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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1939, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMA~(, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, 1939 'j Recent Visitor s: Mr. and Mrs. Johnl Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mill- son;' Solina, at Mr. Frank Orcbard's. ..Mr..and Mrs. Frank Orli*rd and Elva at Mr. Tisas. Perigae's, Nestie- tomn... Mr. sud Mrs. 1. Baker, Solina. Mr. jouis and Mr. O. Staples, Betbany, at Mr. E. E. Stauw... Mr. Am dMp. Vies. Bradburn, Blackstock, Miss Hazel Penkins, Oshawa, t Mr. Walter Oke'ï. ... Mr. J. Grif fin sud Miss Vers Lloyd, Toronto, t M. and Mrs. W. Rahms... miss Olga Sandermon witb Mr. and Mrs.F. Hall, Toonto... Mr. and UMi.. N. Weman sd farnily, Toronto, Mr. sud Mrs. Earle Parrott and faniily, Cbalk Lake, viitb Mr. and Mrs. A. Wesr. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Cath- cart, Mr. and iMrs. G. Wilson, Ken- dal. witb Mrs. C. ]Boyd... Mr. J. Bradley witb friends in Whitby.. Mr. sud Mrs. L.* Hoskin, Murrav and Allsu, Tyrone, witb Mr. sud. Mrs. M. ....d... Mrs. Wni. Trewin, Haydon., Mr. and Mrs. c. Çrabami Mr. sud Mrs. S. Rodmnan, Port perry, at Mr. E. C. Aston's... Miss Mary Lane, Mr. Melville Jones, Newtonville, Mr. Howard Petbick, Mr. Foyd Pethick, Toronto, at Mr. S. Peticks... Mr. and Mrs. H. McConibe, Gwen and Adelle, Miss Irene Sharpe,' Toronto, at Mjr. and Mrs. A. Sbarpes. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson sud Mrs. Wmi. Oke attended tbe funeral cf Cbas. Harris at Orono. Mrs. Henry Avery who bas been convalescinr at the bomne cf ber sis- ter, Mrs. Wm. Oke bas returned ta Woodstock. Y.P.U. met Wednesday çvening. Devotional period cansisted qf duet by Mrs. H. Stevens sud Alice Ash- ton: scrinture bY I.orna Rahm; .I storv by Mr. M. Heard; noem liv j fil Allan Wearn The third Vîce-Presi- 1 dent Mrs. E. Wright was in chargre Recent Visitors: Mr. B. Beath, of program; piano solo by Ruby Regina, Mr. Howard Beath, To- McLaugblin; reading, Allan Wearn; ronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunt, Hes- tonic was given by Rev. H. H. peler, Mr. anid Mrs. R. -J. McCul- Lackev. loch. Osbawa, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Our Red Cross Society bas been Heatlie, Wick, at Mr. O. Mcul- organized witb Mrs. A. E. Harding lc's... Mr. and Mrs. W . Nichais, as leader and Mrs. H. H. Lackey as Miss Anelia and Aif and Carol, Sec.-Treas. Every lady's heIn is Caurtice, at Mr. M. Samis'.. . Mr. needed. W. J. Ormniston bas been in Bow- Y.P.U. will meet Tuesdgy, Oct. mnanvile... Messrs AIf and Elmer 31st, in the form of a Hallowe'en Prescott witb their sister, Mrs. L. masQuerade and party. Everybody Rabm, Toronto who bad a serious corne and enioy a svooky evepiinor ta- oDeratiOn. gether. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A verv impressive cburcb service Wilfred Bownan <nec Ella Tam- was held bers on Sunday afternoon blyn) wbo were married recently. when about 100 members of Jerus- After their return from tbeir wedd- alern Masonic Lodge, BowmanviUle, in trip ta Norths Bay, Ottawa and and visitiniz bretbren took cbargre cf Montreal tbey will reside on his f arm the service. Rev. A. E. Harding ugave bers. Mrs. Bowman will certainly be an jnspirine address and Rev. Canon mnade welcomne as she taught scbool C. R. Spencer, Bowmanville, assist- bers for several years and was al- ed. A f ulI choir was in attendance wavs a willing bhelper in chutcb and and sang twa beautiful antberns, soc ia affairs. "Lead Kindly Ligbt" and "I Will Mr. M. Hobbs is bavingz a well Sing'" assisted by Mrs. J. Baker, of dug, bcing down oyer 100 ft. Pro- Sauina, who also sangz a solo ini ber bablv be will have an ever-flowing usual ffleasingr manner. The cburch well soon. was f illed ta cavacity. __________ Burketon Miss May Chambers, Toronto, Mn. sud Mrs. N. E. Wright, Mn. sud Mns. Edgar Wright sud Gloria, Enniskillcn, Mrs. A. L. ?Pascoe, Soia, Mn. Fred Wright.. Maple Grave, at Mn. sud Mrs. Robet Phil's. Poor Il Duce: He just gets on Uic fonce wben they start taking it down.-Niagara FalIs Review.ý BETTER BE A BUYER Before Bargains Banned THIS WEEK WE'OFFER n. Large Package Rinso Onuy 24e Send package top anid 20o for Beautiful "]Big lister" Locket FEUX ROA8TED Peanuts IL20 lbo NEW PORT FLUVFS Two 7-oz. baégs ...... for only 23e FRUT JUCE GLASS FREE 16-oz. hag - - 25C 24-oz. bag --39e FREE WATER GLASS FREE CERE4L BOWL Mincemeat................ 2 lbs. 25c PrIncess Soap Flakes 2 pkgs. 2ec IHOSTESS DISH FEE WmZR Toilet Flush tUn 19é Our Own Tea lb. 6Me CV? AND SAUCER FMEE JAM Apple and Easpberry or Apple and trawberry 32-oz. jar 25e Presh Vegetables Fish For, Priday lEaloweyen nde HARRY ALUIN Phone 867 - 368 GROCER Bowmanville q - Cordon SNUGGIES For Cooler Weather - Veste end 49C Bloomers' wurnth uni cornfort. To POPULAI S WAFFLE STITCH snuggles Matchlng Vests ~9c OR PANTIES r'-wlth wool for extra warmth. Tes rose, lu ame S-M-L. Fitty Percent Wool Pa Fr those who prefer a better gasment. White and Te&s]Rome. Sises S-M-L. 3,TORES, CJMITED Bo0wmanvile Hamipton Recent Visitons: Dr. Jabez H. Elliott, Miss M. Poole, Toronto, Mn. W. H. Yeo, Mrs. R. Paojey, Mr. Bruce Yeo. Bawrnville, Mn. Keith Ormiston, Ennislcillen, Mn. sud Mrs. C. A. Landen, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. F. C. Preece sud Miss Nana Kers- lake, Toronto, at Mn. and Mrs. C. J. Kenslakes. . . Master Glen Wil- liarns, Solina, witb bis grsudparents, Mn. sud Mrs. Sulas Williams... Mrs. Charlton McBriae and f riend sud little Miss Mary Mcflridej ]?eter- bora, witb the former's sister, Mns. Clarence Tink. . Miss Connie Farn- cornb, Tononto, with Mn. and Mrs. G. Farncomb... Mrs. Gea. Burtt witb friends ini Toronto... Mn. sud Mrs. Gea. Davey, Port Perrjr, with Mn. and Mrs. T. Salten. . . Miss El- mnon Vivian who had been with bier grandparents in Toronto, bas ne- turnec bore... Mrs. T Baker sud Miss Vera Baker, Salins, with Mrs. Mabel Taylor. .. Mrs. C. Hastings with bier sister, Mrs. F. Grigg in Oshawa... Mrs. J. Burns with re- latives in Oshawa. . . Mn. sud Mrs. Milton Avenr ad daugister, Buf- falo, N.Y., at Mrs. R. Avery's and Mn. W. W. Horns.. . Mrs. R. Win- terburn wbo bas been with f tiends at Norland sud Cobaconk is home.. Mn. sud Mrs. S. Mountjcy accom- panied Mn. sud Mrs. T. Mauntjoy, Haydon, ta Hamilton whene their visited Mn. sud Mrs. R. Bird and Mn. sud Mns. Frank Brimacornb. Mn. Mountiair also visited bis brother at Islington sud s nepbew at Guelph.. 'Membens cf the Masonic erder attended the special service at. En- niskillen Sundair. Next Sunday evening service will bie in charge of W.M.S. wben Rev. Rackharn will speak andi Miss Lil- ian Naylor, Bowrnville, will assist in thc music. Pubic sveakiug contest will bie beld in the S.S. room Mondav evening, Oct. 3Otb. Hallow'cn masquerade this Friday eveniig. Miss fean Hogarth wbo was oper- ateci on for appendicitis in Bowrn- ville Hospital is convalescinoe at bier borne here. On Tuesday evening a number cf voung friends gathered at thie h9rne cf Miss Vers Kerslake whene Mn. and Mns. AIf Randle bad been sup- Per guests sud pnesented thern witb a showen of granite wear and other useful things. Mn. sud Mna Randîs made fittingz replies, after which the evening was spent i gaipes and a sing-song, and nefresbrnents serveci. We welcorne ta aur village Mn. and Mrs. B. Hickrnan wbo have rnoved into thc bouse vacated bi ri. sud Mrs. Ed. Asithistle; Mn. sud Mrs. Kendrick sud farnilir af Pontir- pool. wbo bave taken up residence in thc south end cf village: also Mn. and Mrs. C Catbrnore who are now residiniz in Mn. G. Banrow's bouse. Y.P.U. met Fh-iday with Reg. Rackhams in change. Mn. Faulknxer taok charge cf Uic worship service sud led nesponsive scripture nead- ing: neading bv Dorotbhs .Holwell: bible lemmon was read by Keitb Pet- ens. AIf Randîs bad change cf Pro- gi-arn. Mrs. Kerslake and Vers fav- oured with Piano duets; Mrs. Clan- ence Yeo gave a i-eading: iliterstiniz topic was prcsented by Mn. Charlie Warren. Reg. Rackharn gave a humarous neadingz. Miss ýkera M. Kerslake bas ac- cevted a position in Taranto. Mrs. John Fletcher (nec Millie Noble) a former residentcf Harnp- ton, and son Frank Taben, Alta., who bave been visiting ber cousin, Mrs. Elmer Wilber, left f Qn their borne by mater on Friday morningz. (Too late for last week) Recent Visitons: Miss Nora Kers- lake, Toronto, at borne. .. Mn. sud Mrs. T. Pnice and daughten, Viola sud Mj's.Price's mather, Mrs. El- liatt, Peterboro, Mr. Geo. William- son and. son Ray, Sonyaý at Mn. and Mrs. E. L. Williamson's. .. Mrs. G. Taylon witb Miss Vera, Baker, Salins. .. Miss M. Ellip.tt at ber borne in Bowrnanville. .. Mrs. C. W. Soucb witb bier daugbten, Mns. J. Albert Cols, Bowrnanvil[e. .. Mn. and Mns. Will Gibbs and 5on Billy, Crystal Beach, Mn. and Mns, B. H. Mortlock and farnily, Fort Erie, at W. Cbaprnan's. . . Mn. and Mrs., E. L. Williarnson ut Mn. and Mns. E. Holtby's Manchester. . . Mr. -asnd Mrs. Chas. Hastings are home fi-rn Bobcavgeon.. . Mn. and Mrs. Fred ,Wilson and iss June Wilbur, Ta- rante, witb Mn. and Mns. S. Kersey. ..Miss Dareen Perrett, Kendal, St homne. .. Mrs. R. Burgess, Tyrans, at Mn. and Mns. W. E. Stevçn&'.. Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Boyd, Mn. and Mrs. H. Stevens, Mn. and' Mrs. C. Stevens and son Douglas at W. E. Stevens'. .. Mn. and Mns. A. E. PRE IMASý' 1SALE A=NOVENEER AT BERRY'S BOOK' STORE 1 Corne every day snd ume smrethint dlfferent at bargnin coirnter. Remember Ail November at BERRY'S BOOK STORE Phone 807 - BowmanvMil ville, witb Mn. sud Mns. J. D. Ho1- ffarth. Mn. sud Mrs. Gso. Fanncornb were in Toronto attendingf the cbristening of Mrs. Farncomb's little niece Miss Helen Knox, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Young Peaple's Union art plan- ning a Hallowe'en masqùÇnade sud p)rograni on Oct. 27th wben prizes will be iven. Maple Grove Recent Visitons: Mrs. Russel Girnblett witb relatives ini L9ckPOrt, ...... Mn. and Mrs. John Suow- den, Mr. Thos. Snowden witb Mn. Samuel Snowdcn, Osawa.. Mn. and Mns. Howard Foley witb Mrs. S. T. Bartlett, -Toronto. -. Hisa Hilda Richards wit hber brother i To- ront.. Miss Margaret Stewart, Taronto, with Mn. sud Mrs. W. Stewart... Mn. and Mss. E. W. Foleir witb Mns. Phl Dormapn, Han- rnony. . . Miss Annabelle Baird, witb ber mithen at Port Perry..Mns. Ed. Wilkins, Misses Brl )rc Wilkins, Mn. sud Mrs. R. S. AIçIs- worth, Miss Betty and Master Bob- bir, Oshawa, Miss Helen Franklin, Town, at R L. Wodens... Mrs. W. H. Brown, son Babby, Gormley, with Mrs. Athur Gibsn. . . Mn. sud Mrs. Howard Cryderujan, cbild- non, Shirlie sud Carlas witb relatives in Toronto. Mns. Walter Haipey, Toronto, returned witb thern. .. M.' sud Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Mn. and Mrs. M. M. MundaY, Mn. Ross Ste- yens with Steve sud Will Munday. Courtwrigbt. . . Mn. sud Mrs. Char- lie White, daughters, Gertie. and Madeliide, Master Eddie W-hite, Oshawa, at J. D. Stevens'.. . Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt, Misses Pearl sud Lenore Collacutt at Mn. Frank Westlake's, Solina. . . Mi. sud Mrs. Charlie Rundle, Miss Mar- jory, Master Rayrnond, Lewis Run- dle witb ber mother at Cannington. ..Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Twist at Mn. Alfred Laird's, Town. .. Mns. Mark Blackburn, Orono, with Mrs. Walter Foleir, who. returned borne witb bier. ..Mrs. A. W. Phipps, Miss Myrtle, Mn. Noble Pbipps, Miss Dorotby Marquis, Mn. ând Mrs. E. J. Flett, Mn. sud Mns. J. L. Roak, Toronto, at F. Swallow's. Cbunch service on Sunday was i charge of Young People's Union. Bible rcading by Illoid Metcalf;- neading kv Mildred Snowden; doubile duet by Misses Irene Wright, Louise Foley, Helen Metcalf sud Madelie Metcalf: anthem bir the choir: Miss- es Greta Munday sud Susie Laird gave short stories. Y.P.U. meeting opened bv Pres- ident Jean Stevens. Helen Metcalf, ,îiizenship) convener, had change cf pnograrn. Wonship period, caîl te worship, Helen Metcalf -.prayer by Greta Munday: bible reading, Mrs. E. Twist: paem, Helen Metcalf. Eyesight Education AncL Efficie ncy Bay Optornetrlut Disney Bldt. (opp. P. 0.) Number 104 Keep fit sud be a winner. Poor vision duis tU i md sud is a severe handicap hai every walk et life. Wben the eyes fail Uic psy envelope fails. Most of us, un- knowingly, have pon vision in same degree. Know the condition cf your eyes sud keep fit. Tise business cf giving an cdu- cation can be pursued te mucis better adirantage if a whole boy or girl gaes te scisool. It is 'in recognition of this principle that 50 mnucis bas already been dons by achool authonities ha looking after the physical needs ofthUi pupils. It is Uic use cf lmperfect eyes rathen than the aven use cf per- fect eyes Uiat causes mast trouble and discomfont. Many people who- corne ta bave their cycs examin- cd are amazed te f ind how mucis their vision can bo impraved sud bow mucis comfort ta tis ecyca fol- lows Uic impravement. Tisey nemi- ize for Uic first tume bow defect-' ive their eyes wene and wisb they bad saugbt relief cashier in lite. Occasionally we meot with that case who bas deiayed too long, porbaps nover ha*'ing the eyes testcd, bad only been using mail order glassos an glasses fram Uic fifteen cent store. Mauy find their exponlence veny, very dean, when advisod that Uirough this neglect sud delay nothlng can be doue for them.- (te be continued) Proram included piano solo, Mrs. W. C. Smith: reading, jean Metcalf; new sangs taugbht by Annabelle Baird. tonic "Our Cburcb, Organ- izatian," Mrs. E. Twist and Mrs. W. C. Smitb; piano sala, Margaret Campbell. reading, Susie Laird; piano solo, Loryne White; reading, Evelyn Gibson. Recreation was in charge cf Fred Wrigbt. A number of ladies framn this community. were invited by Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and Miss jean Jarvie ta spend a littie time at Mrs. Snow- den's home, Oct. 13th, and surprise Mrs. Norman Burgzess, a bride cf a week or so, witb a rniscellaneoui_ý sbower.. After the bride had oPened ber parcels and read the verses, a daintv lunch was served bY the bostesses. As tbe ladies departed thev wisbcd the bride mucb ioy and thanked Mrs. Snowden for the lovely turne.' Sundav Scbool on Sundav will talcs the. form cfan open session, it beingr Temperance Sunday. Tbree cf the speeches gziven at Oron2. Fridav eveninoe will be iven: special music. B1-.lksnot 0ck' RecenÉ Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Clare Rutherford and family, Osh- awa, with Mr. sud Mrs. Mervin Graham.. . Miss E. Kem~p vith Mr. sud Mrs. Jabez Wright. . . Mr. and Mns. Russel Ritches sud Ken- netb, Peterbero, witb Mr. sud Mrs. Richard Haaper. .. Miss Gladys Dixon, Mn. Fred Dixce,~ and Mn. Melville Bisbop with Mrs. Florence Tbampson.. . Mr. sud Mrs. Morris Barton, St. Josepbhs Island, Sault Ste. Marie, at the Smith Bras. sud witb Mn. sud Mrs. Wm. Van Camp... Mn. Harrv McArthur and Shirley, Mns. Hanttiantsd Mrs. Douglas, Cavan, called on friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Bailey, Alliston,. witb.Mdr. sud Mrs. Frank Bailey.. . Mss. Green, Kitchener, witb ber daugis- ter, Mrs. Alex Glbert. . . Mr. sud Mrs. O. V. Sbaw and Leanar attend- cd Mt. Zian Anniversary, Sunday. . Mr. Wmi, Mof fat, Roland, Msu., with Mn. sud Mrs. Fred Baley... Miss Lulu Wrigbt, Taranto, witb Mn. sud Mrs. Osmond Wright. Mrs. Fred Willan. is in Bowman- ville Hospital. Sympatbir is extended te, relatives of the late Isaac Wbitfieltl. Miss Leona Devitt bas secured a p)osition iToronto. Mn. W. A. Van Camp with Mn. sud Mrs. Athur Bsiley, wbere bc is recovernig frorn an operation. Miss Vena Farder, Miss Ethel Carter, Mn. George Wolfje, Mn. Tom Hadoee and Rev. E. P. Wood at- tended A.Y.P.A. convention at Ham- ilton. Mn. Fred Hamnilton took charge af services in St. John's Cburcb on Sun- daY in the absence cf Rev. Wood. Mn. Hamilton is ta be congratulated on bis splendid interprcetifocf bis texts. Haydon Recent Visitons: Mn., snd Mns. Wsltan Pascoe, Bowrnanville, with Mn. and Mrs. Menvin Hobbs. . :Mn. sud Mns. Sam Mounti air, Hanwpton, Mn. and Mrs. Hugb Aunis, E-ni. sIilIen, witb Mn. Milton Slernon. Mn. snd Mrs. Hary McCornbe snd familir, Tononto, with Mrs. Elgin Mountiair. . . Mn. and Mns. Wilfred Sanderson andi familir, Mn. PLR cn, Enniskillen, Mn. Wm. Steele and Margaret Mn. C. Oxtobes, Nestle- ton, Mrn.aitMns. Wm. Sandersor. sud Barbara, Mn. C. McGJi-I, Jallet- ville, Mn. sud Mrs. Frank Sander- son, Miss Launa Phillip, Toronto, with Mn. R. Sanderson... Mn. and Mrs. J, E. Elliott, Cadmus, with Mns. S. Trewinsud Mn. sud Mns. C. Aver... Mn. and Mns. Fred Cowling and Fre<d, Blarkstock, with Mn. and Mns. R, McNeil. .. Mn. sud Mns. Stan Woollings sud Beatrice, Toronto, with Mn. sud Mns. H. Ash- ton. .. Misses Anne and Grace Tre- win, Mns. W. Ridge, Toranto, witb Mn. aud Mrs. W. Trewn. -. miss Rutb McNeil bas gane ta T9nonto. ..Mn. sud Mrs. Artbjur Bovair, ,Edith sud Ross, Mn. Lloyd Tbornp- son, King, Mn. Stewart iHoaey, Long Sault, witb Mn. snd Mrs. W.Tbarnp- son... Mn. snd Mns. L. Grahamn sud fsjnilY, Mn. sud Mns. 4. Read and Clavtan witb Mn. sud Mrs. C. Asbton, Burleton... Mn. 1. Wright bas neturnec fi-rn visiting Mn. sud Mns. H. Carnpbell, Osbawa... . Mn. and Mrs. W. Bridgett and Pauline with Mn. and Mrs. Royr Tbampsari, Bewranville... Mn. sud Mrs. E. Bradlev witb Mn. sud Mrs. Chas. Pen.wsrden, Leskard. . .' Mn. andi Mns. T. Tabb, Tyrans, with Mn. sud Mrs. T.,.Cowling. Congratulations to Mn. sud Mrs. T. Cowiing on celebratinz thein 25tb weddinir an- nivensar. Rrgular cburch service will bc wsthdnawn on Sundav an accopnt cf the Longz Sault Tbank-Qffernia services. Salem Rev. A. W. Marcb's fine discounse Sundav wss centred araund the therne of "Hanvest." Service will be withdrawn next Sun.dsv owing ta Thank-Offernig services St Longz Sault. Y.P.U. rneetihg Oct. i7tb, a apeneci bv the president, asnd pi-aven bv Rev. Marcb. Mn. B. Dancis, 3rd Vice, bad charge cfthc pi-agi-arn: bible nefesi-sces, Mn. E. Doicige;, topic, "Cburcb Organizqtions" by Mns. L. SqUadr wii Mn. Taeolr returesentingr the Y.P.U . ald Mrs. S. Butterv the W.A., Mrs. Suuain took ut) the S.S. in the absen.cc ai Mn. L. Coombes: reading, Mrs. H. Barrie: piano solo, Mns. S. Buttery; violin selection, Mn. W. Taylor. Attend- ance 23. Salem friencis were sboclçed sud grieveci ta learn of the sad accident wbicb befell Mn. and Mns. Sitrnons, father and mother of oui- former pasta's wife, Mns. A. M. Wootten, their bouse was burned wbile thev wene swav fi-ati borne aud a day or so aften wbile their wenc vicwingr Uic nuins, Mn. Sirnmans was i- stantlv Idîleci sud Mns. SIrn ns bacili burt by a fllling cimney. Deepeat sympathy is extended ta the familv in this sad catastropbc, Mrs. E. Silver. attended Tyrans W.I. nmtinr beld at Mrs. A. An- nis' and Mrs. E,' Doidge accomnanied ber and visited friends. ' Mrs. .. R. Fletcher and son, Mr. Fran~k Fletcher, Purple Spring, Alta.. called on their cousin, Mrs. E. Doidice. I: l' 1 COWLING SEILS THE BESI And Serves You Well ee Whon we test your 07.8 you are asured entire satio- facton in fit, quality, style and price. AitiProOme lcohol 98c gal. ICATARRHALI 0 Oertified Anti-Freez. IDAFESS Iub non rustine, retarded »A e*aPoratIii HEAD NOMSI Hlnd's Crearn 25c-45c-85c f'hA D R Lotion - - 25o - 45o - 89e gdparRtm Sld.$l.0 Itauma Balrn 29c-55c-890 100 h!' 29c 53 29e0c- 59c Pablum Kepler'$à 45e _ ___ ___ ___ Caatoria Hlot Water Bottles ~-12 29,C - 59,c 29c - e9c - 8»c "10 Ayerst 10D, Baby OilCod L. 011 Baby Oil'67 - 1 6 soc Ext. Malt & C.L.0b. Baby Botties 47e - 79e - 1.39 î5c -mc Se 59C 1. Ebdenezer Recent Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nicbals (nec Minnie Walters), Cleveland, Obio, at the -Walters' borne. .. Miss Velma Pearce was guest cf Mr. sud Mrs. Alymer Hez- zelwaod, Trant.. Miss Edythe White, Bethesda, visited Ile cousin.. Elsie Oke, and attended the lIay Fridav nigbt. Services on Sunday were in charge cf Mr. Stephen Saywell, Osbawa, in the rnorning sund Y.P.U. in the evkningr witb Miss Arnold as tbe speaker. Rev. W. C. Smitb was con- ducting services at Victoria Road. Y.P.U. met Monday evennig with Misses Florabelle Marsball an d Velma Pearce in charge. Devotianal included- stony and bible reading by Madeline Fakir; poemn read liv Lu- cille Wade. sentence prayeu, Sydney Worden, Glen Pickell, Alan Down, Ralpb Found and closed by Miss Foley. Program: vocal solo, Elsie Oke: reading, Carl Down, piano duet. Ada Aunis sud Eileep Pick- el: singz-song and recreation periad.- Concert, Friday evenlngr under ausvices cf No. 4 Mission Band with the Dramatiç Club presentingz their play "Double Trouble" sud manv numbers provided by inembers cf the Band, pnoved lbth înteresting sud gzratifvingf insucially, to those ini charge. South group cof W.M.S. met at Mrs. Hilton Tinlc's. Plans were Made for November meeting sand a social tirne enjoye LIONS CLUB (Contin;edfrom page 1) cheap set or an expensive set and upon his decision sud his afflu- ence depends his comfart, ap- pearance sud.the length of wear cf the set. M. sae In conclusion,Mr Taylor sae that new deveiopments now - en- abled a persan te have their teeth removed and replaced arti- ficially*at the sane ie re without the aid procescf waiting until gums bad receded sud hardened f or several manths. Aise, he ad- vised plate users te have su extra set of artificial dentures on hsud in case su accident happened in which the anly set was broken sud n social or business engage- ment ruined. He stated that Mike Jacobs, famous fight promoter, is said te, have 25 sets'because he can neyer find them. when he wants te. His chauffeur sud sev- eral other members of his entour- age carry extra sets, just ha case. The speaker was introduced by Dentist R. E. Dhaniwell sud $. R. James moved the vote of thanks. Vice President T. M. Chant was ha charge of the meeting sud un- den his direction several items ofj importance came before the meet- ing. Agricultural Representative E. A. Summers introduced two prize winning membens cf the Durhami Swine Club, recently re- turned from Guelph where tbey toak top houons for judging swine, bringing the traphy te Dlirham for tie third time. Haward and Lawrence Malcolmi cf Jsuetville sud Nestîcten wenetise winners sud were warmly congratulated by club membens. They are first cousins. Mr. Summers aise an- nounced that Durhsam had aise won first prize in tthe grain club. Fallowing a brief Lions educa- tiQuaI prograni by Rev. W. F. Banister, during which be read sud commented an thse Objects cf Lions, su auctian cf mucis import- ance sud hterest was beid witis club's apreciatioi- fan bis play- ing. Othen items at thc meeting in- cluded Secretary F.. V. Ott's read- ing cf Uic correspandence sud President D. Alex-McGregorla an- nouncement cf resuits ta dte in tise atedneqnet Apparently Uic Nazis wsut the cream of Europe, with ather coun- tries expected. te bis content wlth/f whn.t tise fariners feed te Uie pigs. -Detroit Free Pzess. B u Y! "IWILLOW ACRES"y YORKSHIRES FOR YOUR BREEDINO STOCK Registered Letters "ODXM" Every hog rnarketed from "lWilow Acres» msince lune lot has been a select.. OPEN- AND ÈRED SOWS FOR SALE "ilMOW àACRES" FArIM FERGUS 'X I2ORRZLL1, Proprieto THIS WEEK THE WIZARD (0OFo NEXT WEEK-THE- WITCH OF IIALLOWE'EN Tis weok the PRoyal Theatre features the. Qltotanding pioture of the year, "The Wizard of Oz," but next week is Hallowe'eii with T'he Carter Family featuring »ô many fine articles for parties, handouts and regular mesla that you will b. amazed. Pumpkin Tarts--a-- Wic'sBskt Piesf 5c and 30c. Hallowe'en Kisses lb. llc Goblin's Delight LAYE R CAKE Spec"lY Decorat.d 40c Neflaon' Purnpkin Coitte Ice Cieam....... brick 25e PIes.. rder early. Hllowe'en Oium Drops and Jelly Beans Mb. - 15e -Soinethlng New doz. 40c Petit Fois You'1l love these - dpeilaily decoratel doz. 40c Annie Laurle or Neilmn'. Cluocolates in 8 Varîcties All klnds Crearn Gools, Cookies, Biscuitu, Bread, andi other baked good. Atter vlmtint -"'Tise Wluad of Oz" drop la for lunch at Carter's - Thse best way te make an evenlng perfect. 1iple -Nova-mKelp iabiets D0odo Bc 7c1.12.9 55-1.19 1 5e Glass Bowl We guarantee 5 Cakes Colgate's Creophos to stop Soap youe cough Ail for.- 25e Ige. bottie - $1.00 PHNEntinaumin 'L1DWM i P9 . IR. IiWLING9 PhrIIII.MUSE E.,W. Crawtard as. auctioneer. A basket ot apples went on thse block with Uic total receipts cf $15.00 being turned aven te Uic Boy Scout Apple Day Fund. Ententahament, other than that provided «by Uic good natured bsutering of members duing Uic auction sale, wias ha charge cf W. F. Carruthers who. introduoed bis guest artist, Charles Eichards.g Mr. Richards' piano, accordion1 salas wene applaî4ded heartily sud9 E. A. Sumnie rs expressed Uie poe855 Baker. For Two Generations BowrnaVile l. m THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, IM THE CANADIAN STATESMA]9, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE POUk

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