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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1939, p. 9

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 3RD, 1939 OSHAWA WINS OVER FORESTRY IN SOFTALL The saftbail gaine between Osh- awa and Forestri' piayed Juli' 26, wth Oshawa winnig onu' when thec score wai put back ta the lUth iningi when Uic gaine was called because ai darkness in Uic Middle ai Uic Orono part ai Uic soventh. FJorestri', wth Majon as catcher and Middletan as pîtcher, went ta bat flrst, and wemc blanked in Uic flrst thre. innings: In Uic fourth, they iecured twa un, anc a borner Uinough Neale; and hi Uic f» t tre., chiefli' Urough tUic batting ai Couvien who wai 'at bit when tieme werc Uree on1 bases and onu' anc out. Oshawa was blanked in Uic fira, secumed thmee in Uic second, on. hi Uic third, anc in Uic fourth, and four in Uh i ih. This made thc counted icone 9-5 for Oshawa. Befome Uic umpire had called the gaine, Forestri' had camne ta lii. and had enu' begun ta plai'. They iecurcd five in Uic sixth and blanked Oshawa, sccured two in tliq seventh and weme stili gaing #togwen Uic gaine wai cailed. 0 ei hingthat treated lots ai amusmentwasthe faci that i tic second Innings three men ac- cd after anc lane bain - and man- aged ta drap it igit in the middle of chir cincle., This proves Uic adage that too mmi' cookis poil the broUi, and incidentalli alow-. TuEORODNO ENEWS. SOCIAL AND PHONE Mm. Wm. Cornish is impnaving. Mrs. Stan Payne and Mms. A. West visited in Uic citi'. Miss Florence Linton, Marmora, visited Mns. H. Cantreil. The saldiers armlved home from Barniefleld Wcdncsday. Mn. Wm. Stutt visited bis son Ralph at Bowmanvilce. Mr..and Mri. L. Barrabaîl and son weme in Uic village Sundai'. The power wai off for a short while Sundai'. Miss Thelma Myles visited hem mothen on Sundai'. .Onono mceived her share ai Uic million-dallan ain this weekend. Misses Moffatt ai Saaic. are visiting Mrs. D. Moffati, Park St. Mn. R. Shcrwin was in charge ai Uic Bible Claîs in Xirbi' S. S. on Sundai' insu. Mr. Milton Green hai eturned fron holidaying at J a c k s o n'a Point. Mrs. Joli, Toronto, was gucst ai Miss M. Davy' and Mrs. L. Fa- lick. Mn. Donald Hiamm, who la at Jackîon'î Paint thii aumnier, spent Uic wcckend t home. Mr. Allison Cowan enjaycd a edOshawa ta get cumer ane on trip in Nathcmn Ontario aven thc two af tbree uni they seciined in weekend.-1 tint linnings. Miss Betty Rowc visited Uic pait week with fricnds at Victoria PDort Nope Winn.res Harboun. Mr. Churci Thompson, Toron- In Ténnis Matches ta, spent Uic past wcek with Mns. % W. S. Roi' and Margaret. Part Hope visitcd Oono tennis Mn. Archie Watson, Kingston, club Saturdai' and won i ail but and Mn. Neil Wood, Orone, arc one division wlithanc tic. The cx- holidaying at Rochester Uhs wcek. ception wai Uic first mcn's doub- atr enthR dlwo ls which Wells and Colvlle won, asteenvisKcnnetMrand iailHwbi and'. Uic tic was in Uic mixedMury bas nistn n.d hm. H douÎbles whlch were canccllcd be- MrriSuthebasdotuTnronhome. cause ai nain when ecdihad a gMn. sthand ai Tmth, 1 baU -paint. Resuits wcrc as foi- visitinghm iseM. mî, lows: and Mns. McPberson, Cburch St. Men's Singles - A. Harvey, Port Mn. S. Payne holidaycd at Hali-1 Hope, deieated A. West, Orona, burton and other places an, a 6-4, 6-1. fishing trip. Ladies' Singles - D. Davidian, Miss Donis Lowdcn, R.N., Oril-1 Port Hope, dcieaicd N. Shnubb, lia, ha holidaying with Mn. andi Ornn, 60, 6-0 *Mns. Charles Lawdcn. Sist Men's Doubles - E. M. Wi'nn Mn. W. O. Ward, Torono, and and G. Fitzsiminans, Part Hope, Mns. Stanley Bickle, Bethel Grave werc deicatcd bi' D. Wells and R. visitcd Mn. and Mns. F. B. Wbi'tc. Colville, Orana, 6-0, 6-2. 2nd Mcn's Doubles - E. Quan- A number of aur citizeni have trili and M. Bongard, Part Hope, badl aumnier ilu, saine mquiing n defeated M. Smth and J. Powcrs, docton and several days ta bcd. Orano, 6-1, 6-3. Mrs. Suggitt and Nancy' and Ladies' Doubles - E. Armstrong Miss Prout, Toronto, are visiting and A. Armstrong, Port Hope, Mn. and Mmi. Wm. Scyinour. defeated M. Sisson and V. Noden, Mn. and Mmi. Cai and son Ooo-2, 6-0. visited at Mr. and Mmi. H. Corn- Mlxcd bcs - O. Fox and D. ish's. Milson, *~ Hope, ticd wîth M. Mns. J. Turnbul and sons, Osh- Overcnd ahid J. Cornish ai On- awa, visitcd at Mn. and Mmi. K. ono, caci bavig hall a _point. Gamsby's. Tegaine was cancelled because Mra. W. B. Hoar la spending Uhs gt~ rain., week with Mr. and Mmi. Paul Snodgnais, Rochester. DIM AND DISTANT - Miss Marion Dickaan is at Uic HAPPE INGS Davidson summer cottage, Trent From The Orono News of Mr. G. M. Linton, Jin and July 30, 1 914 Betty, are balidaying ai a suin- ________mcm cottage ai Pickerng Beach. Died: Logic - At Pontypool, Mmi. Rex Thompsan and daugi- Juli' 26Ui, Evelyn Logic, aged 24 ter, Toronto, arc vacatianing i, years. 10ronn, taying ai Mn. and Mns.i Died: Beer - At Cobourg, Juli' F. Duncan's. 23, 1914, Richard Beer, a ged 711I Mr. Syd Hughsan, Toronto, is years. on holidays, part ai which be will 1Congratulations ta Miss M. îpend with bis -father, Mn. C. J. Smith,. dauigbtem ai Mr. Thos. H-ugbson, Orno. Smith, on passilng Uic Nommai en- Manîci' Littlewood spent n day trance exammnatians. 0 in Orona and S naw lat thc cottage S Coilege Hill wiil ibontiy be Uic holidaying wiUi bis parents, Rcv. scene oi building opeationa, the and Mns. S. Littlcwoad. old site, with additional grounds n n of a littie aven an acre, baving Mr adMmi. Si'd Chambers and -been appmoved ai well as Uic; parti' aif fiendo, Toronto, viaited plans necently submitted for a ai Mns. Andrus' and Miss Mar- modemn new building and cquip- garet Milison'a. Sundai'. ment ta replace the structure Mr. and Mmi. Norman Wilson built nearli' sixti' years ago. AtI and fanl', Sarnia, visltcd with a meeting beld in the iown hall 'Mn. and Mmi. E. Evans the past Fnidai' ithtrustees wcme author- wcek, Izcd ta issue 5 per cent debentumes About a dozen young ladies covering a pciod ai thirti' ycama fron Onno held an enjayable for $13,000, principal and intemesi wicner roasi ai Newcastle Beach ta cbver Uicetimaied cot ai this wcck. groundsanmd construction, car- Congratulations to Orona girls ried bi' a unanimous vote ai 35 who wan firsi manci' in sofibal ta 0, a poil baving been dcmandcd gaine ai Kendal Field Day. Score aîter full discussion. was 29-23. Roy' Winter, son ai Mr. Isaac Civic holiday nexi Mondai', 7tb. Wlntcm, iell off a stick af irgiber Mn. and Mns. Albert Beckett, hi dwads'rin an dilocicdOwen Sound, visiied Mn. and Mns. bis hip. rdTmln .Mmi. Doncaster will leave Aug-FrdTmln ust it on ber bolidays and will Rcv. S. Littlcwaod bai jaincd visit ber brother and sister in bis iile and son Manley ai ibeir, Chicago, in, cottage and will apcnd the monibl - Miss Sadie Ausan, Toronto, is -ai Augusi theme. vlsiting at M. H. C. Bowcn's. -Mn. and Mns. Rowland Smith, Mr. John McRne is on a trip Misses MYyrtie Smith and Myrtle thraugh Western Ontario. Tamblyn cnjoyed a trip ta Nia- Mr. and Mns. J. B. Mowai, Ta- -gara Fais. ronta, vlsitcd Mmi. Hall. 1 The storin Fnidai' nigit was Master Horace Limbeni , Oak- bnai unties. Millbnook had a bad «rood, i. holidaying witb bis is- 1 siormiwbicb nesultcdi two burn- ter, Mmi. R. H. Brown. I d barns and a fiaodcd town. Mmi. Ed Birch bai eiurncd ta Mn. and Mns. H. Seymour, To- >er haine at Carrievale, Sask. onta, visîted bisý mother, Mmi. Geo. Seymour, ai Mt. and Mms. Win. Scymaun's. Mr. and Mmi. S. Conlin ai Han- m~oni' wene necent visitons with, -B A B Y 'ms. Margaret Cooper and Mmi. E. Searl, Centre St.sen M.George Cmawthcm mnd Misa STO U C Upà w à) Sundai' ai Mn. and Mrs. Charles EANY'S little' 'Tunny" la OtenefliY upset. ods Il la easly rlghtcd &«taIfily u knaw juil r.Cbaicii cxcbangcd pulpits ho ta do IL LtirSl. M. .014yw91 Ai O- witb Rev. D. R. Dewdney Sundai' don, Ont. eâu: E5fly's Own Tablets are nn rhd in St. Saviou's dur ee Ini lise or n à acold Ih coMnasAnglican Churcb Sundai' evening. -o.Te work qu cklY Yet gentyin tacorr Mr*. Ted Bowman, fariner mayor IVS? poison illa dpromote quiet slop ofWhti, .d iWritlang- kgna bora at negt hunknown ta Out home." iWib, n itic aae And MM, W. R. Sharp sa»: "I Duried M'y ai the Maplh Leni Insunance Con- srtyaller ieinaarme, over a notor pani', waa in town on Saturdai' Metadthat upse taos Ote ibm pot a t h us fOm as d convulions. 1 gave her Baby's Own Tablets hsiegeia reGmb' *d &h accu topppd cryt-wenlta le.p Mmi. Allie Dunhan, Toronto, ,ad when aume awikefed wa r «owii Eood se fwbo bas been visiting iniends ini Equally effective for darrhoea, colic, teeth. nd anound Onna sietunedicoan ing troubles, simpfle croup, constipation and na rlpcirtm an aimple lever. Sweet.-Ittaz, easy la lakeon Fidai' ast. promipt in their action Yet harmîss. Analys's Theme wiil be no evcning ser- cerificate ta ,very box. Buy a box today for .Slckoes enon eDsîrikes ta the neth. 25 cents. vice ai Park St. Cburcb during -U-- h .ýifntstsi..-the mnth tof August. Mr. J. J. sweetheart before ev~ning nat seem ta get il mia their beada ion those wbo prefen an aiiic. liii WILSON FL? PAO CO., Haulitea, O~~L vespers. that peuple, especialli' ciii' pea- -momy baa If nqt sa;qullg. rAý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE - Wedding Lake Shore, Clarke County Rate Raised Tow 12.5 Milis FamilyRe-uion )PERSONAL Moser-Letteh Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Due Error In Last Year's Estimates Bev. Jaynes with Mr. and Mrs. WIGHT FAMILY REUNION E «OrlS The marriagé took place quiètiy A.». oldaway, Port Britamn. . ___ Xiln Deer Park United Church, Ta- MA J Mrs. Clitton Brown withThanuiWgtF il - Mr.E. illspi viitd a ~.rano, i Lsly Smerili, du-Mr.,and Mrs. Robt. Patterson. .. At a meeting of Clarke Council pic, cravcd fresh v eg e t a blie s. unu nnashldWighuFrdylye HrE.Row spe's. ghatW.roter of Mr.adlNn'S. eri is ta omsOhwa ih nTusa i rno h cut Those times are pretty well over 27th, at Orono Camrnunlty Park. H. Rowe's. ~~~Leitch, to Dr. John Eari Maier, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland. .. Mr. rate was raiscd from 9.3 millste and if yhe fM.adMs rhrS i taHle, saa iho usa nOoo h onyou have the bad iuck to The weather was ideal and at an Mrs. McPhersan and Mrs. Smith son af Mr. and Mrs. Wilm F and Mrs. Leslie Aildrcd and Dor- 12.5. This was caused by a mis- find one, it might be a good idea eariy afternoon hour the clan ga- are an the sick list. Moser af Hamiltan. Rev. gonaid een with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie AI- take made iast year in striking ta tel the nearest tourist bureau thered into anc happy throng. The school is havlng a new siate Macleod officiated, and the wed- lin.. . Mrs. Chas. Bedwin, Brown's the rates. The township rate wa and they might change their ways. During the aiternoon a divers- roof put on this wcek. ding music was piayed by Mr. wfth-her mother, Mrs. F. Parker. lowered by % miii t 5 mllsSummer Meals ity of sparts were induiged in Cosby. . . lis. N. Gartshore, Pickering, minus 1 ½ mils paid by the pro- iS hebrde wo asunttnddwlth'Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell... vince. The generai schoi rate Aren't the summer meals the and enjoyed by ail. Some took up vi. T.ging fror thie west worTha graeulo w n aqen's ,Mr.and Mrs. Gardon Martin with has nat yet been received but 11gadetthniAlths fea hirpsiin o hebin l amnd vistin Ms. . Mon woe agrcefi ownof uen'sMr.an Mr. . Osborne.. Mr. prabably b around 6 milis, while vegetabld& and fruits. Lots sof me enjoyed acoigpug Meliar will take the morning ser- blue beadcd chiffon, with match- and Mrs. Alian Martin with Mr. police trustees wiil be in the times, I think it is so hot to-day, lm the waters af the swixnming vices for the first three Sundays. ing hat and accessarles and car- and Mrs. Gardon Martin.nihrodai8 . I won't do much cooking. I sel- iPool, some preierred a set of Mre. Harold Earwel and fain- ried a bouquet of Johanna Hil Mr. Leonr uke noe eghbrod f8mii.do castktahtreouo teil wicohrswr on iiy, Oshawa, visited Mrs. T. Mc- ass Msas gowned in nr uke noe It was moved by Fred Lovekin, oee tik th n e ouintniwil teswr o Comb. ca~-rfo. r.Lecrep whti.excursion ta Oswego. anwseoncdIy HsLwerhe n vegetaes chatting bencath the shade af a Comb, crnfowe ble cepewit ba an seondd b H.LowrythDslmpîy ca gta be used. Win. nearby tree. Rev. and Mi-s. Gea. McLean, ai the same shade and corsage af this counicii express deepcst sym- i ter, maybe we can do with one A sumptuous supper was serv- Ingersail, visited Mr. and Mrs. j. African daisies. Mrs. Maser, mo- pathy ta Councilor Laing in the vegetabie, but neyer in the sum- ed by the ladies, and this mndeed E. Richards. ai sokch rom oeagon C ak Union sad passmng ai his brother. mer. And the ncw potatoes! We:was the place whcre ane and ail Congatuatios t Mr W. . ig ge grcy lace wlth beccm- ___ R. R. Waddeii addressed tic lave Uic ilttlc ones and I usuaily did ample justice ta thc varieie Stutt wha celebrates is birthday hat nd clstAr i orhlds.counci regrdin the urchae aican beguile thc grocer itotapick-'ai goad things set befare .thcm. today.A smaii recetian was hcld at A ver e els ecto risordasscdht certain portions ai land for re- ing me out the wccny fciiows. It 1 Foilowing thc supper hour, the toy. itrlu i h the home afi 9e bride's parents over htis sercktio Fidaynight. forestation and ncw roads. Coun- appears moat people. like ta buy gathcring was callcd ta order by Oroo ws vctaiau inUicand later Dr. and Mrs. Maser ii L ightMing stuck ateepoe ea cil gave him instructions as ta dis- big anes, so, I have no compunc- President Wrightson Wight wha softbail game with Bowmanvilc by matar for Northern Ontarlq M.Ellcks.posal ai tiiese matters. on.MsofeIbrw thm elmdai, spclytoe Mr. aeeknd. Mrs. Rx hsn oviiehsWarts, Mr. nd, Clarence Allen, sheep valuator, whale i a littie bacon fat, cither who had camne from a distance. ar n rs e hmpsnwovstdh prtM.ad addressed Uic council on Uic shcep an top ai Uic stave or in the aven, He then caled upon Uic sccrctary and daughter, and Mr. Douglas SCOUT NEWS Mrs. Alex Watson, leit for Roch-, and cattie killing in the township, if it happens ta bc going. They wha read Uic minutes af Uic last Thampson, Toronto, spent. thce___escter where he will visit his un- and council instructed him ta sec arc grand cavercd with Cheese picnic. Foilowing this Uic presi- weekend wlithMns. W. S. Roy and Wewlaet u u ati cie, Mr. James Ferguson. that each owner filed a dlaim and Sauce for a vegetable dinner. Or dent cafled upan Herb. Cobb, Fred Margret.We elcoe t ourgrop Parol Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Power afflidavit before counicil previaus maybe you would rather have Hoar and Melbourne Wight wha Magre.5 ai Kirby, with their leader Ger- and daughter Catherine and Miss ta Uice paying ai the claim. thcmn rolled in melted buttcr and spoke bnlefly. Giad ta see H. R. Pearcc in aid Shakietan. Eilecn Souch spent Sundya In reicrence ta certain hospital then ini parsley.Teei ahn h uieswscnlddb tawn who.had taken in Uic Clcm- Cm a te r ohn h uieswscnlddb ence picnic - 175 strong -, and Cmeta aur play "April's Pool" Vicwlake, Lake Scugog, gucsts ai bis alrcady paid by township much better thanlain fidp-Uceeta a i olwn fi wathe Uc am btwenFoes pesipen oFple. Agit4hb M.Fan rdo.which Uic counicil has rendered tatoca, nice and brown. If you 'cers for Uic year 1939-40: Presi- try and Oshawa.Lsdpoe. Mr. and Mrs. James Nixon and and wcrc nat recagnized, the clerk like a little onion added ta thcm, dent - Russell Wright; Vice Presi- The play ' "April's Foal" was Monday night we welcomcd as Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clarke at- lwas instructcd ta put them in it is nobody's business but your'dent - Harry Philp; Scc.-Treas. - postponed until to-marrow (Fri- aur guesta Uic new pattai from tcnded the Warden's Excursion ta legal hands for collection. own - maybe it is at that, if yau Howard Wight; Provisions Com. - day) night as anc ai Uic players Kirby, ten caming in ail. They Oswega. Gea. Butters, weed inspector, happen ta be going out icom-,Mesdames Gladys and Rut h was il. Be sure and camne and wifl hencciarth meet at Kirby. About sixty friends and neigh- ,prcsented a very satisfactory re- pany. It scems siliy ta, make many Wight, Florence and Mille Hoar; help Uic Scouts. Mr. A. J. Knox began Uic teach- bourg met at Uic home ai Mr. and port. A letter was receîved from desserts mn summer, when Uic Sports Com. - Miss Helen Wight Edwin Manning driving his fa- ing ai bugle playig and we have Mr.- Colin Smith Thursday even- Deputy Minister ai the Depart- fruits are ta seasan. Three times and Lloyd Hoar. Uie'scarwa ivoledin n c-now four bugles. Therc were in- nhnra Uermrig ment ai Health appravilig the ap- a day suits me. Stil, there is slght A wel arranged pragram aif cident. Fortunatcly no anc was aot3 tUc etn naMrs. Don Frazer caled an .Mr.p tmn i r . .Mcczc its ewenUc aperissports was then prcsented by Mel- hur bu Uc cr as ady dm-strctcher-bearing contest was par- Archie Watson ta read an address as M.O.H. l and the peaches andyuma bourne and Charles Wight which hutbug h crwd.alydm ticipated i. welcoming, Mrs. Smith ta aur Bis were ordered paid as fol- have ta make desserts. We neyer wcrc thoroughly cnjoyed by ail. Pincstispstwekiclddcammunity and cxpressing a wish lows: hveta worr3r over aur vitamins eie eaiosfo oa th lmnead tt-celKirby UicsToth years ta came. Mr. and Mrs. Voucher No. 8 ----------$ 1324.21 escape getting enough. eies relatios w from lsocal family pienics, Women's Institute OooSliwr rsne ih~MniypyetMs sent from St. Marys and Tilison- af Baltimore, and the St. Saviaur's OooSftbaiIers Sihwr rs Idwt otl pyetMs ug ____beautiful walnut book case. Lit- E. J. Randali, R vs ---- 40.00 PesdTnu Dnlianvidr ason n imy, aoonn vr .b Fîatic ,Miss Catherine Power aiso R. H. Wood, attendance S Prties expeTanued bouse FlnMrDaih., nandss atriia , nigt wo, nd atthaKiby Fia ree dMrs. Smith with a pret- and labour----------- 3.75 keepers do not realize Uic difficul- -* Flyna, Sahand Mo isPitcif.asish 74 n tedb twoFetry plaes ty bouquet ai flowers. Aiter very 1 Wm. Davey, B. ai H ---- 2.25 tics that yaunger ones have in Zion Uic nine.fitting replies by bath Mr. and'L anarlef62 what we consider simple things. P. Gardon and Mr. J. Robinson, ta make, upth ie Mrs. Smith and a iew other Weekly Times, printing.. 122.50 oa if I write ai what seems ab- - have returned home. Orano secured three in the f irst, speeches the evening was spent in Dcan's Bakery, relief --- 5.04 Xous, jus t think I am trying ta Recent Visitors: Young Ray West had his collar one hi Uic second, three ta Uic social chat. Dean's Bakery; relief --- 5.76 help 'thase with less experience. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameran and banc broken whilc at play with third, seven in the fourth, twa i _________ E. Patterson, relief ----- 28.99 The other day anc yaung waman, Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Per- another youngster. He was taken Uic fifth, six in Uic sikth, and J. J. Cornish, relief ----- 16.00 who has been married for several kins and Margaret at Pleasant P.qint. ta Uic doctor by his father. Latest1 five in Uic seventh. Two wcre Alec Reid, building fence lyears, said she had never cooked . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell St%jntan reports are that he is getting homers - anei the fourth Uiro .N ewtonvlIIe an forestry --------------- 13.00 cither liver or kidneys, because and familv. Mrs. Jas. Sjainton at along fine. 1 Myles and anc in Uic sixth thro ____ C. G. Armstrong, relief -- 19-65 she did nat knaw how, and hier Mrs. John Stainton's. Oshawa.. Mrs. Payne and son, Mantreal, Powcrs. A smart double-play on Pcrcy Lunn, gate for husband liked bath ai them. Oth- Mrs. Nellie Lander. Oshawa. at Mr. 1Mn. and Mrs. Cccil Ferguson and Uic part ai Kirby in the pecond Recent Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. farestry,-------------------- 9.65 crs had nat coaked anc or other Russell Staintan's. .. Mr. Harvey Mrs. Thampson, Cartwnight, were allowcd O nana ta get only anc in Roscae Punnett and twa children, JJ Mellor, mileage ------- 9-60 Of themn and none oi thcm had Balson. Mr. Robt. Killen at To- recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. that innings. Pemisylvania, Mn. C. Punnett anid Mrs. J. Clydsdalc, relief_ 12.00 ever cookcd a tongue. The organs, ranto.. . Mr. and Mrs. 1. Sackle- T. D. Carscadden. Kirby sccurcd twa in the second Mns. Vosburg, Rochester, Mr. and Robert Moffatt, steer kill- 00 such as the lîver, kidneys and tan and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Anson MisPyli odnan n .through Cooper and.Lowcry, anc Mrs. Roberts, Hamilton, with Mns. cd by dogs ---------------- 2000tangue, shouid be used in aur Balson and dauizhters. Mr. Gerald misPyl otorendtaMri.lEa in the fifth through Middlcton, Whittakr... Mr. Frank Truscott, James Dicksan, 3 sheep diets as thcy are ail valuable. Ta- Balson. Miss Jean Balsan. Mrs,.2.ahn McCutchcan mtrdt rli and anc in Uic seventh Uirough Toronto, Mr. and Mns. Flett and killed by dags----------- 25.00 day we will consider cooking a McNab and Audrey at Geneva Park. Sunday ta bring dawn Uic form- Samn Keane, and were blanked ta daughter, Chicago, Mn. and Mrs. James Dickson, i shep tangue. A beef tangue is Uic usual . . Mr. and Mrs. E. Marks qqd f ar- er's sistcr, Miss Doris Lowdcn, Uic other inings. Trenoe.ui mad twa boys and Mrs. kilicd by dogs ------------ 10.00 chaice, althougl f or- a smnail fanm- ily. Laittle Britain.. Mn,-Walter 8.ath. R.N, *ho hs on three weeks' -vaca- The sLxth was'-excltig as 'in Cortithwaite, Port Hope, with Mn. J. Dickson, i sheep kll- 9.0)ly, Uiree or four lamb's tangues Miss Erlene Hayes. Columbus. Mr. tion. addition ta two ai Uic players and Mns. S. R. Joncs and Mii. cd by dog ----------------- 90 is a good buy. Pickled tangues and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin. Thornton's Mns. J. C. Gamcy, Miss Alla playig leapfrog, a dog fight made Henry Jons... Mns. Hoskin and C. j. Allifi, 4 trips have more flavour than the fresh. Corners. Mr. M. Penfaund. Miss Muin, Miss Marjanie Sisson and spectatars on Uic bench icave Uic faniuly at her mothcr's, Mns. Lîg- valuator-------------------- 1000 Caver tic tangue with cold water Gladys Penfound at Mr. J. W. Bal- Mns. Harry Lycett were entertain- vicînlty for a bni periad -until gctt, Garden Hill... Mr. J. Colon Dominion Rond Machin- and brmng ta tbc bail, then sinimer son's. .. Dr. G R. Booth. Qshnwa. cd by Uic Durham Regiment at pence couid be restaned. with fielnds in the village.. . Miss ery Ca., for Rond Main- ýsîowly untîl tender, usually fram Mr. Victor Mc&Cttrick Orangeville, thein annual ladies' day at Barrie- Battery for Orana: Powers pit- Berniece Milligan, Part Hope, at tainer -------------------2500.00 'three ta four hours. Let it cool Miss Jean McMaster. Toronto. at field Camp, Kingston. cher; Watson catcher. home. .e Mr. and Mns. Wilis Council adjourned ta meet Sep- partîally, in the water. Skin Uic Mr. .1. W. McMaster's. .. Mr. and Mn. and Mrsi Charlcs Shaw and Battery for Kirby: Morton anl Joncs and iamnily and Mr. and tember Sth. tangue, take out Uic small bancs Mr,. Fred Butte. Mn. Austin For- family visited. fiends at Highland - i the last inigs Cooper - pit- Mns. Cleland Lane with Mr. and -------------- _____ intheUi root and trima off any fat sythe. Toronto. at Mr. Thos. Mar- Grave, Lake Simicoe, on Suruday. chers; Lowcry catcher. Mrs. Laurence Savery, Kingston.o rslPat.CithenofMsKtle amo t Miss Gladys King and Mn. George Umpire - Fred Wood. . . Miss Jean Miligan with M r:. mi trU~htie o rsl at.Cu i n itns isKtle airn acopand Mrs. Wilbert Hancack at thei in *IFor v *uuîuies ~ Utatngue araund Uic roat and Mr. Anl enrs erHtbn Aildrcad, Bowmanvile cc - put inI Aan!d Vener's. earAHdnjjtan anied Uiem. cottage at Lake Chemnong. .. Mn. Wrîtten for The Statesman pIn. ay small bowansl. Andwhcn Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glasirel. Ty- an Ms.Gearge Thompson with B illesa s I mend smail. Yau a r.F . lspls.Ms ae o c u s f o r n t r v l ef nd s t E m o d . M rs. J.T Rubv Gif ford. Toronto. at M n. T. !went t______iearceanduLurnawithndlaor-s .ESSIE ALLEN BROWN a bowl Uic tangue can be puti. Oîaspel's. r n r.T&à ganized a Na. 5 pattai there i vnbd i ashg inMnrce adLr a lwreatiivsCaver with a saucer which wili . .. ad fmrl. adMs . tr&cîri connection with Uic Oronotoop. vryoyishresi-. i on a . .M--r . alWke,, fit inside Uic bowl and put aa r.s. d famly. MissMr. if Thee ae igh t th ptrol and1 Misses Norma and Beulah Hal- Miss Gladys Pearce, Miss Deane «Wonderful For The. Chlldren weight on it ta givc pressure. fn.Ms e.GaviatMn Ghereare Shkitnes Uc a 't owell had a delightfui matan trip Sieman and Bobby Walker mo- It isn't aiten that you hear sev- have neyer found any other Georize Hilts. Williams' Point.. Scoutmaster. They wiîî meet eaclh ta Lindsay, Huntsvile and Brace- tared Uicm as far as Kingston. .. cmi womcen comment on a short weight as satisfactory as the time- M.Rb.Catr lcwtr n week i Kirby, prababli' on bridge. Mn. and Mrs. J. Mitchell, Clar. stary ta a magazine, but, 'Won- honored iran, as it spreads Uic and Mrs. C. Spningstead. Marilyn Thursdays.- Mr.,Erwin Farrow is confincdence and Phyllis, Toronto, with denful fan Uic Children', by Evepressure equally. Let this stand~ and Billie. Mn. and Mrs. Ross.YojUng, A club tenn is auamnwihthi bed Urough ihiness. Mn. J. Darch. . . Mn. and Mrs. Burkhardt, in the July Chatelaine, 'aven night, turnout and serve. It Caiston Centre. Miss Hazel Cohqu- Uic pnizes big a chance ta com- Vi1as n n n.AUu rc eccPr oe n is an exception. It certainly stnuck may be used Uicsanme day if ithunTono.M.ndM.H pet i Uc eaue hapinsipDunn visitcd friends i Stirling. son Lloyd, Toronto, and Mn. and a sympathetic has been tharoughly chilled ta the PaiRe. Mn. and Mrs. H. Shirer and cote in teLaeihampGondp . Mn. M. Trimble and family at Mns. Walter Couch, Newcastle, sp arnk and I refrigenator for severai hours. son. UxbridRe. Mn. and Mrs. E. cotetsatLaevwGof ndMr./ and Mms. M. Shutka's.. .-Mr.1 with Mn. and Mms. J. A. Barrie.., have heard sev- M ~ ape hre an. Mn and Mrs. CLa.tWletBri Countr Club, Peterbono, is being and Mr Fred Wilson, Perrytown,1 Inspecton and Mns. A. A. Martin, cml w a m e nan r ad rs Cas Wltn staged this week in Orono. Re- with Mrs. Warren Carson. . . In- IBrighton, with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. seaiab outi. ' u gauae ua Rs n rd etlb.M.n suis ii b pblihe nxtwek.specton, and Mns. A. A. Martin, 'J. Stapiton... Master Bil' Lane It te lis t h e icuwar Mrs. Newton Edzar and KÇCI-dn. Mr. Theai ar n Pteboo aks Blgto, n.andMr. imMo- and Miss Gloria Lane with Mn. stony ai a wo- 2 teaspoons gelatine and Mrs. Hansen Richards at Mn. place in Septemnber. fntt, Onono, at Mrs. John Md-.~ and Mms.. Thos. Bunkeil. man wha final ~ - 2 tabiespoons water Alf Ayre's.. Miss June Selby, .W. M. S. ai Park St. Church a'.. Miss Nelie Shutka, Ta- I Mrs. Raymond Bruce has ne- îy struck afte Juice ai 2 lemans and Oshawa. at Mn. Aif Ayne's. .. Miss ledging Uic baie was rend by Uice'and Mn. Leslie Henni', Mooseman, Bancroft. csealyar ig -wtnt aeacp Hln no a eundt o president, Miss M. Davy, who also Sask., and Mns. C. Reid and MisYMssDty ct ndMsn.>t a~ 1 smal can crushed Oshawa. Miss Peimy Killen returned annaunced Uic achool for leaders Hazel Reid, Newtonvilce, had din- John Scott and Harry Burlcy relations a n d 2 egg p incpe wt br in hity.Frut wllbe enttaner with Mn. and Mms. Richard played on Ken Soblc'sRai fricnds, at Uith2eg hie Toronto as usual. The passing ai Haloweil on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Amateur Pnograrn on Sunday summer ca0 t- 'Soak Uic gelatine in Uic 2 table- anc ai Uic members, Mrq. G. M. l and son Leslie are visiting other i Newtonvîlle fniends wîll sadly tage. Few .wa- Jessie Allen spoons cold water. Bail the sugan CadIUus Linton, was regretted, and Uic friends here. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ar- miss Dr. Tighe, Bowmanville, m en w o uld Brown Iland i cup ai watcr for 5 minutes, meeting was closed by prayer by thur Fails and family, Bowman- and extend sympathy ta the son- have had courage enaugh ta stick'and add the gelatine. Stin until Mrs. J. J. Melon.j ville, at Mr. Thos. Falls'. also at rowing iamily. ta hier guns as she dud. It is worth dissolved. Add lemon juice and, Sympathy is feit for Mns. Harri' Onono turned the tables on his sister's, Mrs. Lew Haliawell. Mrs. Launie Cale is confincd ta reading and tao many women wil , water and Uic pincapple, then Philp on Uic death ai hem fathen Oshawa and despite Uic fact that Miss Hearn, Toronto, accompanied bcd with sciatica nbcumatism. find thein own expeniences cchaed'fold in the stiffli'-bcatcn cgg- iolaowing an accident whcn he fipil Oshawa changcd pitchens, won the 'them. .. Gardon McKay, Newton-, A certain band ai "Gipsy Peo- in it. Vcny often a cottage is no whitcs. Pour ia ofneezing pan iromn a load ai hai'. ing victani' Mandai' night, 19-5. LavcrnnFarrow with ficnds in this vicinîti' and who wcnc more choiayn orUeot. -anya an reez tilthèmiturwcstiempe i Miss S k thhirly cDn drand- Pdwers pitchcd marvelaus baîl. Millbmook. . . Mn. and Mmi. Dcl- or lcss ai a nuisance, have moved Gchang e tuite te iic r unt e ic xes f eanc ing Uic wek J.Wilsoberandak- Mm. and Mrs. F. B. Whytc and bent Hailowell, Toronto, with Mr. on much ta evcnyonc's joy. Glvng t e oqulocauic ich rom the aid e of othe an. m ottageMn.J.WloaLa- Doris and Mr. and Mns. Herbent and Mrs. Jacob Hallowchl. . Mn larveat is in ful swing. R1 bery Si tooughly a du n dth Mvi. oage. Th so ar Mura' pet unaywih mi ad ns AexBachi'an du-Somchow, I have a fatal attac- nfnieaarstt cimadjM.adMs hmpio r ýMrryspntSndy ih ri ndMr.Alx aclyincau-reze. visitig Mn. and Mns. Wolfe at gh e a b r ,O ha a ih M . ion for m asquitaca. No anc else "Dahia D l." ends ta Columbus. ,he abrOhwwt n SOU GRT BURIED TREASUlLE on a picnic will have even an lit- M r. an____Du ca ,_he fo -_nd______Sa er . n j rM n. and M rs. C inre Falli, Jack Mn.andMns Ducan th io- ad M. W. Sver'.WHERE HOTEL NOW STANDStic bite and I will be wel decn Ail great art is Uic expression and Joan, who have bcen t thir, mer beig presîdent ai Uic Wood- ae.Yscda c-ctinteo & ' ightin- a'swnk-otae- luit: liluilui ui £"&U5UOý.

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