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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1939, p. 11

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN Council meets next Tuesday. Dr. Leslie, Toronto, visited here. Mr. and Mis. James Middleton and famlly visited at Claremont. Miss West is visiting Mr. and Mis. A. West. Miss Viola Noden has returned ta Toronto University. Mi. LeRoy Brown has îeturned to Guelph O.A.C. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams, Gait, visited friends here. Misses DeLine, Toronto, are vlsiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Clough. Messrs. Ed. and Harry Pinder, Toronto, took in Orono fair. Miss Helen Scott, nurse in train- ing, is on holidays. Mis. Dane Found and son Bill, Toronto, took in Orono fair. Mr. Walters, Toronto, was guest of Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Waltcrs. Mi. and Mrs. R. Fuller have been holidaying. Sldewalk in the south Ward has been repaired. Mr. Bob Keane arrived home Thursday to recuperate. Mi. Milton Morris spent the weekend in Toronto. Dr. Kerslake, Toronto, was in town. Mrs. R. Sutton enjoyed a visit from her sister and nephew. Misses Mari orie and Mary Sis- son visited in Toronto. Mi. and Mis. K. Neale are cm- ploycd et the J. Anderson Smith box factory, Newcastle. Mi. Nelson Couvier has secured work at 'the Goodyear factory, Bowmanville. Miss Rosaline Gamsby and Mi. WiUl Downing, Toronto, visited here. Mi. Walter Carleton is making important improvements ta his residence. Mi. James Farrow and family, Coboconk, spent Sunday t Mis. I. Winter's. Rev. and Mis. S. Littlewood and Manley were at their former charge Sunday. We welcome Mi. and Mis. M. A. Carleton and family back to Orono. Misses Thelma Myles and Mur- ici Morton were home from Whltby. Mi. and Mis. Arthur Smith, Markham, visited Mi. and Mis. Rowland Smith. ga r t la tio n ra ia n d M s . da~r Mi. andMis. Neil Hamnm, Pêt- exbaio, spent Sunday at Mi. Z. J. Haxnm's. Mi. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto, visited Mi. and Mis. Newton Cob- bicdick. Messrs. John and M er vy n Keane, Toronto, visited Mr. andi Mis. A. H., Keane. Mi. and Mis. Wm. DeLine and family, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mis. A. Clough. Miss Lois Wood leaves this wcek for Port Perry where she will commence work in the hospi- tel. Mr. and Mis. H. Awde and family, Toronta, spent Sunday with bis parents, Mi. and Mis. C. F. Awde. Mi. and Mis. Rennie Foster and Mr. Robet Foster, Toronto, took in Orono Fair, the latter remain- ing for a longer visit. Mr. and Mis. W. Dent and fam- lly aie now settled at Leskard. Orono Band is engaged ta play at Part Peiiy fair.1 Friends weîc glad to, seeMi WIII Waddell, Thediord, here last week. Will used to be the bank manager in Orono. Lacal men who secured posi- tians t Camp Borden spent a few days here wbîle labour difficulties were being adjusted. Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Watson and1 Mi. and Mrs. G. Gould, accompan- led by relatives from Kitchener, visited in Peterboro. Mi. and Mis. John Neals, Co- bourg, Mr. and Mis. R. McNeil and daugbter Phyllis, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mi. and Mrs; Wm. Seymour's. Mi. and Mis. F. B. Wbyte and Doris and Mi. and Mis. Herb. Murray, accompanied by friends af Peteibora, enjoyed a trip thia' the Kawartha Lake district. Mi. Douglas Carruthers, Perth, vislted at %j A. Millson's. Mirs. Carrutheis and daugtei Jane, wha have been visiting bere this summer, retuîned witbhîm. Mi. andi Mis. George Fairbain, BEALLY KILL Ou.d "" it i sil a u VI da or 2M ~ w.oka. 3padafa8C pachet. N sprayf i tcklnemr, =e door.Zak ouraDruiist. 4Oroory o oneItoe. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PA Y MORE? ml WLSom F1WPAO cou ,Hwha.Iia& TRE,. POPULAR DAtJtGTEI8 0F DUREHA M. P. TAXE VOWS TOGETHER A resident of the soute waîd bas a crop of potatocs worthy of mention. He secured seven bush- els from nine square yards of land. If you want to know bow many bushels to an acre that av- erages, figure it out youiself. Mi. Charlie Harris is agaîn un- der the doctoi's care. Misses Anna and Alfiieda Lund- berg and Mis. Ida Lang, Chicago, retuin ta their homes today. Mis. J. Noden retuins with them to spenti the winter. Mi. James Eagleson, Mis. Bert Eagleson, Mi. and Mis. E. Me- pbam, of Oshawa, Mi. Robert Eagleson, Erie, Pa., Mi. anti Mis. Ira Dawson, Bailieboro, weîe din- ner guests of Mi. and Mis. J. Eagleson. Orono W.C.T.U. met Tuesday. The% devotional perioti, was in charge of Mis. H. Waish. Mi. A. Henry gave the treasuiei's report. Members regretteti continueti ill- healtb of Secretary Mis. R. Best. Mis. J. J. Mellor acted as secre-. tary. Prizes will be gîven for thee temperance contest anti Mis. W. H. Rowe anti Mis. S. Littlewood were put in charge. Mi. anti Mis. George Armour, Hampton, Mi. anti Mis. Herb. Runtile, Miss Alma anti Florence Runtile, Mi. Charles Runtile, Mis. -H. Smithsan, Bowmanville, Mis. Delbert Flintafi anti son Donald, Mi. anti Mis. Wesley Hoskin, Misses Ella anti Dorothy Hoskin, Buiketon, Miss Jean Wright, Blackstock, Mis. Lewis Buckley, Mi. Bill Buckley, Sutton West, were fate day visitais at Mi. R. H. Wood's. At Park St. Cburcb Sunday mornîng the paster spoke on "The Chuich." Communion was ati- ministereti. Mis. Colin Smith, transferreti by letter fîom a church in Toronto, was receiveti into membeiship. At the evetuteg service Mi. J. J. Mellor occupicti tee pulpit, basing bis remarks an "Let mot tee ricb man glory in bis riches, etc." He divitietthee sermon into thee parts - riches, power, anti Goti, anti shawed that the way to glory in Goti was ta get back ta tee olti-time religion, tbe reading of tbe Bible, prayer, etc. Mi. W. Reid contributed a vocal sala. DIM AND PISTANT HAPPEN INOS From The Orono News of September 24, 1914 Mi. Archie McConnachie bas been ill wite erysipelas. Mr. D. M. Gibson bave moveti into tee former Coateam resi- dence. Mi. John Smith, blacksmith, 5th concession, hati a stroke anti is in a critical condition. Mn. D. M. Bilings, Olcan, N.Y., is visiting frientis. Mi. Percy Winter bas complet- cd bis course at thee chool ai rail- îoading andt tlegrapby, Toronto. Drill Sargeant William Hoèckin anti wife, Toronto, are visiting fiientis bere. Will bas been te- structing the boys i rifle shoot- ing at Valcartier Camp. An Oromo young lady, Miss Florence Hunter, anti a Peterbora yoang lady wcîe tee oly two nurses chosen from a large num- ber ai applicants from tee To- ronto district ta go with tee flrst Canadian contingent to theeiront. Miss Hunter visiteti ber fateer, Mi. James Hunter, here, anti lef t for Valcartier Camp. Mi. H. C. Bowen, "ilomeburst Fairm", is making bis first sbip- ment ai apples to the olti country. Mi. Foster Hutchison, Staufi - ville, Is visiting bis sister, Mis. Blewett. Mi. Hutchison leit Les- karti district about 45 ycaîs ago. Dr. W. R. Ncwman, Toronto, visiteti bis uncle, Mr. W. S. Stin- son anti bis aunt, Mis. J. A. Jer-- omne. "Cowanville Oui pastai gave a teought- provoking s e r m o n on "The Chuich" ta a fair sizeti congrega- tion Suntiay. Fiîst session ai Sumday Scbool wilh be mcxt Sumday at 1.30 pa. There will also bc a meeting of young people antiail otecîs in- teresteti in League work at thee home ai Mi: T. J. Simpson Friday nigbt. It is hopeti there wlll be a gooti turnout at bath meetings. Visitors: Mi. Latimer anti Mis. Foîret, Toronto, wlth Mr. and Miss Graham. . . Mi. anti Mis. CUswell, anti Mi. and Mis. Little, Taranto, wite Mi. anti Mis. S. C. Hughes. . . Messrs. Alfredi Rei aid was marriedt taMn. Etiwartis anti Miss Doîothy Margaret Rick- aid was wed ta Mi. Hogg. 1 List of Prize Winners at Orono Fair (Contlnued front last week) HORSES Heavy Draught Horses - Mare and Foal - A. Welsb, A. McKay. Foal of 1939 - A. Weish, MeKay, A. B. Mann. Filly or Gelding, 1 year - J. Whittingdon, L. R. Cocb- rane, Mann. Filly or Gelding, 2 yrs. - Wbittingdon. Filly or Gelti- ing, 3 yis. - A. Weish, J. Fraser. Span Horses in barness, witb wa- gon - H. Down, A. Welsh. Agrieultural Horses - Mare and Foal - A. McKay, G. Brent, H. L. Cryderman. Foal, 1939 - Cryderman, Andrews, A. Farrow. Fllly or Gclding, i yr. - Whitting- dan, Welsb, Crydermnan. Filly or Geiding, 2 yrs.-Hutchinson, Brent. Filly or Geelding, 3 yrs. - Hall, Hall, Brent. Span Haîses, with wagon -Hall, Pascoe. Percheron and Punch Homse- Marc andi Foal - Down, Glaspell & Son, Coathamn. Foal, 1939 - Evans, MeKee, Coatham, Lockhart. Fil- ly or Gelding, 2 yrs. - J. T. Brown, Lockhait, Evans. Filly or Gelti- ing, 3 yrs. - Evans, Down, Allin. Span Horses, with wagon -Evans, H. Allin. OcReral Purpose Homse - Sin- gle Horse, with vehicle - Ideal Daiiy i and 3, Wilson 2. Span Hoises, with vehicle - Ideal Dairy, Wilson, Shea. Best Horse on rein - Whittingdon, Hutchinson, Hall. Carriage Homse - Mare andi Foal - Mann. Foal, 1939 - Mann, Cochrane, Bailey. Fiiiy or Geld- ing, 2 yis. - Hooey, Sadtileî. Sin- gle Hoise, 15%k hands, in harnes - Mann, Wilson. Single Horse, in barnees, under 15 hands -Manu, Saddleî. Pair Horses in harness - Mann. 1Roadater Hoises - Maie and Foal - Cochrane. Filly or Gclding, 1 yr. - Milt Brown. Filly or Gelti- lng, 2 yrs. - Milt Brown, Hancock. Filly or Gelding, 3 yrs. - Lindsay, Hancock, Mann- Single Horse, 15½% hands - Glcnney, Kennedy 2 anti 3. Single Horse in harness, untier 15% hantis - Glenney, Lihd- say 2 and 3. Pair Horses in har- ness - Glenney. Kennedy, Lindisay. Best Turnaut, Carniage and Harness - Glenncy, K c n n e d y, Lindsay. Single Pony in harness - Hall, Ed. Dean, Stephenson. Shetland Pony, under saddle - Dean, Stephenson, Hall. L a d y Driver - Lindsay, Mann, Kennedy. Saddlc Horse - Hancock, Mann, Wilson. Wmn. Robinson Special - Coat- hamn, Lockhart, Brown. Andîew Elder Memnorial Cap - Whitting- don. Henry Mcmoîial Cap - Hall. CATI'LE Shorthorne - S. C. AlUnwo ahl prizes. Aberdeen, Angus - Bailcy won all prizes. Heretords - Whitsons and J. Ashmoîe wori ail prizes. BABY CONSTIPATED?- BABY'S dMflymovementa arc somthins of whch "lou cy sccuraestrack mut bc Ikept. Whbe .mi" .soethlng must be donc et once. constipation la seions for baby. Un. j&II T. Ridi of Hcspcier, Ont.. bau titis ta ma: 'avlag bad aven chidren and bevlng oser abys Own Tablesfor &al seven, enu Za tbey sre theboabt ad gentct reglator for chdrcn - sale and effective for thé tlniest Infant. I ulve them op tu 10 Yesrs 01 au. Doristcetblng lByvs Own Taiceta ugre a boon te mecas tbey dcared up et mam any digstive disturbance or frett! ncg." EqUaiY effective for simple lever. diazroea, upset stomacb coic siplc croup ad otber miner eliqeniaof betybood Quic mdcurela befracton. asytate.. msennid dlme. Do mi contain faitesOr ~et fiadrup. EBachpackage conteins 'a scertiicate Ct b a y.siclacc aoftencrl U laenght. 3àceae. onc beck Il ausatlied. j ers9eysa - Bull- Baicharti, Patterson. Milch Cow- Barcharti 1 anti 2, Patterson. Heifer, 2 yrs. - Patterson 1 anti 2. Heifer, 1 yr. - Barchaiti 1 anti 3, Patterson 2nti. Heifer Caîf - Barcharti, Patterson 2 anti 3. Herti Bull - Barchard, Patterson. Ayrshies - Ferguson won ail prizes. Dalry Grade - Milcb Cow - Patterson. Laver Special - Brown. SHEEP Leicester - Rabbins won al prizes, except Ewe Lamb - An- driews 3rti. Cotswolds -, T. C. Glaspell & Son won ail prizes. Southdowns - Olti Ram - A. Ayic 1 anti 3, Lochele 2nti. Ram Sheariing - Lochele, Ayie 2 anti 3. Ram Lamb - Ayre 1 anti 2,Lac- kic. Ewe, aId - Ayrc i'anti 3, Lockie 2. Ewe Bhearling - Ayre 1 anti 3, Lockic. Ewe Lamb - Ayre 1 anti 2, Lachele. Oxford and Shropshire Downs - Olti Ram - Lockie, Kelsey, Bal- son & Bon. Ram Bheailing - Loc- kie 1 anti 3, Balsan 2nti. Ram Lamb - Skinner i anti 2, Balson. Ewc, ageti - Kchscy, Skinener, Bal- son. Ewe Sbcarlng - Lockie, Bal- son, Kelscy. Ewe Lamb - Skinner, Ayîe, Balson. PIGS, Yorkshires - Boa, ageti - Wer- ry Bras., McNeil 2 anti 3. Broati Sow - Hancoche, McNeii 2 anti 3. Boan, under 12, aver 6 - Hancock, Brown, Werîy Bros. Sow, under 12, aver 6 - McNeil, Hancock, Weriy Bras. Boni, under 6, aver 3 - Werry Bras., McNeil 2 anti 3. Sow, untier 6, over 3 - Taylor & Son 1 anti 3, Hancock 2nd. Berkihires - Boar, ageti - Han- cock, Mark & Son, Lockie. Brooti Sow - Lockie i anti 2, Mark & Son. Boar, under 12, over 6 - Mark & Son i anti 3, Lockie 2nd. Sow, untier 12, over 6 - Lockie 1 anti 3, Mark & Son 2nd. Boni, untier 6, aven 3 - Lockie, Mark & Son 2 anti 3. Sow, under 6, over 3 - Lockie 1 anti 2, Mark & Son 3. Tamworths - Olti Boni - Tay- lor & Son 1 anti 2, Keisey. Brooti Sow ,- Taylor 1 anti 2, Kelsey. Boni, under 12, over 6 - Taylor, Kclsey. Sow, under 12, aven 6 -, Taylor 1, 2 anti 3. Boni, unticu 6, aven 3 - Taylor, Kelscy. Sow, un- dci 6, aver 3- Taylor 1 anti 2, Kelsey. Bacon Type- Best Pair Hoga - Brown, Lochle, Rowlandi. POULTRY Plymouth Rock, Baireti - Cock - Gibson Faims; Hen -G ib s on Faims 1 anti 3, H. Jose 2nti; Cock- ciel - BaIl, Gibsan, Jase; Pullet - Gibson 1 anti 2, Bail. Plymoute Rocks, White - Cack - McKenzie; Hen - Ayre i andi 2, McKenzie; Cockerel - Sutton; Pullet - Buttan 1 anti 2. Wyandotte - Hem - Mc- Kenzie. New Hampshire - Cock - J. Hall, McKenzme; Hem - Wylma Farrow, Hall, F. W. Tamblyn; Cocherel - McKenzic, Gibson 2 & 3; Pullet - Farrow, Hall 2 anti 3. Sussex - Andrews, nîl prizes. Leghorns, White - Hem - Bal i & 3, M. Bherwte 2; Puilet - Ayue. Minarcas, Blacke - Hen - F. W. Tamblyn. Capons, 1939 - Jase 1 anti 3, Gibson 2nd. Ducks - Rouen - Olti MaIe, W. Farrow, R. G. Maffatt; Farrow ahl oteer prizes. Muskovy - Far- row, ahl prizes. Taikeys - Bronze - Male, olti, MeKenzie, Moffatt; Female, olti, McKenzie, Moffatt; Maie, 1939, McKenzle il anti 3, Moftatt 2; Fe- male 1939, McKenzle i & 3, Mai- iatt 2. Amy oteer kinti - Male, olti, McKenzlc, Coatham; Female, olti, MeKenzie 1 anti 2; Male, 1939, Mc- Kenzie 1 anti 2, Coathani; Female 1939, McKenzle 1 anti 2. Geese - Toulouse - MaIe, alti, Blackburn, L. Pasca.; Female, olti, Blackburn 1 anti 3, Pascoc 2nd; Male, 1939, Pascoe, Blackburn; Female 1939, Pascoc. Embden - Male, olti, Ayne, Pascoe; Female, olti, Aync 1 anti 2, Tamblyn; Male 1939, Ayre i anti 3, Pascoe 2nti; Female 1939, Ayrc 1 anti 2, Pas- coe 3. Donald Gibson Special - Allîn, Jose, Allin, Baîl, Alhin. Geo. S. Spîingham Specials - Best Tuikey, male anti female - McKenzie. Poultry Produets - Hen Eggs, white - W. R. Baîl, M. Oke, M. Sherwin. Hem Eggs, brawm - W. Farrow, R. G. Moffatt, D. G. lfieoper. Hem Eggs, brown, crate - Gibson Faims. Cbicken, rough dressed - W. R. Bail. Pair Fowl, raugh diesseti - W. Farrow. Best Diesseti Chicken - R. Sutton. Bamk of Commerce Cup - Wyl- ma Farrow. BLACK & WHIITE DAY- HOLSTEINS Buils, 3 yrs. anti aver - A. J. Tambiyn, Neil Mutton. Bulls, 2 yns. - Wm. Lightlc, Noble Mctcahf, J. H. Jase., Bulls, Jr. Yearling - G. L. Kel- logg. Senior Bull Calf - A. J. Tam- blyn, J. T. Brown, F. W. Tamn- blyn & Son. Junior Bull Cali - M. J. Tam- blyn, Noble Metcalf, John Cruîck- shank. Seni Champion Bull - Wm. Lightle. Reserve Si. Champ. Bull - A. J. Tamblyn. Jr. Champion Bull - A. J. Tam- blyn. Reserve Jr. Champion Buil - M. J. Tamblyn. Grand Champion Bull - Wm. Llghtle. Reserve Grand Champion Bull - A. J. Tamblyn. Caws, 4 yrs. anti over, dry - M. J. Tamblyn, J. H. Jase, J. T. Brown. Cows, 4 yrs. anti over, in milk - J. T. Brown, Noble Metcalf, J. D. Brown & Son. Heifers, 3 yis., dry - F. W. Tam- blyn & Son 1 anti 2, J., D. Brown & Son. Heifeis, 3 yrs., in milk - F. W. Tasablyn & Son, Wm. Lightle, J. H. Jose. Heifers, 2 yîs., dry - Bickhe Bras., F. W. Tamblyn & Son, M. J. Tamblyn. Heifers, 2 yrs., in milk - A. J. Tamblyn 1 anti 2, Bickle Bras. Si. Yearling Heifer - J. Cîuick- sbank, Noble Metcalf, J. D. Brown & Ban. Jr. Yearling Heifer - F. W. Tamblyn & Son, A. J. Tamblyn, Bickie Bras. Si. Heifer Caîf - J. T. Brown, Blchcie Bras., M. J. Tamblyn. Jr. Heifer Cahf - J. D. Brown & Ban, Blckle Bras., F. W. Tamblyn & Son. Si. Champion Female - J. T. Brown. Reserve Si. Champion Female - M. J. Taniblyn. Jr. Champion Femahe - F. W. Tamblyn & Son. Rescive Jr. Champion Female - Jahn Cîuickshank. Grand Champion Female - J. T. Brown. Reserve Grand Champion Fe- maie - M. J. Tamblyn. 3 Animals, get ai anc sire, apen - Y. W. Tamblyn & Son 1 anti 2, 2lckle Bras. 3 Aimals, get ai anc sire, Jr. - IP. W.* Tamblyn & Son, A. J. Tamn- blyn, Blckie Bras. 2 Animais, progeny ai dam - F. W. Tamblyn & Son 1 anti 2, J. D. Brown & Son. Senior Herd - F. W. Tamblyn SoJ. D. Brown & Son, J. T. Junior Herd - F. W. Tamblyn & San, J. Crickshank, M. J. Tamblyn. Sutton West, took in Orono fair. Mis. Fairbarn was a former resi- dent af Orono. Whilc here she 1met Mis. Buckley and Bill, wbo -were aiso in town for the big 1event. Mi. and Mis. John Francis Eti- taughteîs of Mn. W. F. ,Rickaid, wards anti Mi. anti Mis. Charles Durham M.P., wbo gave tbem lai Spencer Hogg wha weîc marrieti marage tiuîing a pretty cere-i on Saturday, Sept. 16te, at New- mony in the Newcastle Unitedi castle. The brides are tee eldeat Churcb. Miss Evehyn Bessie Rick-1 NIEws Forty-two were present at the Scout meeting Monday night, teri bemng from Kirby - guests of the local troop. John Grady, Asst. Scoutmaster of Orono troop, gave instruction in signalling. Kirby reported that Ray Bry- son completed his fourth test; Victor Warner, James Lowery, Gordon Ross and Clifford Gordon their second test; and Raymond Lunn his first test. Kirby Scout- master is Bert Grieves. No. 3 Patrol of the Orono Scouts has lost two of its mem- bers, George Mitchell who has enlisted and Dick Patterson who has left the village. Donald Goode, Mont Richardson, Glen Tamblyn, Allan Cornish, Peter Chmara and George Walters are ail ready for investiture. Scouts are planning to attend divine service when the chaplain will dedicate the colours. The Scouts are starting their winter work with ail their equip- ment paid for. Besides several pieces of uniformn which are own- ed by the troop they purchased their troop colours and the Union Jack, and they have organized a bugle band with six bugles and two drums-. Next Wednesday the patrol leaders lst and 2nd, and the Scoutmasters meet to start their course of study to get their recog- nition papers. Lunch was served by the hosts, an da social time was spent. Park St Union Miss Lois Wood and Manley Littlewood were in charge of the Union meeting Monday night. The topic was taken by Miss Lois Wood who read an- interesting article on "Preparation and Pre- sentation of Drama," a most suit- able topic since it was Literary night. Scripture was read by Neil Wood. Miss Doris Whyte favored with two piano accordian solos, and a newly-formed brass quar- tette comprised of Dick Morton, Roy Forrester Jr., Jim Powers and Manley Littlewood made their first public appearance and gave two splendid selections. We expect before long these boys will be playing on Ken Soble's Ama- teur Hour. Miss Adele Morton was elected to take the place of Lois Wood. Recreation was led by Elvin Blewett. The Union inembers were glad to have Bob Keane present who, although still weak, is able to be up and around. Lockhart's School Mrs. Ed. Dean visited Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller, Tyrone. Mrs. Peter Laing is visiting in Bowmanville. Congratulations to, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Osborne on the birth of a son, Saturday, Sept. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean and Lois were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean. Mrs. E. B. Stockdale and Misses Doris and Peggy Stockdale visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bowen. Clarke Union Mi. and Mis. Gordon Power and daughter Katherine visited his mother at Oshawa. Miss Helen Scott, nurse in train- ing at the Western Hospital, To-j ronto, is home for holidays. Mrs. John Rickaby, who has been staying with hier daughter, Mis. H. J. Souch, has returned to Toronto. Mis. Rickaby celebrated fier 88th bîrthday Sept. 26th. Several of our boys play in Orono Band which furnishes the music at Port Perry fair. Newtonville Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Turner and Ruth, Cobourg, with Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Milison... Mr. and Mis. Roy Smith andi Carlos with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan, Cowanville. . . Mr. and Mis. Bert Caldwell, Toronto, with Mr. and Mis. George Stapleton Jr. .. Mis. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Hibbaîd and Joyce, Mrs. Lunna and famîly, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stapleton. . . Mr. and Mis. D. Kaufman with fri- ends at Port Elgin and Preston. ..Miss Elsie Wallace with Rev.1 Thos. Wallace, Greenbank. .. Mr. and M-rs. Chas. Morris and Mi. and Mrs. George McCullough and Laureen with fîiends at Exeter. ..Mis. MacMillan and daughteî, Port Hope, with Mi. and Mrs. S. R. Jones.. Mi. Dave Denault, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL PHONE 40r16 Tyrone The Seotember missionary pro- zramn at Sunday School was Riven as follows: reading for the children. Miss Nina Hodgson: stutiv on Africa bv Mis, C. Slemon: solo. Miss Marie Thompson. Program closeti with uraver by Mis. A. His. In Auzust the progiam time had been iriven over ta Temperance Education with Mrs. R. Wright giving a fine readiniz anti Mr. A. H. Brent, Supt., an instructive Temperance talk. Ygpuniz People's Union met Thura- day evening. Mr. Gardon Brent was in chare of the woiahil) nerioti. A hvmn was sunir followeti by sciip- ture ieadinz bv Mi. Bob Cameron; prayer, Mr. March; topic by Rev. A. W. Maîch: ieading, Mis. R. Vii- tue: music selection bv Miss Agnes anti Mi. Cranston Scott. Miss Adelaide Annis. Toronto. scent the weekend with Mi. anti Mis. A. W. Annis. Mis. Eti. Dean, Orono. igent a few davs witb Mis. Wallice Miller. Mis. Floyd Dudley, Billie, Don- ald anti Jean. Mi. andiMis. Dudley. Bratit anti Sheila visitçd Major Floydi Dudley at Trenton on Sunday. Mr. anti Mis. Theo. Down anti Billie snent Santiay witb Rev. anti Mis. Antirew McLaughlin, Have- lock. Mi. anti Mis. Leslie Brooks, Win- nie anti Glenn spent Sqndtay ..with. Mr. anti Mis. Leslie Sleight, Weston. Mi. L. Mortson anti Mi. H, iPar- kmn aDent the weekend at their homes at LanRstaf f anti Biooklin. Mus. Wm. Hughson spent a kew tiavs with her daughter, Mis. George IArnolti. Toronto. Mis. P. Hayward. Marion anti Grace visiteti Mia. J. FL. Mutton, Bowmanville. Mis. Archie Viîtae la visiting ber father, Mi. George Cari, Gilford, who suffereti injuries in a motor accident. Mr. D. Yoîke. Keswick, la vsiting Mr. anti Mis, W. F. Park. We welcome Mr. anti Mus. Wm. Virtue back to the village. They bav- lor renteti Mr. Edwaîti Viutue's house. A number attentietiMi. E. Viitue's sale of householti ef fects on Satur- day. A zoodlv number fîom here at- tendeti Oîono Fair on Wetinesdav anti the School Fair at Hampton on Fritiav. Oui achool won numerous orizes on their exhibits. Communion service will be heMd in this chuuch next Sunday, moîn- ing. Quaîterly Boardti wll meet on Montiay. Hampton Visitais: Mi. anti Mis. Ted Chant anti chiltiren with ber par- ents near Belleville. . . Mi. E. Haggite, Bowmanville, at Mis. L. Rabbins'. . . Mis. G. Goddtard, Courtice, with Mi. anti Mis. W. Simpson. . . Miss Ruby Clatwon- thy wîte Mn. anti Mis. L. Tiull.. . Mi. anti Mis. R. Burns, Oshawa, at Mis. J. Buins'. . . Mi. anti Mis. W. White anti boys, Clarke, with Mis. C. Johns. . . Mi. anti Mis. Haroldi Moore anti daughteî Elsie, Mi. Harry Winterbuîn, Toronto, spent Suntiay at Mi. Harîy Hol- well's. . . Mn. anti Mis. Wmn. Gil- christ anti Mis. Brodie, Toronto, weîe guests af Mn. anti Mis. J. R. Reynoldis. . . Mis. K. Winteîbuîn who bas been at Coboconk was home here hast week, anti accam- panieti Mis. Sihîs, who hati visiteti fnientis in Belleville on ber retuin trip ta Coboconk. Mi. anti Mis. Chas. AllIt, Mis. Olive Allin, Albert anti Sam, Miss Annie Alhin, Mn. Albert Alîte, Bowmanville, Mi. anti Mis. James Gregory anti Mis. Eti. Griffin, Oshawa, visiteti at C. W. Souch's. Mn. F. Corden's auctian sale on Satarday was largely attenieti. There was a large attentiance at tee School Fair Fritiay, thee weathee being ideal. Nine schools were inclutieti andtihte exhibits were splendid ,and tee whale ev- cnt was quite teteresting. Teach- crs anti achalais are ta b. con- gratulateti on tee success. Hamp- ton Women's Institute conducteti a refrcshmemt boate whlch was wdil patranizeti. It was cncouraging ta sec sa many at tee Suntiay moîming chuich service. Why nat make evcry Sunday Go-ta-Cburch-Sun- day. Next Suntiay, Rally Day wilU be abservet inth te Sumtiay School in thee ateinoon. S orne time Satuîtiay nlght or early Sanday mornteg Green- away's Garage anti Service Sta- tion was entereti and gootis ta the value of $100 taken, tecluding a large quantity af chocolate bars, cigarettes, tobacco andti tee tires. Thieves made their entrance by biealcing tbrough tee front door. The discovcry was made by a ncighboî about 6.30 S un ia y morning wben it was noticet te door was still open. . A namber fîom Hampton at- tendedth te Hoîticultural meeting at Mis. R. J. McKessock's, SaUina, on Thursday. Relatives from Hampton at- tended the funeral of Mi. John Munday, Maple Grove, Manday af teinoon. Hampton Y. P. U. met Friday with Wilfrid Smale presiding over the worship service. The Beati- tudes were read in unison. Doris Cryderman gave a reading and led in prayer. AIf Randlc taok charge of this program: Reading,' Bertha Armour; vocal solo, Etiith Rackham; piano solo, Marjorle Allin; Mis. Harold Salter present- cd an intenesting and belpiai topic "Carry with us, a little boney." Uxbridge on Sunday... Mi. and Mis. Allen anti family, Toronto, wîtb Mi. anti Mis. Lew Hallowell. ..Mr. and Mis. Willis Farrow at Percy Farrow's. .. Mi. and Mis. Alex Prout, Newcastle, Mis. Geo. Morton, Sixth Line, Mi. and Mis. A. A. Martin, Brighton, Mi. Har- old Bryson, Kential, Mi. anti Mis. Wilfred McKay, Newtonville, at Mis. J. McKay's... Mi. Reg Boul- ton, Newtonville, at Mi. M. Shutka's. .. Mis. Gordon, Peter- boro, Mi. and Mis. Wilfred Mc- Kay, Ncwtonville, at Mi. Wm. Hallowell's... Miss Beulah Hallo- well, Toronto, at home. . . Mr. and Mis. Hugb Kelly, Bowman- ville, at Mi. Lorne Todd's. .. Mr. Lavein Farrow visited in Mill- brobk. . . Mr. Gordon Clysdale, Oshawa, at home. .. Miss Annie Andîce, Oshawa, with her sister, Mis. Shutka. .. Mi. and Mis. S. G. Hallowell and daughteîs took a motor trip to Peterboro. .. Mr. and Mis. Warren Carson and family with frientis at Maple Grove... Mi. and Mis. Lew Hal- lowell and son, Mi. ;an_'Mis. Orm Falls with Mi. and Mis. Stan. Falls, T~oonto. .. Mi. John Cmn- naman is on a trip to Victoria, B.C. .. Miss Hazel Falls, Orono, was home Sunday... Mis. Gordon Power and daughter visited Mis. I. Stark. 41 ~ 'rHUIRSDAY, SEPTEM BER 28TH, 1939 Crooked Creek 'ORONO Crooked Creek Sunday School held its Rally Day service Sept. 24th. It teok the form of an open session. Additional features ta regular service were a hymn sang by the Juniors, a trio by, Evelyn and Thelma Stapleton and Mii- dred Wood, and a reading by Jean White. Mr. J. J. Mellor -gave an interesting and instructive talk. There was an attendance of 52. Carl Farrow and John Scott have secuied jobs diiving trucks at Lor1g Lake near Sudbury. Nearly every faniily from here was represented at the showeî held at Newtonville Friday for our popular newlyweds, Mi. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale. Many af her friends have been out te sec the gif ts here. Mrs. Wilfrcd Wood and little Maxine attended a birthday party for Mary Hallowell at Mi. Lew Hallowcll's. Friday. Sunday Visitais: Mi. and Mrs. Jack Reid at her grandmotheî's, Mrs. Louis Little, Kendai. .. Mr. and Mrs. T. Caswell and Mi. and Mis. Frank Little, Toron~to, with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hughes... Mr. J. J. Mellor with Frank Gilmer. .Mi. Paul Harban, Toronto, with John Budicky. PERSONAL PRONOUMS (Or When I Think Lesa of Me) A little less of I, MY, ME, A little more af YOU. A little less of MINE, MYSELF, In thought, the wholc day thia'; A little more of YOU and YOURS, A little more of THEE, 'Twill maybe make ME happler, And hcelp ME how to sec -That YOU have trouble, YOU have caies, That I amn selfish, too, Whcn I think YOU should think of ME In cverything YOU do. It maybe I'M toc, thoughtless af The things YOUR heait may hold, And of the sorrows that beneath YOUR bîeast YOU don't anfold, For YOU more lindly thoughts and acts, Then I may more blessed b., When I think more and more af YOU, And less and less of ME. -RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. LOW RAIL FARES TOR T H A N KGI1NMG WEEK-END Faro and One-Quarter FOR THE ROUND TRIP Between ail pointe ln Canada and to certain destinations in United States. GO: tram Noon Friday*, oct. 6, until * 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 9, 1939. *Where n.> P.M. train service Oct. ô tickets good on A.M. trains. RIETURN; Laave destination up te, midnight Truesday, Octobor 10. 1939. MINIMUM IPEOIAL. PARE Adulte or Ch'Idren - - - 25c Fuil informationfrom any agent. Canadian Puclflc A& I&JLO04F

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