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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1939, p. 8

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T1Z1 r MAfi AN SATRMAN.BOWANVLLE.OTRIOTURSDAY, OCTOBER 12TH, 1939 PAGE EIGHT Auctioneer ELMER WILBLJK Llcensed Auctloneer Hampton, Ont. Specializing li Farm:, Livestock, Iniplements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Terins and Date ta: Bawnanviile 2428. ILest We Forget" A.H. BOUNSALL Deaignflr and Dealer In Monuments, Tabiets, M arkers, etc. in Granite and Marbie. B3owmanvile, Ont. 1ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, thse ,w.nderfuliy versatile en t er- tabser, for your next entertain- ment. Dlustrated circular free. Addresa 628b Crawford Street, Toronto. Alter a layofi last Saturday, thc Seniar rugby squad of B.H.S. swings back into action Saturtiay whcn Uiey go ta Peterboro ta meet Uic strcng teani ai that ham- let. Far sanie years Peterbara anti Bawmanviile have provideti stirring contests evcry tirnie Uey meet anti it is quite likely that this anc will be up te Uic stand- ard. Petembomo tiefeateti Lindisay twa wceks aga anti Oshawa gat Uice verdict aver Uic locals whlchj neans that Bawrnanville aeds a win this Saturtiay ta stay in Uic running. Runiors have it Uiat Uic tearn h bcginning ta settle down ta sanie seriaus pactice. Last seeson Bownanviile wan thc league title by taking Peter- bora an Uic rounti. Both teams have lost came key mcxi but bath have cevemal regulars back for service. Given firr n udefooting, Brown siaulti halt an ativantage in Uic haafing dcpartrnent while Colville has Uic size anti ability te rip hales in any colegiate Uine. Martien is anotier wha uits a lime harti. Anti again ninybe Mcllveen ROUND TRIP TRAVEL BARGAINS f rom DO WMANVILLE OCT. 20-21-22 To CHICAGO - $13.10 (Plus Exehange) OCT. 20-21 To WINDSOR - $6.70 Tkeut# Pares. Tfflit LSmis ani ,fomu =Mm ouAan CANADIAN Ankf<>r C AN A DIA N NATIONAL "PACIFIC Shoddy Shrinks UKODDY nisy look 1k rosi " ai wool" * wh.u you buy it - but not fore long. Oheap jamwaloe nMay ueem 1k uound protection bUt; iti value shrinks when a bs cornes. W»B. you ineure your property avoid sboddy - tDBit on real protection tbrough JO Je MASON & SON rnSVANCEAGENTS Bowmaflvilll SPORTNEWS B.H.S. Junior Rugby Team Trims Port Hope Lads 13-6 Thursday Bawmanvile High School Jun- chinsan scared touchdawns, Sid Rugb teni gt of taa ~ Rundie booted a field goal andi !or Rgytangtofta l Slernon kicked a single ta accaunt ing start Thursday when Uiey de- for Uic thirteen points. The Part feated Part Hape High School 13 Hope points carne when Smith in- to 6 in Uic latter tawn. The Redi tercepted a Bowmanville forward andBlak hd Uc btte cfUicandi scampered for a major andi and Blak had he bet e ad th la the third quarter Uicy atidetia play Uroughout and usedd single. ruas ta make their biggest gains. KeihSiernan and 'Baldy' Hut:. B.H.S. gave their supparters a marnent of despair vrhen Uicy fumbledtheUi kickoff to Port Hope andtheUi latter promptly plungeti Business Directory for a first down. However Uic visitors quickly reca','ered and useti a series cf ceti runs plus a forward pass or two ta work deep intoeeery territory and Sid Run- Leg die lifted a placement betwixt M.i G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. thc uprights for Uree points. Barrister, Soicitor, Ntary Alter Port Hope had stopped Phane 351 anc Bowmanviile march by nab- Bank of Commerce Bldg. bing a forward, Uic Fagan fana- Bawmanviile. tics went an another trek wiUi _______________________Slemaon gaing aver for an uncon- W. R. STýRE vcrted tcuchdown. Shcrtly alter Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Smith interoepted a Bowmanville Soicitor for Bank cf Montreal owrantuediit fv Mancy ta Loan. Phone 791. Points. Bowmanvile, Ontario. This sanie Smith gave Uic visit- ing gang a lot cf trouble tiuring L. C. MASON, BA. Uic sixty minutes af play anti Barrister - Soicitor started cff thg second hall by run- Notary Public - Etc. ning Uic kickoff back 35 yards. Law n aUits rances. Bowmanvilce stiffencti their de- Offwcein ealyif bans . 'Rylfence and alter gaining contrai ~ce Theatre. of Uic play, began another set af Phones:, Offloe 688; Home 553. extension runs with Hutchinson _________________________carrymng Uic bail aver far a sec- Dentalond unconverteti try. A Bow- Dentalmanville penalty for interference DR. . .C. DEV1TT set Uic stage for Port Hope ta kick their final paint. The fourth Asistant: Dr. E. W. Sinon 1 pcriod was scorcless with Part Graduate of Royal Dental Cal- Hope assaults piling up on Uic lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilce strong Bowmanvilc tiefence. Bldg., Bowmanviile. Office hours Bcwmanviile - Flying wing, S. 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily except Sun-i Runtile; Halves, McIlvecn, Sle- day. mon and Allin; Quarter, Jack- phone 790. House phone 883. man; Snap, Nickerson; Insides, X-Ray Equipmaent in Office. Grant and Hutchinson; Mititles, Harrison and Tamiblyn; 19 n d s, Funeral Directors Hoar and Rawe; Alternates, Scott, FUNEAL DRECTRS -Darch, Ventan, Davitison and R. Servie, any hour, any day. ____________ IF. IF. Morris Coe Modern Motar Equiprnent, Arn-a Bricks and Bouquets bulane and Invalid CaCail Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573 BY NELSON OSBORNE will hang anta a couple of for- ward passes this wcck. Thc Juniors made a fine start in their first garne, outplaying Port Hope ta Uic tune af 13 ta 6. Thc Juniors have a husky line-up and there le plenty ai speed and deception in the backfielti. At Uic present trne Uiey lookr like Uic favaurites for Uic league title. Ia fact, mare than anc ai Uic Juniors would look good on Uic Seniors. Whilc no local team participat- cd in a game over Uic weekend, five former Hlgh Sehool players werc playing and ail hclped their teanis ta victary. On Saturday, Boyd Sleman and Bob MçIlvccn werc on Uic O.A.C. teainiof Guelph which swamped Toronto Varsity seconds. Mclveen h a first string middtle and anc ai Uic better defensive cogs on Uic teani. Slernon is thc fat back of Uic team and specializes in picking off forward passes as pitched by AI Smith. Slcrnan scoreti one touchdown. On Manday, Biil Bagneli, Alex Clvile anti Bob Courtice helpeti Cobourg ta a 9 taoo win aver Ta- onta Cormacks in Uic Couaty town. Biil hs a haliback wha can anti tices caver a lot of graunti. Colville hms moveti irn Uiccen- tre spot ta an outsitie wing pasi- tian this year while stocky Bob Courtice is an ace linenan. When Bob plants his feet anti tecides. thc other tean shail not pase, Uic ather tearn ties not pass. An- other member cf the Cobourg tean h Jackr Ncwton, who has resitieti at Uic local beach for ycars anti who a worketi in Ca- bourg since just befare Uic 1938 seasoli. Basebal h still beiag playetif anti Aylrner bowcti out to Chat- ham colareti ail-stars in twa straight games, Uic first by 7 ta 6 andthUi second 6 ta 5. As Uic score indicates there was littie ta ciaose bctweea tic twa teanis wiich menas Uiat Bowrnviile can be justly prouti ai ifs nine. A note ai satinees crept into Uic second garne ai the Chatam- Aylmrnc seies wien a Meafard car, which attendedtheUi garne, wae in colision witi a train on its rcturn-journey. Clarence Bell, 28, coach ai tic tearn, was killeti in thc crash, wiile Uic first baceman ai Uic tean receiveti cuts anti bruhses. A supporter wha wac li thc car hati bath legs broken whilc a ncwcpaperman was badly shaken Up. Bell maveti ta Mca- fard wien Narrn' Gilmare maveti ta Bowmanvile, takiag aver Uic barber chair previously looketi aiter by Gilmare. Ianpite ai this disaster, Mca- fard hs stayiag in Uic game anti will meet Chathamn in Uic O.B.A. finais. Tic firet gamne was listeti for Moaday but was raineti aut after three inaingc witi Uic score tieti at anc ail. Tyrone Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Hawkey, Miss Marian Hayward with Mrs. J. H. Muttan, Bowman- ville. .. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Beckett and Joan, Bowmanville. with Mrs. Laura Virtue. .. Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Burgess and family at Mr. Earl Stephens', Mount Pleasant, Miss jean Stephens returned home with them. . . Miss Winnifred Smith, Bowman- ville. with Miss Catherine MacDon- aid... Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little and familY, Oshawa% Mrs. D. Davey and children. Long Sauît, Mrs. D. R. Fraser. Bethesda, at Mr. R. McCu'- lough's. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Willis, Messrs Charlie and Gordon Campbell, Canningtan. Miss Louise Lillicrapp, Peterbara. at Mr F. L. Byam's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greenwood, Mr. Lance Greenwood, Peterbora, at Mr. R. McCu'îloug.h's. ..Mr. and Mrs. Levi Annis and bqbe. Toronto, at Mr. A. W. Annis'. ..Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hughson and Mr. Bill Hughson, Mr. and Mrs. George Arnold, Arthur and Mary, Taronta, with Mrs. Wm. Hughsan. ..Mrs. B. Poilard. BgQxnanville. Miss Greta Pallard, Guelph, Miss, Cora Scott, Toronto. calleti on fri- ends Thanksgiving Day. Youniz pcopie's Union met Thurs- day eveniagz with program ir.i charge of Miss Marion Werry and Mrs. R. Virtpe. Scripture by Mr. Wesley Hilîs; readinr by Mr. AlçLen Hoar; musical selectian by Mrs. O. Freund; readinz bv Mr. L. Mortson; tapic bv Mr. H. Parkin; musical selection bv Mr. anti Mrs. Gardon Brent. Suntiay Schaal RaIly Sunday morninz *as weil atended. Supt. A. W. Annis took charge assisted by Rev. A. W. March. Miss Marion. Werrv gave a splendid story with short addresses by Mr. A W. Annis and Mr. March. Mrs. T. Tabb is confined ta ber bcd. Fort Erie, North, Sept. 29, 1939. L'o The Statesman: Enclose postal note for two dollars o cover subscription for ariother 'car. "AIl on the Southern Front." Fort Erie has ber work cut out, since Canada declared war on Hiitlerism- and allother ismns. we hope! since it iS UP to us to protect aur 'neutral' neighbours ovxr the rivçr, f rom enemy invaders. One gzets weary of the catch words "Neutrality" and "Arms Emn- bargzo. Day after day and nlgzht after night - nothing but! What is reaily of more vital importance is whether Christianitv and Civilization are ta be saved - and by whom? Surely flot another repetitian ai "Let Georgze do it 1" We aIl desire peace. but even it mav have its price. Success ta aur- Allies, and may brave Poland be fullv avenized. Best wishes, E. E. Watts. Tl to y( F c ai it ni ci IN b n 0 c b n d CONSTM T/ON /$ A TRAITOR 0 Constipation saurs you on thse worîd anti turne the world againat you. Oct at the cause of your gloomn anti irritability. Restore yaur sys- tem ta regular habita with Kellogg's ALL-BRAN. ALL-BRAN hep# supply the soft, bulky masa yaur boweis neeti for "regular" move- meant. <Ordinary facds aiten fail ta supply preper "bulk">. Anti ALL- BRAN is a rich source cf Vitamin Bl, Naturc's intestinal tonic. Rat ALL-BRAN every day and drink pîeaty cf water. It's Uic construc- tive way ta deal with cominon con- stipation due ta tiet deficiency of bulk". IS A FRIEND1 Harvest Home at St. George's St. George's Church was iavishly ticcarateti with the f inest fruits of orchard. fieldi anti vineyard, and gar- tien f lowers for the Harvcst Home services on Sunday. Oct. 8th. Beau- tif ul autumn flowers also adocaned the altar. Rev. W. B. Jcnnings of St. Mark's Church, Port Hope. preacis- ed in the mlorninz anti lifted bis hearers' thoughts Godward andt taa hizher plane ai gratitude and thanks- zivinz for aIl His gaodness and loy- in kintiness. The choir, with Mes. Tohn Garroti at the organ. provideti inspiriniz thanksgivinoe music. Rev. D. R. Dewdney occuuied the pulpit in the evening. The choir rentiereti an anthem "Came Inoa Hie Courts" with Mr. H. Breretan talc- inz a bass sala. Presentation To Softbail Manager cateGirls'Saftball team, anti Mar- garet Pearce, Treasurer, visiteti the home af Mr. an~d Mrs. George Crowther Oct. 7th ta make a pre- sentatian ta the bridegroom on be- hall ai members of the tesa anti club umpires anti score keepçrs. Man- agrer Crawther was not at home, but Mrs. Crawther zave the girls a mast zraciaus reception anti acçented the gift ai twenty pieces ai a dinner set the Young couple are building up anti sincerely thanked them on behali ai her husbanti anti self. Mrs. Crawther tieligzhted the twa girls, the present- ationi committee ai the tcam, by tak- ingz theni on a visit ai inspection ai their nfcwlv furnisheti home anti showinL, thcm, ail the nice things thev hati zatten for themselves anti hati receiveti as shower anti weddinz gifts. Construetîonl Started on New Silo At the time J. T. Brown's new concrete block silo cracked open anti f cil ta p)ieces he hati still arounti six acres ai corn left standing ta put into a second suppiementary silo which had nat at that time been erecteti. This silo, 10 by 26 f cet, ai wooden stave construction anti ai second hanti material. was put up Iast week. ready for fillinp' an Tues- day. An entirely new anti heavier fountiation ai soliti concrete has been built on the site ai the wreckcd silo andi a f ew feet of newv concrete blocks wiIl be built upon this at once. The remainder, al ai new blocks, will be campîcteti ncxt sDrinz. The twa silbs will be side by slde. AIl the ensilage f rom the f irst silo was taken by trucks anti wagons ta Mrs. Arguc's fan., tenanteti by Mr. Brown. anti reblown into the silo there. Mr. Brown anti the cantractars will share eciuaily the cast of Putting un another silo ta replace the anc -that f aileti. They are not undaunteti bv anc mishap. Blackstock Recent Visitars: Miss H. Mount- jay, Bronte, with Mr. andi Mrs. Nor- man Mountiay... Miss Ferga John- stan.anti Mr. Arnoldi Johnstan, To- ronto, Miss Agnes Johnson ant Mrs. J. Johnstan. Miîlbrook, with Mr. anti Mrs. A. Johnston. .. Miss Gertrudie Henry, Tornto, with Mr. anti Mrs. Tas. Henry. . . Mr. anti Mr£ Lane Bratiburri, Toronto. with Mr. anti Mrs. Weslcv Bratiburn. .. Mr. Fred Wa!don, Mr. Morrey Waîtion anti Mr. Jack Waltion, Toronto. at Smith Bras. .. Mr. anti Mrs. Rass Curtis anti family, Cobourg, with Mrs. Rpbt. Bruce. .. Mr. anti Mrs. Ivn Shook, Toronto., with Mrs. John Marlaw.. Miss Susie Van Camp, Miss Tessie Kox, Miss Helen Knx anti other girl frientis spent the wcekencj at Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Bailey's cottage at Lake Scugag. .. Miss Florence Wcdgewood. Tornto, with Miss Eva Parr. .. Mr. Anson Taylor. Roblin, with Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Taylor.. Mr. anti Mrs. Waltr Kolusky andi famiîy, Gaît. with Mr. anti Mrs. jas. Farder. .. Miss Eva Brown, Miss Lama McCoIl, Mr. R. Allin anti Mr. Roy Hilgartner at their respctive homes. . . Mrs. Flett, Bowmanvilîc, with ber tiaughter, Mrs. Mervir Gr- ham. . . Dr. anti Mrs. J. A. Mc- Arthur. Betty anti Jessie at Strat- fard.. Mies Ruth Marlow, Ta- rnt, with ber mother, Mrs. Jas. G. NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW - SYMBOL OP BUSINESS STABILITY Are You Ruptur.d?, (A lesson lu preventatîve hyglesýe) Has your mother ever tolti you about abdominal weakaess? Theg reason we ask hiîs question is be- cause there are sarne peopie living1 and breathing who Uink that p rupture is an irreparable darnes- tic dispute, andt Uat a Hemnia, far instance, le an African animal with curly haras. Nothing could be further froni fact. «'What le a rupture?" That h a very good question. Generally speaking, a rupture is a bulge or weakaese in Uic fabric . . a leak- ing valve . . or a 'blaw-out'. "Where dae a rupture taIre place?" That is a very good ques- tion. Between yaur buttocks and yaur arnipits you arc very much like a rubber tire. You comprise a casing (auter tire) ... a tube (in- ner lining> ... and .wind. Sanie such analcgy accounts for the say- ing Uiat when a man can't get anywhere he hs a 'flat tire'. "What causes rupture and haw can I avoiti it?" That la a very good question. Persane betwcen Uic ages ai 5 anti 25 are hardly ever ruptured., Before 5, it'e a matter yau can't help. Alter 25 you should exercise caution. If yau have a 6 ply, triple twist ab- tiamen, you arc faily safe, but don't try lifting a telegraph pole or pushing motor transports around. If yau have a sagging etornach or trace cf tomn tissues, Uic best Uing ta do is halti your abdomen in your lap and refuse ta handle anything heavier Uian a bcd sheet. If, however, you are unfortun-. ate caough ta get a puncture, go ininediatcly and get fixed up with a 'blow-aut' shoe. It covers Uic break in Uic casing and prevents Uic tube or lining frorn protrud- ing. If you have never been meas- ured for an abdominal bclt.. steel truss . . or Huni-Diager Her- nia Holder, you have missed anc ai Uic most intirnate and fastid- Mrs. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. John Seymour and son, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. S. - -. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stinsan anti]Floyd and Harvey Malcoîm, Yilverton, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stins9n. .. Mrs. Dick Edgerton with Mrs. John Mc- Kee. .. Mrs. Oakley Carle., Cavan, and Mrs. Milton Sandersan and f am- 11., Toronto, with Mrs. Stanford Swain. . . Mr. Kirby Pearcc and daughter, Shirley, Toronto, Mr. Wil- tan Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Hoaper, Little Britain, Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Dixon and family, Toronto, with Mrs. Florence Thomson. Mrs. Fred Bailey, Mr. andi Mrs. J. R. McLaughlin and Mrs. Bella Richardison were at Manvers Station Fridav attendinz the funeral af their cousin, Mrs. Wm. Johnston. 't"i Manager. Sunday aswIl), ana place - AflyuIe-calis. p - r 1 - 1 rewlm 1 precision mechanics. People who have a good set cf ires and tubesý, and are not famn- Wnr with rupture trouble, will stand in frant cf an artificial 11mb tare and marvel at thc accessor- ies in Uic wrndow . . Uic belts .. straps . . steel trusses . . and Hum- ]inger Hernia Holders. But aftcr yau have had rupture trouble for orne years and been in a garage several Unies ta be patched up, vulcanized and fitted wiUi ncw puncture-praaf patches, yau don't get such a kick 01ut cf looking at the wonder-legs and thc rest af the gadgets. Innocence and Joy "As sings Uic mountain. strean, Past rock and verdure wild, Sa let me sing my way ta Thec, Thy pure and happy child.' Haw beautifufly this verse frorn Uic Christian Science Hymnal describes Uic icyful, childlike at- titude towards flic Uiat Uic world necas! That Christ Jesus, aur Wayshower, deemed this a neces- sary qualification for truc living and for Uic undcrstanding and practice cf pure Cbristiaiiity, is evident by his words <Matthew 18:3): «'Except ye be converted, and becorne as littie children, ye shail not enter into Uic kingdorn af heaven." One sunny rnorning a etudent was silently praying ta God for tic light af understanding ta lift Uiought above certain pcrplexing problenis which were seemning ta' drag her down to a joyless sense cf living. Suddenly a refreshing sang cf joy carne ta her listenlng car. It was sweet and clear as Uic strains of IL bird. Going ta Uic window, Uic student saw a very little girl, wiUi head Uirawn back, singing as she walked. She was quite unconscicus of Uic many passers-by, whoee faces lightcd Up with an answcring ernile, as they responded ta Uic expression cf happy unscif-consciaus. child- hood. This is Uic way Uic Father answers prayer - s0 simply Uiat sametimes we hardly realize Uiat Uic araswer is present in juet Uic way and at just the moment we need it. Let us nat; delay ta put on Uic garments cf praise, cf childlike purity and innocence. Anxiety and fear have no place in omni- presence, * and can neyer usurp thc place of childlikc trust ini gaad. We are free ta put off Uic drab and tear-staincd garments cf material sense, which does net; knaw Uic facts cf being. Let us wholeheartedly deny any beliel that Uic material senses can cdu- cate us away frani Uic swecl naturalness and siniplicity cf un- derstanding aur FaUier, good, and know and aftirm Uic truUi thal we are living and moving: in per. fcct unity with all good naw. We 1need not spend a marnent living d. kt > 'e lz "1CHUCK" CONACHfER SWEARS BY KRJ SCHEM $@y& dIt kffl Y«"oWUmr tses "When an athiete la ptched up as often as 1 have been in the asat few years he learn tihe %value of keeping fit in other ways,' aya Charlie Coàacher. 111 find a pinch cf Krusclwn Saltstakeflbleymorn- ing isa great way to avoid coldu, head- aches, sluggishncess and acid indigestion. It helps keep you fit . and on yoir toes. <....... Kruscben Salta combines thse advan- tages of not just ane or two, but several highiy important, refined minerai alta, ach ane with a special function. The net resuit is a system clear cf poisons, a heaithy bloodatrearc - that million dollar , .r' Kruschen feeling. Start today-25c, 45C and 75c at 1Df~ AILYDOEI1 stores. li the aid belief of séparationi fram God, who lsa ur LUfe; but 1we can turn naw to aur loving 1Father, as did the prodigal son, 'and find a loving welcarne ready for us. As we act li obédience to 1God, the lies and cares of sinful sense wîll be shorn of their seem- ing reality and fade frami sight- Frorn The Christian Science Mon- 1tor. 1 Perhaps it's ail right ta be ab- 'sent-minded if it enables you ta 1farget yaur troubles. ,ýsol;e7." THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 i j 1 This year, the NationalMor Show wlfl open lu ToroniztO o October l4th. In thse war-tlm,,c role which Canada muet*Play, a smooth-running industrial ma- chine la Uic flrst essential. The annual dlsplay of the automotive industries' ncw Products this ses- son, la expectcd ta set a Pace for business as wcIl as thse ncw styles in hlghway transportation. In the field of motor cars, production,y cales and advertising will continue as usual and thse show lu belng staged as a demonstratloll of Uhic. Photos show: Upper lett, a corner cf thse Automotîve Building lu Ex- hibition Park; lower rlght, a main floor ale through Uic ranks of new models makiug thelr debuta. Upper rlght, la Harriet Hutchlns, singtng starlet of Hollywood fame 1

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