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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1939, p. 6

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RECORD AT RIELD DAY H V RELEASE RUGBY DATES We must "«not forsake the as.- ontrmebrjs o HA E Asembling of ourselves together as the authoro h oloicvre S P R T S Wins Junior Girls' Title at BowJ.H obsfLida ws the manner of some is; but ex- but they aehlfli hi p mavle- w N EsWi .H Meu fLida a horting one another; and so much peal forwospinGdsHue For Senior Crow - Others B Otf ShotedInters olastic Rugby Lea- roach g"a(Hebrews 1:25)y. Heteacucyte ieoh ROyals Are Easern OnteChampse r:""S-a meig ed"In all places where I record A benefigcn n rin aoe Ro a re Ea trn O t.Ch m s tPeient iSp . augh.iOsh my name I will come unto thee Where all h aso hi a F F Not a ecord was roken and. Wuho sawa, and I will bless thee" (Exodus Are invitetowrhpadry Or OUr I me in Fie Yearsomne:w--igtiecat thean ua • •tary-Tre avid ofW.S.terborofcr20:24). It's the plac hr eu swi field dy here riday. orothyLindsay, as convener, drew upJeuHmslfo edtihat A churh ta fd d tyh • ' iy Drs, the schedule. Six teams were of worship for there was some- is wndrus air Buprb % mg' ' B Dve s-thid inig bt Semn wnt y rvran te jnior gs'd ooyar5i G AR Sentered in junior, playing in two thing in His nature calling Him It g os wt h igto i bonead ide Ball Trick way up to drag down Kent's high tie he eistig reord.Mis sections, top team of each section tthfelwhpoohrsHeThis beai throw and retire the side. Kent Downey also won the junior girls' tourl ay ff. heseio ntkuomandef h m and u pac fpryr BSKn etures again made the throw to end the championiship with 11 points, with Furiesqud etrd hmenoatuefofrmaniad mnwa.o Thriling Gamne fourth after the Gerow men had Kay Spencer second with eight sre.md o oiue Batuirday put men on second and third points. Junior "IA" Schedule Companionship is essential ev- Thr asatrllamn tSo e dan JInthsn m DGrae Mtchell ad 1Marion Mc- Set.30-Peteboro at Lindsay. eyhre nte Cuc si e IF"WN E Fu henDa O hu ou t et ai ooseÈ una g eigt points. hrle H •We h e manwhoct. 28-L dsa Prboro a. together inmy n n ethere amI th eis h swith LU points. rides oùGCioodyearLifeGuards, Nov. 11-Oshawa at Peterboro. I was reading Dr. Stolz' book both games to take the Easter Gerow foiled a Bow anville ral In the boys' class, Bill Brown reads about a blowout acci-Jnir "" y og and R eion lastm Ontario championship for the ly in the first. With Osborne on scored 18 pomnts by fimishing on dent; he knows that eit need Sept.30--Port Hope at Cobourg. people have suggested thaýa fourth time in five years. second and Colville on first foi- top mn each of the six events he , Oct. 7-Bow'ville at Port Hope- moratorium on the orhip f .If the lanky David wasn't draw- lowing Gerow's failure to step on entered. Don Mason was second not have happened. - Your Oct. 11-Cobourg at Bow'ville. H. R. Drummond God be declared for a generation M IOMtiI rig mng applause with his superb second on a throw from Jocko, with an even dozen points. Doug. Goodyear dealer can make Oct. 21-Cobourg at Port Hope. Recently elected President of the in order to determine whether we hurling then somebody was mak- the Napanee shortstop dived into Jackman took the mntermediate Oct. 28-Port Hope at Bow'ville. Bank of Montreal following the might not make stisfactorymr I al ueVckaaoRbi ing a dazzling stop or maybe a terrific low liner by Slemon tilbysongtrefsshee yrcacmptlsaefo Nov. 4-Bow'ville at Cobourg. death of Sir Charles Gordon, al progress without religioy mor- iser y fcod.Iti making a bad error. But what- and nipped Osborne off second seconds and three thirds, for 18 blowout accidents;.ï è see ble Senior From 1905 to 1910, Mr. Drum- tivation.us o l -1reed!". .Un ever it was, there was a thrill while lying on the ground. pit; Bille utchir on having 12 today/ You can't get better, Sept.30-Oshawa at Bowmanville mond's father, the late Hon. Sir The lproposal, of course, is the sol r s yoe fte attce. The Royals only got one man Moi Gra n cdthltit. Peterboro at Lindsay. George Drummond, held the pre.. outcome of a distrust of belief in • h om e -tea Bob Kent featured the contest as far as third all day but he inMurrau nio cla h1eotinte protection to save your life Oct. 14-Lindsay at Oshawa sidential office. The new presi- God and the church as an ethical 'VapoRub o o. aoe by pulling that oldie, the hidden carried the winning run over the and Aheuir Mason ihdl8poins Bow'ville at Peterboro. dent, mn addition to enjoying an force. This should makre us think. ball trick. Following two bad plate. Slemon opened the fourthinscdple) Oct. 21-Peterboro at Oshawa executive connection with several You know how some have spoken throws which had enabled Curry with a rousing double off the i eodpae Bowmanville at Lindsay. other companies, has been a dir- of religion as "being an opiate," ý 0 to go to third in the fifth inning, fence in deep left and went to Results Oct. 28-Lindsay at Peterboro ector of the bank since 1912 and and how the revolt and even the Kent retained the ball when hie third on a wild pitch. Wilhiams S en i or B oy s - 100 Yards, Bowmanville at Oshawa. vice-president for the past 12 overthrow of the Church is being walked over as if to hand it to fouled on an attempted squeeze Brown, Mason, Graham; time, 11 Nov. 4--Oshawa at Lindsay years. An interested educational- tried in other lands. Osborne, strolled back to his posi- play but the batter bounded high 2-5 secs. Shot-put, Brown, Rick- Peterboro at Bow'ville, ist and welfare worker, his en- Whenever I hear and read such tion and then lunged for Curry to third on the next ball and Sle- ard, Mason; distance, 35 ft. 4 in. Nov. 11--Lindsay at Bowmanville thusiasm for sport is also known. statements I am reminded of an when hie stepped off the bag. It mon hustled across the payoff Hop, Step and Jump, Brown, Ma- O Oshawa at Peterboro. uttered warning along lines like was the surprise of the year and base while Williams was being son; distance, 38 ft. 7 in. Broad N60s Mr. Curry was caught flatfooted. thrown Out. Jump, Brown, Mason, Rickard;.. . •-n m •• "Suppose God should withdraw Both twirlers were tossing a Napanee AB R Hl PO A E distance, 19 ft. 2½ in. 220-Yard been played with no decision.m U0 Uome Lot Us W0fsnip Himself for a time from his peo- $ Ñ W bewildering brand of ball and Curry, cf. 3 0 1 1 0 0 Dash, Mason, Graham; time, 25 have given full value for two-bits two gamesgnd each teami win- ple? We speak of withdrawing Fe a each team could collect only four Kinkley, If. 4 0 1 0 0 0 4-5 secs. High Jump, Brown, received mn the playoff gamnes. ning once.n Thursday the two from God and carrying on with- FrePknghoe11 his w fteGbad'ttlLucas, 1b. 3 0 1 9 0 0 Rickard, Mason; height, 4 ft. 9 in. Not one tussle could be called teams played a 14-14 tie and it Written by Rev. Walter Rackham, out Him. Suppose God withdrew hi wereodeci edly lucy, one oigGrwts. 40025al4-ad ah ao, wnel;poor entertamnment. One game was that kind of a game. Salem Hampton, Chairman of Oshawa from us." We know therare Friy-Stra onabn nwihObon elCrr. 4 0 1 1 0 0 time, 58 4-5 secs. Pole Vault, fielding features, another sees the were terrible mn the field and also Presbytery, The United times in history when that almost and the other took a irt oudMcCutcheon 3b 4 0 0 1 5 1 Brown. Mile Run, Rundle, Gra-bygonahitgrmpeadpuldacpeofoeonhe- Church of Canada- seems as if it were true. a d inW eanoOsbthrn a cor 3 a reit o 6s -ad mplete reversai by, wining aPrvidence had a seven ru ada esa- o cetsc RNOP CT Spratt, and walked two which Spratt, p. 3 0 0 0 1 0 Dash, Hutchinson, Hoar, Jack- 1to 0 ame. ayWho carn grs htvnaebtSae ado h fter a vratm hnure of God the Father and oy-NNYKLY. was also one more than given up Cairns, c.. 3 0 0 8 0 0 man; time, 11 secs. High Jump, this Saturdy wilbrnhcoyadthPrhe result te His sanctuar it i now. The wo Spirihtiag ast c. BIt ims i by Spratt. ------Jackman, Hoar, Wheeler; height ysoewstied. utwe h - shp f the acworba vr th thinking e abut.In Aos gg r Napane thretened n theTotals 32 0 4 24 12 2 4 ft. 9 in. - Hop, Step and Jump' The shutout administered by 1so eas .ainwas riot known as importantpe anthlifeha ey8h 't esw ed Bhl rnifM rhl third, fourth and fifth frames but Bow'ville AB R H PO A E Jackman, Hlutchinson, Hoar; dis- theodrgtar'fDvdI this is written. h ng. .f oshpisw the ay cme, saith the Lord God after that the Gibbards only got Bagnell, cf. 3 0 1 1 0 0 tance, 36 ft. 4 in. Shot-put, Hoar, Osborne on Saturday was the h elc fwrhpi ih that I will Èend a famine in the CE M one hit. A walk and a hit put Osborne, p. 4 0 1 0 0 1 Jackman, Hutchinson. 220-Yard first of its kind by a local hurler - out doubt largely responsible for land, not a famine of bread, nor CSRRMR men on second and third in the Colville, If. 4 0 0 2 0 0 Dash, Hutchinson, Jackman, Al- this year. Witheridge should The B.H.S. Field Day on Friday the fact that to many people of a thirst for water, but of hearing BINIuBRE Slemon, lb. 3 1 1 9 0 1 lin; time, 26 3-5 secs. 800 Yards, have had a whitewash victory in failed to uncover -any record our day life has lost its zest and the words of the Lord. And they de Rickard, c. 3 0 0 9 0 0 Lemon, Rundle, Jackman; time, 2i Napanee which doesn't make the breakers although Dorothy Down. has been disintegrating into a shall wander from sea to sea, and AddT iveTmsFv Willias ss. 3 0 0 1 1 2 mins. 23 secs. Broad Jump, Jack-| Gibbards look very good with the ey managed to tie one. It would hectic purposeless life. There is from the north even to the eastTeQitpes Roach,rf. 3 0 1 2 0 0 man, Hutchinson, Evans; distance, willow. Or maybe it makes our appear as if a little stricter train- nothing which so lifts the soul and shall run to and fro, to - seelk ji Le0880 là lea&Y Kent, 3b. 3 0 0 1 3 0 16 ft. 10 in. 440-Yard Dash, Le- pitchers look better. ing and more application to the above the worry and frustration the word, of the Lord, and shallRE VA Walton, 2b. 3 0 0 2 5 0 mon, Hutchinson, Jackman; time: i--as job might bring better results. of ]Ife as an hour spent in the not find it." - - - - - - 62 1-5 secs. Pole Vault, Hoar,' Wlim as having trouble Bob Rundle, an mntermediate, who House of God, singing the great Suppose God should leave a Fridayat 0.5 . Totals 29 1 4 27 9 4 Jackman; height, 8 ft. 6 in. with the bounces, both good and finished second mn the half mile, hymans of the centuries, reading nation or a world for a long per- Run batted in - Williams; Two- Junior Boys - 100-Yard Dash, bad, on Saturday, but his dazz- moved up to semior and won the the inspired Scriptures and join- iod of time - leave it to itself? 66D81 9 base hits - Slemon, Os b orn e. Denisem, Morris, Mason; time, 12 ling bare hand stab of a ball in mile. If he tends to his knitting mng our prayers with the prayers Suppose God leaves a people too0t8 Ka Stolen bases - Curry, McCutch.' 4-5 secs. Broad Jump, Grant, the sixth to avert trouble made the record of 5.04 belonging to of others. . live for the things they have Sarn eoBanll olile ef nDensem, Mason; distance, 14 ft. up for any misdemeanors. He also Archie Woods, may, be lowered. You cannot think of the woi-ldi chosen. Can you picture such a-W. bes -aane , Bo wman;lleft o pSen up ratE-doei teol u fteHe is usmng Archie's old spikes without the Church, for men and condition? Of course you can! -WYEMRI 5; Double play - Gérow to Jocko; ger, Mason; distance, 31 ft. 61h in. game. In Napanee, Williams led which may mean something. women have assembled them- There are times when we cannotPRSLALNE Strike-outs - Spratt 8, Osborne 9. High Jump, Edger, Larkin, Grant; off for the Royals and annexed-- selves to worship God throughout help but th ink that God and the Bases on balls - Spratt 1, Osborne height, 3 ft. 10 in. 220-Yard Dash, three hits and scored twice. It certainly is: Bob Kent took all the years. worship of God is absent in the Monday-T ed 2; Wild pitch , Spratt; Time of Mason, Burns, Grant; time, 28 3-5 - a good natured ribbing from some ' The Church is a communion Of events transpiring in parts of Our S!P 5 2 game, 1.25. secs. 880-Yard Run, Burns, Ed- Mickey Roach looked likre a big of his pals whenlhe stepped to the followers of Jesus Christ ani- world.. -- Umpires - Spring and Souch, ger, Densem; time, 2 mins. 46 4-5 leaguér when hie hurried back the plate followmng his hidden mated and inspired by His Spirit. We may talk and act of -plan- Toronto. secs. Shot-put, Grant, M as on, under McCutcheon's long hoist ball episode.. One of his bunk- bound together for mutual help' ning apart from God and the Stong0 ÊiÜ Larkin; distance, 32 ft. 8 in. Pole in the ninth. Dave is still tha .. mates mntimated surprise that fulness; for united worship; for Church, but what about the LeveOfAbene Vault, Burns, Larkin, Ed g er; ful for the wind since this lât Robert would be so sneaky. . . instruction in religious truth and thought of God removing him- Strrn Lev O bsneheight, 7 ft. Relay, 1A, 2B, 2A. minute drive was headed over the Anyway Robert whiffed on a cooperative service. self?, What kind of a world would VRII RC H-ees to jun · Granted Employees Senior Girls - 75-Yard Dash, right, field fence when a gust of third one and still haed to laugh It is a fellowship and this is this be? You can already .visual- WALERIG0 helh f el eepoe o Mitchell, McDonald, Wilson; time, wind held it up and Roach pulle at the cracks. . . George WaltonwhteCurh illv. ize such a world and it is snot a AddiRbr ecl . eaty ladO BelT ep C. 10 3-5 secs. 100-Yard Dash, Mc- it down. Roach also got a hit. e had an order for 65 barrels of hteCur wlli. pleasant picture.1 de- He driks hi milkDonald, Mitchell, Dustan; time, 14 - apples cancelled on him just be- The buildings May crumble, de- A man said to me just beforeDakMgc Hedik i ikThe Bell Telephone Company o es ra up coad Tetl ofthd fore leaving for Napanee. . . He nominational names may change, this terrible war was declared . And obeys hss dad. Canada have announced that*all its Mitchell, Pattinson; distance, 13' Kent pulled h.s fasa wh. still is offering to supply several cresmyb eisd e hs It is awful to think that this Wens-T rd employees who enlist in the militia ft. 3½% in. HihJmSoefrttm n as that thed chickens towards a club banquet es of work emphasized, but the calamity should comne upon our en Mil i ou narl mst ndactveseric untswil b Emet, ichllJhegh, 4 t. 1 e n ball t ten rick ha tef -at the end of the season. .. George Church lives on because it has people. We are a religious people Friday-etra perfect food Of ranted leave of absence and con- in. Basketball Throw, Williams, here and even the Ump had to eem ayntm u leanl w ith ors e oimn.Crst t and ry to dorigmuh dbt goET. 7 3 eretfo. o course, tinue to be eliible for death bene- Storey, Emmett; distance, 83 ft. 6 laugh t very bllbu heha fw rros o hurh er mchbu Ibe Junior does't worry about fits under the employees' benefit in. Relay, 4th, Commercial, 3rd; peed er i . Kemtire Southhap- and many assists. .. Dave Osborne The true prosperity of a nation lieve in God and for what Ife vitaminsM ad things .- au fund. and will be re-employed upon time, 30 secs. sfe pee eep e baHi toOs says "bring me a windbreaker on depends to a great extent upon stands." IAndy HryGt he now istht Gen ae dischargze from their units. In ad- Junior Girls - 50-Yard Dash, on ot fea a ths second" then hits a double. . . the character of its citizens, and I knew what hie meant, and as e hilkBtaste etr itodpnetsf ariehe- oweyGFga, mmttRtme 7itoesoe. l ouchiculd d wathngTwo or three of the boys had to the character of its citizens de- I have before said it would be Spin Fe r »ktftsbte!Order ployees and the dependent children 2-5 secs. 75-Yard Dash, Downey, Curry vanypoetd a npay men to take their place when pends most of all upon the Chris- foolish to think we heve no goodStr ay. of widowers. will receive the differ- Emmett, Johns; time, 9 4-5 secs. push him awa ekl ad tey wnLoNpneE ter inCuc.pol iml eas hyd n ence between the amount of Gov- Broad Jump, Spencer, Downey, not to laugh top. ard. A few o just lost their day's pay . .. Show In attending the Hlouse of God not go to church. There is, how- LEISCTN GL REN AE DAIR ernment pay and allowances and the Fagan; distance, 14 ft. ½ in. Bas- tepaestogtRbr us a team with more or better for worship the individual gives ever, a moral obligation that weMCKYROE LNRED IY amount of the employees salary, ketball Throw, Downey, Spencer, starting a bit of a brawl wa spirit. .. At the first of the sea- outward expression of his belifwrhpFo.CCA PRE subject to the provision the4 the Emmett; distance, 78 ft. 4½ in.. son this scribe didn't think the in a Divine Creator and Supreme "O come let us worship andFA HODN Phone 2665 Bowmanville opny's conribution shall not be High Jump, Spencer, Downey, Forced with thé necessity f Roalsul.. d en winth oai engnokon;ltinelbfr more than one-half of the employee's Emmett; height, 3 ft. 11 mn. Re-y leg...Whtddouhik The mission of the Church is pay. lay, 2A, 1A, 1B; time, 31 secs. starting the game at 1.30 so that.. Slemon returned to college on the building of manhood to the Throwni Gi B sckard could get home and giv onday but w11 be in the lieur as r f ode ithus it becomes th:e O N RPBA G I A E am; distn, 4 ft 50-ard sh y game consumed exactly one hour stition: (not to be read by Play- nation, because it brings to bear Jump Cha e; i, 8nncn.hHigh ngtotheumpires. Theexecutive emi-fals iave been diferentuponte lves of inividuals the From BOWMAN ILL Crook; d isc,3Cf.n4in.gBroa want to express their appreciation years. . . This is the fourth. . . Tep uros of theu Ch urchti Sept. 28.to C.N.R. Stations in the MarftimuePrvneroic 46 JmpChisc, 3Buto4nshawook; to all who attended te game at Good umpiring appreciated sev- The mids of the c uhityist of Quebec, New Bbrunswick, Prince EdadIln Beans nd Buc Shot akefbs nenderclltwhi dif- o ontoCoboug Junior lose to and womanhood; to comfort, en- Sept. 29-30-Oct. 1 - To Montreal $7.30 - ToiubcCiy$13 ferent from the regular schedule. . . Rugby schedule is out with courage and help all m th eo- T t.An eBape-$19 BY NELSON OSBORNEý We hop to see you in even great- local school entering two teams. mun helpandn ovco p te nev Tkets, Fare, Transit Limits and Informadnom A ns er numbers tis week . . Wonde whenF heyare goin shIn this s ek to rea e o er; - s o the limited knowleund otfrom y1 e are the 138achampions wek from Saturday.pers oal ou preentbec aabeko t s nti N A T 10O N A L Handbin P A CIF C by the O.B.A., Bowmanville Roy- fair way as they defend their vitation to attend the baseball communion and we feel that God als ar 1 e now ngage;m thuse- tl. Tecanngfctr.cnr gm-o atray. .Cm.i ovstomkeHs et .. .. . - , - .ýý,«M --- ,,peoai vite anasci long to the O.B.A. about the long i ohgms epukdaSOLO ON A 215 YEARMM A sympathy cannot be developed layoff, so maybe they are mntent liner off Slemon's bat in each GUARANTEE '" apart from religious worship in on keeping us busy this year no game besides driving in one and Priceés now are lower because of Sales Tam tesacur matter whereuwe travel.b nyway scoring the other of the Gibbards' utras mour n yel ti ihyipoalhw WFplaying steadily. It is easy to lose totlis. .-- mnt88GhpIŸ. r e er al ip hmawa ho in ps a N U NC AG T that fine edge when the weather Salem and Providence are still meditation and reading long IS R N E A E T ic oa cgets cool, trying ,to find a winner in their SCIf0U keeps up the habit of private de- Phn61 . -- ~loop. Originally the final series n/ votion.Phn68Bom vil PO WN INSi-)NNY SOU HER ONT RIO Whatever happens from now was supposed to be a two out'of, If one has a real desire to come on, it must be said that the Royals three affair but four games have into touch with God, then that . - PAGE Srx HRDY E THE CANADIA-SDAYESSEP EMBERNV21STONT939

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