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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1939, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7TH, 1939 ShwsBIRTUI Cards of Thanks LIvestock For gWle ____MARR - At Bawmanville Hospital, Mrs. Williaii Trewin and familY FOR SALE - RE<IISTERED Home and Schoo soito Saturday, Dec. 2, 1%9, to Mr. and wish ta thank their f riends and dual-purpose Sbdëdiôrn roa bull Met Novr. 28th, ooth Prsoitent Mrs. J. Marr. a daugbter. neighbours for the ifiany.kindnesses calf, one month old; Green Moun- sbwnduig heilns-ad as- tan alepoaoo. plyW.J Alex Prout ini the chair. Program M RRAG S w of Mr. zteinessaRdowl7aindablewate Phono larW.kJ was in charge of Ernest Gilbank ____________oMr._______Rwlan,_Necas1902.one494*k and Chas., R. Ciemence. musical 10.igl numbers were given by the New- PEARCE-CAWKER - On Satur- To those who supported me and FOR SALE - SHORTHORN castie tra; Ross Cobbiedick day, Dec. 2, 1939, at Thornhbill, cnrbtdt yscesi h ~ bls rmCapo iedr and 'Ugwey Coc and friend, byRvc.Beoke en ag-<nt municipal electian, 1 wish ta red and roans, smaoth, tbifrk and with guitr, muthogan nd er, f Mr.dMr.AîrB.OfVYm sincere thanks and ap- blocky, with good heads, around sanIg. Mrs. Burris and daughter Ca-r t r Kenneth G. H. preciation. 'Chas. D. Searle. serviceable ame. For sale at rea- of Salem favared with a piano Pearce, soncf Mr. and Mi5 arry'aeit~nta snbeDie. .H imod duet. Mr. Burris gave two groups R. Pearce, Newca.stle. May I express appeHamin oton rcs C.-.Mmod «Owas coaet the piano byof ail.HS those who by their vote and influencc amto.49-2* cf as tma the d het o l. He mtade my election ta council possible Ms urs r.Percy Brown azain this year. ________________ gave two interesting readings. BUTLER - Widow cf the late R. Jas. H. Abernethy HUET ET-5ROE T'he prize winning Play "Thie Ti- P. Butler, passed peacefully away -HUET ET-5RO E ger's Claw" by Newcastle talent at ber home, Newcastle, Dec. Ist, IN MEMORIAM bouse hardwood floors, furnace, and Ernest Gilbank, under the 1939, in ber 90th year, dearly be- light and Rau, splendid Waren, sit- direction cf Emerson Fisher, was loved mother cf E. Roy Butler, PLNGLE - In lovinir memory Of uated on Duke St. near Ar yle St. particularly weii given and thor- Toronto, and Dr. J. Ainsby But- Frances Ann Pingle, Who died Phone 817. 49-tf oughly enjoyed. Those takmng Toronto. and Dr. J. Ainsbi' December 3rd, 1932: R aig Part were Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Stella Anderson, Away in the beautiful bilîs of God, _____________________ Frank O'Neii, Mrs. Percy Brown, castle. By the valley cf rest s0 fair, Mvrs. Woodlot, Miss Jean Prout, 1 Some time, some day, we know TEA CUP AND CARDS PROM Hlubert Osborne, Ernest Gilbank MUNDY - At ber home, 408 Sim- not wben, 3 i.m. ta 10 zp.m. DarchWs Tobacco and Mr. Brereton. Gea. Lane, on coe Street Nqorth, Oshawa, Nov. We will meet our loved onie Store. 47-3* behalf cf the association, thanked 29, 1939, Kate Cine Mundy, be- tbere. ail who contributed ta this spien- loved wife cf Charles M. Mundy -Sadly missed by busband and Notice did program. Glad ta have Mr. and mother cf Mrs. L. C. Ratcliffe, family. DARLINGTON NOMINATIONS and Mrs. Leslie Anderson with Mrs. John Roddick and Glenn W.____ us for the evening. Also it was a Munctv. CLARKE - In lovinz memory cf -pleasure ta meet aur new neigh- ESNMY dear mnother, Hannab Ellzabtb Darlington Townsbip riomdination bora, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beck, and Mc PHERO - In Des Moines, Clarkce, wbo died December 3rd, for Council will be held on Friday, Mr. and Mms. Emil Szuesz. Iowa, on Tuesday, Nov. 28, 1939, 1938: eebe 2d _______________Jobn W. McPherson, beloved bus- Dear mother you bave left us J. D. Hogartb band cf Etta Bingham. Departed just a year, Township derk. 49-1 Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson and son Douglas, To- ronta, with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hrn. .. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Sauina, wîth Miss Lulu Reynolds. ..Mrs. C. Johns visited her dau- ghter, Mrs. W. White, Cake Un- ion... Mr. B. Hiclrman with fr1- ends in Toronto.. . . Miss Gladys Chapman, Bowmanviile. at home. ..Dr. Wallace Horn, Miss Hazel Jacob, Port Hope, and Mr. Oscar Janiieson, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Bradie and son Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilchrist, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds. S.Mr. W. T. Perrett, Maiton, and Miss Doreen Perrett, Kendal, at hone. . Mrs. J. W. Chapman adbaby and Mrs. J. McGinnis, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman. .. Mrs. Ruth Clayton visited her sister in Oshawa.. Mr. and Mrs,. Bert Mutton and Betty, Bowmanvîlle, at Mr. W. T. Perrett's. C. G. I.T. members and their- leaders attended the special ser- vices in Oshawa on Sunday. The play "A Sauthern Cinder- ella" given by members of Trinity Women's Associption, Bowman- ville, an Tuesday evening under auspices of Young People's Union, in the church basement, was weil received and praved quite inter- esting and entertaining. The char- Acters were well chosen, special mention bemng made of "Mammy Judy Johnstan," a black blue- grass widow, wha provided lots of fun and laughter for the audi- ence. This part was taken by Mrs. J. Albert Cale, a former Hanip-1 ton girl. Rotary Club hot roast goose supper served by Hampton ladies was an interesting event cf Fnr- day evening. GIao.d OHERRIE8- - lb. 39o Aluin'. APPLE CIDER - gal. 59e Devon 'Niziosmet - 2-lb. tini 25e fthlsllo Freah Ground ,Cof fe. M' Navel Doz. W - 2lo-27c-33o ROBINSON - In Rochester, N.Y., Nov. 3th, 1939, Geo. E. Robinson, azed 72 years. Brother pf Mrs. Minnie R. Barton, BoUmanville. .Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM - IN private home. Phone 625. 49-2 COMING EVENTS Brown's School Christmias Tree and Pie Social will be beld Dec. 19. Admission 20c. Those witb pies f ree. 49-1 Salem Christmas Concert will be held at the Cburcb on Friday, Dec. 22nd. Admission 20c or 2 for 35c; children 10c. 49-1 St. Pauls Sunday School will bold the Annual Christmas Entertainment on Mondav evening, Dec. l8th, at 8 p.m. An cutstanding feature this year will be a group cf lantern slides depictinR the Christmas Story in song and illustration. ~49-1 Courtice Brotberbood will meet on Tuesday, Dec. l2th, 8 p.m. in Maple Grave Churcb. Rev. S. Davison, Bowmanville, will give bis illustrated lecture on "England." Balson qujar- tette of Zion, will sing; also other good program. AIl men welcome. For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - HOUS and barni on High Street, go garden. Rent very reasonable, m rnediate possession. Phone 473 R. E. Osborne, Bowmanville. 49-1* "Slotb makes aIl things difficult, but in&ustry aIl things easy." -Franklin "Goodness and philantbropy begin with work and,"ever stop working." -Mary Baker Eddy XXXX Quaker 98 lb. BREAD FLOUE - $2.59 Broken WALUTB --Ml. 39e Aunt Dinah Molasses a mail 10o Re.cleaned OURRANTB - IL.15o Pastry FLOUE - -I-b. 49e 1 Lb.33 Cooklng ô for 25o APPLESO 0 qt. Basket . . . 230 6 qt. Basket . 190 Our-ihea rts ref lled- with sorrow, Our eves still wet with tears, But we have tbings ta cberish, Your memory in aur hearts, Love shaîl always remain for you 0f whicb we are apart. -Daugbter, Hilda and f amily cf Rochester, N.Y. Auction Sales; received instructions from J. W. Lancaster Lot 6, Broken Front CLARKE TOWNSHIP ta seil by public auction on Friday, Dec. 1Sth the foilowing: Cattle - Cow, due in, January,. half Shorthorn and hall Ayr- shire; Cow, due in April, hall Shorthorn, hall Ayrshire; Heifer, 3 yrs. aid, milking, Shorthorn with Ayrshire blood; Heifer, 3 yrs. aid, Shorthorn; Heifer, 2 yrs. aid, Shorthorn; Heifer, 3 yrs., Short- horn with some Ayrshire blood; Heifer, 2 yrs., Shortharn with same Ayrshire blood; Steer, 2 yrs. aid; 2 Yearling Steers. Note: These are a good lot cf cattie., Horses - Pure bred Clydesdale Mare, il yrs. aid; Clyde Fiily, 5 months aid. Grain - 600 bus. Mixed Grain <cats with some bariey); about 12 tan mixed hay; bay of straw; 40 stooks canning factory corn (ini ban). Implements - Deering Binder; McCormick Mawer; Peter Hamil- ton Cuitivator; Steel Relier, 8 f t.; Imperiai Double .Plow; H o r s e Rake; Single Piow; Wagon with rack; Light Iran Sieighs; Set of Bradley Harrows; Renfrew Sep- aràtor, good condition; Set Scaies, 1200 Ibs.; Churn; Cutter; Turnip Pulper; Turnîp Drill; Cutting Box; Fanning Mil; Sheep Shearlng At- tachaient for hand power ma- chine; Emery Knife Grinder; Set Single Harness; Forks, Hoes, Sho- vels, and many other articles too numerous ta mention. Purniture - Karn Organ, drap leaf table, bedstead, childs cet, chest cf drawers. Sale at i p.m. - Ternis Cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. Monday, December 18 - Delbert Fishleigb will selI by public auction on tbe 9remises, Lot 26, Con. 5, Hope Township, near Osaca, all his farm stock, implements and feed. Sale at i o'clack. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur. auctioneer. 49-1 Weekly Feed Special WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Open Formula La.yinir Masb (O. A.C. Formula), $225 per cwt. Offer good until December l4th. F. C. Vanstone, Phone 777. 49-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - SMALL bouse, ao)artment or rooms. Apply Box "C.B.", Statesman, Bowman- ville. 49-1* WANTED TO RENT - APART- ment or house, two adults. Apply "X.Z." Statesman Office. 49-1 Agents ARE YOU THE MAN? - YOU will ntake amazing profits every hour selling 200 guaranteqd nec- essities used in every home. You can bave a solid business estab- lished witbin tbree montbs. If you are tired cf working ta earn pro- fits for someone else, own your business and enjoy al thp profits. No obligation. Get details and catalogue f ree. Be f irst. Familex Productê, 570 St. Clement, Mont- real. 49-1 BE A TITO INDEPENDENT Dealer in exclusive territory. Two bundred producta: Tea, Caf fee, Food Producti, Medicines, Toilet- ries, etc. Get Christmas b9siness. Start immediately on thirty day trial. No risks. Free information, catalogzue. Jito Products Company, 1435 Montcalm, Montreal. 45-4* Hardwood Floors A NEW HARDWOOD FLOOR or kitchen cupboard for Christmas would be appreciated by your wif e. Estimates on ail work.'C L. Warren, Hampton. 49-8* Take Notice In tbe matter of the banlcruptcy of WILLIAM PERCY CORBETT cf the Town cf Bowmanvllle in' the Province cf Ontario (Baker) Debtor. Notice is bereby given that WIL- LIAM PERCY CORBETT QI Bow- manville, made an assigrimetit on the 29th day cf November, 1939; and thal the first meeting cf creditors Will be held on the i2thi day of December, 1939, at tbe heur of 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House in the City of Peter- borouRh. To vote tbereat proofs cf dlaims and proxies must be f ilecl witb me prior thereto. Those baving dlaims against the estate must f ile the same with the Custadian or the Trustee wjen ap- pointed before distrjhption i& made, otherwise the proceeds cf the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, without regald ,ta sucb claims. Dated at Toronto this 4tb day of December, 1939. F. M. MOFFAT, Custodian, 199 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. 49-1 ROYAL See Fine Entertèl Reason Position Wanted FARM WORK WANTED - BY' day or month. Apply Box 188A, Bowmanville. 49-lj* Iielp Wanted WANTED - A CAPABLE GIRL for general housework. Apply "C.J.", Drawer B., Bowmianville. 49-1 1DOMESTIC HELP WANTED!- Capable, single gzirl, between 25 and 30, general, to live in, references necessarv. Mrs. C. A. Br)ans, clo Bank of Commerce, Whitby, Phone Whitby 363. 49Ll* For Sale FOR SALE - WALNUT FIN- isbed ohfonograpb, and library table; also 12 records. Apply "'X.Z.", Statesman office. 49-1* FOR SALE _-12 JERSEY GIANT pullets, ready ta laY, and one rooster. Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, R.R. 2, Burketon. Phone 2372. 49-1 FOR SALE - BABY CARRIAGE and studio couch. Apply Bob Corbett, Bowmanville. 49-1* FOR SALE - STACK STRAW. Apply Bert Rice, R.R. 1, Tyrone, half mile north of Satglt Church. 49-2 FOR SALE-USED BIRD CAGES with or without stands;. also breed- îng cages, wi11 sell cbeap. Applyi R. Candler. 49-1* FOR SALE -': BUCKWHEAT, 45c bushel:. Rye, lc lb.; Turnips, Bc bushel. Marchment Farpi, Phone 2208. 49-1*1 FOR SALE-TURNIPS, EITHER feed or table use; purebred Tamn- wortb hog, 2 yrs. old; child's iran bed with drop sides. Orville Os- borne, Phobe 2480, R.R. 4, Bow- manville. 48-tf FOR SALE - RUBBER GxOODS, sundries. etc., mailed postpaid in Plain, sealed wrapper. 80% les than retafi. Write for mail-order, catalogue. Nov-Rubber Ca., Box, 91, Hamilton, Ont. 47-3 Shootlng Match Rifles and shat guns. Turkeys for Prizes. Saturday, December 9th, at 1 P.m. 1 mile north cf Courtice. William Wade. 4É-2* Radios Serviced RADIO SALES AND SERVICE- Guaranteed Repairs, Used Radios, Parts. Knight Building, 'Kingz St. E., Bowmanville. Phone -367 49-tf Wanted WANTED-OLD HORSES AeD *cattle for f ox meat. Norbv pur Farm. Tvrone. Phone 2415.. 34-tf Theatre BOWMAN VILLE hiiment in Comtort at jable Prices Double Feature Thursday - Frlday - Saturday December 7 - 8 - 9 rTExz I SCOTT- KELLY CESAR ROMERO BINNIE *mARNES JOHN CARRADINE. A 1 2» Cwi l MatineSsturday - 10 a.m. Monday - Tues day - Wednesday Deceunber Il - 12 -13 Carle Jaom; ud hMrtb ekt bertrekt M ade for EachOther Fpodeoed hiDAVID OCELNO DàhddfrjOI. Cmew$lecrm 91y wdi o pessdhiSobalck Iamo"doo Matinees: Monday 4 p.m. - Wednesday 2.30 p.m. Ineluded ini above programs will ho outstanding short uelected subjects, news cua or comody featureo. COMING TO THtIS THEATRE "Stagecoach" "Christmas Carol" "Blondie Meets The Boss" "Three' Smart Girls Grow Up" "Babes In Arme" - and Others VàvArX& a eVLUV LAMPS for every room and purpoie. Low Christmas pr i Give Dad, husband or brother this chair group- ing and y'ou're ciertàÜ'.i that you've -made bis Christmas the happist ever I Bpmet - Iehl DropFront an a oretairy Desks 10.75 - 39.30 r1"4 ,e'I h1 i l4 Lane - Hei-loom Red Seal Cedar Chests, The flnest selection li years (ai pre-war Prime). New waterfafl designis, drawers, automatlc and Pull eut trais are featuredlnh these chests. Pure Wool Blanket Free with My Cheit 19.75 up Hudson Bay - Ayres Kenwood Canada's Finest Blaukets S.114 Colons - Point - -- versibles. Siutly or ln pairs. Better blankets are practi- caRy seld eut at the milii and early shopping Io advls- ed on these items. Morris Ce. stock wau purchased early. and we guarantee lewer than Toronto prices. 2.95 té 10.75ý Samplo Comfortors .at Savings Pure down filigil Coniforters la double bed #Isen. Ltmlted stock. Rome, wlne sud other wanted colors - i heavi Salsatin îi'th sateen backs. Reg. $27.50 and 88490 $1795 & $24,75 F. F. Mo'rris Co. Ftie IFungiture for Over 50 YOMr Eowmauvlfle 480 Orono 27r1 SV MAUADI«CHRISTUAS SHOPPING EARUR Hampton Gift Shop Suggestions fro.m 1.19 to 14.75 Stuart& Orange and Grapefruit Mlarmalade . U oz. Jar 210 MIlxed Lexia EAlSM e- IL b23o M. lb5io Domino No AIym 1 Lb. Diwaklng Powder 15o Lemon and Orange Pineapplo PZEL - Ilb. 250 RIN~GS - - - each 5c AYLMER Pumpkln 2V2 Sz For 90 *1 - FRUIT SPECIALS - spy APPLES - 1 fm THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7TH, 1939 PAGE EIGI-IT THE CANADIAN STÀTESÉIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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