PAGE TEN YOUR WORLD AND MINE (copyright> DY JOHN C. KMKWOOD 1 feel sure that many of my readers wiil enjoy reading Uic letter which foilows - a letter re- celvcd froMi a young Engliali- woman whose business is anuior- thip, sd this includes thc writing of dertlsements. This yqung woman lias vlsited Canada more than once, sud a book of liera deals wiUi Uic period of Uic Mac- kenzie Rebellion of 1837, and of Uic events sud conditions leading up te it. 1 quote Uila letter because it ta Uic mirroring of Uic mmnd of, let us say, the normal, reflective, sensitive English persan. Ibta truc, of course, that Uic writer of thc letter deals with things pat, yet ta la snot Uic point. The point is Uic attitude sud Uic mind of Britain in relation to Uic cur- rent war. This letter was not written for publication. It was a private let- ter, writtcn without restreint, and Business Directory Lcgal m. G. V. GOULU, ]&&, LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bakof Commerce Bldg. BakEowmanville. W. a. STRIER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money te Loan. Phone 791. Eowmanviile, Ontario. U. C. MASON, BA. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. asw iail its branches. Offce irnmediately east of Royal Theatre. phones: Office 688; Home 553. DR. J. C. DEVITT Aumant., Dr. n. W. Simnen Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury .ubilee Bldg, Bowmanviile. OfiRce hours 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily except Sun- day. Phone 790. Rouie phone 883. X-Ray Equipment in OfiRce. Fanerai Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. Mordis CO. Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance sud Invalid Car. Ceil Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Auctioneer BLUM MBuI Lioensed Auctioneer ampten, ont. Specilfizlng I Farin, Livestock,i Implements and Furniture Sales TEPRS MODERATE Phone for Tens sud Date ta: Bowmanvilc 2428. Veterinarian D.C. DAVET, V.O., B.V.Sc. Eowmanvilie' Sucecuor te Dr. T. F. Tsbe Office: Klnt St. Eastit, Tihe Reuident - PEONE us8 DENTIST DL IL O. DICKION (Toronto) adNeweasUe, Ont. Over Langman'!s Store, Newcas- tle. Office hours: Saturday only, 9 a-m. te 9 p.m. Phone A1222. "Lest W. Forget" A.H. BOUMSALL Designer and Dealer ln Monuments. Tabletu, Markerm, etc. ln Granite and Marbie. Dowmanvtie, ont. ENTERTAINER Secure RLP]H GORDON, thse wonlerflpliyveratileen t er- taier, fer Four next enterai- ment. flisaratel cireular free. Addreus 08b Crawford Street.. Téomet.. with no etempt te make ib ncws- papery in its manner. It la its spontaneity tblat gives ts letter its distinction sud very great in- berest. Now foilows Uce letter.. J CK Hcrc's a letter whicli I have owcd you for rnany wceka. lb la not, of course, thc letter I thouglit I wai going te write. That was to report on whether or not we did eventuafly have any sumnmer licre, sud to envy you for thc dellghtful holiday in Georgian Bey rcported in your lest. Ac- tually, although we did have a short sud belatcd s mmer, wc also hed a Declanat=ô of Wan, which was rather more intereat- ing. Here we have gone Uhrougli more changea of rnood sud cir- cumsance in one monU Uihan usually take place in several yeers, sud lit e ia turned com- pletely upside down. M'Il try te give you some ides cf it. The days "Before Uce Wan" seema very remete. But one re- members thet until Auguat tUcre wai no fine weathcr et ail, no bathing, no tennis, ne sun. There neyer was se idle a summer. Then cerne a audden golden speil, et its beat ai Uce criais worked up te a finish. I must confess myseif one cf those who beicved that it would pesa over, like thc other crises, without coming te war. I don't think Uhat there waise mucli "wishful Uinking" as su ides that Riler could net be so mad ai te defy us, atter aur mak- ig it se dlean that we would figlit for Poland. It seema, how- ever, that lie was quite mad enougli; se liere we are. I don't know liow you felt about your Declarabion of War Uic week after, but Sunday, September 3, sud Uic days before sud Uic days atter it, were like 'nothuig I'vc ever experienccd before. it wai reUier Uic feeling of being drop- ped into deep cold water. We had sruggled and lioped sud prayed se, long Uiat this miglit not hep- pen - sud it lied. No worda cen give adequete praise teMr-, Chamberlain. He lies acted pev- fectly ail along. Hielied nearly cverybody behind hixm over Mun- ich, sud liai a nation more united than one would have thouglit pos- sible backing hlm now. Even as we felt Uic sick liorror sud dis- gust Qf partlng with our hopes of Peace sud plunging ibo war, we knew it te be Uic only Uhing pos- sible, sud made up our mlnds te it ebsolutely sud unaltcrably. Aithougli anc was pretby sure that thinga would begin te seem, naturel very seen, Uioae first few days were none Uic less very try-1 mng. We lied su air raid alarm riglit after Uic anneuncement ef war that lovely sunny Sunday. We wcre in ,liurcli, sud.our par- lali priesb was just pveaching on "Be net soliciteus,"l when Uic sirens aounded. I personaily didnIb believe ib could be a raid, se was not very Uivilced, andi set iglt, sud we wenb eut without waiting for Uic Ail1 Clear ai nothing seeni- cd te be happening, althougli Uic wardcns werc ail et their posta, in Uceir litble tin helmets. There wai another elarra Uiat niglit, sud more during Uce weck. The streets ef Folkestone were descrted. Indeed, we lied su odd feeling, wlien vcnturing i n teo tewn, that Uic sky wai liable te feil. Cinernai were closed, sliops emptur. Ail cerried their "1civilisu respirater" - thc square box Uiat looked as If tUey lied been shop- ping for candy on e greedur scale. place child iJC ce scene la changed now. The ela still ful of evacuated Iren, sud tUcre are e lob et 'is te be seen, but thc shep- streets ane neanly normal, people have various smnart suad satchels sbrung about nte liold their gai mask. The en, lb seems, liai some very ty ones in velvet. I have juat a neat waterproof ene fer a hday present! The cinernai ireopened again, sud I went ee "Stagccoach", sud Uioughb ery good. But great precau- sarc baken for black-out, ch wc manage ourselves wlUh inet wltli the drcary-beoking àcurbaina. Ail shop windows su anld-feshiened, amail-pane that's rather pretty, owing their plate-glass beig criss- ced wi adliesivc tape. Sand- 3everywliere. 've lied seme mulimerines in CIESSTUFFY HEAD HoUp ~!d»s N"lp.mmt of Couds, to. fWu gotem,.bud esaliVa-to-nMol ioe-ft helpa te r e « tOM n- cldi trni ee&MUn.' t& am Va-tro-nol t apcf u esia- chars ain dort.a aumulatea t f laght ocg dm% at u or Etp wofVico la' a m elup.M efitheir early NY CLEANING THAT SATISFIESI MS - DRESSES .SUITS ~each or 2 for $1.00 *Flannels At Regular Price Lâpdry & Dry -Cleaning Co. Ltd. Wo Cail For and Deliver THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7TZ 1939 the Channel, and a noise of guns, but al la hush-hush. There ta no getting at any news yet, though matters will soon be better ar- ranged, they say. 1 hope for a war job of some sort, for advertlsing la dead, of course, and the book which was belng very hopefully considered by some publiahers has flot a chance. 1 have been Iearnlng to drive a lorry, with a view to A R P or ambulance ser- vice. J C This cottage la very pretty and cosy. We have been improvlng the garden ail summer. It la right next tic aerodrome, and suppos- ed to be dangerous. Folkestone la flot; the safeat spot in England - right next to Dover, and bombed during the last war. One doesn't know why they sent so many children here. However, it la probably quite ail riglit, and we don't care if it lsn't, for we have ail made up our mind, in a quiet way, to whatever happens, so long as we win this war. Herc's to Victory! J CK So this young Englishwoman's letter ends. . My feeling is that her letter should get into Britain's archives - as a record of how the Britishi have acceptcd their righteous war. Drought and Hoppers. Ame Menace To Western Canada Two weeks ago we publiahed an address on "Agriculture and the War" delivered at the To- ronto Advertising and Sales Club, by James S. Duncan, Vice Presi- dent and Managing Director of Massey-Harris Co. Linited. The address was so long we elirninated a section of it referrmgÏ to drouglit conditionIs and grasshopper in- vasions mi Western Canada. How- ever, we are now publiahing here- with Uiat section of Mr. Duncan's address in order Uiat our Ontario readers may better understand and appreclate Uic problemas western farinera have te contend with. The address follows: I know of no more heart- rending sight than that which I beheld in 1936 when 1 traveiled for a full day inthe harvest sea- son through Uhc southern wheat belt of Canada, and neyer saw a sta]k of wheat or a blade of grass growing, nor mon nor machine working in Uic fields: and I re- member stopping at a local agen- cy et about il o'clock in the morn- ing and fnding our agent - a young man of about 30 - playing a gaine of "Patience" on lia work bench, with a somewhat greaay pack of carda. Rather flippantly I said to hlm. Uiat it *as surely early in Uic morning te be play- ing carda, and lie looked up at me with a hopelessness in bis countenance which I wiil not for- get, and said: "Well, wliat would you do if you were in my place? I have not seen a customer for thc luat ten days. Nobody cornes I te buy a repair part, or to ask me te repair a machine, because no machines are being used, and no one lias any money." Here was tragedy indeedl The forti- tude with which Uic farmcrâ in Western Canada have borne their load - not for one year but in som districts for 8 years in succession - wiil always stand to Uic credit of their sterling character. And when we become irritated with someof Uic political moves which have been made in Uic Western Provinces, we musti ail fairnesnot; overlook Uiceliard- ships which Uie people have en- dured, and Uic stress under which Uiis leglalation was pessed. But, Uiere are other problems which, alUiough of lesser magni- tude, run Uiat of drought a close second, notably, ruat and grass- hoppers. Here scientists, working quictly and modestiy ycar after year in our agricultural research laboratories, have made an i- valuable contribution. It la es- timated. Uiat hi 1935, 85,000,000 bushels of wheat; were bast due te rust in Western Canada. In 1938, ruat again invaded Uie West but science had travelled a long way in Uic meantime, and one-fifth of Uic wheat acreage i Manitoba and Saskatchewan had been sown wiUi rust-reslatant wheat (That- cher, Apex Renown), thus eneb- ling Uic fanmera of tai area, for Uic first time on record, te har- vest healthy wheat in rust-infect- cd areas. it waa estimated Uiat Uiese farmers income of $3,000,000 nnmore Ufian Uiey vestigations in Uic Domiion De- partment of Agriculture, âated recently that - "lduring thc lait seven years, the aving of crops by grasshopper control must have totalled several hundreds of mil- lions of bushela of grain." Those wlio have not actuaily been in areas effected by major grasahopper outbreeks c an no t visualize Uic damage which Uiey can do. A few years ago hi Uic Argentine, I was present when a TINE THOMPSONIS wIF Tink Thompson's wlfe w ou, d scowl ail day, she frowned from, morn 'til night, She neyer wore a pleassut look nor spoke a sentence briglit; She found fault ail day long wMi Tlnk, she whlned sud chewed Uic vag, There wanIt anythlng on earth 'bout which she didn't nag., She lay in bcd 'til nine. or ten, Tink got lis mornzag meal, He'd waah Uic dishes, dlean thinga up, theni down Uic stairs she'd steal;, If Tink liad let two toast crumbs f ail uPon Uic ,kltcheft floor, Or if he'd hung Uic dish-cloth up with wrikles two or more Shc'd storin and blow sud cail Tlnk down and ratae one aw- ful row, And say: "Juaf look at ail Uic work you'vc made for me The fact that Tink lied get has meal sud left ber Ilier bcd Brouglit not a thoughit of Uiank- fulness inte that womanIVa ead. Tink took it for a lot of years, and stood it like a brick, Then one day said: "Say, wife you do meke me most awful alck"l; And then lie mmiled, lay down and dIeci, juat Plain ley down sud died, And my, oh my, You should have heerd Uic way Uiat woman cried. SI* scrcaxncd sud yeiled sud Uirew a fit, she pralaed hlm without leck, She told how good sud klnd lic wes and bcggcd hun te corne back; 'Twes too late then for Tink to hear Uic kind Uiings that she said, He juat kcpt on a-sniiling and lie kcpt on big ded. --RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. Sente GoodAdvlce On IlIndoor Garden" John F. Clark, Ont. Dept. et AgrI- culture, Telle How Té Keep Plants During Val!ad Wlater Months 1 The Gardening season may be Lprolonged after froat lias cut .down plants sud a great deal of Lpleasure derlved by cultivating a tfew plants indoors. The wlndow igarden may consist of a jardinicre wi one plant or a fcw choice pottcd plants on a stand, together with a féw bulbs forced for win- ter blooming, maya John P. Clark, tHorticultural Specialist, Ontario rDept. of Agriculture, Toronto. Fotatln Thoroughly wash old pots lie- fore using e second time. Avoid usung too large a pot sud remeni- ber your plant sliould le moved te juat Uic next size larger. The best soil ta leaf mould from Uic woods, piixed with suy freali loam. sud a little well rottcd stable manure. Place broken pieces of flower pots on Uic bottoni of Uic pot for good drainage sud, tieu add e quantity of soil, placig ich bail of roots exactly in Uic centre. This will leeve e free spece ail arounà Uic pot which mey lie sifted full of soil and firmed doWn until Uic soil id within an inchi of Uic top of Uic pot. Alter re-pot- bing, give e good watering, but efter this be sparng of water un- til Uic plant shows signa of new growth, whicli will take place simultaneously with its maklng roots in Uic freali soil. Proper Position The position for Uic plants dur- ing winter la in windows with a southern or eastern exposure. Plants need ail Uic liglit Uiey can get in winter, cspecially those that arc expected te bloom. To prevent dreuglits which are 4in- jurious te many, Uic windows ahould be tiglit. Drew down Uic blinda at niglit sud endeevour te keep an even temperature et al timnes. Avoid extrernes of teni- perature, but bear in mind Uiet plants require a supply of freali air. Tender plants sliould be rnov- cd ewey from Uic window on niglits when reel cold sapa are- cecperienced. Atmosphere tThe moat common difflculty in fliglit of gresalioppers settlcdi su ares, sud with my own cyca I saw splendid fields of green corn standing 6 feet higli caten se completely in 6 hours that there was nothing but a few stalks of corn leftit hUifelds - net a lest or liead in aiglit, When Uic more edible food bad disappeared they eve4u- damageUic wowor-1o ciA FINE BRODCLTHSHIRTS $ 20 MACH 2for. $25 Specially selected for style and Pattern w knowledge that they will lie umed for Gifts. 4,Every Shirt fashioned froni fineliigh-coi '~Broadcloth. Qualibies that seil regularl y et amu higher price. 4,Patterned in a great array cf Stripes a "Checks. Ail are the populer aemi-laundered fused, Collar-atbeched -style. -*Shirts with the fine points HIE look$ when he buys "His Own". S IZES 14 to Vim Sleeve Lenjihe .32 t 35 inchem. Lardy shopping je auggeated for boat el.ecUuc -Last Week of Our - Christmas Festival SlIOP EARLY WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE growing plants in Uic home la thc very dry condition of Uic atme- apliere. If pots are placed in a fernery on smail blocks, water may be lcft on Uic botteni te pro- vide liunidiby, or wstev soed mess may be «placed anound thc pots. If thc plants are in Uic kitchen, a pan et water may be left te boit, permibting Uic steani te escape. The foliage wlil need cleensing fron i bie te tirne te free lb froni duat. The bethtub isl an excellent place for this purpese, Uic plants being turned on Uceir aides sud supported on a small box above Uce bettem ef thc tub. Then they may be freely syringcd without soaking Uic soil. The feliage ef Rex Begoniai alieuld be cleansed with e picce of dry or oniy slightly molat cotten. In thc case of Rubiber Plants, Aspidistras, Palme asud Amaryllis, tUey'may be spongcd off with a damp cloUi. Waterlnt No water sliould be glven until Uic plant actuafly needs lb. Al sof-wooded plants, wi a large leaf surface, need more water than hard-wooded varlebies sud a plant i luxuriant growth needa more Usun one whlcl isl sickly sud eut back. PesteandalPrevention There are a few klnds of i- secta which infest- house pLanbsl and as sneasnoticed Uic y sliuld b. eradlcabcd. Among Uicmoe common la thc Aphus or plant lice.. The lice suck Uic julce from, Uic tender portions sud oon pemman- enbly injure thc plant. As a cure and preventive meesure, bake four ounces of Ivory Soap, eut ito fine pieces, coves' wi water sud bail until melted, wlien a gailon of ater rmsyb. added sud Uic foli- age of Ice plant completely in- niersed hi thc mixture. Thi la a"s effective againit Thrlp, Mealy Bug, Red Spider, sud Scale. Le- mon or Fir Tree 011 provides 'a gbod remedy for these pesteansd fuldirections accernpany Uiem. Restlng Most plants require a penid ef reat, just as a human being needa sleep te prevent bccomlng ex- hauated, so a plant requires some- Utilng cerresponding te sleep. Wc muet imitate naturels way ef do- ing things. Oubdoerp lents grow for a seaien sud rest f or a season, sud wlthout that reat perlod Uhey will soon b. robbed of vitalitur sud ceaie te eppear et Uder best. Wlien a plant ceaies te bloomi sud shows an inclination te stop grow- ig by rlpening its leaves, en- courage reat by wlthholding wa- ber in a great degree, aiso permit- ing a less ameunt of liglit sud heat than ltb lai been reccivlng sud withhold ail plant toods. Place lb away in a dankcned room, in Uiecellar, sud seek te keep it ai nean a standatiil as possible. Do net become alermed if the plant drops a i s leaves, for wleicn lilabreuglib ote cligit i sprig, ncw foliage wiil appear. HOME' Ib wai Sir Edward Coke wlio said, "A man's home la liis caible." In Uic days et feudaliani e man was suprerne in liii castie, bis word wai lew, lis decislons gev- erncd. His caible rcflecbed wliab lie himachf expressed. If kid-, ness, peace, love, considerabion governed lits life, lis caible wes indeed a truc home, a haven et refuge for ail within its bounds. Wherever we are, wlierever we go, we may have a beaubiful sense et home, no mater what thc outward or material mianifes- tations seeni te le. Our material dwclling may be simple, even poor sud appanenbly lacklng Ini ail that la lovely and bpaublful, but ai aur thaugltit s cnnlclid by Uic truc concept et home, lb willl vadiate jay, peace, quiet, cleanli- neas, blessing all wlio enter its doors. In "Science sud HealUh wlihKey tote c riptures" Mary Baker Eddy hai wrltten, page 58, "Home la Uic dearet spot on earbh," sud each one cen make this truc inhilis own experlence, because ne mabter liow humble, liow restricted lb may b., It wil express Uic higlicat concept et home possessed b y those who live Ucerei. How necemary then that aur mental home b. beaubiful, well-kepb, orderly, peaceful, se that our outwand dwclling place rnay give expression te ail that la goodi Ib makes no diffevence whethcr anc lives.aloe or with othcra, lita concept et home la seif-determin- ed. He may occupy a liotel bcd- roam, a tratler, or a libtle cubby- hale on a back street, s lane shack in thc wilds, or a palatial mansion -, whatever his dwelllng place, it wlll mirrer forth lis concept et what home mneans tehhm, sud will extend a welcome, a ense ef pqacc, saliaven frani turmail or qilite tUc reverse. This constant malntalntng of. one's truc sense of, home will one feltlifully gnards sud main- bring inexhaustible blessinga. lb tains this spiritual. concept of wiil aid in beaÙUifying onc's hu- home, ene's dwelling wil l e jman dwelling: place; it will han- transformcd. sud, like e béacon of 1monize thc conllicting natures of liglit, wiil drsw to its doors those -those who rney be living there; it wlio nccd'tUc comfort, peece, jour, wiil cleanse sud purify whatevcr healing, which it affords. - (Froni does not express good, se thet as The Christian Science Monitor). à vith â ut ch nd or for une ur ine vvorid b çirecit Life Iný;urcrnce lilstitutiorlý, Renuwný-cl for Strerigth, Ser vi ctý or-id Security since 187L - -- - --- 1 THURSDAY, DECEMBER MI, 19» THE CAIýADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIC) i 1 OM