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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1939, p. 3

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 3RD, 1939 THE CANADIAN STAtESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO PAGE THREE Clara and Norma Cox, MrII. M. Concert At Kendal Achievement Day At Miilbrook FAMILY RE-UNONS Clemence, Toronto; Mrs. A. H Fisher, Bellevile; r.an ZM$:UsH g Suc reawures Girls' plndd xhibits. RUSE-CRYDERMAN r'Cr4'C and Mrs. Pilkey and Gordonl, Pc- Raph Gordon and Dorothy Fied-. (Cotined rompag lyThe Ruse - Cyena aiisln oa aMc Mr. and Wt eihflEtr <Cntnud ro pne1> furniture, too, flot angle-wise, but heid their l9th Annual vicnic 'at Mrs. W. E. Clemence, Coldwater, tainment strong had a three-minute talk on straight, to gîve an orderly ap- Hampton Park air Saturday. Juiy Mich.; Mrs. James and Jas., Wmn. ___ the accessorjes made for her ow pearance to your rooin. A bath- 29th. and Bruée, Mr. Jas. Hackner and bedroomn, decidedly attractive in mg centre is essential, glass-top- Over a hundred members and Mrs. Hackner, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- The concert held in the evening blue arid rose, the whole beauti.. ped or oil-cîoth covered wash- frend gathered and enjoyed the mott Brent, Miss Elva Brent, W. after Kendal Field flay's program fully dnand csigol 23;sad non-rust towel ak and a afternon even ift r i H. Brent, Uxbridge; Miss Helena of sports drew a splendid crowd. included were the bedspread in screen to ensure privacy."1 a littie dampened by a few drops of Torqnto. HglI a ie ntecu hd battlemented design, chair pal, "Use plain walls to make your rain. The afternoon was spent with Jl 6h r .G ecr - waste paper basketand dresser room look larger, and flgured to a bal 2ame and sports for al]. After a bounteous supper apre-Jl 6h r .G ecr scen.Tsh blue material was 18 lessen size; for your covers use a Duringz the afternoon Claire Rouse, pare Ci ye ldies, PresiotMPwsmatro eeojs csarf. d, ndthe pink 19c. pan mtra ih atrepoemnmuia netie) as-Cr Ceec, saa BCd The program was an unusualîy Th ysoard, padan mtra ih ptend(oemnmscletranr s the gathering's attention while he varied one given by Ralph Gor- soaephsiged was "«You walls, and a figured with plain isted bv Dorothy Fielding, piano delivered the presidential address. don and his assistant, Dorotiiy must work to succeéd,"9 the motto walls."e accordionist. both of Toronto. made lie also presented prizes, donated Fielding. Mr. Gordon, who, for of the Stitchcraft Club. Margaret Smith closed with the time pass ail too qui kiy with by the past president, W. J. Clem- several years was on the Redpath. Cavan Kotton Kids' Club fol- hnw ta arrange one's dresser top the spicv programn of commnunity ènce, and Mrs. Clemence ta the Chautauqua Circuit covering the lowed, represented by Dorothy neatly, and Ethel Belch summar- singing and their speciais '"The Mus- following: Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Southern and mid-Northern states Armstrong, who showed three ized the whole. . icai Vagabond," 'Rear Admirai Jelly Ferguson who had come the far- as wellas itth Co unt different sets for a girl's room,Saswtth omny on nmueadyîoone in Au Enniskillen Skit Fish" and "The Musical Mare." Mr. thest, Mr. C. J. Staples, Port Brn- Chautauqua through W e s t e r n n auteralin ndrim ed withonle i, Enskle gishdacer Rouse is a master musician and en- tain, oldest person presont, age Canada, is quite well known in nand alinot r iroe d greble; sk sit Te Seings Cl",thetertainer. He gets music out of a 85, who had motored up with Mn. this district. His introduction of the manner of making and the chardcters being: Mrs. Koziah cane, a saw and clay besides ail the Staples, and Ruth Marie Lamtb, over a dozen different kinds of cos wre xpaiedwahabliyRaymond, a wdw other musical instruments. little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. entertainment in his one program Suitability, and inexponsivenessBec; Mis Mlvilda Marigold, a Amoapthdguctsyoisneskesies LrneLambnEniskilon being stressed. Record books, widow, Ruth Stevenson; Miss Je- those from Huntsville and Nqew- While the assemblage at the rpdcao kthn n a which oach girl had made during mima Jenkins, a poètess, Marie market who had not been with us tables was resting contentedly Pid lire of talk all the time he is the year, illustratlng the project Wood; Susannah Riddle, an old for a few vears were Mr. and Mrs. from its masticatory and gastron- working, keeps the audience in undertaken, were artistic in con- maid, Alice Ashton. Alice Steven- A. B. Crvderman. son and daughter omie oxertions, Mr. -W. J. Cleim- the best of humor. Those he fol- ception and arrangement, and son introduced the caste. and frîcnd f rom Fort Wayne. In-q ence, Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P., and lw nOhrnmeswt were bound ta match the colon Cavan club demonsirated ,Coi- diana: aiso Miss Hazel Cryderman, Rev. Merrill Ferguson improved rneigo ubro i w chosen for the individual room. ton Accessories and how îhey mav ...ofOhw. h-ie yhpy pehsdeal-poems,npapereearing, magie, fun- Audrey Stinson, of the "Sewing amprovo a girl's bedroom," wîth Those winning prizes in thesports gin withis fal aertingar- J'Ym onolou, e, malad uifem, Pals" Club, of Blacksiock district, a l alis, Mary Richards and program: race for girls, 6-12-Hazel tgener and thisna thee n m t- conersonat instentl mquim, *gave an informative ialk an ,How EMaine Argue taking part. The Cryderman. Jean Cryderman; *boys, ance of maixtammig old acquàint- saw, etc. In faci, hie keeps the to make button hales,"l illustrat- total expense for the loVely cov- 6-12-Georize Campbell, Bill John- anceships, forming new aises and audience guessing all the time as îng as she went on both worked ers for bied, dresser and chair, son; girls over 12-Muriel Smith, perpetuating the noble traditions to what will come nexi, and his and bound buiton-holos; and Alice with wasio naiver basket, being Mariorv Van Horne, boys over 12- of the- pioneers. wHis w aol pragram suploasingly Ashton, for the "Miss Simplicity $1.75. Donald Jose, Ross Cryderman Ha ffcr eeid o e iswholeme an fre eam ny- Sewing Cinclo" 0of Enniskillon, Blacksiock club also had a skit, clothes pins on line-Laurabelie Cry- year are: Ewart G. Clexnence, thnw becinbo read a letter telling how their showing by an abject lesson how derman. George Campbell; shoe con- Oshawa, president; George Clen-i- gojcinbe girls' club started, ending with ta choose one's clothes pnoperly, test-Georize Campbell. Francis Jose; ence, Stayner, vice p r e s i d e n t; Dorothy Fielding is also well the lines: ~~~lino and colon, with correct ac- knock cork off botte-Marie Hearn, Manjonie Clemence, Shaws, secre- nw intsseio asnac "Good, beiter, best, cessories being important. Those bean straw contest-Carios Tamblyn. tary-treasurer, with a strong mon- complished piano-accord i a n i s t. But do~'lot it rest taking part were Audrey Stinson, Officers for 1940 are: President aging commitîee. She bas a beautiful and very ex- Untl yur aodis oter, Ailen hepontnJea Wrght -MssNora Kersiake; Vice-Pres- W. H. Goadall & Fair, Toronto, Pensive instrument which she And your btter is the best."' Ella Haskin and Grace Mountjoy. ident - Percv R. Cowliig; Sec.- got wind of the big evont and handles with unusual skill. Her A Dress Parade Deciding on noxt'year's pro- Treas. - Mrs. Frank Cryderman; were an hand wiih. suitable photo- repentaire of music is very wido, To piano accompaniment, the joci, the girls chose "The Club Sports Com.-Carlos Tamb1_yn, M. graphie apparatus ta tako a group Playing, with splendid technique, gilsfrm laksoc ad nns-Girl Ententains," by a majority Cryderman. Mrs Mary Nobes; Sup- picture, prints of which were ord- the clossical numbers and thon kirlsfon club s tic acandnss voie, and Miss Pailard campli- per Com.-Mrs. Mary Tamblyn. Mrs. ered by many families ta bo pro- the papular selections as well as thlenstageshowing tie adross mented' themn on the greai im- Kate Pascoe, Mrs. Grace Cryderman, servod as memontoos of theoc- songs "that everyorne can sing"l th tgsoigtedessprovemont ini their Record Books Ms id ibr isCsi ain and she leads. Her costumes are they had made -in their study af ibis year, before gaing on ta in- Ms id ibr isCsi ain "Cotions may be smart," telling troduco Miss Mary A. Clarke, Ruse: Receution Comn.-Mr.5. Ada Chas. Osbarne and Roy Ashton really beoutiful and she changes their cosi, which, in one case, was guesi speaker, who gave some Tamblyn. Clarence Cryderjnan. Mrs. canducted an inteneiing pragroin for oach number, making a de- as' law as 97 cents, and oxcept in kindiy andi boîpful citicism on Meta Johnson, Miss Helen Crytier- of sports with prizes for the Win lighiful varieiy. She will be wel- one instance,, did not, in any case, the denionstrations and projects man. nons and thore was a gononol came any time on any pragram. reach even as high as two dollars. presented, and spake very highly- After uartakinir of a sumptuous scnamble fan a huge bog of pea- The entre evening was greatly This was a particularly interesi- çf the wonk accomplished, and the supper and sonje more music the nuts. The swimming pool was a eniayed by the large crowd gath- ing feature af the atennoon, and capable leaders af the clubs. gatheriniz broke up with sinzing popular reoat af those wlth ered. was faflawed by demonstratians, Certificates Awarded "Auld Lane- Syne" and "Gad Save strang aquatic inclinations. The orMiilbrpuonclbywas rereseue. "You are theoanly girls in the thue Kiniz." Everyone spoke of what Fonestry groundis with their per- T ALRD R l Mibrokcubwa rpesntda wonderful afternoon thev bad had fectly trimmed hociges, the on-TR LRD RSA by ts presidont, Ruby FoUlis, who province ta whom the genenal and considered it ane af the bestin clasod gardons, the lovely walks CANADIAN ROC'KIES introduced honr team mates, Ethel su~perinendent has pnesenied cor- andi flawer beds aitracted many; Belch andi Marganet Smith, the tificates ibis year," Miss Pallard, the nineteen years. somo of the young people played leader poiniing oui the necessity explained, as Miss Clarke gave tennis, andi youth enjayeci ta the Popular Bowmanvllle Lady of a rosi centre in eacb girî's oui ihese coveted awards ta those GAHfaLNdIN iiils. ksreratoal I C avalcI Etsad e naam, with comfotable bed and wba had completeci îwo prajecîs GAHM LA PCNC litil te ar'sCeaevala I c adedIn entuls chair, also a desk, the latonr with on home making, the lisi incluci- The Graham f amily Rathexed for the chair, making up the "nrecre- ing: Norma and Joan Gillies, the l7th annual get-together ai the MUTO ENO Banf f Springs Hotel, Alto., Juiy ational contre"; each ta have uts Elaine Argue, Martha Belch, Nan Cream of Bariey Park, Bowinanville, MUTO ENO 26 - Its "Boots and Saddles" Friday own waste paper basket. A dress- Faflis, Donothy Armstrong, Ethel recently. The sixteenth annual Rounian momninR for the troul riders of the or, couch and chair woro useci ta Bolch, Wilma Armstrong, and 'An important event of the after- of the Mountjoy conneciion w05 Canadian Rockies. Close ta eighîy illustrate the cavons for each, and Gwen Staplos. Donoihy Smith bas rfre eda apo ako e-etuiss h ags EtelBechdecibcihagigcompleted five prajects, and it isnoon was the bail game.reeedeliaHapo Prk nWd-ntuassthlres single caval- Ehapeci wiil recive countyanonon by John Graham of Oshawa. follow- nesday afiernoon, July 26ih, with cade in the history of the organiz- w pictures cornectly, "on the eye hpdwl eevecut oosing wbich many af the Young people an attendance of 115. atim wiil leave the Banf f SpringsM * leelonc poalle, nt i stir-nexi year. stop f asdhio lln.T o in stligh nz ony I$.5 ob and children enioyed a swim, wbile The olden folk enjoyed the af- Hotel for. the new high line trail ta strpam s sou on.Ton a mu g ht a.n tseidt tegou edesi he ladies Drepared supper. ternoon visiting togeihen while Lake Louise. Their route wili take aqâthose with dark, on dark waîî the order af thein standing*: rs. Sports f ollawed ad consisteci of the yaung people played baîl dtbem from the starting point on palpn. Gnoup your pictures pro- W. H. Armstrong, Mrs. D. Tinney, age races for the boys and girls, the smaller childron enjoyed fh ealv Creek over the Simpson Pass. * enyno oewih loen adMiss G. Bradley, and Miss G. and noveitv races including a horse slides. Ice cream was sorvoci ta y Egypi Lake. Twin Lakes. Taylor oewith not on imafore esoansd onjy il eevn race, a marieci man's race, a mar- each one on arriving and was Lake and sa ta the final lodgze. It is hug id b sde Arageyon ighest points choice af subscnip- rieci waman's race. One of the much appneciaied os the day 'was a five day trip and in anticipation of _____________________Arrange_____ tions ta eien the Canadian Home best events of the sparts was the bat. the event many of the troul riders Journal,'or the Chatelaine were: husband andi wife callinz coniesîs. Early in the afiernoon a photo- have been "hardening Up)"- for the Jean Trumpour, Ruby FoUlis, which were won by Mr. Will Shep- gnaph was taken of the coipany, posi few weeks ai the Kananaskis Gwen Staples and Wihna Arm- herd. Toranto. andi Mrs. Sarah Mc- afier wbich an intenesiing pro- strong, in the senior group; in the Innis. Oakwood. Prizes wu.e pre7 gram af sports was put on, with Dude Ranch tbirty miles eas.± of nex gnup MaibaBechNonseted toa ah winners. noces for the boys and girls and Banf f. More thon 150 horses will be 3/ Fa]fls ru, Mar ihadsElchainr- se porm wsdrceib contests fan young and olci. Suit- reciuired ta make the trail ride. gue, Jean Wright, Audrey Suin- Mrs. Sarah McInnis who has heldabeinzswrgin.OvrK. hingothBBC, .3 e/4%son, Grace Mountjoy, and Irono the position of President since the At six o'clock ail soi down ta London. who has been mokinR an On o. Tiumi Croates; Jnos K. Stinson and re'anions beganl In hem rem:rks a mosi doUdcous supper ta wbich aerial survev of ibis continent, joins OunmdDorothy Hoskin. she stateci thai the Grahams, when ail did their full share.th rirdesaBnfFiayn Pr .mse hepivleeofbin he frt ae oCanada, ete r.RselMonjyo aI odr complete ai dloser range, includeci in the carload taken by J'ai. for f rom the picnic grQincs. rgtPeidnhncal heisvwote Canadian West. Witl, fr E. A. Summens, Agicultural Re- Ai ihai time it was a smail body meigth oepresend afier wl the party too, will be Mm. andi Mms. AIloui inveuwt frcmnmtoepeent the follow- Alostair Fraser of Montreol. yvho presentative, ta the C.N.E. for the but bas gown until there wyere ing officers were elecieci: Presi- are fiying ta Calgary in order ta Tm* F" judging competition, were: Ruby one hundreci andi ten representaiives dent - Russell Mountjoy; Sec'y.- spend their boneymoon on the High Folins, Gwen Staples, Wilmna Arm- aitihe picnic. Mm. Davidi Graham, Troas. - Mis. J. E. Elliait; Repre- Line Troul. And from mnany atber Uucor.ditionaIIy ua strong, Jean Wright and Audréy Markhamn. alsa spoke. sontatives - Toronto, Bob Mount- centres in Canada. the United States -Stinson. "The chance ta join in Sarah McInnis was re-elected joy. Whitby, Beatrice Mountjay; and abrood troul riders are f locking the judging competition ai the President andi Davidi Graham wa5 Car;twnighi, Ivan Mountjoy;. Dar- ta the Bonf f Sprngs Hotel. THÉ Peterborough and Lindsay loirs, electeci Secretary. and Mrs. Birdie lingion, Mrs. Theron Mountjay. as wohl as the C.N.E. ibis year, Squires wos re-electeci Treaslrer. It was decideci ta hold the nexi Vancouver bas the lorgesi epre- STER INC RUSU is open toa ay girl present at ibis The- foiiowing were chosen ta aci picnic the lasi Wednesday in Juîy seniatian of any Canodian.cijy. New CORORAIONAchievemeni Day,' the coach ex- a h prsCmie:Rbr iHmtn York City leads the American g-roup __ CORPORATIONonthe__Sports______________Robert____Hampton. plaineci, and gave oui applicatian McInnis. Oakwood, John- D. Gra- Mr. Harvey Pascoe was appoint- with Philadelpbia. a close second. imeo blanks befone dismissal, wben al ham. Oshawa. Carl Moynes, Oak- ed convener af the Sports Comn- Amonz ibose who are making the adjunncita helaws utsdewoad: Clore Everson. Oakwoad; mitiee. A Suppen Commitice was ride is Miss Leola Miller, Bowman- anc phtorapa wnetakn. Russel Parsons. Cambray. appointed - Mrs. C. J. Mountjay, ville. The Lunch Commitice:- Mms. Nom- Islington, Mrs. Luther Mountjoy, man Hall. Oshawa, Mms. Stanley Blacksiock, Mis. Merlin Hepburn, Byam, Goodwood. Mrs. Coma Teel. Kedron. T r n Canningion: Mms. Robert McInnis. Four people present were aven Oakwaod: Mrs. Sarah EvemsQn. Oak- eighty years af age: Mns. Rd. S10- wood. mon af Haydon, Mr. Henry Mount- Recent Visitors: It was decided ta have tise 1940 jOY af Blackstock, Mr. Frank Mm. Levi Annis. Toronto. ai Mm. reunion the firsi Saiumday in July Crossman of Oshawa, and Mn. A. W. Annis'... Mm. and Mrs. Gea. at Cambrav Park. Wm. Mountjoy af Heward, Sask., Scott and Miss Florence Scéott. Osh- Friencis weme preseni fram Lindi- the pnize fan the oldesi going to awa. ai Mm. L. J. Goodman's.. say. Islay. Oakwoad. Peniel. Con- Mns. R. Sleman. The yaungest Miss Rose Hawke and Miss Flom- ningian. Woodville, I)airymnile. Qsis- child present was Douglas Pasco, ence Hawke. Oshawa. with Mrs. C. awo. Haydon. Bownlle.Marmk- younig son of Harvey Pascoe. The Slemon. .. Miss Doris Alldread. ham. Wisitevale. Toronto. Locusi pnizo fan the one coming the f an- Bowmanville. is holidayinz wiih hem SPEIAI SLA DESSNQOzHill. Trenton and Goodwoad. thesi wonita Wm. Mounijoy af grandpaments. Mm. and Mrs. J. Al-ý larm l mm MIRCLEJi Ai the close of the picnic Miss Sask., now living at Grand Volley. clmeod. .. Rev. J. W. Down andi Miss If You Neeci to B orrow consider the lending services of THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE They are most comprehensive, and include: Personal Loans on a Budget-Saving-Plan Home Improvement Loans Farmers' Loans ,Commercial Loans Loans Against Stocks, Bonds and Life Insurance Policies Applications forT bans may be made at any of the 560 branches of the Bank. Englewaod. .. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Miss Pearl Smith wiih Miss Velina Long aultSmith. Jr.. Bowmanviile. wiiis Mr. Woodward. Bowmanville. . Mm. and andi Mrs. F. G. Smiths. . . Miss Mabel Mrs. Hary Fraser with Mr. anid Receni Visîtors: McRobemts. Oshawa. with Mm. andi Mrs. Fred McRoberts. Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Sims. Oshawa, Mms. Tac McRobemts. . . Mms. Emnie wiih Mr andi Mrs. Robi. Sims. .. Reodingz andi Darothy, Woadsiack "Nexita excellence is the ap- Miss Grace Smith witb friends ai witis Mm. and Mrs. Geo. Smith.. preciation aofi."-Thackenay. Words fi to doscri be THE NEW READY-TO-. EAT CEREAL distant points wbo sigised the nual picnlc nexi year in Omona d..¶ V regisien were: Rev. and Mis. Mere Park. the service Sundav morningz when ne a ill Ferguson andi daughien Helen, _________________Mm. Levi Aîunis of Toronto. gave a Angola, West Ainica; Mn. andi slendid tempverance oddress. M ot r 11I w , bqts Mrs. George Clemence, Staynre; The S.S. and community picnic blo or 01Mr. and Mis. D. McMannis, Roch- Poison Ivy Vlctims was beld ai Hampton Park on Fmi- ester, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Don't spread it wîîh lotions or day afiernoon. Tbe afitenoon wos _____________________________________________________Campbell, Mr. and Mis. E. R. ointments. Clet relief from bisteres pent in races and contesis. football S Pllkey, Mis. C. Usher andi Ethel end ItChIna with Our famous home- and bosebali. A bauntiaus supper was W U Usher, Rena (Trace) Farmer, Ada pathio pelilits. At your duggists, sre vtelde.Atpg hr UsherRena Trace)Forme, Ada or postPald for 45 cents. sre ytelde.Atog hr BA (Clemence) Trace, Fred Trace T H 0 M P S 0 N - 8 was o much smaiier attendance tison and Minnie (Trace> Treleaven, H'OMEOPATMHIC PHARtMACV sul.tiose who attendeci haci on Mr. andi Mis. H. N. Cox, Misses %Eî. ~«N~l ~Trno enjoyabie urne. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE ESTABLISHED 1867 S. H. LOGAN, Presid.nf 1 A. E. ARSCO1' Geral Monng h. 498 THURSDAY, AUGUST 3RD, 1939 THE CANADIAN STAtESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE A4 1 IwIf

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