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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1939, p. 10

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, eOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 17'j The Newcastle Independent IPHONE CLARKE 1114 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swarbrick, , World's Fair at New York. Kendal, assisted the choir of the United Church on Sunday even- ing, Aug. l3th. Mr. Swarbrick sang a solo and after the sermon by Rev. H. L. Partridge, B.A., Coîborne, Mr. and Mrs. Swar- brick rendered a duet. A basket of beautiful gladioli, donated by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose, adorned the church. Mr..Kenneth Pearce and Miss Jean Cawker visited friends in Pennsylvania and also took in the OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Friday & Saturday AUG. 18-19 IlCaptain Fury" Stmrrng Bria Ahene, Victor McLaglen, ,une Lant and Paul Lukas SPECIAL CARTOON li color «"AladdIln and Ris Lame' REVIVAL Friday at 10.45 p.m. "MERRILY WE LIVE"I Starring- Constance Bennett, BriaAherne Monday & Tuesday .4UG. 21-22 64MAISIE"Y With Robert Tonne, Ami Sothern, Ian Hunier Wed., Thur., Fri. & Sat. AUG. 2326 Robert Donati 'OOODBYEý MR. CHIPS'. WIth Greer Garson Added -. Color Cartoon "Goldiloeks- and thse Three ]Ben' Miss Evelyn Rickard bas been holidayig iQuebec. Miss Lillian Pooley la visitirig Misses Betty and Doris Aflin, Ida, Mr. and Mrs. Pooley accompanied by Miss Marie Allin, motored ber out. Master Francis Jase 'returned Friday fram a fartnigbt's visit with Belleville relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jase motared to* Belleville for hlm. Mrs. Head, Jack and Miss Elva and Mrs. Smith, Toronto visited Newcastle-on-the-Lake and called on Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jase. Years ago when the lake front was just begnmig ta attract summer vis- itors they spent part af the sea- son vacationing at the bouse now known as "Tinturn," property af Mrs. F. S. Cutteil. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jase have gane ta Stratford with an exhibit af gladioli for the Canadian Gladioli Show. Miss Sylvia Heath, St. Lamb&rt, Que., returned bhame after visit- ing Miss K-athleen Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Toms and f amily, Beileville, visited bis father, Mr. H. J. Toms. The motion pictures af people and happenings taken i New- castle and vicinity on Civic Holi- day and on Sunday, Aug. 13th, will be shown i the Community Hall this Friday evening, Aug. 18, followed by a dance. Admission: adults-25c, cildren 15c. Mrs. Gardon Ash and daughters moved Tuesday itt their new -home, formerly Miss Louise Hed- ges' bouse. The bouse bas been dlvided and Mr. and Mrs. En- right and cildren moved up from the lake on the same day, int the south side.4 Mr. Wm. Neil bas'improved the appracb ta bis bouse by opening an entrance on Mill St., leading by a picturesque, wlnding, grad- ually ascending flagstone walk ta the rockery and verandah on the east front. Mr. J. T. Brown's new barn re- placing the one destrayed by lire years ago on the former D. G. Gràlbraith farm, bas beeen going up rapidly and will soon be f in- isbed. Standing higb in a 150 acre field, with no trees very near, it can be seen prominent in the landscape from many miles around. NEWCASTLE GIRLS' SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Newcastle Girls' Softball team under tbe management af Gea. Crowtber, bas won 13 game this season and lost 3, making their winning percentage 81. At Beth- any Field Day they won two and lost one; at Newtonville, won one and bast once; i N.O.N. League won seven and hst none; in ex- hibition games won two againat Salem, and aplit evenly 1-1 with Hampton. The present team of younger girls la Manager Crow- ther's second aggregation sice he started bis managerial career in the field af girls' softball af Ladies Attention!I Mrs. Carroll, Toronto Special Representative of the Canadian Gossard Company iw l lnb at our store on Monday, Aug. 2lst frorn 10.30 a.m. witil 6 p.m. Ladies of the conuunity are nvited to cone ini and consuit this expert on proper fitting of!'corse*,. You are under no obligation. The Evl 1yn Skop phone 594 Mn. Olifford Oaverly Finer Baked Products Our rapatation bau been built by produeing finer balced goods, uoing ingrediento of the. ohoiott quality. There la nover any doubt in your mùids when you ord8r frorn O»or e .prido ourselves on balang the best and anytbing leua than that is not good onough for you. Watoh our windows for weekly and daily specias. At thl tirne of year, pionto supplies mre bein4 featured as well as items for your table whioh wifl ave the house- wif e Urne and money. Oanong'e Superb Chocolates in Bulk and 'Pound Pokages. Try Them Today. CORTT'S BAKERY 1Buy jr. asked in Bowmanvillo Our W.fflU J#O3gyour street every d"y Phono 90Bowmanville Tyrone-Unique Art Studios, Bowmnz- ville D5airy; Farmera' Float-Rus- aell Osborne, Pleasant View Gar- Recent Visitors: dents; Decarated car-J. H. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Bert -Churchill, Keever, Kingsway Flower Shop, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. S. Naylor. Clown or comtc Robinson, Peterbora, at Mr. F. L. character -Blil Slagbt, Johonle Byam's.. . Mrs. Maude Wade, and Felix. Toronto, la with ber sister, Mra. ________ Byron Moore... Masters BilUte and Donald and Miss Jean Dud- Newtonville ley wlth their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner, Markbam. ..Misa Florence Gardiner, Osh- Visitons: awa, ai Mr. B. F. Gardiner's... Mr. and Mrs. James Pavue. Toron- Mrs. Arthur Hayden and daugh- to witb Mrs. William Smith. ters, Saskatoon, Sask., with fr1- Mr. Jack Wade. Orono. at home. ends. . . Mrs. J. H. Muttan, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McCul- and Mrs. G. McCoy and Jack, làdurh and Jean. Port Houe. witb Mn. Bowmanviile, at Mr. Albert and Mrs. George McCullougzh: also Hawkey's. .. Miss Marie Thomp- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hubbard and son la balidayîng with ber sister, Harold. Millbrook. Mrs. Gea. W. Grahamn, Bawman- Mn. and Mrs. Georgze McCullougrh vile. .. Mr. and Mr5. C. W. and Laureen and Miss Margzamet Woodley, Joyce and Jimmy, Mr. Luxon witb Mrs. James Burgess. and Mrs. W. Chapinan, Hampton, Orono. witb friends in Detroit, Mich. .. Mr. MacGrezor Joncs. Markham. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park and at home. Doris with ber mother, Mrs. F. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Case. To- Rose, Sutton. .. Cal. and Mrs. ronto. witii Mr. and Mrs. Willf s A. H. Bounsaîl and family, Baw- Farrow. manvihle, at Major Floyd Dud- Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Stone and ley's. Ethel. Toronto. .with Miss Jennie The Mission Band picnlc was Thomoson. beld on Thursday alternoon at the Mr. and Mrs. J. Patterson and community park. The leaders, familv: Mn. and Mrs. Buchan and Mrs. C. Slemon and Misa Nina familv. Toronto. with Mrs. J. Wad1e Hoclgson, kept the cildren enter- and Mr. Arnold Wade. talned with games, after whicb Mr. ançi Mrs. Alvin Janes. Port a plcnlc supper was enjoyed. Hou)e. with Mr. and Mrs. Georze Mr. an Mrs. Wesley Taylor and Stapleton Sr. June, Mr'. and Mrs. Harold Bur- Mrs Russell Lowe and baby son. gess, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park and Port Hove. witb ber parents Mr. Doris attended the luneral af and Mm,. R. Morton. their brother, Mr. Cecil Taylor, Mms. Frank Atkinson (nec Helen Keswick, on ThursdaY. McKeaie). Richmond Hill: Mrs. -1 which he has made such a phen- amenai success. In the light of a happy ap- praaching event inhis 111e it is interesting to take a retrospect of the not far distanit past and ~note who were some of the girls i George's earlier team, and note too, the changes, if any that time has made. Several of thase alert &1 layera have married. Pitcher uby Shaw is now Mrs. Wm. Brunt, Newcastle; Gwennie Wil- liams is Mrs. W. Harris, Toronto; Gertrude Bonathan is Mrs. Morley Sallows, Newcastle; Violet Hen- ning is Mrs. Clarence Osborne, Bowmanviile; Gladys Pollard la Mrs. Everett Brown, Orono. Others associated with them on the team were Dorothy Donathan, Florence Spencer, Mary Van Du- sen, Muriel Shaw, Evelyn Rick- ard, Annabelle Hendry, Frances Brereton. They and the members of the present team wlil be ai extend- ing best wisbes to the enthusiastic and energetic, and business-like Manager af Newcastle Girls' Soft- bail Club, Mr. Geo. Crowtber, on bis forthcommng marriage. LAKE FRONT RATEPAYERS MEET Annual meeting of Ratepayers' Association of Newcastle-on-tbe- Lake was held on Saturday even- ing at'"Trelwood," ancestral New- castle home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Treleaven. Among those preEent were: Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Walton- Bail, Reeve C. R. Carvetb, Mrs. A. N. McEvoy and Miss Helen McEvoy, Mrs. E. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose, Mrs. W. M. Chap- lin, Mr. Hudson Stowe, Mr. W. J. Eilbeck, Mr. Geo. Farncomb. President Treleaven welcomed ta "Trelwood" ail in attendance and regretted that some of the mem- bers were unavoidably absent. He briefly reviewed the events of the past year and the general sitdiation in relation to the lake front. Reeve C. R. Carveth told of the building by-law that the Munici- pal Council bad passed, designed to protect the lake front from the building of shacks. He also fore- casts lower rates for electricity. He believed that after next Jan- uary there would be a fiat rate for ail Newcastle for domestic purposes and that there would be no further service charges. A vote of thanks was extended the Municipal Council for their careful attention ta the streets and roads, and the creditable way in which they bad maintained tbem. Reeve Carveth also brought to the members' attention the police protection offorded the lake front aréa. In a general discussion over future projects it was brought out that Newcastle-on-the-Lake la one of the few summer resorts that are almost free from mas- quitoes. It attracts many people and la continually attracting more on account of its extensive sandy- bathing beaches, one at the east over the bridge on the lake shore road, the one at foot of Mil St., and the third at the west ide park which la gradually being landscaped. This la reached by a winding footbridge. Picnic facil- ities are provided at all three places andl are, daily in much de- mand. Many yachts and motor boats cosse into Newcastle-on-the-Lake, there being sale anchorage for boats drawmng not more than 3%½ feet of water. It was felt by ail that there was a bright future ahead for Newcastle-on-the-Lake. Fishing bas been extra good this season. One of the favourite recreation resorts of the young people bas been tbe tennis court on Mrs. G. H. Carveth's estate, wbich she and Mr. and MIrs. Hudson Stowe have so kindly granted them the use of. Refreshments were served un- der the kindiy supervision of Mrs. Treleaven; a pleasant social per- iod was enjoyed and a vote of thanka and appreciation wks tendered the hast and bostess, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Treleaven, Master and Mistresa of "Trelwood." The secretarial work and fin- ances af the Association are com- petently looked after by Cecil S. Horrocks, Sec'y-Treas., R.R. 3, Newcastle, ta whom ail enquiies regarding the Association and Newcastle Beach shouid be ad- dressed. DRY CLEANING THAT SAISFIES COATS - DRESSES 75c sach or 2 for $1.0 White Flannels At Regular Prîce Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co.* Ltd. Phiono 419 We CaU For andl Deliver . SUITS RESULTS BLACKSTOCK CONTINUATION SCOOOL Middle School examinaton re- sults. Div. 1-75%; Div. 11-66- 74%; Div. 111-60-65%; DiV. C -50-59%: C.Beacock, Marion -Lat. Camp. Breck, Wm.-C. Hist. C, A. Hist. C, Alg. I, Chem., 1, Lat. Auth. II. Carter, Ethel--Camp. II,>Lit. I, C. Hist. II, Alg. I, Cbem. H,' Lat. Comp. I, Fr. Auth. I, Fr. Camp. I. Crawford, Harold-Lit. C. Demiile, Henry-Lit. III, Alg. IIl' Chem. I, Lat. Auth. C. Edgerton, Bessie-Comp. CC Hist. C, Alg. II, Lat. Camp. II. Larmer, Ralpb-Lit. C, Mlg. III. Lathangue, Neil-Fr. Auth. C, Fr. Camp. C. Marlow, Madeline-Fr. Auth. C, Fr. Camp. II. Mitchell, Oswald-Lit. C. Steel, Margaret-Lat. Auth. C. Swain, Reta-Lat. Auth. I, Fr. Autb. C. Taylor, Kathleen-C. Hist. II, Alg. C, Lat. Auth. C, Fr. Auth. C, Fr. Camp. C. Werry, John-Lit. C, Chem. C. Lat. Comp. C. Wright, Pearl-Cbmp. C. Rotary CamlIval <Continued from page 1)' the beauty of the Kingsway dis- play was somewbat marred by an accident at the start of the par- ade wben they collded witb Lunn's delivery and disrupted the symmetery af the floral Rotary wheel whicb graced the radiator as weil as damagmng the grill. Other unfortunate circumstances prevailed wben the Goodyear float was found tobigh ta go under the bydro and telephone wires and even the Village Smitb's chestnut tree had ta be lowered ta pass by. Decorated cars, several ini num- ber, were contributed by E. S. Naylor, A. F. Cox & Son and Tod's Bakery, Oshawa, and de- monstrated what can be done w hen interested and skilled pen- sons put their minds ta work witbout worrying about the energy expended. Every float was a fine piece af work. Kiddies played a big partin the affair and turned out in larger numbers than ever. Characters from the newspapers and books including. Edger Bergen's Mort- imer Snerd, Sherlock Halmnes and dazens of others took their place i lime while bicycles, ponies end pets played a large part in mak- ing this department a great suc- cess. A novel feature mncluded an assembly af about 10 attractive girls frôm the tawn who were dressed i colorful attire and carried cut flowers which they tassed out ta spectatars along the route. Additianai bands spotiéd tbraughaut the parade included Bowmanvllle Legion Band, Orano Citizens' Band, Oshawa Girls' Jubilee Flute Band, and the Osh- awa Sea Cadets. Judges i charge of the parade included wives of Lions Club memberss Mrs. W. J. Dudley, Mrs. F.V. Ott, Mrs. D. A. McGregor, Mrs. T. M. Chant, Mrs. S). R. James, Mrs. C. D. Searle and C. E. McTavisb, President Osbawa Rotary Club; H. C. Hersey, Pre- aident Port Hope Rotary Club and G M. Goodfeilow, Wbitby Rotary Club. Parade Prize Wlnners Parade prize winners were:- Character graup-Leon. Phillips and Jackie Clark; Jean Fletcher and June Tyreil. Decorated bicy- cie: boys-John Stutt, John Rice, Albert Graham; girls-Margaret Somerscales. Decorated carnage- Ruth Crowther, Doreen Kane. Decorated wagon-Biily Hamn- den, Ronmie Burgess, Alan Mof- f att. Costumed boy - Harold Welsh, Bob Marris, Biily Slaght. Caatumed girl - Connie King, Joan Wannacatt, -Betty Welsh. Decorated tricycle-Alan Rich- ards, Greta Snowden, Don Mit- cheil. Pony outfit-Grant Brooks, Ray Abemnethy, C. Smith. Pet turnout-Ken Fletcher, George Cawker, Marilyn Carpenter. Float: Manuacturers-Oshawa Wood Products, Canada Packers; Honorable Mention--Sbeppard & Gill; Merchants - Frank Cryder- man, Alex McGregor, Carter Famlly, J. Infantine, Rayal Theatre; Deliverv truck or wagon VETERINARIANS D. C. DAVEY, V.S., B.V.Sc. Bowianiilile Suceessar to Dr. T. F. Tigise Office: Kint St. Est, st Tigise Residefli - PHONE $43 DR. G. R. BOOTH Veterinariau Small ane Large Animai Surgery. Office, 3 j=in W. - Phone 917 Oshawa, Ont. 31-4* 3. H. LESLIE, V.S., B.V.Sc. Veterlnary Surgeon Orono - Ontario Phones: Office 92r7 Residence 55r7. Notice To Creditors., In the Estate of William George Ormiston deceased.. Al nersons baving clainis against the estate of William George Ormis- ton. late of the Village of Enfield. in the County of Dunham. retined f armer. wbo died on or about the 27th day of Mvay. 1939. aye hcreby natif ied ta send varticulars of samne to the undersigned on or bçfome, the 3lst day of August, 1939, afte. wbich date the assets of the deccased will be distributed amoniz the parties entitled thereto havinÏ regard onlv to the claims of wbicb the undersigo- cd shaîl then bave notice. Datcd- at Oshawa this 4th day ef August. 1939. Harold Ormiston, Executor. by bis Solicitor. Charles C. McGibbon. 6 KIng Street, West. Osbawar. 3£-3 MARRIAGE - PURDY - HALL - At Bowman- vile, on Saturday. Auizust 12. bv Rev. M. Franklin Banister. Hilda MacBeth. voungrer daugzhter of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hall, to Mr. Clifford Charles Purdv. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Purdy. of Bow- manville. DEATI-S SHERWIN - In Bowmanville. on Tuesdav. Auzust 15. 1939. Mary . Sberwin. beloved wif e of Fred . Green. in ber 44th yedr. The re- mains are restiniz at Northcutt & Smitb's Funeral Cbaivel until noon. Fridav. Augzust 18tb. Thence to United Cburcb. Centenary. for ser- vice at 3 p.m. S.T. Interment in cemetery adioininz church. SNELL - At bis home.'339 Cran- brooke Avenue. Toronto. Auzust l4th. Rev Isaac Snell, beîoved bus- band of Sybil Comstock. Interment Prospect Cemetery.- YEO - In Bowmanvillc. on Satur- day. Augzust 12th. 1939. Emma Alberta Yeo. beloved wife of Wil- liam H. Yeo. agze 54 years. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM STUTT - In loviniz memory of a dear wif e and mother who depart- cd this if e one vear agzo Attzust lSth. Sadly missed bv W. . Stutt, and f amily. COMING EVENTS Keen) Thursday. October l9th open for the 'ComDanions of the Forest Home - macle cookingr and sewine bazaar in the Sons of England Hall. Details later. 33-lw* Hampon aduit community vicnic will be held at Hampton. in the El- liott Memorial Park on Tuesday. August 22. Eycrybody come and en- ioy an afternoon of fun and frolic. .33-1 For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - SEVEN roomed bouse wjth garden on Station Street. Orono. aIl conven- iences. Aî,ply Martin Linton. Mar- mora. 32-2* W. S. Braggi. Mrs. Otto Bragge and family. Sbaws: Mr. and Mrs. Wîl- bur Barrie and son Alec. Canton. witb Mr and Mrs. J. A. Barrie. Mrs. W Todd. Mr. R. McGabcv and Ronald. Oshawa. witb Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Milîson Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Whittaker. Oshawa. with Mrs. William Wbit- taker. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Taylor. Wind- sor: Professor and Mrs. Lindsav Malcolmi. Ithaca. N.Y.: Mr. and Mrs. Karl Symons. Chicago: Mr. and Mrs. lames Taylor. Lindsav: witb Mr. and Mrs. William Milligzan. Miss Jean Milligzan witb Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor. Lindsay.- Mrs. Georgze Broach and daught- ers Evelyn and Helen and f riend. Hamilton. with Mr. Roy Stacey. Mrs. Thomas Stapleton. with Mr. and Mrs. Georgze Smith. Starkville. Mr. Jack McLachlan. Peterboro. with Rev. and Mrs. McLachlan. Miss Annabel Hendry. Lake Shore witb Miss Rena Hoskin. Mr. Everctt Joncs. Toronto. with Mrs. G. W. Joncs. Mrs. Oelnad Lane and Mrs. Wil- lis Joncs. wîtb Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Lane. Coîborne. Miss Helen Anderson. witb friends at Heatley Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Georgze Ricbardson. Chicagzo. with Mr. and Mrs. . E. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Robb and Carol and NoeI Brooks. Montreal: and Mrs. Leushner and Rogzer. Niagara. witb Mr. and Mrs. ,R. J. Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wadc. in Lindsay: and Mrs. Georze Wadc and boan. Lindsay. witb Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Wade. Others attcndingz Decoration Day services f rom a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles Holt. Toroto: Mr. and Mrs. R. Menely and fam-ily. Sonva: Mrs. Carr and Mr. Clif f Hancocke. Peterboro: Mr. and Mrs. Allan P%-Afound and family Osbz awa: Mr. and Mrs. W. Chester. Oshawa: Mr. Harold Pavne. Beth- anv: Mr. and Mrs. Hcrb Alexander and daugtcr. Markham. Desoite unfavorable weather a large crowd attended Dcoration Services at our cemetery on Sundav. Warden T. A. Reid *as chairman.. Rev. T. McLacblan read the scrin- turc and led in oraver. Rev. W. G. Blake gave and impressive address basiniz bis remarks on that gzrand oId bvmn "Oh. Love tbat will not let me gzo." A unîted choir led the -sin4r ingz. Girls' Softball Teani bas taken a R .aT M.1. MeL-ch.n hav Auction sale There will'be offercd for sale at tbe f arm of Charles 1T4owsam. one mile west of Port Perrv on bigbh- way. Friday. Augzust 25th. at 1 o- 'dlock standard tume. the followingr livestock: 40 hcad cattle. cows and two vear olds: Il baby beef Here- ford calves: sheen) and nies. Terms: $25 denosit. 8 months credit on bal- ance. 33-2 Real Estate For S9ale FARM FOR SALE - 100 ACRES Lot 16. Con. 9. Darlngton. 1 1-4 miles north of Enniskillen. .1-2 mile east of Scugzog Higbway. For p)ar- ticulars aoofly to Cecil E. Siemon. Tyrone. 33-1 FARM FOR SALE-100 ACRES. close to Ebenezer churcb. igood renair. brick bouse. furnace. bard- wood f loors. two walls. Auolv W. H. Nicbols.. owner on oremises. Bowmanville R. R. 2. Pbone Osh- awa 1615r4. . 33-2 FOR SALE TO CLOSE ESTATE. for $1000 cash. _five roomed stucco bouse witb gzood foundation and roof. modern convcpicnces. one- baîf acre izood gzarden soi. on Duke Street. Bowmanvillc. Aootlv M.G.V. Gould. Bowmanville. Ont. 33-1w* Livestock For *.Sale FOR SALE - YOUNG PIGS 6 wceks old $4.50 each. Auply Mr. Letz. Hamoton. 33-1*, FOR SALE - NINE. SIX WEEK old Yorkshire pigzs. Avoly S. Hockadav. Phone 2182.. 33-1. FOR SALE -TWO FARM HOR- ses. Chean). Aply John Bonk. R. R. No. 2. Bowmanville. Lot 22 B.F. 33-1* EIGHT YOUNG SUCKLING i>igtslYorkshire.' good ciuality. Arthur Belîman. Bowmanville. Phone 2589. 33-1w Articles For -Sale' FOR SALE - SHINGLES. NO. 3's. $2.50 ner 1000. Aj)tlv S. Bridgzevort. Nestîcton. Phone 194r 11. Port Perrv. 332 RUEBER GOODS. SUNDRIES. etc.. mailed oostvaid in p)lain. seal- cd wranner. 80 ber cent lcss than retail. Write for' mail-order cata- ogue. Nov-Rubber Co.. Dcpt. W. 14. -Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. 33-1 For Rènt FOR RENT - COTTAGE ON Williams Point. Lake Scugog. from August 21. Apply A. W. Pickard. Phone 374. Bowniaiville. 32-~2 Wanted WANTED TO RENT ' A FARM. 100 acres or more. best of refer- enccs. Apply P. L., Drawer B., Bowmanville. 32-2* MASON WORK WANTED - brick work. stone work and Plas- terinz; also stucco. Phone Breck's store. Burketon., Bowmanyille 2334 or Port Perry 193-3-2. A. G. Skoyles. 31-4* Help Wanted WANTED-NEAT YOUNG WO- man. Exuerienced in housework. Anffly "S.M.". Drawer B. Bow- manvîlle 33-1 FARM HELP WANTED- MAR- ried couole for gzeneral farmwork. Man must be tborougzhlv exper- ienccd. Wife canable housekeeper. ADolV in nerson to Fergzus E. Mer- relI. "Wîllow Acres"., Bowman- ville. 33-1w* LÔst LOST - SMALL PUP. BLACK with white ruf f. Reward to f inder. June Luffman. Division St. 33-1* Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM - BOARD and room in orivate home for two youngz ladies. Prices. reasonable. Anolv at Statesman Office. 33-2* Rooms Wanted ROOMS WANTED - AN EL- derlv lady wants one or two rooms furnishcd. comfortabe and warniý Phone 2213. 33-lw WANTED BY YOUNG BUSI- ness womfafl. one largre, or two small rooms. suitable for ligbht bousekeingz. Central location o)referred. Apolv in writingz to "Advertiscr" Drawer B;. Bowman- ville. Ont. 33-2w* F1. August-17, 8ad1 Watch Our Windows and See llow Far 50C WilI Go LKE STRS £IE Phone 451 BowmanvMle 'j - DVY WITR- CONFIDENCE At Vour REXALI Drug Store FILM DEVELOPINO W. will meet ail reasonablé competition for developing and pointing any size filmn. "FRUT SLT" DEP ENDAB LE KANDY SIZE 47 ET P Il , TI rE Always Accurate Your plJiian'u pre- scription In always f il- led exaotly as ordonod. Pharmaciata use the nmist modem éequip- ment and puret d*P. Depend on usni PRESCRI P T 10N JURY -0. LOVELL Phono 778 Bowmavme PAGE TEN .77- NWW% -I Thurs. Corsetiere FOR STYLE- Xe COMFORT wear Nu Bone. Mis., W. H. Cole. Phone 574. Bowmanvillc. 33-2 Readlngs READINGS - 'YELLOW SHUT- ters" Tea Room. Bowmianvillc Beach. East Side. 30-4* Mortgage Money Avallable HAVE MONEY TO LOAN- ON Bowmanville Real Estate. Special attention to National Housiniz Act Loans. Incjuire Bradley Bros.. Oshawa. Phone 169. 25-tf Agents Wanted IMPORTANT FIRM WANTS women to look after business in, ber vicinity. Must bave sewingz and fittingz experience. Write H: Gwynn at 501 Castle Bldir.. Montreal and interview will be ar- rangcd. 33-2 *ALL YEAR INCOME SELLING larize line sp)ices. extracts. toilet reauisites stock and other farm p)roducts. Our combination of fers open every door. No exocerience necded. Pleasant work. Stcady re- mcat orders from 'old and new customers. A smiall amount nujs you in business for vourseif No risk. Excellent opolortunity to riibt- varty. For f ree details and cata- logtue'witbout obligation. Fami- lex Co.. 570 St. Clement. Mont- meal. 33-1 USE -tliï7WAN,; nADs]ý THURSDAY, AUt;UST 17TH, 1939

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