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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1939, p. 6

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considering the sogginess of the TTnTlCPTA Gladys Chapman one in Bowman- Nature'. AulIst fact that fashion changes witb apples EU bail, but his running would stand i,> flJL ville,.___ as with women's hats. The experi- mpoeth h i netcrUt LC LOÜ W Sortr to lose Mr. and Mrs. Bert(ctbr ence in Ample Krowing areas of the for the 100 yard cap to A F uWt (ovedte afarmworld isthat old aiteevnul back into the pack when by head- N A J IMutton from our communt as thev What mad artist, loosed f rom bond- ly Rive place, te new ones. If Oka- ing for the lines lie wculd only AN U LFELD bA ave vetoafr near Bow- NoaRe. nairan orchardists are to niaintain S PR ES have one or two men te, beat? A manville. Nw runs wild the countiryside, their reputation as izrowers cf fine S P O R T N E W ardtostp.An Due te inclerent wahe nMr n Ms E.Aths have Throwinoe paint in wild abandon apples. they must Produce tnew and RqEATRE Bill, ave yu everheardof a Wdnesdy, Sep. 27,the Pulie mved va- the'ersthecenoodvaandsr tefaroandndwide. ad beiterbitar ieties.s v straIgt arm?, Schccl postponed Field Day was cated by Mr. and Mrs. W. White' Neyer thought cf prudent saving, The histcry cf the Delicicus var-BO M N LL - C o eheld successfuliy onl ThtiY8dfy, A terrible rain and wind stcrm Wildly hurling oder wi.de scoPe, iety is ____________________z. Ap Loc l ud ens Lo e los 1atle A little more thought in cailing with the foilowing champions be- accompanied by thunder and iight- Paint. in prodigai profusion, pies do net propagate truc from seed pl" t hep te oucom, in elarlck;Sente rlMedIar t ning. bsd reaing dioff ctFriday Splashingr trees on hilîside siope. se that in order te secure a nimber Incomplete Pass Brings Downfall playsgter help the nd oucem:, oie , decard Sener mG irs, Mar- nci rotinR one large aiezb mih edtetogt osda ilDrtyFuke n nrOn a anvas, re or smeal, ois necessfarv t resrtt buddvaing or ourteraWillason And you aisne a rrnte;S ioBys esadupczone laremaplfNe aebigee ol qa ftescfaypriua aityi hr.-F1 a you pa Wilia. Ad Pd<aclenc Chrtrn ied SeiorBOY, a soth nd f vllaa.Tints and shades and blencis and graftipg. With this in mind. a nir- Osaw Cllgat ad oc- Bowmanvile made it close cannt you Ure your charges se Geo. Dadsn; Intermiedate Raoysay as sot ed o sevile. Onia Sun- tem argeers. s e orde orge bdnmber c tienal Institute drew first blo when they scered twc uncenvert- as te remain eutside? Even now Chas. Fletcher. No charnpionships Scoly on Sunday. everainlSsn- Wth a nrmal brush ncimmli. e theaYlrg ellloer o loded touchdewns in the final five you are the best lineman but you were declared in the y uner day Sho nSna.Svrlcas ihanra rs n al seeciings tDOthe eLIL FEATUREwe in the Lakeshore League when minutes of the contest, but other can stil Impreve. And Elliott, children's classes thu. there Cs participating in the promn. I i pe fMrhh~etmnsvartety. On ane cf these seedlings they cutlasted Bowmanville High than that they ihowed a great hew about deing a little more wasplenty ofcomet1tion and ex-Mrs. Lte ac' Zoprsne nHiseed ofs a wtch-hike rpes, see d i sen tpaksT o ung ot Schoel 14 te il here on Saturday. Jack cf ce-ordination. Oshawa work on the snapping job? Since cemndrigteraesGc.he sugised story in a capable Wemvica oe awie Plie rian e-, hwv n Owspatdoti Playing conditions were far frcm led at the end cf the first quarter yeu are new te the position, you Dadson surprised and pleaseci mannil this a ci.'nah h res ommvercin s al erc atdutinr pefcte forel d ng ie m cen by 2 to 1, added six pints before are partialy forgiven for thse sPectators by breaking am at ail Women's Institute wtl meet Ylo s.lk the gld cf Oairpodued riait cf un i s tpe ad whiler sae ra d iecdn- haîf Urne, scored five peints in high snaps. Of the senior records. Results Thursdav afternoon, prcgram iin nkelos,.like sthets cd fOhe se, roem rit o h igi queity and pr- SeniorhGirl Browns. with ail the wariý_th cf Pagfating riglits were soici te StarflI's ing the fist hall cf the game. final peint in the last quarter However, we do thlnk the teamSeorGh C.G.I.T. met Sept. 25th in S.S. fis-oe Nursery who christened th new ________________while the locals were doing a bit will be in the battle for a title ail 100 Yard Dash - Marjonle Kil- roem in charge cf the Intermediate rstlo erfc y. h .d cf spurting. the way. They must iniprove thein Patrick, Helen Heopen, A u r a Group with Betty Rogers presiding Clrpresmhn. variety "Delicicus" and dis.tributed Oshawa scored their finit point tiing as a team and unless they Prout; 200 Yard Relay, (26 2/5 This progtram was presenteci: read- Tis October. Nature's artist, it in tens cf thousancis ail over the eanly in the game when the Bcw- decide te some seieus pnactising secs.) - Marjerie iLUpatnlck, Hel- ing, Pearl Gibert; portion of Study Running sane, the country side, worid. manville safety men let a kick would be well advised to quit. en Hoepen, Doris Geulah, Helen Book. Dorothy Adamson; Piano And for canvas chose the wgodlands, Suchi varieties as McIntosh, Jona-oe rol in the muci and it bounded If they want to put a little time Large; Standing Broad Jump, (6 sole, Florence Allun; Misses' Marion Stretchiniz it bath far andi wide. than andi Newtown grow to pcrfec- IIIhu E EG A N C out cf teuch behind the lime. The anid work into thein play, they fil in.) - Marorie Iiatlck, Johns, Mariory Allun, Eiieen Wray 628 Crawferd St,Toronto. tien in the Okanagfat Vallev cf Brit- sortck an *dvtantaecfpaont wn a ap Running Bnoad Jump, (12 fi. 6 in.) ports of C.G.I.T. camp atCoubs ies has certain desirable character- A t ~ 'rice midway through the quarter. The team is idle this week, ne- - Helen Hooper, Margaret Nichols, Main icx aorc itca in M.Wanoreatd as hi nteM l etai deely opuahisg Near the end cf the peiod tuflling to the wans the fdleowing Marjenie Kilpatrick; R un nsng solo. and welcomed Mrs. Lackey te the on account cf hardiness. productivý B.H.S. began te settie downi and Saturday. Peterbono Seniors de- High Jump, (3 fi. 9 in.) - Marjonie Ms H iye teddtenihorod fe hieh everyctie ivc reac xelnec DURING OUR put on a cownfield push. Coville feated Lindsay last Satuday as Kilpatick, Doris Goulah, Hielen Mr. .ClyonanddthUIOINALBSWEUrw t o re ndecelnc f h DU I G O R and Morden both gamned yards on did the Juniors. The Bewman- Hooper. funeral of a f rienci in Toront9oon went to the baseanent whert ail tn-f ruit -ti'nfortunately the samae brit-* plunges while Fagan averted pos- ville Juniors played their first Juntermedlate Girls Monday. icycci a social time when the dii fer- tic texture which makes ihis varietv svn.mau A1 ibl diastr b mtncetin angamne in Pont Hope yestenday. 10Y.Ds,(3~ ln Hampton Y.P.U. met Friday witb ent members cf the circuit apet cur attractive te the palate, rentiers it ~ ~ b ayErt F-ai amie ~Oshawa ferward pass. Finaily Dennis Fagan is looking after the ence Chatran, Donothy FalkerMs acdni charge of worship atsbrd.eaiy ucpilet sem uc- *.tdb EW< Bomnil o ls nuhservice. Marlorie Alliai read the Cali Yeuqg Ladies' S.S. Glass teck tures. Furthermcre: it does net keep du.hiVEUCK8PIO Bemavll gtclsee ot Juniors and has a pncmising line- Betty Spencer; 200 Yd. Relay (28 te Worship; Ruby Calwill gave a charge of the Missienari, programf as long as couitibe tiesireti. sty for a placoeent.tha ebeu.Sec)p Feence ChateFrtraon, Betty readinR: bible lesson was read by Sunday mcrning, Mrs. F. Biiiett tak- The Delicicus is an exuptionally- Ad - snatis ecoit ne peint. shaa Pt-pui:fetedtSpe lner,;lltnFengs o De-Garth Perrett; Miss Hatitega gave inz the chair. Misses Ruth Stevenson hantisome apple anti whn caten in In te seentipeniti OhawaAylmen in the finit gamne cf their jump, (6 ft. 4 in.) - D onr o t h y tUic devotional reatiing. and Matilyn anti Myrtle Page gave readings anti its prime. it is just aq gccci as ittTeLean hati it ail thein cwn way. They senies 7-6 . . . Gamne was playeti Faulkner, Florence Clbartran, Bet- Wiicox leti in prayer. Doreen Cri,- a vocal duet by Misses Giadys Brati- looks. *When kept at hiRh tempera- partially blocked a kick anti got in Chathami one week ago and ty Spencer; Running Broad Jump tiermat' took charge of the-Prozram. ey anti Mande Simpson was en- turcs. hawever, this varieti, on' possession cf it, they matie yards a rtse yAlerwtnoyadShlyPig oe. on four ciffenent occasions antid speett yAle ihn (11 f4. 1loin.> - Derothy Faulkner, Phyllis NititeratShlePigeied beccmes overripe. developing a Bewanvlleheletioutwit aword as te outeame . .. SaturdaY Betty Spencer, Florence Chartran; favaureti with a vocal tinet; Miss Mr. anti Mrs. Wesley Oke, Mr. mcay texture &i insipid l favour. ýBigHue ,Bw an two with theou euith game postponeti bi nain . .. Win- Running Higli JumTp (3 fi. i. Jessie Knoex presenteti the topic "Get- anti Mrs. Albert Oke. Mr. anti Mrs. Delicions contains a relatively - imali penalty o w ihtersl ner wiil meet Meaforti for title . . - Lola MarensoFler en ce tmgz the Most Out cf Lufe. "The Walter Oke. Mns. Win, Oke, Mns. amount of aciti which rentiers it that Mason hati to nun an at- Latter teani has not played since Chartra Doratio, Fganon Olti-fashicieti Church" was sJano by Stanley Turner attendeti the i uneral unsuitable for culinary pu=les. tempteti placement out, bemng Royals finished with Nal5anee ... t en or o lgamn a number of girls. Doris Cryderman fM.BnnOkLkpn.__________ tiewneti on the one yard lmne. apa a oigpthr i-SnoBoscnutdacnetoMs.yonOLkpr. Bowmanville fumbleti on the first - 1manwasYasrd piDhe, gi(co2u/ttiseccs.)t play and Oshawa went aven for mg up four nuns in the sixth and 100 YDad Ds 1 es.)-on,______ HaydonP wnmig tally in the eighth to e.DtioGrat uty, Tom convertedt yi7 Coloneti ail-stars . . . Cebourg Cowan; 200 Yd. ely 23scs) ____ The visitons adieti two singles Intermediates defaulteti second Gea. Datison, &nvine Brown, Lec EnnfiskillenHity0f PIOeen anti a placement in the third gamne of senies ta Sundierlanti wha Lehu anti Ken Fletcher; Runrnng _ __Saili In Making Recent Visiters: Mns. Henb. chukken without much opposition now meet Hageriville . . . Alex High Jump (4 ft. 6 in.) - Gea. Dati- Recent Visitors: Mr. anti Mrs. W.SotMissDrhyadHln but they starteti their own down- Calville, Bill Bagneli anti Bob son, Tom Cawan, Geo. Faulkner; E. Sanderson andi family with Mrs (Experimental Farm News) Onono, anti Mr. Arthur Tnewmn,______________ fait in the founth penioti. With Courtice cf Courtice are out with Standing Broati Jump (8 fi. Il in.) Win. .... . Mr. and Mrs. E: The apple is an ancient anti hcn- Bneeklin, with Mn. anti Mrs. Wm. about five minutes te go, the Cobourg Intermediate r ug by - Gea. Dmdson, Geo. Faulkner, Staples, Myrtle, anti Gordon, JaLnet- curable fruit.. AccertianR ta littor- Trewmn. .. Mr. Douglas Fontaine, Collegiate thnew a fenwarti anti squati who open seasan at home Genalti Purdy; Shot Put, (27 ft. ville. at Mn. H. McGii's... Mn j ans it enîginated in the neiglibour- Miss Ruth McNeil, Tarante, with Mo.-T e.-W d Colville intencepteti it anti dasheti on Thanksgiving day ... Laverne 7 in.) - Geo. Datison, GeraltiPr- "Wmn.Wright, with lier sister, Mrs hoti cf Persia which is consitiereti Mn. anti Mrs. A. McNeil. .Mn. 50 yards for a major score. Min- Kinble, who is in the militia sta- dy, Gea. Sellers; Pale Vault (7 ft. j, A. Barrie, Newtonville, anti at- by maaiy anthenities te be the cratile Harry Hanmm, Onville, Marion antiOTd 0-i utes later, Montien went threugh tionet i a Cobounrg, aise out with 6 in.) - Ken. Lemen, Tom Cowan, tended Port Hope Fair... Mn. anti ai the human race. At the present Ruth, Bowmanville, with Mn. anti an a plunge andt tssedt t Mason ta... . . No Word as ta when Tom Bird; Hep, Step anti JumpMr C.W Soc wth isE time there are mwlvforcets of ap- Mrs. C. Garrard. . . Mn. Lloydi TI LCY7~ who went the rest cf the stlty Providence anti Salem will play <32 ft. 2in.) - Gea. Datison, Tom Dr anýW.Sochti M is . ple trees in Turkestan. The fruits Thempsan, King City, Miss Auti yards for a second teuchtiown. the final gaine of series which Cowan, Bll Kilpatrick; Running Souch. .D.adMs B. Fergu- on individual trees Uai these forests rey Thompson, Bew ma nville hR Y A IL lu just failedt tecomplete a fonward udy...We wsteîs neDatisen, Geralti Punty, Tom Cow- tavle, with inientis h. . . Miss are Ssat i ralr e flrewt n.a'iMs .Topo urdy ..Whe ws he as tme ll Hski. roo, r.an M sa ze antid aeirqaiy . . Mrs. Eti Dean, Oneno, Mn.anti cfer their gcal-line. Bawmanville Rayais hadt t post- an. W.l Hoskia.Onn, Mn.anDt Mr There are several species cf ap- Mns. Bruce Montgomery a ndt Oshawa - Centre, Callaghan; pone a game because of nain? lutermediate Boys Burketc>n, at Mr. M. Heard's.. Pies native te, Amenica. says R . C. Jean, Solina, with Mn. anti Mns .........................Insities, Stasinski, Mantininvicli; 100 Yti. Dash - Chas. Fletcher, Miss V. Lloyd. Mn. J. E. Grif fin, Palmer. Supenintendent. Dominioai E. Bradley. . . Mn. Gardon Werry, Mititles, Dean, Varcce; EndisGordonmAlier, Arnoldi Sleep; Re- Weston, with Mns. Mary Gif fin. Experimental Station, Summerianti Wacibridge, with Mn. anti Mns. Snich stunning Dreesea- Fisher, Thursby; Flying Wing, Qarpetbail League lay (25 2/5 secs.) - Chas. Fletcher, Mn. anti Mn. W. Abernethy, Dor- B.C.. but the commercial vanieties L. Ashton. .. Mn. anti Mrs. Atgs- knw ouflwat woorDaniels; Halves, Krantz, Kelemhan, EI.cts Officers And Eric Mcllveen, Gordoen Alier, AI- othy anti Evelena, Mn. anti Mrs. G. are tieniveti mcm Enoiaea.p or Asia- tin Larmer anti family, Burketen, We OW OPIWlt OO Brabin; Quarter, Smith; Spares, .bert Grahami; Running B neo ad Abernethy, Tottenham. ihM.ati tc ancestons. The earlv settlers who with Mr. A. Beech. . . Mn. anti ii~, ~ ~Morrew, Canant, Davies, Bouck- cher, Gordoen Aier, Arncoti Sleep; James Oke, Miss Manlonie Oke, izeti the New Etiglandt States, Benyl, Oshawa, Mns. John Tabb, bkfefa"l stock. Belling ley. Rev. Canon C. R.. Spencer. Bo- Standing Broati Jump <6 ft. 1¾i.) Ciare, Union. Mn. W. Fainheati, bronalit apfIe seetis with them Frcm with Mrs. D. Grahamn. .. Mns. S. now or nlyBowmanville - Centre, Elliett; manville, Elected President - Chas. Fletcher, Donald Wcl.frai., Oshawa, at Mn. Abert Oke's. these seetis several ai the present- G. Nitideny, Jack anti Phyllis, Insde, Cawor, Ca bo ur i;Gordon Aier; Ruiining H ig. hMns.Jh Saniens lias neturneci day North Amenican varieties de- Hampton, Mn. -anti Mns. Hughi Mitties Htcinon Ri kani; The annual meeting cf the Jump (3 ft. 9½% in.) -A rrimo 1id om frein visitiniz Miss Annie-vlpt.Tu.teeii~ e-Ans Enriiskillen, Mrs. Herb. $2.98 t'O $168.951Ends, Graham, MIvee; Flyiflg Deanery Carpetball League was Sleep, Chas. Fletcher, Albert Gra- Triinble, Bownanville. t u don a frm irenNew rka t. amonctMnatisssDrtyadHln Wing, Fgan; Hlves, rown, ol- hed in Nwcastl, Sept.26, whn haLonoleIsuat ti..the has. angaIslnd.itheJot-thnncnonawithonMns.thS.rTre.winw anti SIIOP EARLY ville, Monden; Quarter, Mason; efficens were chosérn anti ichedule Fletcher, Jack Hayes, Albert Gra- Wc emm e nitv. . - thOure naiirs cntNew YocrSetiad .aeond Mountjery..t . Mn.t ___________________ Sp ensR cser. Rew a nonCawm .up. nchani.w Y.P.U. met Wednesday. Devotion- chance seetiina on the Mclntosh Ma!5. Harry Mils, Montreal. mR'e Willamspe. RvMannC . Secr e-Junor Boys ai Period, was Opeaiet i th quiet homesteati in Ontario. Mn. Chas. Garrarti attendeti the Umpire- Wiliams.manville, is presitient; Rev. J. . Straight Race - Bebbie Davidi- music by Mrs. E. Wrigrht, aiter liUcTnta.sgrat ct 136th Battalion reunien at Pont ________________________andisa Pontaea, ic reiy-de it G ardn cteckLlJyd mie which Alice Ashtoni led in prayer; are cambinet in Uic Proper prepor- Hcpe on Saturday. Mtns ody4p atiasrryoB.tBllarde, sectain-Dilin, ac ac Lod a- sciPture reatiing by Blanche Pres- tiens te suit the Englieli paiate. A- Rev. A. W. March gave a splen- Briks nd ouqets c~ues en' Clbs romtha d.5 RlayRac - loy Haaltn; rs. N. Wright favonreti with a Ian on the English market. It is sat- Fname-wank cf Life's Building" ries f heeeueh Ghonrion Wilskoen, JmLvt;tnatWh tr yJanBr;crigi hsvneyi ery p buattidisouthe cmSumay n. "FoWrdesdy 230 . BY NELSON OBONE thooghiccio fth FGardn Wlson, Babby Knox, vocal soie anti Mn. J. A. Werv isfactorv for both dessert and enliai- bst ntetx,"o ois D U H i rlsgovenning the body toak ciesedti iis part with a iittle pocm. ary purposes. Unfortunateli,. how- loveti the wonlti" etc. Th owavil Hg.Sholpae u n hags eule.Girls, 8 andl 9 The remainder ai the Progzram was ever. the Tenathan is subiect ta in- Thank Offering Services Oc- g, 20 iagrThed emavi otalelghschacl petnoages wrn eset Race - Marîe Gibbs, D c ni s in charge of thte social canvener, ternal breaktiown which necessita- teber 8h t23 p.m. by RSu Ni nuurttiisf i febllshef rS etaes wre pCboregetChartrari, Muriel Rogers; Three- Myrtle Page with recitatian by Jean tes exceptir are in harvesting. Davison, Bowmanville; music by dule an Saturtiai anti we s fro St. Peer's Chuir , o rtg legged Race - Betty Clayton anti Crossinan: humorous readingi. Mns. The Newtown cati aiso be uset i vA.E HrinEmiklen;Cor t ..b have hopes of seeing them play, Hoanti-St. Mare' hr', Nt-Rhama Evans, Jackie Clanke anti A. Reid, Haydon: Jean Burr anti ion bath f neil censumption antie.A .HrinEnsiln shotacf s spiretpeyearni ascastle,anGS.c o n's Church, w-Marlee Gibbs, Doris Chartrati anti Helen Gordion: guitar music b, ,Al- cookiaig.Furthermore. it lbas a long musac by Tyrone Chair.SRNG EV R fhorotllA s a l tetamdasatt Jh' Cuc Phillis Richardison. ian Wearn anti FredStaqr;oaostaele.H eeriti.ntn as usual, the team shaweti a lot Bewmnanville.SarL;caosoaelf.Hwvr ti.nta cf ability if it is breught eut. Mn. Ballrt presenteti the 'sec- Primary solo by Eunice Knap>p anti vocal exceptionaiiv heavy bearer. There are men who are mest To Dpe, icerCrmberetary's report ccvering the wark Running Races - Girls, 5 yrs. - duet bix Alice Ashton anti John Sie- Thus, there is room ion improve- scrupulous in tiebts of hanar, but Tom epew Ticer Corabecf the past year, which was fav- Mamaon Dippel, Patsy L a i b; mon. Rev. W. Rackham, Hamipton, ment in eacb of the important coin- who awe for evenything else. Lou Wiseman, Kimble, anti a few orabli, neceiveti. The treasurer's Boys, 5 yrs. - Jackie Bond, Robent gave a ver, inspiinig atdress te the mercial varieties. With this iact in _________________________________ -' othens are missing from the 1938 repent was aise gîven anti reveal- Bickle; Girls, .6 yrs. - Donothy vouniz People in bis ffleasing mati- mind. an aeppe breeding vreject was team anti thein loss is feit. Haw- ed a splendid financial condition. Clarke, Margaret Dustan; Boys, tien. Contests anti musical gaines were starteti at thte Sunpmerland Station _________________________________ ever, thene are stil sevenal ex- The 1939-40 schetiule falows: 6 yrs. - Ross Jeffrey, R c n a 1 di eaioYed witb Miss Grace Trewan, in 1925. Hanti - poilenized crosses phey intsow on evenday 10-Bowmanvilc at St. John's, Sutits, Betty Hoopen; Beys, 7 yns. ber werc oresent. getl, nui-ew seetilingzs combiningz desirable thydtnt hwi m auta. Pont Hope. - Bil Raenigk, Haroldi Knight. A circuit concert was helti Friday characters of some of our commer- D Y C E NN F 24-St.Mar's Pot Hpeaiartists taking Part: orchestra bv Over a thusand sectlings have new - that t oame hong eti truatitve ...:csl t aor. . Harnpton ecigi u hrl ibteeca aite ihu hi eet.COATS - DRESSE to pra. tisetotd: an thn kl yhtave Necste Bunketon anti Enfielti; vocal sole by reacheti bearing age. Svrlo te Pnactise t Weth oideth t November- Mns. N. Wright: vocal duets by ).nr. these are sufficiently promising te S tradition. Anti it is mot calld 1 t. John's, Port Hope, at Recent Visitens: Mrs. Jas. Burnis Bawman anti Miss BesÉr- Pascce, iustif y f uther trial. If cniy one of75 Luxu y Co t prctic *whn yo kic a hll Nwcasle.with relatives in Oshawa. .. Ms. anti Miss Alice Ashton anti Mn. Johin these sectiingi Possesses chargçteris-75 a o Laviah With Fur .twice, thnew it your nearest 24-CBomnvilat Bo.wmai sLe AdataisTornt,: Burke-ss- thiiesienel A neiglibon anti then head for athen Port Hope. ti.. r W ndM Aas:Qatet b urk motantcmeca aiutyibis anr r laigC.Ld The dndyonthoghtpoints. Rugby is a real gaine antidePor He.T PrttoTootn t ane irls anti public school chenus prolect will have been fuIllius id Te ddyu-huh hnplayeti ight is thriling t eebe-T Mret oono thme. vr usnoo:vQi sl y Gowr a ay- awa anrDy yon couldn 't afford. - AMl watch. To play it well, everiy -BmanifeatCboMgris.lseHaWteamllmaliUxc Bneon s e: vQitin i e Gresi sai,"We l, reatiav onteta ut oodnt.12-Newcastle at St. John's, bridge. .. Mn.. M., E.Thomson, aisse Pa Co ae: reciain h, ewvaieie be wearcd9hv Miss Jeansyls, CrossiornHpe.Toono,: readinE.Stves's bi, more apples titan we cati aeli to ati- Poe49. W a o n e lu ondrfl syls, ea ti- ahe ut e a mst o dnte. on op.Taoto it n.E Seen Mrs. Prescctt anti Mrs. F. Werry. vantage." The answcr lies ini thc fnUv ytalored.. You'U1 love hr utb onkolde 12-St. Mark's.,Part Hope, at Mrs. C.-Johans with Mr. and- rs ow ooa9tsf pars of service la your assurance advensity exacts it."--Seneca. reaiy-to-eat cereal. It supplies oi 'work wefl dons at fair prices. "He who is faithful even a few the "bulk" you need Plus Vitamiti Store HOUs-S ILE t 10 PZ 38 SIMCOE ST.N RT TELIEPlO thiaigs is a lard cf cities. It tices Bi. which helps tons the in- *O~ E _____________________not matten whether ycu preach in teetines. (Including Saitudcys> ) aLJI aaa~~~ Q, Westminster Abbey on teach a Bat AU-Bran everi, day, drink OHW .OT . ragdclass, s o be falthful. plenty of water, and gain a new " R DptIeft'p aa on -&vGaagege s ic lase on lite l Ail-Bran le tnade DAE ft1The faithfulness is all."-Geonge by Kellogg in Lndon, Cama Sold Siromherg Carlson -Maroni - General Blectrio Stewart Warner- Crosy -Ec Bowm.alvilbe "To Goti, thy country, anti thy b vr rcr frienti be true."-Vaughan. --j PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER STH, 1939

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