at 10.30 instead of regular church LONDON REVISITED masse been able to make a claim to inRenious, and often create long service. Sunda» School will be with- fame. This is a time when they are laughter. Monkeys, dragons. tigers, Y U R 0 R L D A ND M IN E drawn. <oentinued tre- paae-1> at a zreat advantage, compared with flowers ýand birds, and all the beasts (Copyitht)W.M.S. will hold their special their more fortunate brethren. For -of field and farm, appear on glass, (JONCpyErht) Thank-Offering service Oct. 12th at awaking to the new order, and ail once, the enterprising may have an while the more forma Greek keys B JON .KIK OD2.30 in the vestry. Mrs Marclh's group thingzs are adjusting themselves opportunity of provingr their mettle. and leaves are silhouetted every- ------will have charge. All ladies cordially thereto. Round our Circuses and Beinkr suddeLy plunged into contin- where. Without doubt. te most e- Wheter r nt i isallforthemainas bliatoy tdayas heyinvited. Mrs. S. Davison, Bowman- alongr the Embankment rolls a steady uous darkness is nothing pout of fective patterns of all frotw an artis- W h e h e o r n o i i s al f o t e ai n a s o b l g a o r t o a y a s t h e y v leoil e g e t p a e . T h e ir lin e o f t r a n s p o r t w a g o n s , c a r t s a n d th e ir u s u a l. a n d in t e p e e t c i i , t ic ,l it ou g h p e h a e t hf o m a p c - batet mntgigt pzl vr eeffy. one hndrd, ne hou will also be special music. vans. packed with all the ironon- they are doingz a marvellous work. tiafon o iw rm t o om- rih namelyo cngin ida e as rao utsd.fivethousand es ag:tese Mrand Mrs. Normal Woodley, gery of war. clanRing their way in They have come into their own by posed fromplair ing. d ses rt sand rong. aToday wh5 e areadyirtustrutfuesharf iy, chas- M . ad r. C.Woo ydi Mrsan unendingr procession from fác- acting as guides to large parties are outlined cains .and ne, to bancion racties whih50 ers iy, ne instry a sswy mie ,pt- urettanWd C.ttnde the funs tories on the 'outskirts of the city, who wish to be safely conducted to feathers, ropes and spirals, the very ago ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i weergre sbigvrine oigknnsmens.Thee a f MrseL. arsensBroken where the innocent manufacture of stations. trams or tubes. and are in siht of ,which suggest and, often veYry infu. iThus whn Rwat te Chsurist pattern continuel to b the Front, n hursdarsosbiscuits, chocolates and silken goods, extraordinary demand as trainers of create a '.wigle How their use- a, yunlt ad.ait wsa thoghtto e supremeI atr fall reaiknd . ,n uraay.have willingzly given way to the fash- "seeingz eyes" for the London strecets. fulnes s udhca r eto th made nuedM.-Pteba snmfurl t readnewsae ranvl We a badcyusdltohea ioning of the tools of war. These noor unfortunates can extort Quetrfms aye ' t onSudytordea iyce nSun- a lot about "conversion" - a pec- Thilcotams n ie e nd are fast known. for only after their .þaptismn day, to black one's boots on Sunday. tiliar religfious experience In my Long ongg tTeBakota-s n int teirn . h uie ffiecnthyb poe.•«ed May hogh i rog o anet byhod adlong after that age A ust te lw ,cm p are clothed in black, with large lum.. Complete Metamorphosis lb 'When Columbus discovered Amenca go to - a theatre, to play cards, to "revival" mein gs were common - Recent Visitors'- parent. Steadily the darkness deep- intous dots all over them, anal their It is impossible in one short covered tobacco", observed Mr. H. K.Cares awar- se uc wrs s amous evangels.One was supposed Langsaf.Ms Mblstafftaffand these are cut to the mimm* .Thescencispayr thn afah, ifof he hangs i derool Lodon hell, good lord - was regarded as to attend these meetings just as one and friend, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Tiny crosses of red, amber and gree only it could be brought to the full but after having here mentioned Centre. beinr very sinful. And of course tt was supposed to go to church on Dean, Orono, with Mrs. Wallace an ear. seemi lOy hak w ocinairelessl light of day, and many passers by severaL. of the most noticeable, theMrCatshe hieftoart'pulf was very, very smil to play games Stajdays - and one was supposed to Miller woebtd h o.:wocrlsl express their opinions as to the suit- rest can be imagmned. Suffici.ent t r hreshle isl to fagran p on Sunday. become "converted."1 I am ready to Mr.' and Mrs. R. Hodgson, Miss forget that standadsdo exst or ability of certain "rigs" for a fancy say that the whole atmosphere of the tobacco from Mr. Picobac's friendly extenddpuh Today, our ideas and our vractices grant that many "conversions" took Nina Hodffson, Mr. J. Hodgson wt crosses haveb a kou back f'eye i dress parade. great capital has undergone a com- have greatly changred, and what was place, meaning that many men and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hooper, Orono. sinrwsan sh can rvae oseand pleemeaorhsi n bas ore CoubsihukedM.uioacsroedigt condemned 50 years ao is tolerated, women, did resolve to change their Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. hv bc itlydradal In addition to measures taken for semblance whatsoever to its ,former fl i w aaiu tagtsemdbir Cl if not approved. today. Women may way of life to make it conform to Henry Wood (nec Dorothy Mc- haet b opltl i the protection of property, the safe- self. Never in one's wildest imagmn- fl i o. pciu taih-tmb smoke today without being rgarded the Christ pattern. I am quite ready Roberts) on their marriage. A num- who fail to adhere to rule. are face guardingr of the populace has also ingzs could such scenes be conjured up umbus didn't discover it all. Columus neezgtu as bd. Our churches permit their to believe that Saul ofTarsus was ber of people charvaried themn Thurs- iholeavofBinires, f r eesaitotall been carefully considered. There is It is positively astounding. One can this far. If he'd ever discovered the kindoBre premises to be used for amateur 'converted." I am quite ready, to day night. . .. ltedou rt afmternetand oall no end to the preparedness. so often only gaze --.and gasp - and stam- we go up here in Sunny Southern OnaCh' theatricals, and even for bmnio. It is believe all that is said in "Twice- Sorry to hear that Bill Kintiçaid 1so•t"B1 Er st' t dscssdasfrdac s ya ao mer - "so this is LondontV - "Well,grwW a common Practice in these present born Men" - the book by 'Harold ill with pneumonia in the hospital at Lno s aka y i Full evidence of this is exhibited on well, well 1" - "Whoever would have have found something to write home abot times to go visiting on Sunday, to MeRbie. But I have never been able Trenton, White Paint, all sides. Probably what nios as- thought it 1" do you say, Professr?" travel on Sunday, to play Rames on to persuade myself that a conscious Never, surely, in any courtry's tounds the newcomer to London, is. Marie Clark Bell. Sunday, to Rive parties on Sunday, "conversion"' is an essential exper- history, has the use of white Or the amount of sand - and sandbags London. Sept. 15, 1939. "Absolutely", replied Mr. Charters. to have Sunday picnics, to read ience in the lives of men and women. Nestleton .luminous Paint become se val- broughit into use for the protection newspapers and novels on Sundy Ali about me I see men and womeni uable as now. Paint, and paint, of the public. Thouglh bags of sanda"tDO Stse odinapp " Even ~ ~k 'tCn living good if not saintly, lives. Their I and more vaint is splashed on roads and gravel are sheltering every build- sidered as beingz a very great sin. way of life is wholesome. their in- Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. and kerbs. street corners. rods and inR - baRs in their thowands and AD Marty good people feel themselves to fluence on others is wholesome; they Harold Nesbitt and Garry with r oecrwelcrfendterS andi thousands -- there seems to be noMr.RcadWnotHADEA-GTPU - be free to choose between going to practice and cultivate the vir.tues as and Mrs. C. H. .Porteous. . . Miss rüinning boards, pillar boxes andl end to the demand, and no end to A resident of East Whitby • church on Sunday and staying at set forth in the Bible. Anne Griffith with Mr. and ,Mrs. lamp posts. store fronts and railingsa. the supply. At street corners there Township for the past quarter aiod n oceti hoe or voinz of f to play golf or As I see it, the requirements today M. Emerson. .. Mrs. Jas. William- Paint. and only Paint can heln the are men women and children contmn- century, Mrs. Richard Winacott asopa4n 'éns or to visit friends. are pretty much as they have always son and Mrs. L. Joblin with Mrs. pedestrian to distinguish betw'een ually filhin sandbags, and more and Pr odsuh saa asc In the old days if one did not say b>een - this in respect of individuals Herb McGill and Mrs. Bella Johns. moving obits, and dead ends. more sand is being carted fomto rest Sept. 30th, at her home his prayers night and or inorning, in regard to the manner oQf their . . Mr. and Mrs. S. Malcolm and White paint is a bolon and a bless- everywhere to everywhere. London in her 64th year after a lengthy or read his Bible faithfully, one was life. Thus, when a young man comes family with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mal- inz to thousands who must he on the is a veritable fortress of sand: one illness. thought to be a child of Siatan. Say- to me for counsel, I urge him to be colm, Yelverton. . . Mr. and Mrs. roads - especially to those who have wonders how such quantities can be Born in Brighton, Annie Mabel inz grace before meals wvas almost virtupus, to be industrious,» to be K. Samells with Mr. and Mrs. J. to wander at mgRht. iThis is one timie remnoved from seaside and quarry. Davis, a resident of Hampton for universal Dractice. and çontinues to Patient, to speak the truth, to abstain Henderson, ,Janetville, Mr. Robt. when, in order to be identified, peo- without makingz any noti&eable dif- somne time, she married her hus- be common qwractice. Yet tis orac- from dishonorable practices, to keep Campbell with Mr. and Mrs. L. ffle must design their own muode ofj ference to either. Yet. there it is and band in 1876. tice will tend to die faith with his fellow-men, toegirard Joblmn. .. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Mal- decoration. Women wear white glov- it does look so p)roteçtive and friend- Surviving her are her husband, Fifty years ago, if one looked upon himself from the perils of alcohol, colmn. Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. es, white buttonholes, and paper ly. Soon willhns hands will alter the Richard Winacott; two daughters, 1 @w "higzher criticism" with tolerance or to live cleanly and to think cleanly, F., Malcolm. . . Miss Nora Porteous streamers trailing to the ground be- appearance oi rnany a well, known Mrs. Maxwell Smith, M a p 1 e favour, one was thought to ble an to be altruistic. to help oth ri ee with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous. hind. Etceteras all assume a special haunt, by building and builing and Grove, and Mrs. Hubert Dervent, atheist. or tending toward beinon ofhl.BtIdntureimo.• Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, ,Mr. and significance in London's Blackout. building huge castles in the air. Close Oshawa; five sons, Bertram and . Fiftyvasaotewr "sex,, 's abstain from swearing, or to go to Mrs. F. Wilson and families with and often a touch of comedy is ex- un against thie front of mQuuments, Nelson, Oshawa, Evert, Bowman- •ARg.n n tyyners oao ths word wlas church. or to abstain froii alcoholic friends in Oshawa. . . Mr.~ Edgar hibited in the choice of individual bandstands and fountains, will rise ville, Melrose and Arthur at wife of James H. Shortridge. The stock: Mr. M ey whainsped.Toayi thes word is asd. beverages. I do urge him to build Emerson, Valentia, with Mfr. and trimmings. Cigarettes and pipes are protective husks of sand, precious in home; three sisters, Mrs. R. T. f uneral. which was largely attended. Ms .Y nesl Dinloe as sth e word food. up a Sound chiaracter. I urge him to Mrs. M. Emerson. .. Mr. and Mr.,. frilled with white Paper reflectors, their ability to save all that fis good, Glide and Mrs. Jack Smith, Osh- took place from Burketon United The late Mrsi hrrdg a ie iorce ai s, ahokin idac5ear retain his self-respect and the con.. Frank Harris, Port Perry, with her and umbrellas are hungf with festoons from what is bad. Never may we awa, Mrs. R. Drew, Lindsay; and Church on Monday afternoon, after most of her lf nti irc x ago:y toda ts a ombinonsplace fidence and esteem of others. brother, Mr. Wilmer Fitze. of frinire all the way fromn handle disdain the grain of sandi one brother, Albert Baxter, Osh- a private service at the house for cent for a few er pn et FitW er g ab.n ocle I recognize that my urgements do Mr. John Nesbitt is in Darling- to ferrule. Men's hats have large Plaster Technique awa. immediate relatives, to Bethesda ern Canada. wsin tookel upon as ing a mior ofnot go far enough - this ist the ton picking apples. white shafo daisies or chrysanthe- I . I ea la f defeFnrlsriewshldTe-Cmtr. Sn adduhesocay beuiu lrltiue sm tda gmliginsote nefopinion of Preachers and others! Mr. Vertyl McMullen is busy mums back and front, anad trouser ainsthaisreat p aemtne ence day, with Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, Mrs. Shortridge present were Mrs. testify to the oead semo its many forms, is farmliar practice. having strongzly reliious views. But building a piece to Mr. Wilmer legs have long white strines. Even againti ratk, we mustenotmi Albert Street United Church, con- Brayley of Toronto: Cecil of Wind- her family andmnfins Thus.brimen fod on e erywh ereI have to say that I am not ve yFitze's barn. horses, dogs and cats are riven their to entaion preaizon hatareing ducting the service. Five sons and sor: Lou of Oshawa:, Mrs. BIgRht of layk brdgpor ony;asbeing is notstrong on relig iousness or on denom- coat of Paint, and some of the more ten Rag.ainspte amagefro s onr one son-in-law, H. Dervent, were Brooklin, and Mrs. House. Burke- snoul bu or ta sweepnta e ce ntonal creeds and practices, whic bot'stahinhame 0whhttble osttle e*rvr ii arists trace eularsorsand offces n te cty aretmae pall bearers.Centey.nt was ton. Unble to be P sent were r • home flowesr hec different, from the ethical or moral Presbyterian as were my Scots for- Is it possible that Hitler went funis hn ose h raue rom the street to the second or third Mrs.Jae H. Shortridge Sask' dise of tehmls oe point of view, from guessing the bears. to the front, thinking that he regard each other with suspicion and floor, while casments and dormerss.aea•Gur wlltedo ofy r number of beans in a iar in the hole G K would be safer in the company of smiff around before claiminiz even a in (Private houses and flats are plas- The death occurred at her homne Besides her husband and family. lips that no ucat od et of winningz a prize It is very hard indeed to seýe where his general than by remaining passingz acquaintance- tered and cellophaned all over, to in Burketon after a long illness, early she leaves to mourn her loss, three or story, or sadro utn e JCKthe world is going in respect of its home and facing his people? - Valuable Service Given By Blind sneet the emergncy. Some of the Friday morning, Sept. 29th, in her brothers and one sister. Joseph Avery marks, no irrvrn rutuh . J CtretsmeisK .*Ou ways of thinkingz and goin. We Chatham News. Never till now. have the blind en .fantastic original designs are most|77th year, of Mary Elizabeth Avery, of Burketon:, Henry Avery,, Wood-, ful statementsalpasot Whatinteests meis his:ourare living in strange times. We see views and practices change with the nations which were once Christian times. and not necessarily for the oustinz Christianity. We see many wos.Time was when so-called good Christian people becoming toi- Christ burned to death and ter- erant toward other religions. .We see tured *,se who held different reliR- a decline in missionary enthusiasm. ious views. Undoubtedly many of We see the Christian Church in Bri- the views and practices of Christian tain. Canada and the United -States men and women of fifty years agzo losing gRround. We see Young. People OS JaG were over-rigid, if not worse. In the gyrowing un ivithout reliious Fdca- G Past 50 years we have moved toward tion and unrestrained by re gious0) tice, with gain rather than with any notable .decline in the belief that loss.. there is a* Supreme Being, maker D14 Yet the fundamental virtues re- of the heavens and the earth. We do not see any notable discrediting of the precepts of The Ten Command- Free. Parking Phone,:e lip lu K1-l11 Thurtiv.ti-s.Pri.ose-a Sat.e OCT. 5 .. 7eaerbrtait, ines nthswrd "N SEH A I l rell"ea .ivda at L ASE G Added -.WaorlusDisneyduCartoone Fh r rid yat1 .45 pa.m. c fu cn'ieou ief " Or Daughters"at iel, ihtoul, c-: Dors en adt 1205Ca.l Vstr:M.adMs lrnegetDderptto ilc "Honeymoon inc Aud aali"l AL'LANkMole JONEthSwek MOday a 1-45puesdaysen opia, oono Wednes. - ThursdayhprfvurfhG AS A EAi te in w The Show of Show$suho.Ms loec adnr ln Glorious Technicolor Ohwwt r n rB .CMAETEPIEWT H EYLWS RCDCR ",The Wizard of Oz"Mran r.DvHopOoj. with ..M.'n r.F .Ba n JUDY GARLAND fml ihhrprns r n FRANK MORGAN r.. ilcap nigt. BAY B0 ýER - BERT LAHB rs.lmsDde ihM.W JACK MAET. beOshawa, wMand Mrs, . W F.C AL GIW adineric . eMr. andayMr Robt.5 ote&DSooDalrKngSret omav PAGE THREE *URSDAY, OCTOBER"5STH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,.BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO