THUJRSDAY, JULY 27TH, 1939 TH-A-DAN-AT--------IL, NAROPAESEE SOCIAL AN PH( Miss Lois Pingle spent Iast wee< lu Earrie. Mr'. Ronald lLchino, Toroni( vlsted Mr'. Ian lell. Mrs. George Brown visited rE latives i Cannington. ?4W~ Helen Stacey, Toronto, ha benholidaylng at home. Dr. ansd Mis. G. C. Bonnycastl are holidaying I Haliburton. Miss Marjorie Cole has bee< holidaylng at St. Catharines. Miss Boylan, Toronto, ia renew lut 'acquaintances itown. Miss Lillian Naylor is holiday lng with friends I Belleville. Master Edward Breslin is visit Ing Master Billy Brough, Toronic Mrs. H. W. Thorpe, Tôrontc vislted her brother, Mr. W. Souct Mi'. Howard Pickard is holiday ing with relatives in Cleveland Ohio. Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden, To ronto, visited his sister, Mrs.F Hl. Morris. Miss Norma Douglas, Palmers ton,. visited Mr. and Mrs. Robi Corbett. Mrs. Charles _BR. Stein, Nev York, is guest of Miss Belle Allen sick list Friday and Saturday. His son Dr. Harold Slemon, Toronto, was in charge. ID PE JL*qr'NALMrs. Morgritson aud son Wil- [ONE 663, fred, Hamilton, visited her sister and brother, Miss Eva and Mr'. --- - erber't Wakein. thk Qucen Street. Mrs. M. Symons, Miss V. Bun- nei', Mrs. A. V. Acosta and daugh- Miss Hazel Colquhoun, Toronto, ter viaited Rev. E. sud Mrs. Farns- o, la visiting Miss Jean Spry, On- worth, Belleville. tario Street. e-e Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, TePublic Library will be Ottawa, and Mrs. J. E. R. Fox, closèd from August 3 ta August Philadelphia, visited their cousin,1 ias 24, inclusive. 30-2 Mrs. S. G. Chartran. le Mr'. Mark Roenigk, Stratford, Mr'. and Mrs. George Jalize, spent thc weekend with Mr'. and Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. T. H. Knight. Mr. sud Mrs. Lea Rammeil, at thc en Mrs. W. J. Cully is holidaying Kingsway Nurseries. wwith her,;daughter, Mrs. William Mrs. A. Garner, Toronto, has Watson, amilton. returned from Jackson's Point and has been visiting Mrs..Spicer ty Mn. and Mrs. A. K. Chitty and and Mr'. Len Spicer. Eleanor are holidaying at Wheat- M.adMs .A el on t- ley on Lake Erie. Fred and Junior, are holidaying1 ;o. Mr. and Mrs. Price Morris and with her father, Mr. F. L. Clisby,1 t family are holidaying at Lake at Arnold's Park, Iowa. ,h. Baptiste, near Bancroft. Mrs. Donald Gibson will receive1 M r. and Mrs. F. C. Crowe and for the first time since her mar- id family wcre holidaying in Bob- niage, on Thursday, August 3rd, caygeon with his sister. from four to six a'clock. Mi'. and Mrs. W. W. Darlington, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy have F. Burlington, visited Colonel and been visiting in Toronto and Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin. Trenton and arc now enjoying '- Miss Yvonne Tighc and Mr. holidays at Balsam Lake. Alan Osborne have returned from Mr. and Mrs. Roy Warren, Mr'.j holidaying at Wasaga Beach. and Mrs. Harry Robinson, St.4 Mr'. and Mrs. S. R. James have Catharines, visited their brother,1 ýW retutncd from a canoe trip thra' Reeve G. A. Edmondstone. ýn, the Kawartha Lakes district. Mr. and Mrs. William Dixson, Mi'. and Mrs. Sam Wilson, Wes- Billy, Jack and Rase, Toronto_, ton, wcrc weekend guests with spent Wcdncsday with Mi'. andi Mi' and Mrs. Gea. W. James. Mrs. Harry Holwell, Hampton. 1 Miss Lamna Clarke and her fnl- Murray Grant is enjoying two1 Send Miss Florence Stoker, Toron- weeks at the O.A.C. Camp ati ta, spent the weekend at home. Longfond. He is represcnting Uic Messrs. Albert Cully and Alex Junior B.H.S. athletic association.1 Colville are holidaying at Elm- Mr'. and Mrs. Albert Jemniy, hurst Ladge, Thurstonia Park. Toronto, spent Uic wcekend with Miss Margaret Pollock and bro- Mrs. Spicer sud Mr. Len Spicer ther Harry .,9 Oshawa, arc holiday- sud are now holidaying at Mid- ing at their aunt's, Mns. J. Living. land. Mi'. and Mrs. H. Joint and son Mi'. Rhys D. Fairbairn, who is Stuart, Mr'. E. Joint and"Miss E. summering at Footes Bay, Mua-1 Joint visited relatives in Lindsay. koka, came down ta sec his sister J Mi'. and Mi's. David Lockhart, healthaibinwai npo jColumbus, Ohia, have been gucats of his brother, Mi'. T. H. Lockhart. Miss Margaret Allin has been Mi'.andMrs.A. . Thmanholidaying with Mi'. and Mrs. 0. Sand childrcn, Kitchener, arc visit- tage St. Eustache, Sur la lac, iing her sister, Mrs. Charlie Bickle. Qucbec. Miss Marioe'adi set M. and Mrs. J. Nichols and sonc the~ weekend with hem parents, George, Toronto, Mrs. Carter,i Mi'. and Mi's. C. S. Baldwin, Or- England, sud Miss Ward, Oakville,i ana. wcre guests of Mr'. sud Mrs. G. A. Mr'. and Mrs. Ken Morris, Mon- Edmondstone. treal, arc halidaying with his mo- Mr'. and Mrs. Russell Par'k,t ther, Mrs. Frank H. Morris, Elgin daughter Jean and son Dickof1 Street. Cleveland, Ohio, arc holidaying atE .Mi'. Gardon Jollaw, Misses Ella A. W. Pickard's cottage, Williams1 Jollow and Frances Jewell are on Point, Scugog Lake.S a matai'ttip ta Kingston and Ot- Mr. and Mrs. Leon Durnas, Ruth tawa. and Romaine, have returned fromC Mr'. and Mrs. Harry Osborne, holidaying at Weslemrkoon, and1 Detroit, Mich., arc visiting his spent the weekend with Lieut.I » arents, Mr'. and Mrs. R. E. Os- Col. Sauva at Hilton.1 gorne hrrVitriB.. Rev. W. P. Rogers was gucst Mr.Joh Cerr, Vctria B..,speaker at Oshawa Rotary Clubs Mr. sud Mrs. D. Barton and fam- an Monday when he spoke ont ily, Enniskillen, visited Mrs. T. "Modern lama." He was introduc-r Barton. cd by John M. James. E Miss Carnie Martyn, Mrs. Rasa Rev. G. L. Sutherland, M.A., Stevens and Betty, spent the- occupicd the pulpit of St. An- - Sweekend at the Limberlost Lodgc, drew's Presbyterian Church ork Muskoka. Sunday. He also pncachcd at New- Mn. and Mrs. C. E. Bounsail, tanville in Uic afternoon.b sans Tommy sud Teddy, Milton, Dr. H. Ferguson, Rev. W. F.r are visiting his brother, Mr'. Gus Banister, Mi'. W. P. Corbett, Town,N Bounsaîl. sud Mr'. Thea Slcmon, Enniakil-f Dr. C. W. Sleman was on the len. wcrc on a fishing trip ta Jackr Specials at Lunn'ls Oranges, sweet and juicy .... 2 doz. 25e Nabob. Coffee .....'/2-1b. free with every lb. 39e Dumarts Pure Lard.............. 3 lb. pkgs. 25e Echo Naptha Soap ............... 2 bars 25e Ocean Crest Red Salmon .................. tin 25c Orono Creamery Bütter, I st grade ..... lb. 25e Phone 596 e LUNN GROOERI Bowmanville MASON & DALE McClary Electrlic Rang$ Phone 406 Bowmanville r Lake in Uic Kawartlia district. 1 Mrs. Ervine Fasten with her sister, Miss Beatrice Reynolds, Windsor, has neturned home aften spending Uic weckend at Glen- mount, Lake a! Baya, Muskoka. Mn. and Mna. T. H. McCready, Margaret and Rama, left Monday for their home in Lethbridge, Alberta. Miss Helen Williams ac- companied them for a month's holiday. Mr. and Mra. Jas. Manr have rctunned from a week's holiday near Orillia. Mn. and Mns. T. Bun- neIl, Toronto, taak charge o! Marr's Jewelemy during Uic pro- prieton's absence. Bob and Donald Mcllvecn, Boyd Slemon sud Nelson Osborne jour-E neyed ta Kilcao Camp, nean Min- den, an Sunday where Uicy ne- newed acquaintances with Ed Dcvitt and othens. Miss Rosemary Chartran, Ca- bourg, visited Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Wright, Church Street. Weekend guests at Uic Wright home includ- cd Mn. and Mns. Art Frise and daughter Betty, Toronto.r Mn. sud Mrs. Frank Oke and1 Mn. sud Mrs. Morley Oke visitedS Mn. and Mrs. Wilbun Oke in Mon-t treal aver Uic weckcnd. Mn. and1 Mns. Frank Oke remained for a c holiday in Uic Laurentiana. I The officiai visit af Govennar J.1 Owen Hcrity o! Rotary District1 No. 168 will be made to Bowman-t ville Rotary Club an August 4Ui when he will speak on "The Philosophy o! Uic Commonplace." Mrs. G. Yule, Oshawa, Mns.1 Charles Johnston, Madac, Mm. and l Mms. George Sonley, Pinevale, i sud Mra. Will Braden, Clarence1 and Majanie, werc gucats o! Mr.t and Mrs. J. H. Bateman,. Scugog t Street.t Whcn fricnds visit you, an you s visit friends at a distance, if youh anc entcntaincd on if yau enter- S tain, The Statesman wlll be picas- f cd ta record Uic fact in Uic "Local c sud Personal" column if you c wauîd telephone 663.'V Mn. Chas. Anderson, son Jack, sud daughten Florence, Mn. Bruce Pitcher, and Miss Mary Tamblyn, t Toronto, spent Uic weckend with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn, and t attcndcd the Tamblyn family pic-C rýic at Hampton an Saturday. s The Balmoral Hotel has had Uic Nean sign repamnted and it looks very attractive. The artists werc two young men who wcre former- ly employcd by Uic Neon people C and who earn thein living byd painting signa along the raad. M Immediate Past District Gav-u ennar o! Lions J. J. Brown, ac-0 cQmpanicd by Mns. Brown and& son Envine, rcturned Monday fnam Lions International Conven- t tion at Pittsburg. En route Uiey - visitcd the New York Wold's l Fair. ( Miss Ann Cannons is lcaving a Monday for a tri p ta Vancouver, tc B.C. She is travelling by rail andW will visit many fricnds and rela- is itives en, route. She intends holi- daying îvith her sister, Mrs. Don- ald McPherson, Vancouver, for a month. Mr'. and Mrs. Wm. P. Hall an- naunce the engagement of theii' daughter, Hilda MacBeth, ta Mr'.. Clifford Charles Purdy, son of. Mr'. and Mrs. C. B. Purdy, Bow- manville. The weddmng to take' place on Saturday, August 12. Enjoy tIfie cool breeies and de- lightful swimming facilities at Bowmanville Beach any day of the week. Kiddies can play here i safety. When refreshments are needed cali at Mrs. Depew's Booth on the east side, where ice cream, cold drinks and groceries are available. 30-l* Due ta the quick action of Junior Collacutt, three boys, Ro- bert Knox, Billy Knox and Rex Grant, were saved from drown- ing. The Training School dîm had been let out and a wave swept them out into the current. Colla- cutt dove in and brought the three lads té safety. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Honeyman have been holidaying in Ottawa, Cornwall, Gaveau Lake in the Gatineau Valley. They also visit- ed Alexandria Bay, N.Y., and the Thousand Islands. Accompanying them is Miss Gladys Fard, nurse i training at the Cornwall Gen- eral Hospital, who will spend her holidays with- them. Mr. and Mrs. Otho Brown and daughter, Detroit, Mich., are vis- iting his aunt, Mrs. Wm. RobbLs. who is some better. It only seems like yesterday that Otho was a bit of a lad about town here but it's more than 15 years for he hae been that tisse with one of the large baukai the Matai' City and holds a responsible position in the Trust Dept. Six hundred young pheasants were released in the townships of Pickering and West Whitby last Thursday. The young birds, about twelve weeks old, were brought ta Whitby by Percy Revill, Inspectai' for the Game and Fisheries De- partment, Toronto, shortly after 1 o'clock and officiais of the twa townships assisted him in placing the pheasants in protected spots. Frank Worden, R. R. 2, Bow-. manville, narrowly escaped death or serious injury Saturda3m morn- ing, when the car he was driving was struck by a shunter on the Oshawa 'railway tracks on the Bruce Street crossing. Worden told police that he thought he had lots of time ta pass ahead of the shunter, but it struck the rear right aide of the car doing con- siderable damage. Dr. Gordon S. Jury who is home on furlough from Burma and his brother-in-law, Rev. J. B. Mc- Laurin, D.D., Secretary of Baptist Foreign Missions, Toronto, are in Atlanta, Georgia, attending the sixth congress of the World Bap- tist Alliance. A chorus of 600 negroes was. heard over the radio Saturday evenîng singîng negro spirituals as a welcome to the delegates attencling this conven- tion. Mr'. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson have been visiting their son Mer- nill and wife and little Helen, at Wasaga Beach. They also visited friends i Stayner, Gorrie, Ford- rich, Dundalk and Meaford. Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Ferguson return- cd with them ta Cartwright on Friday where Mrs. Ferguson ad- dressed the W.M.S. at Mrs. Cecil HiUs', about 50 being> present. They purpose spendmng this week at summer school at Oak Lake and the following week at a sum- mer school in Northern Ontario. Mi'. Orlo Austin, Windsor, Mr'. and Mrs. Harold Carpenter, and Miss Caral Martyn, Bowmanville, hà4re returned from an interesting mnotor trip. Journeying ta North Bay they traveiled south ta Ot- tawa, Montreal, and then on ta Quebec City enjoying the won- ders and scener-y of thc ancient French province. Returning from the capital city they motored along the south side of the river ta Montreal. On reaching Gan- anoque they enjoyed a beautiful sight-seeing trip Uirough the fam- nus 1000 Islands. Monday morning the editor had a cail and a reminiscent chat with John W. Cherry, Victoria, B.C. It [s 55 years since John left his native town where he was an up- holsterer in the Upper Canada Furniture Ca. factory. He has seen a lot of thc American con- tinent sînce then but retains many pleasant memories of his boyhoad days here. Avery Johnston and Billy Wilcox were among others he visited. Before returning ta the Pacific Coast he will visit hîs bro- ther Harry at Schenectady, N.Y., who is inpnalth other happy events back in the 80's. It was just 50 ycars ago four 'oung Bowmanvillc men 1 e f t town ta make their fortune in Undle Sani's domain. They wcre Norman and Walter Johnston brothers of Avery) and William and David Lockhart, who aIl went no Columbus, Ohio, wherc they worked in a buggy factory. Dave ic eonly anc left of thc quartet. Bowmanville Beach (Continued from page 6) r.and Mns. Robent Stocker, Bernice, Ruth and Babby, with Mr. and Mrs. Rance Dilling. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. O'Leany, Cansilla, Yvonne, Pau' and Jack, wlihMn. sud Mi's. Namýman Bat- treil at Seldom Inn. Mr. Frank Sellers, Toronto, with M.ns. W. Street at Wene-Verfus. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Mackie anid Kenncth, Mount Dennis, and Misàs Harriet Greaves, Toronto, With Mr'. sud Mrs. N. J. Moore at ]Rendezvaus. Mm. and Mrs. W. Happa and Joan, Oshawa, at their cottage. Mrs. T. Fraser, Gardon and Ian, Toronto, and Mns. W. Camenon sud William, Scotland, with Mr. and Mrs. J. McGill at Sun Shine Cottage. Mr. and Mns. G. Ness, George, Bruce and Shirley, Mn. and Mrs. F. Foss and Mrs. E. Mallet, Ta- ronto, arc holidaying at the beach. Weekend visitars wene Mn. and Mi's. D. Campbell and Mns. W. Bnadneck, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Hawkins sud Malene, Toronto, with Mn. sud Mrs. F. Hawkins at Cylant Phare. Mm. J. Atkinson, Mrs. D. W. Wilkins and Jaan, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. IL: McElnoy at Camp1 Cosy.j Mrs. Edwin LuttrelI at her cot- tage Halzcott was plcasantly sur-' prised Thunsday night, Uic occa-1 sion o! hem binthday, with these visitors: Mi'. Luttrell, Mns. Claude Taylor, Mn. and Mrs. Guy Lut-1 treli and Ann, Mi's. H. Dobson,1 Marion, Betty and Austin, Mns. A. Phillips sud Allie John, Mrs.1 J. Phillips, Toronto, and Mi'. and Mrs. George Mackenzie, Bonny RiVer, New Brunswick. Mr. and Mi's. W. Johnston, Bey-4 erîy and Yvonne, Miss Mary Fan- intosh, Toronto, sud Miss Helen Hutchinson, Oshawa, anc holiday- ing at Sandhurst Cottage. Mr. and Mns. A. G. Tei'iy, Ed- ward, Arthur and Joan, Toronto,i are at their cottage. Wcct<end vis- itons were Mi'. S. McKenzie and Mi'. Arthur Terry, Toronto. Dr. and Mns. P. E. Ireland, John sud Patty, and Miss Helen -Ahder- i son, Toronto, are at thein cattage.1 Mr. and Mna. Hemman Westaway, Margaret and Dick, Bowmanville, wemc weekend gucats.1 Misa Minnie Jcnnings, Bow-i manville and Mr. Don Williams, Suton, wth VIi'. and Mrs. Frank1 Williams. Miss Helen Williams has lcft far a matai'ttip ta Leth-i bridge, Alberta.1 Mm. R. W. Johnston, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Liptrap at Cedarholme. Mm. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings,1 Whiteville, with Mi'. and Mrs. W. Mathews at Idylwyld.1 Mm. and Mns. T. Ceightan, Mr.e and Mrs. T. Crigg and Crcighton, Oshawa, with Mi'. and Mrs. H.i Pawson. Mr. and Mns. Cccil Hubbell, Joan and Denny, Oshawa, Misa Grace Flegg and Mn. Blakely Mc-i .C#nn, Drummondville, Quebec,i vUb Mn. and Mrs. S. Sharples. M. Andy Johnston, Bawman- ville, with Mn. and Mrs. A. Frame. Mr'. and Mrs. Harold Botsford, Mn. and Mrs. George Frogley, Es- ther and Harvey, Toronto, are staying at their cottage. Miss Ethel Ward and Miss Bennice Hob- son, Toronto, were gueats aven thc weekcnd. Mr. and Mrs. J. Spring, Mn. and Mrs. G. Edwards, Miss Margaret Laing, Mn. and Mrs. J. Porter, Cyril Porter and Yvonne Spring, with Mr. and Mrs. John Porter. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dunn, Mrs. Lois Cameron and Diane, Betty Muir, Doreen Frost, Doria and Faye Lawson, Toronto, at their cottage Restynook. Weekend visi- tors werc Mi'. and Mns. M. K. Lawson and Gordon, Mn. Donald Dunn and Miss Grace Palmray, Toronto. Misa A. Boumne, Mrs. E. Rennie, Mns. E. Bourne, Gardon and Ras, Toronto, at their cottage. Mn. and Mrs. H. Mason, Mn. Stan Goodfellow, Mi'. Bill Orma- by and Mr. and Mrs. C. Nixon, Toronto, with Mi'. and Mrs. F. M. Nixon at Orm-A-Nook. Mn. George Black, Miss Edna Adams, Misa M. Webb, Mi'. R. Townley and Mr. and Mrs. C. Childa, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Bud Walker and Mr. and Mrs. H. Black. Mi'. and Mrs. Albert Harr'is and Barbara, who have been holiday- ing at the French Dugout, left Manday for a trip thraugh thc Thousand Islands before gaing ta Haliburton. Miss Muriel Davies and Mr. Leni Thampaon, Toronto, with Mn. sud: Mrs. W. McCartncy at Happy1 Daze.1 Miss FIa Bailey, Toronto, with Mi'. and Mrs. W. H. Simpson. 1 Mi'. James E. Dyke, Toronto,1 and Mi'. Grey Barrich, Cornwall, with Mrs. W. D. Fox at Cave Cottage.1 Mi's. A. Carîtan, Miss Audrey1 Carlton, Mi'. and Mrs. George A. Smith, Mi'. and Mrs. Carlton Smith and Ronnie, Mn. Harvey Smith and Miss B. SmIi, Toronto, with Mra. W. H. Carlton and Jack1 at the Cape Cod Cottage on Thei .Çave.'1 Miss Elsie Young, Mn. and Mrs. Gea. McDaugail and David, To-1 ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. H.4 Fox at Chequers an The Cave. Miss Gladys Hutchinsan, Mi'.1 and Mi's. Walter Saunders, To-i ronto, with Mrs. 0. J. Hutchinsan( at Happy Hutch. Mrs. S. Gage, Toronto, with( Mrs. A. Myens at Bunny Bunro. 1 Miss Ina McIntosh, Toronto,i with Mr. and Mi's. A. McIntosh at1 Mcrrimac Cottage.1 Mr. and Mns. W. Parker, Robent, Gwendolyn and Barban, andi Miss Doneen Wistow, Toronta, are holidaying at Flo-Bill Cottage. 1 Miss Margaret Chisholm, To-1 ronto, with Mr. sud Mi's. W. Don-1 ald at Donalda Cottage.1 Mn. and Mrs. A. G. Wilkins, To-1 ronto, are staying at Alva Grave Cottage. Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Abbs and Bryan and Mr. J. Onmcrod, To- ronto, with Mn. and Mi'a: W. Sum- mcrfield.1 Mr. sud Mns. G. Birnie, Ronad Jean and Robent, Miss E. Englis.- and Mr. John English, Toronto, with Mi'. and Mi's. R. C. English at Lorraine Cattage. Miss Myna Mile with Mn. and Mrs. David Milne at the Golden Moon. Mr'. and Mns. W. Buchan, Peter and James, Mi's. Cook sud Ken- nie, Toronto, with Mrs. W. E. Buchan at Maryville Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. Drury, Mi'. George Parao, Miss Minerva Bu- chan, Misses Donothy and Julia Kay, Toronto, with Mn. sud Mrs. D. Wilson at Ivy Cottage. Mns' M. Day and Mi's. E. Zufeit, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Brown at Cedan Nook. Mn. and Mns. James Carr, Geo.1 Welsh, Jack Cari', Jimmy Jenkins, AI Gravenor, Carl Welsh, Toronto, and Mna. E. Lanthier, Montreal,i are halidaying at Cleanview Cot- tage. Mns. D. H. Reid, Toronto, with Mn. sud Mns. P. C. H. Reid and Mn. and Mrs. Harold Creightan at1 Waveny Villa. Mi'. and Mns. J. Carey, Lais, Marjorie and Wilma, Mn. and Mns. E. Lîthgow, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Frank Marris. Mrs. Edwands was the hostesa ta the ladies o! the beach when a cuchre waa held an Tuesday night1 in aid o! the Beach Assaciation. The Iucky winners wene Mns. Millen, Mi's. Smith, Mns. Wilkin- son and Mrs. English. EAST BIDE PEBBLES ON THE SHORE Oshawa Caca Colas and the East Side ail-stars wilI play su exhibition bail game Friday at 7 p.m., on Uic East Side diamond. It looks as if Uic mighty Coca Colas might meet thein Waterloo. After the game the East Side are having a wcînen noast with a amal nominal charge being made pen couple. A Euchre in aid of Uic Rose- maunt Chapter af Uic Ontario Eastern Star was held at Four E cottage July 2lst. Mrs. R. Quinn, Mrs. Bruce Berry and Mrs. T. Carpenten weme lucky wxnners. Mi's. Currie, Uic hosteas, senved a dclightful lunch and the party was vated a financial and a social succeas. The West Side team clinched ts hald an thc top position of Uic Beach League aven the weekend by defeating the Town team 8-4. This was the only scheduled game played aven the weekend due ta Orono Fanestry being unable ta play. But the lads detemmined nat ta miss thein bail game chose up scrub teama and went at it with great gusto with the result that the Pirates beat the Becs by 14-11. Many spectators witnessed Uic initial dives made in the twa home-made diving helmets manu- factured by two gnoups of local Mrs. E. Rundie, Doris and Wil- made by Narma ileChre ma, Toronto, Miss Ruth Logan, Haar, WaUly and Abby Benny- Bowmsuville, and Miss Danothy.-worth, pnaved ta be highly suc- Depew, Hamilton, with Mns. Char- cesaful, sevenal dives being made lie Depcw. without any mishapa. The second Provincial Constable Stanley helmet, designed and built by Pa]mateen and Mna. Palmateen, Howard Conden and Dick West- Bancroft, Mi'. sud Mrs. Will Green away, was just as successful with and Rass, Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. only a alight error when the pump Stan Kerneghsu, Barbara and brake causing the diver a little Donald, Peterboro, Mr'. and Mrs. inconvenience. The boys say Uiey Ed. Stretch and Betty, Oshawa, are gaing ta use Uiem ta loolç fan with Mn. and Mns. A. L. Darch at sunken treasure sud exploring Uic Chetwyn Villa. marine l11e cantained in Lake Orb- Misa Maude McDonald, Eilcen taria. Who knows maybe they will and Dorcîl Bycra, Mns. Isabelle find a Captain Kidd strang box Reynolds and Mr. Frank Cash- or maybe they hope ta start a more, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. marine garden similan ta the anc M. Bycra at Ei-del-bye Cottage. now used for motion pictunes sud Mrs. L. Monnisan, Toronto, Mrs. sight seers at Cald Springs, FIai'- M. Berg and Misa Helen Berg, ida. Oshawa, are at their cottage. Mn. sud Mrs. L. H. Peann, Mrs. The Dinghy Race will be the E. Gingell, Joan and Yvonne, To- main Meature a! Uic sports day ronto, are accupying thein new log and negatta at Bowmanville Beach cabin. an Civic Holiday. The race la Mn. Reid Pearn says that the schcduled ta, start fnom Oshawa aId lagoon isn't fished out yct. To at 12.30 sud with a fair wind Uic prove this, he caught a pike contestants ahould arrive at Uihe wcighing between four sud five finishing line at Bowmsuville be- paunds. Re also says pcnch anc twecn 2 sud 3 a'clock. The win- biting better this year. nen is ta neccive Uic handsome Misa Beatnice Naiman, Toronto, trophy presented by the Beach wîth Mn. and Mrs. P. Edeil. Association for cantinuaous cani- Mn. and Mns. H. N. Hagerman, petition. The committec has also Meda and Ina Lau, Oshawa, are planned special' races on land, on holidaying at their summer home. Uic waten and lu Uic watcn. On Wcckend visitora were Mr. and land thene will be i'unning races Mns. C. Somnes and Mm. and Mns. for young sud old, whilc in Uic Lamne Fergusan, Oshawa, Mns. J. waten there will be special swim- W. Ferguson, Genald, Manian and ming races with handsome prizes. Jean, Babby Fergusan, Zian. Canoe tilting and boat races wrnl Miss M. McKinnon, Toronto, be another feature which la aune with Mn. and Mns. P. G. Cherry, ta be exciting sud humorous. Spe- Mrs. Henmy Hettger, Marjarie, cial prizes have been abtaincd for Maureen and Natalie, Hasbmouch, all events. There will alsa be N.J., are halidaying in Mn. J. Dy- boatha fan the amusement and er's cottage. convenience o! thd public. NOW 1lOc & .15c SIZES AT YOUR I.D.A. DRUG STORE .We have opened a new department featuring 10e and 15c merchandize exclusively, of whieh we list a number below. Select any of these items you require and Phone 792. We shall be pleased to deliver them promptly. Cutex Polishes - 15ce Arrid Cream - - 15e Fiteh's Shampoo 15e Moonglow Nail Polish, etc. ---15o Pitch 's Tomec - - - - 1.5c Piteh's Hair OÙ - - - 15c Pitch's Brilliantine --15c Woodbury Oreams 15 lc Colgate 's Tooth Faste- 10e Pepsodent Tooth Faste 10lc Listerine Tooth Paste 10lc Ipana Tooth Faste- - 10c Pebeco Tooth Powder- 15c LYon 's Tooth Powder- 10c Pepsodent Tooth Powder - 10o Listerine 1 1-4 oz. - 1.0c Pepsodent Antiseptie - 10 Odorono - ---------c Odorono Creme- - 15e Odooeono Ice- -- ---15e Drone Bhampoo - - - 150 I FR ONTISSUIO E A aMi. ,efetive hRbII ovr35yar.25ca ox. TIESSUONE UNOSALVES TRY s ce TODAY h Neet - - .- - 15c Noxzema - - 15e Pond's Creams 15c SPECIAL ... C.ushinaUu Olier: Vita-Ray . VITAMIN CREAM J~J Vita-Ray FACE POWDEB 71- WB 03M0E>valuel Rot.h.fer0]5 PUPUVitamnin oreM vii atound e OUWIits rUUtS. Iiicont" a mi A aInI.Asd D which help nourish and stiinulatethe RayReamrelievesdrynssiepre- odee nlsargedpores suadds a fe ah ý elwing tons ta your face The equmutely fine texrtured Vita-Ray powder adds a Boft, tumparent radiasse ta your re-vtalied ddn. Choioe of 6 ~ flatteringahbades. Noxzema Soap ---10e Brome-Seltzer -, - - 10o Evan 's, Williamns Shampoos- - - - 10e Pond's Face Powder - 15e Jo-Oui' Wave Set - - 15o Hollywood Wave Set - 15e Edna Wallace Hopper Cream - -- ---15e Armand Face Powder 15c D.& R. Face Powder- 15o Halo Shampoo- - 15C Hufh--------15o Wildroot Wave Set- 15o Solid Brilliantine --15o Silva-Ray Rouge --150 Silva-Ray Idpatlck --15c Tangee Lipstick --15o This Sale Starts Saturday, JuIy 29thJ in 1! Wash Cloths Milk of Magnesia 12 KINDS3fo- 5 3 for - - - - --10 16 oz. - - - - 23e HEINZ JUNIOR FOODS Lysol Soap Peroxide 2 for - 23c 3 for -- -- ---4c 8 oz. - - - - 17C For bables 18months &over ALEX ,MCOGREOOR Prescriptions a Specialty Bowmanvillei ..~ p , 1 1 1 - _MmmimmmL'I UNITED OIGAR STORE AGENOY1 Phone 792 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN S t 1 c . t t] t Si Il S' fi d d v tq t, c si h Ci d u 0 y tc u tc ýN Is