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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1939, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ~OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TmT1?~nAY. NflVEMRER 2MD 1959 at Mr. J. Wottn'surpie M11... ~~,ion Mr. and Mn.L. * W ad Don-MAH RS 13 T orataon Branio ' d à a PORT N EW ~ Battaion AssrnTA L . and Zbits., .Parrt, hoeSal Form TorontoBranhCmrn, Jackasd Joyce at rz. Page with Miss Mona Brunt. S PR T NW Ù0 'À ý isorIvach at Mr.' John niy Pterorr.ans. re ______________ eArmistice Dfnner At " ESliaBtMr. hon McIII.. iM red: F Winchester Hotel, Nov. liii!.msis ti vels oia..MiesJneh r. F,1 So _____ARTand Pxerl ac, So l isses an Br. tt, S. carboro. BuisssMarth Mn. Blac suportrs o swllo. Fo Owng t th fac tht thre OWMA VIL e Nrman Leachs... Misses Norma tue, Toronto, snd MargaretSmt Oshawa Rugby Squad ita-ik iurtetswdfftiearlew. lr 50 eta the ftha th O M NVL~an eryl Glaspel at Mr. Murray Enfleld,wth Rev. and M. A. E' Se Our Windows fori oe-Svn scnsBwavlehdenioyecia Battallon Association reidinginWlam' PortePry. r n arig. r .P r, DefeatsnLohc aiaLadshe lne used their Toronto and district, these mem- Thurs. F ri., $eJ Mrs. J. W.Easn at Ms. W. duff, at Mns. C. Bs. 3pec.. hav ogan1e aTornt Pwefl's, Pèëfg. MissJenM . E. 0. Pethick, Mns. F. A 1RW or U B.H.5. backfield aiso out9SjOsh- Branch of the Association, and]KO. 2 - 4Tonta home. . . Spragge and Douglas, Mn. B. R lyawa rearRuard. That is, Bowmanville hold their meins <on tMe. 'J. W.McMaster, Mr. Alex Wood, Tron, with' Mr. and I n Last inute R H had an advantaize until tbev Rot Tueday of every month in the DOUBLE FEATURE Mmaster vlslted Mr. J. W. me- Mn. S. R. Pethlk... Miss Bernice OUTSTANDING B R AN watin the shadows of the goalposts, Aputations Club Roorns, 62 St. lute i Toronto East General Stainton and friend, Cobourg, f then thev lost ail tb.eir ncower and Albans Street. The Presideht of Hopital. .. Mr. and MnIr. Hans wlth Mr. and Mn. W. J. Stainton. Wouiêus Slioes - - - upWSi Ufoi 9o-q14 Whiby.. .Mr. Laurence Blan- sister, Mrs. S. Rodman, Port Frank Merrnwell and there aiso was Three times they wr ihnteBl Kelman (BomavileIs ford, Toronto, at Mr. Russell Per- Perry.. . Mr. and Mi. W. Wil- Boys' and Men'. Oxfords - *19 aagn 4eigntedCasy-a-th-Ba, Ohaw te yad ue wthat ad- ompshawaeretry-reaYard. uss kis'.. .Mis Ruh Cl w 11 lCosmpaeare),M. ad Ms. . Mn'.Wor Bots - - 1,9 bath cf the above had tlLeir imita- ing to their total. Twice thcy fum- Adkins, Ex. Battalian Sgt. Major, pto-& k n , it Miss Authd r e y Mlays asr r and BlllyS. Toronto, Mr.Baod tors on Saturday when Oshawa Col- bled the bail when a score seemed <Port Hope), and the Executive t Hampton,. f. andMs. usseilMn.a .Tavy and Be o t, Oh-Mr.sRoieBipand - - - O leziate and Vocational Institute scor- inevitable and the third time thev Cornrittee is composed of ex- APek.ln M and MrRet seat MrI. a, 1fr and m.S.Roa, shoy'aBouge fBlipperm ed a spectacular last secudi victory were stonned coid by the f zghting members from Port Hope, Bow- Pekn n agrta r wM.ad r.S omn os om.Bipr aver Bowmanville High School Sen- Oshawans. T'was sad to behçld. manville, Millbrook, Blackstock, aned Ashton's, Toronto. . . Mr. Port Perry, wath Mr. and Mai. Women's Rouse Bl - - 49 iars in Oshawa. The sore wal 5 to 3. In site of this iuabljty to corne snd in fact every campany organ- adhers, MuT.Skaa .Nto rm an E.CongAtulons aM.adMi oe' ivradGI vnn hs With the nth part of a second left throuRh in the clutch, the Bownian- ized in Durhamn County. Archer'sretuskned h ome r hmn Cnrtltos.oM.adMs oe' ivradGl ae ta play, and the ball in Oshawa's viliians buiît un a three-point margin Alse included iu Branch mem- . . Miss Emma Killen, Tarante,oClarene Badly on amia A complete flue of rubbers for eetetml vossession on the Bowmanville thirty on kicks bv Brown. In tbe f irst beship are sans of ex-members ( at Mr. Robt. Killen's. . . Mr. A odpnubrateddarI3med to save you i e Yard line, Smith drew back bis right cuarter the B.H.S. hoofer lofted a cf the 136th Battalion who have > Lloyd Stainton at Mr. Wilbert Ahurch servicern Sundyeven- who hauled down the oval ant second neriod, Daniels let a kick go tish Forces and incidentally, W. Me Cha y, s.hn awa Je.el, ing when Rev. and Mrs. M. Fer- % I ziRRed his way to the goal line and throuRh him over the lie. where he P. Kelman (Bowmanville) R.C.A. tona . Reforad Caeron'ap- guson presented their very inter - 5W fI victorv while thrceBq-muville was rOuRed aithouRh Bowmanville M.C. stationed at Trenton; Billy MWIU.1OUMI ton, and M. Ray rCamnerons...neZasingte on A two numbes.hoirf ac. ouh.Te inl oitwas added ini Weston Air Part; and Orm. T. mm111010e111 * mm m Y. P. M. met Wednesday even- Itwa abite plifo te ed~dthe third period and after that the Adkins, R.C.A.F, s t a t i o n e d at A L fMlrd', OSala, tM.P. ing. Those taking part ini devo- men watere d ing hefao s th ey"toRedi ho h. enandrsafety Wilins, rontAoF, staveioncd at * and Beverly, Mn. LiVIII Pae, Banch two teams battled on even trsHaqtrTrte, have been n StaintnforasPrsac.ton w eenyrtdleyge Banh until that fateful second, whenMSmithi, enralled. Officersivould like te n aloMiss Ehl iStinon, Jea n sth lleen Bradley a n Cw£dlc Krantz and the Caseys got together. get the namnes andi unit cf the -Ad aa, Miss terld Wilkn, LmaRht.Pogatwaen oal dckBwand The major was not converteti since sons of any other comrades who chargMm.fGerandhBaPronoattended the Point was flot necded and nobody have enlisted. theckYonck. l' Cnresa ing, Myrtle Page; piano solo,' Mrs cared. Lne-up: Taranto Branch is holding its ~ lMSHE ERSI_________E rgt tr yAleAh Oshawa - Liinff wing, Stasinsi; 2nd Annual Armidstice Banquet at SIn; pana slo byJune sisto. 5. Puaib haives, Danieis, Krantz anid Kayacs; the Winchegter Hotel, Parliagnent vroetkpatiîspyem quarter, A. Smith-, snap, Cala-han; Street and Winchester, on Satur- Solina gagne. (Contnue______pge clAs '~~WEIElIiIP insides, Andrinovich and Davies; day, Nov. llth. Members are e- c aet u red a r- midis Da adStackarchuk; qucsted ta geti teuch with CliffHm odfho lu etng(otnedfa ag )ArP esnaiecgeatn midls Danad oe ndSholClb etigers, taking one's part i the sentadmnyepesdtewh SHAWA ~nds, Fisher ,and Murphy'« subs, C. Samis, Perey Greenuleld, or Geo. was held Friday evenig wlth a 'Obituary church, these practices are bound that asmlrsrieb edni Smith, Waiker, Mccii, arcoe. keî. Cromble of Bownanville te ob- good attendance. Mr. Walter Par- ta make a difference iman or year.Tanprtinfrhevs Fiee Parking rhoqe 1o11 leman, Sheridan and Fax. tai lckt hs bete omewhnatai-inder'presided for oper4ng, and Ceci Howard vice woman over a period of yeams. itlngspaewakidyrodd Bowmanville - flyinz ing F g totedt hroughesmershav isg Mns. John Baker teok charge for A stable soclety is bufit on gooci- bi rP illm n Rs ie an hlvsCovilc Brwn and chaned thr r esidence svince election of these offi&rs: presi.. A weil known resident cf ness and Christian character, RevW.FBaittepser an:have, Clvllý, ron nd hage thirreidecesicedent - J. W. Reynolds; Vice Pres. - Brooklin. and district for the past therefore, let us ail take gomne.s conduce i evcs Fridey - Saturday Morden; quarter, Mason; snap, 1923, the Secetary cf the 136th j. Cuckshank; Sec. - Francis twelve years, Cecil Howard Vice te be aiur assured career. ____________ NOV. 3 - 4 Elihott, insides, Casbournn d Rick- Bn. 'Association, George Adkins, Watten; Treas. - J. R. Kiveil; Pi-. passed te met at the Oshawa Gen- Fine musical nuinhersween ardnudle Fshr ad rafor: 9 arbord St., Tarante, would anist - Miss Jean Leach; Pragrain eral Hospital, Octaber 30th fol- joyed throughout the day, the m -.a V CHARLES LAUGHTON endis, Graham and McIlveen; subs, appreciate vemy much if al cx- Com. - Mmi. C. Johns, Mms. A. lowig a shart illness. He was incoir under the leadership of R~ It a u ~ Rice and Partridge. members would scnd in their eteMs .Prii r.R i 7hya.= MGeoi h onn nanes ndcorec adres t hin . .McKessoclk, H. E. Tink, A. L. Barn .near Sauina, son o tesigig "This ls the tiay", with D IN S imediately. 1 Pasce and Walter Blackburn. late Mr. and Mmi. George Vice, Jainea Hanccl as soloist, and "Janiaica Inn" Bik n oqes W rs i ebm os Misses fleen Balson sud Jean he reslded i SaUna nd 'Panty- d"spirit Imnotia, wlth Mrs.Ken- G w wiil attend the Armistice Ban Leach favomed with piano duets, pool for somge years prior te talc- neth. Huil, 'W. D. Camutherssand NPLLhipoonuclge BY NELSON OSBORNE at the Winchester Hotel on N4ov. and charuses wene given by the ing up residence in Emookil. Alex MeGnegor. as solaisti. A deuadeliaean.asn MAUREN OARA _________________ lth, when lots of entertaininent Xât1aUs. Baturday 2.30 p.m. school chfldren. miss Helen Lang- Duting the course of the last war quartet cansbitng of Jamnes Han- a o GN IL" LESLIE BAN4KS wiil be provlded.. maid was chosen winner in the h'e enlisted wlth the l36th Regi- -ok C. M. Carruthems, G. E. AdtIed - Popeye ln Wotta bowmanoutlle HigheSchooi nsciP utths still bc a oood hf lu- M n .Te. e. Jdes were Miss Jean McLean, He is survived byhis wlfe, the "The Haven cf Rsnt." Ini the ev- Nlghtmare. bydotf Mhecapinhpbt i~mi o.- us e. pispealcin by he pupiMr. fomet. frmPtypooRl. Chaui1Fr, egandueW. oD. a u Myan race in rather unexpected and. start- ence on their fellow students. i NOV. . -7 - 8 Ms aah iaeadM.fre rtaHbs itr nnade Hl hu ,Hugh' Smale. A social time was Mmi. B. Sheridan, Oshawa;a bro- Hand" was sung by Mn. Kenxneth REVIVAL SO oftaen ae isdecideiBute Terfiaeworms r t oe DOUBLE FEATURE eenjoyed. ther, Walter Vice, Oshawa; and Hul and D. A. McGregor; a 'solo, REVIVAL o often Rame isdecickd â th, Thir finaltMm RamR.aJ. aMhomesock Rhad. a haif-brothearafSilashrW. erlr -y, eTrrust, "ru Hlm"nby" Mm.MGea.o.LL whistie i soundingt and unfortun- and the two teams f ihtine for the charge cf the temperance pro- Ridgeway. Davidge, and the anthem "Hark, PrIday at 10.45 p.mei atelv for Bowmanville, this was one title will be their ocpioflBits. BOW- gram at Sunday School. The Bi-. Funeral service was held on Hiark, My Soul" Mmi. A. Colville of those Rames. It was çioubiv dis- manvilîe ca bave much to sauNabut AT LAfT ON TI ble lesson was read by Miss Wediiesday, service being con- and Miss Donida Creasen taking 'D nielUnDi tre rssiniz since Lindsay did a bit cf the restineg Place of the buntina. We ..T"e 0"a Gladys Yellowlees and Mr. A. L. ducted by Rev. J. P. JuUl, Brook- the solo parts. «a o i itet survrisine o their own andi defeat- houe thev have the commflofl decncyi ; oad WC Pascoe led in prayer. Mns. John lin United Church, c which the 'The afternoon service was in with cd Peterboro rigbt in the Lfftlock ta do some vracticinz and to go all Stage Bit O FIE> STARECit. t ws he istlot fr te ut aafls bth eas.Bowmnanviile anlAte tblies, Baker sang a solo, accomnpanied deceased was a member. Inter- the nature of an expeniment when IPR ATARECiv.Itwa te irt o5sfo te utaiaistboh eas.laghe aad * by Miss Kathleen Baker, and ment was made in Union Ceme- for the first time in its history St. BUN L NPetes. shouici andi cati win bath Rames. Will Ë«l1Mn.Ro agadavan--tn1 BRS&ALNthev? "teResi ory ngmdgae an m- te. Pauls had a Sunday School An- ~ ~ ~ ~ * * I teresing stmy frm the tudy ' _____niversary service. Ti event was id~, . ag If B.H.S. had hled its lcad on The Juniors iooked like a nemi Several from heme attended a Charles Masuie, Port Relie peated fl the future. Children______________ Saturdav the team cculd have tied team aRainst the weak Port Hope hwrgvnbMs.HE.Tk omtesnircaesfldte M n OVe. o- W8 of the e tes iere th Saura. reacn laour ees baeIt fitrgeor d Mms. Percy Dewefl at the lat- A ifieionr -resident f Pont Hop>e choir sèts'and led i ,the'service ofthee tl a f ixedis Slurgidat arc beung puerc haed by i teter'n home near Whitby Friday and wideiv lcnown thnoulbis cf pnaise. They were accampani- L W A 7V C Threisstlla ixd de lrknzinbas rebeni prcasd y heafternoon in honon of Miss Ruth activities, the many friends cf Char- ed by the Sunday Sehool Orches- LOI'ft~ s j a.gthe back of vour corresponjcpt's olayers. We hope not, for it would 'le*£McKessock, a bride-te-be of this les Massie, meurs bis passinir on tra under the leadership cf Max Lady Of TheTîopics minci that Bowmanville lias the best be nice te bave cne title liere .this L week, when a very enjoyable Thursdav mcrning, Oct. 26th, at the Tuerk. The ent of the Sunday' O with tani h e e rrte eva.Bl ucisni bu he iiabu UR' ie was spent., Port Hope Hospital which be enteneci School occupied the front seats cf shoulci sav tbev have the beçt teamn times as bard ta get liv as a ten-feot VstSIUMsLDrsAech usdv H agiinil o the auditorium, sitting inteR EM M R N ROBERT TAYLOR if thcv want te settle down ta busi- brick waIi andi is a punishunz nîung- i Vis*ioim Tuton: thMisseDs each Td umedaofHc eeiI oravariaus classes,.i teE EEY LAJMARR ness. This Dast week, there was not et. Thev nlaveci in Cobaura ytter- tiUS'<t -.ç Jean Leach.. Mm. Jini Short, The'late Mn. Massie was in bis The special speaker was Rev.A ____________________ one serieus uractice. However, if you .day andi a win would Rive thern the "wiÏCur01,a1M1S.E Wmy'..75th yemr. He was bars in lFont Ray McCleary of Tomante, whoD are net wiiling ta make a sacrifice, title whie a Ions would mem a Cortc, tMr . .Wer's. t6inth oclhedth ttnioef6l vouca't a in.Inotl~e wnne metig shaa an he biMm. and Mmi. Wil Snowden and Houe and educat f h oa el h teto f ad Thur. - r1.-Sat. or two fer veur team andi schccl, fflay-of f between the twa teams, the -581t~Mmi. L. C. Snowden, Maple Grave, iblic and ibigh icliacîs. He was yugb i rpi tl flR N N-URE at Mr. Thon. Baker's. .. Mr. and keenly interestici in nasture andi for speech. m. McCleary thanked RThER ND RP NOV. 9 Il il werds, laziness doesn't acld up to Lakeshore titie. -And -Mis. Everett Elliott and faniily, seventeen vears kept poultry andi the- congregation for its yearly vitre.Oshawa, Miss Audrey Elliott, doirs for show vunlioses at bis resici- donation of white gifts te Wocdý- 1etween i onqi aaasdt TerorStrke Frm he eaWit cld eaherizttiR lo*r Trout Cneek, at Mmis. R. J. Mc- ence, Gienvale, on the western out- green Settiement, the spealccr's c ePrrysNo.10uni T e r r e rr e t r i k e s R lo m Th eetSe sn*i* *u ti tnd c o l r , woc k e n e t ti s c ein o s r 51 4 AK e s nks . . . s N o r m a n - e y - s k i r t s f t h e , t o w n . A t e r r e t i r i n g p a r i s h ,G Oc e r a n d s i a i n n U i . t t "U1-Boat 29" of tae raiz theralad bcta r eutac cerhehocdines is ee ine Norith Of Shanai. i 'noldsocand Miss Inda Reynolds, To- from this vurnuit lie opened aa aroc- During the service womcus cf 2 mSnyNv1,19. Starrint rible examole for the Juniors ani N.H.L. season opens in Toronto and Matinees Monday 4 p.rn. monte, at* Mm. Jack Yellowlees'. erv store on Ridout Street and haci welcomne were spoicen liy thc *Who, ePM tansric o.1 CONR» VEDT - ~ otEher younir players who are on aIment even' team iis donniui< skates. Wednescay2.0p . A nurnber from heme attended been in business fer 18 vears piler Supeitendent, WiIfred Carruth- Icktdo AM ris CORDVIT-VLRE terwav un the lacider if an indif- However, in this tewn we are most2.0pm the plowig match ut Yelvérton. to bis death. For a time lie was ers. Bey. W. P. Banister reaci the REtUi~ Laedstnto pt SEBASTIAN SHAW. ferent teamn went tbrouRh ta the titie. interestcd in the Juniors. To<m De- oonfortab seats, good ventil- the smal o is cxtendied to asbran ut S oft. e PauiCbr-tb, amind puelso n e ipaemdih ody oe e 599 -- - m - name of Bowmanville Hrzb Scheol Mondav nigzht and is definitelv a to.CgetThRya passed away in Oshawa Hospital later ut the United Churcb After bis the benediction. Aduit rCiden-..-U --- _____________________________ member of thie Mapue Leaf famîly. Whor progrpsns are superior. Mr. Vice was'a former mesident marriage. His musical tallgits aiso The musical part of the pro. * the ~~~here.. fcund scooe in the Port .Hope Bandi gram consisted cf a solo by Eva Full fotaonrmayagn This familv includes teMapie where lbe puayed thie corset usnder Welsh, a clarinet duet by Max Leafs, Goodyeurs, Marîbacos, EastEn ikle Professon Clarke. Tuerk and Howard Bmooklng, ac- C n da 1 FmO HAWEV FLOOR GLOSS SQ York andi bantamn teams. Tom i5 ut nù kle He is surviveci by bis wife, form- companied by Mns. Reta Dudley, a i/EASY AND CONVOENT. 1 SPREAD A uresent on the roster of thc Mari- cf beinir noorli, coacluec andi n.eed a ____env HRattie Merrifielci, andi ene and offertory music by the or-_______________ LiTTLE ON MY LINOLEUMS AND bores who are in the Junior A mani with liruins to cal siauaus on Visiters: Mm. and Mns. T. E. dauglters. AueySthBo-csraTeafeigw rcv PMEM FooJtAND » "Y DRY oAND oeoup and the tram is, out after a the f ield. Shea, Fleetwood, Mm. am Mn C.mnil.______________________ LAMM IN 20 MEOJTE fS F5SEF Canadian titie. It s net c eraine le* Staples and Miss-Audrey, Fleet- The f unerml services were heici that Uic Bowmanvilie 7-oyld-oid wood, ut Mm. H. McGil's. . Mr Sundav aftersaon at Uic Unitedi FOLISR4G YOU KhVWP nouck 4rtist wili catch a Place with Alex Colvilie playeci about f af n d Mns. S. Malcolmi, Nestleten, Chuncli li Rev. J. W. Gor4en> sund the Iran Dukes although tUich~cances minutes cf Uie Rame, lieing meved I Mmi. Barliara Ingles, Lamne Park, interment was at the Union Cern- are very liriglit. If he f ailç. to make bmck ta the haif uine for the final ut M. S. Trewin'n. . . Mr. amd etcry. the A teum lie wili play witb East uerijid sud was the test ýa11 carrier Min. R. Parker, Cobourg, Mess. Yoerk, Uic C team, wbich in liacked cf Uic dav. On bis first soirtie, te Leslie Wctten, Fred Griffu, A. ,,~* u.PB. bv the Gardens orgzanization. carteci tic aval from bhis three Yard McKaren, Misses Vers, Clan., CAPI M P s * * * ne te centre tefore bcinz pusheci Ruby and Cela Griffin, Burketon, Hod Varied Camer Tom bas told Uic Garden auther- eut cf bouncis by Uic last man. Bag- u t Mms. C. Burgmastem's. . . Mr. ___ idies be wants te plav in tbeir fam- neli dici some fuir plungzing but waïand mMs. W. Rahmn and Doreen The f unerai cf Uic late Captain. _______________________________________________uvandi at the present time the.vare havinz su off day, while Courtice _____________ _ Thomas Langzleis Bruce, ban in La- lookng er aiebfor ipi Monaiwas used vcrv littie. Kimbie was Qnly lonit3or ayeo rs tte nde icpac-otoc uti eihsgoc sh ore, India, in 1877. was beii from!! stateci in this column a week aigo.' Dumtproot Te Keep Your tive -forces and was wouapded in S N & S NSaturdav we sticakeci away fro OHIM EDIIATE DELIVERY ed ta Canada and teck un farminiz the CoburR-Dunas struizl inf or six vears at Bowmnanville an teUic LW Y t. .IAeMURANÇE AGENTS whicb the latter won bv 21 te 0. J. J. FLETI U L farm, Manvers Road, andcitlten. ne- Seveptéen af the Points were the Shoe Rep. naloS. ahne2b tireci to Port Hope, whert e be an B1DAUtI direct resuits of Cobourgz fumbies or New Sho« ad ...EsI~ 63 rsdc a 4vas ei uvvc but the visiters were still Uic tetter BowuavMJe liv ane sister in Englanci andi anc team. Coeourg 'brethenthe ampressionliving in India. PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TRURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2ND. M 1

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