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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1939, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO * THURSDAY, N0V~MBER 2ND, 1939 BIRTH /' HENDERSON - At Bowmanville Hospital, on Thursday, Otober 19, 1939, ta Mr. and Mrs. John Igen- derson, a dauRhterê . DEATHS FOWLER - In Clarke, on Friday, October 27th, 1939, Thomas Wil- liam Fowler, agre 70 years. Inter-* ment Yelverton Cemetery. MASSIE - At Port Hope Hospital on October 2th, 1939, Charles Massie, beloved busband of Hattie Merrifield, in is 75th vear. Father of Mrs. Aubrey Smith, Bowman- ville. McCULLOCH-In Columbus, Ont., Oct. 27, 1939, Hugh McCulloch, beloved husband of Cora May Courtice. in is 6th y&r. Father of Mrs. Walton G. Pascoe, Bow- manville. MiAGUIRE - At Calgary, Alta., on Friday, Oct. 27th, 1939, Eli.za Jnee Mazuire, widow of the late Wm. T. Mazuire. Interment Orono Cemetery. NORWICK - In Manvers Town- ship, October 29, 1939, Mrs. Peter Norwicik, mother of Mrs. Hector Gould and Miss Heleu Norwick, Bowmanville. TODGHAM - At the Toronto East General Hospital, Oct. 27th, 1939, Alva (Alf) John Todgham, fanm- erly of Bowmanvillc, beloved hus- - band of Alice Dring, f ather of Ethel and brother of Walter, Wal- kerville, Ont., in bis 80th year. Interment Pine HuIs Cemetery. VICE - In Oshawa, October 30, 1939, Ccil, Howard Vice, Brook- lin, beloved husband of Gretta Hobbs in bis-57.th year. Interment Union Cenetery. YELLOWLEES- At Winnipeg, on Ottober 24th, John Yaibowle&s, aRe 66, brother of Neil Yellowlees, Bowmanviile. * DENTIST DR. R. O. DICKSON (Toronto) and Neweastic, Ont, O L gansStore, Newcas- tle. Ofce=or: Saturday only, 9 ain. ta 9 p.m. Phone A1222. 7English China J ddDinnerware »incerware lu open stock and all sise acta. Sec "'Rose Marie" the new pattern. -Gift China for Christmas- Buy now whIle pre-war prices prevail. Wool Scotch Flngerng and Wheellng Ysmn for overseas kulttlug and homse use wlhere a hesvysOtfk la requirel - Skeln 3Uc and-up For Finer Knifttng Bechive Flnterlng and Belding's sock wool Okein 20C - 25c J. W, JeweII Plionq 556 Bownssnvllie Fall Auction sales SaturdaY.à' November llth ..- Mr. H. Bernstein wîll sll bv public auction on the tremises Lot 12, Con. 2, Manvers (in Pontypool') is stock, implements, poultry, feed and a ouantity of furniture. Sale at 1 pa. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auc- tiopieer. 44-1 Friday, Novémber Srd - Mr. E. A. Werrv will seli by public auction on the premises, Lots 17 and 18, Con. 8, Darlington, 30 yongi feeclrr cows, 25 2-year-old steers, 25 yearling steers, 25 2-year-old heifçrs, 25 Yearling heifers, a number of shoats. Al stock delivered ta p)urchaser f ree of charge. Ternis cash. Sale at 1.30 van,. Ted Jackson, Auction.eer. Reasi Estate For -Sale Fd SALE - SMALL MODR dwellinz with haif acre of lard, close to highay, about 2 miles f romn town, bathroamn (toilet oniy) septic tank, hardwood floars, good wood- work, price reasonabie. J. 1. Mason & Son, Bowmanville. 44-1 Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - TWO REGISTER- cd dual purnase -Shorthoýrp bulîs, dnue vear aId, bath sire and dams high record R.O.P. stock, priced reasonable. T. W. Scott, Qshawa, R.R. 2. 44-2' FOR SALE- BROOD SOWS, bred, also shoats. Wmi. Hayes, R. R. 2, Newcastle. .44-1' FOR SALE - JERSEY HîEIFER, well bred, six weeks old, $10. J. Mitchell, Newcastle, Ot., Clarke 1914. 44-1 FOR SALE - BLACK JERSEY cow, eight years oId, due ta f resh- en in December. Mrs. H. Wotten, one »and haif miles nortli of Hay- don. 44-1' FOR SALE - ONE DUAL PUÎR- Pose Shorthorn caw, f ive years aid, registered, due ta freshen in November. Apply John Hainies, Newcastle. R.R. 3, Phone Clarke 1931. 44-1 FOR SALE - 10 YORKSHIRE Pigs, five weeks aid. S. Chas. SRuadle, R. R. 3, Bownmville. Phone 2246- 44-1' Articles For Sale FOR SALE - RUBBER GOODS, sundries, etc., mailed postpai.d in plain, seaied wrapper. 80% less than retail. Write for mail-order catalogue. Nov-Rubber Ca., Box 91,Pjiamilton, Ont. 42-3 FOR SALE - FARM WAGÔl,. this wagron wili take the Place of a new one. AvPly J. L. Demerling, West End Garage and Machin% Shop, Bowmanville, Phane 781. 44-1' FOR SALE - BABY PRAM, mamaon, in zood condition. Applv ta Mrs. E. Stainton, 3 Carlyle Avenue, Bowmanville. 44-1'* FOR SALE - DAISY CHURN, as Lood as new: also a cutng box. Ar'plv Mrs. Jesse Hunt, Scurai St-, Bawmanville.- 44-1 FOR SALE - WASHING MACH- ine and wringer, f itted for use with gzasoline engzine, in good condition. Apply M. M. Munday, R .R. 3, Bowmanvillc, Phase 2640. 44-1 For Sale FOR SALE ý- GOOD EATING patatoes. Apply Ed. Doidge. Phone 2255. 43-2 FOR SALE - DOOLEY POTA- tocs, 95c a bag. Apply Gordon Martin, Haydon. 44-1 FOR SIALE - POTATOES, 200 bags, 75-lb. bar 75c. John Jacks, Hampton. 44-3 Weekly Feed Special WEEKLY FEED- SPECIAL - Bran (in bulk), $1.20 ver cwt. or $23.00 ver ton* 0f fer good until Nov. 9th. F. . Vanstone. Phdne 777. 44-1 RY Pullets For Sale FOR SALE - NINE EARLY c Barred Rock pullets, now ilayinx. Phone 2227.1 44-1 FOR SALE-GO0 ONE-YEAR-OLD Rood lavingz white legzhorn liens. Appiv Wm. Cunningham, SCUgoRz Street, Bowmanvilie. 44-1' FOR SALE -25 BARRED ROCK pullets. Mrs. Fred L. Smith, En- niskillen, Phone Bowmanville 2157. 44-1 Personal MENI1 WANT VIM, TRY RAW Oyster Tonic, Ostrex Tablets, ta Dei) up whole body quick 1 If flot delizhted with results first package, maloer ref unds its iow vrice. You don't risk a penny. Call, %write Jury & Loveil, and al vood drug- gists. 44-1 Christian Agents SELL SUNSHINE LINE 0F Christmas and everydair ',-Greefing Cards, Plaques, Mottoca, fliblë Story Books, Bibles. Ail vear vro- position. Start immediately for Christmas busitbess. Bit-O-Sun-. shine Studio, 23 Scott Street, To-1 ronto. 43-2 Alterations BRING YOUR LAST YEA&RS clothes up-to-date bv having tbem altered ta 1939 styl es. The Eylyn Shop) maintains a special depart, mnent, f uily cquipped ta handie your alteration needs, whether they are large or smnall. Vhy be old- fashioned. Have tbose still 900d, but out-of-style garments brought up)-to-date. Phone 594. 42-tf Prepare For Winter GET READY FOR COLU WEA- ther - Have vour windows f ixed ta stop) the draught with alI-metal. weather striPping. We alsDoinake storm windows any size. Prices reasonable-. W. M. Allia, Carpen- ter and Builder, Shop, King St. E. IgWidence,,.Church & Ontario Sts., Bowmanville. 42-4 Waented WANTED-OLD HORSES AND cattle for fox meat. Norbv Pur Farm. Tyrone. phone 2415. 34-tf Radio Servlce RADIO SERVICE-DO IT NOW I Eniov a radio that works properly. F. Crowe, Elgin Street, Boyman- ville. 44-2 LOST- BETWEEN TRINITY' Church and Concession Street; ladies' black persian lamb neck scarf. Reward. Phone Bowmnan- ville 813. 44-1 LOST-GIRL'S WRIST WATCH, white grold, on Kinz St. Reward. Finder u)lease retura to Mrs. Royal Quinn, Kinz St., Phone 575. 44-1' LOST - BLACK AND TAN haund, "Tony." Notify . Maguire, Loyers Lane, Bowmanviile. 44-1' * To Rent TO RENT - THREE OR FOUR roonis. Mcù. Luffman, Division Street, Bowmanville. 44-1 TO LET - HOUSE, 5 ROOMS, al conveniences, Op)posite Town Hall, W. ýT. Symons, Phone 2251. 44-1' Information NAMES 0F PERSONS AT ANY time resp)onsibie for * damie ta properties at "Cedar Crçst" or "The Cave." Confidential. Liberàl reward. M. J. Henderson, North- ern Assurance, 651 Yonge -Street, Toronto. 44-3* I --- - - .VeterInarlan D. C. DAVEY, V.S., V80 Bowmanville Suecessor to Dr. T. F. Tlghe Office: Klnt St. Euat at Tlghe Resident - PHONE 843 L atc, qP.ri11...SJury quI-l 1--fa. rél. f re l.00. Jr .5 Lval Druq Stor,W rite Telter Spclalty OoMpsny, i tomond W. Tonto. 44.- Notice GONE OUT 0F BUSINESS - And to, whom it maY COncern, al oqtstandir eaccouats imet be paid witin 30 days or othèrwie they will be passed over fdr ebiection. Signeil Geo. Meadows, 'Newcastle. 44-1* Readings TEA CUP AND CARDZ PROM 3 v.m. ta 10 p.m. Darch'p Tobacco Store. 43-4* Re-upholsterlng FU1hITURE RE-UPHOLSTER- ed, latest coverings, repars, esti- mates f ree. J. A. Fry, 5-qqog St., Phone48. 44-1 Haydon Recent Visitors: Messrs. Paul Stephens, Douglas Fontaine and Keith Wilson, -Misses Ursul and Ruth McNeiI, and Jean McNiven, Toronto, -wltl Mr. and Mrs. A. McNeil. . . Dr. R. M. Rlggs has returned to lis home in Calgary after spending the summer with lis sister, Mrs. E. Orriston... Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Randie, Mrs. Fred Adams, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephenson... Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Ennis- killen, with Mr. M. Siemon... Mrs. Wm. Steele, Nestletodn, is holidaying with Mrs. Phillips.. Mrs. C. Virtue and faniily, Ennis- killen, Mr. and Mrs. D. Higgins, Miss Laura Phillips, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. John Sanderson on Sunday ini honor of Mr. Sander- sons seventy-fifth birthday.... Lieut. Gordon Cowling called on is fatlier before reporting for service at Lindsay. . . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hall, Clmnton and Beryl, Mr. and Mrs. John Gra- hani,,Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ai- bert 'Gilders, Bowmanville, with Mrs. David Grahami. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton at- tended a shower given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jini Tamblyn and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bow- man at Orono. Our school is closed onm account of the illness of aur teacher, Miss Jessie Knox.. Mr. A. Beech attended the christening of the infant daugh:- ter, Shirley Marie, of r Mrs. Harry Larnier, Centteyl Î Congratu!tmtons ta Mr. an~ Gordon Cowling (nee Grice~n caid) on their recent marre; also ta Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeTabb (nee Irene Cowling). Sympathy is extended ta Mr. A. Beecli in Uie death of lis elçler sister iEngland. Several from here attended the goose supper at Pontypool. Miss Jean Crossman, took part in the concert. Tyrone Recent Visitars: Major Floyd Dudley, Trenton, at home... Rev and Mrs. A. M. Wootton anc John, Kenniore, with fricnds. -, Miss Cora Scott, Toronto, witl Mrs. A. W. Anals. .. Major anc Mrs. Floyd Dudley, Billy, Don- ald and Jean, at Mr. W. Turner's, Markliam. Congratulations ta Mr. andUia Dave Park on Uic arrivai of a baby boy, Mr. and Mra. Earl Luke have movcd in with Mr. R. Luke. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall and f amly have movcd inta Uic house vacat- cd by Mr. Luke. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon are moving 'ta their f arm north ol Haydoni this weck. We are sorry ta lose Uiem froni our commup4ty. Mr. sud Mrs. L. Brooks and famn ily are moving itt Mr. Slemon's house. Congratulations ta Mir. sud-Mrs. Stan Hudson on Uic arrival of a baby girl Rev..Merrill Ferguson, return- Wlnter AiT THE 7eaDRUG STORE~ Nov, 2nd a 3rd *4th- CI OVELL PHONE78 I i i i i I -WhoosaielesMot.r DI.s at Cafgary Mira. Lila J. Maguire, rllict af Uic late William T. Maguire, for- menly af Orono, died at Uic home of lier son, Arthur W. Maguire, at 606 Rideau Road, Calgary, Alta. shortly after noon an Saturday, October 28, at Uic age of eighty- anc. Shc lad only been aillng a few days, and lad been ta good health durng lier two sud a hlU years residence with lier son i Calgary. Mrs. Maguire was born in June, 1858, ta Janetilile, movhig ta Orono in 1900 where aIe reaidedi for 26 years, a! ter whldh tme she, moved ta Bowmanville and then ta Uic West. SIc was pre-deceased by lier Iusband, William T. Maguire, onje son Mansdil, sud a dgugliter, Mrs. Harold Hammi of Bowmanvllle. Survivtag ta moura lier bass are anc son, Arthur W. Miaguire cf Calgary; four aistera, Mra. John Lane of Bawmanville, and Uic Misses Julia, Sadie sud Marguer- Ite Sycr of Cambridge, Mans.; and anc brother, George of Treherne, Manitoba; bealdes five grand- chlldrcn at Bowmanvllle, two i Calgary, and several nieces and nephcws bath in Uic Est and West. Her . son, Arthur W. Maguire, Ici t Calgary Sunday, arrvig i Bowmanville Wcdnesday, and ac- companed Uic remains ta Orono wliere burlal was made Nov. lot. There were msuy floral tributes from, Winnipeg and Calgary* as well as here. GEAU VALUES AWAIT YOU AT 01 SRoII ANV RARI ALE Novembor2nd tO làt -1- IRE Driiici, USE, i/ie WANT@ADS,, Wedding A Quiet wedding was solemniX- ed in St. John's Anglican Churcli, Bowmahville, Tuesday atternoon, October 31, when Rev. Canon C. R., Spencer unlted I marriage Mina Margaret freland, youngest daugliter of Mr. John freland and thc late Mra. Ireland, and Mr. George Jackson, son of Mr. and Una.e G. Jackson, Toronto. Miss tillian -Naylar played Uic wed- ding..muslc. Thec-bridej given in marriage by lier uncle, lvfr. Chris Robinson, wore a wie dress with matdhing accessories, wlihnase- gay of wlne and yellow mums. She was attended by Mrs. George Sparraw, gowned lu green velvet with nosegay of yellow. and mauve mnums. Mr. Clyde Robin- son, cousin of Uic, bride, was groonisman. After a reception at thc home of lier unle and aunt, Mir. and Mirs. Cliris Robinson, whcn a daity lunch was served by several af lier girl friends, Uic bride and groom lcft for their home in Toronto. Previous ta lier wedding Uic bride was gucst, of lionor at a cuP and saucer shower by girl frlends in Taranto, a kitchen sliowcr at Uic- home of lier, stster iToronto, and a miùscellaneous shower àt Uic home of lier aunt. cd missionary froni Angola, South Africa, wilflgive an. addrcss lunUic churchi.Suniday eveffingt Nov. 12, under auspices of Uic Bible clama. Hallowe'cn. party was hcld at the school friday afternoon when a number of Uic ladies wcre en- tertained by Uic children under Uic direction of their teacher , Mir.. L. Mortson. A short prograni was given, Uien games and contests werc cnjoyed. The fruit a n d vegetable fair was also on dis- play. Cake, cookies sud candy wcrc scrvcd by Uic children. Crooked Creek' Home and Schoal Club helci a very successful Hailowe'en masQuerade partv on Oct. 2,6th. Prizezs for cos- tumes were: bcst comic, Benson Bebee, negro; best girl, Dor-othy Ogden, Spanish : best boi's çostume, Mav Hale, Bridgeroom: ltlost orig- inal, Billy Hale, cat - Best couPlç, Isobel Bruce and Annie Anderson, Bride and Bridegroorn.1 Crooked Creek Sundav Schgol beid an open service on Sunday. Mn. L. Ireland delivered a very, interesting taik on TemPerance. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale have moved ta the Jimn Laing fanm, South of Newtonville. Miss Charlotte Hughes, .Petroit, with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hughes befofe contnwini on lier way to New York. 1-Mr. G. Clysdale, Oshawv.a. was home. Cadmus -Recent Visitons: Mrs. Gardon Brown, Toronto, with ber mather, Mrs. Isaac Whitfield. .. Miss Annie Mauntioy, Haydon, witb Mrs. J. E. Elliott... Mr. and Mrs. 'Marvin Nisbitt in Toronto. A vrivate funeral service was he!d at the home of the late Isaac Whit- f ield on Tuesday afternooi with. onlv the immediate relatives present. Rev. E. P. Wood was the officiatiftlg clergyman, A further service was held in the Anglican Churcb, Black- stock, which was crowded ta the doors and was one cf Uic largzest fuineraisi the townshi-v as Mr. Whitfield was a-GS of thr, best known and most higbly respected citizens in this district. 1Keith Brown lma enlisted in the Navy unit in Toronto. A verv attractive birthday Party was griven at the home of Mrs. Mar- vin Nesbitt. ta celebrate the 12th birthdav of Noreem Dickey Dan Satur- day. There wcre present, Gladys Gibson, Audrey McKee Audrey Han- na, Fay Ferguson, jean, Malcolmi and Elwyn Dickey, each guest bring- ingz an aPu)ropriate Rif t. The table was beautifully decorated with a centre of twelve roses and twelve oink candles. The birthday cake was ail that couid be desired an)dthie littie ouests enioyed aIl the delicious eats praVided by Mrs. Nesbitt as weli as the fun.and gaiety that fol- lowed. .Chlldren's Dept. GIRLS' iVINTER COATS, fur trZnid, 7 ta 14X' Anivcrsary Sale--$69 Chi&ldrs PLAID DRESSES, long or short sîceves, *ies 3 ta 12, Anniversary Sale -. ---98C Babies' VELVET DRESSES sud RObPERS, 1 Anniversary Sale 93UIc CRILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, witer weight Vests, Bloomers, Fleeced Waisto, Anniversary Sale - -----.2- Children's Aul moi SWEATER COATS & PULLOVERS, '93c Anniversary Sale ------ --- Boys' GOLF SOX, 'u Sale - ----- --- - --Pair 19C Full Fashloned ROSE F 5Spr. SATIN BRASSIERES, lace tri,.h2S 30 to36, Sale- * Ec~,L SATIN PANTIE SETS, white, tea rose, O9c S. M.L. Anniversary Sale,--. Set OV RAYON PYJAMAS and GOWP'S, 69 Aniversary Sale69 VAMA CLOTH PYJAMAS, S.ML. *IA Anniversary Sale ___- Pair tp JL 4 VESTS AND BLOOMERS, Wooltex. winter weight. Sale --__ Bach 3 7c VESTS AND BLOOMEIRS, màde of Englsin lterlock material,47 Annivcrsary Sale ___~Garment47 SNUGGIES AND VESTS, __Eh Anmiversary Sale ah5 LADIES' 2FLANNELETE GOWNS, f Anniversary Sale.49 CORSELETTES, CORSETS, GIRULES, o< ail sises., Anniversary Sale C L~adis'dsiChildren's RATS sud BERETS - Anniversmry Sale --Each'k c. LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES, good patterna, Sizea 12 to 44, Annvesy59C.89Cý$ 1 RACK, 0F LADIES' su£ E~SS Annlversary 9'8,.-,,d $1 .98 Sale- 39C LA OSECOATS, Aanlversafy Sale *$3.79 Chlldren's WooI Sweaters 93C eau 7" Staple Department 2"FLANNELETTE1, white and 11 striped. Sale Y....2yYd. 36"1 PRINail goad patterns, 11 Sale x d.12 36"1 YAMA <JCLOTR, assorted floral patterns'.-Sale.-.- -----Yd.25 40"1 FACTORY COTTON, 11 sale ~--- -Yd 2/-'>c RAYON TABLE CLOTHI, 50x10 S Sale ....... ZAdli 7c PILLOW SLIPS, Sale 45. r.tc * QUILT BATS, 72 x90, 1 sale -.. ----- -... -- .-------- Esdli 29 c PILLOW COTTON, 42" cf fine, quality. Sale ......---- Yd. 9C HAN») TOWELS, good 8 value -- ----Each 8 BATH TOWELS, large aise, 1 Sale - - - -------- .... Esdli STRIPED TOWELS, 20 x 40, Sale --- ------- Each ,2iU BATH TOWELS, asarted coloursansd patterns, ¶ Sale Ladies' Ed 9,4c 9 Viuit our Bargalu Counter conslstra Of. Flannelott enmuats and dlsoontlnued Unes Pyjasn .s 4MN'S FINE WOOL BOX, Sale PR FOR 01. MESTIES Sle .-.............. Radli2 7ÇPr~M~ WOOL W9Wox$O, r5 8 .FOR $16 Jisous 'K pp0ete Reoua ieae RRTÀ RN~I~IU I rj,- sFri., Sat. Children's Dept. Childrcn's Lined SNOW SUITS and 3 PIECE SETS, aises 2 ta 6, $3 7< Anniversary Salefi Girl's Wool and Silk Crepe. DRESSES, $17 up to14X --- -------_ 1 7 Girls' Flanelette GOWNS, 8 ta 14, i Sale..................- «- -------- Infants' VESTS, Wooltex and Sllk sud Wool, Sale ---........ 7 Children's COTTON JROSE, size 6to 9%, l5 Sale 15 Childreu's GLOVES AND MITTS,' Wool,29 Sale . Pair Ladies' SiIk. Drssis $2.69 az 'h IWUE - i~pVEy1* ~Q» REGULAR MERCHANDISE AT PRE-WAR PRICES . . .......... 1 .. ............ THURSDAY,;NOVÈM-BER 2», IM A Sincere Thank Yu W. have, roched another milestone in ihé Hies 0f our business, and hasten 'to say a sincer. "Thaiik To," to our many kind friendz of Bowmanvifle and violnity, for ULi.patron- age, so graoiously afforded un during-the put year. W. shal ever strive to maintaiài our selng polioy of 1.A. squar. deal the year round," and* cordiafly Invite you tb visit our store during thia annual. selling event. You are alwayu assured of prompt, personal and courteous attention. Flannelette BLANKETS $1.98 Pr. Ladiée SATIN SLIPS è4 x 80 75c sa. 'i 2-4 Ladies" Department LADIES' FELT ]ATS, Sae . -$ 1.029 ai$1 .69 PUBSES, new styles and colours, limitcd Muantity. Annlv and9 »'8 GLOVES, Cliarmisette and W004, assortment af colors. Annivcrsary Sale 49 FRÈNCR KM» GLOVES, ar$ Annivcrsary Sale Par. $ .4 SCAIRVES, Whiite Satin and Mire,_ figured c, repe. Anniversary Sale_ RU LADIES' WOOL FAILLE SKIRTS and 3UMPERS, L i~ Anniversary Sale . Each$1l .7.E ]ROSE, silk and wool and anl wool, c Amiiversary Sale ------- Pair 47 R3OSE, silk and wool, and siik rayon.,q Anniversary sale --Pair 25nc SATIN PANTIE, tea rose; white, blue. Sale__ _ _ _5 c coTToN SLIPS, slzes S.M. L. Ic 5 Anniverspry Sale '1 Ph 5 SLIPS,, Brocaded Satin and Crepe, lu two jgroupe. Anniver- d<.. a ~ sary ale - 49 '5 SU4< PANTIES, Anniyersary Sale ~ Pair Mn% PAGE TWELVE TFIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO "Always mmest Value,, If 1

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