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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1939, p. 7

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2IST, 1939 THE CANADIAN STAT~SMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO fl A f' Oflt ~fltC rn~z~. ~r.Vm.r4 . . . . .. .. . .q .. . . f QOf Interest To ---------------- ------------------- Written for Thse Statesman 'Paperchase' TO these of yau who enjoy books about people, I neccmmcnd James Dunn's 'Paperchase'. He was a Fîcet Street reporter and in tais autebiegraphy he tells of Mis life and rnany of tac people lise knew in Lendon; in Ircland durlng tac trouble there before tise Wan, and _ycars. Tise writing la a de_ ]ight. He hasa llvcîly I=i wit. Here lu ,one et iis amu- during a Bei- Iast neot an Amenican film mmn attempted te erect his camera in Royal Avenue. Jessie Allen He was promp- Brown tly peunced upon by the crowd, Who asked the usual question, "Aie you Cathelîc or Protestant?" I a Christian Scentîst he ne- Llpton's A slçt blcnd of ED aaIIleWCeylonand RED India Teu grown in thse wrld's finet tes LABEL gardens and blended 33c % b. in Canada., LIphin' s elcted blend m~Pekoe T ,ie BMMUUIE youaI as,, es e LABEL and f laveur for 3r" 1/2lbn which it'ia imiverual- ly fameus. Liptoau'a Iàptoa' Fmnest.. OELLOM ihty'e t LABEL flaveur qulity and 4 1/ lb. riantes. v ade it fameus tii. worid over. »' "MAIl' FOU A KINS"I *-plied pelitely. Whereupen bath sides beat hlm up. To my niind, it la tae best book efthtis type 1 have seen, since George Doran's 'Barrabas Was a Publisher'. Make Home Ownlng Profitable Te own one's own home used te be the ambition et evcry tam- rily. Now lt is a common stery 1te heur, 'if I ever get rid efthtis heuse I will neyer own another.' -One reason for this lu that peo- pie do net stay put in tac same place tac way taey used te, and it las a difficuit thlng te sel a house whcn one has te move. High taxes are the greatest draw- back in house-owning. The prin- cipies of taxation have rernained tac same, even, though living con- ditions have changed and tac house-ewner bears an unfair bur- den. The situation has been miti- gatcd in a small way but net enough te be a reai relief. If it were made profitable te ewn one's home, there would be an immense stimulation te business and work given te many now unemployed. There is a great de- grec cf satisfaction ta owningj one's home but te mest it is aJ luxury instcad et a taritty way et saving rneney. How te shift the burden et taxation frem tae heusehoider is a problem. Busi- ness already feels it is being taxed eut et existence. Blckerlng Chlldren In families wita more taan one chiid, bickering is usualiy a prob-1 lem. The chidren de net mind it, as a matter et tact, most et them get considerable pleasure eut of it - cisc they wouid netE do se much of it. But it is hardr on tac bystanders. Tee often me-s thers expect their children te lover each other and be constant cern-c panions. They weuld love eacht Other a lot more if taey weren'tE such constant companions. Theret is always a difference in age, and why sheuld tac child et ten have te do the same things as tac chiid et seven? And taat is what tee rnany mothers expect. Let taem-8 have friends et their own age andJ then when they are togetaer it iss a pleasant change instead ef aa boresomne necessity. When thec bickerings begin, let the childrenf be separated. Net in se many I words, because that adds dramaa and importance te the situation. I'e wise mether can find some- I thing for them te do in a different directien. Privacy is hard te get in a large family but each child shouid be trataed te be alene at some time each day. An aduit,0 who has few reseurces witain i himself, but must aiways be in i the company et others, loses a let d in lite. Mothers can give tais i training and reduce tamiiy squab- c bics by managing a bit et priv-U acy for each child.F Epsom Salts As A Fertiliser .t Some place or otacr I read that s Epsom saits, in a proportion et bi )ne tablespeen te a quart oft î vater, was a gbod fertiliser for o cc r to ai a ar m cc qi cc w ta ta m hc th er pu a a nu th te Mi SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA O F CANADIAN WHEAT 1 A gifted, gentle, patient, val- nt human seul which buffets tway threugh tac billows ef ne and will net drown, though ften in danger, cannet be dnown- d, but. cenquens and leaves i rack et radiance bchind it. - !arlyle. plants. I tricd it on the petunias in tac verandah box and it was quite successful. The plants grcw more vigoreusly and there were double tac ameunt et biessoms. It has tac merits of bcing easy te get and easy te apply. Baked Ram With Peaches Rub a sice of ham about an inch thick with a mixture et 3 tablespoons et brown sugar and 1 teaspeen mustard. Put in a baking dlsh and peur around it hait cup water. Cever and bake in a moderate oven et 350 de- grecs for 40 minutes. Then caver the ham wita halvcd, peeled peaches. Stick a clove in each peach and sprnle lightly wita brown sugar and dot with butter. Return te tac aven and cook for about 10 minutes, uncovered. The ham may be cut in portions for serving. Ginger Pear Jam 4 lbs. pears 4 lbs. sugar 2 lemons 4 oz. candied ginger Pare, cere, and cut tac pears in pieces. Put the lemons and the ginger through thc chopper. Mix the ingredients and boil untîl thick (abeut an heur). Pour inte sterilized jars and seal. W.I. Women Write Weil Editorially By Bride Broder In thse Toronto Globe and Mail1 Alive as perhaps few tewnsmen are te the value efthtat great rural secîety, the Wemen's In- stitutes, tac editor o! the Bow- manville Statesman - a paper continueusiy in the front rank et tac weekiies - turned over tac editenial page of a recent issue te the nine branches of tac W. I. in Durhami Ceunty. Under the lead-t ership efthta district president, Mrs. Johnson Thickson, Bowman-1 ville, evcny institute contributcdt at least one editeriai, and, as Mn.t James, the Statesrnan's editer, says, "Came te tewn in a big way as te quality and quantity, witht cepy cleanly written and on time, tunther preet et the thereugh and businesslike way these wornen ge about any job they tackle." One wniter descrîbed the teund- ing efthe W. I.in 1897 by Mrs.t Adelaide Hoodless and Mn. En-c land Lee - man and weman unit-t ing in tac effort fer goed; anether - Mrs. 0. W. Roiph, Orono, points out that the W. I., while xpand- ing te meet the tisses, stili bse its werk on tac broad limes laid clown by tac tounders - Educa- tion, Heaith, Child Wcifare, Agri- culture, Legislation and so on; a third contributor - Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, president et Victoriana Instîtute, Blackstock, give a gen-0 tle but inspitang teuch with herc sentence, "The test et truc neigh- s, boriincss which, tac scarchingi lîght et necd supplies, la the testc tf the charm et tac Women's In-a stitutes - it net enly supplies E quilts te the celd, but warmth for c eold heants, food fer hungny r ninds, and ciething fer the des- h, paiing seul."s Mrs. Roy Langmaid ot Selina ci ouches on the loyalty and endur- rr ance et W. I. members. There is I. anoll ot about fifty in her branch tc and some membens corne tive uý nules te meetings, and a clenical h, comment on the kindliness is le quoted-there had neyer been a e( eommunity te his knewledge cl where tac sick werc se well ne- c( rsembcrcd and the cleric gave tac IZ credit te tac W. I. C And se tae stery gees on, wita ei taes et help given town hespi- ai tals, relief wonks aided, lîterature, W music and art bnought te the cern-t munity, str4ngers made to teed at 0 erne, ncwcomers bnought inteO te cemmunity lite, and, tac writ- as might have added, rnany a C pure-bned herd estabiished, rnany at ascheol board jacked up, many dc local repreach removed because of rirai women, who de tacir ewn Ir rinking and then act upen it ail murageousiy, had set themacilves in, ýthese tasks. it We sheuld like te congratulate a< [r. James on his master streke. th fil - ~ters, sticky tiy pàper, poisoned tly D, pads, or pyrethrum fly spray, Pl Ls For further information on the T, tf life-history and control ot these ri h ____________ insects, inciudlng bedbugs, write k- te the Publiity and Extension À4 a _____________ Division, Departrnent et Agricul- - S ture, Ottawa, for a copy et Circu- lar No. 137. .4 Lowest Prices WHEN 1 MET TOU o The sun shone brighter then to 0 Than it had donc before, The birds sang swceter in tac Beside your cottage deor; 0The tlowers' fragrance muitipl 11 Their celer teek new hue, The dark clouds turned their ver eut, When I met yeu. 1Then mnusic had new harmoni Whiie cemmon seng notes scemed 9To have sweet melodies ne'er1 9 What I had ever dreamed; 1For ail tatags bitter ictt my1 And sunshinc came anew, The shadows seemed te flec aiN When I met you. The tinkling strcamilet's rumn song Was setter, sweeter still, And tacre was music in tac w 0f yender water miii; The yeilows turned te bnig] gold, Rich reds much deeper gre, The wenld seemed ail atiame w love, When I met yeu. -RALPH GORDC 628 Crawford St., Terento. S. You'r. Coing To Attend Col.e By David Owens, M.A., Protes of Phllosophy, United Vlsurc] Winnipeg Going te college -is ane of major adventurcs cf life. se fulil intcrest and excitement thiat covets it for every intelligent yeu man and woman. It is a fine ph for f riendsbips. for sports. and1 exp)erience in organization and et cutive work. But above aIl it pi vides bath incentive and opportun for what Leonardo da Vinci, thatt iversal g-enius. called "the great of aill ivs. the joy cf the int lect." If vou are sa fortunate al ta zoinz to college, perbaps a nmn of suggestions will be in e.rder. First of ail. you may be attack by- an inferiarity complex. M( freshmen are. although a few sec ta react the other way. and aree tremelv self-assertive. Trv te f low a middle path. Don't be but tions in order te bide that iack self confidence, but on the et hand. don't become a mouse afre that the cat is around the corner the cat beinz a sophamore. a, seni or even an instructer. Perbaps the gzreatest cautionb ta do with the extent cf extra-cu ricular activities. Social af f ai sports. and- executive wark are; ouitc important elements cf coll life. and tbey give valuable.. expc ience to the student. But. aftera the primar vpurpase in zaing colleize is ta enhance ane's intelli tual if e. andI gain academic stan ing. Tbe average student. the ought ta choose carefully a limit programme of extra-curniculara livities. and leave himself ar ime and energy fer decent grad in bis studies. Another major caution refers the difference between hiah scbo and colleize. The close supervisii of tbe hiabh school gives place college te the greater freecjamq self-discipline. The collegze stude: must be mare self-reliant. He directed ta sources. given suggrestioi and înitiated inte systenis of thouzl 3ut so mucb cf the work be mu La bimself. This is excellent forh nental growtb. but tbe risk is th; he mav he bewildered. or fail to ri soond to tbe challenge of self-di mIplie. Witb tbe new f reedoni.1 nav negylect ta use bis partunitie f be does s0 be will probably coiy to grief. If he works honestl under tbese conditions of f reedon he will move quickly towards inte lctual maturitv. He will experienc education not as a Process of ai umulatinir information providedi convenient parcels and dulv pred zested. but as growth in the powerc tougbht and tbe habit cf critic. evaluation. One problerc 0f colleR uthorities is to exercise contrc without interferinz unnecessarily wit lis creative freedoni. It is a izrea opal)rtunitv - and a zreater risk. Two furtber points, anc mechari i thougb belpful, tbe otbero ibsolute importance. In takirLi notet Io not trv ta get a verbatini repor )f vour lecture. Ratber aimn at pull Lz clown tbe substance along wit iv phrases wbich seeni particularl ndicative or arrestini. Do this an( twill ensure that you will listi ctivelv and intelligentlv. - a thir% hat istit likely if you report i MIl. Alsa. write on anc side onll ;oWhat Does The Churcli Mean To reeYou, YourFamiIy And Community? si- How would we feel , should we Sunday School instead of in ques- r i-read in the mornng newspaper tionable places which, as a rule, - that ail churches were to oease to offer tempting inducement for function that day? Would we be leisure hours. Chiidren build des, content to let matters take their stronger characters when proper- course, or would we become con- ly guided. The clubs afid other cerned over the plight we would organizations of the church give like be in when the influence ef the them an outiet for their social church was removed from our desires, and at the same time life, cemmunity? teach them to acquire a balance 1 This Supposition is ef course in their mental outlook upon life WaY, scarcely likely to becorne a real- hcsevstmwl hnte ity, but it serves its purpose in time cornes for them to face the making us realize the value of world on their own. nigthe church in our lives. Then, it is a tact, that a man .The task of the church, wit finds congenial interest in the ,heel your co-operation, la to build men's clubs of the church, and on good neighbours. If we are to church committees, which with- htrregain content ment and peace of out exception repay hlm many htrmmd the present and future gn-times over for the time spent, in e erations must deveiop tiieir livesth satisfaction of having ac- with upon the sane and simple moral complished something for the standards taught by the church. good of his fellow-man. Let the church close her Sunday The women of the community Schools, and the cost of maintain- find among the varieus women's ON. lng order in the community wouid activities, meaning and value in be tremendously increased. hours that might otherwise be There is a great deal of truta dull and mentaliy unprofîtable. in the expression that we rareîy There are in tact a hundred and see the things that -are right un- one services that the church ren- >jeder Our noses. There are imnport- ders to the community in which ant factors in our lives, which, it is located. The significance of urbecause of having aiways beern chrlstening our babies, the mar- h part of our existence, we taire fornaeoousnsndaghrs granted, and towards which we the burial of our dead are ail ignore Our responsibility. This il thîngs that cannot be overlooked the case quite often, in our atti- or dispensed with. The thought- the tude towards our church. Many fui interest in the sick and the 1 of Of us actuaily do not possess a mnany kindly acts to our poor are one clear conception efthte import-. added in good measure. lung ance of the active church worker Se, reaiizing the undeniable Lace in our lives, nor do we consider need cf the church in our com- for it our duty to assume our share- munity and in Our lives, should xe- o! respensibility towards the we not consider the true value pro- church. and furthermore, should we not [fty Many of us regard our church organize the church to enable it ~un- as an institution dependent upon to, operate to the utmost of its test the charity of its active members capabilities. For if we agree that tel- and adherents. Even though the we want the church to, serve us, coins we occasionaîîy place upon if we agree that we would not be the collection plate are donated care to live in a community that iber gracieusîy enough, we do not did not enioy the spiritual and consider the giving of this money cultural influences of the church, :ked in the sense o! paying for value wye must do oui full share as ost received. circurnstances permit in support- em Though whether we belong to tag it. ex- a church or not, the fact la that We eften hear remarks con- fol- the church contributes te every cerning what the church might np- man's lite, in greater proportion have donc in the many problems of -than even his rnost lavish contri- constantly before us. There is no thbut ions would recompense. Yet limit to the good the church aid despite our laxity towards the could do with the wholehearted !-church the fact remains that an co-operation of her members and kr- influence encompasses our farn- adherents. uo.ily, bringing spiritual security ta- *** to our daily lives. If you have read thus far, will has With the church, just as with you ask yourselt these questions? tir-thr etosomoancu- Do I want the influence of the irs. tural expression, the reaction is church in my community? ail mental. To most church geers, Have I a responsibility towards leze attending the service acts as a the church? er- spiritual tonic. The influence un- "Yes,"ý you will no doubt repiy ail. der which we corne, enables us to both questions. to to meet the vicissitudes of 111e Then, why not make a new lc- more calmly. Our mind occupied start next Sunday rnorning? Corne ,nd- with a change of thought, gets yourseif - bring your tamiy - ien. inspiration and confidence for tell othei's te corne - invest an ted days ahead. hour in the things most worth- ac- There la yet another gain which while in 11f e. Next Sunday will ie should flot be overlooked, in the be a good day te start the "Go te des renewed expression cf friendship Church Habit.', that we find at the church ser- Let everyone show their appre- te vie, in the nods and smiies and ciation of your Church and Sun- iol "gicendly handclasps cf our neigh- day Scheol by attending 100%. ýion bours, who rnîght easily have Your Church will heartily wel- in been forgotten, but for this corn- corne you whether you are in a of munity meeting place. Position te tfinancially support it ent We should be conscious, too, of or not. is the value ef chiid training. We ons would have less seltishly inclined How To Control ht. citizens and prevent many a sadHosh d stawakening had our teen-age de- H u hl et hi linquents spent their Sundays in hat the protective influence cf the Amn h nurlsfrifr re- ceived by the Division of Enterno- lis-CI US. legy, of the Science Servic, De- es. probably the most nurnereus re- me REFRESHING late te, such common pests as ants, tly R F E H N ceckroaches, siiverfish, c 1 o t h e s )M......... moths, carpet beetles, heuse tuies, il- M and bedbugs. Ants are particu- ce ..l arly annoying in kitchens and ac- pantries at this time ot the year, in where they are attracted by food- di- stufis, especially sweet and fatty cf substances. Cockroaches and sil- al verfish may be troubiesome ail the yeareund, the former feed- rol in uponpractically ail kinds of th... foodstuifs, and the latter prefer- cat * ring materials containing starch and glue. These three kinds et in- sects can be controlled by the 0 f sain insecticides: namely, by a .-mixture ef equal parts et sodium )rt fluoride and pyrethrum pewder, rt '- or by the first-named insecticide Salene. The powder, which is a ith poison and should be used with Iv ~ cautien on that acceunt, may be nd~ applîed with a srnall dust gun or en ' 4,::insecticide puffer, blowing it into nz'. the cracks and crevices where the IV' insects occur and in other places R whîch they frequerkt. t The prevention of darnage by (Intcnded fon last wcek) Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Clan- ence Rahm and Betty, Weston, Mn. and Mrs. S. J. Pedier, Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Pedler, Te rente, Miss Ieleen Rahm, Union, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cochrane, Jean and Harold, Bowmanviile, Mn. David Ferguson, Entieid, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rahm.... Mns. E. Varysay, Mn. and Mis. Henry Barber, Toronto, with Mn. ghd Mrs. EtI. Coughii. Miss Ida Barber returned home with her parents. .. Mns. J. L. Byers, Ot- tawa, Mn. and Mrs. David Kay and Bill, Toronto, at Mrs. C. San- denson's. . . Mn. Bill Hoskin with tniends at Niagara-on-the-Lake and ether places. . . Mn. and Mis. Robent Philp at Victoria Harbeun. J464 WRZFORER1 OORL»à Ieorfment of Fisheries, Ottawa. 'lems. uend me]ut S2-Pag. Dookiet, "100 Temptlng Fàai pus". lfame ......................................... (PLEABE PRU<T LETTRES ILAIXLY) Addte............................................ ....... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ...........C W -17 j4wv IAIVA Mn. eandMs. taHNorandp friend, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. R. Philp. Mn. M. Thempson la on duty at aur scheol again. No moatter where you lave in. Canada, there is always a vamqety cf fish available ta you, either fresh, frozen, smoked, dried, canned or pickled. Your famuily will enjey FISH. It can be served in an infinite numnber of deliciaus ways. Send for thse FREE recipe booklet today. DIPARTMUNT 0F FISHERIES, OTTAWA. I/fL.Ar Better Light ... Better Sight EDISON MAZ-DA LymP;s -4 CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC LUAr. THE WORL'S LAROEST SELLUNO TEA I8 PACKED IODER à DISTINCTIVE, LABELS In Ilistory!e w THE CANADIAN S.TAT.ESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTÀRIO q Burketon

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