- st,!,lit PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS¶JAY, AUGUST 3RD, 1939 Haydon Recent Visitors: Mr. David Tordu f. Mr. James Grant. Bowmanville. at Mrs. S. Mountjoy's.. . Mr. and Mrs. L. Garrard and f amily. Toronto. at Mr. C. Garrard's. . . Mr. W. Mountlov. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mountjoy, Islini - ton. Mn. and Mrs. G. McLean, Ux- bridize. at Mr. M. Slemnns. .. Mrs. H. Werry at Mrs. J. D. Brown's. Oron... Mr. and Mrs. L Grahani, Roy and Tim at Mrs. J. Kensted's St. ChristoDher. .. Mr. Bert Dudley. Bowmanville. at Mr. George Cowl- ines... Mr. and Mrs. G. Greer. Mr. and Mrs. T. Greer. BraQpklin. mont Lakc. .. Mr. and Mrs. Hioward Coie with friends at Lake Sitncoe. ..Mrs. Ina. Colwiil has returned f rom Owen Sound accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beckett.- The Crvderman-Ruse nictnic was heid in the park on Saturday with a Road attendance. Tyrone S.S. heid their picnic here on Fridav'. A severe electric starm p)assed aver this district Friday nigzht, alsa a verv hcavy ramn Saturday nigzht which was much needed. Mr. W. Craia had a cow kilied bv liffhtninz Saturdav night. Enfield Mr -and-r Mjrs. Chamberian. Tarantc., withfins here. .. Mr. and Mrs. Recent Visitars: D. Moore. Oshawa. Mrs. M. Moore. Mrs. Gnieves. Bownianvillc. with Miss X. Moore Bawmanvilie. at Mr. Mrs. W. T. Ormiston. . . Mr. and R. McNeil's. . . Miss Marie Ashton Mrs. Fred Smiith with Mr. W. at Mr. W. Brownley's, LeasicIç. Smith. Whitby... Mr, and Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. R. Richards at Mir. Cunningbani. Miss Evelyn Cunningz- E. N. Beech's. Columbus. hani and Miss Betty Bcst. Brossells. Church service next Sunday ater- at Mr. R. W. Pascoc's. . . Mr. Sulas naon at 2.30. Rcv. A. W. March wiîî Tain). Tarante, Mr. and Mrs. W. vreach. Scollv and Billv. Mount Deimis. at Mrs. W. 1. Onniiston's. . . Mr. .and Comniunity icnic will be heid on Mr, Levi Niddcry and Mr. W. Hen- Saturday. Auiz. tb at Cream aif derson. Torante, at Mr. A. Nid- Barley. Everybodv welcomc. dery's. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. McGill. Congzratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Tom Argzue. Mrs. E. Argue. Deibert Martin on their marriagZe. antville. at Mrs. J. Stinsen's. Miss Ida McCulloch entcrtained a numker of fricnds at a craoct party Hamptonan ber spaciaus iawn. Monday ai- _______terneon. Recent Visitors: W.A. was treated ta a vicnic at Mrs. Mvrtle Taylor and Mr. Hj. Geneva Park by Mrs. T. Bowman M. Thomison. Toronto. with ber wbet was hostcss far the Aukust mnother. Mrs. A. C. Trull... Mr. meet ing. adMrs. . Palmer, Miss bine Pal- Master Herbent Prescett e.ften- me d rJJ.NcosnT- tained bis boy friends at a nantir at ronto. witb Mr. and Mrs. E. bn is home Thorsdav. thistle. . . Miss Jean Great. Tarante r n r.FedSihatne at F. J. Grat's. .. Mr. and Mrs: a Garden Party at Mr. R. S. Mc- Albert Beckett, Kenible, wi±h Mrs. Lauazhlin's. Oshawa. Satordav abten- J. Colwill. . . Mn. and Mrs. Fred noan. Tamblyn. Orono. witb Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilbur. .. Mrs. Ida Tennant. Toronto. at IF. G. Kcnslake's. a l Gr v Mrs. Fred Blencoe and baby. To -____ renta. at Mns. L. Ciemens'.. . Mrs. Recent Vîsitens: G. Gilbert bas retunned rani Sarnia. Joan Monday bas rcturned froni ..Mr. mnd Mrs. H. Halwell, Fred visitinz ber Rrandparents, Mr. and and Dorathv witb friends at Bow- Mns. .. W. Lancaster. Ncwtonvilie. nianville. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. W-. Mr. Wallace Munday. Mr. Chas. Horn. Dr. Wallace Hern. Port Hope. Wiffbt with fricnds at Port Doyen. in canipanv witb Mr. and Mrs. Mil- Mrs. Rav Snowden. Helen. Mary. tan Avenv and Donna Kay. Boffbalo,. Donna.* Billie. Miss Greta -Munday N.Y.. are accopyinz a cottagze at Bel- hae r i.-. dtoToronto ite.. si.. - Dependable SHOE REPAIRS Tou wi make Do mistake by having your old worn out aimes repalred to look and wear like new ones. Our work le un- eonditionalir guaranteed and i. reasonably priced. We also have a complete stock of men's fine oxfords and sturdy work boots. Barness Repairs a Speclalty. JOHN LENZ Ring St. West - DowMMmavle L inay ber parents. Mn. and bMr$. R. R. Stevens. Miss Muriel Stevens rcturn- cd home witb -theni. . . Master Don- ald Peanson, . Lakeficid. with bis gnrandparents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Laird Sr. .. Mn. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, Rav. Jack and Joan snent Sundav with ber p)arents. Mn. mnd Mns. J. W. Lancaster. Newtonville. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Staples. Bethany, with ber narents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trimbie. . . Mr. mnd Mrs. Mon- ev Flintof f. baby jean. QCqlumbus. witb ber p)arents, Mr. and Mns. H. G. Freenian.. Mrs. W. McRoberts. Sarnia. Mrs. C. L. Fisher. Tarante, Mr. Kennetb Reeson. Mr. and Mrs. H.- R. Faster. Lo;cust Hill, with Mn. and Mrs. F. Swallow. .. Mrs. Harry Spnraggk. son Billie. Ham-flton, witb Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wordcn. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Warden. Mrs. Ed. -Wilkins. Misses Benyl. Doncen Wil- kins. Oshawa, bad an enlayable mater tnpi in the Muskoka district. -Tbcv cailed on Miss Verona Wor- den at Fern Cottagze, on Lake CQocb- icbing. . . Mr. and Mrs. Evenetti jw HolidaySpecials h Cherry Pie ... ...1...... 25c iioney Macaroon Layer Càke....... 30ec Pm GoId Cake, fluffy icing............. 30C e2 Order pienmo and regulaoe supplies early for b' Civic Holiday. i THE CARTER FAMILY I Buy Fram Your Bowmanville Baker Phone85 Bakers for Two Generations tg a. y st~ ad-ued -a -car wit-h traileër,and ad taken shearers ta cut the wirc fence ta load Uic animal. .9 Askcd Uirough an. interpreter why hc took Uic - cow, leyemann, ISwiss, saicl hc was afr*Id he1 rould not have enougi mMl, lie1 admitted hi. parents had Il other1 aws and could not explain whyj cl had gone ta such trouble ta teal anc.1 Hall. Mr. Orlon Hall. Misses Audrey Muriel Hall. London. Mrs. S. T. Bartlett. Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Foiey. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ho- ward Cryderman. Shirlie and CarIas with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbor Basker- ville. Newcastle. Mrs. Wni. Jeffery Mr. Wallace Munday attended the Osborne-Wil- ,kins weddinir. Blalckstock Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. George Sadler, Ca- baIt. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Mutton. New Liskard, with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sadler. Mr. and Mrs. Raipi Sadler. Mr. and Mrs. W. Willian and Earl. Caesarea. with Mr. and Mrs. R. Sadler. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. XValdon and Mr. Bob Waldon. Lind- sav. with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Henry. ..Mr. and Mrs. Harvcy Ginn, Dar- athv and Bert. Bethany. with Mr. and Mrs. lames Ginn. .. Mrs. Wm. Stecle in Taronto visiting her daogh- ter. Mrs. Russel Willan. . . Miss Mildred Archer in Beavertan with her aunt. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Canin and Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. Doncan Heaslip) with Mr. and Mrs. R. Heasliip at their cottage at Terra Cotta on the Credit River. .. Miss Norma Haaev with her varents. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoaev. .. Mrs. 0. Shaw. Midland. with her son. Mr. 0. V. Shaw. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shaak. Tarante. with Mrs. Jahn Marlew. the batter retorning ta Ta- renta with tl4 m . . Miss Gcrtrude Hcnrv has ré.turncd te Tarante.. Miss Bernice Rogers. HamptQ.n. witli Mrs. James Marlow. . . Miss Olive Beacock. Lindsay. with her parents, . . Miss Patricia Marlaw. Tarante, with Mr. and Mrs. Waliace .Mariow. Juiv 26th the girls of the, 'Co1ons Mav Be Smart" ciass wen tet Mill- brook ta the "Achieveniodnt Day." Sec bull repaort in another çninnin. W. A. of United Church met at the home ai Mrs. Richarzl Hooper. Juiy 25th. Mrs. Gardon Strone and Mrs. labez Wright playcd a piano duet: Mrs. Robert Sadier sang a sala:. a rcadiniz was Riven by Miss Hazel Mountioy. Salem Church service was resurned riere on Sunday evening when MIr. L. Annis, Toronto, was Uic speaker in Uic interest cf thse remperance Federation. The sub- ject was very abiy and appeal- ingiy dealt with and Salem fri- ends werc glad to welceme Mr. Atnnis as a former Tyrene boy. rhey wcre aise glad ta welcamc Rcv. and Mrs. A. W. March back after their vacation. Mr. March conducted Uic service and intra- duced Uic speaker. Arrangements were made at Uic close cf Uic ser- v'ice for a coiUnunity picnic te be hcld at Orbna Park August 10Ui. Mr. and Mrs. John Faulkes, their son Frank and daughtcr Dorothy, and Mr. Gregory, To- ronto, wcrc Sunday guests with Mr. and*Mrs. C. Collacutt. Mr. and Mrs. L. Annis and babe, Toronto, were wcckcnd guests wiUi her parents, Mr. and Mirs. W. Cann. Mr. and Mrs. H. Maody and family, Toronto, spent Sunday wîth Mr. and Mrs. H. Gaud. Mrs. P. Cann and Miss Reta attendcd Uic Rundie picnic at Oshawa teach last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hurst and sons were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Gaud. Mrs. E. Silver is spcnding Uic week with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. P. Cann and Miss Reta werc Sunday guets with Mr. and Mrs. W. Pickeil, Eben- ezer. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gaud and littie niece MarUia Brooker are hall- laying for a few days with her rother, Mr. Maady and family at Lake Sîmcae. NEWCASTLE DEPT. HIGHWAYS TAKES OVER ROADS The wangling Uiat has been going on for same time between the Municipal Cauncil and thc Ontario Department cf Highways over Uic maintenance and contrel. of North Street which is pavcd and Uiat part cf Na. 2 Highway unrn« through Uic business and esidentini section cf Newcastle is now happily at an end. Muni- ipal Council held a special meet- ing Juiy 3rd, with highway of- icials present and it was agreed bat the Departrnent assume thse naintenançe and control cf these portions cf highways within Uic ls ri e S, c 1 The sddndeaUi July 1'7th of PSr"" fltdSaucannaaw suddcn ýfft tricd eut lest year ta Lon- Dr. Ernest Ailin, 73, of 2032 Penn- don and Hanmilton with such bene- Ssylvania avenue, means Uic lOss ficiai recuits' that Uic Dcpartment 1to Hcllcnbeck- Heiglits of one Of thouglit it advisable ta hlad thenm its most active civic workcrs. again this year - two.othens ta be Past president a! Uic Helîenbeck conducteci in Barrie and Sarnia. Voluntary Beneugli Board, Dr. Wie2 ar dte oa Allin gave much turne and in'terest hle 2on 0 war anmittend anca ta Uic affaire of lits community.casnl10wrinttdnc Rie was anc of Uic feunders cf at Kingston, making it even more Uic dental colege of Uic Univer- profitable te Uic student by Uie sity cf Southcnn California and tadividual attention cadi receiveci. stooci higli in the- dental profes- Classes wene lielci cadi day in sion. Masonic Temple under Uic direc- Surviving hirn are bis widow, tion cf Miss Carlisle whcrc aI] Mns. Mary EUiel Allin; a daugh. branches of library science wce ter, Mrs. Helena Reynolds, and discusscd. Book accessioning, cat- two stepsans, Lyle J. Moore of alaguing, classifying, budgeting, Las Angeles, and Volney Moore, boek-nepaining wene only a few Syracuse, N.Y. 'o! Uic problems discussed eveny Services were lield in Grace day; practical applications o! these Mcthadist Church. Buriai was ta taiks bcing made by Uic student Evengreen Cemetery witli grave- librarians in Uic class-roorn and side services by Hollenbeck Ma- in Uic Kingston Public Librany. sonic Lodge. Mn. A. Mewat,'Inspector o! Lib- Pallbearers wcrc former Coun- raries for Ontario, was present te cilman Winn J. Sanborn; Ralph J. weîcome Uic librarians after reg- Arey, president cf Uic Holcenbeck istration and conductcd a very Heights Imiprovement A s s oci, profitable round-table conference tian; Harry Swan, president cf the durtag thc course. Hollenbeck Voluntary Borough Lectures wcrc gîven by Mn. Board; W. W. Goodwin, president Kyte, Librarian at Queen's Uni- cf Uic Ninth District Cliamber of versîny, and by Mrs. Kennedy of Comnmerce*, Claude Hollick and UiceKigston Pub lic Library, Mrs. WlimJ. otlcy Kennedy and lier staff wene meet William wKostlecyrspndntcordial in their reception of Uic ha lorsentcas te corresondeint students and made evcry effort ta liras io aie ent us Uic.flling make Uic visita there pleasurable Dr. Allita,fifth son of the late n. Mrofiat ndMisCa.i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Allun, at- Mr.k Uic tdtssCarersle tendeci Newcastle Rugis School and buson ahvstidngtoury cfseea Lindsay Collegiate Institute. En-buonavstgturf erl tering Chicago College cf DentalgOdess ng libranies - Napance, Surgcry lie graduated with de-Odsa Camdcn East - w h ich grec of D.D.S. ta 1892. lie then praed highly intercsting. Miss retuned o Necaste an rCaKrlale gave several instructive rieud yarta csl e manrid Ma-stlsson County Library werk Etie a yar untl le ar nied Miss utlining what liad been accem- EiUhis riade.l it oniBce ,itplishcd ta Lambtan Co. By co- wiU litsandbride StaGVicr, ' operation arnang Uic libraries ta wlir iee a arn rs. SxG. Clemence c maller centres, Uic service cf foed a partenshi. ixmo the iclibrary totheUic cctmunîty is latr lc enttaLos Angeles, increased and by co-aperative Calif., and establied offices rn buylng Uic cost o! books le lessen- Ui uilard Block whcrc Uic new d CitY Rail now stands. Hie contmn- The purpose cf these library ucd a successful practice until bis sehoals is ta make Uic libranian dcath on July 17Ui, a pcniod Of mare efficient ta lier services ta about 46 years. During Uic yeans Uic Pli lic and thus raisn g Uic Dr. and Mns. Allun wcre vcry ac- standard cf Uic library itaef tively cngaged ta churcli and S. S. Tisose taking Uic course ta *Lib- Wcrk ta Grace Churcli wlere Uic rary Science at Kingston were doctar was S. S. Supt. for a long frorn Aurera, Perth, Brooklin, peZid.te tyge apyad amndcn East, Lakcfield, SolUna, busUcis oe tye ap diy andBOWManvillc, Port Perry, Palmer- busiessinocd a Uc wstDr.stan and Uxbnidge. Alin clianged lits location and Mns. Vivian Argue, Bowman- attcndcd First MeUiodist Churcli vile libranian, and Miss Ileen whcrc lie and Mns. AlUin became Baison, Solins, attcnded. activcly cngaged ta varicus ways. Thcy paid occasional visita to their old home village o! New- TYRONE W. 1. castle, delighting always in the____ joy o! meeting relatives and fri- TcTrn oe' nttt In12er.Ali id vnda. led their regular meeting at Uic In 1924 mohr rs. Alln diei cvn on f Raîpli Glaspell on lierage moier Mns Wm Rik-, ursday, July 20Ui, with Presi- ard, Whoa lad gone te Los Angeles Ilc'ent Mrs.. Goodman in èharge cf ta live wiUi them, in Uic family Uic business. Mrs. Harold Skin- home. Two years later Dr. Allita ner, group leader for JuIy, pre- marricd his first wifc's cousin, sented a very tateresting pregram MTh.eUicI or e. a isbah cecmpniscd o! Uic felcwing: Vocal Tis dota fel a bs bachco- duet by Marion and Helen Wcrry; tage at Laguna twe months ago piano solo by Miss Hains o! To- and Uic accident liestened a heart renta, gucst cf the Misses Werry; attack which prcvcd fatal on July reading by Mrs. Wallace Miller. 17111. Thse special speaker for Uic day Over 100 floral tributes made wes Mis. Stainton c! Zion wlie Uic churcli beautiful for Uic bur- gave us lier trip te Uic souUhi n il service, conducteci by Rcv. A. a meat cntertaining manner. The Inwoad, a beloed former pastor, ineeting clesed with Uic Mizpali, and Dr. F. Seamen, neiglibor and aftcr whlch a dalnty luncheen very close friend of Uic family1 was. servcd by Uic hestess and tise during his seven years paaortgreup In charge. Obituary Arthur Allan Battie, BowmanvMle, Rest came peacefully ta Arthu r Allan Battle in Ottawa on July 26Ui after an incurable ilines extending aven a periad cf scv- enal years had tcrmcntcd hlmn dreadfully, gradually -sapptag lis strengUi. lHe was 65 years cf age- Bon taEngland, Uic eldest son cf Uic late Mr. and Mrs. Allans Battle, deceased camne ta Canada as a ycuth with his parents and scttled in Providence district. Rec was later cmploycd at Uic Domin- ian Organ & Piano Company and with Uic Canada Slicer for a num- ber cf years. Hie was, well known Uinougli Uic province as a breeder of White Leghorns, lis prize birds having taken awards several tinies at the Canadian National Exhibition. A peculiar ceincidence sur- rounds lis dcath in that two neighbons, Mrs. D. T. Morris and Mr. Thos. Coulter, whose gardens adjeined bis an Horsey Street, dicd during the same week. The funeral was held privatcly frOm Morris Cc. Funcral Parlers, July 29Ui, with Uirec, brothers, Robert R.. md Fred cf Bowman- ville, and Wallace cf Oshawa, act- ing as pailbearers, assisted by Geo. W. James, Bewvmanvillc. Rev. S. Davison conducted Uic service and interment was made ta Bcwmanvillc Cemetery. Ini additian to Uic Uiree brothers who acted as pallbearcrs, leie l survivcd by another brother Frank cf Vancouver. Ris wife, Alie Penkins, predeccased him several ycars ago. MlarY EUsa Jean Gibson, Purpie Bol A gloaom was cast over. Cart- wright Township July 24Ui wlicn Jean Gibsen, youngestý daugliter O! Mrs. Fnedenick Gibson and Uic late Mr. Gibsen, passcd to rest after thnee weeks' illness wiUi rhcumatic fever. Jean was ini lick twelfth year, lier birthday bcing August 7Ui. The funeral on July 26Ui from lier home was largely attendcd. Rcv. D. M. Stinson hac! charge of the service and spoke veny cern- ferting ta Uic sorrewing fricnds. Left ta mourn lier loss arcelier mother, sisten Verna, and broUicrs Bruce, Cecil and Arthsur. A sister Marion and lier fathen predeceas- cd lier. Many flowers testificd ta Uic lave in which shc was lield. lier school girl chums were flower bearers. The bearens wene six cousins, Donald and Roy Grahiam, Tom, Bruce, Hiarvey and Norman Mahaftey. Interment; was at Uic Union Cemeteny, Cadmus.* Dr. Ernest Aillan, Los Angeles (Las Angeles Gazette) .,e it n a ce ,e e The prîce fias remained unchang- ed since 1879 ialUiough Uic vralue 'eceivcd for his twenty-flvc cents has increasedl îmreasurably. No- where cisc can se rnlch be had ta amuse, entertain and educate for alike sum. And if ypu are atmU skeptical anc visit. wlllconvince you. Filmis Deyeopd ree You pay only for your good prints. - Try Our Oure work and save money. Tooth Paste Colgates - lOc-190me3 Liuterine - lOc-25c-39e Pepsodent - lOc-23c-37c Ipana --lOc-23c-43C of Grace Crr, Uicàe eAI- lin home, a theUicincam- ing paster, Revi Clinefetter. «In the Garden" and "'When Yau Hear eThose Golden Belîs"' were swcetiy rendered by Mary and Ruth Pat- terson. VETERINARY DIES <Contlnued tram Page 1) for pleasure, rest or recreation. He could readily be callcd a slave àte his work. Dr. Tighc is survivcd by his wife, Hulda Marie Harrison, and six children, Yvonne, Frank, Ril- da, Helen, Murray and Garry, al at home. Four sisters and two brothers are aise living: Mrs. Dan kSullivan, Caledon East; Mrs. Jas. 1Grady and Mrs. Michael O'Brien, 3Toronto; Sister St. Bàsil, St. Jes- 1eph's Convent, Toronto; and John 1and Augustus Tighe, Inglcweod. He was bern on a f arrn near Bolton, Ontario, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tighc, and attended Vetcrinary College in Toronto, jgraduating in 1908. Fer 10 ycars he practised ini Bolton, moving ta Bowmanville 20 years ago. Funeral strvice was held from St. Jaseph's R. C. Church, Bow-, manville, on Sunday afternon and was attcnded by'an enarmous crowd cf friends and relatives from Chicago, Edmonton,' Toron- ta and Toronto Gare, Oshawa, Bolton, Caledan, Brampton, and practically aIl centres lin Durham County. Rev. S. J. Coffey, pastor of St. Joseph's, conducted Uic service- on Sunday and Uic Requiem Mass eariy Mcnday morning, assisted at Uiececmctery by Rev. Father O'Neill, Toronto. Pal bearers were friends of Dr. Tighc and in- cluded Messrs. T. W. Cawkcr, J. R. Stutt, P. R. Cowling, Art Colc, Chas. O'Hara, Bramipton, a n d Patrick Gerity, Caiedon. Inter- ment was made in Bowmanville Cemetcry. Friends and relatives cxpressed their.. sympathy wîi a profusion cf fiowers which fillcd Uic roomn in which.lie lay. Organizationis whîch' sent floral tributes includ- cd Uic Public Sciscol. Board and Staff wherc Miss Yvonne Tighe is a teacher, and thrce baseball or- ganizations of which Frank Tighe is a member. With thc passing cf Dr. Tiglie Bowmanviile and Durham ceunty loses one cf its most popular and genial personalities andanc of* its vaiued men. LOCAL LIBRARIAN' GOES TO SC.HOOL The first of Uic Library Schaols in eiementary library science heid this year was camplcted on Fni- day lest after- a two wecks' course- in Kingston, under Uic vcry cap- able direction of Miss Dorathy Carlisle, librariàn, Sarnia. These schoo]s arc sponsored by Uic De- Prof. W. F. Tamblyn Honor.d By Westrn University, London The following article in the Londoji Free Press, sent ta us by Mr. John Elliott, B.A., a former bclaved Principal of Bowmanville High Schoal, refers to an aid time Bowrnanville Hligh School boy, Wm. F. Tamblyn, now head cf the English dcpartment of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, Lon- don. His father, W. W. Tamblyn, M.A., was a Durharn county man who had the unique distinction, 1after his graduation with medal- ist rank frarn Taranto University, cf serving as principal in succes- sion f thei four high schaois at LNewcastle, Oshawa, Bowmanville and Whitby. After his retirement as principal he resided in Baw- manvilie. It was during the Bowmanvilie principalship that the boy Wil- liam, naw Prafessar Tamblyn, spent three years as a student in 1Utc high schaal. Mr. Tamblyn senior died in 1912 and his rnema .i perpetuat- cd by thc five Tamblyn prizes providcd for by his wiil and given annually in Uic English dcpart- ment of the Newcastle, Oshawa, Bawrnanvillc and Whitby schaols in which he served, and the Uni- versity cf Western Ontario, Lon- dan, whcre his son is a professar. The article frcm the Free Prcss reads: In rcoagnition cf his *services in cornpilxag the history cf thc University cf Wcstcrn Ontario, Prof. W. F. Tamblyn, authar cf "These Sixty Ycars," was pre- scnted with a silver tray by Uic board cf governors cf Uic uni- versity. Délegated by Uic board ta ex- press Uiat body's appreciation cf Uic English profcssor's work,, a capy cf which has been senit ta ail Western alumni, Frank Farristai, rnaking Uic pr sentatian, said Prof. Tamblyn hai, been fartunate in having a goad' background on which ta build his knowicdge cf university histary. "The fact that yau have been identificd with Uiis university since 1902 has given you an op- portunity ta graw with the insti- tution and ta watch, its transfor- mation froan- a Anglican college tb Uic univcrsity under provincial, municipal and publiecocntral,"' Mr. Fôrristal said. 1.The hlstory would be widely read, he cantinued, because of its human interest and wauld be treasured by ail thase who aré familiar wiUi Uic struggles cf Uic university during théecarlier por- tion cf its carcer. "'WiUi Uicse fadas in mind," Mr. Farristai said, "the board cf gov- ernors have decided ta present ta yaur family Uiis silver plate and ta express ta you Uicir individuai and corporate Uianks."1 Enioyed Work In accepting Uic gif t, Praf. Tamblyn said he was averwhelrn- cd because cf the generosity cf the board in rewarding him for werk Uiat he greatly enjayed. Hie had been able ta dip inta Uic history of Western and ta ascertain many fadas cf its development which wcrc flot heretafore knawn ta him. "I am flot aniy deepiy grateful for Uiis manifestation of gaad w 111," Prof. Tamblyn said, "but I arn proud ta be idcntified with such an institution as'Uic univer- sity and 1 am. proud ta have Uic opportunity ta work for Uiis board of. governors."l Present at Uic ceremony wcre Colonel Walter James Brown, bursar and executive secretary af WVestern-, Prof. arid MJrs. Tamblyn, Mv. Frank Farristal, Prof. Fred L.andon, Dr. H. R. Kingston, Prof. Hi. K. Inman, Dr. R. B. Liddy and Prof. C. J. Bittncr. Poison Ivy Season Poison ivy is a jay-kilier in nany parts cf Canada and this is the scasan ta be on guard. City dwcllers especîally suifer from the eifects cf contact with this dangeraus vine as being less ac- customed ta seeing it, Uiey fail ta recognize it. The mere tauching of poison ivy is likeiy ta cause a peculiar inflammation cf the skin ta break out at Uic point cf contact. Same- tmes Uiere is a slight redncss and tching; at cUier times, contact is aollowcd by large swellings with extensive blisters, acccrnpanied by a severe burning sensation. %When poison ivy has been adci- dcntally tauched, Uic use cf oint- nents or cold crcams should be carefully avoided and whcn Uiese dioarlv ailar it Rnona- igaso- Anglican Primate Consecrates Church The Most Rev. Derwyn T. Owen, Toronto, Primate cf Uic Church cf England in Canada, Iast week . consecrated Uic new Anglican Ail Saint's Churcli at Aklavik, N.W.T. The cliurch is near the mouth cf Uic Mackenzie River. A numben cf Eskimos, Indians. and white settiers were present. At thse request cf Right Rcv. A. L. Fleming, Bishop of Uic Arctic, lic confinmed Uirty-nine Eskimos before Uic consecration. Rev. Fleming is weil known in Bewmanvile, as he and Mrs. Fleming have been summer resi- dents at Port Bowmanville for many ycars. Editor J. R. Hale cf Uic Orîllia Pickct and Times who le with Bishop Fleming on hîs present trip in writing ta his pa- per says: "Aklavik is like beaven. There is no night there." If's Poor Poiicy To Lot Hens Run Loos. It is peer eccnomy ta let hens range for themselves.- Nutritional authonities e! the Dominion De- partment of Agriculture dlaim Uiat where hens arc net given any cereals or prepared feeds, Grade A eggs can hardly be expected. The différence betwcen Uic price cf Grade A and Grade B and C eggs runs as high as 40 per cent per dozen according ta the grade. Recently there was a glut on Uic market cf lower grade cggs, with an mncrcase in the premium for Grade A. More systematic fecd- ing cf laying stock at this time cf Uic year will rcturn more money ta Uic praducer. The axiom that a product properly produced is aiready more tghan bal markcted le particularly applicable ta this case. PREVENT SUNSCALD IN YOUNG'PIGS period dailv durinz duJl weather. the time laf exposure kiaduallv Ieigth- ened. their skin becomes hardened, and their is little danger of sunscald. And, they do need shade. supplied either by cabins . open sheds or trýees. If the Pig shows the cf fect of over-exposure ta the stin. carbolized vaseline is excellent because of its cooliniz. safteniniz and heajing action, accordiniz to Live Stock ai ficials of the Dominion -Experimental Fagjna. Same breeders have even fonrd that used crank case ail is- effective. Treatment should be repeate ' in- tervals of a week or ten dayýYimntil ail parts have healed. 0 Don't let common constipation rab you cf life and vigoni Wicn boweis don't wark right, the trouble aften lies in what you eat. Ycu don't get "bulk'". Such common foode as meat, brcad, potatoe arc censumed in the body. They fail te supply the bulky mass that helpo a bowel movement. Crisp, crunchy ALL-BRIZM helpa In twe ways: It contributes to tise "bulk" you need; - and it also is a nicis source cf iNature inteialtoUic, Vitamlfl B,. Fat AIL-BRAN every day, When a white skinned r>iR is can- . drink~ plenty cf watet, and me what stantiy expased ta the hot sorinR ar. a difféece "reglila" habita cm summer sun it is bast as aPt ta suf- nak i yurlie fer from sunburn, as a hurnan being. ,Ai young gRrowinK pigs of -the white brecds have tender skins, and are A more susceptible ta sunscald than 'R N aIder PiRs of thc sanie breed. ar Yod #I < P' piazs with dark caiared skin. - O IVd Usually the f irst Part aifected is behind the cars. If the expasure con- tinues. the top ai the neck, top ai shaulders. and f inaily the back and ' sides may become burnt ap)d sare, showinR a sliRhtly reddish or inflam. - , cd appcaraqce. Later this is fallawed sa by a dry scale ar scabby state. aiter which cracks ffequently a2pear inW the skin. izradually beominR deeper and more painful, and the unfar- tunate pisg shows abnormal slackncss or wcalcness af the back. and mnav frequently be seen wincing with pain.Li However. it is possible ta over- camne the eifects af sunscald by suit- able and timely measures. If YonR a.i m uLms piRs are allowed aut for a shart 90 YOWRl Me. C& And.ft v eut 1m ECONOMY C]LEAjNERS - Continue Their- 2 for $10,,o Cieaning special 751gb Clam Cleanlng and Pressing. Cali 651 or beave st JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE PICKLJNG TIME IS HERE BUY SUPPLIES AT ALLINS Certo ............... ...... bottle 25c Rubber Rings......... ...... doz. Se Parawax ......... ............lb. 13c Pint Gem ... \...... 98e - Quarts 1.13 IjeboySoap Cash Tour coupons Bers 3. cakes for15 vim am CouponHMEVEIT PACKAGE Black - - '/ lb.83 Ï Orange Pekoe - 1/2 lb. 35e lul-OPp Egg and Growing Maeh HAM A4ALLIN Mhn 6 - 8m8 .MOCIER Bowmnnvile NAODESS BELTS 2Sý Shave Creams Colgates 0- 19c-33c Palmolive -lOc-23c-390 Idfebuoy- - - 29o Willuaas - 24c-44c - 15e GLASS BOWL Kerslake's Sweet s 5 CAKES COLGATE'S Pcl itr SOAP for Cucumbers and Deets s Ail for 25e 1 gai. - 35e rA<U.LWDF FREE s .W UV M 250 B*tlle Jergen'sNe TI1S S.U E Bateek Perfune, with @eh s 25o Woodbury's Powder 1000 9ne f te the Rll Dodd's Pills- -- ---27e ii lb. Absorbent- - 290 2f«5«GantKmschen - - - 6Of 83o Noxzenla 59e -SO Blue Blades 2 for GLASS TUMBLER 25c 25c39 We Test Byes and Fit Trusses to your entire satisfaction in fit, quality, style and price. PHONE W 695, P. R. COWLING, Phm.B. EM ', -1