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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1939, p. 5

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THURDAYOCTOER 2TH, 939THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO which has already drawn much MARRIED 59 YEARS attention. Don now has a broad-21 'O C A N E S N Lcasting truck, complete with sev-CogautinteM.ndMs SU SCRITIONSHenry C. Bowen of Clarke Town- SOCIAL ND E RSONL3adlarge honedi m adone ts U SC I I NCsiongatlbatiose r n r initial appearance in Bowman- villegatosannucv tegea 1ai Al subseriptions ta The Statesman recelved up tMliluS t h.Wedd leganed hsar Finater.t bagisaailable at Don Chris- Frlday have been entered and the labels on the papers have mg een of cascmntest Miss Ruth Ferguson, Oshawa, of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wright. tien Electric. Incidentally, the been eorrected. So look Up yeur labelndeoI oarpldr.Bwn aeinabses wasguatof is Eeln Pckrd Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard truck has been operated for he. I advance. Mrs. Hamr Aln vsited her returned Sunday from St. Lous eral years by Don James, but as could seeslete t the hand r. W reitning RA UL TE sister, M rs. R bt T wn, or nt. ic., wh re heuvsied he bo- ta en on a ew olrfl oa o S bsrltan ha e eei orln l w nd rfll w il ch olchlden a w llasgr wn lately This 5 verTpreasat. r I showsthit oui subseribers Mfr. and Mis. H. T. Howe, Ham- ther, Rev. Geo. Beacock, also the pantsieceundr ew 'euiirsip.t the pape n reirsted enough to sefndBowe, wo aditIheI liton, were guests Of. Mrs. R. Pickard Brothers in Windsor and A Missouri minister inserted 4 over 80 years of age. One would Dumas. Kingeville and Rev. and Mrs. E. the following ad in the classifled the subsertption. Our lDt at l 15ral go rdr n think the writing was copper _____________ à&. and Mrs. Jack Hutchinson, F. Armistrong, London. columans of his home-town paper. papers are well pai up, but there are smre who have o plate as every letter is ufliform BROKN Toronto, were weekend guests of Congratulations te Ma a ste r "Lost or strayed, an undetermin- remîtted yet and perfectly formed with the FIRST GRADE GREAMERV Walnt -lb 3c b(re M.J. Htchnson Brce Clwel, sn o Mr.anded number of Baptists from scr- If 500 ppr are not & for It means a lot of mono>' deicate shadmng of an artiat, yet B T E Miss Lola MacLachan, Mag- Mrs. Eric Colwell, Church S t., on vices of First Baptist Church. ta us, thouh It lu oni>' a smalsmm t a cah individual. with a steady and firmn hand. The LbsINS nctawàn, spent the weckend with winning the hand embroldered Hope to find them Sunday morn- Iines are also as straight as if 2 for" 5190Poant -l. ci Mrs. Geo. W. James. quit given by the Companions of ing i church." On Sunday morn- h lt aur obleet ta have ani subseriptlons ta The States- written on ruled paper. Besides 1fr. and r. ClnRs n the Forest. The lucky ticket was ing he was greeted by the largcst manl pald ln advanee befêro the' end of the year. This can be operating one of the best and FOR 1ALWEE *son Tom, Bellevlle, visited Mrs sold by Doreen Wright. congreaino the year. cashl donc i evcry readcr will make a point of sendighI any cleanest farms, and thus one o!fLSC' b a H. . av rly E an elii . . H rrs Th R ng~s et Ocobe lth arrears and an advance subscriPton at once. the most productive, in the coun- GRADE B K s Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tattersail greatly encouaged witli growing et the public school. Mrs. Emmett Once the subscrîption la lu advanee,- t wi'lnot be v"y hav n one o! the largest and Mamaad -24 have returned to Montreal after interest and attendance' at the gàve the girls marching and ex- dfiffleuit ta kcop It pald up. best privately owned libraries in DoM BarKLb visiting her mother, Mrs. Leta services held in the Sons of Eng- ercises. Ail girls were brought up this district. oe Shai#Pe, Concession St. land Hall. Commencing Sunday to date with their tests so that We approclate what han been done b>' man>' sibscribers. Domno BLAC55 Re.S aio fTiiyU-services will be held in the Mar- only morse sending and recciving hIthas beon wanderful. Lot evoryone do hla part and fI wll ______________ Re. . avso ! riit U-tyn Block, corner o! King and is le!t. Principal L. W. Dippell be aecompllshed. TRINITY Y. P. U. NEW CANADIAN MAPLE EPsks ied Church preaches anniversary Division Sts. has kindly consented te pass the MisVvaBuerothpb-C E SM tce --2c sermons i Leâmington United H Rangers in this. Games were play- Thanks in anticipaionl. Chrhnx un day.er mnyHydon and Ens isVve unro h u-C R IS a Church nexids Sundab . manytocd under the direction of Kay lic school staff and a member of At thc semi-annual meeting o!fklen tfriends. S.l.l bersor oO'Neill. Mrs. Cunningham called ~na,, our Union was speaker at Trinity Lb. E7 CAMFI b thec Ontario Medical Association lercfn ato rs.S.J.Gdefrsthas a Court of Honour meeting for ~~I4'~I .-- Y.P.U. on Monday night. Miss 170__________ Maism low 5 hcld hri Peterboro Dr. C. W. Sle- pattnwesad isve îîîl. Monday. Nexi week the -meeting1 Bunner described her recent trip _______________ mon was appointed a member o! Little hope is held for her recov- wl only b a half-hour heas dertoîstcr. Herealk wasibthd SOLITE Mca roi- i the Education Committee. ery. She is with her daughter, o! exams. The high spot M! Uihe _________________________________________ Wr. and Mrs. D. R. Morrison Mrs. S. G. Preston, Church St. evening was the talk given by humorous and interesting and, de- Shortenfllg have been holidaying in Western TeprsnlcumsoTh Miss Lawrence, a nurse ai the RO RYC U der way. Before the firsi cijarter was lîvered i her own deightful Th pronlcounso TeSick Children's Hospital, Toronto. ROTARYCLU over, McIlveen tossed a long forward style, was very much enjoyed by L. ]O and Mrs. H. H. Todgham, Walk- subscibers to record the visits of nda aifllwe it flt astakpatevryn. is une'solyr- b Onrvlo neegessoer.taemnaealasoe o aur he utiedtheacourse eo! syCntin fo 50 ) an end run and then f ired the gret on her trip was the peculiar ----- cve.their friends and relatives or hospital. and told something O! historic good old Union Jack was aval over the line ta the waitinr liking the mosquitees took for her Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hagerman, their own out-of-town journcys. the types o! cases that camne ia ich flag of Canada, and that the Siemon for five pointg. when they didn't seem to be bath- BREAKFAST S E I L wha spent the summer ai Sturg- Make a point of calling The the hospital. Canadien Red Ensign, with iii In the second quarter, McIlveen ering anyone else. The speaker ETO b chlon ahe weintownlSt eek st hatemofice w heoehav e o! Bowmanviile's oldesi equaly historic background, was heaved a forty varder ta Siemon who displayed several souvenirs whchBA ONCranere -19 bur, Fordafo th wite. nmbr i 66 o yo cn mkewomen, so fer as years are con- for flying in the Merchant Mar- aîbled the last fifteen yards ta a she brought home, and comment- Lb. - Mug r.deMr t.hSeDua n d ue o! th 663rorbo i n Sae-cerned, but youngest in outlaok ine. major which Jackman converted via 9d on the inexpensiveness o! liv- 290 S Mr.lieand Mrs . .Dumasa spemnoffiefro- nthr.a ndepii,-tis week celebrated Touching briefly on the war, the iolacement route.ingrie Puerto i~o. alfow. O Ai a. convention oR.!DumesOntaria her 89th birthday in the persan o! Capi. West contended it would. ive forwards led ta the ncxt tch- The worship service was con -______________ ih ween wi Let.Co.H.d t Mrs. John Allun, King St. East. be a defensive war. Our Britishi down and, yau guessed i, Mc-I1veen ducted by Gertrude Hooper, as- CHATEAU or VELVEETA CRISP Sauva,, Hilton. Mrs. L. Dumnas Teachers' Association held aHliga mi ai> ahr cue esaei n ae ntssed the third anc ta Slemon. sisted by Doris Dudley', Jean Hat o remaincd for a visit. Stratfard lest Wednesday, R.G. ing a her brother, Mr. John someihing divine, on somnetiing jcmnfise f h j; î oi~ n akDnwt Ken- IE ESE C.ey25 Miss B. Frise, Tarante, MissGeen, organisi and choir leader wsadmm Jiha 45 ard nsbe forelé isthiIamthSes ai the piano. Marion pkg.WAXE Nant mtBleil,~ o! Simcoe Street United Church, Lyle, former Town Clcrk, 91 lovely, fair and jusi, adnutwt 4 ad!nbfremkn ae avored with an aperaiic1< andnea SmrtmBelntilmusic te. yh r s old, and her sister, Mrs. Jas. ultimatel>' win. the mistake of trying ta dadze an sornkoowhcga.~y_______________ Genreax'ad dugher ar-anda pomientmusc tacerPtisn in her 87th year. Ev- The speaker paid a glowing i nomnz tacl4~er, thercby losing a murn s hch enjoyed.Tu sonrteWaneTrntn, Wreguesndi s hawv andpitriandwas lsa -eny few minutes throughout the tribute ta Hon. Winston Church- Iposbescrbu emdel»fo t AHaloenjo etilb cd______________________________ chosen anc o! three ncw members d rednihosadrI-iFriLr ! i diatjs after the third quarter izot un- nexi Monday night ta which al ta be elected on Uic coundil. tives kepi 2opping into the house as a rcmerkablc man who was der way bv fakinr a pass ad then young people are invited. * bringing messages o! greeting and much mnisunderstood. He is a breakiniz throuzh for a 40 yard nun Games were conducted by James McDonald,' formerl>' of gits, as weil as a hast o! mail great strategisi and secs situa- and iouchdawn which hq converted. Harry Taylor and Uic meeting _______________________________ thUi Central Ontario district corn- and United States. Mrs. AIlin's and cleerer way than Most men. varer n S on shook Jackman The officers' congress in Black- pri ic h counties o! Victoria, daughtcrs, Mrs. Cecil Osborne The spepker was introduced ba ose around the end for thé fifth stock, October 28 and 29, was an- * Halibunton, Ontario, Peterbor- and Mrs. W. J. Dudley', and hen W. R. ctRk and C. H. Maso a o cr.nucdadalwows Oe- rri .M.Jh titn isMs * ough, Durham and Nothumber- sonHary Ailin, the popular Cor- expresscd Uic club's Uianks mio cr.nucdadalwowsht i rns. r onSajtnMs r.T .Blo iM.Fue land, b>' Uic Canadien National ner Grocer, also assisted in the< Presideni Ross Stuti Who pre- Sieman scored the onlv îrv of the tend arc asked ta contact Hubert Eileen Stainton at Mr. G. MoncLdef's Snowckiis ern 0 'Yh'uIstitute for Uic Blind. Mn. Mc- celebration o! their mnother. sided cailed on Len Elliotita final neriod when he orabbçd a Hooper nai laien than Fnida>', na isBrieSano',Ptr r .W ntrcniust I HE T E Dnadrcplaced Harvey' Lyons Jim Thompson, gcnius extra- auciion off e basket o! apples for boundiniz onside kick and squirnied Oct. 27.r..M. and M r s. H S aold Alunemr-v ate.isoprMr. n BO MA VIL suddrse teRtr eDa ud 5yad o h fv ons ac--br..Mr.v ad Mr. T.Haodtin's.. GenralHsitl orno R O TMALE adLoscus nBwavle rinr fteylTea r h erBoy Scout App eistie Irsh manntVistoresextrapRantScitanfamilv tMr . t Mrtids.en.oycd b>' saf hswe rdedao h umorwihhschr laeet Mr. and Mrs. Russel Staintan and OurRosFwluprwa it LAST TH REE DAYS thought-provoking sermon Sun- average for ingenulty and cnergy. Uic shekels with his tnip-hem- eulns Spigro. M.Deet Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Banister on Uic establishment o! Wizsrd o! Oz" is playing ai Uic Uiy cause $20.55. The auction was Miss_________________r._________________Ohawa..._Mrandlame_ Uic Kingdom o! God upon ennUi. theatre this week-end, fcaturing brought ta an abrupt but gloni- <Contlnued from page 1) Gary's, Toronta.o. Mrs. W. Glas-________________________ OOT. 26 - 27 - 28 This was Uic last in a seies o! an extravaganze o! pcculierly ous ending b>' the auctioncer bu>' -__________Mr._____________________Oshawa...___ sermons. "Courage," much necd- madc-up figures, anfi imha t n g in Uic luscious apples hum- <Eber Milison, Enniskillen, Robt. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Babý0on ai Mr. ATLASTTUEUUîUî p cd inithis time o! world conflici, structcd e large figure ta repre- sel! with his last «tviobits" and sottHamptin)dividu e b hse n dMii- Monsher's, acktokand sons, AOF was the subjecci o! Mr. Banister's sn i nmnl i itr.then shering Uic !orbidden fruisnhdidvde ihsoeh adMs .Saklo n os SIh9-IM-UU~I vening addrcss. sn hi i n v mangodik ectu e> ihhi dlwRoainclass o! 518 points. -Mi-Mr. Harvev Balson ai Pontypoal and EDESSL~~OW*h. _________a_______ Bec!Catile - (14tcarns) Lotu... Miss Anne Baybes nia Alice Jackson Mission Band o! respect excepi Uni on lus chesi dleex, Catlbourn4 eaClb, 029 fMid-nLous. rouissAnnise almsanBd-_____________ Trinity Church opcned its mcci- Mn. Thompson has inscribcd teclsx MlUicCub 09 redBogaMisylaBl MU ing with quiet music. LaIe, Mer- naine o! Uic picture so thet ever>'- Bowmanvll Juniors Middlesex, hîdenion Club, 1017; son, Kirisale, ai Mr. Anson Balson's. W jerrison read Uic scripturc lesson. anc who secs Uic huge tin figure Victoi 1014; Ontario 977; Dur- . . Mrs. H. Allin, Bowmanvilbe, ai Mx.Aubrcy' Smith, who is sup- also secs Uic "Wizard o! Oz" in WhiteWa$h P rtHope; am Mric Fallis, Muîlbraok, Her- Mr. R.I bbins'. .. Mr, a»d Mrs. o plying for Miss Ada Clark while lights which flash on and off. The Score 36-O, Wed. Vcy Malcolm, Janctille) 6th. F. Blanford, 'Eva, Laurencè and she is nwey, rend a litile star>'tin man lu drawung man>' fine1 Foal - (40 teams) - Waterloo, Kenneth, Miss Irene Feeney, Mr. and- calld "Spreadng Good News." commente as la Uic picturc - anc The High Schoal Juniors went Elmira Club, 1070; Grenville 1058; Mrs. T. Samison, Mrs. Samson Sr.,NO £ B IZ R finei t apeeron ic oca merriby'along iheir rubtraib of South Simcoe, Caokstown, 1044; Toronto,Mr.HWicxadR- NOSRRichards and Jacqueline Hey- screen. wins here vesterday when the>' white- Waterloo, Wellesley Club, and inabd, Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. N Shy E land. Mitenraiol cal Miss Evelyn Mn. J. D. Carruthers showcd us washed the Port Hope Juniors by Halton, Acton Club, tied, 1039. Bottombev and Chas., Oshawa, ai Set LAID Pickard told e star>', a No. 1 grade Wagner apple Uis the tremendous score Of 36 te 0. The Durham (Allan White, Port Hope, Mr. R. Perkins'. .. Mr. GeraJd Bal- Ho AL1E Twcnty clergy of Uic Archdeac- week which wes picked from a visiting Part Hopers neyer gave ut) Wilfrid Gillis, Cevan) 10ih. son at Mr. J. Wilkins', Courtce... oui>' o! Peterborough attcnded n 2-yer-old trce, set oui as n whip trvinz but proved totally unable ta Hon. P. M. Dewan, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gladwell, John At beasi tic baiesi hi news andtUc elurdopoame Quiet Day conducted b>' Uic Dean yeer old tree.' Even science 'in haIt the Bowmanvible ratmPage. Onqe Minister o! Agriculture, nddrcss- and James, Toronto, ai MQr. Aif. la abways avallable wih PMarconi and twr-are aIs o! Toronto, Bey. Dr. Rile>', ai Si. orcherding is hasicning the beer- the Hibtowners man n bick' bnck 30 cd Uic competitars ni n banquet Avre's. Mrs. Ayre returned ta MTo- SEE THE NEW MODELS ON0 SLYA INTC LS John's Anglican Church, Bow- ing o! apples from 5 ta 8 yeers yards, another time Snmith plulnged and congratulated the lads on ronta with them... .Mand Ms DInufd by VICTOR VLIMINhse rfssofamn.HaodClln ndDre r n Pdnod by EEVYNLROT manville, on Thursday lasi! On ta two years. lu this connection 15 yards whibe in thie ast quarter tercoe rfsin amn.Hrb oln n oen r u A Wcdncsday evenlng there was we would like tq cal attention they staged a 50 yard dilve thai He declared Uic country' hed su!- Mrs. A. Calinette and Berkçeley, ?4 SO & IDl K cm vensong and Bey. R. B. Patter-; and pa>' tribute ta Uic Carnuthers stopued when the>' lost the bail on fered from in and outens o! !ermn- Taronto, et Mr. F. Camerns. .. Phone 408 HARDWAREBwanil son o! Cannington prcachcd. The Bras. (W.H., C.M, and J.D.) for dawns. Other than ibai thev did mng in pasi ycars. Agriculture Mr., and Mrs. Stanlev Coverlev and1 Mati.. Sturday 2.30 p.m. ladies o! Uic perish kindly acted Uic important part Uic>' have nothing. dacsn't benefit from those on Uic Lboyd, Ebenezer, et Mr. Wes Cern- ______________________as hostesses ta Uic visiting clcrgy pleyed in binging Durham Coun- On the other baud, the local grid- land who can make n living only_________________________________________ and breakfast and luhch werc ty apples ia good repute mn such ders were hlavina an "on" day and in times o! high prices. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. scrved in Uic perish hall. large markets as -Montreal and nathinoe went wranx. Gib 14çclveen Mn. Dewnn requested thc !arm Those scrving with Midland Ottawa, as weil as overseas, b>' drew back bis irusty riRbt aansd YOuth ta "do especiail>' wcll in OCT. 30 - si - NOV. i Reginient, C.A.S.F. nt Trenion thc insistence and consistency heavcd pass afttr pasu ia the wait- Uic type of farming you have A x e to a fram Uhs district include, Major the>' have shawn in Uic care taken i 9 ausof bis ieam mates, sud in becs, following in Uce pasi, te beA u Eep io 'Ir eS lyFL.Dudley', Lieut. S. Spencer, 1 rcln only No. 1 apples. The itwe re h ucd eea followcd b>' extra cmphasis on Of C. Sergi. Major J. Kincaid, Sgis. resuli has been Unit these orch- ankles whibe stappinz the Hapers. Uic commodities for which thene et r fHnyman, G.McKemnaH. erdista neye eer se hvcm bemnalothe wna5esbtMe>'be special call as Uicwa "T ea d Lycet, Cpl. W. S. Kincaid, k'is. trouble i dsposing o! heir crp hi: main work was recevinR hree of progresses." 1 Vernon J.d Kuanx, W. Mitchell C Cart- as «The Cerruthers Brand" stands Mchveen's aerial shots for touch- Whai is rcquircd is "perman- BARGAI wrig1hi, Jack Gcddes, luim Gcddes for highcst quality apples right downs. Near the end of the game cnt faim folks," whose roote are liens su~ad W. R. Wright-~ Thelr duties taUclotmo vr'bre. Senn alsa scored bis fourth major.mUisol ihte bityaSu rWae B tl_ _ lie e CsUie Include supervision o! Uic Air Signal caîber Jackn=au usg a spot make good in farming whethcr in ASue Hot Wae oe - taiigGinger Rogers, Fred Farce grounds and general guard ST. PAUL'S FIRESI1DE HOUR fsodwelied ihode funies o! depressian or pnaspcnity. duty.TeoferofteS.Pu' deception in makingz long pains on A permanent economy is also ne- Lowest. Bpecialy Beit of Heavy Rubber for Agtamreand mta May Oliver The Badmnton Club êpne its Te fiHure: o! Ui S t. au' runbacks wbibe Big Bill Hutchnson qurcd in agriculture, he said, and Prices exor trade. - Guaranteed two For rdyfo h is i esiewan on evéry âIay denÎrsively sg________a________ ***. 1.0 ale ..................... .......... The 8pectauODJM r o tetis season wlithe represeniative mee Barnerd; Vice President - and topped off bis day bv luggiiniz be nat ndoptcd in wertimc which --------_________ world'a gi'etest. lOV«ls and crowd o! players and associate KnMcQuerrie; Secretar>' - Jean the vigskin 70 yards down the field would be hopeless in peacetime. SrneFtig McMullen; Treasurer - June Mer- ta the Hope ten yard striv. bu was y fl tiu dance team. Thia picture Ja, members present. Evcry'ane ex- tin; Piauli - Helen Williams, As- a masterfub bit of running. The annuel cosi o! ruaaing e 390 - 690 ful cf familiar songs and presscd delight ai thc improve- sistaut Planisi - Ruth Tuerk; Mu- SdRnlwpee h cn abv er vessel is high. A betilesbip Fonan yineLU TER NE dance steps surrounded by the mnt ee ma eari n U icme sical Leader - George Davidgc. sendinz n Placement through the o! the Haod type coste ever>' year j~ graet1suSOY fte md sevel itennlaiengcd pti The firsi Fireside Houn will be u . t oo fe etviisgtu-more then $2,500,000 ta kecp it 79o - $1.50 reatu t me tryo mionteint a rpun in cp et-hld after thc eveniug service in gdie Sanafe Anticrriertict çeutry ion I .. rondrobnhe UcSunda>' school room on S un- gt on fe etviisgtun on naicaicrre atpecial Hot Water de ~ ' letdfr er> wahus Wn u-$2.900,000, e cruiser castes nerl>' .00u. - ej j'~WC uvf SUN DAY, OCT. 29TH 'Foun;d neMn. JohnHniwkshaw, numbors cornplete from Uic eccount a! St. Peulrs - - is nwtetet Sunda>' Services 2.80 p.m. and 7.30 pa.. d Uic guests. During thc eveniag dlaplay. Sewno niesr' lRU MÀACAàPU Week nbghi servicés every nlghi excopi Monda>' and a presentation o! e purse sud e St. John's Anglcan Church .TUEIR à.WAY AcnCET@ tS mULTr' m Sauray i 8p..bouquet o! roses was made b>' lI I I I ey. Canon C. R. Spencer, Rector Satuda>. a S .m.their ncphew, Mn. William Fouud. A2lst Sunda>' efier Triait>' 20 Capsules 50o - 50's $1.00 MUSIC -PREACHNG -ý INGINGPnior ta thc presentetion an ad- J. W wl 8. HyComnn.A e I dress, errnnged in book !orm, sud 11 a.m. Morning Prayer.UNTDCGRTOE Poe92DUSW Deîr EVANELIT C.A. ARRS inchate.leter uscd as a guesi register, was Phéne556 somavm 2.30 p.ra. Sunde>' Schoal aad UNI ECYRSTR EvAGEZS C.A.HARI hichrg'ebUirnrecem. R> Bible Classes. _________________________________o 'NclPot Pnny .7 p.m. Evening Prayer.

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