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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1939, p. 4

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THURSDMAY, OCTOBER STH, 39 THE CAAIATN STATFStXMN. OUIUAN.VIL. ONTARIOl flAr,1p 'Rt)TTP Maple Grove Recent Vishors: Miss. Madeline Metcalf witb Mrs. Frost, Oshawa. ..Mr. Bert Montgomery. IaLn, Don- na Montgomery, Port Perry. with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman.. Miss Annabelle Baird with ber mother at Port Perry. .. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie White and family, Osh- awa, witb Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Stev- ens. . . Mrs. Stevens. Toronto. Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Town, with Mrs. Roy Metcalf... Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens with their daughter. Mrs. Ray Snowden. Toronto.. . Mr. andl Mrs. Bert ColwelI. son Teddy, Town, with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foey...- Mr. Fred Wright, Mr. Fred Secret with Niazara friends. . . Ur. Sain Castle. Toronto, at Mrs. L. C. Snow- den's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Dennis, Pick- ard, Mary. Gary, with Mr, and Mrs. Morlev Flintoif, Columbus.. . Mrs. John Sanders. Miss HekzW Hynds, A Word To Knitters Have you seen the new 2-piy novelty yarn Star - Gl 2 oz. Sicein - - 35e Amazlngly popular, lncredibiy light, and dellghtfully smart. Thse biggest seillng wooi of Its klnd on the market. Sec it i our window. Speciai 3 Piy MRIS ANDALUSIAN 18c bail. PRICES HAVE ALREADY GONE UP ON 8011E LINES Thse foliowing yarns are atili at thse regular prices. Buy -your wooi for winter knit- tlng now and. gave. Monarch 1 oz. bal Dove........15e Bracelde 1 oz. bal Yarn.......... 10e Monarcis 1 oz. skeln Crepe de laine . 25e Frenchs 1 oz. bail Baby WooI .... 25C ALL 1939 WALLPAPERS AT 25% DISCOUNT iohnston's Book Store Phone 651 Bowmanvile Sunday, - -1 Wedlnesday- Prtiday- - - Town. with Mn. andl Mrs. W. J. Snawden... Mr. andl Mrs. Zoy Met- caîf, Glenn, Ross MetcalIV4M~rs. John Metcalf with Mrs. A. Trenouth of Haniptan. Mn. andl Miss Edgerton, Hunts- ville. are looking aften things for Mr. Iii andl Miss Minnie Hoaey, who are viiting fiseir sister at Novar, Congratulations ta Mr. andl Mrs. Nanman Burgçss (nee Kathleen CIe- usents, Toronto:) on thein niarriage. We we.conie Mns. Burges....ta aur comnimfity. Mr. andl Mrs. R. L. Worden witb Mns. Ed. Wilkins. Oshawa. Zion Weent Visitors: Mr. andl Mrs. Anson Balson and dAaughters at Mn. Victor Parkins', Kinsale. . . Miss Ruth Hansen. Trenton, at Mr. John Cruickshank's. .. Mr. andl Mrs. R. Perkins andl Margaret at Mr. Archie McGinnis', Cannington. , . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton andl faniily, Mrs. Jas. Stainton at Mrs. J. Stain- ton's, Oshawa. .. Mr. andl Mrs. Wes Canieran, ack andl Joyce at Mr. Del- bert Flintoff's. Kedron. .. Mr. andl Mrs. J. W. Balson andl Jean, Mrs. J. MacNab andl Audrey at Mr. Les- lie Hoskin's. Thorntan's Corners.. Mr. andl Mrs. AAolpb Knopsle, To- ronto, at Mr. Hans Geisberger's. Miss Kathleen Canieron entertain- ed the C.G.I.T. gzirls at ber liome on Saturday. Mr. J. W. McMaster is in the East General Hospital. Toronta. Courtice The first faîl meeting o! Uic Wome's Association was beld Sept. 28Ui at Mrs. Joseph Gear- ing' S. Sunbeam Mission Band met on Sept. 29th at Uic school bouse with Uic Urce leaders present, Mrs. C. Pcu!ound, Mrs. L. Courtice sud Miss Aun Wilkins. Rcadings wcre given by Misses Jean MacKay, Joan Antil, Joyce Lowe sud Ella Nemnis; study book was taken by Miss Wilkins for the juniors sud by Mrs* Courtice for Uic seniors. Local improvements include: a new building at Neil Drummoud's home sloug side Uic bighway; re-shingling o! George Welsh's bouse; a new spaciaus heu bouse on L. Fishcr's property; improve- ments ta buildings at R. Saits' sud J. Wiggau's homes, sud Uic corn- pletian of Uic addition ta J. Ga- bourey's bouse. A man bas becu givçu Uirty dalys in jail for buying a dog with a cheque for wbicb there wcre no funds. He probably tbiuks the law is bouudiug hîm. - Toronto Star. October 15 Sunday -- October 22 October 18 Tuesday-- October 24 Wednesday- October 25 October 20 1Friday - - October 27 If you enjoy good music and thse Ol! Fashioned Gospel, you should attend these meetings. Sunday Services: 2.30 & 7.30 p.m. - Week Nights: 8 p.m. EVANGELIST C. A. HARRIS ln charge.J AIin's For Quality Groceries 'At Reasonable Prîces 12. Varleties Heioz Junior Food.......... 2 tins 23c wSLADKTU Brown Label - - '/ lb. 34e - lb. 68c Yellow Label - - - - 1'/zlb. 32C Cream of Bailey.............. pkg. 25e Rolled Oeas.......5 Ibe. 25c Apple$s..................... peck 20c SwIft' - large aise Frankfurts, super-tençier,....... lb. 23e Mlncemeet .......... 28 oz carton 25c VWk Minceeet .a................ 2 lbs.. 25e Five Rosent' Roblnhood, xxx Quaker and Cyrus Flour stocked in 98 lb. bags Preh Fruit includes a large quantity. of grapes. O7uters now iseason. -Try FIsh On Frlday - taHARRY ALLIN . oCEoR pPhone Y Bowmanvllle Enfield Recent Visitors: Mr. andl Mrs. M. Scarlet. Toronto, at Mr. Wallace Pascoe's. .. Mr. Carl Ferguson and Miss A. Bottreil, Bowmanville, at Mrs. Aif. Prescott's. . - Mr. Frank McCullough and Mrs. J. McCul- lough. Pontypool, at Mrs. Stinson's. ...Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCullocb. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc- Culloch, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Green, Toronto, Ella Tanibin, Orono. at Mrs. John McCulloch's. ...Mrs. L. C. Pascoc visited in Toronto. Blackstock Recent Visitors: Miss Florence McLaugblin, Toronto, wîth Mr. andi Mrs. J. R. McLau.ghlin. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn and family, Bethany, with Mr. and Mrs. James ....... Mr. and Mrs. Nç,;man Woodley. Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Van Camp... Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Vincent, Toronto, Mrs. Robt. Archer with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smiith. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp and Glenn and Miss Clara Marlow with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Heaslip, Janetville. .. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally andl Verna, Coiborne, with Mr. and Mrs. joseph Farder andl ather friends. .. Mrs. E. P. Wood in Toronto vith f riends.. Laverne Devitt. Murray Byers, jack Van Canip andl Lawrence Mountjoy motored ta Picton ta visit Ralph Van Canmp. .. Mr. andl Mrs. Mer- vin Grahami. Roy andl Grace with relatives at Fenelon Falls. . . Mrs. Cecil Hyde and Patsy are naW stay- ing with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argzue. Mr. Hyde havingz en- listed. W. A. of United Church met at the home of Mrs. Leith Byers on TuesdaY everning. Sanie of the menibers of St. John's Angzlican Church attended the Dean- erv meeting in Betbany. Victorian Wonien's Institute met at Mrs. Rupert Byers' on Thursday afternoon. Rev. D. M. Stinsan spoke an gzeneral topics of interest. A cuiltinz bee was held in corn- munitv hall an Friday afternoon when two cjuilts were quilted for St. John's Angzlican Church bale. A social tume was enjoyed andl lunch served. Mr. Georgre Crawford andl helpers have been occupied in tearingr down the Albert ligoev bouse on Cburch Street. Scholars and staff of High Schaol enioyed a picnic andl field day Friday afternoon at the Cream. of Barlev Canip in Bownianville. The highest nuniber of points were obtained as follows: Junior irls, Evelyn Philip - Senior gzirls. Madeline Marlow: Jun- ior boys, Ronald Archer; Senior boys, Harvey Malcolmi. Annual Past Masters Night was celebrated in the L.O.L. 133 roomn on Mondav eveningz with a number of lodgzes represented.' Salem Sunday visitors werc Mr. aud Mrs. Ewart Pollard and babe, To- routa, with Mr. aud Mrs. C. Pal- lard. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Cator and son, Mrs. H. Hobbs, son and daugbtcr. Toronto, wiUi Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator. .. Miss Symons, Town, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Symons. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Mof- fat, Orono, wiUi Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squair. "The_Framne Work of Life's Building" was Uic subjcct of Rev. A. W. March's fine discourse ou Sunday. The sacrameut was ad- mnistcrcd. Service uext Sunday will be witbdrawu owlng ta Thank-Offcring services at Hay- don. Y.P.U. rcopencd Sept. 27th wiUi thc Presideut conducting Uic op- cning exercises. Prayer by Rev. Marcb. A short program was prepared by Miss M. Coilacott, social Vicc, and causistcd of a violin solo by Mr. W. Taylor; a reading, Mr. E. Doidgc; moutb- organ music, Mr. B. Darch. Rev. Marcb was chairman and took charge of progrsm and social bal! hour o! games that followed. Lunch of weincrs aud coffce was served. Salem Cburcb was broken to Tucsday night of last weck, no- thiug seemed dlsturbed on Uic inside but a wlndow saab aud glass were anashed ta gain ad- mittance, supposedly ta spend the' night. A window was broken iun Uic' school bouse Uic same nlghti aud some penis asu d pens stoien.1 Salem frienda were shocke d 1 Gladys Yellowlees at Mr. Gardoni Davis'. Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. L.i Hogarth, Mrs. Elmer Turpin and i Barbara, Harmony. Mrs. Harold1 ThoniPsan and Miss Mariqu, Mr. Tom Long, Scarboro, at Miss 'Mary9 Hogarth's. . . Mr. andl Mrs. Charles1 McKinnon. Miss Lucille McKCinnon( and Mr. Ryan, Erie, Penn.. Miss H.1 Penfound, Oshawa, at Mr. W. T. I Baker's.-. . Mrs. Wayling.MM. and Mrs. Leslie Goodal and Sftnley,1 Mrs. Dwyer, Toronto. at %&?Liarry Tavlor's. Mrs. J. T. Rundie isistill confined ta the couch. Among ber many cal-1- ers were Mr. Roy Penfound, Lindl- say. and Mrs. Squair, Bowmanville.i Rallv Day service was qbserved Sundav afternoon with a goodly puni-1 ber present. The churcb was very1 attractive with cut flowers and1 plants. Mr. E.' R. Taylor, Supt, pre-1 sided. Misses Helen Langmnaid, jean9 Ferguson and Muriel Smith read the bible lesson. Miss Lena Taylor f av- oured with a vocal solo: Miss Fanny Smales gave the story, andl recit- ations were given by Misses Hazel Crydernian and Evelyn Taylor. Rev. W. Rackharn gave a good talk fol- lowiniz the theme of the rally ser- vice "The Sunday School Mo*s Forward." Hampton Horticultural Society9 met at the home of Mrs. R. J. Mc- Kessock with Mrs. John Kiv-çlj pre-1 sidiniz. After the routine business1 Mrs. John Baker read a paper on "Caire of Bulbs for Faîl andl Win- ter andl Planting aof Sainie." Miss Pearl Leach sang a solo "Cathedral in the Pines" andl Miss Jean Leach favored with a piano solo:.bars. Roy Langmaid gave a readinçr "Thse Toucb of the Master's HanA." Next meeting at Mr. John Baker's, Thursday ev- ening, Oct. l9th. Opening meeting of YQung Pea- ple's Society was helAl Monday ev- ening with President Miss Ileen Balson presiding. Plans were an- nounced for the winter's progranis andl an attendance contest will be belAl. Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees ha% charge of the program. Harv ey Yel- lowlees gave the Aevotional story andl W. R. Westlake gave an account of bis trip ta Ottawa andl visit ta the Parlianient Buildings. Miss Kathleen Baker led in cammunity singing. Games were nlayed after which ice cream. cake andl coffee were served andl nucb enioyed. Mrs. Carl Wilbur, Taunton, Mns. Elmer Wilbur. Hampton, Mrs. L. C. Snowden visited Mrs. Thos. Baker last Thursdav afternoon anAl belped celebrate*ber 83rd birthdav. Starkville Recent Visitors: Mn. andl Mrs. B. Chapman, Mrs. Garfield Patti, To- routa, at Mr. andl Mrs. Jacob Hal- lowell's. .. Mrs. Thomias Falls vis- ited in Whitby. .'. Mrs. McMullen andl daughters, Bownianville, with the Saverv family.. Mr. andl Mrs. Gardon HalloWell, Mt. Forest, with Mr. andl Mrs. Richard Hallo.well.. Mfr. andl Mns. Warren Carson and i f amilv in Port Hope. .. Miss Nelliei Sbutka witb Miss Hazel Falls., Mr. and Mrs. H. Barrowcfaugh, Wesleyville, at Mrs. John McKay's. Mr. Etwell bas been sufferinig witb a sare baud. Mr. Victor Farrow has purchased a car. People are expecting ta soon turn on their electnic ligts. RED CROSS (Continu.d from page 1) tables, lamps, a stave sud many ather items will be uecdcd. Over 50 ladies significd their intention o! joining the saciety sud 36 paid their membership fees o! $1.00 for Uic ycar and be- came members in gaad standing. It was pointcd out Uiat it is not neccssary ta be a member in order ta assist lu Uic Red Cross work. Ail persons in Uiecocmmunity arc pncouraged ta engage lu the wamk wbether Uiey bave paid their membemship fees or not. The roorns will be open within a few days when any person wishing ta jolu may do so. Work which Uic soclcty wiil be doing is not plsnncd as yet, but will probably include raising funds, kuitting, wapping band- ages sud other duties as time goes ou. The main tising Uic ladies wish ta do at present is ta be- corne weil organizcd 50 that when thc need becomes more urgent, they wlll be prepared ta function irnmedlately. Theme is also a great dcal o! work ta be doue at -the present Urne. It was interesting ta note that mauy o t the ladies et Uic meeting sud Uo who oëëtned rnosti lu terestedf'were those wiso had, as- slsted dùrlng tise Great War >nd realized Uic assistance wblcis wo- men of a communlty can rerider durlng a. perlod o! emergepey. Miss Plora M. Galbraith, 1fr.. M. M. Gerry and Miss Ethel Morris were three o! these ladies present. They did considerable prcllusin- ary work in orgauizing for thse meeting. TOWN COUNCIL <Contlnu.d from page 1) if it were made lu American Solina Funds, wbich at tise moment are at a prnium o! about 10%. 1Council endorsed a resolution Recent Visitons: Messrs F. C. andl !rom Uic Ontario Municipal Eiec- C. E. Shortridge visited St Columi- trical Association wisich suggeste bus. . . Mn. Gea. Hogarth, B.A., bas that Uic Dominion Govemument returned ta Toronto, aften spesjding assume ail costs for guarding the sumnier with is sistens. Miss public utilities lu Uic Province. Mary Hogarth andl Mrs. R. Pascoe. The Canadian Legion was given ..Mn. andl Mns. Walten Bray, Pic- permission toisolAl a Poppy Tag kcrnig. Mn. andl Mns. Nanman Gra- Day in Bowmsuvilllon Satu*$ay'l hami, Claremont, Mn. Robt. Leask, November li, Remembrnce Prince Albent. Sask.. at Mnr. A. L. Day. Council will aiso pure ase Pascoe's. .. Mrs. Walten Langnisid, a suitable wrcath for Uiec cêo- Misses Florence, Vida andl Sybil tapis. Launisid, Oshawa, Mrs. Chas. Lang- Finance Committe report show- nisid. Mn. andl Mrs. Roy MçGill andl cd that accaunts tatalling $l,218.- Keitb. Enniskillen, at Mn. Roy Lang- 31 issd came lu for Uic past mqnUi maid's.. . Mrs. Edgan Pascoe of sud Uic repart was reccived sud Tbonnton's Corners, Mrs. W. L. adopted. Pierson andl Miss Eleanor, Mn. andl Mr. J. H. H. Jury will be e- Mns, Eveiçett Elliott, Mary andl Ban- questcd ta have tise sismubs trlrn- bara, Oshawa, at Mns. R. J. Me- mcd at Uic corner o! Temperauce Kessock's. . . Mn. Don Quick, Bow- sud Wellington Sta. as Uiey block manville, at Mn. Jack Baken's.. . Uic vision of motamists. As this Mn. andl Mns. Raîpli Davis andl Miss corner is anc used extensively by EXPECTED WAR <Continued from page 1) neyer beard sucb quaint, alluring lauguage as Uiat o! Uic Highland- ers. The Cockneys o! London, toa, wcre captivating - although it took me more Uian a week ta get used ta their staccato word- style. QUier dialctcs secmed easy by comparison," Miss Goddard added. "The ailway coaches, I Uiougbt, were peculiar; equipped with aide door compartrnents. And Uic train schedules! Whee-ew! Just a monstrous puzzle o! movemeut sud sound that travelled over multiple tracks ceaselcssly, day sud night..1 'II saw Uic !irst o! the children's evacuation !rom Landau - amaz- lugly wcll ordered, that was -. and watched Uic buge drum-top- ped motor trucks that rcleased cable-controlled barrage balloons up from city streets lu air-raid drill. "Englisis bouses, also, were a surprise ta me. Most a! Uiem are without cellars; have tremendous- ly wide windows, with fireplaces cvcrywbcrc, sud bathtubs big enaugh ta do a crswl-stroke in,'t Evelyn laughed. III seemed froz- en most o! Uic time - - thought I'd neyer get used ta Uic mild but chilly weatber. Evcrybody bad lots o! water - I uudcrstand Uic plumbing is excellent. Hlowcver, if anc asks for s glassful, Uic question at once asked is "'Hot or cold, mum?" Iced drinks arc rarcly hcsrd of; wbilecocffee - strangely - I !ound ta be Uic com- Pumpkin Pies F20 'Varletles of 'ookies Dozen I 20c IMince Pies 25c E, Çream Puffs Chocolate Eclairs Cherry Cream Tarts Annie Laurle or Nelson's Chocolates 8- Varieties 50c Lb. children gaing ta and from school, council felt that the high shrubs altbaugh attractive, praved a de- finite menace ta public safety. Lewis Lyle, son of former Fire Chief George Lyle, was appaiutcd ta Uhc regular fire brigade. It was discloscd that he has been acting as fireman since bis father was injured a year aga. Councillor J. Hl. Abernetby on behalf of the Property Committee recomxnended that street lights'on King Street east from Division Sts. be adjusteid sa Uiey would nat be hiddcn by trees. It was alsa suggcstcd that the light at thc corner of Odeil ajpd Scugag Sts. be moved sa as ta give more light gaing north from Odell. A further suggestion rccommended Uiat sîl shades sud bulbs be dlean- cd and that new bulbs be installcd on outlying streets. The report will be referred ta Uic Public Utilities Commission. General Accident Assurance Company reportcd Uiat names of new firemen aud substitutes have been addcd ta Uic list of those protected by Uic policy. The extra premium amounted ta $6.64 for thc balance of thc term. Reeve G. A. Edmondstone and Councillor W. J. Challis werc thc only members absent. A special meeting will, be held ta pass a bylaw in connection wiUi road rebates from Uic Counties Council. COWLING SELLS THE BST And Serves You Well When we test your eyes yOU are assurd entire satisfaction in quality, fit and price. Dodd's, pinkham'tS1 30 1FIellow's PIS omp. Modess syrup 33C 87e 49c 87e Speclal Prices PDSCOTI.dYsw4w mon beverage. Tea? you ask. Why Uiat is servod ouly before breakfast, andý again in mid- aftcrnoon; bardly ever during rcgular mcaltimes.. "Perbaps, the greatest surprise was thc wonderful menus. An evcuing dinuer consistcd usually o! seven courses, including melon, soup, fisb, steak or chop with a small vegctable side or maybe an egg <wbich, o! course, was con- sidcred but incidental). Then roast - called a joint - witb full complemeut o! vegetables <seas- onal), marrow, cabbage, potatoes, peas, etc. After this, swcets, trif le, pudding, custard wiUi crcam. Oh yes! lu England pic is callcd tart, but tart is not pic. I neyer miss- ed a meal aIl Uic Urne I was away; that's why I gained s0 much lu weight. The food was 80 deicious. Cheese, biscuits, fruits raw), pears, apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, aud demi-tasse completed Uic dinuer. "Central heating, and modern refrigeration, was a Wow!" said Evelyn. III was sbown anc o! the up-to-date rural (?) homes - some 14 miles from Landau, wberc Uic population was as thick as King Street iu Bowmanville - and tbe tes service was carted lu !rom the garage. (Imagine it! They kcpt Uic refrigerator in the garage, outaide). "News thestres are most papu- lar, wi shows made up o! spot news - war scenes sud sparts thc world over - - an hour and a hal! for a shilling <24 cents). The big theatres serve tes and cakes right on your lap, during pro- grams. These are known as feat- ure bouses only. «'Did I try ou a gas mask? you ask. I certainly did, and didn't like it much. It took several hours practice before I could wcar anc coni!ortably. Tbey are given out free, by the Govcrnmcnt. But I le!t mine bèhind, as I felt it might cause some anc injury - possibly death - if I carried it away. "'Old Country people first mis- taok me for an American," con- cluded Evelyn, "but once they !ouud I was from Canada, Uicy invariably grew intcrested - nev- er ccased ta wander at Uic great distances we spcak of. And when told that I hadn't scen Uic sca lu years and years, Uiey exclsimed, ,'Wo't not seen thc ses! W'y that's awful - Uink on 'bit? - nat ta look at Uic blinkin' sea! "Truly, Englaud is a wouderful place, but I'd rather live lu Can- ada." MAN DROWNED (Continued from page 1) be had left Uic boat. He hsd re- covered suficiently ta bcad tbe search. Soon Uiey found a jacket wbicb McKinnie hsd left behind whcn he struck out for shore. The pocket was fiiled with sbotgun sheils wbich servcd as an anchar while Uic other side of Uic jacket hall floated ta Uic surface. At 10 a.m. Fred Harran snd SCOTT'S EMULSION 0DIGESTS 1 E S ' 0 JR -4To5 TIMES FASTER STo D LI VER 0 IL TT 'S H N T AN PLAINPLAIN Ï-l COD LIVER OIL m - COINGSOON' NYAL 2 FOR ISALE Ext. malt "'0 " d ive O ÇASHMRERE 1 lb . 47c - 2 lb. 79o .Alphamettes TIS SUE $1.00 - $1.85 - $3.50 C4ulaiy <vrn.edNeo Ohernical Food Softhva Wh A$1.15 - $2.45 700 SHEER ta the roll C 0~ Halibu.t Liver OÙ Caps.8 ra1~,,.9~1 ~ 50 for 59c - 100 for98 13for5OE.u16 oz. Cod Liver .OÙl 49o 50e Toilet Water 15t. Glass BowI 50c Ail Purpose 5 cakes Colgate's Cream 1 Soap Both for -50e Alfor -25e We Guarantee CREOPHOS to stop your oough Or money refunded Large Boftie------- 65P. R. COWLING, Phm. B. wE F'T Gilbert Marlow struck the body Arthur rcleased it for burial. with the long pale they were us- Many from Caesarea took part iong and gradually broûght it to in the search incuding Fred Fray- the surface. er well known fishing guide. Provincial police took charge and brought the body to Caesarea Many aman thinks' chari- where Coroner Dr. J. A. Mac- table because he gives àdvicc. -But You Can Get Fruit Bread Saturday Oly lOc > Finest Quallty Rich Fruit Cake' Deliclous, Layer Cakes Large Varlety 25c - 30cm '40c Nellson's Ice Cream Neapolitan Two Frlavors Arocat 25 c VanÜ4 ' Bric Ptrty ré TE Carter Family, flakera for Twio Generattons Phone 855 Made from Fresh Apples 20C And 25c Tarts Rppw! -cherry -Peach ~Lemon - Butter Bread. ls Good Food And Than Many others Chicken Pie»ý 10c & 25c Free Suekers' One ail-day sucker wiý evory pur- chue. of bak di -". xCept eBreid EVANGELISTIC SERVICES - in the - SONS 0F ENGLAND HALL ................................ THANKSGIVING WILL HITLIR QET TURKEY FOR HIS DINNER NEXT MONDAY We Hope He Wont ýAUE il-uux 100 A.B.A. Tablets 19c 15o Tooth Brushes - goc ]lot Water Bottles 29o ô ydls. Gauze - - 250 lb. Absorbent Cot. 29o 100 A2BSO --9c 83o Noxzexa 59c 10 cakes Catie- 25i 50c West 's Tointh Brvnh --33o 79P F

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