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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1939, p. 9

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jiýýYBIU B61197PROBLEMU '4' ULVID U4". m4 I Bead RIT 12,000 PeoPle Weekly Wlth Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News ----- VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, 'ONT., THURSDAY, DECEM.BER 7th, 1939NMBR9 Dowmanville Stons Filled With. Suitable iti for Christmas Iuyers Now. that shop counters are spili- ing over with exhiiarating various gif t suggestions, and" word is being rumored about that Santa and is merry, toyiand. retinue wiii, pay a visit to Bowmanville, Dec. 9th, it behooves us alilta get out sbopping lis compieted rigbt away aid show the old gentleman we bave the right holiday spirit - Santa neyer waits until the week before Christmnas to plan his iddies' stockings, you know, he starta rigbt in while the joyous abouts of is f lock are still echoing in homes ail over the country and makes plans for another year. Why wait until the very eve of Christmas to begin tinking' the Christmnas kind of thougzhts that spread bappiness about, anyway? Vqty wait another day ta let that pervasive "Christmas spirit," as it is *called; permeate our everv thought and decd? If tbis year's Christmnas is ta be the kind of holiday it ought ta be, it is not tqo early to begin preparatons. Start now and the shops wili be busier, more clerks wiii have ta be employed, and you viii be doing your part towards spreading tbe holiday spirit. Really, folksà, one just can't help *feeling excited as ane entera the shops - there are so many things tlis year - knitting bags, for in- stance., ta.,keep pace witb entlius- istic knitters. There are tiny ones ta take your knitting vsîtîng, and there are big roomy ones to bold ail your equipment. Then there are those cosy kritchen mitts and gloves ail brightened up with the gpyet of embroidery- perfect for gif t, and ore perfect stili f9j ciiy, F~~eyotng adZ l your bouse- * odwhom yu ssiecas a sneak- ingr longing ta etnulate the bears b>' snuggling into sometingz and drows- ingz the winter away there are jaun- ty flannelette pyjamas in two-piece styles, demure littie nightgovwns, and romantic bousecoats and, dressing gowns of chenille in ioveiy, glowing shades or adilted satins as luxur- loua and light as a down corforterl By the watt did you evet- know such a year for. beautiful, expensive- lookingz lingerie at such astonishing- iy iow prices ? Lingerie is asauming importance now as a favored choice Gifts By Fiis Gilote Dnk Stand FREE! with the purdu. of 50 lue Gillefto Blaodos L ethrule-evsedmoiai Deek Sland, dodoes popithmi uudlederPPapr m- end ray wo pl», etc& lluubon shows Deck Stand as-Il s"»..Wlfh Mds, oie. iwIfh ble.remçved. . pqy *nly the regularprs 7 Bf50lue OllieUlieds. 1 zi 10 'n mn, P-liCt u Nltdc ALEX Mi Phoi. 792 for distinctive gif t givýjzi because it is the year round essential of a weii- chosen wardrobe - and what girl ever bas too much? If you want to make dad, big brother, or that speciai maie f riend of yours be Rood there's a Christ- mas after ail, remember that men are luxury loyers.at heart when you pick out a bathrobe or drgssing gowh, and make it realiy eiegant - perbap matching it with ;f swWùky pair of sippers. We saw some band- some sampies in several of the stores - f rom senpible and heavy warm ofles ta exotic iooking af fairs of heavy, beavy satin. If you want to realiy thrili mother of any other feminine member of yQur household, don't be tio-sensible about your choice f or bier, or per- hapa we sbouid say, 4e sensible, and let her's be a "gift of beatity" that will maioèlber eyes shine as she opens it and bring to tbe fore every woman'a instinct ta make the most of bier charm. There are very allur- inx gift sets containinR creams of ail kinds, face powder, skin tonics, and perf urne at surprisingiy iaw prices; pretty boxes of f ragrant tai- cum, toilet water and perfume; hand- saine manicure sets in neediepoint or leather cases; very smart tbree-piece dresser sets, gay nejy compacts, and intriguing eau de colognes and per- fumes, iust tgQ*mention a few from whicb you may choose. You will find lots of helpful suggestions for the men folk of the family, too, f rom military brushes ta shaving sets and ail tbe other toilet articles favored by maies - they are just as keen about best of toiet accessories as you are, y<çu know, eéven if tbey won't aiwayi admit ÏitI There shoul<!.be ano probleff at'al wben if cornes ta shopping for the children -* unless it is that of nmak- ing a choice froin 50 many, many happy suggestions. Whatever you do mothers, don't overlook good- books. Wbiie it is trute that you may borraw ail sorts of tbe f inest boôks from the public library, cbildren, like aduits, desire to have some books of their own. Even the tot of tbree or four gains pleasure and value f rom bavinoe a f ew of bis own vic- tured stor Y books f rom whicb bie hears stories read day after day. Gil Iette~ GILLETTE RAZORS Aristocrat -$ 4.00 Sheraton $- 1.00 Tech -- -49c~ GIFT SETS Ash Tray Set 50 GMfette BRudes in uhà Tray .......$25 $1.00 piUette ,a zor 25 Blades * 25 Attractivoly Boxed ýlLOOKi jWlmOt.y8uyI Mokehiga pratical .Ift. Four i shavinq lmpr@v... monts with OIIlt.'s new Tech Razor. Incdudd wlth 15 Blue 011" Io ldes ln handsome'pros.n- lotion pockego,onlys8 ,GREGOR, DrugsI We DolIve dlIT'S A LONG WAY TO TIPPERARY" Erltlmh War Office Pheto-Crown Copyright r«ed.Court..y Canadien Pacifie Britleh Troops ln France, equlppod for any weather, moving up ta the advance lineq. Tisi piéture vil bring memorles of the last ar to thousands of ex-service mon titrougitout the country. For this littie child it is betterj ta choose anc book with gond content and beautiful illustrations thV a dazen that are mere trash. ýSa also for the Child Who cati read a f ew wel-selected, attractive book$ are far better titan a num- ber of unattractive, ordinaryones, but be sure the book you buy the child wiil appeal ta hum now and be easy enough in vocabulanV for jiim to rend witb case. Plenty of gaines make Christa Day a merrier event for grown-ups as weii as cbildren so tuck lots of them around the tree and you will be supplyingZ material for many Q- py winter eveninga later on as welli, Sa do vour Christmas shopping early and do it in Bowmanvilie. By David Morrhson The Bowman Hotel bas changed proprietars again. There bas been a lot of water fioweëd under the aid bridgre down at Vanstone'a miii since tbis hotel was called "The Canada House" or "Hotel Canada" and kept by a family cailed Munsbaw. In those turnes some 75 or 80 vears ago, this hastel did not bave th.e trade it bad later on wben the Ruebotams the Brodies and the Bennetts rmn it. The "Waverly Hotel" which stood wjiere the Reister Office is was the swcll caravanary of the town with mine hast Hinds at the head with bis son Aiphonso Hinds as manager. There commercial travelers met arnd there the irenteel patrons of thç bar congregated. Dances werc iven oc- casionaliv and the aid bllroorn flbar was waxed ta such an extent that anc had ta be careful. There the aid time bus cmergred with the driver and bis powerful horn announced ta al and sundrv that the mixed train from Toronto would be due, and so on down Kingz St. withbbîats that made the welken ring. This Prim- itive vehicle did service in this uine for many ycars until thiis famous hotel was burncd down and the own- crs rnoved ta Oshawa. This wns the period whcn we bad as many botels as there were çhui- ches. There werc also no lus than three grocery stores wbere liquor was sold --- two on King St. and anc on Ontario St. south. The west end ai the town waa the main business part in tbose dnys. One of the floremoïst . la ibusiness activitits was the Robert Squair fnmilv wbo coIducted the gist and ontmill down* in the bollow below the bridgze. The PoWer whiçh .was obtained f rom the Pond below the bridgre which was not large'but deep and which nîso drove the macinery for the Nead's foundry and also Williams' woollen milI. Squair People also bad a gzrocery busineb opposite the Burk eneral store, a brick buildingz now occupied by one or two families. There were in this family of Robert Squair, tbree sons and two daugzhters. It was in this oat meal inill wbere the head of this writer's family obtained bis first lob when lie struck this burg. From the bridge down ta the miii there were a number ai famiiies and of ail the dwcllings at that time only one brick bouse stili stands - the oid Williams' bomestead. The Miss McTavish lived in that section, also the Gif lords who mnt the tannery, and aid maq Butler, whom some. of aur oli People will remeniber. Ouir People lived up on the bill saine- wbvre opposite the Vanstone. pro- pertY, behind a large frame buildiing occupied by Mrs. Lee and er on, George Lee, wbo many vearj after- ward became Lee & Edsall, hardware mercftants, occupied forrnerly by John McLeod, hardware merchant and prominent in business and val- itics, and iter by Wm. Dustan. We do not remember if the late B. J. Fairbairn, the well known bis- torian, mentioned the Squair famil>' in bis wriitings but if sa we bave not seen nnytbing of it. After the Wnverly Hotel was burned the Hotel Canada took on a nw ease of if e and it becoeme beadouarters for travelers and the sampie rooms were bùsy piaces - ail of whicb is gone today since the advent of the motor car. Iu the third storey of this build- ingz Stephen Chesterfield had a photo- graph galler>'. In thîs part the aid town band did their rebenrsing. The business of this band was conducted by the late Thomas Hoar, the well known King St. biacksmitb, whose place of business was then wherc T. Garton.'s garage stands today. We, do not remember those wba were mcm- bers af this band, but we recal Stephen Chesterfield, Thos. Tapson and Richard Allen, f ather Qf W. T. Allen who carried an the Bigé 20. Next ta this botel westward was the hardware store of Robert Young who also carxfied on a jobbing trade with country satores in 'dritery and dry gonds, luMber, ails and such articles. Latel>' this building wag f illid un as a Caf fee Shop and now Fisb and Chips. Across the archway was the f ice grocer>' establishmnent af Murdock Bras - Peter and John - who with their two sisters occupied the whole building. This firm did a fine trade for manv vears. Among those who worked for this firm was one af the Steele famiiy wbo lived on Church St. who afterwards became ne anoa the Toronto f irm of Steele - Briggs, wholesale seed men. Furtber west was a branch af the Bank of Montreal. We thinik the name of the manager ws a Mr. Fairbairn, Then came Manning's furniture and undertaking establish- ment. Acroas the street was another f urniture sbop with the name ai John Margncb over the door. This building is now Glen'Rae Dairy. The proprietor of the f urniture sbop was an uncle ai the Squair famil>'. After- wards Mr. Freeman toqlc over the business but those staall firms could not compete witb larger f irms and thev stopped tryinR. Mr. Free- man was a gond musican and con- ducted the St. John's Anglican choir for some time with considerabie succeas. This was in Canon McNnb's turne. Another firm whicb was a hast in itacîf was the McMurtry dry goods, groceries and grain butters. As a rule ail the smailer shopa and stores were wooden affairs. Where the Statesman was in the early days was a long f rame building situated wbere Rice Ca. hardware store is today, (Contlnued on page le) Trucks Carry Fruit To NorthernOntario Hawk-eyed Inspectors Order 588 Truck Loads of Produee out of 4096 "«Recondltloned"' B e f o r e PaSsing Inspection - Shlpments to November 18 Total 707,000 Packages Shipments of fruit and vege- tables by truck ta Northern On- tario this year will show substan- tial increases, judging by infor- mation received by P. W. Hod- getts, Director of the Fruit Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, To- ronto. Up until the week endmng Nov. 18th, 707,023 packages had passed through Sunset Camp, Gravenhurst, the inspection point for all truckloads of produce go- ing into Northern Ontario. The total volume of packages for 1938 was 637,821. Inspectors Wm. Bawman and F. N. Wade have had a busy sum- mer and faîl. They have inspected the loads of 4,096 trucks Up until Nov. 18 and ordered 588 truck- loads "reconditioned." lIn other words, these loads were not Up ta the standard marked on the pack- ages and had ta be repacked be- fore proceeding to Northern On- tario destinations. The two inspectors had their busiest weeks in September when over 120,000 packages were in- spected in two weeks. These in- cluded a great many peaches. Utmost Diligence Ne.d.d To Protect Our Civil Liberty Toronto, Dec. 5 - There is a need in Canada for the utmost diligence ta assure that there be no further curtailment of civil liberty than is really required, and no unnecessary suspension of democratic methods and proced- ures. In these words the Execu- tive of the Board of Evangelism and Social Service of The United Church of Canada has issued a warning against "certain restric- tions upon those civil liberties which the citizens of a free de-. mocracy ordinarily enjoy." The Board, in a preamble to the reso- lution, stated that it was recog- nized that there is a necessity of accepting in time of war certain restrictions upon civil liberties. Reports revealed that 409 bales of clothing had been shipped to certain drought areas in South- east Saskatchewan this faîl; the additional bookiets had been pub- lished for the series on The Chris- tian Faith; a grant of $150.00 was made ta the Canadian Tempe- rance Federation; Miss Muriel Bisseil has been secured for re- search work for the-Commission on Economic and. Social Research; work on the Statement of Faith is progressmng; the special itinerar- les of Rev. Dr. J. H. Riddell and Rev. Dr. J. W. Aikens were suc- cessfuxl; special prayers for war- time will be published by the Committee on Church Worship and Ritual. [Bigger and BetterI Due to the reent instsl- ation of a battery of the latest type mllk pasteurizeru, we- are able to supply you - our ous- tomers - with av auperior Sproduot, rich in flavor and with good keeping quaities. - Purîty and Quality Guaranteed MAPLE GROVE DAJRY,. Phone 2165 S =nm "«The best evidence that the Bible "I know the Bible la inspired, be- is the inspired word of God is to be cause it finds me at greaterý depths found within its covers.-It proves of my beingr than any acher book." itself."ý-Charles Hodge -o~ig *The Latest Trinkets In Costume Jewelry from BRACELETS LOCKET13 --ETC. Military Outfit - , .' AL l' :1 Ul Il UUUlt Local Nonagenarian Describes King Street West in EaLily Days_ 1

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