who bad faugbt overscas and ail of whomn appeared with medals. I had a closeup yiew of Tbeir Maiesties being within a very few feet of Uiem. The Queçn ywas bail- cd as anc of the mast bcaptiful as well as graciaus wamen ever to be in the, limelight. or ta came before the public. We ail felt particularly pleased 1as wcll as p)rotid wben my y ounzest daugbter, Marian, who is on the Em- bassy staff. was presenteçilta Uic King and Qucen by Sir Ronald Lindsay, the Ambassador. The King bowed ta ber vcry cbarmingly and Qucen Elizabeth said, "Hlow do you do. Miss Osborne." sud at the same time shakinz hsuds with ber. Mar- ian duly curtesied and replied. "quite weij your Majesty," aIl of wbich was ciuite thrilling as yau may knowm ta Marian. AIl could net be presented sa wc were not disappointed in njot meeting them nersonally. I took several pic- turcs of the King and Queen and hope Uiey turn out ai rigbt.. The sun was verv %hat, the sky be-1 Extend Hospitality .To CIty ChiIdr.n Twenty years ago an idea was born in Uic minds of officiais aI Uic Ncighborbood Workers As- sociation of Taranto. Ini several rural newspapers a plea was made for county people toecxtcnd their bospitality, wiUicut remuneration, ta anc or twochcildren tram the city during Uic bot summer months. In Uiat summer sixty cbildren enjoyed a holiday such as Uicy bad neyer known -befcre. Hostesses were,. askcd wberever possible to receive two children at Uic samne turne. From that small beginning Uic idea grew. Thcy respondcd te Uic plea s0 readily that within Uirec ycars the number aI cbildren be- lng sent ta Uic country bad rcach- cd 236. Hostesses begsu te invite. Uic samne cbildren, back year aller ycar sud otten their intercst con- tinucd long after Uiechcildren re- turned te Uic city. Last summer, according to F. N. Stapleford, General Secretary aI Uic Neigbborbood Workers Asso- ciation, 1,159 cbildren were sent away tram the city for two weeks or marc. "Credit for Uic splendid growth et Uic plan la largçly due," says Mr. Stapleford, "ta Uic co-opera- tion aI Uic rural newapapcrs, clergymen, womcn's organizations sud Uic gencraus people aI rural Ontario. "Their hospitality and kindncss have made drearns cerne truc for msuy boys and girls. Boys wbo wsuted more than anything in 111e ta live an farrns bave. hadttheir drcams realized. Children wbo were pale and thin tram long weary months in Uic city, received iniz clear and as a result sQme 300 were prostrated by the beat. I feit sorry for the K-ring as be stili bad on bis black woollen suit, no uniforni. that he had been wearing in north- western Canada. and must have been nearly sweltered as it was ninety- f ive and a haif degzrees at the time. The Embassy staff bad of course to.dress the same, with toi) bats and J. A. Osbarne as tbey passed near me 1 could sec Uicy wcre aimost ready to drop. The Qucen looked beautiful ln iovely drcss of ligbt matefiai,, with a picture bat and carryiniz a iý;hite parasol. She is really a beautiful woman sud se gRTacious as she smiled on us. as she moved along the longz line of neaple wbo tjxronged the izraunds outside of the raped in en- closure. In the afternoon we were given tickets and p)asses into Arlington Cemetery wbere the King laid a wreath on the tomb of the unlcnown saldier. as President Roosevelt the Queen, Mrs. Roosevelt sud Lady Lindsav stood by with bowed heads. From the tomb the Kjr. visited Uic Canadian Cross where gpnother wreath was laid. This cross was crectcd in memory af the American soidiers who fought in the Canadian armny and lost their lives in that conflict ta preserve democracy. 1As vau will have read -in the var- îous newspaners the account of Their Malesties visit to New York and ta Hyde Park thence towards Canada and home it is flot necessary far me ta tell yau more. One thiniz stands out as g resuit of this visit: a better feelingz between this countrv and the Mother Country, and a closer bindinz of tuie tics be- twecn Americans and Canadians; that the demacratic principles wc both share. wili be preservcd at ail costs by the English speakinR pea- ffles; that the people here baviniz been bonared by a visit af the Eng- lish rulers wbam thcy bave seen, face ta face, bas ccmented closer dies of friendshiv and gaod will. J. A. Osbarne. new encrgy sud bappincss. For a few weeks Uiey enjoyed Uic rlght- fui benitage ef cvery cbild - long sunny days, flawers, birds, trees, and su expanse of blue sky. "The job is by no means fin- isbed. Eacb year brings ita quota af ncedy children. This summer there are at least 1,200 youngsters wbo urgently require bnie respitè trom Uic crowded city quarters in wbicb Uiey live. Once again wc, must appeai for the co-operation sud interest of rural dwellers," Mr. Stapleford states. Reguiations gavcrning Uic coun- try home plan are simple. Homes must be within a radius aI 150 miles trorn Tarante. Transporta- tion is supplied by the Ncigbbor- bood Workers Association, sud cbildren are medicaily cxamined before leaving town. Invitations must be accompanicd by a refer- ence tram Uic local clergyman or a prominent member aI the corn- rnunity, sud sbould state Uic nurn- ber cf cbildrcn desired, and the ages and sex preîerred. All lettersaI invitation or in- quiry re Uic countyborne plan of vacation for city cbildren should be addressed ta Uic Ncigh- borhood Workers Association, 22 Wellesley Street, Toronto. Neyer lose an appcrtunity' aI seeing anything beautiful. Wel- corne it i every fair face, every fair sky, every fair flower. - Kingsley. Life neyer serns 50 clear sud easy as when Uic beart is beating faster at Uic sigbt aI some gener- ous, self-risking deed. - George Eliat. ,Cats and candidates love ta raost on Uic fence. Da'mghter of lac A. Osborne, Na- tive of Tyrone, Presented To King andi Queen At Reception fast martyr of pat;ienc-e and minis-'_____________ tration, transfigured by deathless love."ý-E. H. Chapin. "0f ail carthly music that which "Jesus was unselfish. . . . Out reaches farthest into heaven la the of the amplitude of his pure aI- beating of a truly loving hcart."- fection, he dcfined Love."1-Maryr H. W. Beecher. Baker Eddy. "If there la any -thing that kecps "'Our affections are our 11e.- the mmdd open ta, angel visita, ane We live by them; tiiey supply our repels the ministry of evil, it ilaa warmth ."-Channing. pure human love."ý-N. P. Willia. Strength for thé Future Hfere 's something you can, b. sure of: Ibis youugster is getting off to, a good start in life. The Glen Rae Kilk ho drinks' supplies calcium and ph<qsphorus ta build bonzes and teeth the protein aida body growth and rpi b lactase is heipful in preventing digestive i turbances - and vitamins guard bis health. serve it ta, YOUE youngsters! G LEN RAE DAIRY ions 2865 Bowi, manville I r I h. Let's Talk it over WOULD YOU ,be able to replace your hasný if fire rmined it? Have you really enougli Pire Insurance tao ov6r its present value, sis well as ail the contents? If yeu have any double aak our advioe . . . thon 's nýa charge ar obliation whatever. Je Je. MASON & SON Phone 681, INSURANCE AENS DRESSAKERHAD TO QUIT SEWING ]Eaud&SwoDn With Rheumatlam Pity this poor dressmakeri1 Nine- tenths of ber work -consists o'f sew- ing - and she was miot able ta, sew. Rbeumatism in tue bande was ber trouble. and she tried any number of remiedies. But nothirW helDed much - until she came ta 'Jruschen. "Three - sd- a -half year3 aga," she writes. "I had a vidEént attack of rheumatic vains. My feet end hands were swollen. The pain waa terrible. I was, rpally quite crippled and belpless.1 , "I tried nmany remedies without success. Then I started Krus- chen Saits. and after one montllI could stand up again. Then. I walk- ed with a cane. In tbree months, I was quite well again. As I amn a dressmaker. you -can imagzine what it meant ta nie not tp be able ta work mv sewingz machine.. What a treat ta be able ta walk. te workc, and to be free from p)ain."-(Mrs.) E. S. The stabbinkg pains of rbeumatismn are often caused by needleponted crystals of uric acid lodginsc in the ioints. Kruscben brings relief be- cause it helps ta dissolve those troubiio crystals and ta expel thei PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIANT STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. JUNE ISTII, M The Ist Troop completed its season's activities with a hike and weiner roast Tuesday evening. After indulRiniz in several' favorite Rames. most of the boys were satisfied to sit down for a while and rest be- fore beginniniz the feast. The latter was much appreciated. consistinz of hot doRs and pop. The Pop) was Pro- vided throuRh the Renerosity of Charlie Carter. who was also pre- sent. After a sing-song and camp- f ire stories, Scoutmaster Clif f Me- Nair dismissed the Troop. asking ail the bovs to remember their Scout Promise through the summer. and be ready to start in whole-lieartedly with the oDening of the fall season. The lst Troop wish to thank Mr. H. C. Gaud for allowing them to use his p)roperty several times this sorinoe for Scout hikes, and outdoor meetings. "HIow often a new affection makes a new man. The sordid be-i cornes liberal; the cowering, her-1 manffle