_______________mn S-. ,.~t,,..r ~M Wfil~~,~aa.s ~en,, ve..,sausoea#., .r t THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7TH. 1939 * 0 Of IneetT l 't 0 - - - -a aa -- s=s--------------- s-------------- --- ------ -------------- wbile evening. tbe Courtice Mission Accept Allocation 0f $77,500 LoCurtie. tlae al o M Cire . n e t e le A d eb ain rs F or Bav 0f Ouinte WA.M. S. Vision," witb the followingz cast: w -- Reports Presented At Exe- awa. were also in attendance. cutive Meeting At Bummer Set Allocation Bchool 0f Missions At The allocation of $77,500 for Ba Whitby - Say Lack of Quinte was accePted. 0fLadr admGlimpses f rom the Dominio Of Ieades an In- Board meeting held at EmmanuE tereat Hampering Colleze. Toronto. were given b Work Mrs. W. H. Morton. PeterborouRf and Mrs. F. Nyers. Lindsay. Thes ladies brouzht a vivid picture of th The autumn executive of the Bay addresses and business at that grea of Quinte Conference Brancb. W. gatbering of women wbo came f ron M.S.. met at O.L.C.. Whitbv. Aug. coast to coast to discuss together thi 3th under the direction of their new mssionarv enterprise of the Unit<( nresident. Miss Eliza Dunoon. Lind- Churcb. AIl the members were aske sav. to read the July issue of the Mi. The president based ber worship sionarv Montbly. theme on "Wideniing Horizons" and Thse Flve-Year Plan said aIl the nations of the world are Items of policy from Dominicr included in God's plan. and asked the Board were read and di§cusseÉ ouestion, "Are we. as individuals. deaîiiî with the five-year plan hamoering God's purpose in any special obiects. and other business. wav?" The latest news received f roir The roll caîl bY Mrs. ... Way. the Board was that Bay of Quinte Wooler. sbowed a full executive had increased givings by ne%rlv one with 'everv secretary vreseni. Four 'hundred and twenty-seven dollars vresbvterial p)residents. f rom Lind- but monev is badly needed to mal< say. Peterborough. Renfrew and Osh- un the deficiency in finances at the -_________________________Dominion Board as several branches _____________________________have decreased their Rivinzs. Lack cf Leaders Problems of presidents were dis- cussed and eacb secretary presented ber work. It was deplored that lac] SAVKId YO of leaders and lack of interest is hinderinz tbe work. The treasgrer refforjed $25,882 H O JR S O F remitted to Dominion Board for the hiaîf vear. The 0ear of 1940 is to, H eia y W be one of secial stewardshi,, and rk- uarterlv surveys are recommended. The tiresident of Cobouro' Presbv- H o v or terial will represent the Branch at Conference to be held in Port Hope in lune. Mrs. A. I. Wright was appointed convener of the nominating comn ASOLUTION* Of Gilet's Pure mittee for 1940. and the Brancl £1Flake Lye will take the Executîve will convene in Trinity druger ot o doen oftass.United Cburcb. Napanee. in the dmdger out o dozen of t s n ring. The School for Leaders staff It cîcars clogged drains . . . lifts will be composed of Mrs. W. L. grease and hard-baked f oodof Smvtb. Dean: Mrs. R. M. Sevmour: Miss Lois Allen and Mrs. H. Thomp- Pots and pns ... It saves rub- son. bing and scrubbing because it The literature secretarv has sold cuts through dirt in a jiffy. I<eep 'oVer one hundred and seventeen dollars to date at the school. it was a tin handy. revealed. _________________________ Tbe . press secretary urged eveny FREESOOLET- The QaRet's Lye ala ress sscrabook ad to makee Boole tlleho tis pw*auxiliuer a ryesper et eai ok ary to mak e ders dcgged drains. . . km-puout. nublicity reports interestina. bouses dean snd odorlesuby destroying Mrs. C. W. Haggerty closed witl tecetents Of the clost ... how it p- ma daumis of tas&a. 5.îd forM a anraver. Ave. PYtOsbuxld Libdys ret, Wednesday Evening [,rt,cOPY Sadrdfrnu t. At this session tbe sipeçial Ruest was Dr. Rets Kilborn. Toronto, whc is a retired missionarv. Miss Cora Kilhorn, who was a former miss- ionary iin China. and wbo bas re- - "' oentlv been apnointed candidate Sec- retarv of the Dominion Board.,tire- G sented the needs of the orzanization. Tw%'entî, workers for abroad and- nin2 for Canada are asked fQr. She based lier talk on a recent leaflet. % "Missions Calling Young Women," wvhîch should be iin the banjd5 of al interested workers. Miss Ina Caver- lv delizlifed with a solo. Mrs. Huzh Taylor gave~ a 5;plendid '.~ o-.. antern lecture dealînz with views of India and Africa. showinz ictures of herseif and Dr. and Mrs. Arnuv) *N.- rdLuomlyye in hotwwt. The St the Madras Conference. tin f thef Y it9el hmts he e. Staged Pageant As a fittinz climax to this worth- That'a Why It's ~ DETTER FOR YOUR FAMILY l a e minelsri ad j Ginalatheminerlaicaer R ' Vitamins that makie for healtis and growth. Ev- eryone in the famlly should drink it dally.. se why not start at once! GLEN RAE DAIRY Phone 2665 Bowmanville ýay îel 'b, se, ýse ýat M he ed ed ýs. te ie .S ce. is 2 te Lt ýe ci Canada. Mrs. Lloyd Courtice: Atrica. Miss Ann Wilkins. India. Miss Mary Wilkins: Trinidad. Miss Edith Bal- son: Japan. Miss Mary Riznak: China. Miss Evelyn Wade; Korea, Miss Madeline Tooley. Tuesday Evening 1 Mrs. R. M. Seymour, Catarqui. in ber own illimitable style. carried out a verî' interesting proaram on f k nigzht. Tuesday. She opened witb a radio broadcast sing-song which gave everyone an opportun- itv to assist. and interspersed the sinz-songr witb a humorous selection. "Little Mary's Essay on Husbands." Mrs. J. S. Gillies briefly review- ed the books in the literature room. In the programme proper piano solos were Riven by Miss Elizabeth Staffles. Bowmanville; Miss Reta Cook. Newcastle, and Miss Lois Tordif f. Brooklîn. Humorous read- ings were iziven by Mrs. Percy Mac- Mullen. Stirling; Mrs. R. 0. Jol- if fe. KIngston: Miss Amy Church. Smith Falls. and Mrs. W. A. Dunk. Brighton. There were also a boneymoon race, a baby race. laugh and cry race, a word zame. and a uniqjue number snonsored by Miss Myrtie Reid. Belleville. Vocal solos were contributed by Miss Ina Caverlv. Cataractui. and -Miss Gwen Varcoe. Roseneath. Those who assisted to make the eveningz a success were beartily av- nlauded and the f un niRbt of 1939 îvas voted as izood or better than the one held a vear previdjus. Hints For Homebodies W ritten for The Statesman JESSIE ALLEN BROWN Pro Donc Publiro h Prime Minlater Mackenzie King y said in his banquet speech, he be- ýe lieved mest men, whoenetered 'f public lite, did se with Uic idesai service. I think he la right lunUi statement. Most men and woen -lilce the feeling et power and prestige which public lite gives dUiem but Uic majenity et them nseecocnditious, Swhich are have au esrn- eest deaire te r Uiem. not *uuately, they h ind there is so do. Wonld. con- indivîduai can do o in agssust them. It makes me Jessle Allen bail when I Brown hear people taiking that every- anc lu public lite is croeked sud -they are ahlu it for what they >can get eut et it. There may be some creoked men inu it but there are sème to be tauud te every walk et lite. Most et them leave public lite peorer men than whcn they weut into it. The best et them ceuld make s great deal mare money lu other cuterprises than they do in, parliameut. Let us remember if we are net satis- fied with the men who represeut us lu the legislatune it la we who put Uicm there. Thse Monnted Mou nties Old sud yeung, everyone scems ta get s thrill trorn the Meuuties. To Uic tourists, Uic rcd-costcd Meuntie ilaoeeoetthe bcst-known things in Canada sud they want te sec Uiem. The Mouuties stand guard at Uic Parliament Build- ings, sud iudccd, at the ether public buildings. This was not enough ton the tourists. Thcy wene net satistied - they wsnted te sec thcm meuntcd. What la a Mauntie without a herse? Se ta satisty this natural desire, there la a Mouutic, ou s herse, standing guard at the Parliameut Build- ings during the aternoons. Vcry impressive, sud very decarative, tee, they look, against the back- ground et Uic beautitul building. It la goocl business. Give the tour- ists whst thcy want. Incidcutaily, there wcrc same 38,000 et them wcut thnough Uic Parliament Buildings iu the mouth et July. I weuld like te sec them go even farthcr sud have s mouuted guard at Uic main gate. There la onc ou foot, but wc might as well dresa aur show-wiudow. The blue unitorms are a dissppointmcnt; the moton-cyles are endurable; but s Mountie ou a bicycle lsana awtul let-dawn. Chlldren Like Their Teachers Times have certainly chsnged. Iu aur schaal-days it wss a peint of houer neyer te like s teacher. N'o matter what yeur private opinion was yau wauld neyer dan. cerne right eut in the open sud ssy yeu liked a teacher. It just wasu't doue. I happeucd te be sitting an Uic verandah the day acheel closcd sud Uic yaungstcns were going home lu great excite- meut. 'Did yau pasa' sud 'Who la your teacher' was bcing heard ou al aides. The answcna astound- cd me. 'She's swcll.' 'You'Il like her.' 'You can't get awsy wiUi nothing in her reom but she lsaa nice teacher.' I didn't hear one uncamplimcntsry remark. T h e teachers are ne better or no nicer than Uiey were but Uic attitude et pupil sud teacher has graduai- ly changed. Teachers anc net above beiug frienda with their pupils sud the nid ides ef achool being a prison has- gene. It lsas healthy system. There la rnuch criticismn of the ncw methoda in school. Give themn a chance to osec what they can do. Everything 0cisc has changed in this changlng 0world, se why should wc expeci 0education te remain the same.ý Il must change tee, to meet these 0changcd conditions. Dring thse Garden Indoors Some of thc annuals wifl con- tinue to bloomn for somne tirne if brought into thc house. At oe time or another, Petunias, Mari- golds, Lobelia, Alyssum, and Ar- geratum, have ail continued to bloom for me. Choose healthy, well-shaped plants and with Mar- igolds and Petunias, pick- eut the low-growing enes. Soak thc earth thoroughly and dig up, taking enough earth se that Uic roots will flot be disturbed. Pot and let remain outside until there is danger ef frost. Now la Uic tinie to plant a root of parsley for Uic kitchen window and chives, if you are lucky euough- to have Uiemn. They tell me Uiat mint will grow in pots, too, but I have never tried it. Hearty salads are favorites lu the Fail, as our appetites have perked up a bit and we like some- thing substautial. Here are three we often have. Salmon Salad Drain a can et red salmn, mnd remove any skin and boues. Break into pieces wli a ferk and add an equal quantity of chopped ccl- ery and some shredded sweet green pepper. Mix wiUi boiled salad dressing and serve on let- tuce. The pepper bleuds especi- ally well wiUi salman. Sardine Saiad Arrange Uiick slices of tomato, rings of sliccd Spanish oniens, and sardines on a bcd of shredded lest lettuce. .French dressing is good wiUi this salad buf-auy other may be uscd. Whcu you shred lettuce be sure you suip Uic shrcds cross-wise, as a long sliUi- ery piece of lettuce is as awkward to est as unbrokcn spaghetti. Cabbage and Sardine Saiad Chop cabbage and a little onion and mix wiUi boilcd salad dress- ing. Pack the salad into a cup to shape and turn out on lettuce. Arrange sardines arouud Uic base ofthUi cabbage. You can even have threc littlc fishes swim over the dam. Cucumber Salad Prepare large cucumbers, quar- ter thcrn and rerneve seeds. Dice, add a little chopped onion and mix with boiled salad dressing. This is one of the tew salads that is good with hot meals. BEAUTY "Bcauty la truth, truth la beau- ty - that is ail ye know. on earth, and ail ye need to know."-Keats. "The criterion of truc beauty is that it increases ou exammnation; if taIse, that it lesseris."-Greviile. "The good is aiways beautitul, the beautiful is good!-Whittier. "The most naturai beauty in the world is honesty and moral truth."-Shatesbury. "Beauty is s thing of lite, which dwells torever in thc eternal Mind and reflects the charms of His goodness in expression, term, eut- line. sud color." - -Mary Baker Eddy. Camadian National EXH IBITION FEATURES!1 This year bringa ebigest, moot -acatigcletion c etcular anP mt rnnly famona lyse-star features ever saemnblelA gntio B-ayAr agat cfK ZA..p~s ail-Canadian Art Show, bands, glam.- our,beauty andhbilsrions oxcitement! Ses, hear and dance to the world's greatýet swing banda. Enjoy the ex- rtiaits gmtial and -ilhnymuic cf oh an fRiLs M= nsoyal Marines. Se. " inuarylita most dszzling _omatho CI.L.Presentation cf Chemlatry, General Motors "Parade of srge", he Motor Show, and hundrde cf otzrs ltes the biggest annual show of itt kind où earth 1 Don't miss it. SPECIAL PRICES Aftr 6p.m cas mr eterPark for $.0 "&cudn mdrle.mfk.yt"fo:r dancins, and ail ExMitions featured attractions may bu poir- cbuued la adace fron t the .N.E. Ticket Ofc,171Bo St., WA. 2228; Moodey's, EL1R&8 After 6 p.m, tels. 0 OUR ENGLISH LETTE1b 't LONDON BLACK-OUT It BY MSS ISOBEL STEPHENSON To-uight this vast clty of Lon- Then eue man said: "1Thé5've don will try te hide herselt in corne,"l shook his pezp, and went the darkness of night. on writing. This la what thc morning pap- No oeelsc spoke. And we dld crs tel us we must do: net laugh at hlm. We plcked Up "No lights should be visible our pens and wcut ou wrlting tee. atter rniduight (12.30 a.m. in Uic It was vcry strauge, rernember- London arca). ing it afterwards. The strangeat "Put eut ail lights which can- Uhimg was that ne eue felt 1k. flot be ebscurcd. giggling wheu he sald "They've "Meterists must usç tail and corne." side larnps oui y. You slrnost wishcd that some- "If you are travelling ¶,y train one had giggled. The silence kecp the blinda drawn. aeemed an admission ef auxlety "Go te bcd befere miduight if we had long rctused te acknow- you can. ledge lu worda. "Factories, public tra nsap ort, We wcut on worklug, witheut hotels, etc., are co-operating. Sec speakiug te eue another. No oe you do your bit te makre Uic test even walkcd te the wiudow ta a real eue. peer into Fîcet St. And wheu at "Persans who neglect te take last ucws carne threugh tramn the the precautiens can expect a visit City Room that Uic explosion was frorn a police-officer or air raid due te a leakage lu a gas main, warden." ne eue ssid, "Wasu't old Blank fuuuy whcn h. said 'They'vc At lunch-timc I walkcd; aud corne!' ." tram the decîdedly restricted view et the Lendon sky-line te Later: At 6 e'clock this cvcniug be obtaiued trom the sidewaik oethUi radio auuounced Uiat Uic Ludgate Circus, whcrc Black Black-out had been callcd off b.- Friars joins Fîcet St., I was able cause efthUi weaUicr (very te ceunt three barrage balloona cleudy) but would takre place te- floating grey in the sky. -- morrow eveuing whatever Uic I have seen the barrage bal-' boon practices on Uic outskirts et London on Suudays, wheu driv- iug in the couutry. We have even growu rather sccustamcd te that sight. -But tItis is the tirst time I have accu them tram the heart et the city. I dont think people here 'talk politics' just now, the way theyj did this time lsst ycsr. If you go eut tor a game ot bridge or even- iug coffee, or a tes party, Uic same people wha hei& forth withi the latest news sud 'tacts' now talk au every subject but the oe that lies hcsviiy at the back et our miuds. Last week when the gss ex- plosion demolishcd s building andi shattered glass lu St. Psul's1 Cathedral, sud shook aur office in1 Fleet St. as Uieugh there was su earthqualce, it wss strange te re- member. sftrwards the reactien et the seven people lu Uic office. No eue spoke or moved, with the exception et jerkiug our heads instiuctively toward the windows. No eue ssid "Wihat's thst?" The men did net even swear. Weddings Crowther-Wood St. Saviaur's Anglican Church, Orono, beautifully decorated for thc occasion, wss the scene et a quiet but prctty weddlng an Fr1- day evening, September lat, whcn Rcv. D. R. Dcwdney uultcd lu man~eHazel Wood, second dagh fre Mr. sud Mns. Charles Wood, Orono, sud George Crew- ther, son et Mn. sud Mns. Waslter Crowthcr, Newcastle. Given lu marriage by ber fa- ther, the bride cntcrcd the church te the strains et the Lohengrin weddiug march played by Mrs. J. Morris, organist et the chunch. The bride looked lovcly lu s tra- velling ensemble et negins blue with navy accessories, sud car- nlcd a bouquet et American Beau- ty nases. Mns. Robent Crowthcn, Bawmauville, attcndcd the bride, weaning a becemiug trock et dusty rase with black accessonies. She aise carried American Bcauty nases. Mn. Robent Cnowthcn was bis brothcn's gneomsmau. During Uic signing ef the registen, Mns. Many Phsy, sister et the bride, sang "For Yeu Alone." The bride sud groom pauscd bnietly at the dean ta receiVe the congratulations et their many tnicuds wbo hsd gatbcncd te sec Uice pretty ccrcmony, atter which they lett by mater tan a short honcymoon trip. On their returu - they will reside lu their ncw home lu Newcastle. Henderson-WLson The wcddiug vas solemnized an Saturday atterneon, Septemben 2, of Isobel Elleen Wilson, eldeat claughter et Mn. sud Mrs. Geo. T. Wilson, Pentypool, sud Charles James Heuderson, son et Mn. sud I/Ir. C. W. Hendersan, Tarante. The wcddiug wss held at Uic hiome et the bride's parents lu Poutypoal, Rcv. W. F. Ridiug, Mv.A., Oshawa, officiating. The bride, who was given lu ruarniage by ber father, wanc a long wbite chiffon gawu tashion- ad ven crepe, with tuckcd jacket :o match, with s white veil, fln- gertip lcugth, sud off-thc-fsce headdress. She carried s bouquet of liles et the vslley sud piuk roses. The bride was stteuded by ber silter, Misa Doris Wilson, wba wore blue taffeta with piuk sc- ceaaanies sud bandeau et rases and veil, sud cannied a bouquet et pink tes rases. Miss Wilson woe a lovely silver bracelet, the gift of the groom. The groom ws attcrldcd by Mn. Allen J. Henden- son, a cousin, et Tornto. Mrs. James Richardson, et Pontypeel, trho woeea beige lace gawu with blue accessanies, played the wed- Ing music. The methen et the bride wore black tlewered crepe, with a cor- sage et gardeulas. The mothen et th. groom was dresscd lu a gown of -wiuc sheen, wlth a corsage et orchîds te match. The home et Uic bride's parents vas dccorstcd wli pink gladieli, wlth a decorsted arch of pink sud white lu Uic living room, whce th. cencmouy was hcld. Foliewing a buffet luncheon Uic happy couple lett by meter fer Ottawa, New York sud Atlantic City. The bride travelled lu a madish hand-knitted boucle et i ti c c c cr Se there is much chatter sud coujecturing geiug on downstsirs lu the Club lounge; sud peeple arc looking shrcwd sud asking eue another what Uic real reason la for Uic change. Friends just back tram driving lu the Pyrences tell mcetflcsv- ing a vsllcy village lu heat, which, at this time et yesr, is very nesrly torrid, and wiUiin an hour's drive up the mouutaius coming upon six inches et suow sud people skiing! Needless te ssy, Uiecoct- ton shirts sud shorts which they warc an lcaviug the village were hastily covered with heavy ceats. Do stop me if you've heard this eue: A small cockney boy, ou his tirst trip to the country, had uever betere secu a skylark risc sud haver, siugiug. He gazed for s moment sud then shouted: "Look! a sparrow! 'c cawut git up an' 'c cawut git dewn an' le aiu't 'al 'allening'!" Isobel H. Stephenson, Cartwright Gardens Club, Landau, W. C. 1 Eugland. black, sud worc a string et pearîs, thc giftote. groom. Ou their returu the yaung couple wili live lu Tarante. YOUR HSIA Why la hoapitai care the ouly service that goverumental bodies expect te purchase at leas than ceat? The wind-up et the hospital year snnuslly rings Uic bell for s senies ef controversies lu the langer cities throughout the Pro- vince as the, large voluutary has- pitals present thein indigent ac- caunts and opcrating déficits ta the municipal gaveruments for paymcut. The attitude et some municipal gaveruments lu disputing their obligations luntalamatter la hard ta undcrstand a the sîternattives te be faced, if the present system breaks down, arc quite detinite sud dlean. At the present time, the hclp which haspitals can expect by Statute from gaverumental saur- - ces for cach indigent patient per day totals $2.35, made up et 60c tram the Province and $1.75 tram thé Municipality. Agaluat this $2.35, it coat the public voluntsry hospitala et Ontario iast ycar $3.24 aven the average fer cvery dsy's care et ahl patients. Iu the langer clty hospitals which arc treating the more senlous illuess- es and whcre the beat up-ta-date equipmcnt sud médical skill are rcquired. the average ceat runs over $4.00 lu a number et cases. With voluntany contributions unable ta, meet the cat t fhaspital opérations sud gavernments re- tusteg te make the nccessany Uic hospitals face two alterna- tives: (1) ta cut dowu the amount et wark doue tor pon people or cisc gîve poorer service, or (2) ~h'NEW LOW PEIOI-Ialâ hia ,uItOil burner:Dow and pa u yý Telvph.u.or aW,*efor buformagîou. A, H. STURROCK, Agent Phone 516 Bowmanvifle let thc municipalitica previde their owu public wards. If Uic municipalities provide their own hespital in a city such as Tarante, it la gemng te cest them, net $1.75 per day per pat- ient plus Uic amount oethUicde- ticit at the end efthUi yeàr's 9peratiou et s hespital supponted in pàrt by philauthrapy, but it, will cest Uic city anaund $4.00 s day plus the initial capital cx- peuditures et pnebably upwsrds et twe million dollars. The question for Uic large mun- icipslity, theretere, resoives itselt jute these twe alteruatives: either meet the deticits incurned by voluutsry hespitsls, or psy cou- sidcnably larger rates in a city- owned hospital. Philanthrepy ila sfine thing in' its place, but there is ne souud argument which can pessibly be advanced as te why those who are clsssitied as indigent and who are a burden on thte community at - That's a large. daim for any tes but preef of Ltpten's satisfaction te waiting for yeu right at your faveurite grocer's. Enjoy the unforgettable'-satisfaction >of a tes that'. nover insipid ... a amall leaf tes that ne- freshes, exhilarates and bueys you Up with a fuil-bodied flaveur and nichaes yau'Il welcome at any heur. Buy Lipten's today. Three distinctive grades: Red labol, Orange label and Yellow label (Lipton's Fineat). UPTON'S, ldme wc orld's srgslsslef»e, lu biledoid .pcaI'frdl a imtsa. __ large sheuld have that burden allocated te a sub-group et Uic community at large such as valuntary ceutributers. The Cern- mon Law distinctly isys down Uic rule that Uic indigent sick are the care et Uiecocmmunlty. "I pray Thee, O God, that I may be beautitul withi."--Socrates. You can neyer tell. The people wha laugh loudest deu't slways eujey themsclves Uic meat. Experieuce cames high but you ueedn't tell the world whst it casts. Advice has becu rcceivcd by Cansdian National Rsilwsys that there has been a change in the visiting heurs to visit Uic Dieune Quintuplets at Callauder, Outarlo, The childreu will appear daily, weather and heslth permitting, at 9.30 s.m. te 10.00 a.m. sud trom 3.00 p.m. te 3.30 p.rn., Eastern Standard Tirne. Lipton'. l'eb and %lb. ezabaniuable for beutiflWm Rgers & So Sllerplte. blii. Lipto Bd. Torontp Lin', iI .77 -"Il?ý- 7 THURSDAY, ý SEPTEMBER 7TI-1, 1939 1