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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1939, p. 8

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1 , -- P PAGE RIGET THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2STH93M --ol team on edge. In the two C cm sMs .W alw Brcsand Bouquets garnie Osborne and WithidgUeMs.R.W each gave up two walks and an Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. By NXlisoN osBBoNz four turned into runs. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown. To- Hugh Taylor wbo celebrate theirmu -ronto. and Rosa. Mr. Bill Brown and twenty-fifth weddinoe anniversary on IF WEI A I T___________yoNcrepodnEa Witheridge was ratiier unfort- family. Omemee, with Mr. and Mrs. Sept. 29th. SI ~R __~ES ~ îrat imerrua core wb:nM Mr~<TIf yOouwh correspondente U S DEa poet .ewudpobbysn unate to lose the first garne. Thle Russell Brown, pathetictaeaotteRyl is ymrrnsoe hn M.adMs hmsnw bv Royals Eliminated by '38 Champs loein kbut ie he poet close play at the plate andh reurned to Toronto.dnnrVstosM KE I U LondtAymev6to S tu dayl eterte and achr f manvifle leithander. Bill Bagnell Cadmus W-,&..met Sept. l9th at afternoon.. r.and Mrs. Sam The Royals made two galiant Rickard but Williams was out by te executive 11catchesc On ong he tendance of twelve. In absence ofamgeontascndtrih J. Sniowden. Mr. and Mrs. John \OUr bVpntanu '.aru of mevi fyOTu81SU stands in the seventh and nit plenty at the plate when lie also ttemge nt scn tag came ina t top speed and turned a President and Vice-PresidentsMrs. A.Snowden with Mns. Lawrence Stav- iinsherm on Saturday but they tried to score. Tiglie batted for tte.-complete sornersault after mkn E. McGill took charge of meetng.les Bethany... Mr. and Mrs. Fred of wook wmf doue atarpn . were in ai a ylerSt Waton and bounced a bit off fira il t is truc that the Ryl the catch. The second trne he Scripture was cead liv Mrs. W. D. Davidson, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs._____________ Lacnren ainded Ayer S6to asetoscreasionlen.LmitR asleaned against the snowfence ta Ferguson. Roil caîl was ansveyred byMorley Flintof f. ulaugbter Jean. Col- rees otk h Sm a hncm i n ocdddnat get chebreaks i tlis make the out. one .* . UÉtr.ladett'u-. G 4 eeret tk icSm-finals oanen aelaad o of the Beatitudes. The plus were ...,wtburanAvl. of the O.B.A. Intermediate A di- Bagneil ta fly very deep ta centre final series, they have beeii get- - oI"tdfrros osednertreanrG(S' heil Stion&Gu g vision in two straiglit gaines, ta end the inning. tmyig feldbreas t e.Aandth However the Royais were be- Program was in charge ai Mrs. A number visited relative ad Kignt. But omnil Aylmer won thc first game on Storey went back ta the mouad breaksrngedorasmete Aerdn styniied by the speedbals of George Fowler and consisted oif fiends and attended the avs Wedneday 4to 0.for the eighth and made short team was the better team. Last Laupan Here on Saturday the readings bv Mrs. A. E. McGill, Mrs. Holm services at Eldad. Sunday. 1-- The local batters were helpless work of three men but he ran itt year the Laundrymen wÀon the Landrymen turned on the power M. McKee, Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Munday, of ___________________________ befre he ouhpa slatsoftrouble la the ninth. Williamis got Btte hc h aec asnad belted out lits of every de- Mns. Oscar McQuade. A delicious Courtright. were called bere on ac- r adro.Trno wt n yeoetesuhawsat fBttear'i s teAam cd a scription with Jordan lining Once supper was senveti and a beart' oecuto h udnpsi~o i no ,D rigo eighteen year old Red Storey for a life on sbortstops error and thsyer Advision. over the right-centre field fence of thanlis was given M rs. F eou n rofthe oh n.psitro i U in arig wer plin u a5 t nl ladlasecond lit to fin the bases and- for thc first time this year. In for ber bospitality and ta Mrs. Fow- ThscmuiywssoedStMrEmrSeo.Trnoit thw ee ntl, B 5omnil lead.rIn Lampmnan again headed for the The Rayais were unlucky not fact it la thc oaly ie a bail ha er anThhisa .uraymrnigt as l eara t at-h oM rma ca n enltae htpriua pt. M.Gd isnbsntne udyhd~asdaa uigth cn iios isRb c r a.M.Fe ola m Uic procedure la Uic alath bt a fy ocentre, Williams scoring af i o Bll aeli ong flieadcs.trhiOntwo 0he te fiwmel six 1 from ic heWest.. night. Symnatby is extended ta the Lauizblin witb ber cousin. Mçs. H. Fr&.BaktcwihM.'n n they did was make it close. Man- ter Uic catch. Bagacîl was safe tae i rv ada enr israhdUcatilathough Miss Helen Fowler with ber sister. bereaved wif e and son. Wright. Oshawa. wbile Mr, Wright R. M1 el ager Ken Lampman, who shut out on an ennor ta f111 Uic bases agaia field whidb was Uic more surpris- Tighe 's pladli safety bounced off Mrs. Ray Blair. Oshawa. Uic Royais la thc iirst game, and Osborne lit ta drive ia With- mng since he almast always lits -lirst base. Mr. Isaac Whitfield with hi Quarterlv service next Sunday. is in Oshawa Hospital. . .M.an Ms.J.Mci Mr. and Ma sauatered in from bis right field eridge. Calville then f lied ta lef t ta lef t. At least two of his drives- dauglter. Mrs. Gardon Brown, To- Rallv Day was held on Sundav inl Mrs. William Wotten and Blanche at Harodit.RbeaadAvn position ln acc of Uic seveath field ta end Uic gamne, sertes and would have cleared the fence if However Uic scason ls' over. nanto. the churcb. Music was furnisbed by Mn. Cyrl Aveys, Brooklin Mn, Centreil.wt n n n.L and aminta put Cown Uic Royal season. rulled around ta lis favoieThc Rayais eeuiews a n M.and ns. Rap,, .ooe with h choir, also a selection entitledY! nF Asîton field. Dave Osborne also teeecdve off , M R~ 1< hth Walter Smith, Toronto.MrF upiig.Bwavlehdteoften and liard la Uic commlttee Mr. and Mns. R. Taylor at thein "Seanch Me 0 God" was sung MrY bases filled when Uic third out AMimer AB R H PO> A E man. room and received nary a 'break cottage an Lake Scuizoff. nimbens af Mission Band. Rev. W.up Ag.Bwavllyali o cr o n u rv t iî tLm-~ m Beh M..aue Mith ut iMn.Mns a rdffadDvgibMs wa ae oed h ani. Lmpa f p 2300from telaue ntefield ___________C. Smith gave a short talk o '<The Fer Be&b'h s. . HMi sjVelmaMgi ca ln wa ad a n Ucgae ammn .p.32 OO-often lad outiielders playlnÉ i au ola huc. ev .F Dave Osborne was not in Uic Miller, c. 5 1 4 6 1 O Thc Ayîmer team is a smcoth- the iner defence and seldom did aitr .. on ave ann Beaveton... Mrs. J. Westlaloe and ber aets form le displayed Uic week be- Jamnieson, 3b. 5 1 i O 2 () working aggregatiaa, a littie aider wc lave more than anc or two Nestieton Bstrcie, A.. on e gae holMn. Bill Westlalce. Bowmanville. Mns newa ihrltvsi fore whcn le hung a hanse collar Hatfiel.j, lb. 5 0 1 9 1 0 and more cxenienced than Ucsrttvhte n TeSudrScalMn. Art Moore, Pickering, ut Frank Orono onNpne ayt i orhLanyoa, as. 5 0 2 2 1 2 Rossiana, althaugh Uiey did s apureos a t e ch . Busirt ic eteo WAMn . e t ovenst o nd ag o ourn ut. 'sMoe's. .. Mn. and Mns. Pency MnadMs;.HalsndJn and aminthframes an Saturday was Lindsay, f. 5 O 1 2 O O signa of getting a littl ie sly inboysla o di ghtanspinitwoihneMst .letn W.A andt. S. me -Ut ning m eept of YoungPa»esPetens, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Phil with M.adMs .L uc le able ta get Uic fint btter in Jordan, 2b. 4 2. 1 i 3 0 Uic niath wlcn Uic Rayais put on their awn league and Uic Eastern dent Mrs. R. W. Manlaw opened the Lloyd Metcalf in charge. Bible read- Mrs. H adv anmeshw.nr and Sl Uic inning out. This meant le Jacques, cf. 4 O i 4 0 O their clasmng tny. 'Manager Ken Ontario crowa for Uic fifth Urne meeting. Scriptune neadingz by Mrs. iniz. Mildred Snowden; vocal solo. Mrs arie.SothMoagliandM. Shirly Mn.adMs .Bigt n waado wwaystbeindaadlam u h e y,-p ni. 4 OO O i admepmatic ar odf Uiteam a ihet ixyears. They weat K. Sameils. Ladies decided ta have Jean Stevens. These ai ficers were Lanier, Miilbroak, ut Mr. Griffin's. Paulie, n rs .Tauo tame.do rneh icoutcomae u o Uic406132793 oaad le raclydeieteUcmuch father than anyone cx- a bazuar and cafeteria supper. Lunch elected: Preaident -Jean Stevens: .Mns. Dant witb ber daùghter, withMnadMs.Jc Sîilt walks against five free tickets b Bow'ville 40B 1 2R9 HRyasPiOgeAuaed pected, eapeciaily Port Hope, and was served by Mrs. Malcolm and Conveners -Greta Munday, Helen baba. Wr Rhm h h ity Storey, but bath oai bor y AB R Hll, PO A E0 1-0Uichewhlictown and district s uraup. Metcalf, Mildred Snowden. Gardon M.RyMLublnwnsvnl Noti hnei u iSna passturned tata Qaan e a gacihi. OIniOO aAyimer, Lumpman lcld Uic proud ai Uiemn. Crowds durng Nestletan W..will meet ut Mns. Jarvie: Sec'y. -Marian Snawden; . RScbaol on Sundayoat Z u.m. and passerstcruuasveme. Ec Osborne, p. 5 0 1 i O 0 Bowmanvillc squad ta two lits Uic regular acledule werc very L. Joblin's. Octoben 4th at 8 p.m. Asst. Sec'v.-Hilda Richards: Tre anîpzes * inToronto ïlayiahanse- churcseveut3.m hurler sckoe u i efoca. Calville, If. 2b. 5 O 1 3 1Oad disled out tîcinfitrst goase disappalating but picked up con- Everyant weicome. Rail call. a Hal- -Sam Van Camp; Ass't. Secy.-Boli ss enRh sate4n aac hadcntearvia Mimr coeda uabeon aSiemon, lb. 3 0 0 5 0O(O cgg ai Uic ycar. He aiso startcd sidèrably in Uic playoffs. AMimer lw'nMuestto.insense. ovnes-Lly lucktoc Halhool.tenig h man was retired. Lanipman drew Rickarcl, c. 4 i O 8 2 i Uic nally whicl led ta Ayimcr's turaed out a crowd ai 600 people lRev. D.uM.rstison viitd n Meaif An oneeard. Chd anlie ________________ROSS a walk and weat Uic distance Williams, as. 4 iii3Oirtra eeo 1____DM____________r.____fAnabll Bar. hal son. whca Miier bouccd a Rach, r! i 1u10 3 0 O man Herde onSatunday, Uic from a towa of 2500 whicl makes and Mrs. S. Malcolmi. Smit Fred Wright; Social Con- Onaho urwsbedu ap a tre inlef. Lapma als op (a)ithdgerf.0 2 2 0 ml' everhe- Miss Stella Rosa, Oshawa, visited veners-Hilda Richards, Madelineto entr et la le it ama uaulsok and Wieth, i. 4O02 O2 O3Ooccasions ta save Uic victany ion less, aur hats arc off thUicRayais. Mn. and Mrs&. L. Jobuin. Metcali. Lillian Snowden, Wallace Ha d nfortcocain Mered ict oruth l a d Ke bnt ato, b. 4O1 23 0isyo0gttr1rbei4e gttng-Mr. and Mrs. L. Williamson, Munday, Glenn .Metcalf, Fred Sec-__M_ Milrbu u pretbn.Wiaa b i on base four aut ai fîve times, and On Monday n ht Dean Hodg- ot uw t Ms a.Wlimo'.rtBob Mn. Fred Stannard. Enniakilien aet tet ta ip U icr nn (b <) McllecnIf.1 0 lo0o 0o origte - s worn.sons White Rose soi ibailteain Mrs. SusaJoIns, Port Ferry, Foley; Ass't. Pianist-Edna- Swal- Recent Visitons: ms.LusAtoanMayau Janiieson followed with another - cAyiersta-ws-ad- were guests of their sponsor at witb Mn. ,George Johns. law: Leadership Convener - Mrs. Mn. and Mýs. John Heasjip and Brockvhe ihM.adMs er buat and Lampma carricd m ic Totals 33 4 6 27 15 3 abetted by lis batteny mate, Mind- in lu la"ub op Mr. Edgar Emerson. Valentia, Mr. Erneist Twist, Ushers-Fred Wrnight, Jean, Colunmbus. wiîh Mrs. E. Or- Ashton second rua. Miller was caughtint (a) batd for Roach in 7th en wîo colced four lits, drove madle Uic officiai presentution of RaloI and Miss Ellen Emerson, To- Fred Secret, Doug K~ennedy: Editor miston's. ConrtltostaM.LodSc a rua dowa but Lanyaa doubled <)bte o atn~'i~ Ucfa u nwre te ictroply ta Captai.n Stuart ronta. with Mn. and Mrs. lM. Emer- ai the paper "TIc Tattler." Clu fard Mr. Paul Stephens, Miss Unsul mononwnngsvalpzeju- home Janiieson ta maIe it 3 tao0. <c) batted ionrTile l i1t. inth erfecstion n. Mille wStcaugliLarge. Thc troply was donated sn who:Ast dtr-Anlel cei oot.wt n n r.igu ida ur La(a obe asatU c)Rasbatted fo - ilen n9 t Uiplte co. ie C was ag by Uic Young Men's Club for an-sn. adMs .McisM s Bard. Grest uda ed in Anaere-A.McNeil. oronto.ffeninMrservices, Sundayi nuai competition ta thIch. - Mr.SndowvW -inty isBar.GeaMndvldi ere-A cel fifili and stapped ut third whcn yon, Hatficld, Jcuanonuhruate anuiybtsi l ofibai ninau M.he oaper > wvMarlow and Miss Greta iiLof, after whîcn lunch wus serycu. Mn. and Mrs. D-. riggina, Miss Octobnc b Minler lit ta ict. Thc former was Kent, Tighc, McIlvean, Osbornae; stuycd in Uic garne. rsdnoftecuasw s oui ut Uic plate on a fiildcr'a Twa-busc lits - Lampman, Lan- -peieta i lba eia chic utMllrcrsedUc lt- yoa, Jamideson; Thnce-base lit - Young Redl Siorcy also deserves prh esideni ai ichaotbu i n- ...ue. ter whca Htiieid luced a lit ta Millen; Home ru - Jonda; Sac-. piaudt for lis pitching perfarm-.Ec eic~aiUcta a a right. It tool two érnars, a stalen rifice - McIlveen; Soe bss- ance, lhu iisdbtlife troduccd by Mr. Hodgsan, andl base and a single by Jucques ta Miller, Hatfieli, toaaqes, aîUiougav it e n Joe Cooper, on belali ai Uic teamn scor an la ic iiU andJonua olvile;Leiton acqes, oul la e enround long cx- pnescated Dean wiUi a tangible pumped a Une lamer aven Uic 9, Bowmanville 8; Double play - thc early innings. Spccialiilg in ciatian ai lis backiag and support.O N C 1 ST A ISI I ÏJ LX H DII N feaoe in deep i gît field ta finish Roucl ta Rickard, Jordan ta Hat- cunve balns, Uic sauthpaw lad an B N C- S I Y IA Aylihcr's part ai Uic scoring. field; Strike-outs - Starey 5, Os- easy trne for six farnes but did Aften mowing Cown Uic Rayais bonne 5; Bases an bansa - Osborne not Uinivc inthUic lvy going. Rugby starts Uiis Satunday. Thc with manotanous rcgularity ion 2, Starey 4; Hit by pitchen - by local HigI Schooi 'las catcred six innings, Starey gave Uic Cam- Stoney, Witheridge; Winaiag pit- Dave Osborne was far from Uic both a Senior andl a Junior team, eronians a break in Uic seventl cher - Starcy. iorm le displuycd Uic prcvtaus andl arc now practisiag lard for wlea le tosaed badiy tafitrat with Umpires - Spring and Souch, Suturday. Against Aylmcr Uic Uic firsi garne wlich talcs place anc out. Williamrn lgd andl Toronta. firsi butter gai on base mi seven lere on Saturday with Oshawa as Wlthcnidge was lit by a pitched. diffenent imalaga, six tirnes on a Uic opposition. It will be recaled bail ta fi11Uic bases. Kent scratch- Politeacs l an air cushian lit or a wallc. This meant that thut Bawmanville HigI Sdlioal ed a lit ta Uhi liicld ta score that cases Uic joli. Osbornne was wonîlag under a won Uic league tille lasi ycan and Uiea wcni Cown before Allient College. This year their Uine-up a gi aà ] E C I C i Uicey sloulCl mule a goad sliowiag. - Tam Dcpew la nat aviable ion ts f ail whichleiaves a hale in Uic buckfield.liS ltriga g Brown wil lolkafien Uic lick- Rn e , R f i . ' 'o lag and lis other- mates ia Uic baclficld wrnl be Colville, Mon- ___ dca and Fuga, with Masan ut -~quarter. Gib Mclvean will alsa l bc back Uicnc while brothen Dug- 'ci es U Ellioti, Crawford will be on Uic "~~A N rEiï ~~front lime aiang wiil ailiers.Sa.$001 $6 0 Oshawa, as usual, is an encmy db $nOto69 S ta Uic locuis andl no quarter will be asked or given by eitUen teani. Game urne la 2.30; place, Uic HigI - - - -- - - >Sclaal campus. Each year at the close of the Cana- Lasi Wcdncsday, Uic same cam--atoa pus was Uic scene ai Uic Inter- dian N toa Exhibition, we clear aclool Fieldl Day and Bowman- L ville tool Uic cup by a mangin aiofer 18 points. This broke a string ai sample reirîerators thAat eL Uinee straight wins by Whitby . andl means that Bowmanville will used for dspay at the "Ex" by be Uic firsi name inscribed on thc nwcup. Thc wia was catincly Canadian General Electric. and . .. .. .. .. .unescpected wliich maCle i Uic 1more swcct.vaiu moesfo au ow fl r Pic-ups: BayC l Semon Clscards vrosm dl rr u w lo lis glave fan a rugby helmet this sok Saturday wlea O.A.C. ai Guelph jurnny ta Queens for an exhi- sok busebail. . . Summentime, wlere la Uiy sting? Shinnard & P'iII Lumber Co. Limitod Now la Uic limne for Ontario D O NCR SI NEE ~~.uwrr apple growers= ta ptaput ileir Pboaa 710 ~~~Bowna.nvlflhappies in conveetand attrac-l uunu- ,..u tive containers for retail use and SSteHOUS-S ILU. ta l p.M 8.cl. mIeU ig 5e I TELEPHNH tari an educational advertising74 campaiga iniornilng Uic people <Iaa1udin~g Saturdays> OSHAWA, ONT. 84 - wlen and wlut ap pies are beat for eatilg and cooling. Tel 'cmn - - -s S .....I. ~ ~ -Wwm' £undw- e £0....? whyUic eappie la Uic "King ai *1 'I 4% ( ¶

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