c'" . 77 THE CANADIAN STATESm. \N,, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 2OTH, 1939 PAGE SIX THE WEEK IN SPORT Batting Averages groes put eraoudorab Bricks and Bouquets Game, of the Week - JUIY 20 to 27 0f SoftbaiI Players 4boethe tlns.«hyrhli ____ - LA" BY NLSO OSBRNEThat versatile sports writer, BY ELSN SBONEBaseball commentator, columnist, official * J o te ud."oreon vas S PR ESJuly 22-Bowmanville at Cobourg scorer, club secretary deluxe and of h.cre ck- Bowmanville Royals a dl dle d Juniors. other what-have-yous has been o ~he stmed fe h A(as SPO R T__N EW S vitoy ad,, atBowmnilfle, 6.0. knowledge. What we togtatcuh i duin hepstwekan n o otbl frt lac wsa ubciEin %"If he's hri cntsadi. Royal. Continue W inningdrn h atwe .di OSfbl is newsasbeito Strea ruongknumbersoffive and sirtoeJuly 20-S.bourgVIntermiate Rse bsy thebStatirs ica rbuPof-[ Nau flit atserdesif 1hlbr Dy Defeatimng Cobourg Satmrday from a tid ol ver Othope Jun- inuthelTewnr ofal lTE M L gue upîfa Th r e m e b o stopping in .hGirlsaif of thelsanoe tram . alikectoorheuRo als.iody. TheacryrPdLcem nodytoTa theeseemni toyabe .no tu- inweeks ail oppositionmehas lookedkeGte thSofibal!of tbis conglomnerate list of figures A iw onized whmrn. Hw sh dthe BowmanvdiRyasxOp Statur- Slemon and Rickard wraipped walks- July 20-Hampton at Salem but we bave it from Nelson, hini- BA 1L Fwa daytbe ataied the- ce-st a ro urMi a single by Colville to set Cobourg showed a great im- July 24-Maple Grove at Courtice self, that he bas double-checked UJ ILoî>ened thetp henvrkew vbory wn the y san7ked4se the - stage for Osborne's third hit, provement in *heir playing on Socer theni on nature's o bt hedi oenit ad ad bou Rg arbios by aed to 4scOreh1h doe home two runs. auda over their previous per- Ji 22-Brooki at Courtice machine (his fingers) h ic b bandage fri hrbos bc AlhuhteRyi fr ivrCobourg AB R H PO A E formances. Only two miscues Juîy 24..olina at Hampton leaves no dispute for an argument. tore frornbrmolesrgrls Althougb thenot hRoyas ts wereof neyerl behind. the win was not takçn as ohnston. ss 5o0o0i13 1 were marked up against tbem and July 26-Zion at Tyrone. Betee t r ot hrelath tl easily as have some of the] R ames Rollinizs. 2b 5 0 0 2 2 o they had a lot of power at the o vrgsu o 0 :Easw this year. Dave Osborne.,3vaSî unable Goodv. cf 5 0 2 1 o o plate. Gordon Smoke let it be D. Osborne 600, F. Tighe 583 Synopsis it has made me lose you-jane-" Evans w it hrdedflbr hur hi uualbrad f bil ndBrooks. If 5 0 2 0 O O known that he will be hard to hit Clerke Loe Game Dilling 571, A. Osborne 563, Mar- Young. pretty Jane Barnes, who "Yumsst~sc bns rpe nbrcp."ev o te hulhsuulbado aladReymes, 3b 3 2 2 0 2 0 in the future, in fact, he was not T tobr entget0 buc 00 J ooert0,oiedathheveterinary "Ye us. Runsuh hng-"t Rt i the Ponies combed bis offerinizs for ayt ahmo audy nywnin "mutDn'IkoYuwe ontel twelve bits. two more than tae Rov- Elliott. 3b 1î0o0o1i0o0ote asyt fatB ownvSturday.OlyT Hbr . y 50H o acb 5002, . Coperan500, Iived ith herkbroter.Washing, sin amut.n't kenow? You wen, m re don totbRoaIn o i hr' ais were able to make off Smoke. McCaig, rf 5 2 2 0 0ote at bt0owavil hds not particularly impressed when da.BtIcudhe-waked vou. Thrwaaca.ndbeEvs I ath isloa per ncewton. lb 4 o 1 S O the Royals to the tbick of the figbt for a play- G. Piper 441, F. Mutton 436, B. Towne had been left at the altrb rgd.Yul ee yk pu h akJn aetedgit of Indian Gordon Smoke since be Nwo.l l.the ienabfleiinteFrndtetce aes40 .MIve 00 .Ia ym raey o'lnv- wk-tpu h a donned the tozRery of the Ponics Smoke. p 4 O0 1 1 1 amtewn.ofpsto heFotSre re ae 0,D M0ve 0,B Delafield Sîrnrs. weathly New -for me-"(C alhoghhewa hrewîb bePeer .turned in one of tbeir faMOUS Large 400, Richards 385, D. Piper Yorker. However, she still mused «, alhuz ewshr ihtePtr hr eetomnrac-382, H. CoInser 371, J. Semple 368, over it when she met Evans ol Don't-" n ag 7 bor ntreiae om es g-Toas4141,2 l2dents in the game. Jack Reymes garnes and dropped another de- W. Mutton 364, D. Little 364, D. letayon eFhow ol-h "el i' tu.Wby not say it? Off to a badl start the wiry Indian Bowmanville AB R H PO A E suffered a painful injury wben he cision to the league-leading Good- Mett.on 357, C. Osbornethe 357 Hi's rue had his moments of brilliance as he Roach. ss 5 1 1 3 2 0 took one of Dave Osborne's fast years Monday night by 13 to 9. Moorecraft 353, J. Rice 353, B wa and d ef o pletEay hdscour ag d oe oneackma-sAdYrew.t Pinned ten Royal scalps to bis belt. Slemon. lb 4 2 1 7 0 O ones on thse elbow in the seventb Snub Piper handled the mound Moore 350, J. James 348, N. Horn loe andesne. va on gBadwiway hadowI oftaYean- And lyore li However he was flt as effective Colville. If 4 1 1 4 O O and Jack Roach was felled by a duties for the Rubbermen and 333, J. Woodward 333, E. Rundle loeBarne. Tn h aytemorin Badwîn wore Iof t ou n-monlyioteie r- with men on bases. and the Royals Rickard. c 3 1 2 7 i O) thrown bail that glanced off tbe gave up 14 bits, but in emergen- 333, J. May 333, T. Bagneli 33 es.onbswyfwrki Wh-meofa ona- retbeo- made the most of their bits and Osborne. 1n 4 2 .3 O O I tbe corner of bis eye as he neared cies, eitber he badl tbe goods, bis M. Oke 325, R. McKnight 316, B ington. offered assistance te a taîl. shiped-Jane-" the four walks Riven up by Smoke. BaRnell. cf 3 0 i 0 O O first in the eigbth. Mickey is team gave him sound support, or Colwell 314, H. Depew 313' B* lovely girl in distress. Later be As he caught ber hand up in bis, Dave Osborne and Tex Rckard Kent. 3b 4 0 i 2 2 2 sporting a swell shiner but will tbe Clerks couldn't hit the side of Bird 313, M. Barnard 300,' H. found a baR sbe bad lef t in the car, she bad a sudden f lasbing vision ofJ were the main offensive threats for Walton. 2b 4 0 0 2 2 0 recover. a ban. Anyway the Goodyears Murphy 300. containiniz a diamond ring on wbich bum as be badl been when be last th oas son itnzontreHoel r amassed a grand total of 16 bits__________ was inscribed "Del to Editb-For- sat with ber in fthe grove-the swing O H W of isfou tip f0th pate Ji~Nichois. rf 2 O O 1 O O Aitbougb the club la winnig of~ various dimensions and these ever." He knew then that his pass- of bis stroniz figure, bis bare head ________________ Rickard had a double and single. 34 - 1-27 7- f-rread brows. heei wearing mixed with 8 errors plus a few Officiai Safthafl enRer bad been Edith Towne. AI- borrowinR gold f rom tbe sun - the Hi dubewa adrv hgbinoTotals-----------------------s ediiy the ex eiv f'ans have bqnebead plays sent tbe ultinsate ready he was baîf way in love witb toucb of assurance wbicb bad been LAT2DY the trees whicb bounded back into Runs batted in-McCaig 2, Cooper, been turning out in rather smaîîwnesitllis nn edSadn br htngtb icse h oplig thef eld Mcky Rac wa asoNewon Rikad , Bgnil , en, numbers and the club is at a ioss that was neyer threatened. matter. witb Jane, and they o:c.1led ber 'I neyer knew that Yeu cared-" robbed of a borner in tbe sanie man- Osborne 2. Two-base hits-McCaig, to know the reason wby. Tihe Mac Hart played bis first game G W Lune.wrdysobtiadFed- 11r. Roach. Rickard. Three-base its- boys are battiing for every incbh'for the Factoryites and had three Goodyear 10 7riday - HeSaturdayat her I nw t bt e a ddafe Roah pend he owanvil Mcai, Ryms, ageil Obo n every bail game and except bits as did Oke and Murphy. Ma- White Rose 9 5 4 home. delighted with Jane's simpiic- your wonderfui letters f0 me over DouglasFibnk r n haîfh of tbe frs tb a woasle Saiic. esHoope.sonaes.gas Cbur unos aeIotsn a tre aete fr rntPpsfol 4 5iI.Hefodtbr Eih' tr, ndter.I et.i Ieercai bc, ailRtBae bithih n o te res ndwen f -ooy. roks2.Simon, Osborne turned in a badl game at bome. Street. Front Street 10 3 7 tbey filledl in tbe missing Unes. Be- ynaderh"H thr sSlmnbatota ifed2. Bagneil. Kent. Left on bases-Co- They are leading the league, the Hart opened the game witIf a cause er un cepdsied D itEdt sopd BI ane an -di fer-y T thias Coli eadtheutas fes b bourg il, Bowmanville 8. Bases on number of errors committed by safe bunt and wben Oke's ordin- teetiist o.lmntgii a.lki ad e Rckrdbie base-mke4sitb ithrby the club bas been small per game ary double went to the fence, the DON ALLIN WINS Simnis. whom sbe liked but did net teetig 0yu ' p on wlftz f ad wherns- cre tplte bl-Osbomne Reymes. Stie- y-(mucb Iess than the eight made Goodyear were ahead by two loeom ingfuiusen brev ai ed frmto ue ds hip-a. ltmgh p le il. w uscrse h Pae sbokn, e yOhme.Sr7 os- by Detroit in one game on Sun- runs. With two ouf Moorcraf t YO YO CONTEsTr bc. That drid ot peent bfil er f romiytejn e, R nib 5Oî N y r et Cobourg ftied if up) in the second Soe1.Obre7 day or even the four made by the doubled Colwell home for the show n for the wedding. She dis- "Nothiniz can spoil our friendsbip. when McCaiR sandwicbed a triple Umpires -Matfhews and Kellar, same fearn in tbe second game third run. Five more Goodyear Don Aluin la No. 2 Yo-Yo cham- appeared immediately after the wed- Evans-"' The thrfigsoyo h between singles by Reymes and Oshawa. that day when over 46,000 attend- runis crossed the piaffer in the Pon of Bownsanville and district ding was f0 -have taken place. Hear- He laid bis band on bier. "Then BiihEpr Cooper. Rickard opened the third ed.) The team bas the fwo besf second before Mason relieved Col- as a resuit of the second contesf îng the story, Baldy and Jane you are rnine - until sornebody wifb a double and affer Osborne pîtchers in the league, the besf mer on the Front Street mound held at Johnston's Book Store sympathized witb Edith, flot witb cornes along and dlaims you?" -AiddAtato sinRled. Bagneli pumped a tbree and Merchants Take first baseman and the besf left Hart and Red Hooper had singles, ri a fenon îhacpct eruce b etdy aer- "hr s'fayoyes, nofbng ifcbf0 eep eftforfbre Pesi-C la eam and centre fielders. Tex Rickard Murphy and Coiwell had bomers rw nafedne ceived a basket of fruit f rom Towne. turned ber fingzers uii fe meef bis, "dRoyal anr bases.inipthe dfi lftfsorne sced piC l T aii ast moving to the top of the and the Merchants hait another Bill Salmon, who conducted the asking if be might caîl againi "so don't worry. old dear," sbe oaes n asrtche singeOborKntafr catcbing list since he bas found error. contest the week before, wasj smiled af birn but ber lashcs were O e ondasraing leouf aetriple. Faced bv elîmination f ront the post bis bafting eye. We admit that The trailing King Streeters again disappointed in net seeingI CHAPTER IV wet. Her band was warrn in bis obiout arwe.onteBw season Play-offs the Front Street Roacli and Kent are ouffielders made a valiant affempt te get any Bowmanville girls entering and she let if stay there, and affer Thieir Mjsie'Ust e11 manviravnagedbv agnge Os- clerks Dounded ouf a 12 t0 6 win by trade and are ouf of position wîthin bailing distance of the the affair. Instead, June Blow of Mrs. Follette bad been born in a wbile she said. "I bave sopuetimes Oanadinc aptl- bornve afor therscaire of taie s over Pepsi Cola, Friday niglit, the wben playing the infield, but af leaders by counting four trnes in Oshawa enfered and won the Maryland witb a tradition of ais- tbought thaf if if would make you in the sixth. Reymes started witb a loss pulliniz Pepsi Cola back into a the sanie time they are doing their the second. Colmer doubled, Hub aadfrtegrs nietlytcai lo.I a hsuaiinhpy ib trpl. cai dube-ad e tonte with White Rose. best and are coming up with some Hooper drew a walk, Cole singled Miss Blow beat ouf the boy con- wbich bad upbeld ber fhrougbh vears "Migt-love me?" trinple. TimmaiWrght wasdonntheewoondmigbfy fine plays. Kent bad fwo and Brougb bomered. Bad thow testants in bier exhibition of tricks. of poverty affer the Civil war. A "e. siniled.Timv Wiht ws o them ad The Rovals concluded the scoring for the Merchants. bis second ap- baer fbrows on Safurday but nei- mng gave the Rubbermen two more Both champions were given a dlose scanninR of the fanuily f meC He shook bis bead. "I dicln'f say ___________________pearance of the season and he lumit- te led te a run and wben the in the third but James got those sweater bearing a Yo-Yo Cham- inigbt bave disclosed ancestors wbo if for that. I just badl te have the Mon.-Tus -W d ed the soft drink boys f0 nine bits pîncb was on, lie made a nice back by bomermng witb Rundie, pion Crest and a certificafe of had worked wifb their bauds. But truth between us. And I doft want andket ten wll ndr cntolpick-up and fbrow. Roacli bad who bad doubied on ahead of him. menit these. Me~s. Follette's farnuly, had -pity. If-if I ever gef back-lIl JULY 2 5-2 afdf pters m ooeplay by bis nteam trouble witb a couple in the same The League leaders picked up _________________cbosen f0 ignore in favor of one mnake vou love me. Jane." There .. %\O ULII ates gae e oex-loytbyWarders m game, althougb nof credited with single fallies i eacb of the last grandfather wbo badl aeld Colonial was a bint of bis old masterfulness mae gv.hee-ouhW .dr any errors, but the boys are ini fbree frames while Front Street S-rppD office, and wbo had since been mag- -and site was fbrilled 4y if.' four run lead in the first innutlg. their figbting and we feel that the made their final tbree markers in The ultimafe \inners tied the score fasClLonraiethsadteffh UIC KLY nified into a personage. Sbe withdrew ber band an.d sfood at five ail in the third and went unto eitungotindvs.A Goodyears - Hart rf; Oke 2b; had walked a mile each morning f0 back-"' the lead in the next staflza. present tbere is a sizable deficit Murphy lb; O. Hooper c; Colwell1jt aeherin itSrwo Prk, "ovumniJny? PrvObrewstela in nthe treasury but hopes are bigh ss Moorcraff cf; Piper p; Wood- tirakedhdleain a ilerwd ark, "DI ume.Eans.,Ja " FePakn Phn101 Rundle. James and Hoover shared around, the ink used will be black. and' U ' ngifufl tp;th 1s trdof "he ry odos arm Fre Prkig hon 111 six bits for Front Street, Eacb buri- Front Street - Mason 3banp two peripafetic miles a day. snd dear. for I'm going feu do if." Martyn If; Rundle rf; James lb; asc sU.gýai â m e pg,, ii « my b of eizbf boums at bis desk and of Tbey smiled ait each otber. but it er f ann e um en ut ssesp efas tsat the fas aecatshe Colmer 3b; H. Hooper c; Cole and etenally putingz on is dinner coat was a sacred moment. Thus.- n.- at. wid udgae u sve psss i efotsoftheRoal ws hon Mcllveen 2b; Breugb cf; Richards - ----wben there was 1no one to see. sud The tbings tbey did affer thaf TuLY 0 - r.-S t addition t0 a dozen its wbile Wight by the applause wbicb greeted and Wiseman ss. like old Baldwin Bamnes, be bad laid were rendered unimportant bv the SHURLEY TEMPLEol passedatwo. evsar t er i nepato.vr snîgGoodyear 352 011 1 -13 16 5 Cflby bu down with a will. baze of encbantmenf wbicb hung In ame and Lite b a ta it. Fiper bt Front Street 042 030 0 - 9 14 8 Business Direclr At bis deatb aIl income stopped, over Evans' revelation. No man L .rdCwebtDfli n s ic saapspndte Uprs-HbsadTede and Mrs. Follette bad fouuîd lerself can tell a woman thaf be loves ber. Susannah 0f 1The bornece C ou bu t unlo and gs- S iuc hawastonaed be Upns ob on a somewbaf lonelv Peak of ex- no woman can listen. witbout a Pl the King Streeters tossed in tbrcc piayed last niglit, the Royals bave Legal clusiveness. She could not afford tbrobbing sense of the magnituck- of Mounties os te belp the Pepsi çrew to a holiday unfil Saturday wben A dog's devofion puts buman M.Gt.GOe Af go witb ber richer neighborn, and fthe tbing wbicb bas bappened. Fron con orruns. Front et began they go te Cobourg te fry and friendsbip te sbame. .G .GUD .L.. sbe. refused to consuder Sberwvood sucb beguiniungs us wrifteu3 tbe bus- with wbitflinz down thaf iead in their avenge the defeat pinned on them ________________ BarristrSolicitor, Nofary seriously. Now sud then. bowever. tory of bumanity. RANOLH SOT baf s Boub wlkd. arynsome Urne ago by the Countytown .1oe31 she accentedl invitations f roni old Deen) in a bollow wbere tbe wind MIARGARET LOCKWOOD singled and Rundie beat ouf a bit Juniors. Next Wednesday they (wbo dees?) but they do cail Royal Bank Bldig., Bowmanville friends. and in retumu offered sucb bad sweptfnun the snew, and left the Added - Disney Cartoon to f ilI the bases. James îiopped up return te the home corral wben them as they see fbem. There are - sumple bosuifalify as she could af- ground bare-thev found crowfoot in "Se& Scouts" but Knigbt dropped Colmer's liuer they will try and lasso the Ce- several players wbo crab on ai- W. R. STRIKE ford witbout self -consciousness. an emerald carpef-there were bol- and fwo men scored witb Rundie bourg Ponies f or a third straigbt mosf every decision wbicb is nef Barlafter, Solicitor, Notary She bad. too. a sort of admirable ]y' branches dripping re.d berrnes REVIVAL cosn h lt ae nawl time. Affer the game of Safurday, a pleasing sight. If a player feels a liciter for Bank of Montreal courage. Hem ambitions bad been like blood on the white drlîftt. Tbey crosig heplte atr n wldthe return engagement betwixt be bas a legitimate peeve, let hMn oe te Loan. Phone 791. wrapped n in ber sou. Wbat ber f illed their arrns, and ai lasftbey uiWuGO EBRN Friday at 10.45 p.m. nîtcb. these teams should really draw a argue, but why must we have "wmnfe, ntr.fter igfbvbenEvs were ready to go. ~ a~...aluthethid rae Hilan alhedcrowd. This Cebourg nine em- argument on every ball and strike te be. Tbev bad scrimped and saved Easwite o Rusty but the UPDEiBGR AlIiAaners for Pepsi Cola wben be reacbed base braces a few boys who are apf te and on every play. The umps are L. C. MASON, B.A. that be migbf go te colleRe and little dog did nt of mue. "He'll findDfeidbEMN OUDG Pl ~op a fielder's choice and made the drop one eut of the park ait any doing their best, and if every Ba. . .- olciorA WARNER BROatS. PreserdoUou;ne kew eer ichofth Rag Tu me Band crcuit on a passed baIl, an infield tîme. player did as weil as the efficiaisstNt Pbie-Ec udv law. Then. af thea ist de ad s ,b nes ve3 mlioft eRLNB - fuiacdyaf rom across Frenseas.eee bad way. beFrrzGERALD * RONALD REAGAN bit nd wld ptcb Frot Sfcet f WlJJdbe afllub bttCrleilUe. Law in ail its branches. zone. There hadt been long monflus But Rustv did nof find theni. and IIENRY TRAVR OAwTEsor Starriflg tied the counit ou three pitcbed bails Did you knew: Dave Osborne At the same time let us pass a Office immediately east of Royal of figbting. He badl leff ber in the fbey were on the ridge when that t'M P.7 by 9.yRbo ,. u'bGog TYRONE POWER in their baîf. James sent a towering is hitting exsctly .500 with Il word of praise on te "Ticker" harlfoe f i otbfwneîa is afîcD aeýthn .. .is.w oý a.b ALICE FAYE bomre 0rigbt. Colmer lined ouf a hits in 22 trips te the piste. ..Crombie wbo is leoking after the Pons:Ofieat8;oe.53.fb oe f0 mayothbrnaong bla, irstJae cluc Qte . bf sifA Ii iLoa 1. DON AMECHIE triple and Hooper laid down s bunt Oshawa Juniors squeezed ouf a 6 scereboard at the end of the field. f riends. He bad corne back cruslied -oh. what is if ?" wbicb scored Colmer. to 5 win over Port Hope on Saf- Besides keeping the crowd pested, Dental sud broken. He, wbose career lay He swallowed fwice befome lie selectedSotSbeî Monday - Tuesday In the fourfb BrouRb beat ouf a urday. They led by 6 to 1 unfîl be is belping the scorer. If is very so close f0 bis hearf-could do now could speak. "It's-Rusty-one of laie al JULY 24 - 25 tan) to third. Martvn walked. Rundie the eightb. Brunt was the leser annoying te bhave people confin- DR. J. C. DEVITT po sustaiued work. Mentally and those steel traps"-be was pantingz ly siugled fe centre sud wbeu Little jet althougli giving up onli x hits. uaily asking the score when one Ilallung Or. Kildare go fb trouRb bis legs aIl tbree men .. East Side and West Side won is trying bard te keep up witb the Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson pbysically be must rest. He nîigbt uow-his forebesd wet-"tbe 'Ne- soe.PDiCola made their jast run the weekly lake double-beader play. And you fry f0 keep up Graduate of Royal Dental Cel- be years iu gettiug back. He would _________________________________ Starrlng in the f if tb on doubles bv Piper sud from Orono and Town, respective- wben batters are hitfing the first lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee neyer get back to Ray sud galiant - LEW AYRES - Osborne. Four runs sewed up the ly. . .. Courtice kepf Maple Grove bail, runners are on bases, sud the Bidg., Bowmanville. Office bours boybood. That was gone foreve.r. a LIONEL BARRYMORE grame for Front Street in the f iftb. rnen's streak unbroken by beat- fielders are in an error-making 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily except Sun- Yet if Mrs. Follefte's beartba LARAIE DAY Harrison singled. WiRbf sud Broukh iîng them 18-1.... Tony McîIveen mood. day. failed ber atfinies. she had neyer - NATPEDLTO wlkd.Ruoll Rt n iaanerorwill soon be ready for action witb ________________ Phone 790. Heuse phone 883. sbown if. She was making the famnu Life -Sa # s Fo 0 andJams dovehoe te furt hs tumbmenin raidl. Wn-X-Ray Equipment in Office. psay for ifself. She supplied the eo- Wednes. - Thursday ruui with a si orne teforbdem if lie is an outfielder. . t-J O IN T HE Fnra eeos ugesafSes witb Prk nd. ut shei 10-Tommy Ross bas been guiding eFthl ie ____________nze ae was i any s ense t a iîk F dAy Studa B e-uc: PePsi Cola-Cowle aud Royls dring ast w-weksMI-LON FNEALDIECOR-wna. in s.rah-a fi Refrigerators - 20% Discount. were really putricl. By winning ENTERTAINER eves. Wrp trSrie-A ae esnbePie their f wo remainiîug gamnes while Secure RALPH GORDON, the «As I look back if was Ieaven, Beflgmaor eric Ai Nke - eaonblePrce stb aigt rdnt areetlo stingthee woiderfully versatile e nt er- Carl h if I was where I w.% tçnS make the playoffs. Watts chance! r gtiner, for yeur next entertain- Al thle blood was drainea frornH PP R strigif FrntStee ca sîl dlS ment. Illustrated cIrcular free. ber face. "Evans, you wouldu't," DON CHRISTIAN Electric pAt this finie we would like to SOM Address 628b Crawford Street, ipassionatel. "you wouldn't give up U B RC .L ~osi0 N OSHAWA Phone 84 putpinsa good word for the twe LUMBER CO. LTD.i Fane-2'Phne71 urpie, obsad wede. r f O MT TODAYI Toronto He sat very still. Then lie said Poo75Bwavl MM MýThey do nef call every play riglit tensely. "No, I wouldn't, even tbougb z r- . - j'.