PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12TH. 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Maple Grove Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Browt&pnd son Bobby, Garin- IeY, Miss TVera Gibson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ibson..1 Mr. Thos. Snowden, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Miss Betty Snowden with Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Coates, Brant- f ord. .. Miss Doris Wilkins, Caour- tice, with Mrs. J. H. Munday... Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gunning, Miss eGladvs Gunning, Toronto. Ivith Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowdeft and family, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freeman. sqn Glenn, St. Catharines, with Mr. H-. G. Freeman. .. Misses Susie Laird, Nellie Snowdep, Ann- abelle Baird and Theinia Freemnan at their homes. . . Mr. Fred Miller, Kingston at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. ..Mrs. Lawrence Staples, Bethany, _witb Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trinible. ..Miss Chrissie Freeman, Town, Miss May Noon, Toronto, at. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman's. President Miss Jean Stevens open- ed the Y. P. meetingz. Misq Greta Munday. Fellowship convener, took chargze and led in an impressive worship period which opened with At A Price DURING OUR Palil Dress Sale Such stuxuung Dreoses - w. know you'I1 want two or more - taken from aur reg- ulalr fine fail stock. Selling now for only $2.98 te $16.95 SI-OP EARLY« Luxury Coats Lavlsh WIth Fur The kind yoti thought you couldn't afford. - All in wonderfui styles, beauti- fully tailored. You'11 love them. Plced 5u owsai $12.95 to$50.DO Couch, iohnston& Cryerman Ltd. Phone 836 Bowmanville quiet music and a call ta warship bv the leader. A quartette was sung bv Jean Stevens; Loutise Foley, Chas. Smitb and Harvey Balson.: Hilda Richards Rave the bibLe reading; orayer was offered by Gret.a and quiet music closed this period. The first item on the proRram was a trio sunz by Joan, Jack and Ray Mun- day followed by a readinir by Clif- ford Swallow, piano solo bv Lillian Snowden; the topic 'Bg9ks that Deepen the Devotianal Life" was iven in three parts by Iva Twist. Susie Laird, Edna Swallow. Presi- dent Jean Stevens conducted the business Period. Lloyd Metcglf led in recreation when some livrly games were played. Meetingz closed with a f riendship circle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swallow, Mr. Clitford Swallow witb Mrs. Wesley Marquis and attended the 6th an- niversary and re-union of Holmes- ville church, the church Mrs. Swal- low attended wjien à girl. Haydon Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins and Margaret at Mr. Arthur Rae's, Markham, and atended Markham Fair. .. Mr. and Mrs. M. Denseni and Betty, Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Ashton. Miss Merle Ash- ton, Toronto, at Mr. Russell Per- kin's.. . Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Beckel and Brt at Mr. Fred Hobbs', Bow- xanville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Courtney. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Palmer and chiîdren, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Thornton's Corners. Mr. Harry Fisher, Miss Ethel Hoy, Oshawa, at Mr. Ray Cameron's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Thomnson, St, Marys, at Mr. J. W. Balson's. They also- called at Mr. Ray Cameron's and Mr. Russell Stainton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Balson, Wallella, Sask., at Mr. Ray Cameron's. . . Mr. Lewis Lander of Wolseley, Sask., with friends and re- latives. .. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Glas- pel, Norma and Beryl, Mrs. W. Glas- nel at Mr. R. Glaspel's. Tyrone.. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawkins, Port Hope, Mrs. H. Allin, Bowrnanville, at Mr. R. Robbins'.. . Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stor. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph lCnopsle, Mr. E. Bickle, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. K. Sidler, Th.ornton's Corners. Mr. Adolph Einann and sons, Adolph, Arnold and Fred, of Whitby, at Mr. Hans Geisbergzer's.. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Smales and family. Hampton, at Mr. Thos. Martin's. .. bMr. and Mrs, Thos. Prance, Mitchell, Mr. jas. McMasteri Toronto, at Mr. J. W. McMaster's. ..Miss Ethel Wilkins, Oshawa, at Mr. J. W. Balson's. .. Miss Bernice Stainton, PeterboLo, Miss Marie Marlow, Messrs Kelvin Edgar. Bill Alchin and Gen Bottrell, Oshawa, at Mr. A. T. Stainton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson at Mr. W. J. Trick's. Oshawa. . . Missea Ruth Colwill, Hampton aiid Audrey Ayre at Mr. Willis Gladwell's, TMronto. Mr. Gerald Balson, Miss Ethel Wil- kins. Oshawa, at Mr. Chas. Fergu- son's, Thornton's Corners. . . iss- es Bernice and Eileen Stainton, Marie Marlow at Mr. Ross Lee's, Kedron. ..Mr. L loyd Ayre at Mr. A. Rae's, Markham. .. Mr. Boyd Ayire at Mr. Clare Wilson's, Milton. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. T Stainton at Huntsville.. Mrs. Delbert Flintof f and sons, Ked- ron, at Mr. Wes Camieron's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Balson, Kingston, at Mr. J. W. Balson'a. . . Mrs. Ray Cameron, Inez and Beverly at Mrs. P. J. Gifford's, Osaca. Starkville Recent Visitors: Mr. L. Rçid, To- ronto, at Mr. Bert Reid's. . . Mrs. Thos. McMullen, Toronto. ?it Mrs. Wm. Savery's.. . Miss Norma Hal- lowell in Dundas. . . Mr. andI Mrs. Gardon Hallowell andI Mrs.' Richard Hallowell at Betbany. . . Miss M. Fox, Newcastle, with ber aunt, Mrs. Silver. .. Mrs. T. McMullen and Mrs. Wm. Savery at Mr5. S. G. Hallowell's. . . Mr. Cezvl Maximi and f riend wilh Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith. .. Mrs. Jas. A. Craig, To- ronto. at Mrs....Richard Hallowell's. ..Mr. and Mrs. C. Yule and son, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Barclay and daughter, Oshawa, at ML Wm. Savery's. .. Miss Helena 1Hallowell. Toronto, et home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell and daugbter, Helen, in Oshawa district ... Mr. Lavern Farrow in Trenton . .. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow in Gadrich. .. Miss Lorene Stark and friend. Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon PoWer andI daughter, -Carke Union, Mr. and Mrs. C. Tamblyn, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stark andI daughter, New- tonville, at Mrs. I. Stark's. .. Mrs. C. Reid. Newtonville, at Mrs. Wil- f red We's.. .- Mr. Kenneth Haw, Toronto, here. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hallawell and family at Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. Falls'. .. Miss Beulah Hallowell, Toronto. at home. . Mr. and 'Mrs. Gardon Hallowell home from Mt. Forrest. Some f rom here attended a party at Mr. Wes. Falls' on Friday. Geort Smith is. driviniz a new car. Mr. Gardon Tnim bas secured a position in Bawmanvillé. Ignorance must be bliss in the case of the fellow who neyer knows when he gets the worst of it. The Illinois trafflc policeman who tagged bis own car by mis- take should beware lest he wake Up some morning handcuffed. - Christian Science Monitor. 1 HILDREN'S ROOMDI DUKe-FINGARD INHALATION HOSPITAL, TORONTO Rotarians on Friday heard the treatment, who stated that terior of - the Children's Room at most interesting address concern- sinuii, bronchitis, tuberculosis the Toronto Hospital operated by ing a treatment for respirâtory and many other relative diseases Mr. Fingard and associates. diseases. It was presented by Mr. corne under the treatment's scope. David Fingard, co-discoverer of1 The picture above shows the in- Burketon Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Will Sharc and Mr. Howard Down, Welland, with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mof fat. .. Mr. Fred Stevens. To- ronto, with Mr. E. Breck. .. Mr. and Mrs. Rahm and Mrs. L. Gage and Betty, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Rah. . . Mr. T. Breck Ottawa, at home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Levi Glenney and Rosylon, Toronto, Mr. Charles Baldwin and Miss May Glenny. Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carnigan. .. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Moffatt, Mr. E. Breck, Miss Betty Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs. H. Larme r. Mr. and Mrs. R. Larmer, Mr. and Mrs. Brunt, Mrs. S. Yel- land, Ingersol, Mrs. L Gage, To- ronto, with Mr. Joe Avery. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDonald. Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gav and baby Ross, Leskard, Mrs. Will Hall, Hel- en and Don. Harrv Bennett and Will McDonald, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bailey... Miss Ruby Bailey with friends in Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Sanderson. Rev. and Mrs. Mitton Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. David Kay and families, Mrs. J. Byers and Marion, Oshawa. with Mrs. Sander- son... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin and Joan, Oshawa. Mrs. M. Heard and Elin at W. Hoskins... Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoskin at.- Howard Hoskin's, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Moffg.t, Leo and Betty attended the funeral of the form*r's eister, Miss Neliie Mof fatt, Oshawa. Mr. Jack Sinclair is confined ta thie bouse with blood poison in his hand. Ebenezer Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Courtice, Ottawa,-With Mrs. W. E. Coirtice. . . Master Bill Hawkshaw. Oshawa, at H. H. Nich- aIs'. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay, Misses Evelyn Gay, Oshawa, and Bernice Gay, Bowmanville. enjaying a trip ta New York..Mrs. Eltori Werrv with Miss Hazel Walker, Trent on. . . -Mrs. Reta Dudley, Ray and Noel, Bowmanville, at tbe Werry bore... Mrs. W. G. Rundle bas returned after a pleasant visit with ber sister. Mrs. Gea. joli, Newcastle. ..Miss Margaret Lockwood, Osh- awa. with Miss Velma Pearce.. Miss Rosena Edgar, Toronto, ac- companied by Miss June Fawthrop. Cornwall, with ber parents. Congratulations ta Mr. apnd Mrs. Archie Muir on their recent mar- niage. Services were well attended on Tbatiksgivingz Sunday. Rev. W. C. Smith was in charge of th~e tnorning service. Music was sup1uliecl by the choir assisted by Messrs G. Davidge and J. Hancock of B.T.S. staff, Bowmanville, and wbo also favared with a vocal duet. At tbe Sunday School session Misses Velma Pearce ~and Elsie Okes and Messrs Walter Place, with Dr. and Mrs. Austin.. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wood, Messrs Oswald and Floyd Pethick Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick.. Mr. H. Avery, Mrs. D. M.ascLn, Woods±Qck, with Mrs. Wm. Oke. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Smnith, Toronto, with Mr. H. Stevens. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Heard and Elgin with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rundle. Hamipton. . . Mr. W .C. Stainton, Toronto, at Mr. H. Stçens'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Travelle and Betb, Oshawa, at Mr. E. C. Ashton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill and Donnie.~ Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGill andà family, Toronto, at Mr. J. McQGJl's. Mrs. Mary Grif fin bas returned home after visiting ber son, Mr. L. Grif fin and attendinz Blackstock Fair~. Mrs. H. Avery. Woodstock, is convalescinz at the home of ber sister, Mrs. Wm. Oke, after being rernoved from Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. Clarke Stevens who was knocked down and badly bruised by an unknown car iust south of the village is irnprovinz at the borne of .Mr. H. Stevens. Our choir took part in thd Thanks- gzivinz service on Sunday afternoon at Haydon when several f rom aur community attended tbe services. The service here on Sundav nigbt was well attended with Rev, H. W. Foley, Bowrnanvilk. in charge, Rev. H. Lackey took services on the Ivan- hoe charge. W.A. met with good attendance at the home of Mrs. H. Annis. Meetingi was in charge of the Rroup with ;A rs. H. Stevens as convener. Mrs. Hard- in gave an interesting paper o.p "Red Ceoss Work ;" piano solo bv Miss Rubv McI.aughlin; readinz by Miss Souch:, vocal duet by Mrs. H. Stev- ens and Alice Ashton; readingz by Mrs. R. Ormiston. A social haîf hour was snent and a lovely lunch served., Y.P.U. met on Wednesday exening and devotional service was given with quiet mnusic by Mrs. H. McGill; prayer, Alice Ashton; scrinture read- ing, Mrs. W. Rahm; story by Mrs. N. Wright; vocal solo by Mrs. E. Wright and closed witb a little poemn by Myrtle Page. Ruth Stevenson. lst Vice-President, bad charge of re- mainder of meeting: readiu-q by Mrs. H. McGill. vocal solo by Wilma Ashton, Mrs, R. Gilbert in ber pleasingz manner gave a paper on "Making the Most Out oif Life"; piano solo, Grace Trewin: reading, Myrtle Page;, Mrs. N. E. Wright and Mrs. E. Wright toole charge of cornrunitv sining: a 1'umorous skit "Society For Doing Good"' was presented by Marie Oke. Blanche Beech, Ruth Stevenson and Alice Ashton. A good number were in at- tendance and aIl took part in a con- test. A number of young people char- ivaried Rev. and Mrs. H. Lackey, Oct. 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Iýackey in- vited the serenaders into thLeir home for an evenin's entertainnient. Church service. Sunday, October' lStb, will be at 3 p.m., instead of the evenniz service. Rundle and Lloyd Dawn contributed a quartette. Rev. S. Littlewood of Orono, was in charge of the evening So1ina service with the junior choir pro-____ vidinz musical numbers. Home and School Club will Young People's Society on Mon- meet Friday, Oct. 20, at 8 p.m. day eveninz with Misses Elsie Oke Missionary program S un da y and Margaret Adams in charge was afternoou was in charge o! Mrs. Missionary night. Piano solo was Roy Langmnaid who gave an in- given by Ada Annis and vocal solo teresting story from the study by Florabelle Marshall; scripture book. Miss Pearl Leach sang a readinz. Walter Short; poemn and iný- solo. traduction of book on India, Elsie C. G. I. T. group have presented Okçe: topic, March of Tiine on communion racks ta, the churcli India, L'tuise Courtice. and an attendance record board ta the Sunday School. Sunday Schoal next Sunday Enniskillen will be at 10 a.m. _______Young People's meeting Mon- Recnt istor: r. ndMrs day evening was in charge of Recet Vsitrs:Mr.and rs.Miss Fanny Smales, missionary Wilmott Brent and daughter, Elva, convener. Miss Jean Leach gave tJxbridge, witb f riends. . . Mrs. Ida the devotional story. Miss Gladys Farr. Flint, Mich.. with Mrs. W. H. Yellowlees gave a chapter from Moore. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. B3rooks, the study book on India, "Moving Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmott Millions." Miss Pearl Leach sang Brent. Miss Elva Brent, Uxbridge, a solo and contests were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Staintpni and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor and Ray, Mr. V. Hart-an, Oshawa, Miss Ronald attended the funeral of Bernice Stainton and Mr. G. Towns, bis father in Toronto. Cobourg, Mrs. Farr, Flint, Mich., at Visitors: Mrs. Howard Couch, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stainton's. .. Misses Ileen Couch and Jessie Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, Mr. and Scott, Bowmanville, at Mr. Maur- Mrs. S. Turner, Oshawa. Mr. and ice Baker's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Mrs. F. Dorland were with Mr. and ter Parrinder and Evelyn et Mr. Mrs. Wesley Oke. . . Mrs. Mary Brummel's, Columbus... Mr. and Grif fin bas returned home after Mrs. Jack Somers, Mrs. John visiting ber s on, Mr. Lamne Grif fin Hendricks, Miss Irene Bragg, To- and attendingl Blackstock Pair. .. ronto, Miss Marjory Couch, Bow- Mr. and Mrs.,Wm. Veale, Torpto, manville, at Mr. Jack Baker's.. at Mr. A, Oke's. .. Mr. ami Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Black and Fred Billett and Mrs. T. McGill witb Barbare. Woodstack, et Mr. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Tate. Millbrook. . Davis'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mr. and Mrn. McPherson, CarletonBal.son, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs.1 Will Thompson, St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. WiUl Trick, Miss Joy Walker, Oshawa, Mr. John Bal- son and Miss Jean, Mrs. J. Mc- Nabb, Zion, Mr. Russel Balson, Port Perry, at Mr. A. J. Balson's. ..Mr. and Mrs. Lew Luke, Miss Etta Richardson, Mr. Fleming, Qsbawa, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wight, Misses Maud and Stella Reynolds, Bowmanville, Mrs. Ma- bel Taylor, Hampton, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. .. Miss Jessie Yel- lowlees, Oshawa, Mr. Donald Yel- lowlees, Pickering, at Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smales and Mr. Bob Smales with friends in Toronto. . . Miss Lil- lian Hoar, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wight, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wheeler, Mrs. Clarke Wheeler and baby girl, Midland, at Mr. E. R. Taylor's.. . Miss Nan Allin, Toronto, Mrs. Chas. Allin, Mrs. Clare Allin and Miss Aninie Allin, Bowmanville, at Mr. Wes- ley Yellowlees'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cation, Taranto, at Mr. Ernest Hockaday's. . . Mr. and Mrs. D. Chambers and Mr. Archie Wood, Bowmanville, Miss Louise Edmondstone, Oshawa, at Mr. John Kivell's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pannabecker, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gage and baby, Toronto, at Mr. Frank Westlake's. . . Mrs. Jack Yellowlees with Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid attended the golden wedding celebration ai Mr. and Mrs. Fîank Squair, Sal- em. . . Misses Doris and Mary Grooms, Messrs. George Werry and Jordan Sharpe, Toronto, Mr. Athur Deboo, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey and Barbara, Nestleton, at Mr. S. E. Werry's. The chap who is burled in ob- livion is also a dead one. Obituary Duncan McConnachle After two years of failing health caused by a paralytic stroke Duncan McConnachie pass- cd peacefully ta rest October lst at "Dundurn", the home of his sister, Mrs. John Spencer, Bow- manville, in his 75th year. Deceased was the fourth son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McConnachie, sturdy p io nee r Scotch stock of Clarke Township and well known throughout Dur- ham County. He attended Orono school and later enrolled mn King- ston Business College and after graduating joined the staff teach- ing penmanship. Later with his younger brother John he went to the North-West locating at Moos- omin, Sask., where they farmed for eight years specializing in Clydesdale horses. Returning to Ontario in 1916 Mr. McConnachie entered the postal service at Toronto and con- tinued in this department until his retirement in 1932. Sine then he has made bis home with his sister in Bowmanville. "Dunc" as he was faxiliarly known ta bis friends was always a gentleman in the truest sense of the term and carried on the fine Scotch traditions of his fore- fathers so dear to his heart. His erect soldierly walk, his attractive ;white hair and moustache, and his kindly disposition are now but a pleasant memory. He is survived by bis sister, Mrs. J. Spencer (Marion), and one brother John, of Bowman- ville. He is predeceased by three brothers, Peter and Neil who died in Saskatchewan, and James in Bowmanville, and one sister <Mary) Mrs. Howard Feit, Osh- awa. Funeral service was held at "Dundurn", October 3rd, with Rev. W. G. Blake, minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, in charge, assisted by Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer, St. John's Anglican. Church, town, and Rev. R. J. Shires of St. Judes Church, To- ronto. Palîbearers were Alex Colville, Wm. Hooey, D. J. Gibson, A. L. Nicholis, F. J. Mitchell and W. B. McMurtry. Many beautiful floral tributes surrounded the casket. Interment was in St. George's Cemetery, Newcastle. Among those froni a distance attending the funeral were, the Misses McCollum, Kingston, Mrs. E. Gamsby, Mrs. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Horswell, Toronto. Mr.. John Lewis Parsons On September 25, at the home o! ber daughter, Mrs. Edward Rivett, Base Line, Darlington, there passed ta he with ber Sav- iour, Mary Ann Hoskin, beloved wife o! John Lewis Parsns. Mrs. Parsons was born in May 1860 on the farm now occupied' by Al. Ayre of Solina, and was the eldest of a family of twelve children o! the late John Hoskin and Johanna Woodley Hoskin. While Mrs. :Parsons was quite young ber patents moved ta the Bethesda community where she spent the remainder o! ber girl- hood, becoming a member o! Bethesda Church and choir. From here she was married ta J. L. You know what it coets you each manth ta keep yaur faxnily. WeU, thon, how could your wife get along if ah. had ta carry the load without you? The answer is, ah. couldn't possibly carry it unless you leave her a suffi- cient rnonthly incorne. Yau know approxzrnately what this rnonthly incarne should -b.. W. can advise you how rnuch 11f. iriaurance you should own ta provicle it; and aima how you can, abtain an adequate incarne for yourself ini the event of total disahility thraugh sickness or accident. Think it over .. . then talk'it aver with us... we will gladly help you. RIAD briser Parsons in March 1881 and moved ta the Parsons homestead in the same comnsunity. Later Mr. andj Mrs. Parsons and family moved to Pickering township where they resided for a number of years, then returned to Darlington where Mrs. Parsons spent the re- mainder o! ber life. In March 1931 Mr. and Mrs. Parsons celebrated their golden wedding among a large group of relatives and fri- ends. Mrs. Parsons was o! a quiet and retiring nature, ber main interest being in ber home and family. The funeral was held from the family residence now occupied by ber son, Wm. Cedric Parsons, on September 28th, with Rev. W. C. Smith o! Ebenezer offlciating. Two favorite hymns o! the de- ceased were read, "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross" and "Safe in the Anms of Jesus." The floral offerings were beau tiful including many from rela- tives and friends and from Mrs. zens' Dairy, Whitby, and Picker- ing Base Line W. A. Palîbearers were Mrs. Parsans' youngest surviving brother, W. N. Hoskin, and five sons-in-law. The late Mrs. Parsons is sur- vived by ber husband; two sons, Cedric of Darlington, and Henry, Richmound, Sask.; five daughters, Mrs. Edward Rivett (Olive), Dar- lington, Mrs. J. F. Anderson (Pearl), Oshawa, Mrs. La r ne Puckrin (Cora), and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe (Lily), Pickering, and Mrs. Bertram Dundas (Annie), Port Hope; also three sisters, Mes- dames F. L. and W. S. Bragg, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Alf Gully, Oshawa; and five brothers, Messrs Jas. and Cephas Hoskin, Osh- awa, John of Balfour, B.C., Fred of Carstairs, Alta., and Wesley, Burketon, Ont. Better one boil on the stove than two on the neck. i. I DRY CLEANING THAT SATISFIES .SUITS COATS -/ DRESSES 75c each or 2 for $1.00 White Flannels At Regular Pfice Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Ltd. Phone 419 W. (3aU For and Dliver 1 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12TH, 1939