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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1939, p. 6

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s - IN. p ,. .4 PAGE SIX. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEBRIT,13 v 1- I 0¶ '2tu -- -250 apoan uryAyea - tatloi whlchave fio rdbei'hn we aIl krow. Wnig f Toosatrt -"1pick «p" affer bas -- ~ denland. .. 1Mr. and 1fr,. A. T. transformcd into coal, ail and' lustlly ta tee acconipsulmerit of him. sîl theefinie, but niteer shaît WV.J.O USP Stainton. Mrs. J. Shackelton at Mr. minorals Iwhich we are able ta racing A rafic arid tee continuaI teou horsts hlm for leaving teings U O N N IL AE OD 8 bars - - - - 25 Wesley Yellowlees'. Salins. .. Mn,. use ta-day. Everything we est la buzz of aoroplanos abovo us. Wo areurd. The nlcest mon wil do U O M VLEBe Tas. Stainton and Grace with Mrs. stared suri erergy, sud treet tell "funny atonies"' - we laugh if; and domnestie disarden, wlth pou PRIDA.Y - Emma Cornish at Maxwell's. cars, automobiles, furraces, anid aud joke - we are ah dlffernri - peace, la better tesu tidinesaon- Miss Annie Killen, Oshawa, Miss great shlps rnr on stared suri on- but we are oreienl thia - we are farced by nagging.CO D T ' DAER Emiîv Killen. Toronto, at Mn. Robt. orgy. ail in tee sanie box - duchosa and Thou shaît rot give hlm new, C R ET I A Kilen's. Mn. and Mn,. Robt. Kgl- 'Cntlnuing, tee speaker desît dowager, sweep sud whltewasber, curtains or a pianoa Jamp fer -A L Nlen at Toronto. exfenstvcly wlte tee hstory of exiled forelgnong sud cockneys - Christmas, but nateer something Our wagon la ou your sfreet ee~wk-ly "0 BowrnanvIle A nuniber attended scbool fair t eue hanse power - how 1t; was ail "in" 9.- so -; at tee sound af which la fan hlm atone. ph Eowr80 nvme > l affle Grave. Our scbool carried off COMPuted inlutee Engliah coal tee long whlatbe, lasting two Thou mIat net greet hlm wion.89 la number cf prizet. mines wherè hem... wero used ta wIrole minutes, we rush upstaJrs a nlghtly tale of woeabute Solina Avery, Haydcqn. Mrs. Elizabeth Longj Sault Salem and get back to bed- thon we Gage, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1.1g-ewatt for the wlreless - 'whatlhfve Rahm, Mr. arid Mrs. Gea. Rahm and they done?" everyone asks. Our Rallv Day service wilI be held daughter, Burketon. visited Mr. F. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and Special attendance serviceý was At 9 a.m. - back to tire butter! netSunday afternoori at 2 o'clock. Westlake who is stili con fined to the family, Toronto, spent Sunday observed Sunday afternoon when a we aebcming quite expert C RN E L soecial i)roRram is being prepared bouse. wîhM.adMs e.Sih oodly number were present. Rev. now and think of future jobs ini s0 everyone corne. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Cation and Friends and neighbors gathered A.aW.d- __________________finead- the good old Dominion Stores and A d S r e o 1f.atTrnt .W...acuclecu fne4 ifl .& nd S resY uWMl < M.George Werry bas resumed bis Velma and Miss Jessie Cation. To- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe dress from tbe, tçxt "Tell JobsA.&.".1 studies tToot Univtrsity. ronto. Mrs. Robert Coutts, Justices, McRoberts on Thursday evening Musical -numbers were ren4eyreddiy On At 1 o'clock, good fat sandwich- u! epeioio O tet ertiuynpo e tig Cnrtltost Mr WatrMan.. at Mr. N. C. Yellowlees. and presented a miscellaneaus a male choir. es and tea, mllk and lemonade giss of qult i el"1Wpiol Congratulatio thns dughto DMr.hyWar ilr Bakuno aiz hi htory Mrs. Geo. $tçphens, Salera, st hoe otei agtr ooh. M. and Mrs. W.' Cnt we ebn arrive. It'. hot - thee weather is Blaaburn n's ng ies da r RyLn-i and Henry Wooil. day 'guests of Mr. ad Ms! :. TnianIuny n w aest MrPn r. e.Ae r .Vru smvn akH ove, ti Tl>meli our midaummer clotliing. One Hlot 'Wâter exas. a Quen.ynve i ttle M ad Mr osarads . Virtue ta mving bacd H o»e,. ar n snradweae f1 fr. ain Mr. a AyeryClLittce M.a ndMs. Wl! Muntiy an after anather gaes home - they've B tiscAtARkAL Brtan M. n Ms.Carnc aiY, Miss Nora Werryp -Xedron, t yrn.Mri. E. Silver uitert a * aum- AT JEWUtLL'8"tukit on nug. Whn Ac - -. .9DIRIUS ' __________ M__1r. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs anddbaom Mr. Hugh Idurphy la on the ber -of lady frienda at aftezýnoon tea margarit ne nd lard corne lAcefhe Havdon. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, sick last. on 1'We haveargarlarged lrdpply In, fine. Il Miss Bessie Pascoe and Mfr. Frank Our school attended and took 1fr. and Mrs. Mooand fam- folet thalie Purha before become nauaei athe but ea- P r -- HEAD 146à~ mcMlle. Efildat r.A. L. part at tee Scbool Fair at Hap- l suad -Mrs. MoySToronto, fihe lncreae In price. WhIle iftiheh)Canadlon -<as they .8eaU"me Mculen Efion t fr Mod S. hre Btson-dogged and doter- -- -.8 MS ott wf. and Mrs. ill ie a r-Mck andd.0' L EN Sct.M.ad M ises Helenand Blackstock: land ùsrr Pqol, -Totonto, Mrs.New- ECL----- <si : ..-w r ihd. We MoeRibn --1.39 S.Ivuuwdd$ Oprbl À onLBwmanville. Mses____ndECE_0___ -w aefiih Dn omsorte. Osba'wa. visited 1fr. ýand Uls. take home, butter, tea, lard, mar- De Luxe- - - 1.69 E R Q IA T RE Muriel Baker, Peterboro. at Mr. J. Rcnt Visitors: Miss Mary Cor- G. Cornlsb,. RED FEATflER gaie an4t eggs for aur services BO M N ILM.and Mrs. Ernest Larmer and ley. Toronto, witb Mr. ads . r dd ànd.Cto isqý ow BOWMANVILLE aker s toka r.E .A Mrs.Baley.I M.sud Mr. s-fik h .Sa. fCatsor ishes t- o Ppe oweW axU5 25e . whle warld iwte fce for te15e Glass BowI EQlAf~ Thur. -?ri.- St. aylo's.Blacstok a Mr.E. . m right and Editb, Mr. and ations on tbieir tiMrty-fiftb sýeAlso Paper Serviettes. ' have é arnda ht's repose. We ccksC laes op ~ ~ ~ ~ o SET.h r.an rs. Gro Leasie anti Mrs. Jabez Wrigbt at St. Catharines. anniversarv and for larvely flowers -_____________ crawl pn.ythwasnder 5 a à ôg e"S Mrs.CaresSevrsani.bay sd tGrorfda.onTTNGinto their surfaces for thewhite SET 8-2 0 famil.v at Mr. Cecil Posco's. ail. 'Cmerles'until wenreach adAil for - 25c mone., heful e Miss Florence awfo ù uroeN Smo ,sylAt ni u Lander, Toronto, Billy. 'Osbawa, witb Mr. -and Mrs. Yan frSones ys, "Af e reail t asahome._____________for,-, rg DOU LE EAT RE tMr A.J. alsn's .Jno. Larmer... 1fr. and Mrs. Cecil D U L E T R . a ntM.i. Mralons. rik oota ye.adPty otwt'1r. NIEW SILO FALLS. increaae -in price while fthe faise alarm." Bed again - a±ioteer Mr ~~~~~and Mrs. Ira Argue.. Mrs. Sims poefspl as dy otelO Who 0MadcoP girl Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davis. 1fr. Wal- Oshawa, witb Mrs. William Craw- ECntn.NtamPa0 S'da Speme f1.d byfld ter Davis and Mrs. John Nesbitt, ford. .. Miss Ida Dempsey Ki- build te silo was on the sceneThsi keadry-a b umbs,1f. ad rs Gado 'avi Atbr.new doors and adjust.them as tee sun sbining again and a lovely 10 ba ,- ~ Miss Mabelbs, M.Van CampGrdonbass Are-r corni went up. He said he o wuid #BIG 20" bracing breeze callbng us ta teH N Y rv sud Marilvn. Oshawa. at Ufr. F.alp issMblYnCapbsr-nover build anoteer cemnent block sea. I think l'Il go.back to Devon HANDY IZEJeg D a ndMviChsW'rn. turned to Toronto University-. silo. The saine mon built and fin- Phono 556 Bowmanville - teere's bound ta be sorneteing 124Ie aea -49 1fr. adMs ha.Wre f Harvest Home was celebrated in ished one for' Mr. rwin Afin an _____M___________ta do teere - and Lonidon la be- W Hampton, Mfr. and Mrs. Everett El- St. Jobn's Anglican Cburcb, Sunday. tee former .'no. Middleton farm . coming more and more danger- 4FloatingCroi liott. Mary sud Barbara, Oshawa, The church was beautiful!y decorat- just previous ta putting up Jimn oua.-Brin has been bombed B oap--3fr4 at Mrs. R. J. McKessock's. ed and Arcbbishop) Owen delivered Brown's. Mr. Allin was to have and noa daubt a reprisai wiil soon 1fr. sud Mrs. %Leslie Colltcott and the sermon. -filled an Tuesday of this week operate water pusnps and were be fortbcoming.- sa, the good old Ho .hINoa K l familv. Malle Grave. at 1fr. W. H. Rally Day at the United Church, but what happened at Brawn's everituaily replaced with steam cabin trunk la packed again and H uhl Westlake's. Sundav School was well attended. and thé big ramn of Monday night origines.- Specificationis for tee we are on aur way. Tablets Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leacb and 1rR lngv nadeso delayed aperations. origines were based on the num- Ontera, akchgeo Mr._R______Raean______ o ber af horsos necessary.ta do thee ntetan etk hreo T E s Miss Doris, Taunton, Miss Jean Bal- "The Spnday Scbool Goes Forward." wr.H losae h mutnn hl1e fsho g h 5 a son, Zion Miss Vera -Kerslake, Miss V14-i"*Sader sag "Open Tbeofhrepw ,aesn . have been ardered ta aur district. 7 -A& Hampton, at 1fr. Jack Kivell's. Gtso b epe. ecigwsH. 2& S. CLUB fhm owrapra uses mn 1fr. Job the Temete.d Afrtaelmthend starieftydad30 su ad Mrs. Ernest Webe ad * b Ms e a diSwafh going upatairs 'or running lovel They are cain ad td-eeda7530 talts--$13 - e .n i e v M s ea S ai.ao g t e g o n n a e t e ready o b en rti d -s w O Y ft Miss Jèssie Ormiston. Co lunbus, _________ Contlnued tram rPage 1) maldof te rrounag a ve thco- egttell ten tridsa 15 tabetsy iciJhneson, Sbaws, Miss Mur- Ebplates. The houses of the p clusions. arvrga uhCr'fairy tales made up oni the spot-Pika'e Plwu Whiel HIIendbd rs ervn Bowmanville, 1Mr. and %ý people are very si and n somethmng new - thon tales of an- -h î0oe r.PrvDewell, Whitby. 1fr. adne r paintedl as teey are afraid ta buy A retpe o eraemals, brave dogs - stonies teat we %o§ resmr Mrs. Artbur Moore at 1fr.»H . Rcn iios r . be blown away by thee rext hurri- resources and in aur own activi- ada - thon taies of te Irdians "*Rber enard *~p Tinks. Hzewo n r n .Sy cane. The rich, chiefly million- ties, concluded his address. We and cowboys, the rodeo, tee bears 87,987 Iliner frat*m Mrs. Jobhn Hooey, Mr. Roy Hooey, mour Heard, Toronto. guests of 1fr. aires, live ti beautiful home cost- should reaflze 'tee thaughtfulness _ and thon "tee. King and Queeri A 2ýh ceWw.,ý.pl1r.at rs uny oe ndadMs.Ga eac..Mn o g from 460,000 ta $8O,OOu each. fth retr iniprovidmng usti Canada and th tts" Dtdn't 6 New Heinz.Junior Fooda - - - 2fa c baby Barbara. 1fr. and Mrs. Sameils, Trdll. wbo was witb i*atives at The people of teat country 3 tr agoreadriteqader they just love it ail! They are ailn lsSrie od--------- o 5 1fr. sud Mrs. Cccil Wilson and Napance and "The Grange," bas re- very friendly and cannat do it, ho said. in my'district riow and say tey en midPo s And finil, Nesleto. at r. B G. te-trned ta Toronto. 1fr. and Mrs. erough for you. The pon live on C. E. Rehder, manager of Baw- would like to came and hear -PHONE f anils tîcto. at1fr.B. G.Ste-H P . Toronto. with almost .nateing; the women sit- manville Paundry Ça. introduced more stanies about Canada. Sa P R. COW IG "Mot er are s M. ad Ms. . Chs, lli, M. H.F. sbone.ting on floors embroiden hankies Mn. Ruingate and T. E. Flaxman we have 'a date" ta meet again 095 P Stion ani Mr. akletonZio, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Grills were They use gourds for houseold Gueste introducod by T. H. 10. a.m. - "ail ight - be sure you O LN ,rm D lDUIIIftWIatonfr. Wesle Sacklleon Dnth recipients of mn oeyit utensils,an palma for brooma. Knight included Don Christian, ail came - bye-bye."_______________________ Chike s1f r.adWesle Charton Mcrid. durinir thee ast week. Rclaives tend- The clothing la veny cheap.- One Oshàwa, and Ned . Rehder, Bow- Give my negaiis'toanai enquir-' St~rrig uby100er AD Bronand M.ar eteo 1fBrid. inz tbem anc sbower anti tbe Base can get a child's dress for 10*cents. manville. Ritutng frlehlds. In case onie of thee mquities of children or servants. W Liohisdrtsliineyc and Jalso. nLikewise tee fruit - oranges 5 for President J. ,ttconductod usueli rumars flew round tee dia- Master thine own problemas and ddn Shirey nd . Eaon and Mrs. Will Wbite and familv, Services Sunday wene conductei le, pineapple and grapefruit ac- tee meetig. tctsatatw arboeave eergenicies as ho doos bis, ~atne Sauray2.3 pm. roidnce 1r. nd ,s. Clarence bv Rev. W. C. Smith witb a 'gç>o>d cording, wbile bananas are a lit- and klcking. Thou shalt mat entertain on Wood-coef Matiu Bturay 230 -M- Tink and family, Hampton, 1Mr. and attendatice. Rally service was. abser- tle more; aîtiio tee poon live on Mrs. Charlie WhIite and family, ved at S.S. session wite 1Mr. Evans, ice, beans and cnusty bread, WRAPPING BUTTER -Marte Clark Bell. make engagementsAta go outit Mo. T es -We. sb-wa, at Mr. GO. Wil. Toronto. as speaker. Tbe gliartette cbiofly. The land is veny fertile to o rd. solemnized atte asoae f M o.-Tu2s. - W d _1fMr. and Mrs. Harold Reynolds, composed of Louise Peance, Lucille ti same parts anid veny barren in <Continued tram page 1) INSC U Thou sarat make tey cbildren Northminster ntdCucOh .0T -3-4Mn. Fred Fisb and Miss Kay Mer- Wade. Munie! Found and Eileen oteer parts. Near a ligbteouse an belng taken ta a gas-proof room _____CLU undersad test teir fateers awa, by tbh e.F .M Wotoa Awrd@gas cer. Toronto, at Mn. Jack Yellow- Pickell contributiniz a vocal selection. tee soute-west point is a very wbere evacuated people have left <Cantinued tram page 1) damestiecamfont cames first,. Monday. Sept.i twe ooe A odo is lees'. Mission Circle met at Mrs. Her- barren stretch. It badn't nained instructions for their care. dollars. The dividerids are thene- Thou shait not fail ta) praise tey John, youngesdagtroM.an O« thoir oua - Mfr. and Mrs. Alanzo Williamis, bert Nichais'. Mrs. W. C. Smitb had for 6 months. Near it was the .- . Septemben 4te. construction of homos into a sat- husband for bis good works i tee Mrs. Jae MRbrs ogSut oued iftukes cg 1fr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsaai, Mary charge of devational pciod, with Sait Works wbich. was very in- Placards - "Voluntary Helpens isfactany living condition wite home, tee si repairs, thenr- wa united inmaiaetHnr kinde Io moke and George, Port Perry, Mr. Thas. Betb Gav in charg e of study book; terestmng ta see. Wanted At Once" - we go in - suitablo environmiert ta make rling of tee furnace. Praise ls air Arthur Wood, onctsna h a wesIdl Snowden. Mns. L. C. Snowden. Mfr. Teniperance reading was gîven by Thre temperature ti tee wintgr "Can we Irelp?" "Have you good theon propen places for children sud graciaus, and awfuily good *late Mr. and Ms rdrc ad Bob and Misses Betty and Mildred Velma Gay, sud a poeni by ýMrs. was'frani 60 ta, 750, but in Juflé eyesight?" "Yes," - "Thon go ta ta live in; rnrdermng advice and policy besides. Sautbbonough.t, Eg Snowden, Maple Grave. Mrs. Thos. Carl Short. Rcfresbments wene ser- 70 ta 85*. Masquitaes are abund- the Maypole Dairy Co. i sitnet rvn oe en vn ftybd esrone h rd Williams, Caesarea. Mn. Gea. Reid vcd. ant and like ta feed an Canadian Street and teey will tell you wbat assistnce ;ta prevet pmo s bing tEefri. toy b ody e ouf The bidewabemigi 'es and Mrs. Frank Orchard. Enniskil- Yaung Peap!e's Society met Mon- flesh. Peopleoafteri went ftl bed ta do."' Sa on we go - tbnough brken up;ta poverbit paentos by tIre ouralls f hymnasome teU and a tybu he ee ibbu len. at Mr. Thos. Bakers. -day evening wte a good attendance. initIre daytîme and put theemos- theesand-bagged doorway - atout mti n sansibr ilet sto neot l h y mim and orsut batad acbin cesoisuu Our Harvest Home services, Sun- Scrioturc was read by Eileen Pick- quita nets over ta be id of the folk like yen 'umble havé ta aei micsayfrcide abcm oseonfrsc ane oqe fvlg us leday aftennoan and evcning were wll cl:. Misses Ada Amis sud Velma posta. The swimming waa dang- squeeze - but we get in without ta esoea the rom ee parents, anmn.tewy fcmaesiMh a atedcd ybrsstn is attended. The churcb was beautifully Pearce Rave an intenestine autline erous until May or* Jurie on ac- a question. A mari behind te heirnd homiesudtepoci omninywoteMany mu. aecrbert wo onwii decarated with autumn f lawers, of the camu at Oak Lake. count of sbarks, jeily flshaIrsd counter points - "in thee." Ai aasudebeiivn o tCIre ren suAd .TknawFe or gont s hon e naceriewt iobtadmth fruits and leaves. Verv impressive weed, but laten tee wator was long table in tee back are stacked Supiervsotfy.hlne' i Au S"e hIl t il a addrcsses were delivercd bv Rcv. M. beautiful anid tee beach was of poundsansd pourida of butter un- ooity f tee chief causes of married ouet'of v'«iolet us.Te,.rmwa Aeu.eii 01M'-jouets Jenkinson of Pickering, in the after- Tn ik1~ white carat ssud. wnapped, and cheéses and cheeses Thene la also tee dividerd ta be peopie's unhappiriess. Sanie wo- attended bv M.Hoadc9ej Lmeb.0 Su-qe toon and Rev. P. 4 Juli. Brooklin. r ikiln1Thre sugar cane, one of tIrir sud chests of teat. Without a word, dontved froni 'tee developmoent mon go 20'years without a word -Tyrane. Mr.adMs IctK Ci.illuMudJâ President of the Bay of Quinte Con- chief nesaurces, gnaws fromn 8 ta we don tee large white aprnriansd trainîig, pbysicaliy, maraily, of teanks froiniteeir husbsuds. - Waod also attedd feece in the evening. Our pastan Recent Visitons: Mn. sud Mns. G. 15 ft. in boight. The sap is boiled sud sit before.weighing machines meritaily sud spirituaily of 10,700 From leman pies ta flower gar- *Aftern-thecrenya edi. AI.héSI., Rcv. Walter Rackbam also assistcd McDonald, Jack sud Shirley, Mrs. daowr for sugar, wbile tee pulp is - sud on goos a papen - thon a children wbo are in tee Societies' dons, such mon seem ta think test supp1en was srvtathobnef £ t the eveninar service. The choir R. Heard, Waodville, Mr. and Mrs. used for burning. siab of butter - one pound - half care wbere preveritivo dividends it is ail part of tee wife's job. the bride's narets under the leadership of 1fr. Ggprgc Frankc Hoskin and Joan. Oshawa ' Cars are taa expensivo, 50 peo- pounids - quarters - we must bo t atmtnilz.Rernemben teat tey wifo la tey After. thein ocmo bywl Werry, A.T.C.M.. rendcncd several Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Hodgson: pie travel by taxi - you can go veny careful withthte weight - Mr. Hodgent cantinued wite a partnin ot tey propenty. Verily, neside on a fanae ak Comnedy, Noma or Shor-t Sele-t- fine antheens. Gladys sud Kcith, Tyrane, at Mr. M. sevoral miles for 5c. Wboir it someone brigs us caffesud a sumamary af the extent ta which five dollars for theeMarriage li- ed Subjeots of high entertani Heard's... Mr. Fred Wright i n ains in Puerta Rica it cames scono sud jelly - thon or we go tee children of Ontario are being cerise gives nlb.titie deed ta ber The Alice JcsnMsinBn m tqabo i ctte. bold. hie parents, Mn. and Mns. NE. downin utorr'ents, flooding tee again. As tee day darkens wo reglected, stating teat in 1938 body, mlimd sud soul. met intri n SndySholo nintqalt WUaccompany A reaI treat test evcry citizen Wright. . . Mrs. B. Palmer guest of roads, sud tIre wind la terrific; -leave, for no fgIrtsaiare permttted aven 5,300 complaints had been Do not expect thy wife ta be a Sept. 25te. Temeigoee abv itr" hudsec is comme' ta the Opera Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Harnng. bu it soon dries . up again. If a - at least not erough toalalow us reoeived in addition ta 4,000 cases wife sud wage earrer at tee sainie witb quiet micb LoaMr N.tneHouse. next Thursday. Sept. 28tb, 1Mr. n Ms . h adfaiyvehicle la tryirig ta get aven tee ta ueo tee dials. Sa off we go or which tee society was sf111 tîne, merely because teou pro- jenrisori. Prayrisofrdb E<~day ~ a 8 .m.Fre Ry a Peerbro. . ad ns.W. anmsudfamlvwaten-filled nQads tee. school chil- witir a promise ±o neturin net working fram previaus yeors sud foestà fishing ta work. 2.30 elg'X&y4P.m. bsa w )..ed sCRonaon Pctres owith Mn. sud M,. L. GÉ,f fin. dren think riothing of wading in d<y.aven 1,400 cases hadl ta be neaper- Think rat witei thyself that Miss Pickiarilaewoas Wedneaday hene sevenal timep bas a series of Blcsok .M.sdM, .Bland helping push it out for a few The streets are aimost deserteded because of new conditions tey business is riot tey wife's busi-tadeelso.M tigcod fim o xcuie u oiinlc lonlt with Mn,. T. McGll... Mr. and centts. An earthquake occurred. riw - sud as wo wallc we loak arising, so teat aven 10,700 cases ness. th heg Corne fo The Royal where fimto ts of thlui e nvoisi c Ther Mns. R. Robinson sud famul Y. near the last of tee visit, but tee' fan tee white paint linos teat of child regloct wene receiving Thou shalt suroly bald tey World Frinira ~o e m orfn ~ maotines Canada. Tb of are pr-Camablîcroft. at Mn,. R. Prestan S. other people told ber ta go back mark theeway everywhero. Wo attention duning tee year, involv- wife's love by tee samne means = ncm torfainmonf ln corfortablo claimed bv ah wbo baveseer tirem Ç Mn sMs. T. MLvehTorn adtotbed as likeiy teere would be reach a bus station anid ride home m a ve 2, heti en, thewherewlte teou didat first win it._______________ meattaidarnd UdhlS. aosuintnsey itenstin reordcfre dn, iss dnaLovaTronhoeterinmrethecs ti a hor inteedar - note y!dy!Thlas mpThoueiy hooutine te Tbu shet aketeebuidin as anea itnclvent. sivi eord s at Mn. A. Ok's... 1fr. and Mns. tme, la war Il activities of tee saciety ti placing of tey home tey first business. D T ESE 2e I Watton. Mn. and Mrs. G. Whit- Even after sucb a nicè hoiiday .. Downing Street - 'the Germon these chldrer in foster homes, in '[1' *u shaît enter irito tey house R TTR 25catocso.vn gi o nytakcr at 1fr. W. Rab'... Mns. A. it was nicor ta be comirg Ihame, ambassador la loavirig wite ri dalmgwthchldenofuma- it cenflrssrHENTalo.nr.JhnTalo, n.ad orlieneesngtancepesuessjf-Tehoudy ugih avhnedmoers sd itd ntace, ho hat ottae e wfeFOfL S Mrs. M. Ncsbitt, Nestieton, Mn. and sud palaces teough are may roam, thornigaodbye anid tears are seerin os 1blevbe fpretlfrgaFO.Ago hssdwl Mrs. F. Allun, Bowmnanville, at Mn. Be it even so humble thee's no in tee eyes of msuy of teose wbo negloct which amounted ta crm- rememben anniversaries anid keep S. Trewin's. place like home. emenge troni the buildings - tsars inal negligenice, whene thre saciety teem. Yea, Ire wiilcIrerish Iris Fine shoesâ ol~ oto BETT R ' ALUE at ALLI >5 RWe had a goad attendance at aur A bearty clap was giveri Miss froni tee Germons!! Well - weil was fomced ta obtain caurt orders wîfe as mnuch when sIre la twa shoos for sai ocpaos ]B TT R VA UE t LL N S alyservices an Sunday. Àt Sunday Buriner for ber irterestirig taik, - we ,-are picking up bits sud to take tee childreri out of filthy Fscore years of age as when sIre may. b. 'pirhsdfo u 1School Mfr. Wilfned Caruthers. sud a hearty vote of teanks toana pieces - wbst about tee picture Orviranment 50 teat teey might was a danisel. oah M W - ua Bowîanville. addressed the congre- who hsd helped lu tee prograni. bouses? "Closed", eveny orie of have a chance ta grow pbysicaily Thou arat riat let anyorie cniti- OPa exefoal Io iratian on S.S. work. In the evcningr Mrs. Hutcirsor, conducted tee ten, tee bilas "Confessions of a and mentally irita independorit cizo tey wife ta thy face; neither prie... Asi heaew Pean2àut Butte+àr 132"oz. ar e8% Rev. A. E. Harding taak charge of closing exercises as Mns. Robin- Nazi Spy" sti11 stuck on tee post- citizens rateer tean Irapeloas dore- saat teou lister ta such citiclini know weil-md ahs u k., ---J'-

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