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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1939, p. 1

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j,' Ral ny People Weekly With Whlch Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News.) The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News ORONVO NEWS on Page 9. NEWCASTLE NEWSI on Page 10 VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., TEfURSDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1939 -NTM1P2 Every Housewife bi England jlWust Store Orne Week's Food As Precauti.nary Mleasure English A ir Warden Visits Here and Des- cribes Preparations In Case of War "Evcry houscwife lu England must kccp a week's supply af food in ber bouse, packcd inair llgbt containers, ta take care o! food shortage in case o! war,"I said Mns. E. Chedwick-Renshew, Manchester, Erigland, air warden MI Uic Eriglish Air Raid Pre- cautiariary Force, and ah prescrit a visilor wilh ber sister, Mns. J. H. Swludells. Mrs. Chadwick-Renshew w a s anc o! Uic firat ladies iri Engleiid la join Uic forces -Iii\937 and ne- certly enroled ta nender first aid in gai cases. She stated Ihat boUi men and wamen are caoperating with Uic goverrimenl ho Uie fuilest extent, rcriderlug valunlary whet service Uiey may and 'offering il with a sense o! love o! country and a desire la malutain Uieir treedoni. 'The English arc not afraid o! war et Uic prescrit lime," she de- clared, "because Uiey feel that preparatioris arecocmplete and thet they could wiUistand, any aggressor. Home provisions for protection arc extensive and caver evcry class o! people so thel con- fidence lu Uic farce la almost unanimous. Air raid protection includlug bomb proaf sheltens, valuntary niursing schcmes, dis- tribution a! gai mesks, and Uic Rayai Air Force have been fiush- cd ta Uic linit durlug Uic palt * ycar, until et Uic prescrit lime evcnyane lu Erigiand la prcpared.i Il is estimeted thal e hostile fleet a! planes would be dctccted appraximaely an hour befone recblug England and would be met in combat by local planes be- s fore they could reech main cilles. In tIhe everil Ihat hile cnemy planes flcw so high Uiat lhcy were * not dctected lu lime far -air bat- tic, luugc batteries o! searchlightà-, supported by anti-aircreft guns, would scarch Uic sky, whilc cities would be "1blecked out" and every- one but thase on -official duty - . woulil remelu indoors. 1 t~in; ta watch, continued MLfres hadwick-Renshaw. Traffic lighte arc parlly coverced anid me. ton lights'arc dimmmd so thaI an observer fiying ' far o«enhead would be unable ta dlalinguish1 thc city froin a picce o! apen land1 or sca. Evcrjy so oflen 'British r forces stage mock raids aven cities s0 that cilizens wil become ac-c customcd otahUicsaund a! planes ovcrhead and ta the air raid rau-C tine so that panic will be aerled if and when Uic neal enemy puIs in an eppearance. Peaple arc warned a! air raids t by radio and by amplifiens set upa lu positions Uinoughout largen cil- les and the wardens arc given b special instructions tram head-b quartens. Every persan must go fi home or ta the neanest shelten available, without attemptihng ta -contact bis family. ýOnce luside thse bouse, anc rooni is made gas proof by slufflug àil openings -wlit wet picces af peper and rags,E stopplug chimncys wilh anyting that will stap air tram gettlug in- ta Uic room.; Glass windows must P be filted wlit speciai wirc netting I ta preveril fragments traminu- t (Cofltlnued an page 10) W. F. Rickard Host To CountyOfficiais J. J. Duffua, M. P.,Wa Guest Speaker - M4r. C. G. lWercer Also Spoke - Mr. Riekard Weleomed Guests A picnic tea and meeting of Uic poiling divisions aad sub-poiling divisions of Durhami County and of Uic Ladies' Liberal Organiza- lion of Bowmanviile and Port Hope was held Friday evening ati Uic residence of W. F. Rickard, M.P., Newcastle.S. Hatheway was chairunan. Aj number of prominent Liberals spoke. Oirer one hundred altended Uic plcnic and greatly enjoyed Mr.1 Rickard's hospitality.1 Mr. J. J. Duftus, M.P. of Peter-1 bora, was guest speaker. Mr. C. G. Meroer, M.P.P., also spoke briefly. REPORT DETAILS 0F CONFERENCE Details of Uic Rotary Presidents and Secretaries conference at North Bay recently, werc oullin- cd by local Secretary F. Morley Vanstone and President J. Ross Stutt at Rotary Club Friday noon. Announcement was made of Uic visit of Owen Herily, Belleville, District Gavernor of this -Rotary district. He will visit the local club on Friday and will meet wiUi directors prior to Uiat luncheon. Visitors included Harry James,1 Oshawa Ratarian, and Jabez C.z Vanstone, Kitchener.1 DURHAM'S BLIND ENTERTAINED AT PICNIC LAST WMI Sighticss peaple af West Dui hem and Oshawa and Uicir fr. ;ndCsnmerugaout fifty, wer Uic~~ ~~ gsto!UcBwmanvil, Com ttelth Canadien Nai tianal Insîltute for Uic Blind et picnice t Uic Creani af Barlg Camp on Wednesday, July 26tl tri Uic aflernoon, as a corices si6n ta Uic inertie which the hea iuflicte, Uic entertalument wa a klud which docs nat requir, much physical activity. But th, supper, pcrheps particuiarly lbi gerierous servings o! cake and ic creanu which made up the las course, seemed ta pop up flaggl energies 80 thel ail entered heani ily into Uic games and communil2 sluglug which faliowcd. Amorig those whom Uic Ba'w manville people were especial1, glad ho welcome werc Mn. D. B Lawlcy, Supervisor o! Field Ser vices for Uic C.NI.B., and Mmi Lawley, formerly Miss E. R. Gra hem. They, by Uicir presence anc their assistance lu conducîlu, gemes, and Miss Thra Davisor who cntertained Uic compari: with recitations durlug Uiç eftcr, noori, contributed e greet deal t( Uic pleasure o! Uic guests. The picnic cammittee wlah t( Uiank Uic members o! Uic Lionu Club for praviding transpanletior la, and froni the camp, and others outeide o! Uic commidttce, whc helped during Uic day. 1Ta ncvert ta. Uic campeign fai funds conductcd carlier ilu Ui suiuAmer, a gift rccenlly receiveÉ which Uiecocmmille wishes tc gralc!ully ecknowlcdgc is a che. que for $10,00 frani the Bowman. ville Rotary Club. Mr. Frank Williams, local man. ager o! Bell Telephane Ca., Là Iaking an criforced resîta enablE an injured knee la gel back tc normal. Three Accidents At Same Ti-me Involve Over Dozen Cars Sunday Toronto Maui Collides With D5or Kandis of Qounciloar Ooo. Bolde'o Car,Ând -Rip Auto accidents ini this vicinity cwer the, week-end occurred ip bunches at the saine time, damag- ing se*ral cars and putting one mian in the hospital. They ail happened about Il a.m. Sunday, the first at Prestonvale Arhen Bowmanviile Counecillo r Geo. B. Bickle collided with John Eeough, Toronto, who was stand- ing beside his car talking to Fred Abbs, Toronto. Mr. Bickle at- ;empted to pass the standing men and grazed Keàugh with his front fender. Evidently, the glancing blow caused Keough to lose lus balance and he ia thought ta have 'allen. against the right door hand1e of Mr. Bickle's car, tear- ing a severe gash ini one hip. He was taken to Oshawa Gencral Hospital. East of Bownianville, n e a r Bragg's Corners, three cars staged a-battle, with none of them li- proving their appearance byr the inelce. Jimnule Demmery, Toron- to, was driving west, roundlng. the eurve when he coilided with J. :F. earnum, Whitby, and E. Wanna- Rotary Fait Parade WiIl De Led Ny Famous Highlanders'Pipe San Over $800 in Prizes Offered By Local Club. Proceeda of Carnival Uued To Help Crippled Ohildreu of District Rotary Fair arrangements are about completed and are even better than reported last week. At that tùe those in charge hoped to obtain the services of a nearby band of wide repute. Un- fortunately the band first in mind was engaged for August l6th, tic day of the carnival, s0 the direc- tors decided to go a step higher and have succeeded i arranglng with the internationaily fanious 48th Highlanders Pipe Band of Toronto to lead the parade and provide a few selectionu following. Anyone who appreciates sup- erior band music wifl thtilil when they read this and wil do their utmost to be present on that oc- casion. The Highlanders, over 30 of thenu, will be in full dresa uni- fornu, whlch includes thc most colorful kilts and coats obtainable. Soldias, who were hn Uic Great WaIxxil certanly want tobe on band as they know fram experi- once, Uic blood tingllng excite- ment whlch goes wl±h a smart marching, bagppesklrflng band such as Uice4Sth. Every soldier we've ever heard s as th4t a bag- Pipe band la the Inest type of band to lead a march or aparade. tI addition ta Uic pipera, out- standing bands, brass, flute abd nlie, wililbe 1resenft tojoin hi 1h. several jazz banda and one outfit of cozi instrwnienttsuch as ordlnarlly lead Uic parade for a 'I* idf minstrel show. What -a parade it is going to bel Tickets are now on sale for the main prizes of Uie carnival which amount to $800, and include a $500 bond, a $200 bond and a $100 bond. There is naUing lutricate aboaut government bonds as same people' would have you bdlieve. They are better Uian cash because Uiey pay interest. If Uic winner wants cash instead of a bond, al he needs to do is say Sa. Every cent Uic Rotary Club ob- tains fronu its Carnival wili be used to repair broken bodies o! kiddies in Durham caunty and for other prajects which are i ntUicinu- terests af Uic community better- ment. Citizens are asked ta buy tickets, attend Uic carnival and spend generously, because thc more Uiey spend Uic better op- portunity some child lu Durham will have for a healthy body which wil enable hlm or her to become a valýued and seif-sustain- ing citizen. The endeavours of service clubs are not duplicated by any oUier agency. So, once noe.the Rotary Club ask for thc cooperalion af evcry persa n hiUis district b niake thia Uic finest Carnival ever staged by thc Rotary Club. Chlldren and merchants and manufa c t u r e r s should takc part In the Fair Par- ade ta show Uial Uiey are heart and soul lu Uic work ai redeeni- lng unfartunato children ta health and cveryone wha la physlcafly able, wfll, wc féel sure, be on band âtLRqtary Park ta participate ti heInee lggamea where Uiey may PartwU a llltle nioney, but haeUcopportun t iw1nnln valuable Primo. 1meker, Oshawa, directly behind. Bath Barnum's' and Demerry's cars werc badly damaged, while Wannamnaker rcceived. only a creaeéd -fender. They were forcccr ta remain ai Uic scene for several hours while Trafic Officer H. R. McKellar, LPort Hope, atlempted là clear up an accident cal o! Newcastle in which cight cars were iuvolved. Il seems UiaI anc car slowed down and pulled over ta Uic side o! the raad, but the cars behlud hlm were unable ta stop qulckly enough and more or less piled Up in a hep. No injuries ta persans in cither o! these Iwa accidents. Officer McKellar and Chic! a! Police Syd. Venlon, Bowmanville, conducted Uic investigations. PETERBORO FAIR TWO WEEKS AWAY The Peterborough Agricullural Exhibition, anc a! the fluesî FeUl Fairs lu the Province, wiil be hcld Uia year on Wednesday,- August 16Ui, Thursday, Auguat 17Ui, Fr1- day, August 18th, and Salurday, August l9th, when Uiree'DeLuxe Chevrolets and anc Standard Pan- tiac wiil be given away free. There la a merchant in your dis- trict giving away free tickets on these cars. When you make your purchases ask for these tickets. Some bill colîclors arc a hard ta shake as a guilty conscience. BEFOI RE AND APTER REFORESTATION OPERATIONS TOOK PLACE The above photos show more neccsulty ai Ibis wark in Durham Drury, former Premier o! Ontario The tour wli include visite ho for- clealy ianwars te dffeenc an NolbubenandCou Lme wol taking an active part lunete In Uic two counties and also rorsation makes t ame il ay adTurl lanned frogallgfor oresaWhoograpsavslta UicheReforestation Branch tract ai land. To enihiz i August MU, when Hon. E. C. will be anc o! the guest speakers. et Orono. dicd suddenly at his home. Dr.' avice and for consutatinad Tighe wa restlug following Uic were alweys loud lu their praise evening meal and had been c o! bf is pet remedies for curmng plainlug o! a headache. When lockjaw and conlagiaus abortion. Mrs. Tighe calied him toaenswer He was highly regardcd by farm- the telephone, she received no crs, especially because o! his skill answer and found hlm in a cal- and bis genial personality, and 50 lapsed condition. He passed away great wvere Uieir demanda for his within a fcw minutes, services Uiat hoie ook littie lime Hlis reputation as a veterinary (Continued on page 4) Achievement Day At Mdillr Features Girls' Splendid Exhibits Durham County Achievemnent Day brought a large number af members o! the Girls' Clubs trom bath Uic calt and west sections o! Durham Caunty, on July 26Ui. The gathering wa held lu Uic Town Hall, Millbrook, with marri- ing and afternoon sessions under thc direction of Uic county coach, Mlas Greta Pollard' o! Bowman- ville. Capable leadership ha given the girls markcd sucoeiis with their projects durlug Uic palt ycar, and on display were bavely sampgles of their wark, Uic clubs lu Uicwest o! Uic counly taklug up "collons may be smart," while in Uic eastern Part study ceritrcd round "1cotton accessonies for Uic club gil's bedroani." Bedspreads in a variety o! color and desigri; dresser scar!s, chair pads, wate prbaskets, and dresses made 9aye girls thenuelves, inspired luterest and admiration, shawlng a tiey did, good talte, initiative, capable instruction, anid sustained lutereut and industry. The momnlng wa given over bo judging Uic exhibits, sa=e a! which was doue by Uic girls, and reasons for Uic placing, Misa V. Bamnbridgc, o! Uic W. I. staff, To- ronto, making Uic fiealewerds, while Miss Poilard led lu Uic malter o! instruction, and lested the delegales on whal they had lcarned Uiraughaut Uic year. Leaders Attend The guest o! horiar for Uic day was Miss Mary A. Clar'ke, 6f To- ronto, gencral superintendent o! thc Women's Institues of Ontario, who taok aver her riew duties lest January, failowlug Uic resigna- lion o! Miss McDermnand, Uic lat- tcr havlug been sluce merricd. Leaders o! girls' groupa lu attend- ance includcd Mrs. Tininey, o! Ca- van, Mrs. W. H. Armstrong o! Mlllbrook, Miss Gladys Bradley o! Enniskillcn, and Miss Gladys MountJoy a! Blackstock. Miss Ainber Morton, Bowmanville, was secretary. The aflernoon session was open ta Uic public and a number of Uic mothers lucreased Uic luterested audience. Eech club bad been asked ta give an exhibition o! something donc during Uic y car, and for Miilbrook, Wlmme Arm- (Contlnu.d on Page 3) ic= -ýZ;" 1 t EnNISKLLU -*i RMME IT WEST SIDE BEACH IRobbers Maie TwoBreak-ju No.- y w MlsMay. LAS SORS DY utAre Disturbed At Work CEnniskiilen - What is my e Kest recolectian of it? - A abba O I I O I A morn in Uic merry month o!f ___ in the year -of our Lord 1871. A trophy donated by R. R. Ste-A n l e W t Li le o t SFroni Uic open windows of yens & Son o! Glen Rae flairy ri old white clap-boardodP will be the main award for the acadence te TwentY-Thf Sports Day at Bowmanville Beach St * h' oil sutton'sBot sA '~ sam.A am n ustllng . n Civic Holiday. The race is be- t~ByL~acked Again B u t a psalters are laid aside, and Ue0ïý ing run betwcen Oshawa and h a ted~ Bars Are Dy~ ta Uic accompaninuent o! !eahê'- Bowmanville and thc contestants hsFia v nn hc h. cd sangsters and dronlug are due to slart from Oshawa at nyLs -O bo e s- without, Uic sonorous voice 12.30. With a fair breeze the first oe a at the Domine la raised lu eanâi bohts shauld arrive shortly after t. Joseph's Church will hold L ssOa Of invocation.2oclk.ItrsatheOaw their annual Lawn Social Friday e Midway the church a yaunt club has been se keen for this race night at Rotary Park when sev- .efîbrad htloshd ab dantasceral booths will give every persan Bwavleslwefrenn i ahradmotheru iIn va ho wloslhdgoen e d iffrn t esentan appartunity ta take officers had little rest on Saturday ie efforts to placate a sturdy ret wo oudgointh homrntpe sathlgo au hl vnn n al udymri lafocd of ive, uponbaswhom te éi pots risking anly a small amaunt a! xng whcn within an hour two g frce quetde as egn t p~L~The Beach sparts program is money. The praceeds will bd usiness places on King Street kSuddenly his shriek o!fpro schcdulcd ta gel under way a a cmpee mre ents i e reboeduo shaîthers Uice achrsanct a 1 o'clock with -foot races for chil- local church. The main prizes o! For Uic second lime wilhin a ~' phre.Th fthe'sexpnavadren between'Ihe ages af 1 and 15. the event are five in number month, Harry Sutton's refresh- hand covers Uic baby face arw B'- Following these will be races forragufom$00csht$50. enbohwanerdbtUi strugllg bt o huanmyel - - . " everybody, which include an open Be on hand ta help this organiza- robbers !ound that Uic proprietor [Y idly propellcdota Uic nearest exit., - ladies' race, mixed lhree legged lo aeIeLw oilahg rfte yhapeiu xei ThreII sdrwIh ' race, egg throwing cantesl, rolling success. ence and had removed Uic cigar- uponth painful sequel! Suffi Pin Uirowing praclice, and many _________elles and tobaccos. The only arti- s. it t say that Uiececoec ive nifa!the more popular races. For cles misslug werc a couple o! à-uecalled luta play, praved W .MlS.ray evcry event the best a! prizes lG R SUSdazen chocolate bars and Uic lock d igyeffective, and it wa alway W . li'St ay have been secured for thc win- whic fatnedUic oor Lg with deference duc that I there-' ners at a great expense la Ihe wihfsekd h or ,n afe nee he".l ik Bowmanville West Beach Assoc- Last week's mention o!fi SbeqttheMr nd Ms a! 1e cntfored th e'argld KirkNE" IS ECTOR ialion lu an effort ta make this big polato grown by Ernest Les. Latimer heard a car in front church home, and Uic nebrve cen-. UIS APPOINTED sports day Uic besl ever. In ad- Werry on his farnu near En- o! Everett <Mike) Osborne's gar- t re o! Presbyterianism for Uic vil- ____ dition ta these land events Ihere niskillen was put ta shame age en King Street west, arase ta lage and cutyie ilb a Yo Yo contesl when 1h Ihis week when W illia m mvesligate and saw sameone carysde R. A. McConneli, Succesr to Col- ehchampion will be declareâ Palulon brought lu a cobbler working Uic gas pump while an- SUpon, he rorals were blazaned. E. E. Snider Who Ras Retlred, fo139grw inhetngadn! other man wa draining gasoline n th ans0 iganBo : WHI Resde in Part Rope. Followlug the foot races there George Thampson, Harsey St. nto Uic car tank.'- Mr. Lalimr ~Leod, McLaughlin, PulcShosInpco .A ill be an open Iandum canoe This one weighcd anc Pound, time 10 sta iem pull way jut ic Le Men, MilIs, PPubock, Riggss IA.pecterlR. A. race which should prove thrilling six and a half ouncest, ande.pul wy e h Man , ha st ! lok , lA.e ubencOonnell, ai Perth, who ha bath ta the contestants and spec- was 15 % luches in girth, east. He notified Constable Hall an ahsto ohrs llseh«benlocated in Lanark Cut tatars alke ith special prizes considerably arethnhe Whoainu turn passed Uic ncws an Id eapitdpw as téSbah rolegtla for 1h e past five years, has been being off ered for this division. Ennlakîllen contribution. E Ch ta Chic! of Police Sydney Venton. Ucaroun îrànsfcred tePor Hope a n Then there wl be a punI race in o! the big ones may be Then the chase began. The Chie! U0 ic ha gathered untb hinisoif, pc for Northumberland -and twa classes, the firsl for boys and spected aI L. R. Wood's im- foilowed theni at over 50 miles >_th majarity o! those o! whom 'ý Durhamn No. 1. He succeecis P. S. girls 16 and under, and the second plement shap. an hour, but wa autdistariccd by - wrte, ut hen he Diamnd*Inspecter Col. E. E' Snider, and for boys and girls 14 and under. Uclre n oepwru Jubilce" rails around on August wiîî be repîaced in Ïrt in Lan- As a special fMature, Mrs. Char- auto o! Uic thieveà. Later Uic car 27 nd 8, hoe a geet hit. ark County by Inspecter Laurier les Dcpew has offered a special INSTITUTE HOLDS wsse ou eîtruhtw village upon Uic hill, many o!fUcB. Hyde o! Ridgeway. The Irans- prize for the long distance swim. E JY B EPC I and again il was pursued te no -descendants of those stalwar' fer will be effective when school The race is ta starI in front o! the E J Y B EPC I avail. Oshawa and Part Hope ~~ pianeers who helped lay Uic ~~~~~~~' opens in September. Mr. Mc- divlug tawer ouIta the lîghthouse BwmnilWmnsIstuenoiidbtfudnoraefUc .e foundations upon which the pros- Conneli came ta Perth from Hall- BwavicimnsIntt t aned pr ovin aice owcrh b ern esofbDuhamd. tyh eybry (Contlnued on page 10) held a successful picnic July 27th car, which had been stalen tram been stablshed.at the home o! Mrs. F. Jackman. Oshawa early in Uic evening. The Following on lu my book President Mrs. F. Baker prcsided fallowing day, il a recovered ini memory is a vîvid page covcr L 1 Ar fi and alsa spoke on current evenîs. Toronto. my firsI day in Uic public school,' Church uecol'aiois Ar uB auiaul A splendid program o! sports was As another stalen car wa fouind lu Uic -lane across tram Morgani arranged by Mrs. L. Dumas and abandoned an Scugog Street on Wood's barn. Il was in the year ' l~U . Mrs. C. Robinson. Mrs. L. Braund Sunday, local authorities are o! !ollawing my church debut, buFor Cunni gh m - D irks Aiupial won the prize, in the hoop race, Uic opinion that Uic gang wa well even at that immature age I had 'ma~a.______________ Mrs. J. Thickson in shoc throw- prcpared ta use cither auto for manifcsted a budding abiliîy aa 4 ing, and Mrs. Buttery's tearn in escape. 1I mime and Icmpted by sund - Reception Held At Home 0f EN A M NTcohs graewieMs.J-. Lbribes lendcred me by "Dav Bie 's ParntsEMENTwSg -abs howDg e, ushow br. ac-os IE SAustin and "Jim" Hall - aaiarnaveol *Bbd hoedusION alUNn eboys - I wa busily engrossed - Ceremony In Trinity Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, should be burst. Mrs. P'. Jackman adisplaylug m ltald fci. hrh Cul e Orono,anoceUcngem t dern9nstraed her fondncss 'for DRUMHEAD S£RVICE wares whcn the blow feU an - or Muakaka f their -daughter, Hilda EHrzl, te soda-cracersl i pc il ,t-a n it m tospnsrs Mr. William George Crowther,wic sh could disp'ose a! anc Members o! Bawmanvillc Càan-' alog wth y Ia sansrsI sn a Mr an Mr. Wlte Crw-and whlatle. In stepplug out and adian Leglon andaan other veter-ý taun sta ain schaol and a o fMr.n r.WatrCo-in a hoap, Mrs. Beker's team had ans have been inviled ta attend foud ysl! u iarac adhd rinity United Church, beauti- ther, Newcastle. The marriage il aver the others who were a lit- a Drumlhead Service aI Victoria te say fte'schol anigno. fllydecorated with large baskets' iltk lc uel nS.Sv iniaus iaunching upon Uic sea o! o! white gladioli and wide white yvltk laeqiel udI etc less nimble. Park, Cobourg, an Sunday, Au- knowledge. But when I reached salin ribbon, was 'the setting for rs Anglican Church, Orono, AbunfuspprwsevdgstUiaI3pm home, and tram my packets dis- a pret wedding on Wednesdayc arlyini September.A oniusperw evdgsttha 3.. 1 grgd *1-egpye lgtcoyA The engagement is annaunced on the lawn, and as the day was Ail Legionnaires and velerans goge m ii-egltn at cn-Agust 2nd, when Mary Arvilla of Ruby Viola, daughter a! Mr. ideal and everyone In Uic best of wha have cars are asked la mccl sisting o! Ysiate pencil stubs, fish- Birks daughter of Dr. and Mrs dMs .Wteigt r prt ml utc a oe tteTw ala .0pm n hooks, colored string, marbles, W. E.Birks, Bowmanville, be-' an Mrsit meJ usthic ea do, etthoe anniall a .0pm ndh broken bits o! mirrors, and, mast came the bride o! J. Earl Cunning- Mïrs. Frank Jackman and the laIe Of thnksticksn amovdanvoe ail ho adr ieareg asatted Ui prized o! ail - a roosler's spur - mY ham, Bowmanvllle, son of Mrs. Mr.' Jackman. The wedding ta henka ta om, dt Mrs. Jaka onruhad iServdie eake ab conscience suffered not a qualini J. F.'Cunningham and the late M.tkplace Seturday, August l9th. Dumas and* Mrs. Robinson for A oor h aaewl as my mother dilated et length Cunningham, Toronto. M.tk hi odru fott ru s"At -o"oaIthe p rd a upon "thc wages af sin" etc. etc. hi odru fott rn s"ali"a h CollegiateGrud This episode was my introdu Rev. Sidney Davison, pastor of such a delightful aflernoon of re- aI 2.30 p.m. and wiil march ta Uic lion ta a lune o! teachers wh Trinity Church, officiated, and Dr. Street, where her mather received creation and fun.ShiBasanluVcraPrk camne and wcnt lic h nun Thomas A. Partridge played the wearing a gown o! Queen's blue fter Uic servi, corgaLPgrk. eleven years.csuin weddlug music. Durîng the sign- crepe with an orchid hat anda fethsrvcCbugLio Ale Oboncwhsedakclaring o! thc register, Mrs. F. V. Ott corsage. o! rases and sweeî peas. A meen man isn't always e man wîll provide rcfreshnucnts for cuMfatures, knl ml n sang a beautiful solo, "Deep as The graom's mother, who also r& fmas olo-an eeas Patient understanding, made hlm the Night."1 ceived, was in yellow sheer and beloved of his pupils. The bride, who was given in wore a corsage of roses. S ia Elisha Jessop - Uic sanie who marriege by her father, wore a Afler a deliciaus wedding sup- S il d V t rn r u g o ie taught in Enfield in 1870 - a per- gown o! white slipper satin wiffi per, Ray T., Birks, K.C., Toronto, lid V ~ r a y urv n D e sonable chap with "savoir faire" finger tip veil and carried a bau- acted as toestmaster. Rev. W. F. Uiat carried hlm Uirough ta the quel af lilies of the valley, roses Banister praposcd the toast ta Uic guild o! Acsculapius, and ta St. and orchids. Bridesmaida Miss bride and a suitable reply wes Dured S nday W ith Large Funeral Catharines where he practised for ElliotI y Rancier and Miss Audrey made by the groom who also pro- b many years. He wa elected teEliotwcrc gowned alike inpink posed a toast ta the bridesmaids. r .F ih a ucs ugo illn ermmee Parliament froni that riding and taffeta with metching haIs trini- The groanisman replicd. -D.T .TgeEa UCg ugo illn errebrd died there idolized by his con- med with turquoise blue. They The couple lefI on e mator trip With HM Own Preparations lu this district, because o! bis stiluents.Esn carried shower bouquets of pink ta Muskaka, the bride travelling To Cure Lackjaw And uncanny !aculty for diagnosing Henry lo - said te have been roses and carnflowers. Gardon in a taupe and white dress with O taosAbiton ailments lu animais and curing in carly 111e a drill sergeant in Duncan was groonisman. T he black accessaries. On their reîurn _______ Aorio theni with his own preparatians. the Imperial army. Discipline with ushers were Gardon Lowry and they will reside in Bowmanville.Dr ihfonta isbtre hini was a fellah, a ail too weîî Aleck Birks. Eighî couples o! the weddlug Durham county was' bcret af a sults camne froni special concoc- sundry big fellaws, who came to Following the ceremony, a ne- party spent the evening dancing prominent vcîerinary surgeon on lions which he prcpared himself. (.Cntluedon egeio) ception was held et the home o! aI the roof ganden o! the Roya' Thursday, July 27, when Thomas Veterinaries came tram many (Cntnedo pg l) the bride's parents, Wellington York Hotel, Toronto. Francis Tighe, 57, Bownnvine. points lu the province ta ask his

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