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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1939, p. 7

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~~Mau. PAGE SEVEN THE C AN.ADITAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 'rUTSgfAVY MflViEUU1R OMT.10.10 -, .aAfl.gzu Boy, oh boy! ecal nice chlcken pies this week at Carters for 25e each. Did you forget ta look at the little yellow label on this paper? -And what dldit say?, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller,, To- ronto, were Sunday guests ai Mr. and Mru. IR. H. Westaway. ]Bey. .9. J. Alun and son Arthur, Toronto, visited his sisters, Ivrs. Kate Wight and Mrs. Anna El- tord. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. May, Wnd- sor', Mr. V. A. Hooper, Toronto, vlslted Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Silver, Salem. Misses Jean and Elizabeth Brown and Mr. W. T. Brown, London, were gucats ai Mrs. Leta Sharpe. Mrs. ]hodaSaunders, Barrie, is vlslting her cousin, Mrs. Frank Bragg, Wellington St., and other frienda itown. -Mr. Arthur Cully and Mr. Sid- niey CasJbourn vsited Mr. Tom Dustan at Trinity College, Ta- ronto, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry and Boyd, Mr. Charles Tanmblyn, Woodbridge, vislted Mr. and Mrs. -Russeil Ormiston, Enniskillen. Mesr. Victor He*addy and Geo. Wood -af the R.C.A.F., Trenton, were dinner guests ai Mr. and '4Mr. Wm. Scott, Betheeda, on Sunday. W. J. Bagneil, agent for DeFor- est .and Rogers radias, says it looks like record business this fall from Uic number ai radios he has already sold. Miss Marjorie Bradt spent thc wcekend in Ottawa, guest ai Miss Bileen Edwards, and attended the Argonaut-Ottawa rugby g a m e Satuiiday afternoon. Mm. George L. Hall attended Wm. A.Rogers Service For Six i t1e new LA-ROSE PATTERN 26 Pieces $6.50 - ý Briefor MEit $8.50 Bceautlfully Boxed Ahso earlcd lni "Andover" Pattern.atatmre price. Plan your Christmas Gif fa now. Wc shall be lad ta lay away anythig you sel- el'0ti Marr's Jewelry Phone 463 Bawrnanvlhie the funcral ai her cousin, Mrs. Blacklock ai Port Rowan, wife ai thc late Major General C. A.1 Blacklock, on Saturday lest. Nelsoit E. Osborne, Uic versatile sports editor ai The Statesman, has taken on additional duties in thc reàlm ai finance. Read his im- pressive annauncement on page 4. lI listing Uic names last week ai local people who had rcturned ecently from England we ovér- laoked thc name ai Mrs. M. Hay- mani who returned on the same boat as Miss Rose Bate. A contemporary rcmarks that Uic biggest trust on earth la Uic weekly newspaper. It trusts ev- erybody, gets cussed for trusting, mistrusted for cussing, and if it busts fram trusting, gets cusscd for busting. Do you remember that slogan a well known cigarette firin put on Uic radio several years aga: 'Reach for a Lucky instead ai a sweet'? Well, Uic latest anc la 'Est art apple a day and enjay good health.' Mrs. Marie Clark Bell accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James ta Uhi allowe'cn program at Uic Ontario Ladies' College, ,Whitby, on Frlday evenlng. Miss Ruth James returned, With her parents for the weckend. In eporting Uic affects ai Uic local branch ai Uic Bcd-Cross Society li aurlesat issue Uic names of these afficers %were inadvertent- ly omitted: First Vice President, - C. D. Searle; Second Vice Presi- dent, Mrs. V. H. Storcy. Women's Haspital Auxiliary held a very successful 28-taaMe bridge at Uic Nurses' Besidence an Thursday aiternoon, Oct. 26Ui. The members ai Uic Auxiliamy wish ta Uiank Uic ladies who s0 kindiy supported them li this undertalcing and enabled Uiem ta raise iunds for supplies for Uic hÔspital.* Bowmanville Womcn's Institute hèld a very successtul bazaar and afternaan tes on Frlday aller- noon, Oclober 27, initUc Parlis Hall. Thc bazaa was preceded by Uic egular meeting at whici Mrs. J. Thickson was elected delegate ta the Institute Convention at Uic Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Na- vember 22-24. Mèmbers ai St. Paul's Wamen's Association met at thc manse -Fi- day aflernoon wiUi Mrs. W. F. Banister as homîcus. The ionared 'guest ai Uic occas ion was Mm. G. A. Gillepie, an active member of Uic W. A. for 19 yearm and a past presidexit ai Uic W.M.S., who leit this week ta maire hem home in Cobourg. Many klndly efer- ences were made ai Uic valued and wholeicarted service Mrs. Gillespie had given hem churci and comnunity wbilc sa resident liere, and béât1 wlmes oftal follaw hem ta ber new home. A social lime followed thc meeting wiUi ,aftemnoon les being erved by thc group. xI spite ai thc conditionsi Europe, thc National Mtor Show lias just concluded anc afitis mosl succesmiul preentations, Satur- day's attendrance sctting an al lime higli. Thc beautiful setting, huxuriaus loaking (but low pric- cd, the alesmen assure you) cars, thc well-dmesed crowd, 1ýheligits and music ail create an aIma- sphere which la very eassuring i these limes. But Uce goodly number ai mcen in uniiorm keep reality ever prement, and 'memlnd one that this Autamotive Build- ing wxll be shortly in use. a bar- racks. Opinion aif nanufaéturers and others seerus ta be Uhal an- other Motar Show la unlikely for Uic duration ai Uic war. Those attcnding Uic dinner and floor show enjoyed swcet music from Joe De Courcey's orchestra and th1e brilluant fashion show, as well as a number ai clever açts lxi Uic iloor show. AUi hil, il meems ta have been a wise Uhing ta move the date up by several weeks, and "'carry on as usual" wih this an- nual feature. ENGAGEMENTS Mm. and Mms. Meredith E. Faillas, Burketon, Ontarlô, ,announce Uic engagement ai their daughtem, M'uriel Irene, ta Donald Earl, mon of Mr. and Mms. Wm. C. Thomp- son ai Nestîcton, Ontario. The rnarriage ta take place Uic middle of Navember. Mr. and Mmm. Thomas Richards announ6e Uic engagement ai their youngcst daughter, EdiUi Viola, ta Mm. Emmys Cambridge, of Ta- ronto. The marriage ta take place Noavember 4Ui. Mm. and Mrs. Richard Griffin wlah ta annaunce Uic engagement oi Uceir second eldest daughtem, Vera May, ta Mr. William Leslie Watten, mon ai Mm. and Mmm. Wil- liam Wotten, all ai Burketon. The marmiage ta take place early hi Navember. Chas. Kelly'* Lefter .Recalls Memorles We wonder just how maxiy Statesnian meaders r e me mb er Charlie Kelly who operated a bar- ber mhop whcre Wood's "Sexiste" now halds for-th, Uhrce doors ecast of The Statemman office. Il was neyer aur pleasure ta mccl hlmn but we have often heard of his prawess as one ai Uic finest basa singers who ever. livcd in Uiis town noted for its good muslcians. We Uiought Ibis talented person- allty had, long ince pasaed on ta thc choir invisible until we re- ceived a lelter Salurday signed by anc Chas. Kelly ai Guelphi. We imxnedialely p h oned oau r nonagexiarian historian and cal- unit, Dave, Morrisan Sr.; who assured us Charlie la sill living as lIe received a letter from, hlm fram Guelpih i August. Fumthermai'o, Mr. Morrison wcnt on ta tel the edilor Uhal Charlie was an expert guitar player and harpist. His servicem as a voçalist were in great demand and lie gave generously aiof is talents. Miss Lizzie Clinule aiten accompanied hlm on Uic piano. - Il la over 50 years ago ince he moved 10 Guclph and Mmr.Marri- son informe us Uhal on many oc- casions Charlie sang i a quartel wîth Edouard Jabnston, who Inter became Uic womld famous Cana- dian tenor, and opera ineèr, and la now Managing Directar of t Mgtropolitan Opema Company ai rNew 1York.. Wc u'tnderstéhd Mm 1Kelly's anly daugliler Hattie liaE Linherited mucli of hem fathers musical abilily as she has beer conductar ai the Presbyteriar LChurcli chair in Guelph. for e rnumber ai years. Mm. Kelly alsc lias lwo sans living in Guelphi. lIn'talking with Mm. Morrison Frank Pethick and Blhly Jenningý about Charlie Kelly ecdi bld ul lie was a Igreat basebail playoi and thc best underhand pitcher o: lis day whcn the famaus Raya Oalcs wcre im Ucir prime'back ir thé carly-80's._ ,lm Wilcox wrn, Fcatcher and atddbehind Uce ba, )without any protection other Uiax a liunk ai rubbcr in bis mouth t( roelhis tecth, no padded glovE itrjust thc bac hands. Somne ai thc oUier players oi thc teama were Ned Coleman, Ed Livingstone, -Billy Mitchell, Jacl Thonipson, Big Bil Joncs, Ton Shiaw and Jlm Schoficld, a pitch cm who came here froma Londai and was thec frs1 pitcher i thes parts to throw a curved bail over liand. This curved. ball causci much a sensation Uhal spectatar would crowd bchind Uic catche and look i wondcrment aI th réal magic afitis curving pro pensities. Sucli were thc goad old day wlien Charlie Kelly cul haib shavcd thecécite oaitUc towvn, dE lighted audiences with bis ric base volce and pltclied for th Royal Oaks aI Uic old, drill sic grounds. PREMIER LIKENS WAR TO CRUSADE FOR CHRtSTIANI"tY Thc war againat Nazi Gcmmanyt is a "crusade" ta ave Cliistiant civilizatian and those exiisting inx the services are "fimt and fore-1 most, defexiders ai Uic iaiUi,"i Prime Minister W. L. Mackenziec King declaed i a Dominion widc bmadcast addmess Frlday niglil. 1 "'Tic Nazi doctrine 5 ic hevcryi antlitesis ai wliat anc finds ti thc Christian gospel," Uic Prime1 Minister said . If il prevails1 Ucere wiil be, as I sec it, an end ta aur Christian cîvilizallon. Il wlll prevail unleis mcxi arc pre-1 opaed ta sacrifice Uieir lives li opo ingi. Tiat is why thc pre-j sent wa la, for thc allied forces, a crusade."1 Tic Nai doctrine ai forceful aggression rather than peaceful« negotialltisi international re-, lations, ai racial superiorlly andi ai submcrgiiig individuals ta thec need ai thc state, strikes dircctly1 aI thc roats of democrallo ideals anid Christian civilizatioxi ta which Britishi nations weme devol- ed, the Prime Minlter ald. Dcliveming thc f irsl ai twa scheduled addrcsscs over a Cana- dian Broadcasting Corporationi nctwork, thc Prime Mlnislcr's subject was "'Tic Issue in Uic Present Wa." "No one, I Uink, lias beex i mare atixiaus than I have ta pre-j vent' maelstrom ai European con-1 flict," thc Prime Minister said. i "No anc, except thc colleagues1 wlio shame wli me thc obliga-, '9CIAL AND PERSONAL PHRONE 663 The Durhami and Northumber- land Countv Annuai Plowinst Match was hcld October 25, on tuie farnis of Cecii Philipa. and George Wilson of Yelverton.' The weatber was fav- ourable for' this very interegtlig event and Uic mil in fine coniditioxi for lowin. ' The ladies of Yelvertan Churcli scrved a chickex iepi dinner and supper ixi thc churcli sbed, wbich was well natronized bv Uic sPecta- tors Tbey aima sent 'lunch ta Uic f ields for thecocmpetitars. Mr. Wd Týnibers of StoUffvihle, was thc iudgce. The Prize-winners werc as follows: Clan 1, Open Chas od È1owig 1. D. J. Tran, Claremoulit. 2. Janmes Lee, Grccxibank. 3. William Channaxi, Suniderland. 4. Lloyd Marquis, Suxiderand. 5. Jack McGown. Lakefield. Clh fOpen Cha s od PIowlng 21 Yeams and Under i. Ronald Marquis, Sundçrland. 2. Bymneli Wylie, Oakwood. 3. Joe Watts, Warsaw. 4. G. Armistrong, Bailieboro. L Cas IV, Jointer Plows 1. William Hooton, Ida. L 2. Tam McCamus, Cavan. 3. Carl Down, Bowmaxivilie. 4. Gamnet Rickard, Bowxianville. 5. Mervixi Smith, Cavan. clmV, Closel Chams 8.4Plowlng 1. Harry - McCamùs, cavan. 2. jack Moncrief, Bailieborg. Class VI, Cioaed Cuhas 8. Plowlng 1. George Neals, Bethany. ?1. Roy' Adams, Cavax. 3. Ralph Preston, Bethany. 4. A. Lyltan, Nestieton. 5. Lloyd Capstick, Janetville. Chs vil, Cloaed Cha Soit Under 21 Years 1. William Allen, Newcastle. 2. Jack Hootaýn, Ida. 3. Allan Dawson, Bailieborp., 4. Harold Hooton, Ida. Chas VII, Cloued Clan Stubble Plowlng 17 Years and Under 1. Ralph Larnier, Nestl§tn. 2. Grant McMillen, Port Perry. 3. Dougzlas Jones, Fenelon Falls. Chas IX, Z Two-Furrow Plows 1. V. R. Hunter, Cavan. - Cham X, Open Chas Tractors 1. Joe Tran, Claremon., 2. Harold Malcolm, Janetville. ,kMter the plowiniz co»petitions the teanis were lined up and judged bv Mr. Robert McKnigzht The àwards iraine ta: 1. V. R. Hunter, Cavan: 2. Harold Malcolmi, Jones- ville., Those in charge were: Mr. E. A. Summers, Agricultural Represjent- ative, Bowmanville: Mr, George Neals, Bethany, and Mr. V. R. Huter, Cavan. 'Dry*' Start War CruandeIn Ontario A requcst that Uic Provincial Govemrnent close ail places oi liquor sale and Uiat Uic Dominion Govemnment prohibit Uic manu- facture and, importation aifliev- erage alcohol for Uic duration ai war, la ta be made soon by temp- crance organizations of ts Pro- vince, delegates ta Uic 62nd an- nual convention ai Uic Ontario W.C.T.U. learned. bMs. John; Wright, President oi thc Ontario branch ai Uic Union, in annauncing this objective ai Uic arganization, palntcd ta cer- tain difficullies in Uic way ai rcachlng this goal, such as Uic fact that Uic governments arc maklng profita fram Uic liquar business, and that Uic churches are somewhal 'handicappcd in that Uic trgffic has been realized as a legitiniate anc. for so long that those cngidged In Uic liquor business have' nal been barrcd fram Uic church moUls.. The Temperance Advocate has announced that Uic Dominion Govcmnment wýrl be requested Uiraugh thc Canadian Temper- ance Federallon ta stop "lliquor trafic during Uic war. .A statement issucd by Uic ,Ontario Temperance Federation through E. S. Blshop, President, Uic Bey. John Coburn, Chairman ai Uic Executive Canitee, and thc Rcv. :A. J. Irwip, General Secretary, pits "aux that Uic Federation *111seal thc co-op- cralian 00f Uic Ontamia Govcrn- 1ment and hi Uic mcantixn will carry an educational work among soldiers and elsewhere. 1"Il .took' Canada two years or more ta realize Uhal liquar, whcr- ever present, tendcd ta sabotage its Warld War efforts and ta take the neccssary steps ta curtail its sale," Uic stalement reads. Be- lglnnlng wiUi Ontario, Uic variaus 1provinces, wlihUiceexceptian ai Qucbec, eliminated sale, and Que- bec placcd mevere restrictions up- 1 on it. M Anri-Frez Retarded Evaporation i1 1 Non-Corrosive 1 Ga. Hard of Hearlng Canadian Pral»s Aurine Ear Balsam le brlnging new hope and happi- dêse te sufferers everywhere. H. E. Blaksle of New Brunswick, writes: "Have used oe bottle et 'AURINE EAR BALSAM' and It has been a wondertul help te me, for semae monthe 1 have net been able te hear piainly, tamily talk at the table was a jumbls te me, and had te have repeats seotten that I teared i would nover hear piainiy again, have net heard the clock strike for months, the radie was a thing ot the pat. Now after uslng oesbttisetfAURINE EAR SALSAM i can converse with the famlly as in the goad aid days, hear the. ocks striking and listen In on the programmes presented over the air and beglnning te en- jey lite as in the past. Would highiy recammertd AURINE EAR BAL.SAM te anycne who sa hard et hearing fer 1 know It wlll do them geod." asere you invsst in expansive hearing devices try oe baIlle ef AURINE EAR BALSAM. Seo If it doesn't heip you toc. If yeu are hard et hearing,. have rlnging and buzzing in the ear - Gel AURINE EAR BALSAM ta. day. Relitotls quick. Coste oniy a tevJ cents a day. Mcney back If l das nt help yau. Egx-Lax Chocolate - 15e-33o Qarter's Liver pills 23c-69e Chaue 's Nerve Food - 49e Freenamint - - - 19e-38C ------------ KIPP'S FOR CONSTIPATION A hormiess, effective herbal rernedy, used successfully for over 15 yeurs. 25e a box. ---- ----- --- - - 1 UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY1 had increased. Eamnings from lions ai govertimerit, carnies s0 great a measure ai rcsponsibllity for Uic consequeçLces ai Canada's participation iwar... 4If, today, I am prepared. ta continue ta head a, Govemnment charged with Uic awfui responsi- bility ai proseculing a war, il in because, contrary ta every hope and wish I have ever entertaili- cd, I have been compelcd. la be- lieve that only by Uic destruction ai Nazilsm and Uic resistance Ca, ruthless agjgressioDn, can Uh ic n' lions ai Uic British Comnun- wealth hope ta continue ta eiiJoy thc lberties whlch are Uhelrs un- der Uic British crawn, and ie world itscif be spared a descént into a new 'and terrible age ai barbarism. "Il was nat uxitil we beheld cvcry structure of peace destroy- cd as quickly as il was erected thal aur warsl fears became con- firmed. Wc saw forces beig looscd upon Uic world which, if not subdued and conqucred over- seas, soaner or hater wouhd be at aur very doars." Plowmen Gather At Annuai Match Near Yelvertofl opinion, overdue for unemploy- one BARGAINS, SPECIAL PRICES AND REMINDERS FOR THURS. - FR. - SAT. * Listed bore are a great many products that are used by faanilios throughout the province day in and day out, Check up and uee how low our prices are. You can savel yomnésif good money by looldng over tbis sd and buying wbat you need tUi week at these rook-bottom prime.. V elvetta zos &,sr Cleanslug Tissues go0a230 plukha's. Compound 87C0 Minerai 011 16Ooz. 37o0 32 oz. 5190 Mosby's Toute - $I.17 Combat Colds and 'IlIess wlth these Truàtworthy Products I.DA. Bronebida-- 49o * e Buckley's Mixture 40e-75o g'OP. Pertussin - - - 59c-$1.39 : ei .Mason ' 49 - - - 40c-75c Stop Colds Qulckly Take C.B.Q. Tablets Price - - - 25e Grove 's Broma-Quinine 24e Idasal Tablets . - 25c-39e Bayer Aspimin - - 22e-39c Frossts 217's- - 35e-75c Listerine --25e-49e-79c Lavorw - -23e-41c-79o Vick's Vapo Rub --43e PASMORES Musterole - - - - 35o I.D.Â. Nose Drops -25e Chest Alka-Beltzr --29o-57c aszrs Rub Wampol s Extract - $1.OU0 For ]Instant High Test Cod Liver Reie Cil - 8 os. 45c, 16 os. 79o 9 Alpbamettes - 1.06-1-85-3-5039 Neo-chemiCS'l Food 1.15-2.45 Po R 47.0 OVIR ACIDITY 79É Engliah ealth Balt2e-U 16 slin - - - - Sait -16 o. tin-9c-.2 Kgrahel SliO-e-cIL2 Ânrtce'Slvt als 3-57c Mndewa Oien to- 3-457 Meetbolam - -29c-45c Vel, te - 14e-55c Bal Hepatica-- Barbasal - - - 25c-45e Oolgte's Ibave Or. 19e-33e Lifebuoy i3having Or.- 29e Yardley's Bowl-- $1.00 Cold Orem, i1lb. --58c Woodbury's Creamu 25e-47o D. & R. Oreams 25e-45o Pond's Oreama -29e-49c Lysol --35o-65e-$1.251 Pablui - - - -450 10c-59e SHAVE lCREAM ?IwoUVIOILIias mnique shove ««ems"« n d eudItens lumht.d skln. Msbond mw230 6200 shsvea omr-39 WEY NOT SEl Mondsys 12 noon t 2 pm. about a Tharogh ( Eaminatloa and Mo ernt Bye Glasses at Mex Meoregort Dru es BowmsnvIlll - - Ont. QuUlty Up - Pces Down - AU Tlimp Opdcai Toroto ReceivinsOfe 169 Yonne st Qu ms Expert Realrng iohnson's Nursery Special Contalns Baby Powder l Cream and Soap 3 c Lemons Check Pain of Rhffumatlcs in 48 Hors Oh, what Joy awalts the sufferer -from rheumatic or neurtîs pain who uses this simple Inexpensive home recipe. Jut get a package f the RUEX PRESCRIPTION from your druggit. Mix It wth . quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. t'a easy. No trouble at ail and pleasant. Vou need oniy 2 tablespoonfuls two timfeS a day. Often within 48 houri - sometîmes overnight - pain leaves, stît? joints are iimbered. Try this prescription. Feel good, years younger, enjoy life again. Costa only a few cente daiiy. Money back If It dose flot help you. Pepsodent Tooth Paste - - - 23c-37o Colgate 's Dental PNwder - - - 19c-33c Ipana Tooth Paute 23c-43c CASHnMERE« TIýSSU E 1000 9m..b I.t. the Roll 2f«25« Hot Watr Botti. GuaatecdO 2 Yeau 69 u0SO£ À1. PRESCRIPTION4S A SPECIALTY ALEX McOREeOR Save Ayinior Tins-i' s PUMPKIN 2 forlot A rer Choi ,,,, RSPBERRIES...............Un Ise SHESTRING BEETS .....tin:, &Oc ASPÀARAGUS CUTTINGS ..i 3tins sc Ayim.r - 20 oz. 7* Aylmer TOMATO JUICE . VEO.& TOM. SOUP 2 Tns 13c " 2 10 0;;-rTîn ,15C Ayimr , yFma PINEAPPLE JUICE STRAWBERRIES 2 Tins 15c .No. 2Tirl119C Aylm r Ayl mr- Golden ZUsutaZ' PEAS & CARROTS CORN. 2 Tins 25c 3 Tins 25C CmATSup......... ......bottes 25o -t s...............Ï7o.tnle FRUIT SPECIALS RIEBNAA........3bMonfor 23c COOKINO ONIONS ....£0 b.fr c CELERY HEARTS ........... 3 for 25e VALENCIA ORANGES...... dozen 29c 1 1 patients Uiis ycar wemc $11,291.'24 compared wiUi $13,410.66 li the ycar previaus. The reaso if&'patients. appar- cntly being cured more quickly than iarmerly could nat be ex- plained. "It just seemns ta be anc ai those things," said Mm. Masan. President O'Neill was in charge ai Uic meeting and expressed pleasure in working with such a cooperative and efficient board. CANADIAN CLUB (ContInued from Page 1) HOW TO RID MAPLES OF BUGS Dear Sir: Duriniz the past îwo montbs I bave received a nuinber of comxplants, and information, with regard ta a small, dark brown or black huz witb red "trimmingrs," wbicb bas been infest- ixi the M~anitoba Maples in this dis- ict. These insects have nrovexi te be a pest on the trees and of con- iiderable nuisance ta bousebolders by dettina mb totebeouses in quite large nutubers. For the information of those in- terested, these insects are known as Boxelder tuzs and, wbile originally ai native of the western United States, thev bave become establisbed i eastern Canada quite reçeili. Th'e nymphs, that is tbc immature bugs - tbe red and Dink ones - suck the juices of leaves, especialli' of Maxi- itoba Maple: boward f ail tbey con- aregabe on tbe runlis and branches. The contrai recomniended is a nicotine suiphate spray in the pro- portion of 1 pint of ni cotini.sulpbate tô 100 gallons of water, wibh 4 ibm. of soaD flakes added te- icI as a sDreader As in the case of ail suçk- ina insects, a contact spray is nec- essari'. Since they do neot eatth11e leaves, stoniach poisons sucbh as the arsenical sprays are useless iii coni- batinz Ibeni. Yours'very truly, G. M. Linton, Superintendent. Prav. Forest' Stbtion. Orono, Oct. 30, 1939. ---------------- c - 1 e HOME TOWN LOYALTY (Brampton Conservator) Remember that no out- sider is going ta help you build yaur town. Every time you give business ta an outsider that can be as advantageously placed with your home town firms, yau are making the community poorer. It is the local busi- ness houses who pay wages ta local peoffie, who pay the heaviest taxes, who are cali- ed on to subscribe ta the variaus organizations and ,annpec1,sfor~ hein. We ad- 12 KINDS "' -- -- HECINZ JUNIOR P00DB .2 for -23e For babies 18 months & over ment insurance. and securlty against sickness. Every persan should have an income ai aI leiùt $2000 aê'R'lfi as been teutedi and found Uic cost ofai a niftum budget. In claing Miss Gauld stressed that Uic present war will settle whether we shaîl maintain our freedom and liberty and wamcn musl take advantage ai every op- potunity ta partake li social and democratic work. Mms. Virgin on behalf ai the club thankcd Uic speaker for hem informnative address. Mrs. .'. O'Neill was electcd sec- retary in place ai Ms.\Maitland Gould (nce Darothy Bonnytle), wha la now living in North Bay. HONOR BRETHREN (Continued from page 1) ster, Sunderland, Sir-Kt. Waldie, Peterbora. The toast ta the Rev. Sir-Kts. was made by James By- ers and replied ta by, Rev. A . W. March and Bey. Wood. The visi- tors werc toasted by HiEldon John- stan and rcsponded to by Bert Nokes and James Paul. The toast ta the candidates was made by Leslie Brooks and replied by Ed. Bird and Ed. Cooke. Henry Thompson made Uic toast ta Uic ladies and Mms. E. Darcy, Wor. Mistress, Pride ai Cartwright, L. O.B.A., an& Mmm. Hildon Jahnston, Silver Jubilce, L.O.B.A., respond- cd. 'i mire thc customer w ho0 Qucbcc wilh have Ibis privihege. gives the home tawncr an It is said that wc arc entering even break. Theme are inany into a world ai pleiity. There la littie services and accam- nxow food enougli ta fecd threc or.- modatiaxis given that no four limes thc number ai people outsider cari or wihh give. i the world to-dy There 15 Be loyal ta your on coin- enough material ta make clothixig munity-for anc goad turn for anc and anc hali times thc deserves another. numbcr ai people li the world. Thcrc la no necd ta worry about fuel and coal for five or more HOSPITAL gexierations. The ail supply li Albcrta is sufficient ta hast ml- <Centlnued from page 1) lions ai years. Twa ai the greatcst gits li thc circumstance which liad a great 20th century are nutrition and deal ai bearing an the finances, mental bygiene. Our modern inventions have There were 43 mare patients in uni ortunately put maxiy people thc haspital during thc year than out ai work. For instance one during Uic previaus year, 505 as man caxi make bulbs tUal were against 462, but Uiey stayed 967 iarmcrly made by 72 mri. There- days less, 5,131 against 6,098, fore 71 mcxi are unemphoyed. meaning that Uce earned incame Costs arc mucih ower duc ta from patients was $2,119.42 hess machinemy. athougb thc number ai patients Canada is, li the speaker's 1 1 ý.DfR#JQ* Phoneý792 We Doliver

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