PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARLO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5TH, 1939 The following officers andi mcm- Tor Action nauli, Bert Samnis, John Elmer, L Obers a! the executive commitic upr ontn n re MEN PAST 401I FEEL OLD weeeetei H upe onso niWalkey. due ta runidown syniptanis? TnyF. . MO Hn rs-MisA. Drummonci. 'D~~ Store President - Mr:. J. A. Butler. Osa aKa sae She is sunviveci by henusnd ste Tbesaiwonriin ODVice Pres. - MisswB.RMalntosb. andi anc son Jack, wbo wîth bis stimulants obtaineci ironi raw Phone 480 EysIt Io Done Properly Seccetary -Mns. R. W. Gibsan. may wife have given evcry cane andi aysiers Plus 4 tnisfrboc Bo avle Treasurer- Mrs. Herb. Toms. OSHAWA devotion for the comfori o! a loy- nerves. wbole body. If not de- Prompt DellveT Representatives !ramn each o! 41 Ontario Street ing wife anci mather. She is aiso Iigbhted witb resulis finît qackagze. 11U1TH M!IUUU the local churches on Uic execu surviveci by anc sister, Mrs. J. D. maker refunds iii Price.'You dont ________________ tie omitce Aglca -Mn. (Juil North o! Bond) Lig and anc brother, Milton risk a Pcnny. Cmli, write Jury & ATTH RIs O W. H. Gibson, Miss Naomni Hon- d bîl oei nial gooci druggisti. ---------dependent back in 1917-18. One rocks; Roman Catholic - Mrs. Win. * LU -.. LUreferred ta the 3rd ànniversary of Kenefick, Miss Annie Kenefick; hathe great war on Aug. 4th, when United - Mrs. Percy IÈare, Mrs. The a%î,wTcas le I dep ndr111 the flag and pale danated by Mr. Floyd Butler. ~. m* ~ ~ nue enu nt J. E. Atkinson was erected in By request the secretary read PRONF, CLARKE 1114 front of the Community Hall. The the minutes of the firet meeting iother article marked was an edi- o! the Newcastle Patriotic Society torial written by Editor L. B. held in 1914. The next meeting Miss A. Brodie, Toronto, was Prairie, Alta, was guest of Reeve Davidson on "The Scarcify Of will be held in the cauncil Cham- guest of Miss Ethel Wade. C.R. and Mrs, Carveth. Bran and Shorts.' Truly, time ber on Thursday atternoon, Oct. Mrs. C. A. Cowan is visiting Rev. E. R. James, Toronto, a marches on. 5th. It is hoped that as many her brother, Mr. Herb. Gilmer, former Rector of St. George's, During the week in which the women as passible ini NewcaMtle BR H COMINO. EVENTS Auction Sale Starkville. conducted the burial rites for the voluntary registration of the wo- and vicinity will show thehLin- Mr. Levi Dudley and Mr. and late James E. Matchett at St. men o! Newcastle and Clarke Tp. terest by attending and >b"MtWfng GRAHAM - In Bowmanville Hos- HiRh School Commencement on Saturdav.1 Oct. 7ih * E. A. Werry- Mns. Kelly, Whitby, visited Mdajor George's Cemetery, Sept. 25, and was in progress mi difterent cen- members. Pital, Septemnber 3tb, 1939, ta Mr. Thursdfay and Friday, November 23 will of fer for salé by public auctian iH and Mrs. H. W. Dudley. nlot Rev. D. R. Dewdney. tres throughout the district a ta--n rs e.W-______ead 4h 01 nteprmss Lt1 nd1,Cn Quarterly communion service Miss Marjorie Lycett broke a tal of 197 women registered and Susie Viola Thompson), a"daugh- 8, Dttrlington, one atxd a quarter wlll be held at the United Church bane just abave her left ankie answered the questions which 'Newcastle Red Cross ter (Barbara Viola).Onhrsactltat8pm mienrtofEiklln50t- Sunday morning, Oct. 8th. when she slipped on the wet grass they could. 115 of this number On t ocetT ED- oM.adMr.F ed Ther wllbean inctereting terp..-iye rdteerfs aneiflers,5year- at her home on Tuesday marning. w.ere !rom Newcastle and adjomn- rb n$C n br O RI -TeM.adMsF.Ri hr ileanntetngne-yaro tesadhifsSya- Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Allin and After the bone was set and x-ray- ing rural areas, including the Rais. War Funds (nee May Marti.), R.R. 2, Osh- tainment sponsored by St. John's lings. 15 pigs, 100 Ibs:;_25 pigs, 75- Mrs. W. H. Pearce visited Mr. and e nOhw h eundhm aeSoe rw' n ok awa. in Bowmianville Hospital, Sunday School Orchestra in the lbs.; 20 pigs, 8 weeks oId; 300 bus. Mr.W .Hna obt' on.the samne afternoon. hart's sections. The Newcastle Intermediate Red' Sept. 29. 1939, a son. Parisb Hall. No admission. Plate at niixed grain: 400 bushels of oats;- Mrs. J. L. Buckley, Suttan, vis- 5 j ~ i.. a Cos1~a iC t~ door. 40-2 300 bushels f aIl rye. Sale 1 pgv& ited Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Buckley Friday evening Mrs. Afflick o! Special mentionshould inad~e Cos a ppeal omiteor-'E T em ah e akoAc and Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Glenney. Oshawa is ta address the W.MS. o! the !îowers that decorateci the gaized a little over two weeks tioe ernsh. TdJ4kon 0u-i Miss Leone Tebble, Britton'5 of the United Church and nîl the hall andi the stage for the New- ago, made its first public appeal avtoAryTgD wsine.401l Grocery, is having a week's holi- members o! the congregatian are castle Intermediate Red Cross for financial assistance through a B3ILLINGS - At Bowmanville Hos- nostponed last Saturday andi will be tc day and has gone ta Kirkland inviteci ta hear hier. The meeting CommTittee's concert Friday even- concert in the camniunity hall on pital, Sept. 29, Edna Irene BillLjngs, helci this Saturday, Oct. 7th. Pro- M ortgage Sale f Lake ta visit her sister. is being held in the evening for ing. They were there in such Friday evening, Sept. 29t. The beloveci daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ceecis for war work.B In the H-utton-Gîbson wedding the special benefit a! the men. great profusion and wide variety cairiiittee, under the energetic Carl Billings, Orono, age 15 years. b repot o pag 7 e neleced e St Gerge' Me's Cub eldand made a lavely setting for the leadership. of ts president, Mrs. c NACI -AtDudr" Th oe'Iniuewl od UDE ADBYVR Eofi mention that Mrs. John Garrod their opening meeting o! the faîl entertainiment. Many a! the bas- Frank O'Neil, realizing that if iMcCNAHE-A Dnun, TeWmnsIsiuewl ac the Powers ai Salec ontained in a e seasn i th paishhanon ueskets and vases were contributed was ta do any considerable Bowmanville. on Sunday, Oct. lst, their annual bazaar on Friday, Oct. certain MortRage. which will be pro- played the wedding music. sesna h aihhl nTe- by members o! the cammittee but amnounit o! Red Cross wonk,-i 1939, Duncan McConnachie, in his 27th. in the Parish Hall. Kindly re- duceci at the time ai sale, there will 21 Mr. and Mns. Eric Pearce and day evening. The previaus week many more were !rom Mrs. M. must have funds wth which ta 75th vear. Interment St. George's serve the date. 40-1 be offered for sale bv family, Claremont, visited Mn. a meeting o! the Men's Clubs of Brown's Glenwoad Gardens. Al- buy material, set speedily to wonk Cemetery, Newcastle. EmrWluAcine andi Mrs. T. H. Clemence, Mrs. W. the Deanery was held in St though it was close -ta the end o! ta plan and arrange for a conH-OnSpte9,139tt.i Anvesrysrvcs fNetn H.Pac n r n r.H .Gog' aihHl.Sereport ner.OUGH nSp.2,139aths Anvray evcso etn Pearce. ~~~on another page. September a basket of beautiful Members of the Committ f oe, 80 WalkerAeuTonvil esyra Crc hns-PBIAU IO Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Lowheed Mn. and Mrs. Percy Hare, New- Preardyo! the sta n G ea. A. entrtane Mrpses. oferhe Joseph W. Ough, dearly beloveci givinR Sunday, October Sth. After- an Wednesday. the 25th day Di Oct- and Mr. andi Mrs. Floyd Bowie castle, and Mn. and Mrs. Wesley rWal fte stl as had a ov . e- olitiken theboxM. offie ns husbahd of Hannab Bcl. Inter- naan service at 2.30 by Rev. J.-W. aber. 1939, at the haur af one-thirty- and !amily, Thornbuny, were Sun- Whittleton, Gaodwood, plann ly lt o! Peiady s bloveing R. ticketn lete b fi emr .he ment at Orona. Foe .. otHp.Seilocoki h feno ttefr day guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold ta visit at each other's homes last musict.o Eveninrs bserviceR. at 7.30 by of JOHN B. th BLAKE, R. R. 1, C. Pedwell. -unaInnd acumae te npnigtnp t ths atedat.Goor oBeraeme.s aiardeng SORRiDEllInBarlto, HaRvmp.tGoBakeOGantaHiiomIeHamthneOtara, heiolowigN Mn. George Gaines Jr., o! Bank Mr. andi Mrs. Hare ta Goodwood On oda eeigo!ts sgia! thei ngnzain Friday, Sept. 29th, 1939, Mary ouartette will iurnish music. vroiierty. namely: o! Commerce, Selkirk, is vacation- andi Mn. andi Mns. Whittleton ta wveek there were heemetnsanreioutcross, on the night as , Elizabeth Shortnidie, beloveci wii e htcrE ing with his prntMr. andi M. Newcastle, only to find their ne- ~I the coimrunity hall. Board of uhnesot rrm o ofdas a Mr. James H. Shortridge, age S.Gog' hrcNwate an AcDl or tracta landi andi George Gaines, and daing some latives away. Mn. andi Mrs. Whit- Education met in the coundcil teetraneî 77 years. Interment BL will h. GorgeitsHvs t Sup prewasteisae, situtrlianiof ing in hunting on the sicie. tîcton andi famlily, including his chaxnber; HoticulturalSaocije t y Talent for teetr inet Cemetery. Wednesday. ct. s Hrt irom ron pthe Townsip i a rlingan, in the Miss Ruth Cochrane o! the Wa- son-in-law and daughter, Mn. and helci its pastponed meeting in the was secureci from several centres Wdedy c.1tfo .0ta h onhpo alntn men's College Hospital staff, To- Mrs. Haroldi Clark, Belle Plains, hall kitchen, and Durham Music within a ten mile radius of New- WINACOTT - InHast Whitby, 8 p Adults 40c. Children under aCounai aflDtham.prtindni the soitn- rente, and fonmely o! Grand Sask., who are in Ontarioaon a Festival Association Executive castle andi the contributions o! Sept. 30, 1939. Annie Mabel Davis, 12, 25c. noshaîf aLot thiPrtin o the sourth ist then called on Major and met in the libnany. On Tuesday each andi eveny antist was thon- beldved wiie ai Richard Winacott Cafonesso lyirthi the Can-t Mn F. MMahonPort M, met n MasoicChalcanciiaplaude. _________of__the__Can- DENTIS H. W. Dudleyand haci tea. night Durham Locige A. F. & A. oughly appreciateci and heartily in ber 64tb year. Mothen qf Evert The Girl Guides will be araunci adian Nortbern Railwav. containing DEN IS Mr F 0.Meaho, ortBu- M, et n he asnichal ad ppludd.Winacatt. Bowmanville. this week or nexitaeet yqur order by admeasuremient sixty-three acres, - 1well, a former schoal principal at nepaireci ta the kitchen fan the Befane the entertalnment cain-fe ognt.Tyarhpi hewcllndsdsrbdinmtae DR. R. O. DIORSON 1 Newcastle, must have been doing !ourth degnee. On Wednesday ev- menoed Reeve C. R. Carveth IN MEMORIAM fordaghnts Tey*aRre oingashewhich" 13886istescrie i monae (Toronto) and Newcastle, Ont. some housecleaning in his cesk, ening the High School Athletic spoke on behal! o! this young or- eiomey401Dvopctoad Over Langman's Store, NÏewcas- fan last week he sent the ecitor Society helci a banquet in the kit- ganization whose purpose is ta BRADBURN - In loving memory ON the saici iarm there is saici ta tle. Office heurs: Saturday only, o! The Statesmnan a couple a! chen !ollawing the field day ev- help aliA can ta alleviate the lot ai a dear husband and father, LvsokFrSl eeetc wligbuewi ut 9 .m t pm.Phn A22. lippings fnom The Newcastle In- ents in the park. The Intermeci- o! youth!ul refugees andi evacuces David Wesley Bradburn, who pas- able f an buildings. ________________________________________________iate Red Cross Commitice met in in this tinie a! war and danger ed awav suddenly on Oct. 4tb, FOR SALE - HOLSTEIN BULL TH lacsilbeol sbcta the hall the samne evening, and andi extended a welcomne ta all 1938: TaHveloneta for rnQeîhs ad, a eserv Bite _____________________________________________theis Thursayafieroon ea s- rsn.'Tii lonesome here withaut you, irom R.O.P. dams, accredited and TERMS 0F SALE: Twe.ty-five tleWoens atiotc eaueis Mns. Frank O'Néil spake o! the There is such a vacant place, bloaci-testeci priceci ta selI. J. H. n)ercent ai the purchase mane-v to be UWmeeting in the coundcil chamben. aims andi abjects o! the Newcastle When we neyer hear your foot- Jase. R.R. 3, Newcastle. Phone naici dawn ai' the tume ai the sale, L t C r e ts D o rIntenmediate Redi Cross Commit- stepi, Clarke 1121. 40-1*thbanctabscreibamr- NEWCASTLE WOMEN'S tee andi of its affiliation with the Nar sec vaur sniilinsr lace. gagebwithcitebe s a fur er cemort PAROI EGE Red Cross Society. We aiten sit and îhink ai yau FogSaee anh num. tatfu pre Thanksgiving Baking APOINS OM ME Se W1igthe audience, wAe:as- Andi think Qi how you dieci, F rS le- ranFR urte tiuasanicn _______ ,NewcastlechetaFRfrhrpriuasadcn _____________________pnovided aninformal prognars of To think Yeu coulci net say FOR SALE-BARBERRY BUSH- citions ai sale applv ta At the meeting o! the Women s music under the leadership of good-bye cifo egs ago ie 0 The Commissianer o Agricul- Patniotic League helci Sept. 28th, Chas. Clemence. Before vau claseci vour cyes. eacb. Chas. Bradley, Jackman Rd. tural Loans, We bake a wide selection of delicious articles these committees wene nameci: Those contributing ta the firsi You shaîl neyer be forgatten, 40-1* Hast Block, Parliament Bidgs., intended to, make your Thanksgiving table more Yarn Committee - Mrs. J. Scott part o! the pragnam were: Miss Neve rotor memorieq fade,TontOar. atratie n iviin.Howard, Convener; members ta Gwendolyn Gilmer, Starkville, Lovinz thoughts sb.all always FOR SALE - SUPREME RANGE Dateci ai Toronto, ibis iwenty- chosen by hersel!. vocalisi, andi hen aunt, Mn. C. A. linger with warminiz aven andi bat water eighth day ai Sepiember, 1939. These tems ncludemine'Sewing Comimittee - Mrs. Henb Cowan, piano accompanisi; Mn. Round the grave, where you were tank, gooci condition, real bargain 4- Thee tem iclue ine pies, puxupkin pies, Toms and Mns. Percy Brown. Howard Foley, Maple Grave, laid. for immediate sale. N. E. Wright,43' cream rolis, buns, bread, cakes and almost any- Canvassers for monthly con- humarisi; Misses Delly Pundy and -Sadlv missed by wife and family. Enniskillen. Phone 2525. 39-tf thin yo wih i th wa ofbakd fod.tributions: Newcastle - S.E.-Mns. Paulinc Deline, Newcastle, sang thn o ihi h a fbkdfo.P. Brown, S.W.-Mrs. Percy Hare and dance team; Miss Helen Mc- Card of ThanksFO SAE'9PN AC AB ". '. . . . andi Miss E. L. Trenwith, N.W.- Evoy, Newcastle, pianist; Mn. Jas. Aply Wraodarde, Ki nt.,on.t, M Be ur tostckup n atuda wth letyMns. Floyd Butlcr andi Mrs. T. A. Hancock, Bowmanville, t e n o r Mn. James H. ShOrtridge and A BoWmanvii., 401* t, of bread and baked goods for the holiday. Rocigen, N.E.-Mrs. D. B. Simpson soloisi, andi his accompanîsi, Miss f amilv wisb ta thank their many Bwavle 01 Yo'll find Corbett'u produots satisfying and anfisAde orcs odHzlRnie n hs ihrs riendi for their kindness durinz the FOR SALE '- KITCHEN CAB- 1Headi Section - Mns. W. H. B. Bowmanville, accondean playen; ilîncs ad passing ai the laie Mrs. mnet in oood condition. Apply 8 ~ v "'v. attractive. Chaplin; Rural Section West - Mr. George W. Walton, banitafil Shortricige. Carlisle Ave. 40-1* Mns. R. T. Rutherford; Rural Sec- soloist, andi accompanist, Mns. C. ' ~ . , tian North - Miss Bessie Black- .Cwn n h ns ur Mr. J. L. Parions and family wish FOR SALE-INE AINL Tambyn, a epress their appreciation for the two-horsehaprs.ApyWC.% ftqÀ l4 CORBdTTI % B A K ERY F. LeGresley; Lake Shore -Mrs. Jim Pawers, JimTamblyn and H. manv cs of kincinesi and express- Parions, R. R. 2, Bowmqnville, M Percy Hare. C. Allun, three !nm Orono andi ions aif 'nipathv and beautiful floral Phone 231$. 40-1* Our wagon is on your street every week-day Mns. R. E. Moion agreeci ta anc !rom Newcastle. tributes extended b' firiencis and -ATAYfltA IS Bowanvlle spcak ta the ladies a! Clarke The conclucling !eatunc was the neighbours during thle ilînesi andi LADDERS FOR SALE-APPLY ~ Phono 890 Bowmaflville Church secction with the vicw o! anc act play, "The Tigen's Claw", death ai a beloveci wiie andi mather. H.Wco amon382 . ' _______________________________________________intenesting them in Uic work. the Newcastle production which Especiaîly thanking Dr. Slemon for i' @ W ;Af>< President Mns. J. A. Butler is won first pnize in the dramatic bis unfailinz kincineis and attention.- To Rent s procuring reci, white and blue nib- cantesi at the Durham Central bans with which ta make rosettes Fair at Onono. During the inter- Mr. C. W. Souch wishes ta grate- TO RENT - TWO OR THREE ta be punchased by the membens lude the Newcastle Orchestra fully acknowledge andi tha nk the roomi on King Street froni Oct.. ___ of__ !hUi League and worn as icienîl- again proviieci music. friends for the lovely flowers, cards l5th. Phone Maude Elliott, 2371.' ficatian badges.. As "The Tigen's Claw" has al- and letters sent ta bum during bis 9t neady been written up in ibis severe ilîness in hospital in Taronto, 9î paper wc will forbear -any funther also ai home in Hampton. ROOMS FOR RENT - THREE bt MRS. CLARENCE M. HUTTON description, but wili name the unfurnisheci. andi one furnisieci. HONORED AT MANY PIE-* cast, as there werc a few errons Radios Serviced Mns. C. W. Jacobi. Cburch Street, cle NUPTIAL FUNCTIONS in names in the !air night ac- Bowmanville. 401 er count. Director - Emerson W. RADIOS SERVICED-GET THEfot1 Many showers, teas andi parties Fisher; Mns. W. Riordan - Violet best entertainnient possible from Room and Board erc put â- YOU àu Demi"' were held int Toronto, Brampton Woadlock; Mns. B. Tharpe - Ecina your radio. Have it repaireci at ________________ andi Newcastle in bonon o! thc Rutherford; Willie Riardan - En- once. F. Crowe, Elgin St. 402* ROOM AND BOARD-CENTRAL nw 2 39 r bride-elect Miss Dorothy M. Gib- nest Gilbank; Melvmna (Toatsie) location. Also Circulatingz Heater â » 1.9 TUEASVRw IY e son, wbose manrage ta Captain Riondan - Audrey Gagerty; Her- cattle. for sale. Apply F. Mclndoo, Phone iuit the tuft for 8 summer hosteau, contaistw Clarence M. Huttan o! the Lorne bert Sheridan - Tom Breneton; A fearless youngstcr, the little 894, Inz St., BowmanyàJle. 40-l* -»ffl r1 dtor Drageoans took place on Sept. 30tb Cana, jcwel Uhic! - V i o 1 a M. boy took a keen delight in play- è% * t -0w in St. George's Church, Newcastle, Brown; Hattie Randaîl - Vena ing among thc cattle anci Uic ROO M AND BOARD - FOR Rubuitins13prtig &eWsUpaicktheRev. D. R. Dewdney officiating. O'Neil; Joe William, thc Tigen - hanses. He is surviveci by his par- anc or two gentlemen, borne .çom- Elub iptis *......... 101rNe nt KJSuw...... 1.50> Mrs. Howard Gibson, assisteci by Hubert Osborne. ents, thrée broîhers andi three forts. Phone 2193. 40-1*Th1 rt~ p.îe .1V ewBin Sga'Mns. D. E. Gibson, gave a miscel- Miss Reita Cooke was accomp- sisters. ue B.B Ae in loe ouge-lis5 laneous shower, Mns. P. F. Le- anist for Misses Pauline Deline Position_____________ Tolet Dble Gresley an a!ternoan tea, and the and Delly Purdy in ihein three 1.50 ...3. 00 Bat h $ 5 $ ise Horrocks a Bridge. sang and dance numbers, and or A ims Gavte, ahoeldo! Mn. anisheail AnheEvy l. frrieci man capable ai running fan. . porte, Barrnston ~25# Flteh Shampoo and 590 Mrs HiciGibone of Mr andtheNational______ (Continued trom pige 1) separate bouse. Apply 'G.J.' CIa Consi Rand "ream 12 - u yeg 190 rs anad ibon ep. rb as thoughi,uanc ie heas writîen Staiesman Office. 39-tf andforibe may niensPnk oes down some o! the nesuits. His Wanted ____________________________________ ntd he bab chryanhemua Find Body of Boy articles on church anci social _________________ lighted with taîl pink tapers. Mrs. Ta ped To Death questions have appeareci in Cana- GRAI Anis _______,an Ms.T dian andi English magazines, and GRIN WANTED - WJ{EAT. For Thanksgiving M. Gibsan presideci, while Mrs D~ Believeci ta have been trampleci be has publisheci four books, ail oats. barley or mixed grain, A. H.Thm E. Gibsan, Mns. Wallace Gibsantadtbb hcatewhwic outulalhlpu, utwh Bowmanville. Phone 2433. 38-if. Its m l sn hu k es - Misses Helen McEvoy and Mary C TeSitotearbottad ATE-L ORE N chifo ad orag o yîlw a Mtr %n bis ohe n niing ion, vi--A. ' Anisiýc xT i EL 60 UPRING-AIR $450-0 le in Two Layera - oaoïtot hem, ecsy to handle, more On xbc. Top -layer filled with soit, 'ont cotton, hlnged ta maire a ai pad. Bottons layer contains arr Spring Construction guaran- 15 yeurs. The BUY ai the yeux. Phonme 27rl Orono SeO WN J THURSDAY, OCTOBER STH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEN Mortgage Money Avallable HAVE MONEY TO.LOAN ON Bowmnanville Real Estate. Special attention ta National Housini Act Loans. Inquire Bradley Bras.. Oshawa. Phane 169. 25-tf Notice To Creditors Levi J. Jamieson Estate Ail dlaims of creditars against the abave deceased. who died ini Darling- tn, on january 22. 1938. mnust be iled with L. C. Mason. Barrister. Bawmanville. Administratar. an or before Octaber 22. 1939. after wbiceh date distribution will take place and claims nat f iled will be barred. Dated at Bawmnnville. September 21st. 1939. Lawrence C. Masan. Bawmanville. ,Ont. Administrator. 38-3 Musie VIOLIN CLASS LESSONS Class instruction for beginners lin Violin. New class now star. Fees $1.50 per month. Apply FRANCIS SUWTON, Mua.Bac., A.T.C.M., Etc. Phonie 742 - Bawmanvifle. 36-tf Veterinarien D. C. DAVEY, V.S., B.V.Sc. Bowmanvile Suceessor to Dr. T. F. Tubhe Ofice: ing St. East, at Tlghe Reident - PHONE 843 F UR NIT URE Recovein d Reapholste ig Latest Samples of Coveringi Have lt done now before price rIse. ESTIMIATES FREE J. A. FRY Scugog St. - Bowmanville Phone 487