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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1939, p. 9

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Ai - . - - - - -- - --- ." - TgURSDAY, OCTOBEk 26TI-I, 1939 ~~~~T HECNDA TTSABWAVL NAI Mr. ErvanAND PRTSDNT RRSTEPANZPEIETIe Fred Pakt.Uin OUTYFFCR _______and_____________ SOCIETY FORMED 1A'ASomething novel was tried by * s LT R Y PHIONE 40rl6 Mr. and Mrs. Payne have had Thursday, Major Watson of the onor were m charge oy errynmet-sreuos oitca c -Xpartitions bufit in their lunch Red Cross headquarters, Toronto, H_______ e s wein ha rgic embtersnonwereet-painuite a se cit asagv roommth. aai li u.addiressed about twenty-five lad- ~ n r.Jh e~ ~ eucri n ni-ennn lcin u iu h Mr.SihI gi adU. Mr. and Mrs. ROY Poster and ies at the home of Major and à Mr. L ake dSh re, ý opened Herm- ral oimmeswr-sa-pinq ea W.C.T.U. met at Mrs, H. Waish's two sons, Toronto, were guests of J. C. Gamey on the organization LaeSoe pndterci-ed nasm-iceada r- rmn l of a edsCrss.aAtaereuit o modious and ever hospitable home promptu meeting of a church bribery andcorpinsofe Wedesdy ftenoo. her mother, Mrs. J. G. Jackson. frofmsclaneuRshwd frCffciiooads.scodute baasoiaedwih ne a AlofSu Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh Mrs. T. A. Greenaway, Hamnil- his talk and the natural desire offramselnossoerfrofcaior a onutdb soitdwt entertained fiends Monday night. ton, was guest of Rev. and Mrs. the ladies to heipi the war to Mr. and Mrs. James Tamblyn, Roy Berry, who expiained the vage would saievtn o Miss Jean utherlandToronto, . LittlewoOronhebon ofidayireveningasOct.tycompositionrdandevdutiesOco. theosiiteraad dofficersthofLOtCarS. tooc he best fo therebi itsaoiety h.Neariy al the Lakce Shore board. place Thursday i t tes r- Dlck Pingratesnhasre-m- Miss Florence HarrisR.N.,Co- mnating conuittee was appointed: people wreberntwtha Saom teessooldtewymmnlsult, CanaldSals ecretary Dc aheoo. sr-cm bourg, returs shortly to ëCobourg Mesdames Harry Lycett, A. A. spikling of invited friends from cab iers>ere se ietedanydeBob Caopr tSI nr hieG Mr.nJes whee sh isonneted with the Dijriond, M. H. Staples, J. R. Brow's, Newatnle and Pohrt'sthalerduels Maeyslcead o opr M.J esDcsnsoperation Victoria Hospital. . Cooper, J. Richardson, John Sha rw's, Newctnie andLort, rduis Mne Littlewood bert Dent has tesuedu o was postponed until this week. Dr. Lesiey Mo ddhser~~ and Herb. Mtay and Granby. When Jim and Hilda, told of the selection and duties a dtn h aeaporas y oserved Ran Saugterood the speciai guests of .the evening, of the stewards and aiso explain- ly cailed "QaCiS"Laeso h all rmovd.were guests of Mr. and MrsTedytiscm.te hdbe ecoe n ie ed the yean book. The duties of graups to put npoinswl IfiMrs aroi Aln had eton- Mis a Somervile , ailo,. e.S.Ltlwo. mta seats of honour, H. R. Pearce, the trustee board wr x e~aekonltr enhl Mis aeGlnnspntSu- hs. Somervindle . At, thn e ome a s J fohn ersng a called the assemblage by Ron Patterson, and the mem- the acholans aez oin own Oshwahopiti unay.Jak uble eeingtoniht n heA. . asoethe estimable young bride and by Mra. S. Lîttiewood. The Sun-________ aon, Ennsklin, apntnd iss Jack- ui ee tng.to-niht Puble E groom. An entertaining programn day School was represented by Ms hawa hasp vitalSu day r.Mrson Brknsp Entvand'. y atgoies toc7n.0sap ulcE-Reeve ai Danlington Town- prefaced the reaîîy impontant Neil Rainey, and the Young Peo- A youth ahwy atst ar MsHaeWitrvitdM.M.and Mrs. E.Ean' i ned LYa camehaw. ship, who was elected President featune ai the evening. The firat pie by Eiieen Riddeii, whiie Rev. a pretty girlbeaehiprnt and rs.FredLyctt, shaa. Paul Caster, Mns. Andress, af Dunham County Temperance number was a piano selection by Littiewood represented the W. A.. want him ta mry esbeac Mr. Fred Siason helped to read and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Caster, Federation. Mn. Pascae 'a an aut- Miss Edith Hendry who iavored moat acceptably. Namnes that prnsifituo meters this month. Cleveland, spent the weekend u iu r standing temperance worker 0' with a second number later. Miss Ta make the meeting mare their childnren r nuh Miss Margaret Roy, Guelph, with Mn. and Mns. H. A. Milison. O itar ver 50 years, standing.AueyAaa ls cotbtdraitcth me erdscsdcuetem abeainaalm Mr. hoet aehsreundadMs Jack Cobbledick, TorntomA.s TPatton< ~two instrumentais on the piano. the ,Plvisability ai digging up the aiter yeans. Mn Rbet eneha rtund ndMis nd obleicWhit.. Veteran bandaman who has been Mns. Kenneth Werny, Bowman- flower bed at the aide ai the _____________ ta the city. by, visited Mn. and Mns. N. Cab- eiected President ai Orono Band. One ai Clarke Township's aid- uemporance o OVOflIOf ville, favored with a vocal solo. church and putting i good eanth. Miss Edra Best, Toronto, visit- bledick. John contends attending band est nesidents passed away Sept.____ Speeches vaicing congratulations The idea canried and Roy Berry, ,IE cd Mra. H. Best. Mn. and Mns. Dunn and Miss practioe la a moat restful diver- 18th, in the persan ai Thomas <Continued tram page 1) and best wishes were given by F. Sam Keane and Neil Rainey were Mr. Vernon Saunders, Toronto, Margaret Dunn, Toronto, were sion after a hard day's work on7 Patton, 88. Hie was born in Clarke r R ow nd, W m.ngt L Aamns, ptna in hareTroswlg aith MIL ION spent he wekend t home guess of r. an Mrs. owlan the arin.and remained thene as a farmer ham; Resolutions - Messrs. Rod- HawellRolnW .Laingtrlyinhe rwn fte Mpr.t te weekenaGhoeph guSmth.iM.adMs.Rwad e ________ thraughaut his lifetime gens, Littlewood, Mrs. Strong and Newtonvîlie, and J. H. Jase. bulbs the W. A. will plant. Mpn. the weedathm. Mronyrs .C Brown, GuephSmih.Mn. Patton was son ai the late Mns. Honiey. Gardon Martin ai the Lake Scipture was read by Mar- ,Mrn.theW. eekSern atoe. Mn. and by Mrs. P. SoC. BTron- roo Band Ula Wiamand Esther Patton and Rev. H. Faley gave a report Shore read an address expressing garet MillsOn, and a vocal duet College, Guelph, was home. ta, attended W. A. anniversany Strong Financially was the youngest ai a iamily .oi an the Divisional meetings at the section's deep appreciatian ai by Mr. and Mns. R. Smith with Keih Bantn ewcsti vsit sevies.Reprtn boys and one girl who have Bowmanville, Newcastle, Black- their former teacher's wise and Myntie Smith at the piano, a piano KethBrntn ewasle vsi- erics.Reor -eVa s aleve ead hini. stock, Weicame, and Bethsuy. constructive leadership in a il duet by Mns. W. C. Lynch and ed t Mn. O. W. Scott's. boracan ied by Mugn. SPene ucsflc-prtv fot H a elkoni i w Rev. R. A. Whattam spoke phases ai community life. Thra' Betty Rowe, and a reading "The............. Misa Jean Rainey has had lher v.s. îocaîityMrs.RasC aoformerhi expertis tead gn- highly ai Rev. Faley's wark as many channels ai service she had Living Chunch" by JirniPowers, tansils sud adenoida nemoved. vsitd M.tnd nsoR. .Tas-forwhihnroneisnotd gai sarde tetbsh nd s log pomoerai emprane eet mae te itte ad rd chol-hompetd te pagrni Mn.Bo Taniso l no lv-baraugh. made its appearance when duing tieiebe iteL.. 0 gs, etc., which was enthusiasti- house a kind ai section univertity Appaintment ai delegates ta j.ng in ta~~. Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Gienney, a meeting ai Orana Citizens Band amme itePebtna caliy endorsed by the meeting. that touched magicaliy ail the convention at Blackstock Satun- Newcastle, Mn. and Mrs. George on Tuesday it was revealed that Chunch before Unionan sd inter The present Temperance situa-' homeà within its influence and day and Sunday was lef t ta thc Misa Lais Wood, Part Penny, Anmour and daughters, Nellie and over $300 had aineady been paid the Urie hrh.I 84h tion, the perpiexities and difficul- undoubtedly raised the standards executive. An invitation froni vlsited Mn. and Mrs. Fred WoodI. Bertha, Hampton, visited Mn. and on a $1200 boan neceasitated last was marnied ta Ann Jane Cath- ties the temperance people have ai thinking and living within Newcastle ta visit thern next Mon- Blrthday greetings came aven Mrs. R. H. Wood. sprnmg when the band purchased catwosrie iiaa w t t face, the law regarding the these homes. She wouid be great- day was reluctantly decined as CFRBfar immi Sha Wedea- Tuesday la Haliowe'en, s, tic instruments froni Midiand Regi- &hnee children, John, Nran an d Local Option vote, the organia-ymsedbtinacoillepashdbencrptdfrau day morning. ~pyu aeec idawr et necto h a as MblPt.tionan sd benefits ai Temperance ai the communîty and in the Sun- Halaowe'en panty tac saine night. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wight, Bow- ta the Young people. Go ta the aisa been paid and tac band ai FnrltakpaeonSp.2 poats, the question ai liquon and day School but the beat wishes Next meeting - the Hallowe'en manvilie, visited at Mn. J. E. Hailowe'en parties and have fun has money in tac bank. Plans irani his latersiecihRv war, ail came under discussion. of the Lake Shore people wiil go party - la la charge ai the liter- Richards'. iseda oa esla rcsare being made for a acies ai en- jMcacla is past, oiit- v Rev. AlUin ai Canton, iannierly wita their former schoai teacher ary, social and recreatianai con- Mn u Ms .A.Smr i eiharausefthirensai str ider gagements, the proceeds ai which Jing Pal areri s were Mffelat aitae West, pointed out that and husband ta their new home veners. Toronta, apent Sunday with Mn. people sud sometimes do consid- it la hoped wrnl compîeteîy clear John Stewart, Marcus Saper, Har-: Canadians were calmer now than ini Orono. The meeting closed wita two w* eo and Mra. Thos. Samervilie. enable damage. The party for tac the debt befare another year has per Caracadden, Arthur Thamp- ini 1914 sud aiso had a bigger At the conclusion af the addness contesta and a game conducted by fcvro Mn . et n Selawrej~Union an Manday 30ta la open ta passcd. son, Lamne Bell sud Wesley Fi task ahead ai them. He declared twa clothes baskets, decorated in Hazel Winter. Toronto Sunday ta sec Mrs Bet tac public and the one at the Band members have evidently liatt. Interment was made in cOr-. that liquor was detrimental ta in udwiisu iie wt at the hospital. . chool Tuesday 3lst open ta high reoeived littie personal reiiiunera- aa emter. nycontr utngta gi e dgpres waybavehthirtope0Yunl Mr n r.HrodSyor chool students and staff. If yau're tian for their efforts tais sununer, Friends froni Toronta, ii-itsbcsandges wresbrute atimanth Newton ville Yo'ileitrchlô- Mn.su Ms.HarldScmanfot incîuded in ane yau anc in having been content ta place ail brook sud other places attended The evcning session had as its romsdprsne a iiad____ mtlng flavo.d '10od Toronto, were Sunday guests ai tac other, suyway, 50o omeaiong. cannings i a camnxon iund ta tac funeral. main icatures an aratorical can- Hilda. Bath set ta work ta un- Mn. sud Mrs. Wm. Scymour.dentcidbdns.Tyhve_ __ test sud su address by Mn. Noah wrap and vlew the numeraus Visitars: Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Mit- foryou-hleopyut Mr. and Mns. Arthur Smith, caorhasndbeduniionmh a vengPitcher ai Toronto. gif t articles sud hsud t hl e inichdl sud Edison, Lindsay, Mrs. btiBJt sMd yU usSt Mankham, attendcd the I.O.O.F. (Intended for lat week) the year Charles Harris, Orono Resolutians committee submit- around for generai inspection. Peter Laing sud Mrs. George tibo. CIi.WItmererync Installation. (Itne o atwe) the sawr ted six nesolutions regardi.ng, (1) One ai tac gifts not in cither ai Laing sud babe, Orona, wita Miss Mn.NelPotr Rv S i T he-J. lectian ai afficers a A. Fallowing a lengthy illes the sale ai liquor la Ontariiain tac baskets was a magazine table I. Laing. . . Mn. sud Mns. eg. Bey. S. Litticwood preached. at Ms elPreRv .Ltl-J Tamblyn inst*lled as president; there passed ta nest at hi5 late war tume; (2) the manufacture irani tac Lake Shoare Sunday Woodham sud babe, Toronto, McCrea anniversary service Sun- wood sud Mn. H. J. Souch attend- A. J. Knox, honarary president; residence nean Orana an October ai liquar in Canada la war time; School. The Young couple bath wita Mrs. Nanman San-is. .. Mri. day afternoan . cd a meeting ai tac church Iiisti- M. J. Tamblyn, bandmaster; sud 2lst, 1939, Charles Hanrs, wdl- ._(3) tac funtherance ai work ai expresscd tacir deight sud sur- Fred Woodhanl, Toronto, with _____________ The Westan iamily are now liv- tute at Oshawa. Carias Tamblyn, seccntary-treas- icnown sud highly respectcd 'educatian; (4) supportin .un- prise at receiving s0 msuy pretty Mn. sud Mns. Hanny Woodhan... i<~ IT inginî tac Patterson hause, sauta Mn. sud Mns. James Tamblyn tirer. Directara arc Donald Harm, Clarke fanrer. ~cipalities wha wish ta ge rid ansd useful gllts sud lavited evcry -Miss Betty Stapletan with Mn. piNe war* have been busy fixing up their Jas. Tamblyn sud Carmn White. Born in Clarke 57 ycars ago 4beverage. roanis; sud votes ai ane ta visit them in Orono. sud Mrs. Alyin Janes, Part Hope. S Mns. Eva Allen is spendlng tac new hame. Unfartunately, due tô rilitary tac i2th ai July, son ai tac lais tia nks ~e ta A, J. Knax sud The evening conciuded wita eh.M.su r.AvnJoncs, Port winter wita her daughter, Mrs. Park St. W. A. met Tuesday regulatians sud tha atta a nsdMn.WlimHrid- . Rev. Folcy for cup donations, sud ireshments sud a bean judging Hape, wita Mn. sud Mns. George riET S(M OD Y Roy Connish, Part Perry. afternoon with worahlp perlod In bandnaow has no officiai. mihitaryy ceased had livcd in Clarke ail his anc ta tac speaker ai tac evening conteat in which Fanncomb Le- Stau'leton Sr... Miss Ruby Payne ______________________charge ai Miss M. Davy. Misa L. standing, tac use ai tac armaunîca lice with tac exception ai 18 yearsansd ail who had helped ta make Gnesley sud Mrs. Fred Couch, and friend, Toronto, wita Mn. sud_____________ Aditnal ve rwasrersdept.af r u cd. ehsbendsotn spent wasth Whitby-Pickerng tac meetings a success. Newcastle, were winners, each Mns. Frank Ovens. . . Mn. Mac- Additinal slverwre andtowel ued.district. I a hene lhe met his Those taking part in tac ara- gucssing witala. hall a bean, anc Gregor Joncs, Markham, at home. were ondercd. Pansanage coin- wifc, Mary Stephenson, whom he tanical cantest sud tacir subjects under sud anc aven, ai tac con- . . Mn. sud Mrs. Clelsud Lane mittec prcsented its repart. W A mried in Pickerng la 1905. iallow: Ruby Gibson, Newcastle, rect number ai 999'h in tac jan. wita Mn. sud Mns. J. C. Maore, will pay for ne-wiing th'c church ORONO LADS WIN Twenty ycana ago hie moved tor l"Alcohol sud tac Motar Car"; Thcy each rcceived a candy prize. Scotiand, Ont. . . Mr. and Mns. if rusce oar delde tago FIRST PRIZE AT the farn whenc hie reaidcd at tac Kclth Branton, Newcastle, "Our Hlo vn aiiGa-M E L ahead wita it. AMATEU SHOW tume ai his deata. Deccased went Fight fon Tempenance"; R niph ton, and Mn. and Mns. Hanny Vic- SU lA irYO About 45 membens ai Oshawa A A a ta Oak school when a ypungsteir, Found, Ebenezen, I"Tempernce ORONO SCOUTS kers sud family, Toront, with Simcac United ehurch "lHelsu ad as he grew up he madc many sud tac Use ai Alcohai"; Betty ARE GUESrn'OF Mn. sud Mrs. Lanson Miilson.. Hsud" ciass motancd ta rn Stan Payne and George Ralph, fricnds by hua charming personal- Stevens, Mapie Grave, "Young Mrs, Carntawa.itc, Port Hope, Tedynight adhedtacir reg- Orona, wene nwarded first moncy ity, goad humour, sud musical Cnda's War Cry"; Pntsy Fen- KR Y P T O &Ms er oe...Ms O ular meeting at tac home ai Mns. -in the Amateur Show held in abùlity. The Charlie orchestra tan, Newcastle, rcciisd na paca; Grahaam. sud hen father,Mr Ken- Kenneta Gamnsby, a farmer niem- Orana Satunday night by Al owcd much. ta bis talent. Mn. Lloyd Down, Ebenezer, "Temper- Orono Boy Scouts met Thurs- nedy, Peterbana, wita Mr. sud ber ai tac clasa. A icature ai tac Smita. Second money went ta the Hanrs bclonged ta tac Eastern suce sud tac Use ai Alcohol"; tac day at Kinby, as guests ai tac Mns. S. R. Jons. .. Mn. sd ns M meeting wns the presentatian ta brass quartette, Jini Pawens, Roy Star, Whitby, I. O. O. F. iar 34 winncr, Bernice Hibberd, Cavan, Fiith Patrol in tant village. For- Hanny Pencock, Oshawa, wit Mrs. J. Turabuil spake bricily, Dick Marton, Orono; whilc thi The funenal took place Mon- Ebenezen, "Alcohol"; Shie y cd an inisnesting meeting. Two Wade wita friends la Lindsay... aiter which Mns. V. Sharpe pre: place was given ta wec Brenda day, under I.O.O.F. auspices, wita Martin, Hampton, "Gaod Healta - Kirby boys passcd tac tendenfoot Miss Lais Wood, Orno, Mns. H.______ senisd'the git. Mrs. Adamas gave McGili, Pantypool, fer an exhibi- Rcv. S. Littlewaad officlatig. The No Alcohal"; Darathy Snowden, test sud are now ready for in- Rutherford sud daughtcr, Toron- ana interesting address. The happy tian ai tnp dancing. Other con- large cnowd present sud tac beau- Maple Grave, "Aicahol". ve ture. The whalc troap stant- ta, sud Miss K. Dinner, Wesley-' jevening: concludcd wîth a social testants wene Margaret Flintaf tiful floral tnibutes testifiid ta All contestants, namced la order ed-its pnoject ai maklng models ville, wita Miss Rena Haskin. ASLUiION*c alt' pa hnlf-hour sud lunch. sud Shirley Porter, Onono, Scotch the esteerninl which dcceased was ai appeanance, dealt with tacir af club hanses. Lunch was servcd Somne frani here attended the Fk y zltk h The study ai tac new book reel in Scotch costume; Charmes held. Beaners wcre Bobert Ard, subjectai a mast ntresting by tac hasts, sud a social hall- Tamby attacrM a Mns.Jsd drudgery outfdsn ftas is t"Moving Millions" was eu Richards, Bawmanviile, piano ac- Charles Stapletan, C. B. Tyrrdil, maniner, and were prctty well af hour cnjayed. TMlns. Joh endhomle f ore ccrsandgd S ..b bgncordian solo; Lorraine Tangler, Milton Cornish, Sami Berry sud equal abiity. Whiie tac judges r.Jh HedyLaeSoItcamcl Monday nlght at Park St. Union, orona, vocal sala; Paddy Welsh, William Cochrane, ail members mmd tairdecsin abni sng 49 MlUi-oaasufer needlesly cSuse ithe Mist MntierSmlh ynpsis- Bawmanvile, solo wita guitar se- af OrnoaI.O.O.F. Interment took sang was e by Rev. Lîttîcwaod, Clark e Union Mrs. Wm. Argali feu whie gos h adbkdfo thyetol h id ffo lti a ra yMroH cacndiptune et;Mns. Lynch, Oonplace pt Oshawa Union Cemetcry. wt is .Riddcîî at the piano ____hanse clenning sud lijuned hen pots and Pa . I aest they e the ku ad oadta as ntretn by aninc eAk, sudvo cal sala; Paddy Weish sud Friends sud nelatives wcrc pre- sud Mr. Knox nccampsuying with Mn. sud Mns. Jahn Brrhe- . Atu alwiPtr bing and scrbigbquei toes, bresd-mond so dae nat forai end" was given by Sa iKeane. CaresRichards, Bawaanville, sent froni Bethany, Janetvulle, his violin. trtindBernryraiinen - a brsA, rth uriedhale ee rsdy-ustio< in uajf~.Kq the asot "buk" tac bowels aecd for Musical numbers inclue vocal guitar and piano accordion duet. Lindsay, Whitby, Sundecrilan d, Mn. Pitchen la his addness paîd tdinda ubrofiedt oawsuidhr T rdy.ustrug reua mvmnt uh epe salas by Miss Kathleen Simpson Oshawa, Toronto, Cobourg, De- a glowing tribute ta the cantest- dner last week. Theme was a large crowd at tac a tin hanidy, rfficew it oeenstiSpat ole t and Mns. Mary Phasey, wita Mis trait, Milton, Richmond ll, Col- ants, who, hie said, had been mast Mn. Vemnon Saunders, Toronto, dance la thc community hall Fni- Jean Logancontipaccnodepanist, and a IMAR SrTANI umnbus, Bawmanvile, Newcastle sunpisingly accurate and hnd giv- visited his parents. day night. It was sponsared by dit efcinc o "ul",shul et ea Lga acopa DM NDD and Orana. en facts with a minimum ai ne- Mns. S. D. Souch, who has been tac handball team. Mennymakers' FRE01C OKT-Ti.GL' y dedfcecfbuksoldet vialin solo by Jia Pattenson ýwita iiigfinsna eebrOceta saa unse h oke d Kellogg's Al Bran evciy day and Mrs. E. E. Patterson at the jýiano. HAPPENINGS Survuving are hla widow; ane petition. vsita hiodmee.etrooOchsra swmuushid.t c Ele ttemdaotlpwdi. drink plenty of water. Al -Bran ~ Pbtn convetoilb daughtcn, Florence, R.N., Victoria Hie went an ta say that ever i home. mnsicà tributes ta tac needed "buk" and is Phed Orct.nvude9ntoBlksck.Hospital, Cobourg; anc son Frank, since Cain had camne into tac Miss Mamaon Rickmby, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Clysdnle the. cotents tti dn . r ich source Of Nature's intestinal Plans wcre startcd ion Hllow'en From Thse Orono, News oaidRichmond ll; anc brother Ai- world thene had been the prob- Th tabaccsa cen ompuhasta-haverm. <on Mrs. Jas. Laing'sDonida LidS toasc, VitaminiB,. Try the Al Bran party, Oct. 30ta. Eight prizes will Octobet' 22,, 1914 bent, Onono; and fîve asiters, Mns. lem ai a just distribution ai mn- Th oaccmpnhstk-fr.= 1t0 wsysu knw ac redomtht b gven Elee RddelMynieT. Matin,.Orona, Mra. G. Taylor,: terial thinga, sud msa thene was en option on about 1000 acres in Womcn's Institute met at tac Toronto, Ont. caandes w te dthhbengTbe yn n Jim Pons i fdlMrl are:Cmbi otpol r.E nde Wi o atlcac atlg pa-the neighbanhaad. Watch Clarke. home ai Miss Jennie Thonipson '4regular seTamlect d i, oer iii cn-1A re:Cmbl Quanney - by, Mrs. R. McGahey, Lladsay, cd ta a heaitay and noraa isac-1 Union grow! on October 18ta, whcn 42 ladies C seletach pruzes Lunch wil o- tach home ai the bride's o Mrs. W. Mallcy, Pontypool. icty Healta, an clevated mental Mn. Wilfrcd Shcrwin, Guelph Iwcre present. Mrs. Haigh hnd se sist ai pumpkla pie with whupped then, Mrs. Joseph Henry Qumnney, 1________________ hoe.chrgIf heprgrn ad s h crea, coffee, and apples. Darlingtan, October 21st, by Rev. statua, sound marais, a truc spir- AgicitnaoCllge was hoeL e ia onsnidaste L " _______________R.A hatm3M.Jme lx-* Park St. Members ituality - four tainga tant aretpiwsLgsainshivtd B" strived for by right-minded pea- ai city Young people who, ni- Ex-Mayor Rass Stike, barristen, adrCampbell, Cake, ta Rhoda Hear Addresses - i n scmo nm hog o soiiwt'sy Bowmanvilie, ta speak on "Law." Pldc ' pie,-alhda omneeytog o soitdwhay 11/ . orence Qulney. Hamilton Lad"i the liquor traffic, he pointed out. particular church, discusseod tac He gave an intrsting talle sd ot 4fud~aA ~Died: Walter - Ia Orono, Oct. i___ Youth, howcvcr, is ahowing matter and decidcd on teetotal- a.bligipgly answcred several ques- 18ta ~~~~Mns. T. A. Greennwmy, Hamil- 1spenion intelligence i the mat- isa. Child labour was oncetinasc.MsHzeRidsg Wiliam Walcr ag 84to, ws seakr t Prk t)terailcoo-c bv#nge. ie_i-- a e. nccsay That a solo, sud Miss Mamian Bruce

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