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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1939, p. 6

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12TH-, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO EnfeldDalinton... Mr. and Mrs. Godfry relatives *at Kitchener and Mount Recent Visitons: Master Ewant Forcst. .. M. and Mrs. AIf. Pres- and Miss Eunice Leask, Taunton, at cott and family witb Mr. Edgar Mr. Frank Gilbert's.. Miss Helen Ashton, Lindsay, at Mr. W. Asb- ton's. .. Mr. and Mrs.,David Cun- niizham and Miss Evelyn Brussells, at Mr.. R. W. Pascoe's. .. Rev. H. W. Foley. Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Huzh Beaton and babe, Osh- awa, at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's. . . Miss Corsina Samis, Oshawa, at Mr. Mil- toti Samis'... Mr. and Mrs. W. Scully and family. Mount Dennis, at Mrs. W..J. Ormiston's. .. Misses Mabel and Alberta Virtue, Toronto, at Mr. Jas. Parr's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith and fainilv in To- ronto. .. Mr. and ,Mrs. F. Smitb and Lloyd at Mr. Lloyd Crago's, Have You Heard? 1 .IT'S TIME TO ORDER YOUR GOAL Don't walt any longer! Cold weather wilI be here before you know it and you'll be caught wlthout enough coal to sec you through. Just tele- phone to-day for a load of our dlean, dustless coal. Coke For Sale J. .FLETT FUELS Re&. Ontario St. - Phone 2695 Tard: C.N.R. Sidlnt - 2673 1 1 IChurch-gomng, the keeping of Ithe Sabbath are flot religion, but jreligion hardly lives without them.-Robertson. Thue Baby Needs nourishment milk gives! Gien Rac Milk contains ail the thigs baby needs ln bis ensljess of growlng up. He gets nourish- ment, vitamins, minerais and saits . . . ail necessary elements that buiid strong bones and sound bodies. Give hlm Gien lac ! 0e. GLEN RAE DAIRY Bowmanvilie Any of These Hazards Can Cause a Ffre that wil Burn a House and Endanger the Family Members of W.A. and tbeir in- vited busbands werc entetained at tbe home of Mrs. Godfry Bowman, Fridav evening. Rev. and Mrs. H. Lackev were presented witb a beau- tiful cuilt.' Mrs. Lackev replied tbanking tbcm most beartily. Mrs. Tbos. Bowman pior to tbeir depant- tire was presented witb a handsomne pair cf towels and replîed in a veny p)lcasing manfler. Rev. H. Foley cf Bowmanville, preacbed a splendid sermon bere on Sunday. Maple Grove Recent Visitons: Mns. Penkins, Moonefield, with ber brother, Mn. R. L. Worden. .. Mn. and Mns. R. L. Wonden and Mrs. FerIcins with their brother, Mn. W. T. Worden, Tyrene. The svmpathy cf this coMmmnity is extended te Mn. jim and Miss Minnie Hoee in the deatb cf their sisten, Mns. WilIie, Novan. Nestieton Recent Visitons: Mns. Hoskin, Midland. witb ber daugbter, Mrs. H. Wbeeler. . Mr. and Mns. Fred Todd and Ross, Clarke, with Mr. and Mns. L. Joblin. .. Mns. jas. Williamson with ber sister, Mns. Byers, Janet- ville. .. Miss Rnby Veale with ber father, Mn. A. H-. Veale. .. Messrs Elmen and Leslie Wright, Toronto, with thein mothen, Mns. P. Wright. ..Mn. David McLean, Tenante, with bis family. .. Mn. and Mns. Wm. jackman and family, Mrs. Emily Porter and Miss Getie Widliamnson, Toronto. witb Mrs. las. Wîlliamson- ..Miss Ellen and Mn. Ralph Emner- son witb Mn. and Mns. M. Emer- son- Glad te sec Mns. K. Burton out agzain. Nestieton W.I. met at tbe home cf Mn. and Mns. L. joblin Oct. .4tb. President Mrs. G. Thompson was in th chair. Cunrent events wene iiven bv Miss E. Tbompson. Roll caîl was answered bv a "Hallowe'en supersti- tion." Lunch was senved and a hearty vote cf tbanks was gziven those in changze. Hampton Recent Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Walton Pascoe. Bowmanville, Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Aluin and David, Fort William, at Mn. A. L. Blan- chard's. - . Mns. Myrtie Taylor, Miss Madeline Tnpll. Toronto, and Mn. Raipb Taylor, Oshawa, at Mns. A. C. Trull's. Mrs. A. E. Billett visited. ber sis- ter in Toronto. Mn. A. B. Cryderman, Trenton, witb relatives. Mns. Jno. Williams, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. Hilton Peters. Mns. Fred Blencee (nec Helen Virtue) Clîfford and Cyntbia, Ta- rente, witb f iends. Miss Isobel Rogers wbe bas been witb f iends at Cacianea is borpe. Dr. and Mrs. Albert Allin and son, Fort Viliam, witb f iendi. Miss Elena Niddery, Toronto, at ber sister's, Mns. R. Widcjicomb. Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams with tbeir daugbter, Mrj. E. Wood, Bow- manville. Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, with ber motber, Mns. C. Johns. Mn. and Mrs. Rusdell Reynolds and cildren, Toronto, with Miss L. Reynolds. Miss Rose Ellen Anthistle,. Brant- ford, with Mn. and Mrs. E. An- tbistle. Mn. and Mrs. Brodie and jimmie, Mn. and,3Mns. W~. Gilcbist, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. J. R. Reynolds. Mrs. G. Goddard, CouVtice, with.. Mn. and Mns. W. Simpson. Miss Rutb Colwill witb f iends in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. C. E. Hemn and Acy accompainied by Mrs. E. Anthistie and Jean attended Mankbam Fair. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb at Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. Richard Robbins and Judith Ann, Mns. Clayten. Tbelan and Addie May, Jefferso.n, Wis., arc grucîts cf. Mr. and Mns. W. W. Hern and Mrs. R. Avery. Y.P.U. met Friday. The President ccnducted tbe business. Editb Rack- bam teck cbarge cf the worsbip service: readings were eiven by Betty .Rogers and Pearl Gilbert, Freddie THERE WILL BE NO PEACE IN YOUR FAMILY Until You've Tried Carter's Baked Goods HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR MANY LINES Annie Laurie or Neilson 's CHOCOLATES 8 Vardth.. ,.......... lb. 50c 20 Varieties of COOKIES os.................. 20c CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS 6 e ............... 25e CnnPuffs Cherry Cream Tarte IRY -OUIR BREAD yojUflW Them Tope RAISIN BUNS Dozen .................. 14e NELSONS CE CREAM Ini 6 DeIicious Bricks Each................... 25e CHICKEN PIES Eacli...............l10C - 25e PUMPKIN PIES Individual Size............5Se FamIIy or Party.......... 30e FIn.st Rich Fruit Cake The Carter Famnily Ilý ý, . , .Bakers Fer Two Gencrations Bowmanvillie and fore sight according to the Canadian Undenwritens' Associa-. tien wbicb is circulating the abeve drawing calling attention of bouse- holders te tbe danger of fines in tbein ewn homes. Caneful inspection cf homes would neveal just how many of these 31 points detailed in the next column requine immediate attention, it is stated, and the time spent in cbecking tbem will bring f reedom f nom worry to say nothing about the ioss, snffening and in- convenience caused by fines in dweilings. Se, the Association ad-, vises, "if evenyene wouid take prompt .steps te neduce the fine bazards in their ewn hemes, Cah- ada's loss this winten wouid be materially reduced." Paynle nead the bible lesson and Regz Rackbam led in prayer. Gladys Trul fook change cf tbîs program: nead- îng on Tbanksgiving bv Deneen Pcrnett:- piano solo by Drothyi Adamion: reading, Ruby Colwill;1 g-uitan selection. Marjorie Allin; Mns.1 Billett pnescnted an intcrestingz and1 belpf ni toaic on Fniendship. An intenestinz meeting cf the W. C.T.U. was beld at Mrs. Joc Cbap- man's on Tuesdav aftennoon with a gzood attendance present. President Miss Katenson presided. Tbe opening worsbip) service was conducted witb aIl the members taking p-àt. Mrs. Burns conducted tbe devotional pen- iod: praven tcpic "That grace may be Riven te us ta bear tbe burdens cf tbe day and that the leaders of tbe nations mav be lead dloser to God"; Mns. W. Éackhamn led in praven: Miss Katerson gave a short addrcss and Mrs. Williams, a rad- ing "Save Canada Cr'îsade". Ms Reynolds gave - tbe report cf thc Countv Convention beld at Port Hope. Cadmus A special Tbanksgiving service was held on Sunday mcrning with Rev. D. M. Stinson delivering a message suitable te tbe occasiçmn. Special music was funnished by Ycl- verton ooartettc consisting cf Mrs.1 Ray Malcolm, Miss Eileen Shackie-, ton. Mn. Malcolm and Sidney Fer-o guson with Vance Wilson at the orzan. The cburcb was suitably de- conated. On Monday nigbt a delicieus Roast Goose Dînner was served te aven four bundred people with abondance cf reast geese and tempt- inz pies and cakes. After aIl were served an enjoyable play was pre- sentcd bv tbe Newcastle Dramatic Club entitled "Lena Rivers." This play deligbted the audience and up- beld tbe bizb standard cf plays put on bv or Newcastle friends. Pro- ceeds cf suopen and play $150. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Elliott and jimmy, Peterboro, visited Mc. J. E. Elliott. Mr. Gordon Brown, wbo bas been employed in a garage in Kirkland Lake. is home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and Gordon and Lloyd visitcd Mr. Whit- field in Western Hospital. Salem Owing te special Thank-Offering services at Haydon on Sunday last, there was ne cburch service bere. Y.P.U. meeting Oct. 4tb was open- ed bv the President Mn. W. Taylor. Mn. G. Barrie teck cbarge cf the program and read tbe bible refen- ences: tcpic was taken bv Rev. A. W. Manch: piano solo, Master B. Lockbart: neading, Mns. L. Welsh; violin selection, Mr. C. Collacutt; rcadimig, Mrs. S. Buttery. Attend- .ance 25. Mns. Moody, Mr. and Mns. F. Horst, Messrs Warren and John Horst and Miss Editb Herron, To- renta, werc Tbanksgiving goests cf Mn. and Mrs. H. Gaud. Mr. and Mns. P. Conlin and Miss jean, Oshawa, visited at "The Map- les." Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall and Mn. Ronald visited f iends in Beleville. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cator and fam- ily, Windsor, Mr. and Mns. J. Cator and son, Mrs. H. Hebbs, son and daughter, Toronto, Miss B Cator, Oshawa, were boliday guests with Mr. and Mns. F. Cator. Mn. and Mns. Lewins and family bave moved froni on neiizhbeurbeod te Maple Grave. Sunday, Oct. 8tb, niarked the fiftietb wedding anniversary cf Mn. and Mns. F. L. Squair. Sec report in anotben clumn. The ewner cf a banking dcg is always Uic first te cemplain about the noise made by the neighbor's children. , 1 Presc(4t's. Courtice Fridav evening members of Cour- tice Sundav School gathered at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. larence Penfound, to make a presentation to Mr. Luther Beckett, Honorary Superintendent of the scbool, who is leavingz this district. Rev. W. C. Smith was chairman and spoke feel- inglv of tbe past, and of the coming separation. AUl the teacbers of the Sunday Scbool classes and President of tbe Young Men's Club, Mr. M. Wootton, gave speecbes. Mr. Beckett was tbe recivient of articles for bis nersonal comfort, a batb robe, kid iuliett slippers and cozy socks. Coin- munitv sinzing of whicb Mr. Beckett is verv fond, was in cbarge of tbe Presidetit of Women's Association, Mrs. Thomas Adams, witb Mrs. W. C. Smitb accompanist. Refreshments wr.re enjoved and a bappy evening brouzbt to a close. Mr. Beckett wil reside with bis dauRbter, Mrs. H. A. Grav and Mr. Gray at Lfflmington. Best wisbes 'ànd congrakulationýs are extended to Mr. a.nd Mrs. Archie Muir (nee Elnona Blakely) who were married on October 7tb bv Rev. W. C. Smitb, fat the home of tbe bride's mothen, Mrs. Iack Smith. Mr. Wm. Rombanyi is biujldinR a large implement shed. Mr. A. E. Pbair and friends camp- cd oven the weekend at Wapoose wbere thev secuned a splendid catch of f isb. .Mn. and Mrs. Harry Baldwin soeint Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. JR. Luke, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scodrgie and familv motoned to Rice Lal<e Sun- day, wbere Miss Myrtle Scergie re- ,mained for a week's vacation. Mr. George Pidduck, Gaît, and f riend were visitors witb Mn. and Mrs. El. Pidduck. Miss Madeline Richards and Mr. Wilson Ricbards, Oshawa, vîsited Mn. W. Stacey. Mr. and Mrs. H. Prufer and sons, Weston, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. Reynolds. A woman 71, who got married said that no doubt people would think her silly. Not at ail. She was silly she didn't do it long ago. -Chathamu News. Because a man makes a pro- fession of religion is no sign that he is way up in bis profession. WALLPAPER 1940 Patterns Have Just ArAved We purchascd our new Wall- paper before lncreased prices came into effcct. Whill present stock lasta, this saving willi be passedl on to you. New designs, attractive eolorlngs ln Sunworthy and Suntcstcd Papers as 10w as 10e roll ROOM LOT REMNANTS 1at great reductions. STICK FAST COLD WATER PASTE WOOL For evcry type of knittlng. Sec our assortmcnt before you buy. J. W. JeweII "BIG 20" Phone 556 Bowmanvilllc 31 POINTS 1. Cimney poorly constructed and witbout flue iining. 2. Rubbislx in attic. 3. No fire stops. 4. Soot in cbimney. 5. Aeriai flot pnoperly gronnded and no iigbtning arrestor. 6. Combustible roof exposed to .chimney sparks. 7. Non-automnatic electric iron left attached. .&'J..eukinggats steve. 9.Gncatfached to bouse with- dtfireproofing. 10. Door f rom bhouse *into garage flot metal sheathed or tight- fitting. Il. Improper extension violating electnical code. 12. No'vent in garage to aliow fumes to, escape. 13. Gasoline kept or used in any part of building. 14. Rubbish in ceilar. 15. Wet ciothes hung on electric wire. 16. Wooden barrel for bot ashes. 17. Unprotected steam pipes. 18. joists resting on brick chimney. 19. -SagginL, defective unprotected furnace pipe. 20. Kerosene nean fire. 21. Stovepipe lacking metal collar where it enters chimney. 22. Stove and stovepipe unprotect- ed fromn wall. 23. Asphyxiation and explosion possibility from kerosene- or gas steve. 24. Wooden latb walls without fire stops. 25. Fireplace hearth and bricks flot sufficiently insuiated and no screen. 26. Unapproved electrical appli- ance lacking proper insolation. 27. Matches within reacb of small cbildren. 28. Overloaded circuits permitted by impropen electric fuses or dangerous substitutes. 29. No tigbtly covered metai con- tainer for storing oily rags or cieaning cdoths. 20.* Searcbing for gas leaks with open flame. 31. Lack of ceiling of cement on metal lath extending across cellan fromn one foundation to the other. A pnettv weddinz was solemnized' Satnrday evening, Oct. 7tb, at the home cf Mn. and Mrs. T. EF, Prout, Bowmanvillc, when thein eldest danghten, Marian Audrey, was unit- ed in maniaze with Geonge Stanley Hilson, son cf Mn. and Mns. F. C. Hilson, Teronto. Rev. S. Davison, paston cf the bride, cf ficiated. Tbe bride was becomingly gowned in her motber's weddinsr dress and wearing ia net veil frem France, entered the living-reom on tbe armn cf ber f atber and took ber Place in front cf a bank cf ferns andI autupin f lowers. She was attended by ber cousin, Mrs. S. Murdocb, as matron cf bonor who lcoked cbarming in a dress cf bine moire. The groom was attended bv bis brother, Mn. Fred Hilsan cf Torento. After tbe ceremcny Mr. Davison christcned tbje bride's twe sisters, Aura Madelîne and Yivian Doreen, and ber littie nicce, Joyce Dorcen Prout, infant dangbten cf Mn. andI Mrs. Maurice Prout. After signiniz the register and ne- ceiviniz congratulations a daintv buffet lunch was served bv the bnide's tbree cousins, Mns. Len Ricb- ards, Mns. George Richards and Miss Dorothy Ricbards. The hiaupy couple left bv meter for Western Ontario, tbe bride travelling in a dness cf wisteria magic crepe witji navy ac- cessories. On tbeir retorn Mt~. and Mrs. Hilson will make thq:jr home in Toronto. Prier te the wedding tbe bride was honored bv several showers, one at ber uncle's, Mn. Wmn. Welsb, Osh- awa, one at ber aunt's, Mrs. Wm. Richards, Bowmanville, anc in tbe I.O.O.F. lodize room when the Re- bekah Lodgze remembered ber, andI at Mns. T. Almstrong's, Osbawa, wbere she received ntanv useful andI beautifol gifts. Fridav ber motben beld a trous- seau tea for ber when her manv re- latives and f iends calietI. They were neceived bv Mrs. George Richards and Mrs. S. Murdocb. Mrs. Len Richards iand -Mns. Clarence Yeo waited on the izuests and Mrs. R. Poolev and Mrs. Walter Manning, aunts cf tbe bride, ponred tea. The livinsd-room was beautifully decor>. ated in yellow andI white while the dining-roam was in Pink and white. Conant-Rolson A quiet weddingz was solemnized on Saturdav afternocn, Oct. 7th, in Simcoe Street United Churcb, Osh- awa, when Verven Helene, daughter of Mr, andI Mn. Frank W. Roison, became the bride cf Mr. Douglas Smith Canant, Montreal, son of the Hon. Gardon D. Conant and Mns. Canant. The cenemony was perform- cd by Rcv. W. R. Tanten. The bride wore an imponted model cf dahlia wine French crepe with YJ&AR 'ROUND KITCHEN COMFORT AND ECO?4tMY GOLDEN WEDDING (Contlnued from page 1) where you have spen t thc greater part of those years in~ building your home, for us, a poet bas wisely said: "Home isn't place that gold can buy or get up in, a minute. Afore it's home there's got te be a beap cf living it it." Yours is surely a home wbich has had a beap of living in. it for at ail times we have fournd your doors open te any worthy cause, either educational, relig- ious or social. Neither of you have aspired te any great positions of prominence but you are doing an equally good work by exemplifying te aIl you meet a very fine lesson, namely, Life is a gif t te be used every day. Your many varieus -talents have neyer been hidden away for special occasions but liave been used each day of the week and to-day wýe are seeing how tbro' this service te others your lives have become beautiful. As we watch you climb life's ladder we are lcarnî.ng true greatness comes from helping one another, for by your simple deeds and many acts of kindness it is apparent a jcwel- led seul exceeds a royal, crown. As individuals we could best ex- press ourselves by repeating a part of one of Edgar Guest's poems. I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me, I'd like te be Uic belp that you've been always glad te be, I'd like to mean as much te you each minute of the day As you have meant, old friend of mine, te me aleng the way. I'd like te do the big things and the splendid things for you, To brusb the gray from eut your skies and leave Uiem only blue, I'd like te say the kindly things that I se oft have heard, Anid feel that I could rouse your seul the way that mine yeu've stirred. I'm wîshing at this wedding time that I could but repay A portion of the gladness that you've strewn along my way; And could I have one wish Uiis day, this only weuld it be, I'd like te be Uic sort of friend that you have been te me. We feel you have merited Uic many blessings, that have been showered upon you from time to time and trust yonr cup of joy shail continue te be filled te over- flowing. However, ne matter how wel meaning your words, Uiey may seen bé forgotten unless sub- stantiated by some practical cvi- dence cf our sentiments, and so on such a day as this it has seem- ed good te us te bring a token cf our centinueus goed-will and re- spect - something that as you journey through Uic ycars te ceme will appeal te yeu and re- mind you cf our presence here te-night and of cur kindly feel- ing toward yeu. We would therefore respect- fully ask yeu to accept Uiis gift with Uic earnest hope you may bath live long te enjey it. Salem Fricnds. Weddings Hlson-Prout PHONE 2684 BOWMbAN VILLE draDed bodice softlY flared skirt and roses, asters and autumn leav&s. The bustle back. Her matchingr turban bridai group) stood beneath an arch was trimmed with shaded rose os- of colored leaves centred with a trich feathers. She carried a silver white bell. fox fur and wore a corsage of The bride was in a bonnet blue mauve orchids and lily of the valiey. f loor-length Rown of chgIy lace Mrs. Leon Rolson, ber only attend- and net over taffeta, fashned on ant, was gowned in a fir-tree green Drincess lines with sweetlieart neck- silk boucle. She wore a black coque Uneî and lace fitted iacket. She wore triinmed bat and black accessories, a matchiniz taffeta turban with and ber corsage was of vellow roses fingertilp veil caught with flly of the and bouvardia. Mr. Leon Roleon was valley, and carried a cascade bouquet groomsmafl. of Dînk rosebuds and lily of the Followiniz tbe ceremony, a recep- vallev. tion was held for tbe members Of Tbe maid of honor was Miss the immediate families. Later the Hazel Perkin of Osbawa, wbo wore couffle lef t for a short motor trit. wbite cbiffon over r.ose .taffeta For travelling, tbe bride donned a made witb very full skirt, and black wool boucle costume trimrned matcbingz halo bat. Sbe carried a with mink and a tin' mink. bat, bouquet of garden fiowers. Mr. Tbev will live in Pointe Claire, Bruce Muir of Courtice\ was grooms- Quebec, on their return. man. A reception was beld at the Cen- Muir-Blakely tral Hotel, Oshawa, the bride's motber receiving in teal bine wool At tbe country residence of Mr. alpaca witb wine accessories, and and Mrs. J. H. Smith, Courtice, on tbe groom'S motber in navy flower- Saturdav afternoon, Oct, 7tb, tbe ed crene with black accessories. marriage' was solemnized of Elnora For a Wedding trip to St. Cath- Madeline Blakely, daugbter of Mrs. arines and New York' the bride 1. H. Smith and ~x late Edward wore fflum wool crepe dress with Blakely, to Mr. Archibald R. Muir, matcbinz accessories and a black son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Muir of wool boucle coat witb red fox trim Courtice. Rev. W. È~. Smitb off ic- and a black bat. The young couffle iated. Tbe bouse was decor-ated with will live in Courtice. BETTER GROCERY, UNES At Bargain Prices Helnz Soups (assQrted) med. tins .. 2 for 25e Hehîz Strained Foods ............. 3 for 25c Red Rose Tea (blacïk or mixç') ........ '/21b. 33e Ideal Apple and Raspberry Jam or Apple and Strawberry Jam .. 32-oz. 25C MaeLaren's Imperlal Peanut Butter - jar 25o Emperil Crunchy Nut - - jar 20C Aylmer, Libby's, Clark's Pork & Beans - - tin 10o Aylmer Tonisto Soup - 3 o 5 Schick Injector Razor complete wlth 8 blades and 1 tube of Palmolive Shaving Cream Ail for - 49e FRESH VEGETABLES FISH FOR PRICDAY HARRY ALUIN Phone 367 - 368 GROOER Bowinanville / Sj PAGE SIX -w- Phone 2665 *1 0 rzljr- maviamo CLARE JEWEL CoaI-Electrie RANGE Not an ELECTRIC RANGE with a COAL ANNEX but a BRAND NEW TYPE of COMBINATION RANGE - Unlike the ordlnary "combination"' range, this new Clare-Jewel Coai-Electric ta lUt- craily two ranges ln one. The duai-purpose oven ls hcated by thc * coal or wood fire ... or by electrlclty ... or by a combination of - the two, If you wish. This ta a wondcrf ni convenlence featurc and a real economy ln fuel-savlng. Se This Range Now On Display Dert Parker, Agent Ciare Bros. Ranges and Hecia Furnaces WILSON'S fourteen peints dur- ing the iast Great Wan are engnaved in history. Hitlen's necent sixteen fantastic points will aise be neferned te many times by histor- ians in the future. There are an- othen 31 peints, however, of whicb littie is beard even tbough tbey have a serions bearing on tbe daily life cf eveny householden in Can- ada. They nepresent possible fine hazards in the home wbicb, at this season cf the yean, cail for.appro- priate action by everycue living in, on owning a home. Last yean, Canada's total fine loss was $25,899,180 in 44,000 fines. Of this total 33,044 were in dwll- ings with a loss of $6,089,663. Most cf these ' res could bave been avoided by reasc---.kî- cane

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