'77 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, -OCTOBER 19T, 13M T The Mlewcastle Independent PHONE CLAIKE 1114 I(rs. (Dr.) McKenzie, Toronto,. day and bIttended the Internàtian- lias been visiting her daugliter, al Plowlng Match. Mnft. H. S. Eritton.' Mr. Chas. Banathan, eider son Misb Mabel Brown, Toronto, of Mrs. Alf. Bonathan, Newcastle, vwsited lier aunts, Mrs. Jno. Doug- was taken tb Oshawa haspital last lus and Mn. Bd. Brittain. week and operated on fbr an acute attack of appendic#à1. He Mr. and Mns. Wm. flaiina, Jean is daing well. and Gardon, Corbett's Point, Osh- Mr. John Qiga h eHv aadwrsu M.lnda .uss !M.iland Company, Toronto, spent and M. H.M. ~the weekend with his mother, Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Quigg. He bas been1 A. W. Gienney an the birth of a promoted from the Shipping ta son in Bawmanville Hospital an the Pragress Department. Wednesday, October 1Mt. Rev. W. G. Hancock has been1 Mrt. Adair Hancocic, lately of visiting his brothers, Charles, the Kerr-Addison Mines, Larder Herbert and Fred, befare going1 Lake District, but now in Toronta 'ta Kingston again ta keep housei vlsited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Han: for his son William who is at- cock. tendmng Queen's University. Garnet Rickard, Jas. T. Brown Sunday guests with Mr. and Allan Clemence and Jno. Hendry; Mrs. Percy Hare were Mr. and Sr. rnotored ta Brockvilie Tmurs- Mrs. Harold Clark of Belle Plain, Sask., wha have been visiting ber DENTIST father, Mr. Wesley Whittieton, _____________________. Goodwood, and Mr. Geraid Rause, DR. R. O). DICKSON Cobourg. (Toronto) and Newcastle, ont. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cowan were Over Langman's Store, Newcas- 1hast and hostess on Sattirday ev- tie. Office hours: Saturday oily, cning at a family gatbering in 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. Phone A1222. ihonour of her brother and sister- SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR T ORIGINA Rtexali One m Cent Sale November 1-2-3-4 LATEST DISCOVERY in Eyesight Comfort Newvaene gves us They' Will bringyou a new and noticeable eye comfort. The greatest buylng event of tic year, backed by the. f inest drut campany>. Pre- vaue flow taparticipae ln thec amazlug avinga Photography There's no gucas work whcn you seul dusdr films to Unique Studios Their work la superb. ASK ABOUT pet,"nalChdotmai Cu&ds ad Feldexu using your own negatives. Tisey arc unusual and at- tractive lu eltiier bWak and white or cler. e, *TS e ho. iU er l.a osheo we WIIL oS gar go 81W~9 JURY & LOVELL eyR& 'D to WMon w. test your cyes it is doue properly Bow*uANvm= EPHRONE 778 ln-law, Mr. and Mns. Herb Gii- utnÈrSbarkvillc, on-,.4uki...cliver wedding annlversary. A public, meeting'will be iseld in thc councilichamber Thursda>' evening o! this wcck o! ail inter- ested in !orming an Intermediate Red Cross Socle¶y in Newcastle. Major Watson, Red Cross organ- izer, will address thse meeting. Reeve C. R. and Mns. Carvetis were in Toronto Saturçlay evening as guests o! their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Stowe, at whasc home thcy had thse pîcasure of viewing some reels of amateur1 motion pictures taken at "Dam-1 1O1e", Newcastle on Uic Lake, thisj past summer on thc occasion o! Mns. (Dr.) Gea. H. Carveth's1 blrthday. Principal J. D. Coambs of Uic bigh scisool and a groupo! bigh scbool students, consisting o! Jas. P. Lovekin, Richard Rafle>', Law- rence Milison, Roy Murray' and Donald Jose, went on an educa- tional mobor trip ta Ottawa last weekend. Pravidcd wîth a, pass b>' Mn. W. F. Rickard, M.P., they% were sbown througb Uic parlia- ment buildings. mhe> also visited Hull, Que., and journeycd home b>' way o! Renfrcw. On Saturday, Oct. 14Ui, a quiet wedding was soicmnized at Uic United Churcis parsonage by Rev. R. E. Morton when Mr. Leslie Ernest Reid, Cowanvilic, was marnicd ta Miss Dorothy 'Irene Sw6rbnick, daughtcr o! Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swarbrick, Kendal. The groom was attendcd b>' bis bro- ther, Mr. Wm. A. Reid, and the bride b>' ber sister, Mns. Edna M. Garbutt. Mr. and Mrs. Reid will take up farnaing on Uic late Wm. Cowan !arm, nantis'o! Clarke Cisurch. Young Pcopi's Union isld Uic first meeting of Uic fall season on October 13Ui. Devotional, led by Bil Rowland, cogsisted o! vocal duet b>' Evelyn Aflin and Grade Powell; scripturc neading by Kay Toms; piano solo b>' Margaret Pearce; violin, solo, Ross Allin. A number a! games wcrc greatly cnjoyed. On bebalf o! Uic Union, Garnet Rickard prcscntcd Mr. and Mrs. Wllbur akerville with a magazine rack, commenting on their work in Uic Union. Lunch was scrved., John Allin wiso graduated with honora lu his middle achool sub- jects !rom UicNewcastle Higb School, whicb cntitlcd hlm ta Uic Montague Scholarsbip of! $125.00, also Uic Winat Medal, was suc- cessful in passing al bis subjects lu upper school wiUi bonors at Uic Rverdale' Collegiate, Toronto. His standing was sucis Uiat be was awardcd a $200 Scisolarsisip toward universit>' tuýtion. mhis scholarship gaca on for four years if John sa, desires it. He is just seventeen now and is cnrollcd in Uic school o! Practical Sciec n Electrical Engineering. ,G o a d luck, John. NEWCASTLE TAX RATE WILL BE 35 MAILLS Municipal Coundil finaj.iy struck thc tax rate far Newcastle for 1939 at 35 milis. Some wecks ago it waa reported that the rate wauld be 37 nillis, but sanie thmngs have happened since then ta per- mit a further lowening o! thc rate fromn that of 1938 which was 39 nulls. Board -of Educatiôn ne- solved ta, reduce its requisition te the Coundil by $250.00. Council bas aise) received a rebate of neari>' $400.00 in cash, plus a cre- dit note o! ;Ver $80.00 from the Newcastle Hydra Commission an its street ligbting account. mhese two things enabled the Ceuncil ta casil>' bring thc rate down ta 35 miUls. mhis was the rate in 1918, bwenty-ane years aga, and it bas neyer been s0 10w ince. Ta the ratepayers o! Ngwcastle there wm ),be a saving o! $4.00 this year on cvery $1000.00 o! asseas- ment, as compared wlit 1938. HAVE YOUR CAR WINTER-PROOFED AT HODGSON'S Tne »emon for freez-ujis and orackedradiatoru in Juit ah" d. ou onu sideatop every winte hasard stmply by hav- ing us condition _vour cou for oold wethw now. Whon we finish, you'fl b. able te buck the elentnts witbout four or stailiiig or mnjury te yom car1 ANTI-FREEZE 1W carry thse flueut - oltiser glo-Vap Alcohol or Preutone. Don't walt until Id weatlser cracks Your raitor - change uow. Fredrainandulfns wlthf D. HODOSON Ki1g st. Ezut Eowmiuvlflb11 a». .stephenson1 Recelves Pot.. tnpl T. New Yoek Fffr As areward for being Caiada's leading rock wool home nI- tion salesman, George St=:Iâi son, Newcastle, ef Uic CanUiàmE Johns-Manville Home Iaaô Company, Iefti.8aturday1 s a trip tu New York as a gtxe to! Wlc lu New York, Mr. Steph- ensan will recelve anc of thewrost covetcd honora in bise.rock«wool industry - mnembcrship lu thse J- M Wlnners Club, whicis raspbes thc leadlng men lu ail efthbie 'Un- ited States and Canada employred lu Uic distribution o! J-M home insulation. This award wln be made at a Company' dinner ta be hcld at Uic Hotel Roosevelt. Besides atending tisis dinner and visiting Uic N e w YTak World's Fair, Mr. Stephensott *111 aise meet wlihcompany. officiais wbile lu New York ta dlséuds merchandising plans for bise coin- ing ycar. Cowanville Visitara: Mr.. and Mns. Ws. Mackcy and f amil>', formeri>' c! Cowanvillc, now o! Caledan, with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Parbeous .. Mns. A. T. Perrin wihber dauih- ter, Mns. Cook, Hamilton... Mr. and Mrs. Marvin and Lloyd, Mon- ris, wltb Mn. and Mns. Gea. Henderson... Mn. and Mns. Ray- mond Bruce and Marion, Newton- ville, witb Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Reid, nec Dorothy _Swar- brick, who were marnied Sabur- day lu Newcastle,. mc>' are living on Mrs., Cowan's f arm nntiso! Cowanville. Y. P. U. was beld Tucsday and was fairly well attcnded. Tise>' expect ta start practising a play shorti>'. Miss Marion Simpson wil direct it. Mn. A. T. Perrin bas beérs ta Welland on business. Mn. Morton bas been visiting in Uic community. Kendal Visitora: Mn. and Mns. Cecii Tebblc witb ber parents, Mr. and Mns. H. Ho>', Oshawa. . .. Mr. and Mns. Milton Dunbar with lier par- ents, Mn. and Mns. W. Elliott.- Misa Clara Seens visited her ais- ter,,Mrs. Reg. Elliott. .. Mni. Geo. mhompson and Gwynne with Mrs. Jas. Austin, Wclcome. . . Miss Annie Wright with ber mother, Mrs. o. Wigt. . . !Mm. Aber- crombie, Toronto, with hel, sister, Mrs. W. Elllott. .. Mr. and Mns. Jas. Austin and Mn . Lawrence Bamnscy, Wclcome, with Mn. and Mns. L. D. Bell.. . Miss Margaret Smith at ber home in MII* k Mr. and mrs. Leonard FaWýt tended Roseneatl Fair. miss Margaret Smith atecd Teachera' Convention at Port Hope. Ôrono News Mr. J. E. Richards bas been indisposed..j Mrs. C. McLaren bas been on Uic sick ligt. Mr. W. C. Lynch lc!t Monday for Sault Ste. Marie.' Mn. and Miss Jobnstan, Evans- tan, Ill., bave returncd' bome. Mn. and Mns. Russell F. Cruse and baby visited Mrs. J. Eagleson. Mn. and Mrs. Cameron, Toron- ta, visitcd Mn. and Mns. E. Evans. Mns. Stutt a! Orono won a cab- inet o! silver and $5.00 in a radio contest. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mns. Wcs. Wood on Uic birth a! a daughter. Mr. and Mns. E. Evans attended Uic funeral of Mn. McGill at Yel- vcrton Manda>'. Messrs. Mervyn and J a b n Keane, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mns. A. H. Keane. Mns. Delbert Flintaif, Oshawa, and Mns. Wcs. Canieron, ZMon, vislted Mn. R. H. Wood. Mra. R. Best was taken ta thc hospital Tuesda>'. Mrs. H. Beat la staying with Miss S. Best. mhe Badminton Club are un- able ta bold their social evenings and gaines owlng ta Uic armounles being claaed, Chamber o! Commerce met Monday niglit wisen Mn. Carter a! Galt gave a meut interesting addreus ou "Tise Insurance Con- tract and Fire Protection." Neil F. Porter, Rev. S. Littlewood amd J. J. Melon wll arrange for thse Aritce Day service, Nov. lltis. Wm. Amtrong, Neil F. Porter and. W. J. Riddell will plan for Uic annual Christmas tree jollUli- cation. A pleasaht evening was spent at Uic Orange Hall, Orono, Tueo- day 'evenlug when menibers et Orono Band, their wlves and chlldnen and lady friends, met ta honour a newiy-marrled member a! Uic band, James Tamblyn, and iiis bride. Carias Tamblyn rend an address and Donald Hamm presented Uiem with a table lalnp and mirror. Bath redîpients re- plied thanking Uhir'frlends. Tise reat .of thc evcning was spent in crokinole and five hundrcd. A lord>' lunch * was served b>' the ladips, BACKACII OFTEN WARNING -U la uImortant.Tek.ompt- la. tavux, M* EWM*M ffiM. ,107 Dodd's KIdn.y Publ RUNJiIdIY QS~On Saturday, October 14, 1939, ht;J'oronto, by Rev. Harald E. Toye, Helene Monica, e1de~r daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.. Hynds, Toronto, ta Lewis 'W1ifréd, eidest son of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Rundle, Býowrnan- ville. DBýkTH MATTHEWS - In Bawnanville, an Tbursday, Octaber l2tb, 1939, Arcbibald Matthews, age 78 years. Intennient Bowmanville Cenietery. MEADER - At Christie Street Haspital, Toronto, Fririay, Oct. l3tb, 1939, Ernest A. Meader, 75th Battalion, beloved busband cf Florence Curtis cf 18 -Alexander Street., Taranto. Son cf Uic late Henry Meader, Bowmanville. SISSON - In Man.vers Township, October llth, 1939, Steaiien.W. Sissan, aized 8 years. Fj.e of Dr. E. W. SiýsorV Bowmanvlle-. IN MEMORIAM CRAWFORD - In lovincmg momry cf Will Crawrford, who passed awav on Oct 23rd, 1921: October bnigs back memories 0f a ioved anc ozone ta rest. He will aiways bc rcmembercd Bv those wbo lave liii best. -Sadiy niissed by mother, sister and brother. Card of Thanks Mrs. Stephen Claytan desires ta thank those who extended kind ex- oressions of sympatby and sent floral cf f enigs durnig ber recent sad be- reavemient. Starkville Recent Visitors: Mr. Wmn. lHnry, Newcastle, witb bhis sister, Mrs. S. G. Haiioweii. . . Misses Gwen Gil- mer and Ruth Savery witb liMiss Helena H-alloweil. .. Mr. Gea. Et- weli, Mrs. Silver and Mrs. Bert Trini motared Mr. Etweli's father borne ta Uxbridge after visitinz witb tbem... Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper, Kirby, Mr. and Mrs& L. 59very and family, Newtonviile, at Mr. WnL Saver's. .. Mr. and Mrs. T. Snaw- den, Elizabethvilie, Miss A. Snew- den and Mr. L. Hugihes at Mr. Herb Gifiner's. . . Mrs. F. Bennett and Jean, Mrs. H. Harrington, Miss Bertba Halioweli and f riend, Mr. and Mr&. . Davjies, Toronto, at Mr. Jkicob Hailôwell'b. .. . Mrs. Russel Saverv eniayed a visit f raniber sis- ter cf Detroit, and her mether cf Elizabethville. , . Miss Heeila Hal- iewell bas returned te Toronto.. Mrs. J. White, Eiizabethviiie, with ber daugbter, 'Mrs. Ambrose Robin- son... Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and daugbter, Newcastle, at Mr. L. Halloweil's. . . Mrs. Cecil Glaes and son, Kendai, at Mr. Gea. Smitb's.* Mrs. Wm. Stutt, Orono, witb Mrs. Jacob Halioweli. We welconie Mr. and Mrs. Lean- ard Falls te aur neigbhbourhood wbe were married Friday. Sbiieb anniversary services and pot luck suppier were a reai success. Mr. Bob Farrow, Port IHope, is visitinir Mrs. J. Clysdale. Miss M. J. R. Green attended a banquet in Newcastle. Shiloli W.A. bad a profitable af- ternoon at Mrs. Ross Hailowell's, ciuiltinx. 1Wanted WANTED - WOMAN, MIDDLE aged, for housework on f anm, able te take charge, three aduts; bydro, conveniences in bouse. Henrv C. Bewen, R.R 1, Oreno, Ont. Pbane 38-21. 42-2* Aiterations BRING YOUR LAST YEAR'S ciothes up-ta-date bv bavingz theni altered ta 1939 styles. The Ejrlyn Shop niaintains a special depart- ment, fuily equipped te bandie vour alteratian needs, wbetber lbey are large ar salal. Wbhy be oId- fasbioned. Have those stili goo4, but eut-af-style gzarments brouabt upt-aePhone 594. 42-tf WOOL BELD]ING AN»D EEHIV 3 Mnd 4 pi>' heatiser wools for flue ockç 20e - 25e skein SCOTCH FINGERING gre>' and brown heathrr, 4 PI, 35c skein WHICELING YARN non-shrluk, 8 pI>', for everyda>' socke 33e akein BABY WOOJ. and Fana>' Yafns bail l15e and mUp AuctIon sales Saturday, October. 21;: Mrs, Siqapt- son will seli bv public auctiou in tbý village cf Hqmjpton, ber bousehol f urniture, a ne-barse implements,_ ha>' straw, corn and mangoids.- Sale at 1.30 p.ni. Ternis cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 42-1 Tbursday, October l9tb - Mr. AIf. Richards, Lot 16, Con. 9, Dar- iinaton ( anc and oneýquarter miles nortb, ncarly one mile east of En- niskilien) wil seli bv public atiction bis f anr stock, implements, hay grain, etc. Sale at 1 a'ciock. Ternis cash. Elmer Wiibur, Auctioneen. 41-2 É Friday, October 20th, Mn. E. A. Werrv wili cf fer for sale by public auction on thse premises, Lot 17 and 18, Con. 9, Daniington a numben of Holstein ail Shortborn Springer caws; also 25 2-year-eld stcerii- 25 2 - ean -aId beifers;, 25 yearling Esteers; 25 yearling beifers, ahl beef breed: 4 sows, due to farrow in ane month:. a nuniber of sboats :\apuni- ber cf sucklinx pigs. Ternis cash.' Sale at 1.30 o'clock. Ted Tackson, rAuctioneer 42-1 Position Wanted YOUNG GIRL, 18, DESIRE* housework Appiy "L.A.," cle thé r Statesman, Bowmianville. 42-1 Reni Estate For Sale FOR SALE - HUNDREI?:-ACRE ranch, weli fenced and watered, in Manvers Township. Pnice $1,195. Appiy te "M. M.," Dra-yer B., Bowmanviiie. .42-1* FOR SALE - SMALL MODERN dwelliniz with baîf acre Qf land$ close ta bigzhway, about 2 miles f rom tawn, bathroom (toilet aniy) septic tank, bardwood floors, good woodwark, price reasonable.. J. J. Mason & Son, Bowmanviill. 42-1 FOR SALE - FIVE-ROOMED brick cottage an Qucen St., good garden, garage. Apply Mrs. K. S Wood, Bowmanvilie, Phone 2506.. Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - 10 YOUNG WHITE Yorkshire pigs. Apply Frnk Aids- wortb, Courtice, Ont. Phone 1652r5, Oshawa. 42-1* FOR SALE - 15 YORKSHIRE pigs, six weeks oId. W. . Rey'- nolds. Phone 2181. 42-1* FOR SALE - -CLYDE MARE, bred: and good Clyde. colt, both fan $65.00 or tradc on cattie. C. J. Mitchell, Newcastle. 421* FOR SALE-PURE BRÉD HERE- fard bull, zood colour, 18 manths aid. Ravymond Clapp, Tyrone. 42-1* FOR SALE- GOOD BIG HOL- stein caw, 6 yrs. aid, wil reew in f ew days. Thos. Cçliss, north of R. U. Worden's, R.R. 3, Bow- manvilie. . 42-1 FOR SALE - TEN 6WEEks- aid pigzs. P. ýFinney, R.R. 3, Bow- manville, north cf Mapie Grave Scbool, Phone 2309. 42-1 FOR SALE . 6 PIGS, 6-WEEKS- aid: also yaung sow due.iii Dec- ember. ADiy Cyril Rundle, R.R. 2, Bawmanviile. 421 FOR SALE - BROOD SOWS, bred, aisa shoats; Leicqster ram lambs and Yearling ranis. Wrm Hayes, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 41-2 PIGS FOR SALE - 6-WEEKS aId. At wbat was formerly Mar- tin Farrow fanm, naw fili possess- ion cf Mrs. M. Chesebro, New- castle. R.R. 2, 3rd Con., Clarke Townsbip). 41-3* FOR SALE - SHROPSHIRE sbeep, XXX, ram Iambs ; also ewe lanibs. Apply N. C. Wotten, Hamp- ton, Phone 2447. 41-2* Articles For Sale FOR SALE - SMOOTH HAIR- cd Fox Terrier pups, black and white, 3 montbs, mnale $5,00, f e- maie $2.00. T. W. Butteri', Scugag Street, Bawmanvilie, Phone 2190. 42-2 FOR SALE - CLOVER MILL, will seli cheap for cash; aiso a' 7-roni bouse. Appy 402 Park Rd. S., Oshawa. 42-1* FOR SALE - HUDSON SEAL coat, genuine, ioveiycoqdition, self tnimmed, size 36, barrain $25.00. Mrs. A. L. Darcb, Bowmanville. 42-1* FOR SALE - -SQLID OAK DIN- ing rooni suite in gzood ccn«ttian, large buffet, extension table and 6 icather seat chairs, Sininijns bcd single dresser, r4çarly new, bir- gain. Hunt St. and Base Lice. Mrs. Henrv Neilson. 42-1* FOR SALE-NEW APPLE BAR-, rels. Apply D. S. Miliigan, New- castle. Phone Clarke ilsi. 41-2 FOR SALE - RUBBER GOO9§, sundries, etc., niailed pcstpaid',, in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% lecas titan retail. Write for mal-order catalogue. Nov-Rubber Ça., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont., 42-3 Prepare For Wlnter GET READY FOR COLD WEA- ther - Have your windo.s f ixed. to dio" the dramugt with ail-metal *weher' stripplagLJW" aIsemake stan Windos1I' ê jrices reasonabie. W M li arven- ter anid Builder. Sisop, King St. E. Residence Churcit and Ontario Sts., Bownianville. 42-4 TO RENT - ehOIàMEk HOUS on Elgin St., Bowmpyille, modem1 canveniences inciudling, hardvwaod1 floors. Possessiohs NOV. lst. Apply Mrs. Arthur Moore, Pha.ve 2394,1 R.R. 1, EEPflskillcn. 42-1 TO RENT - GARAGE ON George Streeti Phone -384. 42-1 APARTMENT TO RENT - -5 moinis and bath, vacant- for Nov. lst.-Appiv Mrs. Diiuiiweli, !silver St., Bowmanviile, Phane 784. 42-1 TO RENT - HOUSE IN HAMP- ton, 2 acres of land, bard 4nd 59ft1 water. Applv Mrs. M. Langmaid, Hampton, Phone 2451. 42-2 TO 1RENT - TWO OR THREE roims on IKinjzStrèet- from Oct. lSth. Phone, Maude Eliiott,, 2371. Wanted WANTED-OLD HORSES AND cattie for fax meat. Narby Y ur Farm. Tvronc. Phone 2415. . 34-tf Readhlnga TEA CVJP AND CARDS -FROM 3 p.m..ta 10 p.ni. Darch's Tabacco Store. 39-4* Beauty Culture VOGUE HAIRDRESSING SALON under new management. Ail kinds of bairdressing, facials and mani- curina at reasonable prices. Rase Marie Beauty Salon. Tejephone 358. D. Grahamn, Operator. 40-tf Notice To Creditors ALL PERSONS hâving any dlaim azainst the Estate of the late J. HERBERT POWER, who died an or about the 2tb day cf julY, 1939, at the Township cf Darilngtan, in the Countv cf Durhami, are required. ta file the saine with proaf thereof witi the undersigned Sôlicitor for the Estate not later than November 1Otb, 1939, after which date thc Estate will be dietributed and al dlaims cf whicb notice baà net been received will be barred as against the said Administrator. Dated at, Bowmanvilie. this 1Oth day cf October 1939. M. G. V. Gauld, Bowmanviilc, Ont., Sôliciter for L. R. 'Power, Administrater. 41-2 - Select 'Your Mattress Requirements-- From These Special -OctobrVle Canada's Finest Beddlng Ontario's Lowest Piries. THE ECONOMY SPECIAL Gives you Spririg-Airquality, at, Iow in.itial1 cost.. Provïdes year of recl sleep corniort because it 'is built around a Karr Spring Construction, guaroeitee4.5 ycars. ÇOvered in an imporlcd Belgium Damask.. 50 Lb. WHITE COTTON - ROLL EDGE MATTRESS - DAMASK TICK, au. $0.80vaue -- - ---- $6995 Linxlted Quanity - FELTE» COTTON MATTRESSES, lseavy sTRIPED ACA TECK, 89 neg. $13..50......$895 DELUXE tiMATTREclSI, flue uimpie cotbton filn,t ACA TECK, IMPERIAL EDO£E. Reg. 8.00 -$ 95 Note - Ail abovç. inattreas, argr,,QOutèrio Goverrmot&tb.l cortlfring filhingufa uew aMd u"at"7. Visit oui EdsWng Dept. nul tao a eonpJote Une o matrem.u, sprinte, Dodu, Pllowu, Dlau. lui e e * r 't' -* ' , r.~; * j e e Check These: " Lubrication " Winter Noter Oil " Bpark Plugu " The. Pointu " Winter Gear Oil " Tir"s * Lght àBora " Thie Batt.ry w7q:lýl -IMWpe"wl mou lw Imm IRE D"01ci, USE -iý/,WANTBqos «Mobrtgoge -%le 'UNDER AND BY VIRTUE Of 1 the .Powcrs cf Sah contàal n aa cerWq,,IgrtgaI. wbich wll be Pro- duced at tihe time cf sale, t4.ere*wl b. cf fcred for sale by Elmner Wiibur, Auctioniet at PUBLIC AUCTION on Wednesday. tise 25tis dayof Oc-t- aber. 1939, at Uic hour of one-thirtY o'clock in the afternoan at tise farm of' JOHN B. BLAKE, R.LR& 1, Hamipton. Ontario, Uic foliOwi.ng o .roperty. nameiy: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land: and premises, situate, iyiniz and liiin ii tbe Township cf Darlingtpfll à,itUi Countv cf Durhami. and being coa- nosed cf ail that portion cf tise goutis baîf cf Lot thirty in* tise fa rth Concession lylng norUi cf ihe .. - adian Northern, Raiiwav a ..n.ine bv admeasurement sixty-tsrec 'acres, which land is dcscribed in xuprtza~e number 13886 ta The &eéüctlt"ra Devielopmepit Board. ON tise said fârm Uiherc is nid ta be erected a dwelliniz bouse with suÙit- able fanm buildings. THE lands will hi sold spblect ta, a Reserve Bid. TERMS 0F SALE: Twçjity-five percent of thc nurchase moncy ta ho p)aid down at the tume cf Uic sale, Uic balance ta be secured bY a mort- gage witb interest at four 'Per ccii ver nnun. FOR furtser particulars and con- ditions of sale apply ta The Coninissioner cf Agzri.cul- tural Loans,, East Block,ý Parliament ýidgs., Taranto, Ontari. Dated at 'Toronto, Uiis twenty- eighth day of. Septemlier, 1939. 40-3 ,Ieirsonali MENI1 WANT VIM? TRY RAW Oyster, Tonic, Ostrex Tablets, ta vcv up wbcle body quiçk 1 If flot deligbted with ýresuits first -Pack- age, makér refunds its iow Prime 'You don't risk a penny. Cal1, write 1urv,8& Lovell, and ail good drug- Rsts. .42-1 D. C. DAVEY,.S., D .So. Bowmauvlil Successor ta Br. T. F. Tlgho Office: Kh4t St. Baut, at Tiglie Resident - PHONE SU8 A o . 1 . 1 - il - , 1 : IL r, BOWMMVM