THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE OUR ENGLISR iLEITE - ON THE STREETS 0F OLO LONDON BMSSISOBEL STEPHENSON endon, October 5, 1939 Received at Bowmanville Octaber 23, 1939 The Prime Mlnister's vaice had scarcely uttered the finai words Of bis tragie speech, an that Sun- day marning ai September rd, When thc Air Raid Sirens whined through the streets of London, l"k a soprano chorus af ceuntîs becs. Twico, during thc follew- ing week, the sarne bload-chiiihg Sound raused Londoners from their warm beds and sent them, ciutching gas-masks and hastily tying bath-robe'bots, hurrying te In thc weeks that have lapsed aince thon, Uic warning lias net been repeated; but sub-censcious- ly we have waited f9r it. One goes te bed at niglit anly after a littie rimuai that lias becomo a ha- bit, that of placing bathrobe, slip- Pers, shaded- flashlight and gas- (Bave You fNeard ? IFSS lIME TO ORDER YOUR COAL Don't walt any longer!Coel weather wlll b. bore betore you know 1*tandyouilbe ouht wthout enough eai te me yau through. mast tele- phone te-day for a bad of our elean, dustlesa eai or ooke. J. J. FLETT FUELS nes. Ontario St. - Phone 2695 'Yard: C.N.1LSiding 2673 mask where they cmi be reached quickly, watheut fumbling, i the dark. Before gettlng into bed, anc turns eut the light; mnd then, and only thon, may the black-out cur- tains or shutters be drawn back ta admit air for sleeping. The light may flot b. turned an agamn, during the night, unleas shutters and curtai have first been drawn; se ane leavos ene's "air- raid-necessarlen"' where they can be faund cenvenlently without the ald of liglits. On the other side af aur Square a lineofa ambulances lias stood ready, day and niglit, since Sep- tomber 3rd. Net ane af the six bégan lin 111fe with the expecta- tien of perfarming itspresent trele. Only wvhite stickers with the word 'Ambulance' in black block letters, pasted an sides and wind- shielda, indicate that a Gainsbor- augh Filmis van or a huge fruit lorry, or Uic 'covered delivery truck of a weil-knawn depart- mental store, stand, unifermed wamen drivers at their wheels, rcady ta speed an their work of rescue, when Uic signal cames. ln Uhe marnings ane secs the girls i their smart blue avoralis giving their engines a profession- ai "once aver."1 Or they fllck a duster oer Uic already shining mudguards. They opcn Uic double deers at the back af Uie vans ta air the interior, where twa, and sametimes four, cots with warm red blankets are ever ready. It is neariy a month, naw, since Uic iast eerie warnlng weke u - a waking that I caxnaot de- scribe. Nearly a manth since we hurriedly left rooms containlng beleved phatagraphs and letters and books. And wc returnoed ta thei roemas ta sec aur things with freuli happiness; but with a strango new sonse ai their rela- *tive unimportanco. I wander haw many people fled a now sense of freedam ini this breaking -from Uic bonds ai their possessions? When war was delared, al hospital patients fit ta be moved were evacuated ta haspitals out- side of London. The thousands ai beds thus emptled were inined- iately prepared ta receive casual- ties. And since thon, every four heurs, night and day, nurses have re-fiiled hot-water battles i those empty beda. It is a ghastly rituai, for as yct net a single bcd has been accupied. The London haspitals are ta b. c9nsidered only as clearing sta- tiens, with their base haspitals 25 miles or more autside in Uic country. At Guy's Hospitai, each mem.- ber ai Uie staff lcft i London has a special air-raid post te which Isobel H. Stephenson, Certwright Gardens Club, London, W. C. 1. England. Presentation Made RetiringPrincipal At a banquet in Uic Superior Restaurant, Napanee, Ont., at- tended by about fil ty citizons ai thc tawn, W. J. Trenauth, whe ro- tired at the end ai Uic last sool torm fram Uie position of Princi- pal ai thé Napance Public Schoal, attor twenty-twe Years ai service, was presentod wli a goid watch and châin by the Board ai Edu- cation ai Napanec. The prosontatian was made on behaif ai Uic Board by Mr. A. T. Turnbull, and i a short-address preceding Uic presentation, Mr. P. 'U. Laidley oxpressed the appro- ciatian ai Uic Board mid Uic citi- zens aif Uic town for Mr. Tre- nauth's long and faithfui service. lie spoke ai the efficient manner in which Mr. Trenauth mmiaged Uic schools and Uic imprint ho had made on the livos ai thous- mids ai pupils whe had passesi threugh the schoels during bila pricipm]shiP, and ta the higli le- vel and unsulliod record the schaei had maitained. In acoepting Uic git, Mr. Tre- onuth speke ai his arrivai in Uic town, twenty-twe years aga, and Uice ,kindly trcatrnent accerded hirn at that Urne and Uic pleasant relations which had since exhsted between himself and Uic SchaOi Board. Hec paid a tributeto thUi toachers an Uic staff, who had served hlm and said Uic tewn sheuld b. proud ai the service rcndered by Uic toachers thrOugh- eut Uic ycars. Ho also cornmended the Scheai Board for its efforts, which have àlways been directed taward the bettermont ai thc pu- pils and Uic tewn. Mr. Treouth rernarked Uiat enly twe toachers arc stil on Uic staff wbio were members when bic came te Uie tawn. The Board, bic said, had completely changed in that time and there are filteen or sixteen men in business in Uic town wha wore hia fermer pupils. Dr. D. R. Hall prcsided ever Uic pracecdings wbiich follewed the dinner. Short addrosses wcre given by Messrs. C. B. Crcighton, G. W. paul and B. R:* Napelis, rnoxMbers ai Uic Scheel Board; Al- pine Woods, former chairman ai thc Sebioqi Board; Carson John- son, Uic acting Principal ai Uic Public 8cbiooe; Miss Elsie Parka, reprosenting fermer teachers; Mr. E. j. Corkill and Mr. M. R. Reid, ex- Public Schooi Inspecter; Mr. .C. E. Jamiesea, Uic Principai ai thc Calleglate, and Dr. Hall, Uic prosont chairman of Uic Scheol Board. Mr. Trenouth, son oaithUilatè Mr. mid Mrs. Richard Trenouth, Bawmmiviile, was born in Der- llngtan Township wbiere bic at- tended Uic public scheol, aiter whlch ho attonded the high school la Bewmmivillo. Ho receivcd bih Narmal certificate ln Toronto and thon attended summer classes where ho was granted a iirst- clasa certificate. He thea return- cd fo lis native township whcro ho tauglit school fer a numbor ef years, mter which bic was ap- painted principal of thc Narwood public scbiool where bic remnained ciglit Years. Ho wcnt ta Napanec 22 yomra aga, and acccpted Uic principalship of Uic West Ward school. Durlng his principals#ip bih percentage ai succeSSful PUP1ls at Uic entranco examinations lias been 90 er more aad an several occasions Uic percentage lias reached i00'pcr cent. Lie -reofte rsGet ie reports whea Uic waraing hs seunded. Matrenanmd deputy-superla- tendent will go ta their under- ground air-raid affices; and rua- ners will take their messages ta and fra If Uic telephane breaks dewa. Operating Theatre staff will report ta Uic ncw emcrgcncy theatre built i a cellar. The hoapîtal bias in awa deec- tric llghting systom, if Uic bor- eugh plant hs damaged. And shauld boUi ai thon b. dcatrayed a rather remrkablecocllection é hurricane lampe, head-larnps,*mid evon bicycle lamps stand ready for. instant use. An air-toadition- lng plant veatilates these under- greund reoma. Patients will b. labelled wi differont colourcd tickets for re- suscitatian, aperatian or ovacu- atien wards. Sheil-sheck cases wiil b. treated by a psychiatrist mid special staff ln a "quiet raam."I As sean as patienta cmi be mev- cd frorn this Clearing Station Uioy will b. taken by ambulance trains mid buses te Uic base lias- puitas,t which, in Guy's case, hs sornewhore in Koat. Miss Evans hs an Air-Raid Wat- don, ance ai the best, at aur post. "Wbiat de yeu think ai Hitler's 'Poace Prapasals' Miss Evans?" Wdll Miss, if you awsks me, I'd trust 'ira as fer as I cauld thraw a grand piminer with King Kong sittin' on me knee." cd.- Try this -pres-cription. -Feel good, ycars yeunger, enjoy life again. Costs only a few cents daily. Money back if it does net help you, For sale and recam- mended by Nex McGr.gou', Druge Phone 192 - DowmavliUe lk- BILLETTIN' Speelaliy wrltten for States- ma by Marde Clark BeU "Corne thisway, Mum, Iust corne this way. I was expectin' ve. Be careful of the mat, Mum, itfs a new one. I should have had it up sceid' if's rainin' outside, and no doubt yer fee's -a bit dirty. I'm always se careful about my mats. In future, Mum, if vou don't mind, ye raigit: use the back door: keeps the front steps tidy. Yes; izo riglit into the sittinit-room; maybe it's a bit dark but what with this biackout business, one ain't allowed any ioht ut ail. 1 told that A.R.P. warden someing when 'e came down 'ere vesterdav complainin' - and me paid sixpence for that bit o' black paner uj> there. Sixpence I ridic'lous I my mother'd turn ini 'er grave if she thousht r'd naid sixpence fer keenin' out the davligzht. HmI1 'Ere 'Mter 1 Rit down, vou I Don't be af raid of the dog, Mum, 'e «ain't worth nothink, an' 'e's oniy a pup. Corne off the lady's dress now - and don't claw 'er stockings. We cails 'im 'Itier, Mum, because 'e destroys evcrythink. Las' week, 'e ett un a ladv's 'at - a new 'at it was too - an 'e chewed a fella's tit woi was 'ere. 'Itler's aw fui, 'e is. Çjit down. I tells ya 1 Oh!1- yer gzloves, Mum; wot a shame I Give 'im a good un 1 Soon 'e's itoi' back where 'e camne from. I neyer irets dressed without 'im messin' me un before I gits over me own doorstein. Excuse me, Mum; iest cat's 'airs. Ail our cats is moult- mgf. Per'havs ye. would like to Ro to your room, Mum, while I gtit a cup a tea ready. I sed to my 'usband, "We must buv the on-v-Éixen now as we 'as a lady bilicttin' - an' f rom London, too. Myl London must be a wicked place. The veople there must be terrible. I çXpect vou was born there, Mum. My first 'us- band' brother's wife camne f rom ihere, an' ve niver saw such a 'oity toity in ver loif e, an' that's the truth. Wouldn't look at me, she wouldn't, ne Mum. My f irst 'us- band's brother's a butcher's assist- ant, mind ye, an' my 'usband's a plumber, but that ain't nothin'. Sbe's Lthat stuck un, you'd think shie were a duchess. Lor' 1 - 'oity toity - Il should say. Now, upstairs, Mum, an' the f irst round the landin'. Oh my1l I uite f orgot to tell ve about iliat stop, Mum, an' itfs so dark up. there ye didn' sce it. 1 'on)e ve 'aven't 'urt verseif. Did vo find yer rocin? It's 1aIl aired, it is. That bcd 'asn't been sIen' in since mv first 'usband died- pore Dear!1 - died of Hinf lammation 1in his stummick. 'E looked dreadf ni iyin' there, Mum. I neyer goes into that roomn without seoin' 'im ail laid ont - an' tai1, 'e was - just f illed that bed, 'e did. No money couid make me sieep there 1 1 loikes me >own bcd best --- thore ain't no cornses there - no Mum, oi loikes a spring in mv- bed, oi does. Ail Pis clothes is 'angzin' in the cunboard, but ye can ist.- nus'h themn aside: ve'll find a oer or two vacant. Itfs a fSather bed, Mum. we used te keep 'eps, but ýhe wis se lousey, we killed 'euh an' mv first 'usband an me made that bcd, but knowin' as 'ow themt Yens wis s0 lousey we put it in the sp)are room. 'Ere's ver cunna tea, Mum. Ye can 'ave a wash afterwards. The tain in the basin's aiways runnin', an' we can't get 'ot water - an' tbe pluies lost f rom the bath - that .yonir brat of my f irst 'usband' s brothor's done that. Nobodv ini the 'oust lias anv peace with 'im: but Ne <an 'ave a iuit of warm. took un. It's really oeettin' too coid to 'ave ba.hs anv- '0W. My 1 wot's 'annened to the tea. It's ail vurole lookin' an' nastyl Well, look 'erel1 les a bair o' bue, right in the pot. Wait tii! I Rità 'aid o' 'im. Tbe varmint 1 'es a terror, 'e is: but wot could wo exn)ect wi' a 'oity- toity - Wot? ye're gemn', Mum? Ye're not the lady from London? An Inspector, ye s ay? Ye're a- Can- adian? An' ve're not stayin' 'ere? Oh, Mum, F'm, kinna disappointed like, fosW I lojice the looks &y ve, an' I miaht ait somnebody iver se much worse. Weli, goodbye, Mum, an' I 'cn)es as '0w the submarines won't blow ve hup afore yo Rit te Amer- icky!1 Tyrone Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Siciglit, Mr Victor Morgan, Westen, with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie DEFRRET FRiD/OT T/f RiUl# IfNEW TOMNLr,49)',T Yol b. pr.ud t. own onel "Bul oit-Mra Jas. Dudley andi Mn. Wm. Bradd with frientis at Coiberne. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Cochrane and eed, Mr. John Themqpsen, Mrs. Harry Mercer, Jack andT~Donald, Miss Româ Balil, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. F. Findlev, Thornhili, Mrs. Wallace Miller, Longz Sault, with Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Virtue. . . Mr. George Alîdreati, Bowmanvilie, at home... Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mahonev, Keswick, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park. . . Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Burgess and familýr with f riends at Mount Pleasant andi Sutton. Miss Jean Stephens roturned ta her home at Mount Pleasant after visitinZ at Mr. H. Burgess' and Mr. W. Tavlor's. Mr. andi Mrs. Thea. Down and Master Billv, Mr. andi Mrs. Russel Virtue, Mrs. Floyd Dudley andi Major Floydi Dudley, Trenton, at- tendeti the funeral of Wallace Sim- mens, eoxboro, on Sunday. Mr. Simm-ons was the father cf Mrs. (Rev.) A. M. Wootton. Younz People's Union met Thurs- day evening. Program was n charge of Gordon Brent: scipture 1w Mr. *H. Parkin: reading, Mrs. C. Bige- lew; reading, Gordon His; tapic bv Mr. L. Mertson; reading, Mrs. E. Luke. Community singingz brouRhti the meeting te a close. Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Goodman andi Lonne, Colunmbus, Mr. and Mrp. C. Goodman and babe, Bowmanvllle, with Mr. andi Mrs. Luther Goodi- man. mice wiUi syster naeeds. Wbile thone sites arc somcwbiat lerger than thase an Uic Trent and wifl cail fer slightly greater initial cx- penditure thero cmi be ne doubt that Uiey are marc advantageaus. The Eastern Ontario system must b. provided with addltienal pow- er se that it may continue te at- tract industries and b. able ta afford Uic full benefit ai Uic ever- increasing demand far electrical service in Uic home and on Uic farm. "As already stated, aur final decisian has net; beca made, but I arn prepared ta say that an eerly devcepment aifUihe -igli Fans site on Uic Madawaska River hs probable, and that befere actually cemniitting aursolves ta ts de- vcloprnent yau will b. given fur- ther advicecocncernig it, nat with a view ta cvading aur ro- sponsibilities by laying Uiem on. yeur shoulders, but simply ta kecp you iully informed and on- able yau ta vaico any opinions you may wish te have taken inta ac- count."' Secs Depression Ahead "In my opinion it is important te increase Uic systern's reserves and fiandiai stability in erder that ample lundh shail b. avail- ableo eonable it ta weather miy possible periad ai dopressien which wifl meat ccrtainly iellew Uic wer. Eastern Ontarioe h stead-, ily becoming more industrimlized. By comparison with peace-time activîty, war loads wiil b. ai greater magnitude than lormerly and ia censequence the transition ta peaco-time conditions may be marc difilcuit. Beering this in mind, Uic Commission does net centomplate returning ta Uic mu- nicipalities Uic additionai tonds which may b. expectcd ta coe intq their possession threugh Uic maintenance ai present interim rates and Uic prosent magnitude ai thirteenth credits. On Uiecon- trary, it is aur present intention ta make the increased levies an these iunds, whenever passible, ta b. placed ta Uic credit ai Uic rate stabilizatien and centingcncy ro- serve tonds. I ar not suggesting that'Uic systern cest of power b. increased, in order ta increase Uic annuai contribution ta reserves, but I do feci that it hs more pru- dent ta utilize Uic greater part ai any surplus tonds which may be- corne available ta materially aug- ment Uic system's reserves, when it can be dene withaut icreasing Uic net cest ai power ta Uic muni- [u 16 '.s VMSec aur \water \PIuin. dlspiay ot Fan Mal Coats, turrel Mal Curtains and Drapes, B.autiful matorials lncludlng nel., mnadras, fly crofsu-overs sid many othors. ]Buy lhm made up or by li*s yard. 19c to $1.25 yard pyjAMA CLOTH CandllowIok BED,BPEEADS la coiortui 9.95 UpJ patternsOolorod AJ-Wool El1ankols 29c yd. xnodilzeo UClr Men's and Boys' Department ])osons of fine suite and ovorcoals. Ses thom today whilo 1 tlhe rsady-mado soluotion la good. B*¶s , Wlndbreakcrs ......... $2.95 up Breeches, lned ......... $ 1.59 up Ore>'s, Blue, Brown Overcoats, at bargain prices. 19.00 up Adam Hats, the fInest .......... $3.45 CDUCH JOHNSION & CRYDERMAN LIMITED Phono 836 Bowmanville Phono 419 Bowmunifle cipalities. Netwithstanding this I A waman can aiten make a have net Uic slightest doubt but mmi fele choap by calling him that Uic Eastern Ontario System dear. wi]i emerge from Uic war peried The warst time ta get ail werk- aild fram miy periad ai depressien cd up aver an error is aftor ne- or recessian that may iallaw, thing can be donc about it. - strenger than ever beore, and it Guelph Mercury. hs ta mako sure ai this imnportant Moncy may help the man who end that I and my celleagues pro- helps hiniscif. pese ta take the prudent course aof ehrdicnotngthin substantially building up your re- aotthe iscoartenumberhig serves."experts" wha have sprung up ini this country ta etoheUicwarid what Whon a ieleow h always an the it h ail about andi haw it hs going fence, bic ouglit ta be pretty weil te end and when. -Detreit Frec balanced. Press. SM ART LOOKINO -CLOTHES' At Low Prices Buy At The Arcade Power (Contlnued from page 1) sent uasettled conditions it weuld net be surprising if the maximum plrimary dcmmid next Decemnber were ta exceed 150,000 herse- power, a growth of aearly four- toeer per cent. An Attractive Section "The attractions affarded by Uic Eastern Ontario System te industriai onterprises ai size and importance seem te be ebtaining groater recognition. As many ai yeu know, The Aluminum Cemp- any oi Canada is procecding with Uic construction af a large roiling and extrusion plant at Kingston, Ontario. Contracta have been con- ciuded between Uiecompany and Uic commission for Uic supply ai flrm and interruptible power. It hs expected that ts plant wifl commence operations early i 1940 with an estimated total de- mand wellai excess of 5,000 harsepewer, and a possibility ai reaching some 10,000 hersepower I the eerly future. "A centract h ises in praceus ai negetiation with Uic Henarary Advisory Couacil for. Scientific and Industrial 'Researchi for sup- ply of power te Uic prejected National Researchi Laboratary at Ottawa. In addition it appears al- mast certain that new connections w4iil b. made te many smaller custerners and many existing cus- tamers will incroase their plant and power requiromenta. "The municipalitios ai Eastern Ontario which appear te desire ta romain outaide Uic Hydre f ax- cost, custamers are becom- mgý fow and far between. This year -Uiree additiea muaicipali- tics - aaely Orono, Millbrook and Armprior have signed cost contracts - and four more - Frankford, Omemee, Iraquois and Newburg, are aegotiating or in- quiring into the matter. As Uic matter new stands, - other than Campbellford - which ai course lias an adequato municipal sup- piy afitsi own - Cornwall is Uic only city or tewn oof importance net sccuring Uic benefits ai pow- or at cast together with Uic equity earned ta Uic accumulation ai reserves. 22,460 Rural Customers "During Uic past year extensive rural lime additions have beon made. Up ta Uiceaed ai Septern- ber Uic Commission had apprev- ed Uic construction ef 753 miles of now rural lino ta serve apprex- imately 2,900 additîonal cansum- ers. The total aumber ai rural consumnera new served on Uic castern systemn is approximatoly 22,460, while Uic rural poak for Uic year ameunted ta 11,461 herscpoer, an increase ef 23.2 per cent aver iast yeer. The nor- mal dependable poak capacity ai the corned power reseurces at present available ta Uic Eastern Ontario Systern exclusive af Uic Chats Falls frequoncy-c h a a g c r set, h approximately 150,000 horscpower. As already peinted eut there h geed reasan ta ex- pect that Uic load aext December may reacli this same figure, in other werds, that; during the cern- ing winter the load will fuily utilize Uic capacity ai the cxisting generating stations and purchase power ceatracta, and Uiat furthor load incrornents la 1940 will have te b. supplicd by Uic Chats Falls froqtiency-cbianger set. "The Niagara systern will be in a position te supply thraugh Uic freaquency-changer set the prim- ary needs ai Uic Eastern Ontario systern untii Uic late fail ai 1941, but during the ycars immcdiatelY folaowing there is ne assurance that it wll have any excess prim- ary resources. This being Uic case, tac Eatern Ontario systcm must bq in a position to take care ai lits ew laad by the fail ai 1941. Studios made by Commission englacers show two possible sources ai gcnorated power that canb. devoloped wlthla Uic Urne available. First Uic Trcnt and Uic Otonabee rivers and second Uic Madawaaka river. "«The Commis- sion owns or lias Uic option ai acqulrlng Uic rights ta dcvcbop a number ai additional power sites on thc Trent River and its tribu- taries, having an estirnated total capacity af 15,000 horsepower. Individuaily each ai these sites is ai relativcly small capacity and none ai Uiom can bo developed te produco power at a cest which would compare favorably with the better Madawaska sites, or with Uiecocst ai power bcing pur- chased under cxisting cantracts. "The alternative te devclop- ment an the Trent is developmcnt an Uic Madawaska, which affords a favorable epportunity for pro- wu J. DAGNFL Agent for De Porest andi Rogers Rdios You'II Be ThriIIed With These Gowns They make tise meut of your figue with dramati- caily smgrt mil-rnu yokos, puif shoulders and othcr attractive details tea num- eraus te relate. Bach Io ex- clusive but not expensive la a wide range ai maternls. SelingtraOm 2»98 Up MENSI FINE LINZD Capeskin Gloves Iàght Tan, 0rey, Brown and Black Now Worth $1.50 980 IMNS WÂEN PLÂNNELETTEC Pyjamas & Nightshirts AUI] ms- Eeg. $1.2% 990 BOYS' ALL-WOOL MAelton IWindbreakers in Win% B rown and Navy Suze. 26 to 34 BOYS' WARN EEMaVICEABLE Flannelette Shirts in Dark Grey or Brown &M %so. 3I1.4 590 UMNFIALL-WOOL TARZi Knitted Mitts nGomd Quaty BOYS' ALI-WOOL EEAVY Navy Freize Briques Laced K».. - Sises 26 to 34 LADIES SURT NEW LEATHERETTE Hand Bags Newest styles andsi sldes 39ea-69e- 98e EMTRA SPECIAL OPrPRIG IN SRMTy STYIME Ladies' Millinery Polsa a"d Velveos- values tb $1.98 LADS'HERSL Chiffon Hose Ringlosa - Pull Pashionesi - Newost Shades - AU SiBs Ladies' Coats in th as aon'a noWost stylos and fabrios. Ailsom and colour. Prijd from $9095 Up OHILDEEN'S ALL-WOOL BLANKET OLOTE Snow Suits Eultouad or Zipper fronts UIga. 2 10o ôy.ou SAT NEW STYLES D9 Ladios' OUl Crepo and Chookosi Flannel Dresses Bisou 14 la44 Nover before such, tone, such power, such hairbreadth seiectivity, such down- right beauty of cabinet and simplicity andi ease of operation at anywhere near the Iow prnce of thîs radio. Now you can have a De Poret, a 1940 radio you'II ho proud toown. Wired for teicvisioo - Aeniai- Automnatic Push-Button Tunsng-Short- Wave foreign reception. Guaranteeti Rogers Tubes. A 5.minute denstration is worth a thousand words. Let us show you the new 1940 De Forest Radios and quote you on S yo"rolti radio tod.y. BUA UTY of Teo and CabineIsi Shop At The Arcade Anid uy At TIs. Low"Prices fée SA VOY V ubeperfoance hmrcu Khwie Rofl rbes.2-band ftception. Autm«Pt»b=Twd«.WIREDFOR TELEVIO>4 Sound. lEV dynamic sarûs. DeSutiful alosiut cabinet. O#LY .... THURSDAY, OCTOÈER 26TH, 1939 PAGE THREE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 mý